Anderson is the king's new dress. The new dress of the king (The new outfit of the king). Mountain master - Bazhov P.P.

About a fairy tale

King's new dress - is it there or not?

Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen has collected all his magical stories in one collection, “Tales Told to Children”. The book was first published in 1837 and since then, good tales have scattered around the world and have been translated into 100 different languages.

The story about the king’s new dress was borrowed by Andersen from folk tales and legends. One of the inspirers of the great storyteller was the famous hero of Dutch legends Til Ulenspiegel. It was he who, pretending to be a talented artist, promised to draw a portrait of the king and his courtiers. But in the end, he left the wall empty and said that only noble nobles and knights of blue blood could see the canvas. The courtiers admired the invisible masterpiece, and only the jester exclaimed to the whole palace that there was no picture, and at that time Til fled away at full speed with a bag of earned coins.

And the king is naked!

In one kingdom, in one state, the emperor lived in a large and rich palace. He was very fond of dressing and striking those who served, not with fair decrees, but with bright and magnificent outfits. If the courtiers asked where our king was, then the servants always out of habit answered: “The king is in the dressing room!”.

Once in the capital there were scammers. They learned about the passion of the local sovereign and decided to make money on it. The fools pretended to be weavers and came to the court with a loud statement. Allegedly they can weave such a magical fabric that only good and smart people can see. And fools and those who do not occupy a position will never be able to make out patterns and flowers on the camisole.

The king was delighted and decided to hire weavers for work. Artists demanded to build two machines, purchase mountains of the finest cotton, allocate silver and gold to decorate the royal costume. The deceivers pretended to work every day until late at night. And the king was seized with fear and emotional excitement that he might be out of place and would not see a masterpiece sewn by skilled craftsmen. The sovereign did not dare to enter the workshop himself and sent his servants and close ones for reconnaissance.

Meanwhile, a rumor circulated around the city that the king would appear in public in an unusual costume. And those who do not see the luxurious fabric and rich patterns will be known as fools and fools. The head of state was terribly worried at the end of his work and decided to send the oldest and honest minister to the weavers. The faithful servant came to the workshop and, about the bitter grief, did not see the magic cloth. How to admit to a faithful servant that he could not consider anything, means to pass for the whole city as a real old fool.

All whom the king sent to the weavers were deceived by the sovereign and assured that the canvas was divine and worthy of His Majesty. The sovereign believed and allocated new funds for tailoring a luxurious suit. Weavers rattled all night with scissors and pretended to sew the royal camisole, and by the day of the solemn procession the work was completed.

The king could not admit that he did not see his new outfit. And what could he do? Only reward weaver-deceivers, pretend to try on an invisible suit and bare-chested speak to the people.

The sovereign walked with a solemn step, without covering up his nakedness. And people jumped out to meet, looked out of the windows and loudly admired his suit, and only one kid cried out all over the street: And the king is naked! ”

An instructive fairy tale with pictures for children and adults

What does the story about the stupid king teach? Of course, simple life principles. You can’t lie and invent fables to please other people. It is important to be yourself, admit your mistakes and not be afraid to face the truth. The king from the fairy tale was so afraid to pass for a fool that he did not recognize the obvious things. But as a result, he was foolish anyway, because he was deceived by scammers and appeared to the people in their true guise.

Read the tale of Hans Christian Andersen “The New King's Dress” for free online on our website!

Many years ago there was a king who loved passion for clothes and new clothes and spent all his money on them. And he went out to his soldiers, and went to the theater or to the forest for a walk, only to flaunt only in a new outfit. He had a special camisole for every hour of the day, and as they say about kings, “The king is in council,” they always said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”

The city in which the king lived was big and lively, that foreign guests came every day, and once two cheaters arrived. They said weavers and said that they can weave a wonderful fabric, which is better than to think. And the color, it is unusually good, and the pattern, and besides, a dress made from this fabric, has a wonderful property of becoming invisible to any person who sits out of place or impenetrably stupid.

“That would be a wonderful dress! thought the king. - I put on such a dress - and immediately see who in your kingdom is sitting in the wrong place. And I can distinguish smart from stupid! Yes, let me soon weave such a fabric! "

And he gave the deceivers a lot of money so that they immediately get to work.

