Learning numbers with a child. Learning numbers with a child. Open class in mathematics in the senior group.

  Maya Khovalyg
  Open lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Number 0. Number 0. Fixation"



Completed work:


2nd quarter cat.

Khovalyg M. D.

Theme: Number 0. Number 0. Fastening.


1. To form an idea of number 0, fix digit 0.

2. Fasten   an idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric shapes, the ability to identify and continue the pattern.

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration - pictures depicting a herd of cows, a herd of horses, digits from 0-3, image of a hedgehog and 3 mushrooms (1 fly agaric and 2 edible).

Class progress

The game "Travel"

Do you like traveling children? (Yes)

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

The riddle about the bus.

The house is on the street

Everyone’s lucky to work,

Not on chicken thin legs

And in rubber boots.


Where are we going? (by bus)

At the box office everyone buys tickets - (from children numerical cards, a figures   on the back of the chairs from 1 to 8, and the children are looking for their place on the bus).

Everyone sat down, the controller checked the tickets.

The driver steers, and the children sat down! Go!

Children, look to the right ...

(show pictures of cows and horses):

Who do you see in the picture? (cows)

What are the names of the cows grazing together? (herd of cows)

Children, look to the left ...

(show a picture of horses)

Who do you see in the picture? (horses)

What are the horses grazing together called? (herd of horses)

In chorus and individually repeated with children - a herd of cows, a herd of horses.

Teaching: Here is the forest. Mushrooms in the meadow (Amanita and two edible mushrooms on a flannelgraph.)

How many mushrooms? (3) (children should name number and show digit)

Show, number 3.

How many edible? (2)

Show number 2.

Children show number 2

How many are not edible? (1)

Show, number 1.

What is it called? (fly agaric).

Before putting in the basket, carefully consider.

One worm, remove it.

Can a wormy mushroom be eaten? (no)

Why? (children's answers)

How much is left? (one).

But then a hedgehog came and asked for this mushroom.

How many mushrooms do we have left? (no one)

Total: if there are no objects, then this is nothing 0. And this is indicated digit   0 - and show the children.

I will read you a poem about number 0.

Zero: Number like letter 0,

This is zero or nothing.

Round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything.

In the poem what is said, explain to the children about digit zero 0. Show children number 0.

Children, let's remember how Winnie-the-Pooh with a heel went to visit the donkey. What was the gift of Winnie-the-Pooh? How many balls did he carry? What happened to the ball?

How much is left? (nothing zero)

Children, please look at these pictures (pictures depicting the same tree in summer, late autumn, and winter.) I will ask you to determine the time of year from the pictures and arrange the pictures in order.

How many leaves are there in a tree in summer? (a lot of).

What happens in the fall? (leaves are yellow)

What can be said about their number? (there are fewer of them)

And what happens in the winter? (leaves from the trees fall, not a single one remains.)

How to write it down? (number 0)

I suggest you return to the bus home. Go!

The driver controls the steering wheel.


We were counting and tired

Friendly we all stood up quietly

They patted handles - 1, 2, 3!

They stamped her feet - 1,2,3!

Higher arms! Wider shoulders!

1,2,3 - breathe evenly!

They patted handles - 1,2,3!

They stamped her feet - 1,2,3!

The game "Beads"

We returned home, and there mom collects the scattered beads. I need to help her. Children are given the task of continuing to color the beads. (the difficulty of the assignment should correspond to the level of preparation of the children).

for instance:

1. Continue to color the beads;

2. Draw and color the chain.

Pictures with geometric shapes.

I have prepared pictures with geometric shapes, I’ll ask you attentively   consider it and answer to the questions:

Assignment to children:

1. Cross out all yellow shapes;

2. Cross out all blue shapes;

3. What geometric shape is left? (triangle)

4. Cross out one red triangle.

5. How many pieces are left? (0) .

Write down the figure   0 on their leaves.

Total classes

With which met a number?

WITH number 0.

What letter does it look like digit zero? (in letter O).

Show number 0.

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We are already familiar with you, it's time to introduce your baby with numbers. The number line starts with the number 0. The kid should immediately be introduced to the number and number 0. How to do this? Start by familiarizing yourself with the concept of a lot and not a single one.

