What temperature is optimal for a newborn. Memo: basic rules for bathing a newborn. Ways to maintain the desired air temperature in the children's room

With the birth of a child in any family, the trouble is significantly increased. Each mom wants to create the most comfortable living conditions for the baby just born. It should not only provide the baby with the necessary care, but also make sure that the humidity and temperature in the child’s room match the parameters recommended by the pediatricians.

The child doesn’t care on the bed of which manufacturer he sleeps or in what color the stroller takes him out for a walk. But the temperature and humidity in his room are of great importance, since an uncomfortable environment contributes to the development of most diseases. In addition, failure to comply with the necessary parameters can cause a deterioration in mood in the baby.

Therefore, for the prevention of diseases in newborns, it is very important to maintain optimal climatic conditions in the room.

Comfortable temperature in the room of the baby

Most pediatricians agree that the optimal temperature in the room of a newborn baby should vary in the range from 18 to 22 C˚. They consider just such a temperature comfortable for the normal health of the crumbs and its further development.

Dr. Komarovsky, widely known today, claims that in the room where the newborn baby is, the temperature should be between 18-19 degrees. In his opinion, this is the optimal temperature regime for babies.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the room in the winter is much more complicated. This is due to the fact that during the heating season, the supply of heat to homes does not depend on us. Therefore, even in winter, it is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than 23 degrees.

Another important condition for the well-being of the baby is the maintenance of the necessary temperature indicators at night. If the room is too cold or hot, then the baby’s sleep will be restless, with frequent waking up and whims. The ideal temperature for a quiet baby sleep should not exceed 22 degrees.

It is necessary to select the optimal temperature regime for the baby, taking into account its individual characteristics. Mommies must decide for themselves at what temperature their baby sleeps calmer.

Remember that normal air circulation is not possible if a canopy hangs over the crib or bumpers are used to decorate the crib.

Temperature during bathing a baby

During water procedures, it is also necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature parameters of the air in the room. Most parents are sure that the temperature in the newborn’s bathing room should be kept at a higher level than usual. However, they are deeply mistaken. If you will bathe a baby in a warmer room, then at the end of water procedures, returning to the usual climatic conditions, he will certainly freeze.

This means that when you are going to redeem the baby, you do not need to additionally heat the room of the bathroom. The baby should bathe at his usual temperature. Just after bathing you need to briefly wrap the baby in a warm towel. If parents want to temper a child from infancy, then immediately after water procedures, they should arrange for him air baths for several minutes.

Thus, it is not necessary to additionally heat the room at night and during the bathing period of the baby. The air temperature in the room must be maintained constantly at the same level.

Temperature for premature babies

It should be noted that the above temperature standards in the room are applicable exclusively to children who were born on time. For a premature baby, other conditions of detention must be observed. The temperature regime is optimal for him, which ranges from 24 - 25 C, since their own thermoregulation in such children is often impaired.

Dangers of overheating or hypothermia


Specialists in the field of pediatrics have long noticed that overheating of a baby carries more dangers than its hypothermia. During metabolic processes, which are much faster in infants than in adults, a certain amount of heat is accumulated in the body. Excess heat is released either through the surface of the skin, or during breathing. The return of excess heat through breathing is greatly complicated at high temperatures in the room. Then heat transfer occurs at an increased rate through the skin using a sweating system. The baby is sweating, he has redness, the pulse becomes more frequent, and breathing is difficult.

All this increases the tearfulness of the child, makes him lethargic and deprives calm. It can also cause dermatitis and metabolic processes and heat transfer are disrupted. In this regard, the temperature norm in the children's room should be strictly observed by parents.


No less dangerous is the hypothermia of a newborn baby. Excessive coolness can provoke the development of colds in a child, which is fraught with the appearance of a number of dangerous complications.

Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn should be steadily observed in accordance with existing standards and recommendations of pediatricians.

Ways to maintain the temperature in the room of the newborn

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Before setting the optimum temperature in the room, you need to decide which temperature is most comfortable for your child. To find out the optimum room temperature for the baby is quite easy:

  1. the child feels well and has a good sleep;
  2. the baby does not have redness and sweating;
  3. on the skin of the baby the so-called "goose skin" is not observed, and its legs and arms are warm;
  4. the child’s breathing is not difficult, the pulse is not rapid.

In the case when the temperature parameters in the room do not meet the standards, some steps should be taken to regulate the air temperature.

