When the baby begins to walk. How many months do children begin to walk What time does a child begin to walk independently Komarovsky

The body of a newborn grows every day, and the baby tries to know the world around him. All parents look forward to a responsible period in development, when the baby can crawl on their own and make the first unsure attempts to walk. However, not everyone knows how to help the child in the first steps in his life.

Rules for teaching a child to walk

Naturally, all mothers and fathers strive to ensure that their baby does not lag behind their peers, or even ahead of them in their achievements. There are many tips and tricks to teach your child to walk faster, but only the most rational should be chosen from them. Do not be upset if at 9 months your baby has not yet taken the first steps, because all the development processes are individual and the baby can go up to 18 months. Teaching a child is not difficult.

Among the basic rules for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system in a child, the following can be distinguished:

  1. From the first days, the baby is recommended to lie on his stomach for 10 minutes.
  2. Starting from 2 months of age, it is allowed to perform body turns, stimulating movements with an interesting object or toy to strengthen muscles.
  3. From the age of 4 months, the child can begin to learn to sit with support, and then without it, and stimulate body turns in different directions in a playful way.
  4. From six months it is recommended to put the child on the ball and, holding the body, swing to the sides to develop good coordination.
  5. At 9 months old, you should squat the baby and encourage him to stand on his own even feet.
  6. From 9 months old, the child can make uncertain attempts to walk, holding on to the hands of relatives or a stroller.
  7. Older than 9 months, the child actively explores the world with reliance on furniture and learns to overcome obstacles.
  8. Actively crawling babies may tend to rise on their own with the help of support or any items.
  9. If the child confidently steps by the hand, then create small obstacles for him so that he easily and fearlessly learns to cross them and trains his muscles for independent walking.

How to teach a child to walk independently on Komarovsky

According to the system of Dr. Komarovsky, there are many external and psychological factors that have a direct impact on the timing for a child to start walking:

  • Infectious diseases that weaken the immunity and activity of the newborn and stop his attempts to walk;
  • A fall or a blow at the first steps, which will frighten the baby and lead to fear when moving independently;
  • The ability to crawl does not affect walking skills in any way - some children move on all fours for a long time and do not see the need to switch to upright posture, while others do not crawl at all, but immediately begin to walk.

In any case, the popular pediatrician states that there is no urgent need for special training for the child to walk. Parents can only help the baby develop their muscles with daily gymnastics and massage. When the baby is ready, the first steps will become confident and it will be impossible to stop it.

Methods of stimulating walking newborns

There are several simulators to facilitate the education of the child:

  • Walkers in which the baby sits in a fabric chair and kicks off the floor;
  • A stroller, pushing which and leaning on it, the child will not be afraid to fall;
  • Reins made of durable materials in the form of a seat with a long handle to support adults.

Whatever method the parents of the child choose, one should remember about ensuring his safety indoors or outdoors. To avoid injuries, all sharp corners of the furniture should be closed, and fragile and dangerous objects should be removed out of reach. Even if the baby fell or hit it is not worth making a tragedy out of what happened, but it is better to distract his attention in order to avoid fear.

10 basic tips to help teach a child to walk independently: Lie on his tummy, Practice turning over, Encourage movement, Go on a trip, Help strengthen your leg muscles, Be a companion, Forget about walkers, Choose interesting places to walk, Do not compare, Choose the right shoes .. .

Your child is growing, developing, already crawling with might and main, and each parent is waiting for the moment when their baby begins to walk on its legs, will take the first step. Many parents try to help their baby to go and try to teach the child to walk independently as quickly as possible. Let's figure out when to start preparing. We bring to your attention 10 simple tips that we hope will help you.

The beginning of time

No. 1 Lie on the tummy

Long before your baby takes his first steps, when he is only a few weeks old, you can begin to prepare his muscles for the upcoming work. Make sure the child spends 10 minutes a day on the tummy, either immediately or throughout the day. This action will help strengthen the neck and back muscles of the baby. ( We read:).