In kindergarten, math classes start at the age of three.

And so, how to introduce the baby to the multitude? As shown in the picture, ask your baby:

How many bears are there in the rectangle on the left? (a lot of)

And how many bears are in the rectangle on the right? (no one)

Explain to the baby that when there is not one, indicate the number 0. And show the baby the number zero. Ask what the figure looks like?

To fix the numbers, you can use didactic material in mathematics - this is an artistic word, and puzzles, and funny tasks, and riddles.

  Didactic material in mathematics. The number "0

Funny poems

You can turn it, Put the head down, The figure will be the same

Really, after all, tell me?

A number like the letter "O" -

This is zero or nothing.

Round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything.

S. Marshak

Zero is like a hoop. I want -

I’ll swing along the road.

Where is the top here and where is the bottom?

Bagel in the air hung.

If zero is empty space

So the bagel is not from the dough.

There is no angle in this figure - that’s why it’s round. Before that it’s round -

I could ride.

He doesn't look like a dime

Not like a bagel,

Round him, but not a fool,

With a hole, but not a bagel!

Z. Alexandrova

We can speak boldly -

Zero has a big deal:

It’s only for numbers,

Immediately a miracle happens.

Zero follows the unit -

Number ten on the page!

Funny puzzles

On the branch sits 4 sparrows. The cat crept up, grabbed one. Guess how many sparrows are left on the branch?

(Not at all, everyone flew away.)

On an oak tree there are three branches, on each branch there are 2 pears. Guess how many pears are on the oak tree? (Not at all.)


Answer: na-zeros.


Old Russian aphorisms

  • · The teaching has a bitter root, and the fruit is sweet.
  • · Better to trip over your feet than your tongue.
  • · The mind is a great wealth for man.
  • · The sword hurts the body, and the evil word - the mind.
  • · Give the body only as much as it requires, not how much it wants.

Objectives: - educate   friendships, mutual understanding, ability to work with each other; to raise interest in the subject;

Develop observation of children, attention, mathematical speech, mental operations of students;

To shape   students' ideas about the number zero as the absence of objects for recounting, introduce them to the corresponding number and form the ability to write the number zero. To strengthen students' ability to establish relationships between numbers and record inequalities, write learned numbers.

Equipment:   drawing of the starry sky, stars, posters with the motto and educational

task, a pattern for writing the number 0, cards with inequalities, cards with numbers, handouts - cards with the image of animals, split numbers, typesetting canvas, drawings of the sun and the sun with a cloud, cards with the names of children, fans with numbers from 0 to 10.

The course of the lesson.

Ι. Organizing time.

The bell rang
The lesson begins.
You sat at school desks,
Everyone looked at me.

The sun has risen a long time ago
He looked into our window,
Rushing us to the lesson -
Math now.

ΙΙ. Emotional mood.

Today in class, Merry Account ’’, we will make a fabulous space journey.

The distant stars in the sky are burning

They call smart guys to visit.

Going for a short time for us -

And now we are ready to fly now.

There are plans and tasks,
Games, jokes, everything for you!
Good luck to everyone -
For work, good afternoon!

We will all become astronauts. We will repeat after me in chorus the words that will become the motto of our lesson-journey.

Do you want to become an astronaut -

Must know a lot!

During the flight, you will learn new knowledge, and in the sky a new star will light up every time.

ΙΙΙ. Updating of supporting knowledge and problem statement.

(On desks in children, sheets with the image of animals (bird, bumblebee, dragonfly, mouse), cards with numbers 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, an empty card.)

These animals are asked to help them. What did you notice? (Statements by children.)

I suggest working in pairs. Determine how many wings each animal has and put the right card next to it. Who is at a loss in choosing a number, put a blank card. (Work in pairs.)

(Fan Check.)

Well done, you helped the animals. We light a star.

What did you notice while completing this task?

What can you say about the number of wings in a mouse?

Yes, the mouse has no wings. Can you write this with a number?

Do you know this number?

What educational task do you set for a travel lesson? (Get to know the new number.)

Well done, we open another star.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

ΙV. Learning new material.