At elevated temperatures in the child’s room, regulation is carried out using an air conditioner or ventilating the room. Better at this time to go with the crumbs for a walk. Air conditioning must be installed in a room located next door, or in the same room, but far from the child. Heating radiators should be covered with a dense blanket or blanket.

At a low air temperature in the children's room, you can maintain optimal temperature indicators by turning on the heaters.

There is no way to control the temperature in the room?

Parents are not always able to maintain the desired temperature in the room in which the child is. In this case, you must:

  1. drink more water for the baby if the room is stuffy and the air temperature is elevated;
  2. the baby should be dressed based on the temperature in the room. If the temperature is above normal, then it is enough to wear only panties. If the room is cold, then certainly need sliders, socks and an outfit made of warm material.
  3. the baby should be bathed, focusing on the air temperature in the room. In a hot room, the bathing procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day.

The creation of optimal climatic conditions in the room for a newborn child has a positive effect on the well-being of the baby, its state of health and mood.

After the silence and tranquility of the mother’s womb, the baby enters our world without effective thermoregulation mechanisms, so caring parents are responsible for maintaining a comfortable temperature. In order not to harm the child in the very first days of life, it is important to maintain the right climate, avoiding hypothermia and overheating.

Signs of overheating   it is easy to recognize, because they give the baby great discomfort.

The skin of the baby becomes red, covered with sweat, and diaper rash appears in places of accumulation of sweat secretions. White spots of thrush can appear in the mouth, and dry crusts that make breathing difficult in the nose form. Due to dehydration, the baby may have difficulty with digestion.

If you find these symptoms, try lowering the air temperature in the room, rid the baby of extra clothes, and give him some water between meals. .

If the baby is cold , you will notice that his nose, legs and arms are not just cool, but “ice”, he presses the arms of the legs to himself, keeping it warm. In this case, you need to use socks and warmer clothes or a blanket. Signs of hypothermia can be reduced appetite and lethargy, slowing down weight gain. With hypothermia, the likelihood of colds also increases. But still remember that it is much easier to overheat a child than to supercool.

Optimal temperature in the baby’s room

Pediatricians recommend maintaining the temperature in the baby's room at 18 to 22 degrees. Under such conditions, a baby usually needs a light body or vest with a medium density plaid for a comfortable sleep. For children born prematurely, it is worthwhile to slightly increase the temperature, to 24-26 degrees.

To easily control the climate in the children's room, hang a thermometer on the wall near the crib. One glance at his testimony will be enough for you to determine the cause of the baby's concern.

How to adjust the room temperature?

When you determine the appropriate temperature for your baby, you just have to maintain it at a constant level, which is far from simple in an ordinary apartment.

To reduce the air temperature in the summer heat, you can use the air conditioner. It is important that the stream of cool air is not directed at the bed, and it is better to cool the room when the baby is outside. You can get by with normal ventilation, which is recommended to be carried out several times a day, while the baby is on a walk or in the next room.

Maintaining a comfortable baby temperature in winter can be more difficult than in summer. To heat the room, an electric heater without an open spiral is suitable, but an excessively heated room can be cooled by ventilation. You can reduce the heat from a battery that is too hot by covering it with a thick blanket or blanket.

When heating appliances or central heating it is important to pay attention to the relative humidity, which in the room of the baby should not fall below 50%. Instead of special humidifiers, you can use open containers of water, wet towels or fountains.

An individual approach to each baby

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe general recommendations of pediatricians regarding the optimal temperature for the baby, but do not forget about the importance of an individual approach. Depending on the metabolism, month of birth and the general state of health of the baby, he may need a higher or lower temperature. Do not be afraid to deviate from general recommendations and use common sense to provide your baby with ideal conditions.

Optimal air temperature in the room for your baby.

Each loving mother seeks to create the best conditions for her child. However, we must not forget that the comfort of the baby is built not only from caring for him, but also from what surrounds him. The baby spends most of the time in her crib, which is why the main task of parents is to create comfortable conditions in the room. And the most important condition for the comfort of the child is the temperature in the room. Let's deal with all the pros and cons and find the best solution for our babies.

Excessive heat hazard

Moms must certainly know that overheating carries much more harm than hypothermia. Due to the fact that metabolic processes occur in babies much faster, heat accumulates in their body. Thermoregulation in newborns also occurs differently, it has not yet been fully formed, which means that heat transfer processes must be regulated by parents.

