Simple origami lessons for 8 years. Origami for kids. First lessons. Easy origami. starter paper boat

Origami is a great way to escape from boring affairs, diversify your free time, find new things for yourself. And origami for children is a way of development.

During the creation of the figures you and your child need, the baby’s fingers work, developing motor skills, thinking and imagination develop. Origami joint crafts is another reason to pass the time with your beloved child!

Translated from Japanese, origami is folded paper. But the art of origami did not appear in Japan, but in China, and for a long time it was available only to the highest ranks of the heavens. The ability to create paper figures was considered good form. In Europe, origami was learned only after the Second World War.

Nowadays, origami is popular among both adults and children. In our article you can find out what simple origami paper is best to do with a child at one age or another.

What will a baby learn faster in 3 years? Origami for children 3 years old

At 3 years old, the child is not yet ready for long diligent classes, so from the variety of origami for children 3 years old, it is worth choosing simpler figures. To begin with, cups, an airplane, a grasshopper are suitable - these figures are the simplest and do not require much time for manufacturing. Also, a child can try to make a gift card for himself. This is not at all difficult. You will need a piece of colored paper folded in half, cut out figures of the same color paper and glue. Of course, your imagination will not hurt, but it is best to provide a splash of fantasy to the child.

At 3 years, the baby will like to make simple animals out of origami, for example a cat, a dog or a bunny. You can make an origami flower with a child of three years old.

Schemes of making origami

Origami for children 4 and 5 years old

For older children aged 4 or 5 years, origami is a little more complicated than the previous ones. Instead of the usual face of a dog, you can make a well-known frog for everyone or build a house out of paper. Perfectly dog \u200b\u200bin full growth or fungus. Create your own fairy tale where various heroes will live together. Such an activity will please the child, calm his nervous system and diversify his thinking.

Origami patterns for children 4 and 5 years old

In this article, we told you about the simplest origami for children. Have fun activities with your children, such as origami. Create your own farms, terraces, gardens. Such crafts will not be wasted, for example, they can be attributed to various exhibitions in a kindergarten or school, or left as a keepsake for your child.
See also photos with schemes of various origami.

Origami photo scheme selection

Origami for children is a quick and budget way to entertain your child in his spare time or while traveling. Children are delighted with paper cranes, flowers and jumping frogs and want to learn how to make the same figures.

But paper figures can become not only fun toys for children. Origami is given as a mascot gift or decorates the house with them. In addition, the art of folding paper is a useful activity for children of any age.

What is the use of origami for children

The first to use origami in children's art was guessed by a German teacher of the XIX century Friedrich Frebel. He created a paper origami course for children that helped them better understand geometry.

But this is not the only practical benefit of origami for child development. Educators and psychologists have noticed that folding paper figures helps children:

  • to develop fine motor skills and accuracy;
  • learn to concentrate;
  • train memory and logical thinking;
  • develop a sequence of actions.

When you can start origami with a child

It all depends on the wishes and abilities of the child. At 3-4 years, it is worth trying to evenly fold a square of paper in half, from 5-6 years - to make simple figures with the help of an adult. If the child is interested, gradually the activities can be complicated. In any case, origami classes have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills in children, which means crafts will turn out better and better.

Origami for children: 12 useful videos

For origami classes with a child you will need: paper (white and color), scissors, a pencil, a ruler, glue. The most important thing for the first lessons is to choose the available schemes. To simplify your task, we have made a useful selection of video origami paper master classes for children.






Bunny - bookmark for books


The turtle


Jumping frog



Origami story

When folding the figures with the child, tell him that he is engaged in a very ancient kind of decorative art. It is not known exactly where origami originated. History says this: when the secret to making paper, which the Chinese zealously kept, came to Japan, a real origami boom began. It was such valuable material that it was used for religious ceremonies. Tearing a piece of paper was considered a sinful act.

