Big one. Big Book Passover Easter for an older group

Let him help you in everything

Happy holiday!

Happy bright day!

Christ is Risen!

Truly Risen!


Bright Sunday of Christ.

The word "Easter" means the transition from death to life, from the Earth

to the sky. This was the name of the holiday in memory of the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian slavery. In the New Testament Church, this is a sign that the Son of God Himself, through the resurrection from the dead, has passed from this world to the Heavenly Father, from Earth to Heaven.

Easter is the main, central of all Christian holidays. It is said of him that he "so much surpasses all triumphs, even Christ's and in honor of Christ, performed as much as the Sun surpasses the stars."

The resurrection of the Savior from the dead is the triumph of faith

and virtues, and therefore this holiday for every believer is the brightest, the triumph of triumphs. It is no coincidence that on this day everyone seeks to forgive each other. The service on this day is especially solemn, the rites are especially beautiful, for the Church of Christ rejoices in the Resurrection, the trampling of death, and eternal life. Every Christian is happy and tender on this day.

At this time, the sequence of services in the church changes, the Gospel and the Psalter are not read. Earthly bows are lifted - from Easter to Pentecost. They pray standing in memory of the Risen from the Dead. Throughout the Easter week, worship is held with the Royal Gates open - as a sign that heavenly doors are open to us. On Easter Day, all candles are lit, and priests put on the most solemn clothes. During Matins, Christ begins - a mutual kiss with the words: "Christ is risen!" “Truly Risen!” First, the priests are christened, then the priests and laity, then the laity with each other.

The custom on this day to give each other red eggs symbolizes the rebirth of life from under a dead shell. The red color reminds of the Savior's pure blood. Easter is celebrated throughout the whole week, which is called bright and is like one holiday.

On the great holiday Sunday

Truly salvation has come

To reign on earth again

Hope, Faith and Love!

Do you know that?

Earlier, in the old days, the peasants had a belief that on Easter "the sun is playing." And many tried to watch this moment. In the early morning, on the first day of Easter, people went out

look at the “play of the sun" in order to base its predictions on the future harvest on this.

At Easter the sky is clear and the sun “plays” - to a good harvest

and red summer.

In the Holy Rain - good rye.

To the Holy Thunder - to the harvest.

E if on the second day of Easter the weather will be clear - the summer will be rainy, if overcast - the summer will be dry.

Children turned to the sun

with a song:

The sun, the bucket,

Look out the window!

Sun, ride

Red, dress up!

For Easter, old people

combed your hair

so that they have so much

grandchildren how much hair on

to the head.

Old women washed themselves

with gold, silver and

red testicle in the hope

grow rich. Young

climbed the roofs of houses

so that

meet the sun.

You roll, testicle

yes to the Duma of the Lord!

They have always waited for the bright Sunday of Christ and prepared for it.

“Easter” is always prepared for the Easter holiday - a large, painted and gilded bread, in the middle of which is depicted either a cross or a scene of the resurrection of Christ.

Especially for the holiday prepare "Easter" from cottage cheese and Easter cake.

Not one Easter is complete without colored eggs.

You roll, testicle

yes to the Duma of the Lord!

Give you people


and give good for Easter!

The egg symbolizes rebirth, and the red color represents rebirth in the blood of Jesus Christ.

It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg, you can even recover from the disease. Be sure to lay the egg on the grave

during easter week. They say that it brings

relief to the dead. And if you put such an egg in the grain, then there will be a good harvest. They also say that if you leave the egg until the next Easter, then it can fulfill the desire.

For Easter, eggs can be exchanged.

Why do you need to do this? And then, so that only good and light pester our souls.

To make everything bad, like a shell,

that day is behind, but outside

all the best could hatch

what is in man. Exchange

testicle with each other.

Wish each other health

sincere purity.

Red Hill or Happy Sunday.

The first Sunday after Easter is called Red Hill. On this day we met spring. They made a straw effigy, strengthened it on a long pole, placed it on a dais. For the celebration they chose the highest, driest place - Red Hill. Round dances were planted around, stuffed songs, treated to colored eggs, fried eggs. In the evening, the scarecrow was burned with songs and dances.

