Interesting ideas for Valentine's Day. Unexpected date ideas for Valentine's Day. Games for lovers

On February 14, everyone wants romance and exciting actions, but, unfortunately, the budget has been restored for a very long time after the New Year holidays. Discard maximalism in the spirit of "if there is no money for a restaurant, we won’t go anywhere at all," and delight your loved ones with unusual romantic dates. Here are 10 ideas to help you enjoy your evening.

What is the most important thing in a romantic evening? Of course, the mood, and not the amount of money in the wallet at all. So if you are temporarily isolated from expensive beautiful institutions for financial reasons, you can arrange the following.

1. Spend an active day

Of course, it all depends on the weather and your preferences - whether you like "full relaxation" on the couch or prefer to relax actively. What is romance? In a joint pastime that can be completed with a romantic dinner. After all, it is always more pleasant to relax at home if you get tired and freeze on the street before that.

There are many options for outdoor activities:

    To skate. This is recognized by many as one of the most romantic winter sports, especially if you both ride poorly and constantly hold on to each other so as not to fall. All in all, it will be fun.

    Snowball. The sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, of course, if you do not get carried away and do not arrange a war not for life, but for death.

    To make a snowman. Joint creativity strengthens relationships, and modeling from snow is real creativity, because it’s not necessary to sculpt a classic three-set, with a carrot, you can show your imagination and create a real masterpiece from snow.

    Just walk until you freeze. Surely you have not seen all the places in your city. You can visit an unfamiliar area and just explore it - you will surely find some new, interesting or beautiful places. Discovering the new together - what could be more romantic?

    Indoor activity. If you don’t have any desire to be outdoors, you can think about outdoor activities, for example, go to dance classes (it will be very romantic, especially if you are a good dancer) or to mountain climbing, climb the wall, insuring each other.

2. For all adventurers

If you and the second half are not against a certain share of extreme sports, you can go on a trip by electric train or suburban train. Stock of tea or mulled wine in a thermos, an approximate direction, and "towards adventures!"

Just be careful, if your passion does not like adventures in the spirit: “What a beautiful snow-covered field, by the way, we have nowhere to sleep, let's keep warm over there in that abandoned gatehouse”, it’s better not to try.

3. Romantic effects

What kind of romance without additional effects? And the budget of the evening does not affect this in any way, only it is advisable to prepare in advance.

Chinese lantern

If you buy a heart-shaped Chinese lantern, you can run it from the roof or just some kind of elevation. By the way, you can make such a surprise at the end of the walk, when you find a suitable place to start it.


You can decorate the apartment with prints in the form of hearts and other romantic themes. Like any thematic decoration, like a Christmas tree, they will create a special atmosphere. Prints are inexpensive, and after the holiday they can easily be removed.


Valentine's Day is drowning in hearts, why not follow the lead of many? You can cut valentines out of colored paper and sprinkle them in front of the bed or on the bed. Ideally, you can write something nice on each one, or mix them with rose petals - one or three roses and petals are enough.

Light, sound and smell

If you are planning a romantic dinner / hike to the bathroom / evening, flowing smoothly into the night, be sure to stock up on candles. Red candles, different candle lamps or beautiful lamps are perfect. If it is too cold outside to speak words of love under a starry sky, projectors such as Starry Sky will help.

You can light an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang, cinnamon, patchouli or rosewood oils. All of them in one way or another awaken sensuality and sexuality. It is only better to experiment with oils in advance, otherwise some smell may turn out to be unpleasant for you personally.

Now about music: do not think that you can just include your list on social networks or radio. Make a selection of romantic or simply calm melodies, because when your favorite thrash metal track sounds during your beautiful words, neither you nor your other half will like it.

4. Food and drinks

If you do not go to a restaurant, it is better not to order food at home, but to cook it yourself. This will become another joint creative act, because of course you will not cook soup or porridge, but some cool dishes. For example, desserts, from one type of which salivating already.

You can cook pizza or experiment with the ingredients of a dish. If it works out deliciously, you can write down this recipe as your "signature" dish and give it your name.