The first paper figures were made in monasteries, where folding paper turned into a real art. But as soon as paper was no longer a rarity and became more accessible, the idea of \u200b\u200borigami was picked up by other classes. In medieval Japan, wealthy parents did not skimp on any money, just to find their child a good origami master.

Origami was used everywhere: lovers hid messages in them, aristocrats decorated them with coats of arms, not a single celebratory event was complete without paper figures. But the secrets of folding were strictly kept within the family until the 19th century. With the development of industry, the value of paper fell and origami ceased to be an occupation accessible only to the aristocracy.

A new surge of interest in origami occurred in the 60s of the XX century. Origami master Akira Yoshizawa came up with a system of universal signs, which greatly simplified the understanding of the technique of folding paper figures. From that moment, origami has become a global passion for adults and children.

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Origami for kids. First lessons.

   1. Prepare a square of any color.
   Bend it diagonally.
   2. Fold the resulting triangle in half and unfold (to mark the center with a fold). Expand the cat's ears (lower corners of the resulting triangle) up and to the sides.
   3. Zagni upper double corner towards the ears.
   4. Turn over the craft. Stick the eyes, nose and mustache or draw.
   This is one of the simplest origami models that small children can do with their own hands.


Prepare a square of any bright color.
   Bend it diagonally.
   The resulting triangle fold in half m

Expand the craft so that the drop sides are on top. Bend the upper sharp corners in different directions.
   Glue the paper tendrils. The finished butterfly can be decorated with circles of colored paper or painted.

   Prepare a square of any color.
   Bend it diagonally. (The basic form is “Triangle.”)
   Bend down the right and left upper corners. These will be the ears of our puppy.
   Fold the top and bottom corners back.
The puppy is ready. Stick the eyes, nose or draw.
   This is one of the simplest origami models (schemes) that even kids can do with their own hands.

You can’t even imagine how much joy and fun this primitive doll will bring in the shape of a frog. The craft is very, very easy to manufacture, and it can be attributed both to the heading “origami for children” and to the heading “Puppet theater do it yourself”. Even a baby 3-4 years old can do such a craft.
Half of a thick sheet (album format for drawing) is green. A small piece of red paper for the tongue. And the eyes can just be drawn.
Manufacturing process:
Take half of the green leaf.
Lay in front of you vertically. On the eye, divide the sheet vertically into three parts and bend it over yourself along imaginary fold lines. It doesn’t matter what can happen not exactly - this will not be visible.
Now bend the resulting long rectangle in half from you, so that the uneven edge remains on top.
In front of you should lie a rectangle with the fold line up. Fold the bottom edge up, turn the figure over and repeat the procedure. It should be a kind of accordion.
Now glue the cut out tongue, draw the eyes and put it on the hand. (Fingers in pockets)

A square sheet of paper. The best looking machine is a folded 15x15 cm square. (A square of half the usual album sheet). If the paper was one-sided, then the house will turn out more expressively, since the roof in the finished house will turn out one color, and the walls another.
1. Fold the square sheet in half horizontally. The top color will be the color of the roof, the color remaining inside the folded square - the wall.
2. The resulting rectangle is folded in half vertically, denoting the center. Catch the fold line and expand.
3. To the center line of the fold, bend the sides of our rectangle from two sides. It should be a square.
4. Turn the square again to the rectangle.
5. The most difficult for children: We open the side part so that the paper is folded in a triangle. We do the same on the other hand.
6. Here is the end result of the house. You can leave it in a planar version, or you can deploy the side walls and put it on a plane.

Origami - the oldest art of folding figures from a sheet of paper. It appeared in China more than two millennia ago. In Japan, they learned about this technique only after five centuries. Despite this, the country of the rising sun is considered the birthplace of origami.

At first this art was temple, it was owned only by the elect, using folded figures in rituals and sacrifices. Gradually, the religious significance of origami was lost, and the folded figures began to be used by representatives of the upper classes at wedding ceremonies, and later for decorating houses.
  Messages were even hidden in paper figures, and they could be read without tearing the paper, only those initiated into the secret of origami. When paper became more accessible material, special art schools began to open. Possession of this technique was a sign of good form.