The deceivers set up two looms and, well, show that they are working, but the lovers themselves have absolutely nothing. Without ceremony, they demanded the finest silk and the finest gold, pocketed everything and continued to work on empty machines until late at night.

“It would be nice to see how things are moving!” the king thought, but such a dim feeling came to his mind when he remembered that a fool or someone who was not suitable for his place would not see the fabric. And although he believed that for himself he had nothing to fear, he still judged that it was better to send someone else for intelligence.

After all, the whole city already knew what a marvelous property the fabric had, and everyone could not wait to see how useless or stupid his neighbor was.

“I will send my honest old minister to the weavers! - decided the king. - Oh, someone, if not him to consider the fabric, because he is smart and like no one better suited to his place! ”

And then the brave old minister went into the hall, where two tricksters were working on empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! - the old minister thought, and so he widened his eyes. “I don’t see anything!”

But out loud he did not say that.

And the deceivers invite him to come closer, ask if the colors are cheerful, the patterns are good, and at the same time everyone points to empty machines, and the poor minister, however goggled, still did not see anything, because there was nothing to see.

“Lord God! he thought. “Am I really a fool?” I never thought so! Just so that no one will know! Am I not fit for my place? No, you can’t admit that I don’t see the fabric! ”

Why don’t you say anything? asked one of the weavers.

Oh, this is very sweet! Absolutely charming! said the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what a paint! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I really like it!

Well, we are happy! - said the deceivers and call the colors well, explain rare patterns. The old minister listened and remembered, in order to report everything exactly to the king.

So he did.

And the deceivers demanded more money, silk and gold: they say that they need all this for textile. But they all pocketed it again, not a thread went to the fabric, and they themselves continued to weave on empty looms.

Soon the king sent another honest official to see how things were going, whether the fabric would be ready soon. And this became the same as with the minister, he looked, looked, but didn’t look for anything, because, except for empty machines, there was nothing.

How? Is the fabric really good? - deceivers ask and explain, show a magnificent pattern, which was not even mentioned.

“I'm not stupid! the official thought. - So, therefore, I do not go to the good place where I am sitting? Weird! In any case, you can’t even give a view! ”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he did not see, and expressed his admiration for the beautiful colors and wonderful pattern.

Oh yes, this is absolutely charming! - he reported to the king.

And so the whole city started talking about what magnificent fabric weavers wove.

And then the king himself decided to look at her, while she was not yet removed from the machine.

With a whole crowd of elected courtiers, among them were both honest old officials who had already been there, he entered two cunning deceivers. They wove with all their might, although there was not a thread on the machines.

Sumptuously! Is not it? - said both the brave officials. - Please dear, Your Majesty, what a pattern, what colors!

And they pointed to an empty machine, because they thought that others would certainly see the fabric.

"What? thought the king. - I do not see anything! It's horrible. Am I really stupid? Or do not fit in with kings? Worse than you can imagine! "

Oh, it is very beautiful! - said the king. - I give my highest approval!

Oh, he nodded pretty and looked at the empty machines, not wanting to admit that he saw nothing. And his whole retinue looked, looked and also saw no more than all the others, but said after the king: “Oh, it is very beautiful!” - and advised him to sew an outfit from the new magnificent fabric for the upcoming solemn procession. "It's great! Wonderful! Excellent!" - only heard from all sides. Everyone was absolutely delighted. The king granted each of the deceivers a knight's cross in his buttonhole and awarded them the title of court weavers.

All night before the celebration, the deceivers sat sewing and burned more than sixteen candles. It was obvious to everyone that they were in a hurry to manage on time with the new outfit of the king. They pretended to remove the fabric from the machines, they cut the air with large scissors, they sewed with a needle without thread and, finally, said:

Well, the outfit is ready!

The king entered them with his most notable courtiers, and the deceivers, raising their hand high, as if holding something in it, said:

Here are the drawers! Here is a camisole! Here is the mantle! - And so on. - Everything is light, like a spider web! It’s just right to think that there is nothing on the body, but this is the whole trick!

Yes Yes! - said the courtiers, although they saw absolutely nothing, because there was nothing to see.

And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to take off your dress! - said the deceivers. “We will dress you in a new one, right here, in front of a large mirror!”

The king undressed, and the deceivers pretended to put on him one piece of new clothes after another. They grabbed him by the waist and pretended to attach something - it was a train, and the king spun, spun in front of the mirror.

