What toys do children need in the first months of life? What toys are needed for babies in the first year of life What toys are needed for a baby in 1.5 months

The child in the first year of life develops rapidly. He masters many different skills, learns to concentrate on tactile sensations, sounds, images, coordinate action and perception, analyze various properties of objects. One of the most important sources of information, a simulator for the development of consciousness and fine motor skills of a little man is a toy. Playing with her, the child uses the senses necessary for him to know the world.

At first glance, toys for newborns are needed for entertainment. But their main function is developmental. Toys for babies are necessary in order to:

Do not surround the baby with a lot of toys. This scatters his attention. It is enough that there are 2-3 objects in the field of vision of the baby. A few days later they are removed for a while, replacing with new ones.

Safety and Quality Requirements

Not all manufacturers care about the safety of their children's products. Therefore, when choosing a toy for a baby, pay attention not only to the bright color and attractiveness:

Even the safest toys can harm a child if not taken care of. Immediately after purchase, they should be processed: wash, wash, some are rinsed with boiling water or steam. Once a week they need to be washed thoroughly in boiled water.

  Approach the choice of toys for babies responsibly and thoughtfully, as this is not only entertainment, but also a learning tool. Be sure to consider the phased development of the child.

In a baby in the first month of life, vision is weak and not developed. He hardly manages to focus his gaze, the surrounding objects seem blurry. Therefore, while toys are not needed. Unless as an object on which the baby will try to focus his gaze, follow him while moving. In order not to tire the baby, play with him no more than 2-3 minutes.

For the smallest

1 month

A baby at the age of one month tries to focus his eyes on bright objects, begins to pay attention to sounds.

Here is a sample list of what toys a baby needs in 1 month:

  • the mobile, or the musical carousel, on which bright multi-colored objects are suspended, is very popular with the kids;
  • pendants on a bed or a stroller;
  • developing mat;
  • not too loud rattles;
  • multi-colored plastic balls - in the future they are used to study flowers, games and swimming.

  Choose the first rattle of small diameter - from 6 to 8 cm. Its sound makes the baby look for a noise source, turn the head to it. Since the baby still does not know how to consciously hold objects in his hands, a special rattle-bracelet made of soft fabric can be put on his leg or handle. With a plastic rattle, an infant can hit or scare itself, so do not let it play on its own.

You can sew from bright pieces of fabric or knit toys yourself. They are hung on a stroller and crib. At this age, a baby will be interested in black and white pictures depicting geometric shapes. It is useful for the development of hearing to include calm music, better classical. Listening to her, the child calms down and falls asleep.

2 months

  Rattles are still relevant. Teach your baby to pick them up, even if it still doesn’t work out well. He is also interested in musical mobiles, pendants, and an entertaining rug.

What toys does a baby need at 2 months? The baby begins to be interested in individuals, and not just people. He learns to perceive the faces of dolls and interact with them. Unable to crawl, the baby examines objects, including smiling dolls and animals, walks around and communicates with them in her infant language. It is better that the faces of the dolls are larger and more expressive. Therefore, the most suitable for the games of the baby are:

  1. Tumbler - she has well-drawn facial features, an expressive smile, when swinging, she emits a melodic ringing.
  2. Rag doll - due to its flexibility it can take various poses. Play with it. The kid is happy to follow the games with the doll, as she walks, sits, dances, talks.
  3. Animals, birds - babies better perceive kittens, dogs, cubs and other animals with big eyes and a big smile, smile at them in return, rejoice when the doll makes any sounds or music.

3 months

The toys are the same, but the baby is more confident in managing them. At this age, muscle tone weakens and a grasping reflex begins to develop. Well, if the handles of the rattles will be of various shapes, made of different materials (wood, plastic, fabric), the Kid does not yet pick up the rattle on his own, he needs to put it in the handle. But it holds tight, considers, plays with it, throws it, tries to grab the hanging objects. He looks with interest at the new toy that has appeared. Baby love bells, rubber tweeters, musical toys.