In 1797, the first origami book was written in Japan, entitled How to Fold a Thousand Cranes. At that time in Japan and China they believed that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, then the most cherished desire will be fulfilled.

Many famous people of the XIX century also did not disregard this type of creativity. The German teacher Friedrich Fröbel (1782 - 1852) gave a new round to the development of origami, improving it in the process of studying with students. He believed that origami develops logical thinking in children.
  In the middle of the 20th century, Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa created a unified system of signs to sketch the folding of even the most complex forms of a product.

After World War II, origami went beyond the East and received many admirers in America and Europe.

Classic origami involves folding the figures from one square sheet without the use of scissors and glue.

But at the end of the last century, such a variety of this art as became popular. It is based on the creation of several paper modules (their number can reach several thousand), which are then assembled into a single design. There are also other types of origami, such as wet folding, folding according to the development, simple origami. The latter view was created for inexperienced origamists (for example, for children) or for people with mobility impairments.

Origami from paper for children is a great opportunity to entertain a child with a game that not only carries away, but also develops. Folding paper figures contributes to the development of fine motor skills, develops logical and spatial thinking, imagination, instills hard work, patience and perseverance. Ready-made figures can later be used in the game, or decorate a room with them.
  For the manufacture of any product you need only paper, in some cases - glue and scissors.
  In this section you can see origami schemes for children and master classes. They will help you to make any model you like with your child.

Origami is an ancient Japanese art of folding various paper figures. In order to captivate children of 7-8 years old with this activity, it will be necessary to prepare thick paper, multi-colored. In addition to good leaflets, you will need scissors, glue, a ruler, a pencil, as well as elements for decoration. To start collecting origami, you will also need to find the right schemes for beginners.

  1. Folding paper figures trains the fine motor skills of children 7-8 years old.
  2. Promotes the development of innovative thinking, logic and memory.
  3. Develops mathematical abilities, spatial thinking, logic and the ability to search for solutions to complex problems.
  4. Origami has a calming effect and develops perseverance and concentration capabilities.

  Swan pattern

In order to make origami a swan out of paper, for children 7-8 years old, you will need to use step-by-step schemes. If you use the most common and common schemes of paper, then you can easily and simply make a swan with your own hands.

  1. Fold the square sheet in half, outlining the fold diagonally.
  2. Two sides of the sheet are folded to the resulting fold.
  3. The sides will need to be folded one more time.
  4. Fold our craft in half.
  5. It bends inside the crafts the neck of a swan. The bend point should be approximately in the middle of the craft.
  6. At an arbitrary point on the tip we bend our heads and now our swan is ready.

A modular origami in the form of a swan looks good, it is just suitable for beginners, since the schemes are very simple and it’s not difficult to make such a toy from modules with your own hands. The craft of the modules is simple enough, it is easy if you correctly understand how to install the modules one into the other. Very quickly you can fold a swan, which will be a beautiful decoration of the exhibition, a nursery or a great gift for the holiday.

Origami swan. How to make an origami swan


Making origami for beginners and children of 8 years in the form of animals will be very simple. You will need to use schemes for folding kitties and dogs with your own hands. These easy and step-by-step schemes will help to make amazing toys for children, because paper can be used not only white, but also colored.

To make the face of the dog, you will need to take a square sheet of paper:

  1. Fold the sheet diagonally across the floors.
  2. In the resulting triangle, bend the edges to the center, but the upper lines should not overlap, lower them a little lower.
  3. Now the bent triangles need to be bent again and laid in the shape of a dog’s ears.
  4. Turn the craft over and grab onto the bottom corner.
  5. Expand the corners and bend them inward, forming the lower part of the muzzle of the dog.
  6. Draw eyes and nose, here your dog is ready to do it yourself.

This simple instruction on forces, even for children of 8 years, they can make such a toy with their own hands, if they stick to the scheme.

A simple instruction for folding a paper toy is suitable for folding the fox face with your own hands.