Oh, how it goes! Oh, how marvelously sits! - the courtiers spoke in a voice. - What a pattern, what a paint! No words, a luxurious dress!

Canopy awaits, Your Majesty! - reported the master of ceremonies. “He will be carried over you in a procession.”

I'm ready, ”said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he turned again in front of the mirror, because it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining the outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train, fumbled with their hands on the floor and pretended to raise the train, and then went with outstretched arms - they did not dare to give out the view that there was nothing to carry.

So the king went at the head of the procession under a magnificent canopy, and all the people on the street and in the windows said:

Ah, the king’s new outfit is incomparable! And the train is so beautiful! And the camisole is sitting wonderfully!

Not a single person wanted to admit that he did not see anything, because that would mean that he was either stupid or not sitting in his place. Not a single dress of the king caused such delight.

Why, he is naked! - suddenly said some child.

Lord God, listen to what an innocent baby says! - said his father.

And everyone began to whisper to each other the words of the child.

He is naked! Here the child says that he is naked!

He is naked! finally shouted the whole nation.

And the king felt uneasy: it seemed to him that people were right, but he thought to himself: "We must endure the procession to the end."

And he performed even grander, and chamberlains followed him, carrying a train that was not there.

We read, watch and listen to children's tales:

Many years ago there lived a king in the world; he was so fond of dressing up that he spent all his money on new dresses, and parades, theaters, country walks occupied him only because he could then appear in a new dress. For every hour of the day he had a special outfit, and as they often say about other kings: "The king is in council," they said about him: "The king is in the dressing room."

In the capital of this king, life was very cheerful; almost every day foreign guests came, and now two deceivers appeared. They pretended to be weavers and said that they could make such a wonderful fabric that you couldn’t imagine anything better: besides an unusually beautiful pattern and colors, it also has an amazing property - to become invisible to any person who is out of place or impenetrably stupid .

“Yes, this will be a dress! Thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid.” Let them make such a fabric for me as soon as possible. ”

And he gave the deceivers a big deposit so that they could immediately get down to business.

They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the machines. Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the finest gold for work, they hid it all in their pockets and sat behind empty machines from morning until late at night.

“I would like to see how things are moving!” Thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful property of the fabric, and he somehow felt uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but ... anyway, it would be better if someone else would have gone first! Meanwhile, the rumor of an outlandish fabric flew around the whole city, and everyone was eager to quickly see the stupidity or unsuitability of his neighbor.

“I will send my honest old minister to them,” the king thought. “Already he will consider the fabric: he is smart and takes his place with honor.”

And then the old minister entered the hall, where deceivers sat behind empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! Thought the minister, goggling. “But I don’t see anything!”

Only he did not say it out loud.

The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how he liked the pattern and colors. At the same time, they pointed to empty machines, and the poor minister, no matter how goggling his eyes, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see.

“Oh dear! He thought. “Am I really stupid?” That's what I never thought! God forbid, someone will find out! .. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position? .. No, no, you can’t admit that I don’t see the fabric! ”

“Why don't you tell us anything?” Asked one of the weavers.

- Oh, that’s awesome! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what a paint! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I really liked your work!

- Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to paint what an unusual pattern and combination of colors. The minister listened very carefully so that later the king could repeat all this. So he did.

Now the deceivers began to demand even more money, silk and gold; but they only stuffed their pockets, and not a single thread went to work. As before, they sat at empty looms and pretended to be woven.

Then the king sent another worthy dignitary to the weavers. He had to see how things were going, and find out whether work would be finished soon. It was the same with him as with the first. He looked, looked, but all the same, he saw nothing but empty machines.

- Well, how do you like it? - deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and explaining patterns, which were not even mentioned.

"I'm not stupid," thought the dignitary. “So I'm out of place?” Here you go! However, you can’t even give a look! ”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he did not see, admiring the beautiful pattern and the combination of colors.

- It’s awesome, awesome! - he reported to the king.

Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric.

Finally, the king himself wished to admire the wonder, while it had not yet been removed from the machine.

With a whole retinue of select courtiers and dignitaries, among whom were the first two who had already seen the cloth, the king appeared to the cunning deceivers, who were weaving with all their might on empty looms.

