Registration of group 2 junior fgos. Developing environment in the second junior group (with photo). Touch panel "Underwater world"

Acquaintance with the environment, nature native land- important tasks of the educational process in kindergarten. All elements of educational work are subject to their implementation: classes, walks, leisure, using the resources of a specialized corner of the subject-developing environment - the center of nature. Its design requires not only aesthetic, age-appropriate, but also methodological content. Especially when it comes to two younger groups (from 1.5 to 3 years old and from 3 to 4 years old), when children form primary ideas about the world around.

The role of the environmental awareness center

The organized activities of children in a corner of nature (nature center, ecocenter, corner of acquaintance with the surrounding nature, living corner) allows you to implement a number of goals environmental education.

Goals and objectives of organizing a corner of nature

The center for acquaintance and observation of animate and inanimate nature is of key importance for the formation in children of a conscious and careful attitude to the world around them. At the same time, the educational mission of creating a corner of nature has a successive character, that is, the goals and objectives of the work of this element of the subject-developing environment in the second junior group expand and complement those that were set in the first junior.

The work in the ecocenter in the second junior group logically continues the one that was started in the first

Table: goals and objectives of creating a corner of nature in the first and second junior groups

First juniorSecond junior
  • Get acquainted with the content of a corner of nature (names of plants, appearance and habits of animals).
  • Learn to fill the piggy bank of natural materials for crafts (collect chestnuts, leaves, acorns).
  • Expand words knowledge.
  • Learn to follow adult instructions.
  • Develop a sense of beauty, harmony created by nature.
  • Cultivate accuracy, a sense of responsibility.
  • Learn to distinguish indoor plants in appearance (flowering - not flowering, cacti, large-leaved).
  • Observe seasonal changes in flora and fauna (flowering of plants, active reproduction of fish in the warm season, hedgehog hibernation in winter, etc.).
  • To form ideas about the alternation of the seasons, parts of the day.
  • Get an idea about the importance of air, water and sun in the life of humans, plants and animals.
  • Master labor skills (learn to gently wipe the dust from the windowsill).
  • To involve in the work works of fiction, music (poems, riddles, nursery rhymes about nature).
  • To form a respectful attitude towards work (one's own and one's comrades), a careful attitude towards nature.
  • Deepen ideas about the diversity of the world around by supplementing the list of plants, animals, freshwater, amphibians and insects, natural materials (acorns, chestnuts, leaves of various shapes), new types of didactic games (for example, not only sorting plants by class - fruits, vegetables, and also the choice of suitable trees, vegetable crops for your own garden).
  • Develop speech.
  • Learn to work in pairs, mini-groups.
  • To cultivate aesthetic tastes, tolerance for the pace and quality of work of comrades.
  • Get acquainted with some cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena (season - plant growth phase - human actions).
  • To expand the existing knowledge about the representatives of the flora and fauna of their area (names of animals, plants, their characteristic features).
  • To master the elementary principles of plant care (watering at different times of the year: plentiful in summer and less intense in winter).
  • To put into practice the principles of caring for animals (pour water for pets, pour food for them).
  • Continue mastering the skills of cleaning the space of a corner of nature (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, dusting from the windowsill and from the table).
  • Get acquainted with literary works on the topic, folk signs.
  • Improve the ability to work in pairs, share responsibilities (one waters, the other feeds, etc.).

Requirements for the design of the nature center

The scale of the goals and objectives set for the organization of a corner of acquaintance with the outside world implies a thorough filling of the educational space, which must meet certain requirements.

The content of the subject-developing environment for the ecological education of children is distributed between two zones:

  • pets' corner;
  • experimentation zone.

The nature center includes two areas: a living corner and an area for experimentation

Consider the content of each of these zones separately.

Living corner: plants

In order for the kids to be able to draw conclusions during observations regarding the characteristics of the growth and development of plants, the flora of the nature center must be selected and kept within the framework of certain rules.


  1. To get acquainted with the characteristic features, conditions and lifestyle of plants, they must be typical of a group of indoor plants. In other words, flowers that bloom beautifully in the front garden will not take root on the windowsill, so you should not break the usual order of things and place them in pots. It is better to take the guys out into the yard and show certain features of the growth of flowers in natural conditions.
  2. Indoor plants should be bright, attracting the attention of preschool children, who, at 1.5–3 years old, for example, concentration on one object rarely exceeds 5–7 minutes.
  3. Each flower must be presented in at least two copies. This is especially important in the second younger group, where children learn to identify not only common, but also individual features of a particular representative of the flora.
  4. Flowers are selected unpretentious, since the teacher does not have the physical ability to combine caring for capricious plants and the educational process, and children 1.5–4 years old are still too small to take full responsibility for caring for green pets.

    Flowers for a corner of nature should be unpretentious and for the most part do not fall into a state of rest

  5. Plants must be selected for those conditions ( temperature regime, humidity level) in which they will be. For example, geraniums, cacti need light, but begonias, violets, on the contrary, love shade.
  6. Plants should be pleasing to the eye, so it is important to choose a harmonious combination of colors, design pots.
  7. All objects must be accessible for observation and care for toddlers.
  8. For full growth, each plant needs to choose the right soil composition. At the same time, substances for feeding and processing flowers should be out of reach of children.
  9. It is impossible that there are temperature differences in the room - the flowers can dry out or shed their leaves, and you should not place the plants near the entrance or ventilation - drafts will destroy the flowers.

What plants to choose

As practice shows, the most optimal choice for taking into account all requirements will be representatives three groups indoor flowers.

  1. Tropical plants: creepers, orchids, epiphytes. For kids, these flowers are interesting in the absence of a dormant period, that is, their growth can be observed constantly.
  2. Subtropical plants: aspidistra, saintpaulia, having dormant periods. They are very convenient in rooms located on the ground floor, which means, one way or another, subject to temperature changes. Therefore, representatives of the subtropics are especially in demand in the first younger group, since babies of this age are usually “settled” below.
  3. Desert dwellers: cacti, succulents - lovers of heat and light. That is, the threat of “forgotten to water” is not terrible for them. In addition, the funny appearance of these plants attracts kids.