4 months

At four months, the baby is already turning on its side, raising its head. It is useful for him to lie on his tummy, so bright and musical toys will help keep him in this position. Get special fabric or silicone bracelets with sound-emitting elements (tweeters, bells, bells). They are put on a pen or leg, and the baby moves them to hear the sound. He is already interested in balls and balls of different colors and sizes, rustling, speaking and musical objects.

5 months

  If the baby's teeth begin to erupt, teething rattles with a ribbed surface will help. Special water teethers chilled in the refrigerator soothe itchy gums.

In order for the crumbs to be interested in swimming, they use waterproof toys for the bathroom. These are clockwork fish, rubber animals, ducklings with ducklings, rubberized books. A rubber mat with suction cups attached to the surface of the bathtub prevents slipping.

Kids are already interested in books with colorful pictures, they like to view them and turn pages. For the smallest, they buy books with cardboard, fabric or wooden pages.

Colored balls and balls rolling from the touch of a handle help to develop coordination of movements. At this age, children play with a variety of objects: balls of yarn, pieces of cloth, dishes. Allow them to have fun only in your presence.

6 months

  For games, the child already needs space. To do this, you can lay a rug on the floor. The toys are stored in a box or basket, from where the crumb independently gets them. He recognizes animals and dolls by name, can imitate their sounds, show where the doll has eyes, nose, mouth, and other parts of the body. At this age, pyramids, nesting dolls, cups-inserts, multi-colored cubes, educational toys with doors, wheels, buttons, a telephone dial become relevant.

Emotional communication with adults fades into the background. The kid, sitting on his hands, is actively studying large and small objects: collar, hair, earrings, buttons, chains. Get slingobus so that the crumbs are not bored on the handles.

Entertainment after six months

Seven months

  Playing, the baby begins to copy adults. He cradles the doll, takes the rattles by the handle, plays with the dishes, jars with lids, collects the pyramids. Moving objects, putting objects on top of each other becomes a favorite pastime. A pyramid of cups becomes a favorite, it can be assembled-disassembled, folded into cups, poured, played "in the kitchen."

Cubes, tweeters, plastic, wooden and rubber animals, books for children from cardboard or wood are still relevant. The child learns to throw objects, and this gives him great pleasure. Sounding toys are already tired, they were replaced by a variety of musical objects.

8 months

  The kid moves independently, actively studying the space of the apartment. If you put a basket or a box of toys in each room, this trip will be much more interesting. Games are becoming more diverse. Children like to build something, and then break, leave or kick the ball, view books on their own and with adults. Right now you can buy walkers, hanging swings, jumpers.

Musical objects are still popular among children. The assortment of bathing toys is expanding, little ones like to pour and pour water from various cups and jars. An interesting novelty is cascading toys that are fastened to the side or the wall of the bathroom with Velcro. The water poured into the upper containers flows through the openings into the lower ones, thus setting in motion various mechanisms (mills, buckets, dampers).

9 months

At this age, logical thinking begins to develop in children. Sorters and wooden frames with holes of various shapes will be very useful, in which you need to insert objects of a certain shape, a large mosaic, simple designers. Please note that objects should not be small, so that the child does not swallow them or put them in the ear. Interesting story games with dolls, utensils, cars. Cubes, little animals, pyramids, balls, nesting dolls do not remain forgotten.

10 months

The child continues to explore the space. He is already starting to walk, still moving with support, learning to dance to music. The game zone extends not only to the floor, but also to higher levels. Children enjoy playing on a children's table or game shelf, while standing or sitting. When preparing a place for games, keep this in mind. You can arrange toys in groups in different places of the apartment and at different levels (higher or lower).

Games with cubes, pyramids and balls are complicated. Playing with the baby in the ball at home, you can roll it, and on the street throw it to each other or against the wall. This develops the coordination of movements in the child and helps the development of space.

Story games are being improved. Sets of items are in demand, such as "like mom and dad": dishes, tools, a telephone, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, cars, dolls, etc. Baby strollers are useful not only for playing mother-daughter, they help walk more confidently. Children copy the actions of adults. This age is favorable for accustoming the crumbs to simple rituals: washing hands, washing, brushing teeth, combing, cleaning toys.