- Magnifique! (Wonderfully French.) Isn't that so? Cried out dignitaries who had already been here. - Would you like to admire? What a drawing ... and paints! And they poked their fingers into space, imagining that everyone else sees the fabric.

“What nonsense! Thought the king. - I do not see anything! It's awful! Am I stupid? Or do not fit in with kings? That would be the worst! ”

“Oh yes, very, very sweet!” The king finally said. “It deserves my approval!”

And he nodded his head contentedly, examining the empty machines - he did not want to admit that he did not see anything. The retinue of the king looked in all eyes, but saw no more than he himself; and nevertheless, all in one voice repeated: “Very, very sweet!” - and advised the king to make himself out of this fabric an outfit for the upcoming solemn procession.

- Magnifique! Wonderful! Excell! - only heard from all sides; everyone was so excited! The king awarded the deceivers a knight's cross in his buttonhole and granted them the title of court weavers.

All night before the celebration, the deceivers sat at work and burned more than sixteen candles - it was clear to everyone that they were trying very hard to finish the king’s new dress by the deadline. They pretended to remove the fabric from the machines, cover it with large scissors and then sew with needles without thread. Finally they announced:

- Done!

The king, accompanied by his retinue, himself came to dress them. The deceivers raised their hands as if holding something, saying:

- Here are the drawers, here is the camisole, here is the caftan! Wonderful outfit! As light as a web, and you won’t feel it on your body! But this is all the beauty!

- Yes Yes! - said the courtiers, but they did not see anything - there was nothing to see.

“And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to undress and stand here, in front of a large mirror!” The tricksters told the king. “We will dress you!”

The king stripped naked, and the deceivers began to dress him up: they pretended to put one piece of clothing on him after another and finally fasten something in the shoulders and at the waist - they put on him the royal mantle! And the king turned in front of the mirror in all directions.

- God, how's it going! How wonderful it sits! - whispered in the retinue. - What a pattern, what a paint! Luxurious dress!

- The canopy is waiting! - reported the master of ceremonies.

- I'm ready! - said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he turned again in front of the mirror: it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining his outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train of the royal mantle, pretended to have lifted something from the floor, and followed the king, stretching out their hands in front of them - they did not dare to pretend that they did not see anything.

And so the king marched through the streets under a splendid canopy, and the people gathered in the streets said:

“Ah, what a beautiful new king’s dress!” How wonderful it sits! What a gorgeous gown!

Not a single person admitted that he did not see anything, no one wanted to admit that he was stupid or was not sitting in the right place. Not a single dress of the king caused such enthusiasm yet.

- Why, he is naked! - Suddenly shouted some little boy.

“Listen to what the innocent baby says!” - said his father, and everyone began to whisper to each other the words of the child.

“But he is completely naked!” Here the boy says that he is not dressed at all! Finally shouted the whole nation.

And the king felt terrified: it seemed to them that they were right, but he had to bring the ceremony to the end!

And he performed under his canopy even greater, and chamberlains followed him, supporting the mantle, which was not there.

Many years ago there was a king who loved passion for clothes and new clothes and spent all his money on them. And he went out to his soldiers, and went to the theater or to the forest for a walk, only to flaunt only in a new outfit. He had a special camisole for every hour of the day, and as they say about kings, “The king is in council,” they always said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”

The city in which the king lived was big and lively, that foreign guests came every day, and once two cheaters arrived. They said weavers and said that they can weave a wonderful fabric, which is better than to think. And the color, it is unusually good, and the pattern, and besides, a dress made from this fabric, has a wonderful property of becoming invisible to any person who sits out of place or impenetrably stupid.

“That would be a wonderful dress! thought the king. - I put on such a dress - and immediately see who in your kingdom is sitting in the wrong place. And I can distinguish smart from stupid! Yes, let me soon weave such a fabric! "

And he gave the deceivers a lot of money so that they immediately get to work.

The deceivers set up two looms and, well, show that they are working, but the lovers themselves have absolutely nothing. Without ceremony, they demanded the finest silk and the finest gold, pocketed everything and continued to work on empty machines until late at night.

“It would be nice to see how things are moving!” the king thought, but such a dim feeling came to his mind when he remembered that a fool or someone who was not suitable for his place would not see the fabric. And although he believed that for himself he had nothing to fear, he still judged that it was better to send someone else for intelligence.