Name tags should be attached to flower pots

Table: examples of plants for decorating a corner of nature in younger groups

NameFeatures of growth, structure and care
Aglaonema ("silver queen")Aroid family. Aglaonema is of Indo-Malay origin - originally from Asia, regions with a tropical and subtropical climate. According to modern data, there are 22 species in nature. It has wider leaves on short petioles, with a pronounced central vein and light spots and strokes. Some forms have silver stripes on the surface of the leaf on a medium green background, almost parallel, even, and the pattern is somewhat reminiscent of the pattern on the leaves of calathea. Aglaonema is propagated in spring and summer by apical and stem cuttings, and during transplantation, shoots with several leaves and roots are separated.
Aloe variegatedXanthorrhoeaceae family. a low plant, up to 30 cm high. The underside of the leaf is scaphoid, dark green with transverse wide and light stripes-spots. A light thin strip stretches along the edges of the sheet. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, basal layering and individual whole leaves. In summer, most aloe produce daughter rosettes, if separated, the plant can be especially large and have wide, fleshy leaves. Cutting succeeds almost all year round, but better in spring and summer (in winter with additional lighting). Cut cuttings must be dried: in summer - 5 days, in winter for a week or more.
AmaryllisDesert home of Africa. Bulbous plant with large, very beautiful, lily-like flowers of red, pink or white color, with belt-like leaves; blooms in March-May. After the leaves dry up, put the pots with bulbs in a dark, dry place and stop watering; in February-March, when flower arrows begin to appear, they are transferred to the light and begin to be watered. Conditions for good flowering of amaryllis: a small pot, drainage, abundant watering during growth.
Balsam, or light, Vanka is wet, touchy.Home to the tropical forests of Africa. Stems are juicy, transparent, swollen at the nodes; the leaves are very delicate, ovoid, pointed, with serrated edges; pink or red flowers are under the leaves, like under an umbrella. For the bright color of the flowers, the plant is called a spark. From the pollinated flowers, dry fruits are formed, which crack when touched and shoot with seeds. Therefore, balsam is also called touchy. Balsam is propagated by cuttings and seeds, which are sown in summer and late autumn.
Begonia, royal begonia.Homeland tropical forests of Asia. A plant with beautiful, brightly colored, large leaves, which, like the petioles, are pubescent; propagated by leaf cuttings. Plants should be protected from direct sunlight, watered abundantly in summer, moderately in winter, spraying should not be done, as stains form on the leaves.
Geranium, or pelargonium, crane nose.Homeland - South Africa, there are different types. Geranium zonal, or bordered. The leaves are fragrant, green, with a brown or white border; blooms profusely bright flowers collected in an umbrella. Geranium is more colorful. The flowers are large, of different colors, the leaves are slightly folded.
fern nephrolepisA beautiful fern, the hardiest and most common among indoor fern crops. Propagated mainly by dividing the bush or layering, usually there are no problems - cut off with a knife during transplantation part of the roots with leaves and plant in a small pot. The fern takes root quickly. But new leaves grow slowly at first.
ColeusOrigin of the island of Java. Plants have a straight, light green, juicy stem and oppositely arranged leaves. oval shape. The plant is valued for its beautiful, motley-colored leaves with patterns and borders; flowers are small, blue, collected in a panicle. The brightness of the colors of the leaves depends on the lighting. If there is little light, the color fades. When caring for coleus in summer, abundant watering and systematic top dressing are needed, and in winter moderate and rare watering, sufficient heat. Propagated by cuttings and seeds.
Zygocactus ("Decembrist"), epiphytic cactusIn nature, it grows on tree trunks in the humid mountain forests of eastern Brazil. The branched stem of this plant consists of flat segments up to 2.5 cm wide and 5–6 cm long with teeth along the edges. At the end of autumn, numerous buds appear at the ends of the shoots and by Christmas, in the coldest and darkest time of the year, it blooms in red, pink or white flowers. In the homeland of the zygocactus, at this time it is the height of summer and indoor plants bloom, following their natural calendar. Propagated by cuttings, which have 2-3 segments. Cuttings are recommended to be separated by pinching off several segments at the ends of the shoots. Usually this is done like this: the lower segment is held with your fingers, and the upper segment is gently rotated around the axis. The segment is easily separated. After separation, the cuttings are dried for several hours (or even days) and planted for rooting. So that the cuttings do not rot, it is better not to bury them in the soil, but to put them vertically, propping them up with matches or leaning them against the walls of the container.
KalanchoeHomeland South and Southeast Asia, South America. These are succulent plants that appeared in Russia a very long time ago, they are grown as decorative flowering plants, and as medicinal plants. Kalanchoe has many popular names: tree of life, room doctor, room ginseng, they say about him "a surgeon without a knife." Its great advantage is that it is completely safe. Reproduction is easy, without stimulants. It is enough to place the cutting or leaf in a humid environment - on wet sand or put a branch in a glass of water. Large cuttings root better in water, small leaves and small cuttings in sand or vermiculite. The optimal time for breeding is from March to June, at other times of the year, Kalanchoe also takes root, if it is light and warm enough.
Sansevera ("pike tail")Homeland tropical Asia and Africa. The Sansevera is a wonderful, hardy houseplant that is suitable for growing as a single plant or in compositions. A great advantage of sansevera among other houseplants is that it puts up with shading (varieties with light stripes are more light-loving) and grows very well in compositions both with other succulents and with ordinary houseplants. For reproduction, part of the leaf is taken from an old strong leaf, which can be cut into pieces 4–5 cm long and dried a little in the air. Then the leaf is planted with the lower end in sand or wet vermiculite. After rooting, you can transplant into a pot with soil. It takes about two weeks for roots to grow. This is the only period when you need a uniformly moist soil without overdrying.
NetcreasiaPerennial evergreen herbaceous plant of the Kommelinov family, whose homeland is the southern regions of America and Mexico. Setcreasia has climbing, falling shoots. The leaves are elongated, scaphoid, covering the stem, with a pointed straight top and smooth edges, pubescent. Small flowers are collected in dense bunches at the tops of the shoots. With age, the shoots become bare and break upon sharp contact. Easily propagated by apical cuttings at any time of the year. 6-10 cm cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat or in water, where they can also take root. After rooting, they should be transplanted 3-4 cuttings into one pot.
TradescantiaHomeland - tropical forests of America. A plant with long hanging stems and green lanceolate leaves that turn pale in bright light. Propagated by cuttings from spring to autumn, broken stems take root easily. Tradescantia zebra-shaped leaves with white, silvery, brown or purple stripes, the color of the leaves is brighter in the light, in the shade they turn green. Grows well in aquariums and terrariums. When roots appear on the shoots lowered into the water, a piece of the stem with them and a couple of leaves can be cut off and planted at the bottom of the aquarium.
Usambar violetMotherland -Uzambara mountains of Africa. Uzambara violet is a small, very elegant plant with a flat rosette of numerous rounded green leaves with gray pubescence. Blooms profusely almost all year round. The flowers are small, collected in a brush, similar in shape and color to ordinary violet flowers. There are plants with lilac, purple and pink flowers. Loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight and drafts. It is better to water this plant from a saucer, so that the earthen ball is always moderately moist. Violet is transplanted every year in the spring, propagated at any time of the year with leaves that are planted in water or directly in the ground. After the appearance of young leaves, the cuttings are transplanted into pots; the young plant blooms 10 months after cuttings. The planted plant should be moistened frequently at first.
ficushomeland - jungle East India. A plant with large leathery leaves, grows quickly, does not require much light, propagated by apical cuttings that easily form roots in a bottle of water in the light. The plant is interesting for observing the emergence and growth of new leaves.
Chlorophytum ("green plant")Homeland - South Africa. The leaves are long, linear, grow in bunches; sometimes small white flowers appear on thin and long flower arrows that look like stars. At the ends of long shoots, layers are formed (a bunch of leaves with roots), which can be transplanted to obtain new individuals. The plant needs a lot of light. It is watered abundantly, but rarely, as it has swollen, very juicy roots, in which moisture accumulates.