The same applies to drinks - you can endlessly experiment with the composition of cocktails, add different ingredients and enjoy unusual tastes. The main thing is not to overdo it with a tasting, otherwise the evening will end not quite romantic.

5. Games and not only role-playing

Adults love to play no less than children, so why not play together - minutes of laughter and sincere enthusiasm are provided for you. True or action, a twister with colored circles on the floor, even an ordinary crocodile - show your imagination.

If you would like something more romantic, with an erotic connotation, there is even a special application that is more convenient to play with and easier to choose what.

6. Photoshoot

Only the one who is sure that it goes badly on the photo does not like taking pictures, but if you and the couple can always remove the photo when you have fun enough, why not?

Here, one can not do without imagination: come up with your own images, you can take a picture in each other’s clothes, arrange a little home cosplay or just cool outfits from everything in the closet. From the best photos you can make a collage or print them as decoration for your apartment.

7. Look for gifts

This is an interesting method that can be used generally everywhere: at home, on the street or in a shopping center, however, it will be more convenient at home. The bottom line is that you pre-harvest a card or leaflets with inscriptions by which your passion will look for your gift.

The game becomes interesting even at the thought-out stage: for instructions, you can use puzzles from your shared memories and incidents, for example, a photo next to the window will mean that the next clue is somewhere out there, and on the back you can write clarifications in the form of a riddle or verse - the scope for imagination is simply immense.

As a result, everyone will enjoy - the game itself will become a gift, and at the end of the quests a material gift will be waiting.

8. First date

Even remembering the bright start of the relationship is very nice that many do from time to time, but what about “relive it all again”? You can not just imagine, but play with your other half your first date or moment of acquaintance.

Take this seriously, and the sensations will be more than pleasant: the same phrases, perhaps the same clothes, you can even turn on the music that you were listening at that time - musical compositions perfectly retain memories.

9. Massage

If you cannot order a massage in the SPA-salon, you can do it yourself - it is very pleasant, relaxes and gives an indescribable feeling, even if you are not at all professional in this matter.

To diversify your technique a lot, you can watch videos on Youtube, for example, tricks classic massage   . Massage of the back, legs and feet, aromatic oils, relaxing music, candles: you can relieve stress for the whole month.

10. Think over the script and be ready for anything

From all of the above, you can make a good script for the holiday, filling it with sweet surprises and a feeling of mutual tenderness. Just do not delay the preparation until the last, because the necessary attributes may not be in the nearest store.

In addition, your ideal clear holiday plan may crumble due to the banal unwillingness of the partner to participate in something or lack of mood. The main thing to remember here is why you are organizing your holiday: to please your partner and yourself, strengthen relationships and again feel bright, strong emotions.

Do whatever pleases both of you and enjoy the evening.

For many lovers and non-lovers on the eve valentines day   the question arises, where and how to spend it? Celebrating this holiday at home is a great idea. And it doesn’t matter with your loved one or a noisy company. The main thing is to create the right mood in the house. For the atmosphere in the house to be warm and romantic, you need to choose everything correctly: from clothing to table setting, music. First of all, get rid of everything that will distract you from each other. On this day, try to pay as much attention as possible to your loved one.

  Valentine's day decor

Advantageous solution in   creating a romantic atmosphere   is the use of light. Dimmed lighting will give an atmosphere of mystery and intimacy. If in table setting   use crystal glassware then in dim light   he will give glare. Candles will only strengthen this effect.

Make the interior On this day, passionate and mysterious, a large number of candles of various sizes will help. They are an indispensable attribute of any romantic dinner. Set two or three candles on the table in beautiful candlesticks, they should contribute to the creation of   intimate atmospherewhich leads to frank, sincere conversations and pleasant feelings. Large candles can be placed directly on the floor, they will help create a feeling of lightness. Can decorate festive interior   using a variety of curly candles.

In choosing a color, designers are advised to build on their own preferences. Of course, the most cozy atmosphere   create warm colors, i.e. orange, red, yellow. Prefer not pure bright shades, but halftones. However, color selection   it also depends on age: if young people prefer bright, contrasting colors, then older people are more fond of pastel, muted tones.