№2 practice turning over

Get ready for somersaults while changing diapers! The child will begin to roll over from side to side and try to return back as early as two to four months of age. Encourage his coups by holding the toy first above him, and then moving it to the side to the limit. This will help the baby develop the muscles of the neck, back, legs and arms, prepare for the next step: the ability to sit. ( We read: | ).

No. 3 Encourage movement

Starting from about 4 months of age, the child tries to sit with support or in pillows, and at 6 months he is able to. Help him sit by gently pulling the handles. Stimulate the baby to turn in different directions, lean, sit with the help of a toy, leaving it out of reach, strengthening its muscles and coordination.

№4 Going on a trip

№5 Help strengthen leg muscles

Your curious little pean will soon begin to get up, leaning on various objects, such as furniture, your foot, or anything else, in order to maintain balance. Usually children cope with this task in seven to twelve months. Help strengthen their leg muscles, allowing you to hold on to you, jump on your knees. Also teach your baby to bend his knees so that he knows how to get back on the floor.

The first steps

# 6 Be a Companion

When the child is gaining strength and is already well, he begins to move around the house, holding on to furniture and other objects. Now is a good time to go on a “cruise” again when it has reached new heights. To teach a child to walk well, support him, hold his hands and walk with him. This is also an ideal time to give him a pushing toy, such as a stroller for a doll, which will help him walk on his own or a car with a handle.

№7 Forget about walkers

It is not necessary, and even harmful, to accustom the baby to walkers. They can delay the development of the child in the ability to walk, because they narrow his hips and pelvis. In addition, walkers are sometimes dangerous, babies can roll up to the heater, stove, ladder or pool while in them. It seems that this design can make life easier for mom. But this is not so. One must constantly observe whether something has happened. Try to better use a stationary table for your baby’s games.

№8 Choose interesting places for walking

Finally, the moment has come that you have been waiting for so long: the child let go of the walls, furniture, hands and took the first steps on his own. Most children take their first steps from nine to thirteen months, and begin to walk confidently between fourteen and fifteen months of life. Now, as he walks, get ready to see new amazing moments: how he kicks the ball or scrambles up, down the stairs.

Video No. 1: How to teach a child to walk independently?

Top, top, baby is stomping ... The first steps are not very easy ... The baby looks touching, which, shifting from leg to leg, takes its first steps. Walking is another small discovery in a child’s life.

Mom's note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I write here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

No. 9 Do not compare

Not all children are the same. Some succeed earlier, others later. The time a child needs to reach a certain milestone may depend on various reasons, such as body weight or even character. Although this is not easy, try not to be disappointed or upset if your child is behind other children. Keep in mind that the dates are approximate and not carved in stone.

No. 10 Choose the right shoes

At home you can walk without shoes, it is useful, tempers. If you are afraid that the baby will slip, buy socks with a rubberized sole. They will also prevent flat feet.

Walking problems

If a child falls very often when walking, constantly wants to walk only holding on to your hand, then one of the possible reasons may be poor eyesight, we recommend that you consult an optometrist.

Read additional tips on your child’s development.

Updated: Another popular problem is when the child is afraid to walk on his own, so read what he is afraid of and what should be done in this case -

Video No. 2: The child refuses to walk independently

Video answer to the question:

"Hello! The daughter started walking at 11 months, she took several steps without support, then fell slightly and flatly refuses to walk on her own, only by the handle, and she can barely hold on to her finger, or lean on furniture, etc. In a year, they underwent examination, everything was fine, the neurologist looked at the orthopedist, a little hallux valgus feet, went through a massage course - no changes, we run, we rush for the handle. It is worth contacting a neurologist or psychologist, or not touching a child, how will it go, will it? Perhaps there are some special psychological techniques or games to overcome this fear? Thank you in advance for your reply. ”

The conclusion is:

  1. Do not rush the child.
  2. Develop interest in walking.
  3. Find an example to follow.
  4. Hold correctly.
  5. Refusal of "walkers".
  6. Walking without shoes.