It is interesting. Practice shows that for babies 1.5–4 years old, 3–4 flowers are enough. Each flower pot should have a memo with the name of the plant and the features of care (watering and fertilizing). Despite the fact that among the children of the first and second younger groups only a few can read, they should know about the purpose of these labels. And later, when the level of independence of the children increases, they will be able to use them when caring for green pets.

Living corner: animals

For a full acquaintance with nature, it is very important that children can observe not only plants, but also animals. Therefore, it is advisable to organize the so-called ecological living room located in the common hall kindergarten where children of all groups would have access. In this zone, it is appropriate to settle both waterfowl and birds, amphibians.

It is interesting. All animals, except for the inhabitants of the aquarium, must undergo veterinary control, the results of which are recorded in certificates.

For younger groups, it is advisable to periodically bring cages with animals to the group for 1–2 days to familiarize themselves with appearance and the way of life of the inhabitants of the living corner.

Experimentation zone

This part of the subject-developing environment is intended for the empirical study of animate and inanimate nature. Usually placed in boxes, crates. For children 1.5–3 years old, the experimentation zone is presented in a very compressed form, since the kids do not do experiments to the extent that this type of work is practiced in the middle and older groups. In the second junior there is a slight replenishment of materials, but in general the equipment remains unchanged.

  1. Tableware. Cups, funnels, plates, strainers and trays. These items are needed, for example, to get acquainted with the properties of water (to take the form of the body in which it is placed) in the second junior group. In the first junior group, dishes serve as attributes for playing with dolls.
  2. Natural material: sand, shells, cones, chestnuts, pebbles - used to create crafts, get to know the concept of shape, size. The same box may contain waste material: threads, pieces of cardboard, colored paper for creative work.
  3. Materials distributed in blocks (by boxes). For example, balloons, soap bubbles, spinners for learning the concept of "air", colored pebbles for learning colors, empty boxes from a kinder surprise with different fillings (cereals, sugar, coins, etc.) to get acquainted with various sounds and measures of weight ( hard - easy), sachets with lavender, chamomile for working with the concept of smell, a mirror for playing with a sunbeam when considering the concept of light.

    Materials for experimentation are constantly replenished: depending on the time of year, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children, as well as specific current educational tasks

  4. Collections of sea pebbles, shells. In principle, this is an optional position, since these materials are in the natural materials section.
  5. Calendar of nature (from the second junior group). This model for observing seasonal and weather changes is presented in a simplified form. For example, in the form of a poster with pockets for placing the sun, clouds, clouds to show the current weather, as well as pictures with a snowflake, a flowering meadow, colorful foliage and trees with buds to indicate the season.
  6. Doll dressed in seasonal clothes to give children an idea of ​​how to dress in different weather, in different times of the year.
  7. Visual material in the form of books or cards with large images of insects, birds, wild and domestic animals, horticultural crops. In addition, the block of visual materials may contain cards showing the work of adults for the benefit of nature, as well as audio recordings of nature sounds (the sound of the sea, rain, rustling of leaves, sounds made by animals, etc.).
  8. Didactic material for games (volumetric figures of local, exotic and marine animals, soft dummies of vegetables, fruits, sewn from felt).
  9. Materials for labor activity. Available in Jr. preschool age the minimum is represented by watering cans for watering, rags to wipe up spilled water, oilcloths, if the flowers need to be rearranged before watering.
  10. Seasonal objects: in summer - bouquets of flowers, in autumn - bouquets autumn leaves, in winter - fir branches in vases, in spring - flowering twigs of trees and shrubs.

It is interesting. In the younger groups (unlike the middle and older ones), it is not necessary, but it is very useful to create a “window garden” by planting onions so that children can observe the process of growth and development of the plant.

Video: tour of the nature center in the younger group

Photo gallery: examples of layouts of nature centers in a group

A separate table can be adapted for flowers and a mini-garden There are so-called mobile corners of nature that completely change their content depending on the time of year - such work requires more effort and energy individuality Indoor flowers can be not only a meaningful element, but also a means of decorating a corner of nature Open shelves are convenient for storing materials for experimentation, pictures and books

Means for decorating a corner of nature

The design of an environmental education center in kindergarten usually follows a standard model:

  • a stand with posters (about the rules for watering plants, handling wild and domestic animals, etc.) and free space for a nature calendar, children's drawings;
  • table for placing corner materials;
  • flower pots made in one design;
  • boxes with materials for work.

