Baby puzzles for 8 years. Puzzles for children with pictures. Rebuses about family

Improving logical thinking for children 7-8 years old is an extremely important stage of development. By primary school age, children are already able to think logically, and the task of teachers and parents in this period is to give impetus to the development of logical thinking.

For this, special tasks are selected, consisting of logical tasks, puzzles. A special place in a series of such tasks is occupied by rebuses. On our site you can download and print for free simple puzzles for children 7-8 years old in pictures with answers.

  What is a rebus?

This word is encrypted in pictures. In the names of a number of drawn objects or actions, the indicated number of letters from the beginning or end of the words is taken and the searched word is composed. Rebuses require from children 7-8 years old not only logic, but also a certain share of erudition, ingenuity. Not knowing the name of the picture depicted, it is unlikely to be able to guess the word. Sometimes the answer of the rebus can be guessed, but this requires a certain mindset.

How and where can I use puzzles in pictures when working with children?

Teachers and supervisory parents probably know that puzzles for children 7-8 years old are given even in textbooks.

However, in addition to the proposed tasks, puzzles can be offered to children 7-8 years old as creative work, at the beginning of the lesson as a warm-up, in the form of homework. First, these should be the simplest puzzles so that children get used to this form of work.

They can be downloaded free of charge on this site, printed and used in work. Further, the rebuses should be complicated imperceptibly for children: this way thinking will develop imperceptibly for the children. Parents, in turn, can offer children puzzles in pictures as a joint leisure activity.

Tasks with answers can be downloaded for free on this site and then printed. Invite the kids to solve the puzzle with you. Even if you know the answer in advance: do not show the mind and offer your own answer options.

Children really like to win. Let them feel their significance: let them guess the correct answer, and you, as wise parents, imperceptibly bring them to it.

How else can you play with the rebus?

When the children learn to solve puzzles well, realize the principle of constructing such tasks, invite them to encrypt some word in the rebus.

You can download the puzzles you like on this site for free, give the kids only their beginning and offer to continue on their own. Compose the rebus compiled by the child with those originally proposed by the authors, analyze whose option is better, more understandable.

Subsequently, the child will be able to compose interesting tasks himself, without your prompting.

Since puzzles, as a rule, are created in the form of pictures, the question arises: how to be the one who does not know how to draw or does it badly. No problem. Convince the guys: there is no need to be afraid that your pictures will not be understood.

On our site you can download several puzzles for free and focus the guys on the fact that in puzzles everything is drawn schematically, in general terms. No one requires you to be a professional artist. If you yourself will understand the picture, then others will understand.

So, to solve and make rebuses by yourself is a very useful lesson for the development of logical thinking. Let the children have more of these tasks: let them develop, playing, imperceptibly for themselves.

  Rebuses for children

Click on the pictures to download and print the puzzles:

Hello dear friends and guests of the blog! Today I want to bring to your attention puzzles for children of 7-8 years old, to tell what types are distinguished, how to teach a child to solve them.

This lesson is very useful for children of any age: it develops thinking, memory, logic and perseverance.

Rebus is a graphic riddle in which a word or phrase is encrypted. They use pictures, letters, numbers and some characters.

There are a huge number of different puzzles for children of different ages.

Of course, the division by age groups is conditional, there are no specific criteria, since each child is individual.
  Some children at 5-6 years old can solve complex puzzles, while others at 8 years of age find it difficult. It all depends on the level of development of the child, his individual abilities.

Rebus for children 7-8 years old

Children of different ages, but especially 7-8 years old, show great interest in puzzles.
  So that the child himself can solve the encrypted words, you need to explain to him the basic rules that indicate various signs.

The main types of puzzles

Let us dwell in more detail on what rebuses are, and what the various combinations and signs in them mean.

1. Adding one or more letters to the picture.

\u003e Ahead of the picture or after it letters are added. This is the easiest view.

2. A strikethrough letter near the picture.

\u003e This means that it needs to be removed from the word

3. Replacing letters


\u003e When another one stands next to a crossed out letter, you need to insert it instead of the crossed out one.

\u003e Sometimes a letter with an equal sign stands next to the picture, which means that it also needs to be replaced in the word.

4. Commas at the beginning of the picture or at the end.

\u003e A comma indicates that the letter, the first or the last, is removed from the word, depending on where it stands: at the beginning or end. How many commas are present, so many letters are removed.

5.Picture or word turned upside down.

6. A horizontal line between letters or pictures.

\u003e It denotes the prepositions "on, above, under."

7. The different arrangement of letters relative to each other.

\u003e When one is located in the other, this implies the pretext "in". If one letter is after another, it means "for" or "before."

8. Several identical letters or syllables.

\u003e This means that the number of letters must be spoken with a number.

9. Use together with letters or pictures of various numbers.

A number is added to the word, picture or letters, from different sides.

10. On the surface of one or more letters, some other letter is written several times.

\u003e In this case, the preposition "by" is added. (Cook)

11. Under the figure are the numbers in small print.

\u003e You need to rearrange the letters in the word in the same order.

Most often in one rebus several types are used simultaneously.

Puzzles of varying complexity and for different ages can be found in children's magazines, special collections and on the Internet: online or print.

Parents themselves can make rebuses for their children.

Now you know what puzzles for children of 7-8 years and other age can be used for classes with children.

Most kids love to solve puzzles and puzzles, so support their desire in this exciting and useful business.

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Being engaged with the baby, parents themselves remember their childhood. It was such an amazing time when there were no computers, laptops or tablets. In his spare time, solving puzzles, playing checkers or chess was for many an exciting pastime.

Now there are a lot of video games for ingenuity (and new ones appear every year). You can play them while sitting in front of a computer screen.

