Print May Little Pony coloring page. Coloring page My little pony "Friendship is a miracle." How to choose the right online coloring

Each coloring from the animated series “My Little Pony. Friendship is a miracle ”reflects the wonderful relationship between its protagonists. According to the plot, Twilight Sparkle spent all her free time reading books and tried not to contact with others. Princess Celestia, noting this, gave her the most important task in life - to find real friends.

The young pony with her assistant Spike went to Ponyville, where they get acquainted with the restless Rainbow Dash, cheerful Pinkie Pie, tolerant Fluttershy, beautiful Rarity and simple-minded Applejack. Together they have to overcome hundreds of problems and dozens of real dangers in order to learn something new about friendship.

Coloring Cartoon Characters

Each of the characters in the animated series My Little Pony can be colored using two colors (with the exception of the Rainbow Dash).

Coloring pictures from “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”, use the table below and the sample below.

All “My Little Pony” coloring pages from this section can be printed free of charge on A4 sheets, which will allow children to work with colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or make applications.

Due to the fact that ponies cannot control him, they consider him the most dangerous place on earth.

The main participant in the coloring pages “My Little Pony”, which you can download for free, also lives in this magical country. First of all, the heroine differs from the pony in that she is a unicorn. And also pastime, which consists in the endless reading of books. But as soon as she gets to Ponyville, everything changes dramatically. Here Sparkle finds true friends, for example: dragon Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, incredibly honest Applejack, always funny Pinkie Pie.

My Little Pony coloring pages are a story about true friendship.

Favorite heroes often fall into various tricky situations, often even deadly. And only real, strong friendship helps them get dry out of the water. Often they quarrel among themselves over trifles, but they certainly make peace. Every time Sparkle learns something new, or makes any discovery, she necessarily tells this to her mentor, Princess Celestia.

My Little Pony coloring pages are the embodiment of adventure and everyday stories that take place in the life of a unicorn pony. Each of them instructs the children to be kind. Teaches you to control your own emotions, not to give up. Ideal for girls of preschool and school ages.

The main feature of pony games is that they feature many different characters. They are present not only in “dress-ups” and “walkers”, but also in coloring books. And in them you can not only meet the restless horse Pinkie Pie, Pegasus Rainbow Dash, as well as other ponies, but also decorate them at your discretion. Arcades of this kind are great entertainment for children over three years old. Here you will find not only games suitable for all ages and have no restrictions, but you can also print Pony Coloring Pages, so have fun!

Simple, free and fun

Conventional coloring can not boast of variety, and not always they can be found in the store. Therefore, it is much easier, faster and more convenient to search for suitable images on the Internet. Online they are available 24 hours a day. Moreover, you can paint the ponies right in the browser window. To paint a pony, just use the mouse. By wielding it, you will select the right colors and make the world of horses bright and unique.

Online pony coloring pages are absolutely free. These games do not need to be bought and downloaded to a computer as an application. But most importantly, they allow kids to "create" their favorite characters with their own hands. Online arcade games dedicated to horses - drawings carefully thought out by experienced artists. They clearly outlined all the details, which makes this kind of creativity a simple and enjoyable task. By making beloved ponies colorful, children develop and get a great opportunity to express themselves.

The benefits of creativity for kids

Scientists have proven that coloring books not only appeal to little children and help them have fun, but also bring considerable benefits. They calm the nerves, forcing even the most restless kids to plunge headlong into the world of fantasy. Such arcades teach the little ones to identify and select different colors. Thanks to them, little boys and girls train memory, learn to concentrate on any one lesson.

It is also important that coloring pages about ponies push children to creativity, developing their imagination. And even though at first your son or daughter’s drawings will not turn out to be very beautiful, over time the child will surely learn how to use tassels and felt-tip pens. Fiddling with colors in an online game, the baby will not constantly get dirty, as is usually the case with young artists who “conquer” paper. So you do not have to wash clothes from watercolors and felt-tip pens.

Painting ponies online, the little ones will learn the basics of computer literacy, learn to work with the mouse. This is very important in the age of information technology, when everyone should be on the "you" with computer equipment. Therefore, do not listen to skeptics who say that spending time near the screen is harmful. Of course, they are partly right - not all online games are equally useful and interesting. But coloring is only positive emotions and teach children the beautiful.

How to choose the right online coloring?

As we said, pony coloring books boast variety. Among them, you can easily find options that the child will like and will not let him be disappointed in the results.

For the smallest little ones, you should choose the simplest coloring with a minimum amount of detail. More complex options need to start to be used gradually. The kid will cope with them when he learns to use different colors and distinguish between the small details of the characters. Complex drawings are perfect for school children, and simple ones for the youngest artists.

It is believed that this type of arcade is intended exclusively for girls. But in fact, they cause interest in boys. These cute animals do not leave anyone indifferent. The thing is that ponies are not only attractive, but also have an interesting history. Sometimes even adults are engaged in their coloring in order to escape from everyday troubles and raise their spirits. And there is nothing wrong with that.

If your child is still unfamiliar with this type of games, you will need to carry him away with this activity. Show your child how to color pictures online. To do this, choose the moment when the child will be in a good mood. To interest the peanut, you can tell him the plot of the drawing in the form of a fairy tale. Demonstrate how to use the mouse, choose colors. Coloring ponies will surely captivate you so much that you won’t even notice how you color several horses yourself, explaining to your son or daughter what to do and how.

It is guaranteed to interest the peanuts with coloring pages dedicated to ponies by playing with him an online game whose heroes are these cute horses. Such a pastime will surely please the child to his liking, and he will be able to get to know better the characters that appear in the coloring books.

You won't get bored with ponies

Games of this genre are distinguished by their diversity. Their range is constantly expanding, because artists create new images for drawing to the delight of the little ones. Fortunately, their imagination is whipped up by the animated series about horses, which, in fact, is dedicated to coloring. In the cartoon there are a huge number of characters. All of them appear in the drawings.