Thus, all means of registration can be bought. At the same time, a corner of nature loses some individuality, something that will distinguish it from the rest. It would seem that this factor is not too significant for fulfilling the tasks of environmental education, but meanwhile it plays a huge role for children in the first and second younger groups. At this age, kids in the environment should see as many objects created by human hands as possible - this is a very important aspect of cultivating respect for work. In addition, in the future, on their educational path, the children will encounter standards and clichés more than once. Therefore, in the group of younger preschool age (especially in the first), in the corner of nature there should be as many elements as possible made by the hands of the teacher, parents, and possibly the children themselves.

In some cases, even one bright handmade element, for example, the original calendar of nature in the form of a house, makes the center of nature unique.

  1. A piece of plywood can act as a stand, on which a fabric is stretched through a foam pad. Thus, all visual information (drawings, pictures) can be attached with buttons (or double-sided tape), that is, to ensure frequent change of materials.
  2. To store materials, it is more convenient to use a small chest of drawers, in the drawers of which you can place everything you need.
  3. To make flower pots an original element of the interior, they can be covered with fabric or pasted over with oracal.
  4. Each box with improvised materials can also be interestingly decorated (make decoupage, paste over with multi-colored paper, etc.). One thing remains unchanged: each container must be signed.

Many teachers, when designing a corner of nature, are afraid to make it either ordinary, like everyone else, or, conversely, too original when beauty comes at the expense of functionality. To avoid kinks in one direction or another, it is better to combine both approaches.

It is interesting. Kids are very fond of fairy tales, and passionately want to meet, make friends with the character they like. This can be used when creating a corner of nature by placing an interesting fairy-tale character in it, on whose behalf games will be played, tasks for work activities will be set. In addition, children can tell him about the work done.

A fairy tale character can live in a corner of nature, on behalf of which work is carried out on environmental education

How to name a corner of nature

As a rule, the center of ecological education in the group is quite predictably called "Corner of Nature". But if there is a desire to get away from the ordinary, then the name can be approached creatively. For the first and second junior groups, it should be short and as easy to pronounce as possible (very important for babies who are just starting to talk: it is difficult for them to pronounce complex words). Here are some examples:

  • "Kids and nature";
  • "We and nature";
  • "World of Nature";
  • "Window to nature";
  • "I know nature."

Work in a corner of nature

Based on the goals and objectives of creating a corner of nature that promotes the environmental education of children, it is intended for:

  • didactic games through which children gain knowledge about nature;
  • In the corner of nature there is a lot of useful didactic material that can be used in any class, and not just to get acquainted with the environment

    Didactic games

    Game activity is the leading one in preschool age, therefore the main tasks of environmental education are realized through it.

    Table: didactic games in the corner of nature for the first and second junior groups

    Children's ageNameTargetmaterialsGame progress
    1.5–3 yearsTrees and their fruitsTo teach children to pick up the fruits of trees, to develop visual memory, attention.Illustrations of trees (spruce, rowan, chestnut, maple), pictures (cone, rowan, chestnut, maple lionfish).The teacher suggests naming the exposed trees, and then finding their fruits.
    Who lives in the forestTo consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals; develop memory, speech; develop a love for animals.Sets of toys or cards: "Wild Animals" and "Pets".The teacher offers the children to choose among the toy animals only those that live in the forest.
    Find a flowerTo consolidate the ability of children to find and name the flowers of a “corner of nature”.Flowers corner of nature.The teacher invites the children to find a flower that he names. Children find it, repeat its name.
    3–4 yearsGet to know the animalStrengthen the ability of children to recognize pets by their sounds; develop phonemic awareness, attention.Audio recordings of sounds made by animals.Option 1.
    The teacher makes animal sounds or puts on an audio recording, and the children guess them.
    Option 2.
    The teacher calls the child to him, calls the animal in his ear. The child makes animal sounds, and the children guess. Note: The second option is only possible if the children have a good or excellent general preparation.
    Who is screamingStrengthen the ability of children to make bird sounds; develop mindfulness cultivate love for nature.Pictures depicting crows, tits, sparrows, woodpeckers, owls.The teacher shows the children one by one cards with birds, the children voice them, and then call them.
    flower careTo consolidate the ability of children to care for the plants of a corner of nature; choose the right things for care; develop memory, mindfulness, cultivate a desire to take care of plants.Watering can; rag; stick for loosening; a spray bottle and things unnecessary for care (a toy, a stone, a book, etc.).There are things on the table, the teacher invites the children to choose only those things that are needed for plant care. Children choose and name what they are doing.

    Labor activity

    In the first younger group, this type of activity is of an auxiliary nature, that is, the kids help the teacher: they bring a watering can for watering, wipe the large leaves of plants together with the adult. At the end of the first year in kindergarten, children are allowed to plant large seeds or bulbs in prepared holes in the ground. All the kids of the group are attracted to this type of work, and after work the teacher praises and thanks for the help. It is also very important to indicate the perspective of the activity, for example, “You are great: you planted onions. It will grow beautiful, juicy, and we will give it to the kitchen so that the cooks add onions to the soup, and the soup becomes even tastier.

    Children are happy to get involved in the work of planting a mini-garden

    In the second junior, work becomes more independent, children learn to work in pairs, small groups (4 people maximum). At the same time, all participants perform the same actions, which the teacher precedes with an explanation and demonstration of each stage separately. For example, kids in pairs water the flowers and wipe the water that has fallen on the windowsill (pouring an incomplete watering can, pouring it in a thin stream in four directions into the pot, putting the watering can in place, wiping the water with a cloth).

    The zone of nature at a younger preschool age - important element subject-developing environment of the group. It helps kids learn the basics of ecological culture associated with the upbringing of a caring attitude towards the world around them. And since this direction of the educational process will continue at school, the teacher has a great responsibility associated with the correct organization of the center of nature and the choice of methodically competent methods of working with the materials of the corner.