After all, the whole city already knew what a marvelous property the fabric had, and everyone could not wait to see how useless or stupid his neighbor was.

“I will send my honest old minister to the weavers! - decided the king. - Oh, someone, if not him to consider the fabric, because he is smart and like no one better suited to his place! ”

And then the brave old minister went into the hall, where two tricksters were working on empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! - the old minister thought, and so he widened his eyes. “I don’t see anything!”

But out loud he did not say that.

And the deceivers invite him to come closer, ask if the colors are cheerful, the patterns are good, and at the same time everyone points to empty machines, and the poor minister, however goggled, still did not see anything, because there was nothing to see.

“Lord God! he thought. “Am I really a fool?” I never thought so! Just so that no one will know! Am I not fit for my place? No, you can’t admit that I don’t see the fabric! ”

Why don’t you say anything? asked one of the weavers.

Oh, this is very sweet! Absolutely charming! said the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what a paint! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I really like it!

Well, we are happy! - said the deceivers and call the colors well, explain rare patterns. The old minister listened and remembered, in order to report everything exactly to the king.

So he did.

And the deceivers demanded more money, silk and gold: they say that they need all this for textile. But they all pocketed it again, not a thread went to the fabric, and they themselves continued to weave on empty looms.

Soon the king sent another honest official to see how things were going, whether the fabric would be ready soon. And this became the same as with the minister, he looked, looked, but didn’t look for anything, because, except for empty machines, there was nothing.

How? Is the fabric really good? - deceivers ask and explain, show a magnificent pattern, which was not even mentioned.

“I'm not stupid! the official thought. - So, therefore, I do not go to the good place where I am sitting? Weird! In any case, you can’t even give a view! ”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he did not see, and expressed his admiration for the beautiful colors and wonderful pattern.

Oh yes, this is absolutely charming! - he reported to the king.

And so the whole city started talking about what magnificent fabric weavers wove.

And then the king himself decided to look at her, while she was not yet removed from the machine.

With a whole crowd of elected courtiers, among them were both honest old officials who had already been there, he entered two cunning deceivers. They wove with all their might, although there was not a thread on the machines.

Sumptuously! Is not it? - said both the brave officials. - Please dear, Your Majesty, what a pattern, what colors!

And they pointed to an empty machine, because they thought that others would certainly see the fabric.

"What? thought the king. - I do not see anything! It's horrible. Am I really stupid? Or do not fit in with kings? Worse than you can imagine! "

Oh, it is very beautiful! - said the king. - I give my highest approval!

Oh, he nodded pretty and looked at the empty machines, not wanting to admit that he saw nothing. And his whole retinue looked, looked and also saw no more than all the others, but said after the king: “Oh, it is very beautiful!” - and advised him to sew an outfit from the new magnificent fabric for the upcoming solemn procession. "It's great! Wonderful! Excellent!" - only heard from all sides. Everyone was absolutely delighted. The king granted each of the deceivers a knight's cross in his buttonhole and awarded them the title of court weavers.

All night before the celebration, the deceivers sat sewing and burned more than sixteen candles. It was obvious to everyone that they were in a hurry to manage on time with the new outfit of the king. They pretended to remove the fabric from the machines, they cut the air with large scissors, they sewed with a needle without thread and, finally, said:

Well, the outfit is ready!

The king entered them with his most notable courtiers, and the deceivers, raising their hand high, as if holding something in it, said:

Here are the drawers! Here is a camisole! Here is the mantle! - And so on. - Everything is light, like a spider web! It’s just right to think that there is nothing on the body, but this is the whole trick!

Yes Yes! - said the courtiers, although they saw absolutely nothing, because there was nothing to see.

And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to take off your dress! - said the deceivers. “We will dress you in a new one, right here, in front of a large mirror!”

The king undressed, and the deceivers pretended to put on him one piece of new clothes after another. They grabbed him by the waist and pretended to attach something - it was a train, and the king spun, spun in front of the mirror.

Oh, how it goes! Oh, how marvelously sits! - the courtiers spoke in a voice. - What a pattern, what a paint! No words, a luxurious dress!

Canopy awaits, Your Majesty! - reported the master of ceremonies. “He will be carried over you in a procession.”

I'm ready, ”said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he turned again in front of the mirror, because it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining the outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train, fumbled with their hands on the floor and pretended to raise the train, and then went with outstretched arms - they did not dare to give out the view that there was nothing to carry.