  1. Fold a square sheet in half.
  2. Point the corner of the resulting triangle up and bend the corners up, forming the ears of the chanterelle.
  3. Turn the craft over and bend the corner.
  4. Turn over again and draw the eyes, nose and antennae of the chanterelle.

When the child has mastered the simplest crafts, you can try to start making modular origami with him. For example, for children you can collect a hare. Its schemes are different, but the simplest one is:

  1. We begin to add modular origami from three rows of 24 standard modules.
  2. We twist the crafts and make another 6 rows, this will be the modular torso of the bunny.
  3. The head will be composed of thirty modules that are inserted the other side to the body.
  4. Next, we set 7 rows as standard, just as they did when assembling the modular body.
  5. It collects ears from modules, which we install on the contrary. We form the modular ear from 6 modules, then 5, then again 6, then 5, again 6, 5 modules and 4. Here the modular ear is ready.

Origami dog


Using understandable schemes, it will not be difficult for children of 8 years to make a boat with their own hands.

  1. To assemble the boat, you will need to bend a rectangular sheet in half.
  2. After that, bend it again in half vertically, outlining the middle.
  3. The upper edges of the resulting sheet will need to be bent to the middle, forming an angle from above.
  4. Bend the rest of the bottom to the top, bending the edges of the triangle and the front and rear.
  5. Slide your fingers under the edge and unfold the triangle, making a hollow cone.
  6. Fold the paper so that the edges that are not touching, but are opposite, touch.
  7. Bend the corners to the top.
  8. Expand the craft to the sides, and your boat will be heads.

After the child has mastered such a boat, you can offer him a modular folding of boats.

Easy ORIGAMI. SHIP made of starter paper


Boys are always interested in technology and a wide variety of rockets and cars. We offer you an origami rocket, to which there is an instruction telling how to make such a do-it-yourself paper craft for beginners not yet experienced in folding technology.

  1. Bend the square sheet so that you have a crease dividing it into four equal parts.
  2. We work with the upper two parts, for this they need to be divided in half. Fold the upper parts in half.
  3. Turn the sheet over and bend the corners to the middle, forming a corner at the top.
  4. Bend the sides to the middle.
  5. After that, we bend them so that a fold is formed closer to the outer edge.
  6. Turn the craft over and your rocket is ready.

You can try the modular folding of missiles, but first you should master the lighter and simpler options.

  Flower - Rose

For children of 8 years old it will be interesting to make a rose flower out of paper with your own hands. Using step-by-step schemes, and precisely performing all the prescribed movements, the child himself will very quickly be able to fold a beautiful rose with his own hands. Later it will be possible to try modular folding roses.

We offer origami for children with patterns. About how the crafts develop, you can watch the video assembly. All these are simple models and you can engage in the production of beautiful paper crafts with your children. This is useful for finger motility, and kids always like to do something with their own hands, create and then proudly claim that they did it themselves. These are great gifts for any identity - New Year. It is always better when you do original things with your own hands.

  Circuit Examples

We offer many different schemes. But, of course, the kids can’t do the first-time crafts. Need a knack. It’s like puzzles - it requires perseverance and respect for the material used. You can add a lot of different origami from ordinary paper to children of 3-4 years old, useful little things, valentines, hares, animals, birds, thereby creating cosiness in the house. The delighted glances of guests will surely appreciate such painstaking work.

Valentines are also a kind of individual crafts. These are not simple hearts made of paper, but rather complex models neatly folded into modules.

All the best origami schemes can be found on the links below for children 5-6 years old. Children are able to perform seals, fox, camel, hare, bird, autumn leaf fall, cat, flower.

Origami is a real art and you need only colored paper and scissors to work. Be sure to first study the scheme in order to stack the model elements in the right order. It relaxes well, concentrates attention, develops motor skills of fingers.

Modular technology today is a new phenomenon for children. You can create truly mesmerizing, amazing crafts with their beauty and variety. Examples of ready-made works for children 7-8 years old, see the photo and video.