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A properly organized subject-developing environment helps to ensure the harmonious development of the child, create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group, arrange and conduct games and activities, and thus accustom children to independent games with gradually becoming more complex content. The object world should ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities.

In our group, equipment is placed in special development corners, which allows children to unite in small groups of common interests or to act individually. The selection of game material is selected taking into account the program material that children learn in games - classes. Game material is systematically updated and complicated, depending on the goals.

corner sensory development

The success of the mental, physical, aesthetic education, mastery of any practical activity largely depends on the level of sensory development of children. Therefore, the value of the sensory corner cannot be overestimated. We pay much attention to the formation of elementary mathematical representations children, so in our corner there are many games that develop in a fun and entertaining way logical thinking child. The complete set of our sensory corner: nesting dolls with inserts, inserts of various shapes, lacing toys of various types, various types of mosaics, pyramids, prefabricated toys, Gyenes blocks. Kuizener's sticks, set geometric shapes, items of various geometric shape, a set of volumetric bodies for seriation in size from 3-5 elements, paired pictures and other printed board games, split (folding) cubes with subject pictures (4-6 parts). A variety of material allows each of the children to choose a game according to their interests. Through the game, children acquire new knowledge and skills with less stress, they form sensory standards. They remember the material more easily. We constantly use in direct educational activities didactic games, during which the child not only masters the sensory standard, but also learns to compare, analyze, correlate objects, draw the simplest conclusions. We plan independent activities of children in the corner of sensory development, taking into account the current topic for a given day or week.

Didactic game with Gyenesh Blocks "The Third Extra"

Target: Learn to distinguish an object unlike others, learn to classify and generalize objects according to 1-2 properties.

game material : Gyenes blocks

Game progress: We lay out 2 thick squares on the table yellow color and one thin yellow square. We ask the question “Which figure is superfluous? Why?". Further we complicate. Lay out two large circles of blue color and one small red one. We ask a question. Further in different variations with complication.

Experimentation Corner

Experimentation is a special type of activity of children, during which their own activity is most clearly manifested, aimed at obtaining new knowledge, obtaining products of their own creativity, which supports children's initiative and is one of the conditions for the transition of children to a higher level of social and cognitive activity. When preparing for classes on FTsKM, FEMP, we pay great attention to preliminary work related to the accumulation of sensory experience. Working with children in our corner of experimentation is precisely aimed at creating conditions for sensory development in the course of familiarizing them with the phenomena and objects of the world around them. Equipment of our corner: dry sand, mass with the effect of wet sand of different colors, material for drawing with wet sand, molds, hourglasses, water and sand centers, water containers, watering cans, rubber, plastic and paper toys for playing with water, molds for making colored ice, material for playing with soap bubbles mirror, fabrics, paper and foil of different colors, pocket mirror, magnifiers, collection of shells, natural materials, beans, peas, card file of didactic games and experiments. In the process of experimentation, the vocabulary of children develops through words denoting sensory features, properties, phenomena or objects of nature (color, shape, size); crumpled, broken; high - low - far; soft - hard - warm, etc.). We also use games in the experimentation corner for the development of motor skills (“Find a toy”, “Help Cinderella”), in recreational activities (“Ships”, “A Feather is Flying”, color therapy, sand therapy).

Didactic game "Let's put things in order"

Target: Exercise in determining the properties of objects and the qualities of the material.

Game material: wooden toys, books, doll clothes.

Game progress: The teacher reports that while the children were at home, the brownie Kuzya visited the group. Brownie loves to play, but does not like to clean up after herself. We need to help him arrange the items in boxes: items made of fabric - in a red box, items made of wood - in blue, items made of paper - in yellow. The winner is the one who quickly puts the items into boxes.

Fine Arts Corner

Early age, is most favorable for the development of fine arts, so the center has felt-tip pens, crayons, pencil sets, stencils, plasticine, drawing paper, coloring books, gouache and brushes. In order to organize independent artistic activity in children, the artistic experience that children acquire in the classroom should be formed. The program of the second younger group is designed in such a way as to teach children to transfer first simpler and then more complex forms. The ability to convey different forms in modeling and in drawings allows you to independently look for a way to depict objects of interest to children, to convey entire events. Children aged 3-4 years old should distinguish and name primary colors, as well as some shades of colors. Acquaintance with color is carried out by us throughout the year in drawing, modeling and appliqué classes in combination with a visual task. It is possible to develop color perception, learn to distinguish and name colors, as well as consolidate knowledge about colors not only in drawing and appliqué classes, but also in didactic games, in Everyday life.

Mood Flowers Game

Target: expanding children's understanding of different colors and development of the ability to distinguish them; education of an aesthetic attitude to color; development of creative imagination and fantasy; adjustment psycho-emotional state

Game material: velvet paper of dark, saturated colors, A5 size; beads made of materials that are pleasant to the touch in rich colors and shades (at least 7 colors)

Game progress:

Option 1. It is necessary to lay out flowers from beads on a sheet of velvet paper, calling the colors aloud; indicate the mood of the flower (sad, cheerful, angry, kind, etc.) The laid out flower can be saved, and the next day you can offer to change something in the color scheme or leave everything as it is. If the child uses the same colors all the time, then the beads of favorite colors are limited in quantity, replacing them with other unused colors.

Option 2. Children are combined into subgroups of 2-3 people (there are many options for combining children into groups, depending on the situation, on the mood and behavior of the children). It is necessary to lay out a seven-flower flower on a sheet of velvet paper. At the end of the work, the children alternately name the color of the petals. "Cold" colors can be offered to active, mobile children. Closed, sedentary - "warm".