What figure will help us to indicate the number of wings in the mouse?

Who thinks differently?

The number zero is written with the number 0.(I show a pattern for writing the number 0.)

Guys, what does the number 0 look like? (Statements by children.)

A number like the letter O -

This is zero or nothing.

Round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything!

(On the right side of the cell, slightly below the upper corner, we begin to write an oval, which falls to the middle of the lower side of the cell. Then again we move roundly up to the beginning of the oval.)

Before you begin to write a number in a notebook, we will do finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics

Visiting the thumb

They came straight to the house

Index and middle, Nameless and last.

Little finger itself - baby

Knocked on the threshold.

Fingers are friends together

They cannot be without each other!

Let us recall how to put a notebook in writing and on correct posture when writing numbers (in chorus)

I’ll open my notebook
And put it down.
I, my friends, will not hide from you
I hold the pen like that.
I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend,
I will take up work.

Children write numbers in a notebook on a printed basis.

I propose to emphasize the most beautiful figure, to show it to the teacher and neighbor at the desk.

Wonderful! On our way, another bright star lights up.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

V. Fizminutka.

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

Stomped feet

They clapped handles.

Lean to the right below (4 tilts),

Lean to the left too (4 inclinations).

Spin, twirl

And everyone sat down in their place.

The eyes are tightly closed

Friendly to five count.

We open. Blink

VΙ. Securing the studied material.

Listen to the riddle:

I'm friends, not at all angry.

He goes to a stranger’s house - I bark.

Zadavaka? Bully?

No! Normal ... (Dog)

Who will we take with us on the flight? (Doggie.)

A dog is a friend of man. Dogs flew into space until the first human flight. What were the names of these dogs? (Belka and Strelka.)

1.And now let's see how you can quickly count.

Swallow as many times as the dog:

The ears; (2)

Paw (4)

Tails; (1)

Rogov (not at all)

What figure will denote the number of horns for a dog? (Zero)

2. Comparison of numbers.

5*0 0*0 0*3

0*2 4*0 6*0

Another bright star lights up in the sky. The astronauts can relax a bit.

(I attach a star to the starry sky.)

3. The task of the distribution of attention, Find the number ’’.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,
And we’ll draw in a circle.
Fast - quickly blink
And a little rub.
Look at the tip of the nose
And look at the "eyebrow".
Circle, square and triangle
Repeat three times.
We close our eyes
Inhale slowly.
And as you exhale again
Make your eyes blink.
Now relaxed
We went to places.

In space, different surprises can happen. Imagine that our rocket collided with some kind of cosmic body. She was so rocked that the fun

clowns all the numbers scattered, lost. Help the clowns find the hidden numbers.

What numbers are hidden?

(Children call, put numbers on the typesetter: 1, 3, 0, 6, 4, 9, 5.)

I propose to put them in ascending order.

(The student puts on a typesetting canvas.)

4. The game, Find items that look like the number 0 ’’.

Did you do it? Well done! Another star lit up in the sky! All numbers are in place. Malfunction eliminated.

Congratulate everyone! The journey to the sun is over. Look at how beautiful the sky we got, how many stars were lit on our way. And this means that you have received so much new knowledge.

VΙ. The result of the lesson.

What date and number did you meet in class?

How many objects is the number 0?

VΙ. Encouragement of children.

Thanks to all the participants of our flight! For excellent work in the classroom, each of you receives a star.

You, my friends, have tried, all have been diligently engaged.

I want to thank you and give all the stars to you ...

Lesson Topic: Number and Number 0


To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number 0, to master the ability to identify the properties of zero using visual models; write the number 0; consolidate counting skills within 9;

To develop students' creative abilities, attention, mental operations;

To educate the ability to analyze their activities;

Equipment:   a set of numbers from 0 to 9, spruce, multilevel cards for individual work

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

We are intelligent!

We are friendly!

We are attentive!

We are diligent!

We are a great student!

We will succeed!

Look at your deskmate and give each other a smile, tune in to work. Check fit.

II . Actualization of knowledge.

Today, mathematics invites all those who are not afraid of numbers and calculations into their kingdom. We are trying to learn this interesting science, overcoming difficulties, because our motto is: "I will succeed".