The room can also be decorated heart shaped pillows   or prepare special decorations. If a party is planned, then the room can be made more playful, on the walls you can hang bright colorful posters with romantic slogans and rhymes, declarations of love and the names of all the couples present at the party.

Table setting

For starters, you can prepare breakfast for two. Table setting for Valentine's Day.   must have holiday symbols - hearts. A great addition would be flowers and candles. The table can be decorated with memorabilia, such as photographs and old valentines, which will help to refresh the senses. Small chocolates, originally tied with a ribbon with a miniature application in the form, look original romantic poem cards.

Table setting for a romantic dinner., will not do without candles, champagne or wine. To give refinement it is best to use crystal glasses. If breakfast could have cost only dessert, then dinner should have several dishes on the menu. Beautiful original tablecloth, matched for this occasion, can be embroidered at the edges with fringe or lace. You can decorate it with embroidered hearts, angels, doves or flowers. Napkins will also be an excellent decoration on the table. They must be consistent with the atmosphere of the holiday. Regarding the color scheme, choose pink, red or white. For dinner in a romantic setting   small fit aroma candles with a delicate, delicate aroma, such as strawberries or roses. But remember that their aroma should not be too harsh.

Valentine's Day table setting   for a mixed company, chefs are advised to decorate using burgundy with napkins of the same tone. An original solution would be to use hearts of suit. In this case, black, white and red colors should prevail in the design.

Psychologist's opinion

Today   Valentine's Day   most associated with gifts, and this is not entirely correct. After all, gifts are just one of the elements of love. We are able to express our love in five “languages”: tenderness, that is, physical manifestations of love, encouragement, support, spending time together and gifts. And if you express your feelings in all these languages, the question is, how to spend lovers day   disappears altogether.

You can carry it out in many ways. It is not necessary to give some leaflets, you can just help your loved one, support him. You can make a pleasant surprise. It doesn’t have to be some kind of expensive gift, just do something do it yourself. The main thing is that the thing should be presented with love. To pleasantly surprise your soul mate, write a poem for her.

Interior decoration   crucial to create a holiday is not. Unless a person puts some special significance in one or another interior elements, their location. In fact, the effect of auto-suggestion is triggered. For us, only what matters to us matters.

  Valentine's Day Ideas photo

Look at the animation! Cool idea! instead of a banal postcard, take a blank notebook and break your congratulations in a few words, write large on the pages of the notebook.
And then record on video how you scroll through it. In my opinion this is just super!

Such a notebook can then be gifted, if additionally fill her up.

If you can draw or write, then the big words of congratulations can be supplemented with pictures and text.
You can supplement the author’s text with quotes about love (read where to look for quotes in this article)
and design ideas and inspiration can be found in the beautiful community

You can combine such a congratulation with such a gift as a love story in the form of an album

The idea was to collect your memories and photos and put it together. A very nice present. After all, plunging into a shared past, reliving the first encounters, funny and touching moments ... is so exciting!
So there you go! This one, when this album is ready, you can leaf through it a bit and talk about how you made it and this process and record on video
Here is another good idea for such a notebook: I love you more than ... and options to continue this phrase are embedded in the pocket.

Idea found

in addition (if you are not already in the know) be sure to read about two ideas from the same series (each has its own highlight):

  Gift Idea Number 14.It may be a little banal, but I really like it. Present an envelope with hearts.
You can write wishes, declarations of love or compliments to your loved one on each one (“You fill the sails of my life like the wind,” “You are strong and bright”)

You can go the other way and leave the hearts empty, and write on the envelope: "Love for YOU overwhelms me to the brim and I no longer have room for words"

read for inspiration

Photo found

Another option with a lot of hearts is to put them in the origami technique (for example, as described) and fill a small box with hearts (it is convenient to buy such a box in the mail)

For volume, you can add chocolates in red wrappers there.!

Again, you can on the   each or in   write something to everyone (quote or wish). By the way, it’s not necessary to invent something supernatural, write a simple, good, good, for example, “Let everything work out well for you today”, “I embrace you gently and gently”, “I think about you and I can’t fall asleep from thoughts” and so on))

And title this pile of hearts for example like this: “I stacked each of these hearts, thinking of you. Warmly, warmly, gently-gently! Accept them as a gift! Alas, I can’t give my heart, as it belongs to you for a long time already!"