Today's children do not know simple and interesting puzzles that train not vision and reaction speed, but logic. Some busy parents are happy with this state of affairs.

Others find sites on the Internet with free puzzles and puzzles that can be printed so that the child performs tasks.

But there are special children's puzzles for children of 8 years old or 7 years old - these are puzzle tasks. A variety of people come up with them, and like proverbs and folk tales, these tasks do not have an author.

They do not need to be printed out, you can easily remember and use these oral exercises, turning the development of logic into an interesting lesson.

From this article you will learn

Wolf, goat and cabbage

This is a very old puzzle game for children of 6 years and older, written based on some fairy tale story.

On the shore lay a net of cabbage, there was a hungry wolf and an equally hungry goat. The owner of all this stuff should transport him to the other side of the river. The boat is small, and at a time it contains only the owner and one name of his household.

The task is complicated by the fact that you cannot leave a hungry goat and cabbage or a hungry wolf and a goat together. Otherwise, a goat will eat cabbage, and a hungry wolf will eat a goat. And no one to help the poor boatman.

Solution: the boatman transports a goat to the other side, returns for cabbage, transports cabbage. The goat is glad, thinking, at last, to have lunch, but it wasn’t there, the boatman puts her in the boat and carries her to the wolf.

The poor goat thinks she herself will soon become dinner. But the boatman puts a wolf in a boat and carries it to the cabbage, then returns for the goat. Everybody is alive.

How many brothers and sisters

One family had many children. One curious person wondered how many boys and girls were in this family. He began to question the children.

The boy said that he has as many sisters as brothers, and the girl replied that she has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many girls and boys were in the family?

Solution: there were three sisters and four brothers.

Divide equally

In a wicker basket lay five beautiful apples. Five little cunning girls asked their grandmother to split the apples between them equally so that only one apple remained in the basket. How did grandma do?

Solution: she gave four girls an apple, and the fifth gave the apple along with a basket.

How much is the book

Notebooks and books were sold in the bookstore. The boy bought a notebook for 1 ruble. On the book, the price was not written. A distressed boy asked the seller how much the book was worth.

He replied that the price of the book is equal to the price of the notebook and half the price of the book. Help the boy count how much the book costs.

Solution: the book costs two rubles.

Three-step task

This puzzle is for children of 8 years who are able to well subtract and add prime numbers. Put three slides of matches on the table.

In the first - 11 pieces, in the second - 7, and in the third - 6. You need to shift the matches so that in each pile there are 8 pieces.

The difficulty is that you can add to the pile only as many matches as the number in it. For example, where there are six matches, you can put only six pieces. You need to complete the task as quickly as possible.

Solution: from a slide in 11 matches put 7 pieces in the second pile. Now there are 14 matches, of which 6 are put in a heap with 6 matches. The second pile left 8 matches.

From the third pile, in which 12 matches shift 4 into the first pile, where 4 pieces remained. Now there are 8 matches everywhere.

There are a lot of such problems. There are very simple puzzles for children of 6 years old, and even an adult will be happy to think about others.

Rebus   - This is a riddle in which the words being solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with letters and other signs, such as notes. Rebusy is a wonderful simulator of logic, thinking, speech development.

Teach your child to solve puzzles. You will open him a new world!

At this stage, it is enough to explain the basic rules:

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, an object depicted in a rebus can have not one but two or more names, for example, “leg” and “paw”. Or but it can have one common and one specific name, for example, “tree” and “oak”. You need to select the one that is appropriate in meaning.

3. Sometimes it is necessary to drop one or two letters at the beginning or at the end of a word. In these cases, a conventional sign is used - a comma. If the comma is to the left of the picture, this means that the first letter should be dropped from its name, if the last letter to the right of the picture. If there are two commas, then, respectively, discard two letters.

4. If the rebus contains an image of an object drawn upside down, its name must be read from the end.

There are many more rules. But to solve simple puzzles, these are enough.

Create your rebuses with your child. Waiting for your answers!

Have your child solve these simple puzzles in pictures:






  Water lily

Invite your child to come up with simple children's puzzles with pictures together, and you will find a great activity for joint leisure.

And if you are lovers of solving puzzles, we suggest you get to know

An important stage in the development of a preschooler is the improvement of logical thinking.

For a student, it will be an additional bonus in the learning process, so it’s worth starting to develop it long before school. Rebuses, puzzles in the form of drawings, can give impetus to the formation of elementary logic. This is a kind of intellectual game during which it takes place.

Performing simple tasks using logic will help you not to be afraid of complications c. Rebus is a word encrypted in a picture. In the form of a hint in a cipher, various signs, letters, additional drawings are offered. Solving them requires erudition, ingenuity, and interest from children.

Solving puzzles is a very exciting activity. But you can quickly lose interest in him if the task is not matched by age.

Rebuses for children 5 years

are the simplest clues - a set of letters and a picture. Their combination should eventually form a new word. The birth of a new word causes delight in the children. When the technology for solving them is mastered, you can move on to more complex options. For those who don't know the alphabet, puzzles are made up of fun color pictures. They depict familiar household items, heroes of fairy tales, animals, birds.

Rebus for children 6 years

more complex, with the use of signs, the knowledge of which means: commas, equal signs, periods. Pictures and individual letters that an adult can help read make it possible to compose a word yourself, removing extra letters or replacing one with another.

Rebuses for children 7 years

complicated by the fact that they appear along with signs and pictures of numbers. They become longer, may already consist of a few words. Some need to be read upside down or from right to left.

The puzzles that can be downloaded from the Preparing for School website are colorfully designed and very expertly selected. In addition, there is a detailed guide to action, which describes the technology for solving different types of puzzles, and all answers to puzzles are on the last page of the collection.

They can be downloaded, and then easily printed on a printer.