Music and theater corner

Musical and theatrical activity occupies an important place in the holistic education of the child. This type of activity is available to everyone, has a beneficial effect on creative development child and allows the child to discover the opportunity to "play" and learn at the same time. In our musical and theatrical corner, various types of theater are presented (planar, puppet, finger, table, fairy tale attributes, masks and hats of animals, fairy tale characters). The musical component of the corner is represented by musical toys and instruments for creative music-making, noise instruments, voiced toys, a collection of CDs with musical works various topics (children's songs, folk and classical music, animal voices, sounds of nature, musical tales etc.), card file of musical and didactic games. Because the children younger age have involuntary attention, the entire learning process must be organized so that it affects the feelings and interests of children. Therefore, elements of theatricalization are used by us during classes on FEMP, FTsKM and provide an opportunity to game form teach and reinforce the material covered. As a rule, familiar fairy tales, folk songs, nursery rhymes, children's songs serve as material for games in the corner. While playing in the musical and theatrical corner, our children learn to imitate the movements of fairy-tale characters, learn to perceive music of various genres, play short scenes, understand speech addressed to them, make sentences and master the dialogue culture of communication, master the plasticity of movements to music. We combine games in the musical and theatrical corner with articulatory and finger gymnastics, where children learn to reproduce sound images, master the correct speech breathing, reproduce the rhythms of a poem.

Musical and didactic game "Guess"

Target: Develop an ear for music, learn to recognize familiar melodies, create a joyful mood.

Game material: House with windows. Illustrations on the theme of sounding songs (herringbone, bear, cat, locomotive, bunny) are inserted into the windows. Musical accompaniment: “The Gray Cat” by V. Vitlin, “Steam Locomotive” by Z. Kompaneyts, Russian folk melody “Hare”, “Herringbone” by M. Krasev, “Bear” by V. Rebikov

Game progress: Dunno came to visit and brought songs with him. It is necessary to help him recognize the song, mark it with a picture and put the picture in the window.

corner motor activity

Our main task in organizing a corner of physical activity was to create conditions for classes exercise in a group, stimulating the desire of children to engage in motor activities, educating a conscious attitude towards their health. In our corner there are massage mats, footprints, a ribbed board, balls, gymnastic sticks, ribbons, attributes for breathing exercises, hoops, ropes, throwing balls, sandbags, ring throwers, skittles, darts, attributes for outdoor games, a file cabinet outdoor games, didactic sports games, as well as manuals necessary for morning exercises and awakening gymnastics. We use the subject filling of the corner during morning exercises, awakening gymnastics, during outdoor games in a group and on the street, in individual work and in the free activities of children.

Mobile game "To the flag!"

Target: to exercise children in running, to quickly build on a signal, to teach them to walk one after another.

Game progress: Children stand facing the teacher. He picks up a flag and offers to come closer and look at it. Then he says "The flag is lowered - the children run away," and the flag is lowered. Children run in different directions. After 10-15 seconds, the teacher raises the flag and continues "The flag is raised - the children are gathering!". Everyone runs to the teacher. The game is repeated several times and ends with walking. Ahead is one of the children with a flag.

When creating the developing environment of the group, we tried to take into account the characteristics of the children attending our group, their level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender composition, personality traits, etc.

Explanatory note

With the aim of creation of a subject-spatial developing environment in a group that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education we have re-equipped the space of the group, ensuring the effective implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education.

As a result creating a subject-spatial developing environment in the group of younger preschool age, we collected material on this issue presented in these guidelines.

A child of primary preschool age has three basic needs: the need for communication, movement, and knowledge..

The saturation of the environment should:

1. Match age opportunities children and the content of the exemplary general educational program of preschool education implemented by the preschool educational institution.

The educational space is equipped with:

1) Means of learning. In order to create an emotional background, change the sound environment, enrich the cognitive world of the child in the process of playing joint and independent activities, the group should have a tape recorder, TV, DVD player, interactive whiteboard.

2) Game, sports, recreational equipment, inventory.

3) A variety of materials, equipment and inventory providing:

● play, cognitive, research and creative activity of pupils, experimentation with materials available to children.

● motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills participation in outdoor games and competitions.

● emotional well-being of children in interaction with the object-spatial environment.

● the possibility of children's self-expression: there are necessary attributes for a theatrical game, dramatization, role-playing games (masks, various types of theaters, clothes for dressing up children, costumes for various professions, etc.)

With the aim of polyfunctionality The group space should be divided (conditionally) into three parts:

1 "Calm" - for quiet activities: board games, looking at books, pictures, creative activities, solitude.

2) "Active", associated with active movement, the construction of large play buildings, role-playing, outdoor and other group games.

3) "Working" - for organizing partnership forms of children's classes.

The division of the group space depends on the educational situation, the type of children's activity, the materials used. The materials can be used both for gaming and for productive and research activities.

All parts of space must be able to change, have movable, transformable borders. The space of the group should be "live" and "pulsating", it changes depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of the kids. For this, soft modules, markers of the playing space, tables - transformers, various screens, sliding tables are used.

The components of the subject environment do not have a rigidly fixed method of use and can be used in various types of children's activities: natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities; substitute items, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens.

All elements of the object-spatial environment of the group must meet the requirements for ensuring comfort, reliability, security their use. In order for the kids to feel at home, the interior of the group should resemble a home environment. For this, carpets, upholstered furniture, textiles are used. The equipment should be aesthetically attractive and developing. It is preferable to have toys made from natural and environmentally friendly materials.

In a group of children of primary preschool age, there should be a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment, ensuring the free choice of children. Small child constantly changing and evolving. And the space of the group must change along with it, i.e. to be variable. Game, didactic, visual material is periodically changed (depending on the theme of the week, season, interests of children in this period, project implementation, in accordance with the tastes and mood of children) in order to stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

Access children of primary preschool age to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the basic types of children's activity should be free, functional, and not showcase, is at the level of children's growth: it is necessary for the child to be comfortable taking them, moving them from place to place. Materials for children's games should be stored in convenient and practical containers (plastic, cardboard, wooden boxes etc.) with bright icon labels for easy selection.

The subject-developing environment should contribute to the disclosure of the individual capabilities of the baby, which are given to him by nature. The subject-developing environment of the group is equipped with both general and specific material for girls and boys (sex education): dolls, cars, clothes for role-playing games, didactic games, books, material for creativity, etc. The centers created for boys contribute to the education of masculine principles: endurance, strength, will, respect for the opposite sex, peers; development of independence, justice, mutual assistance. For girls, the formation of feminine principles: accuracy, frugality, ethics of communication, aesthetic qualities, morality, love for one's neighbor, femininity, the ability to look beautiful and neat.