Important!    We also read: Children grow up very fast. Within a few months, your child will stop lying in the crib, begin to crawl, then walk, explore new territories first in his room, and then throughout the house, so it is very important to protect the house for the child. How to do it right, read in this article -

Learning to walk: video number 3:

Interview with a doctor in physiotherapy exercises (video No. 4)

The first children's steps. What time should a child start walking? Answers Varvara Vladimirovna:

Patience to you, wisdom and happiness!



  1. Do not rush your child. All averages are conditional. Therefore, even at 14-15 months it’s still not normal for some to walk independently. The main task of parents at the initial stage is to wait until the child is ripe for the development of a new skill. Haste can adversely affect the formation of feet, muscles, and joints.
  2. To create a favorable, safe environment: remove everything that could be harmful, eliminate sharp corners, hide the cords, and especially carefully monitor the baby.
  3. Conduct physical training. No special exercises are required. You just need to train all muscle groups from birth on time in a timely manner. Spread on the stomach, stimulate turning. Next, the child must sit down from a prone position. And, of course, crawling plays a big role. The task of the parent in every way to encourage the motor activity of the child. For example, attracting him with toys, forcing him to crawl around the room. And jumping on the parent's lap, which children love so much, is an excellent exercise to strengthen the legs. ()
  4. Massage develops muscles well and relieves tension in them at the same time. You can contact a specialist as well.
  5. Encourage walking. You can show an amusing toy, and then put it on the table, for example, so that you could get it only by standing on your feet. When the baby tries to take the first steps, the toy can miraculously move from the table to the sofa as soon as the baby approaches it. It’s good to be outside more often. where you can watch other children who already know how to walk. In this case, it is better to leave the stroller at home. It is convenient to use special reins. But only when the child is already starting to walk. It is important to ensure that the child’s body does not bend forward or to the side.
  6. Encourage. Praise for success, the smile of mom and dad is the best reward. Do not forget about gentle and enthusiastic words. A child deserves this for his first steps.

Things to remember when teaching a child to walk:

  • Better to start walking barefoot. This leads to the correct formation of the foot. And along the way tempers the baby. Well, or wear socks with a rubber sole.
  • For walks on the street, you should buy high-quality and comfortable shoes with a tight backdrop and make sure that it does not rub the legs.
  • No need to be tempted. Children often after a walker for a long time. And they refuse to master walking skills in a timely manner.
  • During training, you do not need to hold the child by the armpits. More correct for the brush, for the forearm, or even for the hood.
  • And, most importantly, be patient. Do not fit the child under the standard framework. But you need to be an assistant to him in everything, as soon as he himself is ready for new discoveries.

Children grow up very quickly, recently you brought a baby from the hospital and now he is crawling, sitting and trying to walk independently. This is a very important stage in the life of the crumbs, as parents must support the child in his first attempts to walk independently.

The task of parents is to ensure that a child who is already a year old begins emotional, psychological and physical preparation for him to walk. Most often, it is difficult for a child to take his first step simply because he usually always sits in a crib or playpen, or he has already made his first attempts to walk and they ended in a painful fall or fright.

Show your child other places in the apartment, wallow with him on the floor, let him crawl on the floor at 9 months old and explore the open space. So the child will not have a feeling of fear or insecurity and he will feel comfortable on the floor.

When a child has a first desire to walk independently, parents should provide him with support. The baby should walk without tilting the body forward, the weight should be evenly distributed on the feet of the child.

To do this, you need to hold the child's hands correctly, your palm should be placed between the brush and the elbow of the crumbs. If it’s hard for you to walk with the baby in such a bent position, you can use a towel folded and held under the armpits of the baby or you can buy special reins.

Be sure to make a safe space where the baby will learn to walk. If there is slippery floor, cords or sharp corners, the crumb can fall, get injured or just scared and then teaching a child to walk in 10-11 months will be much more difficult.