So the king went at the head of the procession under a magnificent canopy, and all the people on the street and in the windows said:

Ah, the king’s new outfit is incomparable! And the train is so beautiful! And the camisole is sitting wonderfully!

Not a single person wanted to admit that he did not see anything, because that would mean that he was either stupid or not sitting in his place. Not a single dress of the king caused such delight.

Why, he is naked! - suddenly said some child.

Lord God, listen to what an innocent baby says! - said his father.

And everyone began to whisper to each other the words of the child.

He is naked! Here the child says that he is naked!

He is naked! finally shouted the whole nation.

And the king felt uneasy: it seemed to him that people were right, but he thought to himself: "We must endure the procession to the end."

And he performed even grander, and chamberlains followed him, carrying a train that was not there.

Hans Christian Andersen

New king dress

Once upon a time there was a king in the world; he was so fond of dressing up that he spent all his money on outfits, and army reviews, theaters, country walks occupied him only because he could then appear in a new outfit. For every hour of the day he had a special outfit, and as they often say about other kings: “The king is in council” - so they said about him: “The king is in the dressing room”.

The king’s capital lived a lot of fun, almost every day foreign guests came, and now two deceivers came. They pretended to be weavers who know how to make such a wonderful fabric that you can’t imagine anything better: besides an unusually beautiful pattern and colors, it was also remarkable for its ability to become invisible to any person who was “out of place” or impenetrably stupid.

“Yes, this dress will be so! thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart, who is stupid.” Let them make such a fabric for me as soon as possible. ”

And he gave the deceivers a big deposit so that they could immediately get down to business.

They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the machines. Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the best gold for work, they hid all this in their pockets and continued to sit behind empty machines from morning until late at night.

“I would like to see how things are moving!” thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful property of the fabric, and he somehow felt uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but ... still, let someone else go first! Meanwhile, the rumor about an outlandish fabric spread throughout the whole city, and everyone was eager to quickly see the stupidity and worthlessness of his neighbor.

“I will send my honest old minister to them,” the king thought, “he will consider the fabric: he is smart and takes his place with honor.”

And now the old minister entered the rest, where the deceivers were sitting at the empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! thought the minister, goggling. “I don’t see anything!”

Only he did not say it out loud.

The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how he liked the drawing and the colors. At the same time, they pointed to empty machines, and the poor minister, no matter how goggling his eyes, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see.

“Oh Lord! he thought. “Am I really stupid?” That's what I’ve never thought! God save me if someone finds out! .. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position? .. No, no, you can’t admit that I don’t see the fabric! ”

Why don’t you tell us anything? asked one of the weavers.

Oh, that’s awesome! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a drawing, what a paint! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I really liked your work!

Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to paint, what kind of pattern and combination of colors. The minister listened very carefully, to later repeat all this to the king. So he did.

Now the deceivers began to demand even more silk and gold, but they only stuffed their pockets, and not a single thread went to work.

Then the king sent another dignitary to the weavers. It was the same with him as with the first. He looked and looked, but he saw nothing but empty machines.

Well, how do you like it? - deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and explaining patterns that were not there.

“I am not stupid,” thought the dignitary, “so I am not in the right place?” Here you go! However, you can’t even give a look! ”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he did not see, admiring the wonderful pattern and combination of colors.

Premium, premium! - he reported to the king. Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric.

Finally, the king himself wished to admire the wonder, while it had not yet been removed from the machine. With a whole retinue of elected courtiers and dignitaries, among whom were the first two who had already seen the cloth, the king came to the deceivers, weaving with all their might on empty looms.

Magnifique! 1 is not it? - spoke the first two dignitaries. - Would you like to admire? What a drawing ... paint!

And they poked their fingers into space, imagining that everyone else could see the fabric.

“What, what is that ?! thought the king. - I do not see anything! It's awful! Is it stupid, me? Or do not fit in with kings? That would be the worst! ”

Oh yes, very, very sweet! the king finally said. “It deserves my approval!”

And he nodded his head contentedly, examining the empty machines: he did not want to admit that he did not see anything. The retinue of the king looked in all eyes, but saw no more than himself; Nevertheless, everyone repeated in one voice: "Very, very sweet!" - and advised the king to make himself out of this fabric an outfit for the upcoming solemn procession.