The baby's body has to get rid of excess heat, there are two natural ways: the respiratory system and the sweating system. However, for a child’s fragile body, cooling through breathing is not possible, therefore, sweating processes are intensified. With increased sweating, the baby's body begins to quickly lose the necessary salt and moisture and feel a lack of water. This can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. The appearance of crusts in the baby’s nose, which makes it difficult for the child to breathe.
  2. Due to the drying up of saliva, thrush can develop in the oral cavity.
  3. Due to lack of water, the intestines are much more difficult to absorb nutrients, the baby is suffering from colic in the tummy.
  4. Diaper rash occurs (especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe diaper and folds). This is a reaction of the body to the released sweat.

As we can see, excessive sweating is a certain danger. To eliminate the consequences, even medical intervention may be required.

Danger of too low air temperature.

Cold air not only causes a number of inconveniences to the baby, but can also cause serious illnesses. Kids can not cope with low temperatures on their own. Here's what happens if the baby's body tries to normalize heat transfer through breathing, as adults do:

  1. The child inhales air, which is much colder than his own temperature.
  2. Air passes through the respiratory tract, its temperature rises to the temperature of the body.
  3. At the exit, already hot air takes the necessary heat for the baby.
  4. There is a hypothermia of the child's body.

The greater the difference in air temperature and the temperature of the baby’s body, the more actively the heat transfer device will work and the higher the chance of the baby getting sick.

The optimum temperature for the baby's room

Most pediatricians agree that the permissible temperature in the children's room should range from 18 to 22 degrees. However, for each individual baby, the temperature should be selected individually taking into account his needs. A great role in the choice of temperature is played by the time of year and the weather outside.

Winter and summer.

The temperature in the room becomes more difficult to control due to the fact that the heating season has come. And summer, in itself, is the hottest time of the year. It is necessary to ensure that the air in the room does not overheat and does not rise to 24 degrees.

Spring and fall.

In these seasons, parents should ensure that the baby is not freezing, the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees, otherwise the child may become too cold.

It is worth remembering that these rules apply only to healthy children. If your baby was born prematurely, he needs a different environment. Due to insufficient thermoregulation in such children, the temperature in the room should be several degrees higher.

Sleep is a particularly important time. Parents must take care of the thermal regime at night with the same attention as during the day. In violation of a comfortable temperature, the child’s sleep will be restless, he will sleep poorly and often cry. The temperature during sleep should not exceed 22 degrees. But, again, it all depends on the individual characteristics of your child. Mom definitely needs to know how many degrees the baby will sleep better.

In order to accurately monitor the temperature, the thermometer should be located directly at the baby's bed.

Experts recommend that parents do not use canopies and skirts, as these items can interfere with air intake. They also collect dust on their surface, which can cause an allergic reaction and respiratory diseases in a child.

Do not forget that only you can determine the optimum temperature for your baby. If the baby does not sweat and does not freeze, is not naughty, and his legs and arms are warm, then this temperature is ideal for him.

Baby bathing

Air temperature during bathing is one of the most important factors in a baby’s health. Some parents are sure that during and after bathing the air in the room should be warmer than the rest of the time. Such parents, of course, can be understood: they are striving to help the baby with all their might. However, this is an absolutely wrong position. Do not forget that the maximum high temperature for the room is 23 degrees. And this should be so before and after the child was bathed.

In the case when the baby's bathing takes place in a warmer room, the baby will freeze after bathing at normal temperature. It is because of this, in preparation for washing a child, it is strongly not recommended to raise the temperature. If you do not want the child to freeze after water procedures, just cover him briefly with a warm towel. So, we can conclude that the temperature in the room should be constant. It should not be changed while bathing or sleeping.

Humidity in the room

Humidity, along with temperature, is the main criterion for the comfort of your baby. The problem of humidity rises especially sharply in the heating season. In winter, air dryness often reaches almost 100%, which is why parents should pay special attention to air humidity at this time. The optimum humidity in the child’s room should be at least 50%. A hygrometer will help you determine the moisture level.

Ways to eliminate low humidity:

  • Place in jars filled with water;
  • Get an open aquarium;
  • Hang a damp cloth on the batteries.
  • Install a special device for humidification of air.

Excessive moisture control:

  • Ventilate the nursery more often in the absence of the baby.
  • Do not dry the diapers in the baby's room.
  • During the summer season, do not hang curtains on the windows, let the sun dry the room.
  • Install a special device that fights against excessive moisture, due to the content of absorbent substances.