  What's the Difference?

What is the difference between modular origami and classic? And the fact that you need at least 6 identical modules in each row, also quite a lot of sheets of colored paper. But the result is worth it. A little perseverance of patience and you can make the most real masterpieces to the envy of others.

The origami method consists in connecting all the modules to each other, connecting the structure, giving it a variety of forms.

In the work, you can use PVC glue and thereby create any figures of different colors and sizes. The more sheets of paper used in the work, the more difficult it is to come up with a structure of triangular elements, which is suitable for older children: 11-12 years old and 13-14 years old.

Schemes of origami:

  Getting started

  1. Birch in Russian folklore is compared with a slim and beautiful girl. But really, there is something in the birch that is as naive, clean, attractive;
  2. Swan made of modules. Assembling a figure is not difficult, the only thing that takes a lot of time. Such a swan is suitable as a gift for both a birthday and a wedding celebration, a wedding anniversary;
  3. Vase with a rose. For this work, a diagram of a modular picture was taken, only it was made circular. They put a glass inside - you can already put flowers;
  4. Cat made of paper modules. This cat looks beautiful in any home! Everyone likes her. This craft took more than a thousand triangular modules;
  5. "Russian beauty". In this master class, we suggest you collect the figure of a girl in a Russian folk costume: sarafan, shirt, headband. Similarly, you can collect figures in other national traditions;
  6. Transformer. An interesting variety of crafts from modular origami - transformers. They can be assembled in various ways and get different shapes. Try to create a transformer.

Today on the Internet you can find various origami schemes from modules in Russian for children 9-10 years old. Many of them contain video tutorials. The skill level of this art can be improved through ordinary practice. Perhaps in the future you will be able to create your own patterns of animal or animal figures, or maybe something more complicated.

  Video on the topic of the article

A selection of the best videos on the Internet.

  Origami from paper for children.

  Simple origami for children: schemes

Origami "Bunny" for children1) Take a square sheet of thick paper 2) Fold its two sides to the diagonal so that you get a figure that looks like a rhombus, but one side should be slightly shorter than the other 3) Make a small cut in the center of the sheet, starting with the longer side of the rhombus 4) Fold the sheet in half so that the notch is on top 5) Fold one of the triangles formed from the notch up (this will be the ear) 6) Fold it in half so that the ear becomes half the size and the rest turns into a muzzle of a bunny, on which you can now n draw the eye 7) Do the same with the second side 8) Now the body of the bunny looks like a triangle. Mentally (or in pencil) draw a line from its top (located below) to the center of the base (it is located at the top) 9) Wrap the far part of the triangle (the one that is further from the muzzle) inward. Done! If desired, the bunny can be painted in any color.

Origami for children "Fish"1) Fold a square sheet of paper in half to make a triangle 2) Fold its edges to the center so that you get a square again (but keep it in the form of a rhombus, that is, the angle down) 3) Fold the triangles that you now have consists of the surface of the square, twice 4) Now fold each of the triangles on top two more times, bending down only the top layer of paper 5) Fold the smallest triangles two more times, mentally drawing a line from their vertices located in the center of the square to the bases, located on his sides) 6) Now we’ll deal with the lower part of the rhombus: fold the upper layer of paper “with a valley” (that is, toward you) 7) Turn the strip formed in the center “mountain” (that is, away from you) 8) Fold the top triangle again with a “valley” 9) Fold “Mountain” its upper part 10) On both sides, cut one layer of rhombus paper along the line that is the base of the largest triangle 11) Unscrew the bottom of the triangles “mountain” 12) Turn the resulting inside out.

The fish is ready! It remains only to draw eyes and decorate it!Both proposed patterns are origami for children 9 years and older. In any case, at the first stage of acquaintance of a child with a new hobby, parents are encouraged to be present nearby and even to lively participate in the process. Most likely, origami will captivate not only the child, but also the parents who started it all. So origami has every chance of becoming a real family hobby!