Magnifique! Wonderful! Excellent! 2 - only heard from all sides; everyone was so excited!

The king awarded each deceiver an order and granted them to the court weavers.

All night before the celebration, the deceivers sat at work and burned more than sixteen candles - so they tried to finish a new outfit for the king by the deadline. They pretended to remove the fabric from the machines, cover it with large scissors and then sew with needles without thread.

Finally they announced:

The king, accompanied by his retinue, himself came to dress them. The deceivers raised their hands as if holding something, saying:

Here are the drawers, here is the camisole, here is the caftan! Wonderful outfit! As light as a web, and you won’t feel it on your body! But this is all the beauty!

Yes Yes! - said the courtiers, but they did not see anything: there was nothing to see.

Now deign to undress and stand right here in front of a large mirror! the tricksters told the king. - We will dress you!

The king undressed, and the deceivers began to “dress” him: they pretended to put one piece of clothing on him after another and, finally, fasten something on their shoulders and waist: it was they who “put on” the royal mantle! And the king at this time turned in front of the mirror in all directions.

God, how's it going! How wonderful it sits! - whispered in the retinue. - What a drawing, what a paint! Luxurious outfit!

Canopy awaits! - reported the master of ceremonies.

I'm ready! - said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he turned again in front of the mirror: it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining his outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train of the royal mantle, pretended to raise something from the floor, and went after the king, stretching out their hands in front of them - they did not dare and pretended to give in that they did not see anything.

And so the king marched through the streets under a splendid canopy, and the people said:

Ah, what an outfit! What a gorgeous gown! How wonderful it sits! Not a single person admitted that he did not see anything: no one wanted to impersonate a fool or a worthless person. Yes, not a single outfit of the king has ever caused such enthusiasm.

Why, he’s completely naked! - Suddenly shouted one little boy.

Ah, listen to what an innocent baby says! - said his father, and everyone began to whisper to each other the words of the child.

Why, he is completely naked! - shouted at last, all the people.

Many years ago there was a king who loved passion for clothes and new clothes and spent all his money on them. And he went out to his soldiers, and went to the theater or to the forest for a walk, only to flaunt only in a new outfit. He had a special camisole for every hour of the day, and as they say about kings, “The king is in council,” they always said about him: “The king is in the dressing room”

The city in which the king lived was big and lively, that foreign guests came every day, and once two cheaters arrived. They said weavers and said that they can weave a wonderful fabric, which is better than to think. And the color, it is unusually good, and the pattern, and besides, a dress made from this fabric, has a wonderful property of becoming invisible to any person who sits out of place or impenetrably stupid.

“That would be a wonderful dress! Thought the king. - I put on such a dress - and immediately see who in your kingdom is sitting in the wrong place. And I can distinguish smart from stupid! Yes, let me soon weave such a fabric! ”

And he gave the deceivers a lot of money so that they immediately get to work.

The deceivers set up two looms and, well, show that they are working, but the lovers themselves have absolutely nothing. Without ceremony, they demanded the finest silk and the finest gold, pocketed everything and continued to work on empty machines until late at night.

“It would be nice to see how things are moving!” The king thought, but such a dim feeling came to his mind when he remembered that a fool or someone who was not suitable for his place would not see the fabric. And although he believed that for himself he had nothing to fear, he still judged that it was better to send someone else for reconnaissance.

After all, the whole city already knew what a marvelous property the fabric had, and everyone could not wait to see how useless or stupid his neighbor was.

“I will send my honest old minister to the weavers! - decided the king. “Oh, to whom, if not him, to consider the fabric, because he is smart and like no one better suited to his place! ..”

And so the brave old minister went into the hall, where two deceivers worked on empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! Thought the old minister, his eyes wide. “I don’t see anything!”

But out loud he did not say that.

And the deceivers invite him to come closer, ask if the colors are cheerful, the patterns are good, and at the same time everyone points to empty machines, and the poor minister, however goggled, still did not see anything, because there was nothing to see.

“Lord God! He thought. “Am I really a fool?” I never thought so! Just so that no one will know! Really I am not fit for my place. No, you can’t admit that I don’t see the fabric! ”

“Why don't you say anything?” Asked one of the weavers.

- Oh, that's very sweet! Absolutely charming! Said the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what colors! .. Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I really like it!