    Work with a number series (fan of numbers)

What is the number behind the number 4 (5)

What is the number that precedes the number 7. (6)

What is the number between the numbers 7 and 9? (eight)

What are the neighbors of the number 3 (2,4)

Find the sum of numbers 4 and 5 (9)

Find the difference between the numbers 8 and 1 (7)

The board contains numbers (a set of numbers):

3 6 1 4 7 9 2 5 8

What tasks can be offered?

Arrange numbers in increasing, decreasing, compare, make up equalities and inequalities.

2. Numerical equalities and inequalities.

Our friend Dunno tried for you and made equality. Check if he did everything right?

How to help Dunno without striking out anything and not correcting the numbers?

4=5 (4=5-1) (1+4=5)

3. The composition of the number 9.

2+...=9 ...+2=9

2=7 9-...= 2

III . Setting the topic of the lesson.

We start again

Decide, guess, dare!

2 pine trees grew, 2 branches on each pine, 2 apples on each branch.

How many apples are there?

Not at all, apples do not grow on pine trees.

Think of a different way to say it? (none)

Guess what the theme of the lesson is?

The number 0. The number 0. This word came to us from the Latin language. It means nothing.

IV . Discovery of new knowledge.

1.Introduction of the number and number 0. Correlation of the number with the number of objects.

Masha had 9 sweets. She gave 4 sweets to her younger brother, 4 ate herself and 1 treated her dad. How many sweets does Masha have left?

What does the number 0 mean? (no objects, void, not at all, not one left)

What digit will we write the number 0?

Physical education (mobile)

Pinocchio reached out -

Once bent, two bent,

Hands spread apart

Apparently the key is not found:

To get a key for us,

Need to stand on socks.

Pinocchio stood higher

Look, got it.

2. Writing the numbers in the pattern. Work on the textbook p.31

The number 0 consists of one element - a large oval. We begin to write just below the top of the right side of the cell to the left side, round, touch the top line of the cell, round, down, round to the right, touch the bottom line of the cell, round, up and connect.

We recall the landing rules when writing, the teacher shows a sample of writing zero.

3. Determination of the place 0 on the numerical segment c. thirty

The number 0 does not know where its place is. What place should he take on the segment. Why do you think so?

People often say: "Let's start from scratch ..." when they say so?

(start over, from scratch).

Compare 0 with other line numbers.

How much is 0 less than 1? How much is 1 greater than 0?

4. Zero properties:

A number like the letter 0 -

This is 0 il nothing.

About its special properties

We will lead the story now.

What does this entry mean:a + 0 \u003d ....   (а - any number, if you add 0 to any number, you get the same number a + 0 \u003d a) Other properties are also set:0 + a \u003d a, a-0 \u003d a, a-a \u003d 0

Task number 2.

So guys, we met with properties 0.

Comment them again

.5. Work on a notebook on a printed basis.

Task number 1

How was it illustrated? Who could cut flowers and for whom?

What is the result?

Physical education (for eyes)

Task number 5.

1 column collectively;

2 column - 1 row;

3 column - 2 row;

4 column - 3 row

V . Primary consolidation.

Differentiated work.

1.Solving examples based on properties 0.

5-0=5 7-7=0 2+0=2

2. Individual cards . We choose a task for ourselves (by complexity) on the card a red circle - the most difficult, blue - 2 level, green - 1 level (simple).

3. The game "Think, where did you meet 0, in which service does the number zero work?"

Fire Department -01, police -02, ambulance -03

Write these numbers in a notebook.

VI . Summary lesson.

- What did you learn in our lesson?

We met an interesting new number. What can you tell about him? (It cannot be used in calculating, but mathematics cannot do without it. It is less than any number known to us.. We cannot show the corresponding number of items.)

What properties of scratch now know?

Which task did you find interesting? Complicated?

Tell according to the scheme:

I remembered …

I know…

I could ...

I learned....

How would you rate your work? (three emoticons are offered for evaluation)

VII . Home assignment.

Find the symbol of the number zero and find out what important role zero plays in mathematics.   Thank you for the lesson.