P.S. The boys' center (social and communicative development) is located in the group room, and the girls' center is in the bedroom.

In the group of younger preschool age, a center for children should be created, where they will get the first impressions of their native village, district, region. They will get acquainted with the nature of their native land, Russian life, costumes, toys, household items, peoples living in the region (national-cultural conditions).

The development of a child depends on the subject environment to the same extent as on the adults who bring him up. The interests, preferences and habits of a child entering kindergarten are known only to him parents. And they should become not only assistants to educators, but also active participants in the design of the subject-developing environment, constructors and designers of the group.

A properly organized developmental environment allows each kid to find something to their liking, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is what underlies the development of the child.

Creating a subject-developing environment for the group, we took into account all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, displaying them in all centers (see Appendix). We tried to make it diverse, bright, comfortable, rich in information in order to create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group, to ensure the harmonious development of each child.


List of equipment, manuals, games for development centers

in the kindergarten group, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Physical development

Movement center "Young sportsmen"

  • Balancer in the form of a board on a semicircular base for balancing
  • Throwing bags
  • Obstacle course elements set
  • ring toss
  • Set of multi-colored skittles
  • Skipping rope for children
  • Rubber balls (set)
  • Small plastic hoop
  • Gymnastic stick

health center

  • Screen "The sun, air and water are our true friends"
  • Scheme: "How to brush your teeth"
  • Album "Help Yourself" (about elementary help for scratches, bruises, etc.)
  • Didactic games: “Make a portrait”, “What benefits do they bring?”, “Guess the mood”, “Collect a human figure”, “What is more useful?”
  • Hanging aid for the development of breathing, sultakchiki.

cognitive development

Center for Mathematics"I am learning to count"

  • Handout on FEMP for each child (Set of cards showing the number (from 1 to 5) and numbers, etc.)
  • Mosaic different forms and colors (small), boards, liners, lacing, games with elements of modeling and substitution. Lotto, paired pictures and other printed board games.
  • A set of geometric shapes, objects of various geometric shapes, Velcro counting material, a set of multi-colored sticks with shades (5-7 sticks of each color), sets for seriation by size (6-8 elements).
  • Gyenes blocks.
  • Puzzle toys (of 4-5 elements)
  • Clock with a round dial and hands.

Center for constructive activity "Little builders"

  • Large building designer.
  • Medium building constructor
  • Constructors "Lego"
  • Game sets (transport and construction vehicles; figurines of animals, people.
  • Mosaic with pictures - samples
  • Drawings and simple circuits, construction execution algorithms.
  • "Car dealership": toy transport medium and large.
  • Trucks and cars, fire engine, ambulance, crane, Railway, boats, boats, planes, rocket-robot (transformer).

Center for Science and Experimentation "Beginner Researcher"

  • A set of plastic for experimentation (Instruments: microscope, magnifying glass, sand scales, compass, various thermometers; Mirror for playing with a sunbeam, containers of different capacities, etc.)

Center for Ecology and Labor "Ecology and Nature".

  • Sets for the street: a bucket, molds, a scoop, a spatula, a rake.
  • Watering cans, sticks for loosening the soil, sprayer, rags, brushes for wiping leaves, aprons.
  • A picture of the season, the model of the year and the day.
  • Nature calendar with model icons (clear, overcast, rainy, cloudy, etc.) and a moving arrow pointing to them.
  • Didactic games: “Who eats what?”, “Whose baby?” “Paired pictures”, “Animals”, etc.
  • Sets of volumetric and flat toys "Farm", "Zoo", "Pets", "Vegetables", "Fruits"
  • Natural and waste material: acorns, cones; pebbles, corks, etc.

Speech development

Speech center "Speak beautifully"

  • Didactic material for clarifying the qualities of objects and phenomena (Man - runs, rushes, rushes; for antonyms - big-small (paired pictures), for the formation of generalizing concepts.
  • Didactic lotto "What for what"; for comparison (Dolls - girlfriends); pictures depicting emotions (Katya is sad, cheerful, sad and Prue).
  • Sets of paired pictures of 6-8 parts
  • Cards for pronouncing consonants
  • Series of pictures "Seasons" (seasonal phenomena and human activities).
  • Narrative pictures with different themes, large and small formats, etc.

Book Center "Young Reader's Library"

Albums for viewing: "Professions", "Family", etc.

Children's books on the program, favorite books of children.

Portraits of children's writers

Artistic and aesthetic development

Center for Fine Arts "Talented Fingers"

Stand for demonstrating children's drawings and crafts

Artistic handout (Pencils, paints, brushes, sketchbooks, etc.)

Music Center "Merry Notes".

Toy musical instruments: tambourines, drums, rattles, triangles, maracas, spoons, bells, pipes, metallophones, pianos, etc.

Albums with drawings or photographs of musical instruments.

Audio equipment (player with a set of records, tape recorder, music center; sets of floppy disks with recordings of musical works).

Center of the theater "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

Various types of theaters (bee-ba-bo, table plane, magnetic, shadow)

Audio - and video means for demonstrating children's performances, cartoons

Equipment for playing scenes and performances (sets of puppets, toys-characters of fairy tales, screens for a puppet show, costumes, masks, theatrical attributes, etc.)

Socio-communicative development

Game center: "We play"

Toys and sets for role-playing games.

Game module "Kitchen" (proportionate to the child) with a stove, dishes and accessories.

Set (module-base, commensurate with the growth of the child, and accessories) for the role-playing game "Hairdresser's"

Set (module-base, commensurate with the growth of the child, and accessories) for the role-playing game "Shop".

Steering wheel for the role-playing game "Sailors".

Security Center

Safety corner with didactic games on this topic.

Rug with a schematic representation of the settlement, including streets with road signs and markings, buildings, landscape.

Toys with the image (plot- role-playing games), "Country of Security", a corner of solitude "Magic canopy", "We are on duty."

Developing environment in the 2nd junior group No. 11 "Birch »

MDOU No. 5 "Rainbow"

Group tutors:

Sonnikova M.N.

Oreshnikova G.G.

Cognitive development is represented by the following microcenters:

Corner of mathematics.

Sensory development.

Corner of nature.

All these corners are located in the working area.