- Well, we are glad! - said the deceivers and call the colors well, explain rare patterns. The old minister listened and remembered, in order to report everything exactly to the king.

So he did.

And the deceivers demanded more money, silk and gold: they say that they need all this for textile. But they all pocketed it again, not a thread went to the fabric, and they themselves continued to weave on empty looms.

Soon the king sent another honest official to see how things were going, whether the fabric would be ready soon. And this became the same as with the minister, he looked, looked, but didn’t look for anything, because, except for empty machines, there was nothing.

- Well, how? Is the fabric really good? - deceivers ask and explain, show a magnificent pattern, which was not even mentioned.

“I'm not stupid! The official thought. - So, therefore, I do not go to the good place where I am sitting? Weird! In any case, you can’t even give a view! ”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he did not see, and expressed his admiration for the beautiful colors and wonderful pattern.

“Oh yes, that is absolutely charming!” - he reported to the king.

And so the whole city started talking about what magnificent fabric weavers wove. And then the king himself decided to look at her, while she was not yet removed from the machine.

With a whole crowd of elected courtiers, among them were both honest old officials who had already been there, he entered two cunning deceivers. They wove with all their might, although there was not a thread on the machines.

- Great! Is not it? - said both the brave officials. - Please dear, Your Majesty, what a pattern, what colors!

And they pointed to an empty machine, because they thought that others would certainly see the fabric.

"What? Thought the king. - I do not see anything! It's horrible. Am I really stupid? Are you not fit for kings? Worse than you can imagine! ”

- Oh, it's very beautiful! - said the king. - I give my highest approval!

He nodded fairly and examined the empty machines, not wanting to admit that he did not see anything. And his whole retinue looked, looked and also saw no more than all the others, but said after the king: “Oh, it is very beautiful!” - and advised him to sew an outfit from the new magnificent fabric for the upcoming solemn procession. "It's great! Wonderful! Excellent!" - only heard from all sides. Everyone was absolutely delighted. The king granted each of the deceivers a knight's cross in his buttonhole and awarded them the title of court weavers.

All night before the celebration, the deceivers sat sewing and burned more than sixteen candles. It was obvious to everyone that they were in a hurry to manage on time with the new outfit of the king. They pretended to remove the fabric from the machines, they cut the air with large scissors, they sewed with a needle without thread and finally said:

- Well, the outfit is ready!

The king entered them with his most distinguished courtiers, and the deceivers, raising their arms high, as if holding something in them, said:

- Here are the drawers! Here is a camisole! Here is the mantle! - And so on. - Everything is light, like a spider web! At the time to think that there is nothing on the body, but this is the whole trick!

- Yes Yes! - said the courtiers, although they saw absolutely nothing, because there was nothing to see.

“And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to take off your dress!” - said the deceivers. “We will dress you in a new one, right here, in front of a large mirror!”

The king undressed, and the deceivers pretended to put on him one piece of new clothes after another. They grabbed his waist and pretended to attach something - it was a train, and the king spun, spun in front of the mirror.

- Ah, how it goes! Oh, how marvelously sits! - the courtiers spoke in a voice. - What a pattern, what a paint! No words, a luxurious dress!

“The canopy awaits, Your Majesty!” - reported the master of ceremonies. “He will be carried over you in a procession.”

“I am ready,” said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he turned again in front of the mirror - because it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining the outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train, fumbled with their hands on the floor and pretended to lift the train, and then went with outstretched arms - they did not dare to give the mind that there was nothing to carry.

So the king went at the head of the procession under a magnificent canopy, and all the people on the street and in the windows said:

“Ah, the king’s new outfit is incomparable!” And the train is so beautiful. And the camisole is sitting wonderfully!

Not a single person wanted to admit that he did not see anything, because that would mean that he was either stupid or not sitting in his place. Not a single dress of the king caused such delight.

“Why, the king is naked!” - suddenly said some child.

“God, listen to what an innocent baby says!” - said his father.

And everyone began to whisper to each other the words of the child.

- He's naked! Here the child says that he is naked!

- He's naked! Finally shouted the whole nation. And the king felt uneasy: it seemed to him that people were right, but he thought to himself: "We must endure the procession to the end."

And he performed even grander, and chamberlains followed him, carrying a train that was not there.