All about how to turn a heart into an unusual gift

Photo found

Gift Idea Number 15.You can please your loved one with notes that you stick-hang on the street (along the way to work or school).

For inspiration for this action, read the following articles:

Gift Idea Number 16.Give the key to your heart! You know, hearts and keys are commonplace until they are presented by a person whose gaze shrinks Your heart   (with)

So do not consider it commonplace)) The main thing is to find and design it beautifully. For example, the key may be big   (because you have "greater that wider heart" as they say in Ukraine in Ukraine)

Or instead of a key from the heart, you will give an envelope with a leaflet inside, on which the username and password are written   (because you are an IT person)

more articles about gifts with a key

Idea found

Gift Idea Number 17.If you are a regular reader of 7darov, then you probably know that by cards we mean, as a rule, not pieces of cardboard with an image. and installations - compositions of objects and words that can be composed on a table or floor or even on asphalt. See these articles for an example: number 1 and number 2 and number 3

Here is an example of another idea for such an installation for Valentine's Day:

just tie a heart with a key and put the word "Love" out of threads

  Photo found

Gift Idea Number 18.You probably know about this idea, and yet I will mention it - pick up joint photos, your photos and photos of your loved one, print and attach on a paper base in the shape of a heart, if you do not live together, give a cork organizer board (for example, such )? and hook all the photos to her.

  Photo found

Gift Idea Number 19.If you think that giving flowers is trite, then

A bouquet, divided into parts and arranged in pots and cups with the inscription "I love you"

By the way, if you feel sorry or expensive to order the printing of letters, write them with a marker, which, as you know, is easily erased with ordinary alcohol

And on the reverse side you can even write a whole message. This is how it goes.

More ideas related to cups and yet this idea is very good - be sure to look!

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Gift Idea Number 20.If you have been together for a long time, give a ring with the inscription "I love you". Moreover, the ring can be threaded into two bracelets (from ribbons), on each of which a piece of paper with your names is attached. That is, the gift will be about how love connects you together!

  Photo found

Gift Idea Number 21.If you are fed up with paper hearts, which were discussed in idea number 1, buy a beautiful vessel in a supermarket and fill it with magic stars!

We can say that they are unique, since only a person in love can collect them from heaven!

How to make such an asterisk

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  Photo found

Gift Idea Number 22.   I already spoke about garlands, I just want to add that you can lay out such a garland in the form of a heart. And if you agree with a cafe or a shop, then you can implement this even on the street. And I liked the idea in the photo: "I just shine when you're around !!!"

  Photo found

Gift Idea Number 23.   Remember in the article “Photoshoot for lovers” there was an idea to make a contour of the heart from the hands. Such a photo collage is a perfect gift for your loved one. But it can be simpler: Cut out a heart from paper and take a picture early in the morning at dawn (even in winter it is beautiful) and give a photo to your beloved.

  Photo found

Our winters are so long and cold, and I want warmth. Therefore, Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, has become so popular. This warm holiday is filled with love and attention from loved ones. And on this day it is customary to decorate the house and exchange valentines.

Doing crafts on Valentine's Day with your own hands is a pleasure. Website "Mom can do anything!" He collected original ideas for making gifts with his own hands. With them, the holiday will be especially warm, cozy and filled with love.

On such a day, it is customary to give loved ones flowers and sweets, and a handmade gift will be especially cute, it will decorate a loved one’s shelf or bedside table. Such gifts carry the warmth with which they were saturated in the manufacture.

Valentines from paper and cardboard

Of course, our stores are literally littered with various bright postcards, but a handmade valentine will be especially expensive. It will reflect your personality.

What a Valentine's day without hearts and without roses. We suggest combining them into one and making a heart of paper roses.

Gentle kisses and hearts must be present on this day.

And such a valentine speaks for itself. Proposal of a hand and heart will surely end with a fast wedding.

Such a valentine’s card looks original and beautiful, not only do you place a wish in it, but you can also put a small gift.

Valentine card with volumetric heart.