The kid will be interested in a tent house, in it you can play a teremok. A large box is also suitable for this. There is a growing interest in simple designers, puzzles.

11 months

  Toys continue to get complicated. The child has his favorite bathing and sleeping toys, his first favorite books. There are machines on the ropes, wheelchairs on sticks, sports toys that develop not only muscles, but also thinking. The baby, finally, is already starting to independently start mechanical toys. Games such as magnetic fishing are good for developing fine motor skills. A board of bibs is very interesting to the kids, to which are attached heck, zippers, locks, telephone disks, etc.

Toys at the age of 1 year

  The child has already formed interests. Mom knows exactly what toys her baby likes, and she does not have problems with their choice. To friends and relatives, if they want to choose an interesting and useful gift for the crumbs, you can opt for story toys, dolls with a set of clothes, doll furniture, cars, a train, a wonder mobile (gurney), a geometric constructor consisting of pyramids, cylinders, cubes. The bi-ba-bo doll (a gloved doll) is very interesting for children. She comes to life on the arm of an adult, can communicate, talk, take various objects, move.

In order for the toys to bring the maximum benefit to the baby, choose them in accordance with age and his interests, as well as be sure to teach them how to play.

Hello dear parents. Exactly a month ago, your son or daughter appeared, or maybe twins right away. Naturally, you thought about whether toys are necessary for the child in 1 month. In this article you can find the answer to this question. And also you will understand what kind of toys you need to choose in order to promote the development of the peanut and not harm its health.

Needed or not

This question interests almost all parents. Some mothers believe that in a month the baby is too small and still can not respond to the appearance of rattles or other tsatseks. Therefore, the debatable question arises about the need for toys in the life of a peanut.

It is believed that they are not so necessary for a newborn. This is mainly due to the fact that vision is not yet clear enough and the baby will not be able to properly consider the proposed fun. Yes, and the hearing is still quite weak.

But for the little ones, starting from a month, toys are important. They not only delight the baby with their appearance or sound, but also contribute to the proper development of crumbs. The main condition is maximum safety for the little one. You need to understand that the child needs to purchase only quality goods, odorless, sharp corners, excluding sharp and loud sounds.

Toys for babies in 1 month

The baby’s hearing and vision begin to slowly improve, so now you can introduce toys into the life of crumbs. It is known that the peanut primarily reacts to saturated colors, special interest arises in objects of red as well as yellow. The child likes toys that make pleasant, calm sounds.

So what kind of toys will fit a baby in 1 month:

  1. Stroller toys.
  2. Musical mobiles.

Choose only those made from quality materials. It can be wooden, plastic and even made from fabric toys. It is important to choose rattles with a calm and not sharp sound, they should also be convenient for the handle of crumbs. Although at this age it is still not recommended to give the baby a rattle in the cam, he will not be able to hold it on his own. Let while mom will hold her, drive in front of the baby and shake it slightly.

Stroller toys

These items amaze with their variety. Presented by pendants or small garlands. They can include all kinds of materials, different shapes and sizes of parts, be silent and vice versa. Such a toy can be picked up, either on a stroller or pulled through a crib.

Musical Mobility

Many mothers install such toys over the crib's bed, starting from a month old.

Our grandmother attached immediately upon arrival from the hospital. But I was able to convince her of the unnecessaryness of this action and again picked up the mobile only after my son turned 1 month old.

What makes these toys interesting and unique:

  1. Several objects can hang on a stand, often these are different animals or objects of different shapes.
  2. The toy is not static, but dynamic. Items rotate after you start the toy or turn it on with the button. This allows you to develop the concentration of the baby.
  3. The mobile rotates with musical accompaniment, which positively affects the development of hearing.

DIY toys

The best toys are those made by yourself.   So you can accurately say what they are made of, and make just the one that, in your opinion, is ideal for the peanut.

Today, with the help of the Internet, you can find many lessons and master classes on the manufacture of a particular toy, in addition, no one canceled my mother’s fantasy.

Most often they make special beads and pouches - rattles.