In order for the child to have an interest in quickly learning how to walk independently at 11-12 months, he needs to be interested in properly. Put a bright toy a few steps away from the baby so that the baby wants to reach it. The main thing is that the distance is such that the baby can easily and simply overcome it. If the child, who is one year old, fails to do this, the peanut may be upset and the negative experience will be fixed for a long time.

Parents need to remember that if you rush things, you can just hurt the child. When the baby turns 10-11 months old, he may still be physically unprepared to walk with his legs. Let the child develop at his own speed, and then he will be able to quickly and independently begin to walk without support a year.


Trying to teach a child to walk, mom and dad must definitely think about the safety of their baby. The place where he crawls and begins to take his first steps without support should be free. There should not be any steps, carpets or wires. Sharp corners must also be secured.

Choose good shoes for the crumbs in which he will be comfortable. Leather shoes with hard soles are best. If she has a slippery sole, do not be afraid to sand the surface with sandpaper.

Try to let the baby learn on a non-slippery surface. Even if he falls, he will be able to get up and continue to walk. So the peanut will not lose faith in its abilities and will not lose interest in learning.

Why does the child walk on toes

There is an opinion of experts, according to which any baby goes through the stage of walking on toes. In children under three years of age, this is a normal and common occurrence when a baby learns to jump and run. But parents will need to be vigilant, as walking on toes along with other symptoms can cause some neurological diseases. If the baby continues to walk on toes at 4-5 years old, then you have a direct road to the doctor.

The reasons why the baby can walk on tiptoe in a year or two:

  1. The desire to attract attention.
  2. Walking experiments.
  3. The kid is trying to get drawn to something.
  4. Imitation of someone.
  5. Not a desire to step on something or get dirty.
  6. Cold floor.
  7. The habit of tiptoeing in walkers.

Watch the baby and try to notice the moments when it comes to a full foot, and when it walks on toes. So you can easily understand the reasons for such a walk.

My baby is tiptoeing. What to do?

Use a walker?

Walkers are often used in order to quickly teach a child to walk in a year. Often, walkers can move things off the ground and the baby will quickly learn to move independently and without support in 10-12 months.

There are different opinions about walkers, both positive and negative. Consider the negative first:

  1. The child does not have the opportunity to learn to maintain balance due to the constant presence of support.
  2. Mobility development skills are slowing down.
  3. The gait becomes springy.
  4. There is a huge risk of injury.
  5. Constant compression of the perineum and muscle tone is present.
  6. Movement is too limited.
  7. Disorientation in space.

The usefulness of walkers is expressed in the following:

  1. The kid learns to walk.
  2. The child develops coordination in a year.
  3. It’s easier for Kroha to explore his surroundings.
  4. From 12 months, the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened.
  5. The child has free hands for games.
  6. Mom has free time.

It is up to each parent to decide whether to use a walker or not. But before you take such a step, get a specialist consultation, it will be right.

What should be the shoes

To teach your baby to walk correctly, you need to choose the right shoes for training. To do this, as early as 9 months to begin to pick up the right baby crumbs. If your baby does not have any orthopedic deviations, then comfortable boots with a rigid fixed heel and a soft, bending sole will be quite enough. Choosing shoes, it must be tried on. Otherwise, the new thing will not work or whether it is full in length.

Requirements for children's shoes in which the baby will learn to walk:

  1. It must be sewn from leather or suede, so the leg can breathe.
  2. The sole should be thin and flexible.
  3. The back should be fixed and firm.
  4. A stable heel will allow the crumbs to not fall back a year.
  5. The surface of the shoe should be soft and crease easily.
  6. In order for the arch of the foot to form correctly, the shoes should have a soft arch support.

How to choose shoes for a child. Dr. Komarovsky. Pick up shoes

If the parents correctly prepare the baby for walking, it will be easier to teach the baby to walk without support.