Humidity directly affects the thermoregulation of the child's body:

  • When passing through the lungs, the air not only heats up, but also saturated with moisture, so at the outlet its humidity is always 100%
  • When a child inhales dry air, the baby's body uses its own liquid to moisturize, which can lead to a serious lack of fluid in the body.

How to maintain room temperature

Maintaining temperature at different times of the year requires different approaches.

In summer time

  • Using an air conditioner (make sure that no air flows near the baby’s bed)
  • Regular ventilation, the baby at this time should not be in the room.

In winter time

a) In case of excessive heating

  • Cover the batteries with a thick cloth so that they trap hot air.
  • Each time, going for walks with the baby, ventilate the room.
  • Remove unwanted clothes from the baby, if the temperature is above 24 degrees, then leave it only in panties or a diaper.
  • The child should be bathed 2-3 times a day, in water with a temperature of about 35 degrees.

b) In case of insufficient heating

  • Use a heater to raise the temperature.
  • Dress your baby warmer.

How to determine that you are doing everything right, and the baby feels good:

  • The baby is fast asleep and rarely wakes up at night;
  • His sweating is not intensified;
  • The skin of the baby is not cold, it is not covered with goosebumps.
  • Compliance with the norm of his breathing and pulse.

Having a baby is a special moment in the life of every family. But along with joy comes responsibility: it is necessary to control every little thing in the space surrounding the baby. The microclimate in which the child grows includes the temperature of the surrounding air, its purity, humidity and level. The child's body responds instantly to overheating or cooling, especially in the early stages of growing up. Let's talk about this in more detail.

“What is the temperature in the room for a newborn?” Is one of the most common queries on the Internet. And not surprisingly, for the normal functioning of the child in the early stages, a convenient and safe environment is needed. Therefore, it is very important for parents to understand the difference between overheating and cooling the baby, to distinguish between the concepts of "" and "" and to know what humidity should be in the room of the newborn. So, we begin our journey through the microclimate for the child.

What temperature should be in the room of the newborn?

The microclimate in the apartment, including the room temperature for children, is indicated there. However, it must be remembered that the recommendations for children and for infants are different, and in the case of babies, relying not on state standards, but on the recommendations of professionals. According to pediatricians, a comfortable temperature in the room for a newborn is 18-20 ℃. Even if the child is sleeping, his body works twice as fast as in adults. He removes excess heat in two ways: through breathing and sweat. In the case of breathing, if the thermometer in the room for the baby is much lower than the temperature of his body, unnecessary heat easily leaves when you exhale. This is the most optimal and natural way. If the temperature in the room for a newborn baby is too high, the first method stops working, and the baby's body begins to sweat, thus removing excess heat. Such thermoregulation can cause consequences in the form of redness on the skin, this is how the body's natural reaction to its own sweat and salt manifests itself. In addition, crusts in the nose may appear, making breathing difficult, dryness and white spots (signs of thrush) in the mouth. If the temperature in the children's room is constantly above normal, due to which the child constantly sweats, the stomach of a small person may swell from a lack of fluid in the body, which may be accompanied by pain, and then the baby will not be able to rest calmly. Often you have to resort to hospitalization and an intravenous fluid infusion.

The room temperature for the newborn should be constantly monitored and regulated so that any of its differences are eliminated before they spoil the mood and well-being of the child. First of all, you can buy a thermometer and place it near the baby. But it is worth remembering that there are individual characteristics of the body, and the same air temperature in the room of a newborn for one baby can be absolutely comfortable, and the second will freeze, so you need to carefully monitor not only the value of the thermometer, but also monitor the behavior of the child. If you don’t want to constantly ask questions about what the temperature in the child’s room should be and whether the real state of things complies with the standards, then it’s worth listening to the advice of pediatricians and using the automatic parameter control features in a smart microclimate system that will help you quickly get the latest data on your smartphone screen .

How to maintain optimal temperature in the room of a newborn?

Maintaining the temperature in the room of the baby depends on the time of year. In summer, if the apartment warms up much more than recommended, it is necessary to install an air conditioning system and adjust the settings. The main thing is to protect the baby from the direct influence of air flows from the air conditioner and drafts - it is necessary to find the most comfortable place in the room for the crib in terms of heat and security.
  In winter, due to heating of the batteries, the thermometer in the house will vary in the range of 25-26 ℃. There are several ways to maintain a normal temperature in such conditions: ventilate the room while you are walking with your baby or are in another room - half an hour four times a day; wrap radiators with a thick cloth to retain heat. You can also remove everything from the baby except diapers, if the house has more than 24 ℃, more often it is bathed and given water to prevent dehydration. You can also use the capabilities of the smart microclimate system, which will not only tell you what temperature is in the room for a newborn baby, but also automatically start it to ventilate and normalize the parameters.