In order to make such beads you need to use wooden blanks, preferably of different sizes (you can even use different beads if you are not sorry to put them on the material). If you haven’t found one, some moms find a way out using balls from kinder surprises. The main thing that you need to understand is that when stringing your “beads” on a rope, you cannot use glue, varnish or paints, and you should not take too small details.

In the last months of pregnancy, I made a suspension on a stroller (it included parts of five different colors). The main material for my product was felt. I took advantage of a video tutorial from the Internet and was able to make such a simple toy. I’ll say that my son appreciated her a month, and later.

Selection rules

Choosing the necessary toys for babies in 1 month, you should adhere to certain rules. It is important to consider the characteristics of the development of the child and his needs, as well as safety.

Now you know what toys can be in the life of a baby in 1 month. Follow the recommendations for choosing the right toys, do not rush to get tsatski for growth, everything has its time. Do not forget that toys, especially the first ones, play an important role in the development of the baby.

To get as many beautiful and bright things as possible for a newborn is a great temptation for young parents.

In the first month of life, a newborn will need very few toys, since the baby will spend most of the day in a dream. The child will begin to show interest in toys a little later. What kind of toys should you buy for a newborn?

What are the requirements for high-quality toys?

The first toys for the newborn

The lack of need for a large number of toys in a child aged 1-2 months is also due to the fact that newborns have very poorly developed vision. Due to the immature vision apparatus, it is still difficult for a child to focus his eyes on specific objects, especially those located farther (and closer) to the distance of his outstretched arm.

Almost everything that surrounds children in the first weeks of life, they see them as blurry spots. The child does not yet perceive moving objects at all.

It’s also not soon be able to pick up a rattle or a cube of crumbs, so the kid will get acquainted with his first toys only with the participation of adults. Yes, and this acquaintance will last no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

Toys for newborns in 1-2 months: rattles and mobiles

The very first and most necessary toys for children in 1-2 months are rattles. They can be traditional, with ringing balls or bells, and electronic, with programmed simple melodies. The first rattles for children are produced very small, their diameter is only 6-8 cm.

Also for the baby you can buy a rattle, made in the form of beads.

Entire garlands of colorful balls are attached to a stroller or crib. Rattles-pendants are usually mounted on a plastic arc.

A little later, the bracket with pendants can be moved from the crib to the arena.

The choice of parents falls on such garlands also due to their versatility. Part of the segments can be removed from the pendants, so that in the future the baby will use them like ordinary rattles.

A relatively new type of toys for the smallest - mobiles on the crib. They can be wound up with a key or run on batteries.

The newborn can not yet appreciate the variety of colors and shapes of the garland segments, but he will be calmed by the quiet melodies that the mobile makes on the bed. Some models of such rattles can reproduce the sounds of nature. Breasts really like it: such sounds can be compared with   . Musical carousels have a good effect on the nervous system of the crumbs, and also allow his ability to focus his vision to develop: hearing a sound, the baby begins to look with his eyes for its source.

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Mom can sew a garland for a crib and stroller herself. As a filler for fabric or knitted rattles, mothers use beads, buttons, and sometimes even peas and rice - they give a more interesting muffled sound. When the baby becomes a little older and can touch the carousel with his hands, fabric rattles will help diversify his tactile sensations.

Both musical carousels and garlands of rattles are hung 30 cm above the crib.

It is important to remember that newborns also need variety. Even if your baby falls asleep perfectly with a musical carousel and smiles every time he sees it, you should give rest from such a rattle. It is necessary not only to change the melody, but to hang a quieter toy without melodies in place of the musical carousel.

How to choose a mobile bed for a newborn?

If parents decide to purchase a mobile for the newborn, they will need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The color of the pendants should be calm. Bright toys for a newborn are useless;
  • The melody that the mobile publishes should be calm and quiet. The ability to adjust the sound is a big plus;
  • It is good if the elements of the garland are made of different materials with different textures - this is useful for the motor skills of the baby's fingers;
  • If the lamp assembly includes a night lamp, its light should be soft, well diffused.

When choosing a musical carousel, examine it from all sides, including from below - it is in this position that the child will watch it.