Corner of speech development.

Book corner.


Physical development.


Activity corner.

Music corner.


Labor activity

In the corners, the content periodically changes, replenished with new material.

Work efficiency

  • An analysis of the activities of children in the centers showed that children have increased interest in subject - gaming activity, improved skills of action with toys and didactic material, attention became more stable.
  • All pedagogical activity in the group was organized with the direct participation of parents. The following activities were carried out during the year: parent meetings, consultations, exhibitions joint crafts. Parents provided practical support
  • Thus, the work carried out to create a subject-developing environment has improved the quality and final result of educational work.

Analysis of the subject-developing environment in the younger group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, SanPiN, an Indicative list of gaming equipment for educational and material support of preschool educational institutions, in the preschool educational institution in the second junior group "Fireflies" a developing subject-spatial environment has been created, focused on the use of age-appropriate forms of work with children, the use of educational technologies of the activity approach, the effective organization of joint and independent activities of children. The group's equipment meets safety requirements, is health-saving, aesthetically attractive, and accessible to children. The furniture corresponds to the age and height of the children, fixed. Toys provide maximum for given age developmental effect, provide psychological comfort for each child in the group. The atmosphere in the group is close to home. The pieces of furniture in the group are arranged along the walls, which frees up the center for children's games and the development of their physical activity. I organize the space of the group in the form of delimited centers equipped with a large number of developing materials. Such an organization allows children to choose activities that are interesting for themselves, alternate them during the day. It makes it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

The subject - spatial developing environment is organized taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, where all five educational areas are clearly traced: 1) social and communicative; 2) cognitive; 3) speech; 4) artistic and aesthetic; 5) physical.

The centers are organized and presented taking into account the individual characteristics of children, information baggage, i.e. theoretical and conceptual awareness of the child.

Role Playing Center . The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of children of primary preschool age, familiarizing them with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state. In this regard, the task is to create conditions for the assimilation of generally accepted moral and ethical values ​​and norms. An integral part in the acquisition of social experience by a child is the family, it is there that the child acquires his first social experience. The main stages in the formation of a child's personal qualities are laid precisely at preschool age and mainly through play. In my group, I tried to create an environment and conditions for the development of playing qualities in children. Different types of games are used: didactic, mobile, theatrical, role-playing. Role-playing games: “Beauty Salon”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, “Hostess”, “Costume” are popular with both boys and girls.

The most interesting for boys are role-playing games, "Bus", there are various types of designers, tool kits, car parking, railway, cars, military equipment.

"Moral and patriotic" center. In this center Decorated

a corner of the native land where children can get acquainted with the traditions,

culture and way of life of the inhabitants of the native Perm Territory and the city of Perm. The corner of the native land includes fiction on local history, photographs of animals, plants, localities of our region.

Physical development. Center for Physical Development. One of the fundamental areas of child development is "Physical Development". Created for the purpose of the harmonious development of children, the sports and recreation center "We are sports guys" is located away from the playing pupils. Together with parents and children, we made non-traditional equipment: massage mats for feet, ribbed paths, various weights, dumbbells filled with beans and buckwheat. Hand-sewn "octopuses", paths with the image of footprints, etc. help to develop coordination of movements. Also in our sports corner there are hoops, skipping ropes, balls of different sizes, skittles, various games for the development of skill.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

For the development of independent artistic activity in the space accessible to children, a variety of visual materials are located: these are paints, pencils and paper, wax crayons, stucco molds, white and colored semolina. This corner provides a place for individual exhibitions and joint work with parents and educators. The center of creativity "Young Artist" has the brightest place in the group. The convenient location is designed for the simultaneous stay of a small subgroup of children who can exchange opinions and experiences while working.

Come visit the Fairy Tale Center, an important object of the RPPS, since it is precisely

theatrical activity helps to quickly adapt, unite

group, unite children interesting idea a new activity for them. AT

in the center are placed a floor and table screen, masks of fabulous

characters. A variety of types of theater is presented (puppet,

planar, finger, cardboard, desktop, theater rubber and

wooden toys, theater "bee-ba-bo", theater of toys - homemade products). On the top shelf is a music center, which is aimed at developing auditory perception and attention, the formation of performing skills. With the help of musical instruments, children imitate the sounds of nature: animals, birds, natural

phenomena. The music center is equipped with a variety of musical

instruments (tambourine, drum, guitar, spoons, harmonica, rattles,

noisemakers, etc.). Some of the instruments are made by the hands of educators, which

arouses greater interest in children in musical activities.

Cognition Center: There are a variety of games and development aids

logic, thinking, attention. Counting visual and handout material,

magnetic board, didactic games, educational games, plane modeling games, toys for children's sensory development, sound mats, for learning letters and numbers, all according to the age group. Various types of mosaics, lotto, various in shape,

color and material toys, educational games, constructors of various sizes, aimed at the development of speech and sensory abilities - these are

center of intellectual development "Znayki".

Experiment Center. In the process of carrying out simple

experiments, children turn into inquisitive testers. We are together with

children determine the properties of water: we offer games - “Colored water”,

"The World in Stained Glass", "Magic Sand", etc. We collect a variety of


Speech Development Center: In the speech development center there are games on

development of sound culture of speech, grammatical structure of speech,

formation of a dictionary, mnemonic table. Made allowances, handout

material for the development of oral speech, games for onomatopoeia, games and

aids for the development of speech breathing, games and aids for development

phonemic awareness and pronunciation. Card index of articulatory

games and exercises, games for the development of coherent speech. artistic

literature according to age and thematic planning. Also

there are handmade finger puppets in Russian

folk tales.

Conclusion. Saturated subject-developing and educational environment

becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life

and all-round development of each child. Developing subject

the environment is the main means of shaping the personality of the child and

is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

The practice of working in kindergarten proves that it is right

organized developmental environment allows each kid to find

occupation to your liking, to believe in your strengths and abilities, to learn

interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate them

feelings and actions, and this is precisely what underlies the developing

communication. The free activity of children in development centers helps them

independently carry out the search included in the research process, and

do not receive ready-made knowledge from the teacher.

The developing object-spatial environment is built in

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is rich in content,

transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.