  1. Spread crumbs on your tummy.
  2. Encourage flipping from the back to the tummy.
  3. If the baby crawls at 9 months, then give him the opportunity to do it. So the baby will strengthen all the necessary muscles.
  4. In a year, hold the baby under the armpits so that the baby learns to bend and unbend legs. If the baby begins to get up himself, then let him use different types of support so that the muscles strengthen more actively.

How fast time flies! Most recently, you took your baby from the hospital, rejoiced at his first unconscious smile.

And now you are already wondering: how to teach a child to walk? So I want the baby to quickly take his first step!

Take your time. Everything has its time. Before starting to walk, the child prepares himself diligently, sits down, gets up, sits down again, gets on all fours and so many times. Let the baby crawl, climb on pillows, chairs, benches, training and preparing the muscle apparatus for walking. Gradually, he learns to stand, holding on to a motionless support: sofa, wall, table. Protect your baby so that he doesn’t get hurt, or put a few pillows next to him. If the child still fell, there is no need to cry out and raise a panic. Better gently calm him. Let this episode go unnoticed by him. Soon you will see that the child is trying to stand for some time without support. Support him, encourage him with something. Each new, first made movement gives him incomparable pleasure. Courage and self-confidence will help the baby go through this stage in life faster. Sometimes fear is the only reason a child starts walking late.

Learning to stand, the little one tries to move along stable objects, moves from one to another. At this stage, the best help is to interest the child by making walking not a goal, but a means. Put a bright, interesting toy or an unfamiliar, eye-catching object at a certain distance in front of him, and make him go through at least two or three steps. The toy will serve as a reward for his courage and labor. And how interesting it will be to get to the cabinet with dishes and put things in order there!

In this video, parents encourage their daughter to walk with the help of a bright pyramid that attracts her attention:

But, as a rule, the whole set of recommendations, skills and abilities of a small person given above touches and delights parents until the child turns one year old. As soon as this happens, mothers and fathers become more anxious: my baby does not walk well, and he is already a year old! Endless trips to a neurologist, orthopedist, massage therapists begin, which sometimes psychologically injure the baby once again. Before you begin to teach your child to walk independently, think carefully about whether his musculoskeletal system is sufficiently prepared, because the process of upright posture requires a huge expenditure of physical strength. If you are not sure, it is better to do gymnastics with the baby, massage for the development of the muscular system. To do this, you do not have to go to the clinic or hire a massage therapist. There are many manuals that describe simple and useful exercises that any mother can do. Here in this video you can watch an activity for kids on a ball (fitball), which you can easily implement at home:

The child himself will make it clear that he is ready to take his first independent step in life. And then he really needs your support.

And it will consist of the following. First of all, take a responsible approach to choosing shoes. It can be leather, rather light, but durable shoes. However, if conditions allow, the best option is to walk barefoot. Be careful with socks, especially if the floor is parquet or laminate. In this case, it turns into a skating rink. How can a child learn to walk independently when you yourself hardly walk on such a floor? Therefore, I advise you to choose socks with a "rubberized" base. In this way, your baby will stumble less. Carefully analyze the place where the baby will walk: are there any sharp corners that are dangerous to life for objects lying in sight (scissors, devices). All this should be removed so that, falling, the child does not hit and injure himself.

Now you can proceed. How to teach a child to walk? This process is quite natural for a person and does not require special training. After all, no one teaches a tree to grow or bear fruit. Eastern women wonder: why teach? All healthy children begin to walk sooner or later. Take a closer look: if the child seeks to stomp himself and rejects your help, just watch that he does not fall and do not get hurt. But most babies walk with support for a long time. The task of parents to competently support their child. You can create for him a corridor of furniture. Let the child stomp, holding on to a sofa, chair or table. Gradually increase the distance between objects, giving you the opportunity to go through several steps yourself. True pleasure gives the baby a "walk" from dad to mom and vice versa. Parents only need to sit opposite each other and stretch out their arms to insure their child. If you yourself are the support, then you should follow a few rules. The child's body should not lean forward, as this can lead to a curvature of the spine. It is best to use special reins, you can support it by the hood or by the hand. When you feel that the baby is more confident on its feet, support can be gradually weakened. Never use a walker! They relieve parents of unnecessary stress, but the child’s desire to learn to walk independently disappears.