All figures and the suspension on the mobile must not be alike.

If these are fabulous characters, then they should all be different. This will help diversify the visual impressions of the crumbs. The cost of mobile phones for newborns is rather big, and they will be used only in the first months of a baby’s life.

Nothing terrible will happen if you hang ordinary garlands above the baby’s bed. Soft music can be turned on on a separate device.

Toys for children 3-4 months

At this age, children already begin to touch toys with their hands and even try to taste them. Now the rattles in the baby’s arsenal will no longer occupy a dominant position: they will be supplemented with “cutters”, “squeezers”, and “grabbers”.

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Breasts at 2-3 months really like to play with tumblers. Toddlers love to listen to the sounds the doll makes when wiggling.

A good developing toy for a child up to 4 months is a ringing rattle bracelet. Such rattles are made of fabric or very soft silicone. It is possible to put on bracelets both on handles, and on legs.

Rattles-bracelets will help your baby understand that the sound is made when moving.

Sometimes children are scared of such rattles: if you notice that the baby reacts to the bracelet with crying, try to show the toy to the child in a few weeks.

Grasping movements usually develop in infants by 4 months of life. A good option for this age is rattles with a handle, which the baby will try to keep on its own. Make sure that there are no small details on the rattle that the baby could tear off: it is likely that the child will want to swallow them.

At 4-5 months, the child can be invited to play with the "tweeters" (soft rubber toys that make a sound when pressed).

Toddlers, approaching half a year, love to shift objects from place to place, so they will certainly like the cubes or parts from the designer. Of course, they should be large enough.

We have prepared some tips for choosing and caring for toys for the smallest:

1   Do not buy rattles made of hard plastic. This material is very fragile and brittle, with any careless movement, a small piece can break away from it, which is very dangerous for a newborn.

2   Any toys need to be washed periodically. If it is a carousel or a garland, they need to be wiped with a cloth from dust.

Everyone knows that children and toys are inseparable, they exist side by side with each other since the ancient times of the existence of mankind. Kids play a lot and can not imagine their life without toys. However, toys for newborns are slightly different from those with which older children have fun. Some of them are not yet suitable for a baby who is just starting to get acquainted with the external environment. And which ones are suitable, let's understand.

To play or not to play?

Often moms ask when to give a newborn a toy? Up to almost 1 month (namely, the first 2-3 weeks), toys for babies are optional things, and he basically does not need them. The fact is that the baby, who has not yet turned a month old, has rather weak and undeveloped vision: he hardly sees his mother’s face, not just playing with some kind of toy, much less holding it in his pen. Although, of course, it is possible to introduce the peanut to toys, but only under the strict supervision of an adult. During this period, a toy for a newborn is any object that will help the baby learn to follow it, determine the direction of movement. Playing with the baby in the first weeks of life is recommended no more than 2-3 minutes, so as not to overwork him.

Toys for babies

The first month


The main and first fun of almost all the children of the first month is a rattle. The main feature of the rattle is that it makes different sounds - rustling, rattling, ringing, rattling, etc. This sound interests and fascinates the baby, forcing him to turn his head towards him, to look for where the ringing or rustling sounds. As you understand, this is very useful for the development of hearing in particular and the brain as a whole.

The so-called rattle beads are usually hung on a crib or stroller - one of the most popular toys for babies in our country.

There are rattles that develop the baby’s tactile sensations: made of fabric, with rubberized surfaces, with rustling or even vibrating parts, etc. Some rattles are worn on the handle or leg of the crumbs, which makes it possible to play with your limbs. Rattles-bracelets are very light, babies who still do not know how to hold objects in their hands can play with them.

Rattles-bracelets are a real find for babies, because they already want to play, but so far they can not keep objects in their hands.

But simple plastic rattles are not always good, as they can injure the cub. He in his first month, still poorly wielding arms and legs, can hit himself on the head or face with it. Therefore, you need to play with such a rattle only under the supervision of parents.