It is also worth noting that "What temperature should an infant have?" and "What should be the temperature in the baby's room?" - These are two completely different issues, but they are interdependent. If the conditions in which the child grows are normal, then the baby will have much less health problems.

Why is it important to know what humidity should be in the nursery?

If the baby suddenly began to cough, squeeze her nose or have skin problems - all this can be a reference to an unstable room.
  The air that the child inhales passes through the respiratory tract and on exhalation contains 100% humidity. If the air in the room is dry, the child's body will give off moisture, which will lead to fluid loss and related problems. So, what humidity should be in the nursery? The optimum level of humidity should be kept at around 50-70%. A simple hygrometer will help you determine this level in the room. To simplify performance monitoring, the MagicAir Smart Climate Base Station can be installed. It will monitor the humidity in the room for the newborn, its interface is quite simple, and control is available both from a smartphone and from a computer.

In autumn and spring, the natural air humidity for the newborn is kept at an approximately optimal level due to the saturation of air with moisture in principle. In winter, the air is drier, and you can increase humidity during this period in simple ways:

  • periodic wet cleaning;
  • installation of open water tanks next to the baby's bed;
  • by purchase

The baby spends most of the time indoors, so maintaining the right temperature in the room for the newborn is the most important condition for his comfortable state of health.

Air temperature

According to most pediatricians, the optimal temperature for the newborn should not exceed 22 ° C. Some pediatricians advise not to accustom the baby to "tropical conditions" from infancy, but to provide him with a natural hardening, lowering the temperature to 18-19 ° C. Do not be alarmed if you are uncomfortable at this temperature - as a rule, in an adult, the natural mechanisms of thermoregulation are violated due to an incorrect lifestyle. The baby is able to naturally adapt to the surrounding conditions. Most parents are more afraid of overcooling a child than overheating, and therefore, create all the conditions so that the baby does not freeze. Often you can observe this fact: the more prosperous the family, and the more grandparents surround the baby, the more “greenhouse” living conditions are created for him, and, conversely, in most dysfunctional families nobody worries about the room temperature, and, as a rule, there the children get sick less.

Why can not overheat a child?

In a newborn baby with an imperfect system of thermoregulation, metabolism is very active, and this is accompanied by significant heat production. The child gets rid of the "excess" heat through the lungs and skin. Therefore, the higher the temperature of the inhaled air, the less heat through the lungs is lost by the body. Consequently, the child begins to sweat, while losing the necessary water and salt.

On the skin of a child who is hot, redness and diaper rash appear in the places of the folds. The child begins to suffer from abdominal pain due to loss of water and improper digestion of food, and nasal breathing may be impaired due to the appearance of dry crusts in the nose.

It is very important that the air temperature of the newborn is not determined by the sensations of adults, but by a thermometer, which is better to hang in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crib.

What if the temperature cannot be controlled?

The air temperature in the room of a newborn can not always be changed in the right direction. The room is rarely less than 18 degrees, most often the temperature is higher than desired due to the hot season or heating season. You can protect your child from overheating in the following ways:

  • minimum amount of clothing;
  • doping with water;
  • organization of water procedures.

The air temperature in the room directly affects the sleep of the newborn. Thanks to an active metabolism, newborns can not freeze. That is, if a child sleeps in a cool room with a temperature of 18-20 ° C in sliders and a vest, then he will be much more comfortable than if he is wrapped in a blanket at a temperature above 20 ° C.

The air temperature when bathing a newborn should not differ from the temperature of the entire room. It is not necessary to specially heat the bathing room, then after bathing the child will not feel the temperature difference and will not get sick.

Humidity in the room of a newborn

Along with the optimal air temperature in the room of a newborn, air humidity is of great importance. Dry air also adversely affects the baby, as well as excessively high temperature: loss of fluid by the body, drying of the mucous membranes, dry skin. Relative humidity should not be less than 50%, which is almost impossible during the heating season. To increase humidity, you can install an aquarium or other containers of water, but it's easier to buy a special humidifier.

The newborn's room should also be regularly ventilated and wet-cleaned with a minimum amount of detergent.