And such a cute valentine will tell about infinite love.
It is very simple to make such a Valentine, but look how beautiful she looks!

Volume valentine with heart

Just glue hearts on thick white paper, and draw stems from the bottom, a simple and sweet Valentine is ready! Add details to it: satin ribbons, rounded corners, a substrate, it will look especially beautiful if hearts are cut from felt.

Another postcard option

You will understand how to make such a Valentine from this master class with a photo. Cut two hearts out of paper and cut them in a spiral. Then connect the inner hearts as shown in photo 3. Fold the thick paper in half. Now glue one big heart from the beginning, then the second (steps 6-7). Postcard is ready.

Here you can make such an interesting and voluminous valentine for your loved ones.

DIY Home Decoration Ideas

To create a special festive atmosphere in the house, special decorations are needed. Of course, now it’s easy to find them on store shelves, but it’s much more pleasant and interesting to do it yourself. We offer you ideas for crafts for decorating your home for Valentine's Day.

Garlands are one of the easiest and most effective ways to decorate a home. On a holiday of dedicated love, it is customary to make them in the form of hearts from paper in different shades of pink. Check out these options for making garlands:

This option is easy to do if you can sew on a typewriter: from colored paper (it is better to take paper for a printer) cut out hearts of different shapes, and then stitch them on a typewriter one by one. You can hang them as shown in the picture, or you can hang them from wall to wall - in this case, the line should go across the heart.

In this way, in childhood, garlands of chains were made for the new year, but we propose to make them easier and in the form of hearts. You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • stapler.

Cut the paper into strips 10-15 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. Fold each in half, now take a stapler and use it to connect the ends of the strips, bending them slightly inward. Get a heart. Then insert another strip and also connect. Thus you will make a long and beautiful garland.

A beautiful craft for the house on February 14 will be a wreath. It is hung both on the front door and indoors on the walls. Of course, such wreaths are made in the shape of hearts.

This version of the wreath is very simple and does not require any expensive materials, as well as skill. Just grab a thick cardboard and cut a ring out of it. Then take sheets of red and pink paper and cut out a lot of hearts from them. Bend each heart in half so that the wreath turns out to be voluminous. Now glue them with glue stick on the ring.

This heart is made in a similar way.

From cardboard and threads you can make an excellent craft and decorate her interior. Cut out a heart from cardboard as shown in the photo. Take a thick thread or yarn of red color and fasten its end to the heart. Start wrapping. Gradually you will get such a voluminous heart. It will look even more interesting if you take the threads of two shades of red.

And such a wreath of sweets will be very pleasant for children.

And how do you like such a wreath of hearts?

On Valentine's Day, the house is decorated with all kinds of hearts, and in the form of a heart it is likely to live at your house for more than one day.

Volumetric hearts for home decoration:

Such hearts will look great for decorating a room if they are made large, small options can be glued into valentines.

Hearts of colored thread and wire.

Another manufacturing option

Cutting down the windows

Hearts on sticks

Beautiful home decoration made of newspaper strips.

  1. Cut the newspaper into strips, roll each of them into a tube.
  2. Fold one of them in the shape of a heart.
  3. Inflate a small balloon so that it fits inside the heart.
  4. Now wrap the heart and the balloon with paper tubes, as shown in the photo, fixing the structure with glue.
  5. Let the product dry.
  6. Paint it.

Decorate your finished hearts with paper flowers and use them to decorate your home.

Children's crafts for Valentine's Day holiday

Holiday is a good occasion to make crafts with children. We offer you various types of paper heart applications that can be dated to this day.

Funny caterpillar from hearts And these are children's paper crafts that also contain hearts - a symbol of this holiday.

Useful Tips

The feast of February 14 is just around the corner.And if many have already decided on a gift, then with the organization of Valentine's Day, the situation is more complicated.

How to spend this day so that it will be remembered for a long time by both you and your soulmate? Make a dream date.Think through every detail.

If you want to give your loved one a holiday and make this evening unforgettable, but your imagination limits you, then the following list of interesting ideas is for you.

From the proposed dating options, choose one or even several that will be ideal for your couple.

Date February 14th

1. Dancing

What could be more romantic and sensual than dancing together? Not a club, not a disco, namely live dancing?