In 1 month the baby in the crib can fix the toy-pendant. Its feature is that it is attached using a bracket or a special arc. By the way, the mobiles that have become terribly popular in the past few years are from this series. A mobile is a so-called carousel, on which various toys hang, small in size and, as a rule, very mottled. Hanging toys on the carousel stimulate the baby to focus his vision, coordinate movements (after all, he will try to grab the toy or at least hit it). Music entertains him and develops his ear, and multi-colored objects on the carousel introduce him to flowers, geometric shapes and much more.

  The mobile is perhaps the best fun for the baby who is lying all the time: the toys hang right in front of him, he will examine them and try to get them with a pen.

Mobiles are very diverse, almost all spin and play nice melodies that the child likes. Some models are mechanical (start up with a key), some electric (have a battery in the kit).

If we talk about which toys are best for infancy, then the mobile in this list will be in 1st place. This children's "gadget" will last up to 3-4 months, after which it can be replaced by a game rug with arcs.

A mobile projector-night lamp for a crib is a magical option for a little man. He will look at it for a long time, giving mommy time to relax or do some business.

2-3 month

2 months of a baby during this period begin to interest people. Of course, because from birth he sees the faces of mom and dad, and now he is ready to perceive the “substitutes” of the face, to interact with them. We are talking about dolls, as well as toys that reproduce or imitate a human face or facial expressions. A baby, 2 or 3 months old, willingly plays with smiling animals or dolls, smiles at them in return, walks around and talks to them in her “infant” language.

As a rule, babies of two months still do not know how to crawl and sit, they can only examine objects. Therefore, it is desirable that objects for games are larger, and their “facial features” are more expressive.


A tumbler doll, as a rule, has large, well-drawn eyes and a cheerful facial expression that attracts a child. If you swing the doll, it will emit a pleasant iridescent ringing.

Rag doll

A great option is rag dolls. Most often, they are made of flexible materials, so they can be planted, drawing closer to or removing from the child, and give them other poses. You can “talk”, dance with such a doll, or simply jump into it, which will surely appeal to a crumb of 2 or 3 months.

Animals, birds, etc.

Toys that depict animals (cats, dogs, lion cubs, giraffes, etc.) and birds (cockerels, parrots, etc.) are very common. It is important here that the expression on the "face" of the animal was positive, joyful. It is better to purchase a toy with big eyes and a smiling mouth. Then the baby will smile at him in return. And it is very good if the animal has some kind of light or sound effect. Such a “bonus” will certainly delight and surprise the child.

There are also so-called “unknown animals” on sale, namely, characters from fairy tales or the creature’s completely unknown origin. For example, a gingerbread man, a cheburashka, a luntik, smeshariki, etc. Such toys for newborns are suitable for the peanut only if they look good-natured and not aggressive.

4-5 month

Babies 4 months of age and a little older are already exploring the whole world around them. They pull the little hands if they want to get a rattle, and the brighter and more attractive it is, the longer it will entertain him. 4 and 5 months old baby is easy to take: he is interested in literally everything!

During this period, the kids train “double grip”, that is, they try to take the toy with two handles at once, so it’s worthwhile to purchase for it either something like a wooden spoon, or an object with a long handle, so that it is convenient to hold. Almost all children 4 or 5 months old like objects that can be shifted from one hand to another - rings, balls, cubes, dolls, etc.

Stuffed Toys

Children of this age are interested in bears, bunnies and monkeys, which can be pulled and grabbed by long parts of the body - legs, noses, ears and tails. It is advisable that such soft toys be lint-free, as the baby will pull them into his mouth.

In fairness, I must say that many pediatricians do not recommend buying them for babies up to a year, because dust and bacteria accumulate in the villi of materials. Therefore, if the animal was purchased or donated to the baby, it is good to periodically expose it in the sun, which kills bacteria, and wash it in a typewriter.

And one more piece of advice: cots for babies are not baskets for collecting toys, you do not need to “decorate” them with soft, and even more so with large toys. Children of this age are already actively turning over and may accidentally bury their nose in the beast.

It is worth paying attention to soft cubes with a variety of tactile elements that develop fine motor skills.