A large role in the task of “how to teach a child to walk” is played by air walks. Usually, “summer” children learn to walk earlier than those born in winter. This is due to the fact that by the year they are actively trying to walk on the street, watching other children and adults who are also actively moving. And there is more space on the street than in the room. “Winter” children get this opportunity only by one and a half years. Of course, you can go outside in the winter, but it is painfully hard to learn to walk in bulky clothes and in the snow, and besides, you won’t take a long walk. So do not be upset if your neighbor’s daughter has already been running a year, and your hand is still holding. It’s just not the time. Move more. On the street, encourage the baby to roll a stroller, a bicycle in front of him. Pay his attention to how older children run and climb the hills.

And the most important. Do not drive your son or daughter to some common truths, do not compare it with the children of friends and relatives. If your child still does not walk a year, do not panic (of course, when there is no good medical reason for this). Up to a year and a half is the norm. Remember that your baby is a person, unique and inimitable in the whole Universe, and you do not need to drive him and yourself into the framework of other people's examples and beliefs. From birth, nature laid the instinct of uprightness in man. A baby can have a lot of reasons to go not a year, but, for example, a year and two months. Therefore, the question of how to teach a child to walk should start with a warning: do no harm! Show patience and love, and then your baby will one day take his first step towards you!

During the first year of life, the child goes through important stages of development in order to confidently stand on his feet. He learns to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, trying to crawl, studying the world around him (more in the article:). Then he sits down, stands at the support, after which he takes the first uncertain steps. For each child, this process is individual and takes up to 11 months, so parents should not be equal to other children, giving their beloved child the opportunity to go their own way.

The first steps of the child - an event that all parents are waiting for

Optimal training period

The norm for the development of walking is considered to be a period of 9-16 months, and the first attempts become a happy and important event for the whole family. Minor deviations should be taken into account:

  1. A very early period. There are frequent cases when the baby is standing on its feet at 7 months, and after a short period of time already walks (see also:). Relatives and friends are delighted, and the doctor warns of a possible danger to the fragile spine. In this case, you need to look only at the development of your child. If he is ahead of his peers in other parameters, there is no reason for concern.
  2. Early period. If the child takes the first steps at the age of 9 months, he has mastered the skills ahead of schedule. There is nothing wrong with this, in the absence of stimulation by adults.
  3. Late period. The first steps, even at 1.5 years old, are considered the norm for the child. It is important to consider the weight of the baby with whom he was born, general development and pathology. Premature babies often lag behind their peers.

For a healthy child, the late start of walking can also be considered the norm. You should not worry, because the child’s body knows exactly when it is ready for such loads on the spine.

The time when the child begins to walk depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and on his desire to learn to walk

Factors Affecting Skill Inhibition

None of the parents will sound the alarm if the child does not go at the age of 6 months, but by the year they begin to overcome doubts. In the absence of pathologies in development, it makes no sense to worry. The walking skill can be late for various reasons:

  1. Weight . A child can gain extra pounds as a result of malnutrition, metabolic disorders or overeating. Reasonable physical activity and standard portions will solve the problem. Weight gives extra stress to the spine. Swimming lessons are useful and to teach such a strong guy to take the first steps.
  2. Temperament It is easier for merry sanguine people and motile cholerices to change than for alarming melancholic and slow phlegmatic people. They begin to sit at the age of 6 months. The desire to learn walking is inherent in emotional and mentally more developed children.
  3. Genetics If the parents went late, one should not demand Olympic indicators from the child.
  4. . A problem may arise if the child is afraid to walk without outside support. It is likely that the baby fell and was badly hurt. It is important to be patient, and not rush training. It is enough to gently stimulate the child, showing participation and supporting him by the hands. The training will not end quickly, but will give a chance to overcome the fear of walking.
  5. Health With weakened immunity and during a cold, you cannot teach a baby to walk. You should not continue classes, even if the process has already begun. The child will surely forget everything that he knew before the illness, but the acquired skills will certainly return.
  6. Neurology and musculoskeletal system. An integrated approach will help to cope with the problem. It is necessary to diagnose the disease correctly and in time, undergo a course of treatment and connect recovery procedures.