At the end of Easter Sunday, the newlyweds called out to Krasnaya Gorka. This day was considered a happy day for those entering into marriage, so there was a matchmaking, weddings were arranged. Not a single Easter was complete without a swing. People believed: the more and more swing on a holiday, the higher will grow flax and wheat. Around the swing, fun walks were held. From Easter, the famous Russians began.

round dances. Were they not

simple are magical. When

they were played - as if the whole

they did work: they sowed,

weed, cleaned, blew,

soaked and beat out.

People believed: such work

magical mighty power

words will help grow

future harvest. What if

choose a good bride

in a round dance - the earth will give birth

good bread.

Red damsel in

Round dance,

What poppies color in the garden.

You are my light in the window

The month is clear, the sun is red!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Hope, Faith and Love!

Wonderful joyful miracles!

And let the warm sound now:

Truly Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen! Nature again

Meets a new spring. And the Orthodox

Give the people a blue sky!

Entwined into one inseparably

Resurrected Love Christ

Easter Day is just wonderful

He brought the joy of life to everyone.

Believe, believe in miracles!

It’s impossible without it,

The world is not on the whale

On love and miracles!

Easter is a holiday


Renewal, revival,


Love and


Take care of it in yourself!

Christ loves all on


For him there is no

The main

Let him help you in everything

Happy holiday!

Happy bright day!

Easter poems for children

Sunday morning of Christ

The sun has risen
  In the fields across the river.
  Morning has come
  Already blue.
  Birds chirping
  In one rapture
  Praise Christ
  For His Sunday!
  Kids you also
  Glorify Jesus.
  That morning He terminated
  Death Ties!

What a joyful miracle
  He tells me my brother.
  Maybe they will buy a gift for me?
  Maybe something will be handed over?
  This miracle is not easy
  Impossible to touch.
  But, about this miracle you can
  In our church to tell.
  Early morning at dawn
  Jesus Christ is Risen!
  Praise adults and children
  Praise the angels from heaven!
  Praise all the fields and mountains
  Oceans and seas!
  Everybody glorify today
  The resurrection of the king!

Listen all people
  One story
  Oh Sunday of God.
  Praise be to him forever!
  'Cause He rose from the dead
  And with us He is always.
  Will no longer be crucified
  He will never again.
  The great God is risen,
  From the sepulcher He rose
  Hope sunday
  He gave us all.

Congratulations to our church
  With Jesus Sunday.
  I wish happiness, joy
In this early hour of spring.
  Our dear church,
  Rock on the rock of salvation
  Rejoice, today is a holiday
  Jesus sunday!

I got up early this morning
  I came to church with my grandmother.
  Because the feast in the church,
  And I feel good too.
  The pastor hurries to congratulate everyone,
  The brothers want to sing a song.
  Everybody exult and shine
  And I feel good too.
  To make it clear to everyone
  Why are you here?
  So let's say in rhyme:
  JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST IS RISEN!

I know for sure - He is risen!
  And I know firsthand.
  I read it in one wonderful book,
  In which there are many miracles.
  But this is a miracle, I’ll tell you
  Under the power of God alone.
  After all, only God Jesus Christ
  He suffered for us and suffered death.
  But showing love the teaching
  Christ is risen! And Sunday
  This is a miracle of miracles.
  I know for sure, He is risen!

The news that people began to torment God
  Rooks brought us to the north ...
  The coniferous slums have darkened
  Quiet cried keys ...
  On the hillocks, stones were exposed
  Bald spots covered in frost ...
  And tears began to fall on the stones
  Evil in winter peeled birches.

And other news, worse than the first,
  Starlings brought to the wilderness:
  Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,
  God Died, Savior of our souls.
  Clouds were gathering from such news,
  The air rustled violently with rain ...
  Rose - rivers become seas
  And the first thunder swept through the mountains.

The third message was extraordinary:
  God is risen and death is defeated!
  This victory news rushed
  God resurrected spring ...
  And around the forest they turned green
  And the earth’s chest breathed warmth,
  And listening to the nightingale trills,
  Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.
(Y. Polonsky)

Boys yes girls
  Candles and Verbochki
  Carried home.