  Soft cubes are safe and durable, they are light, like a feather, and absolutely silent, they can be washed in a typewriter. With their help, you can study colors and numbers.

Bb ba doll

This is a glove doll, which is put on a person’s hand and “comes to life”: it starts moving, taking various objects and talking. Undoubtedly, a baby who is only 5 months old still cannot put on such a “glove” himself and control it, but he will be delighted to see how an adult does it. With a b-ba-bo-doll you can play “cuckoo”, she will teach the child how to say hello, wish him good night and good morning (this can even be done with a ritual).

  The kid will like the game with the glove doll, because she speaks and sings with her mother’s voice!


Now it’s already possible to start reading poetry or short stories to newborns, and showing pictures. Kids will be happy to listen to you and watch drawings. Book with fortified pages can be given to touch the child. He will definitely try to turn the pages.

In the same period, children are happy to play with rattles, those that they already have, and with dolls, and animals, as well as with joy, are in the play mats. These amusements they still do not have time to get bored and quite age.

Six months

Children of 6 months already perfectly cope with objects: they independently take them, shift them and perform different actions with them. Now they are only interested in objects, and emotional communication, which yesterday gave them joy, is relegated to the background. You can even check: if you take a six-month-old child in your arms and try to talk with him, smile at him, most likely he will not react in any way, but will actively study small and large objects that he will find on an adult - earrings, beads, chains, hair or a collar . Knowing this feature of kids of this age, you can pre-purchase slingobus so that the baby does not get bored with sitting on the handles. This is especially true for "tame" children.


Educational toys - this is what is now worth a special look. The baby, who lives his 6th month, is ready for more complex and complex games, contributing to the further refinement of movements. It can be:

  • nesting dolls;
  • pyramids;
  • throwing rings;
  • sensory balls;
  • clockwork toys (playing with them requires the presence of an adult);
  • cubes of vibrant colors, etc.

Musical mat

This is a very useful "gadget" for six months old crumbs. The rug makes sounds of various musical instruments - the piano, violin, drum, trumpet, it is programmed several works of famous classical composers, which will allow the child to get acquainted with classical music. The baby needs to be put on the tummy on the mat, and he can only clap the keys on the handle.

  This interactive rug with sounds will not only please the baby, but will also become a platform for its creative development.

During this period, the baby also needs bath toys (including a book for the bath), a plastic mirror, household items that can also be played with (jars, lids, cups, spoons, etc.)

7-8 months

In the life of a 7-month-old baby, more and more changes are happening. He already knows how to roll over from the back to his stomach and back, some children sit and even crawl. The movements of the little man are even more accurate and purposeful.

Favorite games for 7 or 8-month-old children are still dice. Only now he is not just examining them and pulling them into his mouth, the toddler is trying to build something from them.

The pyramid is also still in the arsenal of the kid’s favorite toys, the more he now just loves to shift something or put it on top of each other.

From now on, glasses (as well as a pyramid of glasses) will be “favorites” of children because of their multifunctionality: you can put something into them, pour them, you can build pyramids from them and play “in the kitchen”.

  A pyramid of cups is a long-playing toy, every baby should have it. Glasses are multifunctional: they are inserted into each other, they can be poured or poured into something.

Musical electronic toys. Their diversity may slightly scare parents, but for starters, let them be the size of the gadget. It should fit in the handle of the baby. For starters, it’s best to purchase the simplest “music center” containing 1-2 buttons that will produce 1 pleasant (not loud and not sharp!) Sound or melody.

During this period, you can already buy walkers, jumpers, hanging swings and the like. The sixth month is the most suitable for this.

9-10 months

A 10-month-old baby simply does not recognize. He stands steady on his feet, holding on to a support, hesitantly stepping along the barrier. Or maybe already started to walk. He is available for research more and more objects. Now the child needs toys for the development of fine and large motor skills, as well as those that will help to master speech, walking and running.

The kid’s “Toy Library” is replenished with more and more “tricked out” toys, although he can still play with cubes, pyramids, animals, balls and nesting dolls. Now it is already large enough to try to play with the designer or collect the mosaic. Only an adult must follow such a game, as the baby can swallow small pieces or choke on them, because he still tastes everything.