  If the baby is afraid to walk independently, then parents need to support his hands

It is impossible to identify the problem on your own, therefore it is advisable to consult a specialist at the first signs of a lag. The advice of friends and relatives in this case is unlikely to help.

Gradual skill development

Before you start learning, you need to make sure the child is ready for a difficult process. You can’t rush the crumbs, but miss the perfect month for classes is undesirable. The positive aspects are the lifting of crumbs from the knees, the ability to stand on one's feet for a long time, attempts to walk, holding on to furniture or the wall. The more favorable conditions for learning, the easier the training will be.

How to set up the process?

Modern techniques allow in a short time to awaken the baby's interest in classes. The most comfortable option should be chosen by parents, based on the characteristics of the development of crumbs:

Dr. Komarovsky voiced only one reason why the use of reins is undesirable. Their design protects the child from falls, and the ability to fall and rise is an important skill.

  The more space for the baby, the more interesting it is for him to learn this world

Stimulating exercises

Classes can begin when the baby is trying to get up from his knees and is standing on his legs. The decision to learn always remains with the child, and not with parents who want to wipe their friends' noses and prove to their relatives something. Each baby is individual in its own way, and mom needs to accept him for who he is. Helpful exercises will help push the little one forward.

For an early age

  1. Children 6-9 months old will have fitball lessons (see also:). It is necessary to seat the crumbs on the ball, facing away from yourself and holding it by the hips. You need to shake the baby in different directions for the development of balance and coordination.
  2. From 9 months it is important to teach the child to stand. The surface from which the baby will be repelled by the legs must be solid. The peanut should be turned back to itself, holding in the chest area. Then lift it up a little so that he would independently rise from his haunches and straighten his legs. To make learning fun, you can turn on the music. If the baby does not understand what is required of him, it is better to return to the exercise later.
  3. From 9 months, the rise from the knees is stimulated, if the baby is able to independently rise, hold for support. The child’s attention is attracted by a toy, after which she “runs away” and “sits” in a chair or on a sofa. The kid should follow her, get up and take the toy.

  Any exercises and activities should be fun and interesting for the child.

For late age

  1. From 10 months of age, a stroller will be a useful purchase, regardless of the gender of the child. Wheelchair riding is a useful skill when the baby can walk with support. The stroller slowly rolls forward, and the pean will follow her. It is necessary to insure him from behind.
  2. When the baby will stand confidently, you can connect an exercise with sticks. The length of the sticks is about a meter, the baby holds on to them, and the adult's hands lie on the arms of the child. Shifting sticks forward, the baby learns to walk slowly.
  3. If you visually limit the space, you can educate a child who is afraid to walk. Exercise is included in the complex when the baby is 10 months old, and he is confidently standing. The baby is launched inside the hoop and stimulated walking in different directions, moving the edges.
  4. If the child walks well, holding the adult's hand, it’s time to organize movement with obstacles. A rope is pulled between objects or furniture at a level comfortable for the baby. With the help of an adult, he must cross it.

When performing exercises, you need to monitor the mood of the child. If discomfort is noticed or the baby refuses to complete the task, it is advisable to postpone the lesson.

  The wheelchair will help the baby take his first steps on his own. And parents need to support the child from behind

Dangerous symptoms

Not to do without problems in the learning process. Parents should consult a specialist in situations where:

  • the child is not able to take a step without support;
  • the baby walks on toes (we recommend reading:), not leaning on the entire foot.

To exclude possible deviations, a doctor’s consultation will not be superfluous. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that in most cases there are no pathologies. A video with his participation will help dispel parental doubts.