The lights are warm
  Passers-by are baptized
  And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,
  Rain, little rain
  Do not blow out the fire!

Sunday Palm
  I'll get up first tomorrow
  For a holy day.
(A. Block)

  The Holy Resurrection of Christ, or Holy Easter, is the greatest of the Christian holidays. In the church language, Easter is a "holiday feast and triumph of festivities." The word Easter is Jewish, meaning "passing by," "deliverance." The Church regards the resurrection of Christ as one of the greatest events in the work of salvation of mankind and the world. The Lord, crucified and risen, is the foundation of the faith of Christians. As the apostle Paul writes: "If Christ has not risen, then our preaching is futile, your faith is futile."
On Saturday, on the eve of Easter, the Easter Easter service is held in the church. At midnight - the procession and then the Easter matins and liturgy are served. After the end of the service, the parishioners greet each other with exclamations: “Christ is risen” and with the answer: “Truly risen” and kiss three times.
  Easter is the longest holiday of the year. Each day of the Easter holidays had its own rite.
  Monday and Tuesday are bathing. Those who slept in the morning prayer were doused with water.
  Wednesday is hail. "On Wednesday, during Bright Week, they don’t work so that bread doesn’t break the hail."
  Thursday - Easter of the deceased, commemoration of the deceased relatives.
  Friday is a "forgiven day." Relatives and friends apologized to each other. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law invited young people who had been married before Easter.
  Saturday is a round dance.
  Sunday - Red Hill. Usually played weddings, walked young.
  This is a bright Easter week (Bright Week).
  Dyeing eggs.
  A special, dominant place in the Easter rite is given to a painted egg - the symbol of Easter. They eat it first at the Easter table, and give it to relatives, neighbors who have come to congratulate, take it with them when they go on a visit, be sure to give it to the poor and leave it in church.
  There is also the custom of giving colored eggs, followed by Christification. The joyous Easter greeting reminds us of the delight of the disciples of Christ, who suddenly learned of His Resurrection. The custom to say "Christ is Risen?" and to hear the answer “Truly Risen!”, as well as mutual kissing - this is in memory of universal forgiveness, reconciliation and love.
  The custom of painting eggs came to us from pagan times. The bright Sunday of Christ fell on the days of the spring holiday, when people praised the Sun as a symbol of the awakening of a new life after a long winter. Therefore, initially the eggs were painted only in "bright" - red color, because it was this color that was identified with the Sun - Yarila, as it was also called.
  Our ancestors knew many different ways of coloring eggs, something has since come down to us, but over time, new technologies have also appeared. Of course, everyone knows the most common way of coloring eggs - in onion husks.
  But you can learn more about how to get colorful eggs, mosaic or marble.
  Eggs painted in any way are called “dyes”, and painted with patterns are called “pysankas”.
  Eggs painted in birch leaves.
Prepare a decoction of the leaves of a young birch, let it brew. Wash the eggs, let go in a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool. The eggs will turn yellow. If desired, you can apply a pattern to them: put a birch or some other small leaf of a beautiful shape on the moistened shell, tightly tie the egg with a capron, and then boil it in the infusion.
  Ink dyed eggs.
  Wash, wipe, wrap the eggs with a rag, tie with a thread, drip ink on top in some places with a pipette or wooden stick, dip them in a pot with warm water, cook after boiling for 10 minutes, remove, cool, and remove the rags.
  Eggs painted in shreds.
  Patch shreds of silk foul matter of different colors, mix. Wash the eggs, wipe them dry, moisten, wrap them in silk, if you wish, you can preliminarily apply thin, thick paper to the eggs cut out by patterns. Wrap with a rag, tie with a thread, lower it into warm water, let it boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove, cool, remove rags and silk.
  Eggs in colorful colors.
  Paint the egg in a basic matte color. Then, take a little not very liquid paint on the tip of the brush and apply dots and strokes on the surface of the egg by spraying.
  Eggs painted in retro style.
  Take pictures from napkins. Carefully cut out the pattern you like (the most important thing is to be thin) and stick on the egg. Cooked in this way, the eggs are very beautiful and perfect for decorating holiday dishes.