At 9-10 months, the baby has a favorite toy. Now, the mother, on whom the child has been dependent for so long, will have to share the baby's love with this subject, but this is a very important stage in his life. After all, this love is the first attempt to prove its independence.

1 year

A kid who is one year old can play with anything. These are toys that he bought up to a year, and household items, and games that are specifically designed for children 1 year old and older.


Developing fun, the purpose of which is to help sort objects by any attribute (by size or shape). A striking example of a sorter is a toy with various holes, for which it is necessary to choose the appropriate figures. These figures are either precisely inserted into the holes, or fall into them. The benefits of such fun are undeniable. She develops fine motor skills and thinking of babies who are one year old, and is also suitable for older children.

  Sorter promotes the development of attention and perseverance in the crumbs. Thanks to that toy, the kid learns to analyze, compare, observe.


A puzzle game consisting of a large number of pieces that need to be assembled into a single picture. Interesting and suitable for 1 year old kids.

A miracle car (gurney), a game tunnel, a tent house, a bicycle with a handle for mom or dad will be a good gift for baby for a year.

Geometric constructor

Suitable for a baby who is already a year old, as well as children 2 years old. Elements of such a constructor are geometric figures (cubes, cylinders, pyramids). Playing with such a designer, the little one hones the coordination of movements, building turrets, putting a cube on a cube, and gets acquainted with the basic laws of nature, geometry.

  He trains fingers, develops logical thinking, acquaints with geometric figures, teaches to classify objects according to some sign (triangle, square, etc.).

The nuances of choice

Before buying a child a toy, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

  • Which toys (from which materials) are the safest? First of all, those that can be easily disinfected. From this point of view, rubber and plastic options are preferable (this, of course, if you do not consider the quality of rubber and plastic).
  • Pay attention to color. You should not buy very bright children's toys. When they are saturated red or poisonous green, then the likelihood that they contain a safe dye is not very high. Colors should be moderate.
  • A toy for babies should not have a taste, it should not be bitter.
  • You need to purchase only those toys from which you can not bite anything. It is especially strictly necessary to ensure that there are no parts on the toy that the baby can tear and swallow for up to a year - buttons, ropes, buttons, etc. For information: if, for example, a teddy bear has buttons on its eyes, then such an eye - the button must withstand a load of 9 kg. You can check it yourself at home: tie a 9 kg load to the eye and pull the soft beast up. The button must withstand this load.
  • It’s not very good to buy a growth toy. The fact is that all the children are very different: one easily puzzles at the age of seven months, and the other barely mastered the pyramid in a year.

Contrary to popular belief, toys for babies under the age of 1 month are completely unnecessary. At the same time, tactile contact with mom, as well as her quiet and calm voice, are very important for a newborn baby. It is these factors that contribute to its proper and full development, and not expensive and absolutely meaningless objects.

You can buy the first toys for your child no earlier than he turns 1 month old, and even during this period you need to pay special attention to their choice. In this article, we will tell you which toys a child needs at 1 month, and which of them can be bought much later.

Educational toys for babies 1 month

Despite the fact that many manufacturers indicate on toys the recommended age "from birth", you should not be guided solely by this inscription. As a rule, the first toy of the baby becomes a musical or a carousel, rotating above the crib. Almost all of them are recommended for children from birth.

Meanwhile, to purchase a similar accessory for a month-old baby should be extremely careful. Usually such toys make too loud sounds, shimmer in bright contrasting colors and directionally move in a certain direction. The combination of all these factors will only tire and annoy a tiny child, so buying such a device for him is strongly discouraged.

Buy for your child the simplest mechanical carousel without light and sound effects or even hang some toys over the bed that will randomly flutter in the air stream. In all cases, preference should not be given to bright objects, but to those based on the contrast of black and white.

Also, a baby at the age of 1 month will benefit from a toy - a music box, which can be wound up by turning the lever. Again, make sure that it does not reproduce many different effects at once. Finally, each child must have several bright and black and white ones for better focusing.