Take a master class in the studio. This may be a lesson from hot salsa, expressive tango or another dance, which, in your opinion, is closest to the temperament of your couple. An alternative would be a trip to an institution with live music.

Classics will never go out of style. The idea of \u200b\u200ba date from the movie "Dirty Dancing" is by no means new, but remains today one of the most beloved for organizing a dream date.

2. Excursion to the places where the ghosts live

Everything mysterious and inexplicable attracts and fascinates. And if you are also a lover of the other world, then an excursion to places with ghosts is just for you.

6. Thematic dinner and watching your favorite movie

If you prefer to spend leisure time at home, organize a themed dinner dedicated to Valentine's Day.

Make delicious pasta, bake meat and spend the evening together.

What could be more beautiful than the immortal movie classic? For example, the love story of the heroes Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck from the movie "Roman Vacations"? Even if she is as old as the world, reconsider her again in company with her loved one.

February 14th Surprise Ideas

7. Retro Radio Party

Are you or your soulmate old-fashioned? Both love vintage and everything connected with the last century? A great idea would be to organize a retro party. The radio retro FM will help you with this.

Turn off the light, open a bottle of good wine, light candles, tune the radio to your favorite wave and be ready to plunge   into the atmosphere of the past.

8. Visit to the rollerdrome

An excellent option for an active couple would be a rollerdrome.

A date with roller skates is as romantic as skating. And if it takes place on Valentine's Day, then most likely the rollerdrome will be decorated and the atmosphere there will be truly festive.

Valentine's Day Date

9. Go to the burlesque show

   Before ending the evening in a romantic atmosphere at home, go for a burlesque show or striptease. Visiting such events will help you master the art of flirting and give your soulmate an unforgettable evening.

10. The evening of poetry

The next option for a date on Valentine's Day is perfect for creative and exalted natures.

Have a literary evening. Go to your local library, re-read the classics' love letters to your lovers.

Upon returning home, open a bottle of wine and read your favorite works aloud to each other.

11. Karaoke

In a karaoke bar, as a rule, go with friends. Not February 14th. Postpone your trip with friends for another day and head to the karaoke bar with your soulmate.

Choose the repertoire corresponding to a holiday. Let it be famous love songs that you will sing a duet or singly, but dedicating a song to each other.

Perfect date

12. Second “first” date

Mentally return to the time and place where your relationship was born.   Recreate a first date.

Try to remember in detail how it all began. Order the same products, listen to the same songs, use the very elements that accompanied the first date in decorating the interior. Remember your first dinner together, first kiss, first date.

13. Comedy show

If you like to laugh at good jokes and have a sense of humor, visit a gum show together. Choose something interesting and fun and laugh all night long at a performance of a club gum or a local KVN team.

Original ideas for February 14

14. Spa salon

Indulge yourself and your soul mate with spa treatments. Take time to look after yourself, at least during the holidays. After all, not only the soul needs care, but also the body.

Visit this special day spa together. Create a romantic atmosphere with interesting holiday-themed elements. Perfectly fit candles in the shape of hearts.

15. Tandem cycling

If the weather permits, rent a tandem bicycle for tourism and take a walk around the city or outside the city.

The purpose of such a trip is to admire the beauty of nature, being as close as possible from each other.

For more brutal guys and their risky friends, there is a great alternative: cycling can be replaced by a ride on a motorcycle.

16. Night hotel

If you want to feel home cosiness and comfort, but at the same time get away from the problem of dirty dishes, noisy neighbors and other household “charms”, rent a hotel room.

Take care of this in advance. In many hotels and hotels on this day it is customary to receive pleasant bonuses. This can be an original decorated room, baskets with champagne and fruits, dishes from the restaurant chef or other pleasant little things that will make your evening unforgettable.

17. Tour of an unfamiliar city or place

If you and your soulmate are crazy about everything new and unknown, get out on Valentine's Day to where you have never been before. For active young people, excursions and walks will be the best option for a date on Valentine's Day.

Perhaps it will be a new city, an interesting museum, a beautiful park or just a cozy restaurant that you have been planning to visit for a long time.