Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again. Astrid Lindgren - Carlson, who lives on the roof, pranks again Baby and Carlson who flew again

While the Kid was visiting Carlson, his mother was with the doctor. She lingered longer than expected, and when she returned home, the Kid was calmly sitting in his room and examining the stamps.

- And you, Baby, are all messing around with stamps?

“Yeah,” the Kid answered, and that was true.

And that he just returned from the roof just a few minutes ago, he simply kept silent. Of course, the mother is very smart and understands almost everything, but whether she understands that he definitely had to climb the roof, the Kid was not sure of this. Therefore, he decided not to say anything about the appearance of Carlson. In any case, not now. In any case, not before the whole family gathers. He will present this sumptuous surprise at dinner. In addition, his mother seemed to him kind of gloomy. On the forehead, between the eyebrows, lay a crease, which should not be there, and the Kid for a long time puzzled his mind where it came from.

Finally, the whole family gathered, and then my mother called everyone to dine; they all sat down at the table: mom and dad, and Bosse, and Betan, and Kid. For lunch there were cabbage rolls - cabbage again! And the Kid loved only that which was not useful. But under the table at his feet lay Bimbo, who ate everything indiscriminately. The kid unfolded the cabbage roll, crumpled the cabbage leaf and quietly threw it on the floor for Bimbo.

“Mom, tell him not to do this,” said Betan, “otherwise Bimbo will grow up as ill-mannered as the Kid.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” my mother said absently. She said as if she had not heard what it was about.

“But when I was little, they forced me to eat everything to the end,” Betan said.

The kid showed her tongue.

- Here, here, admire. Something I don’t notice, that the mother’s word impressed you at least, Baby.

Mom’s eyes suddenly filled with tears.

“Don't swear, please,” she said. “I can't hear that.”

And then it became clear why my mother looked sad.

- The doctor said that I have a strong anemia. From overwork. He said that I needed to leave the city and have a good rest.

Silence reigned at the table. For a long time no one said a word. What a sad news! Mom, it turns out, got sick, a real disaster struck - that's what everyone thought. And the Kid also thought about the fact that now mom needs to leave, and from this it became even worse.

“I want you to stand in the kitchen whenever I come from school, and that you have an apron and bake buns every day,” the Kid said at last.

“You only think about yourself,” Boss sternly besieged him.

The kid pressed against his mother.

“Of course, you can't get goodies without mom,” he said.

But mom didn’t hear that. She was talking to dad.

“We will try to find a domestic worker at the time of my departure.”

Both dad and mom were very concerned. Dinner didn’t go as well as usual. The kid understood that something had to be done to at least slightly cheer everyone up, and who better to cope with it?

“Listen to the good news now,” he began. “Guess who's back today?”

“Who's back? .. I hope not Carlson?” - Mum asked anxiously. - Do not give us more unnecessary disappointments!

The kid looked at her reproachfully: “I thought Carlson’s appearance would make everyone happy, not upset.” The boss burst out laughing:

- We will have a good life now! Without mom, but with Carlson and the housekeeper, who will restore order here.

“Don't scare me,” Mom said. “Just think about what will happen to the housekeeper if she sees Carlson.”

Dad looked sternly at the Kid.

“That will not happen,” he said. “The housekeeper will never see Carlson and hear nothing about him, promise, Baby.”

“Actually, Carlson flies wherever he wants,” said the Kid. “But I can promise never to tell her about him.”

“In general, not a single living soul has a word,” said Papa. - Do not forget our agreement.

- If a living soul is not allowed, then, then, our school teacher can.

But dad shook his head:

“No, by no means, and she must not.”

- Clear! - exclaimed the Kid. “So you can't tell anyone about a housemaid either?” Because with her for sure there will be no less trouble than with Carlson.

Mom sighed:

“It remains to be seen whether we can find a housekeeper.”

The next day they advertised in a newspaper. But only one woman called them. Her name was Freken Bock. A few hours later she came to arrange a place. The Kid's ear just hurt and he wanted to be near his mother. It would be best to sit on her knees, although, in fact, for this he was already too big.

“When your ears hurt, you can,” he finally decided and climbed onto his mother’s knees.

Then the doorbell rang. This came Freken Bock. The kid had to get off his knees. But the whole time while she was sitting, the Kid did not leave his mother a step, hung on the back of her chair and pressed his sick ear to her hand, and when it became especially painful, he whimpered softly.

The kid hoped that the housekeeper would be a young, beautiful and sweet girl, like a teacher at school. But everything turned out the other way around. Freken Bock turned out to be a harsh old lady of high stature, overweight, and besides, very decisive in opinions and actions. She had several chins and such furious eyes that the Kid was even frightened at first. He immediately clearly realized that he would never fall in love with Bok freken. Bimbo also understood this and barked and barked until he was hoarse.

- Ah, there you go! Do you mean a dog? - said Freken Bock.

Mom was noticeably alarmed.

“You don't like dogs, Freken Bock?” She asked.

- No, why, I love them if they are well-mannered.

“I'm not sure Bimbo is well-mannered,” my mother confusedly confessed.

Freken Bock nodded vigorously.

“He will be well brought up if I come to you.” My dogs quickly become silk.

The kid prayed to himself that she would never come to them. In addition, the pain again pricked in his ear, and he quietly whimpered.

“What, what, but I can manage to train a dog who barks and a boy who is aching,” Frecken Bock said and grinned.

Apparently, she wanted to shame him with this, but he believed that he had nothing to be ashamed of, and therefore said quietly, as if to himself:

- And I have creaky shoes.

Mom heard this and blushed deeply.

“I hope you love children, Freken Bock, yes?”

“Oh yes, of course, if they are well-mannered,” Frecken Bock answered and stared at the Kid.

And again mom was embarrassed.

“I'm not sure the Kid is well-mannered,” she muttered.

“He will be well brought up,” Frecken Bock reassured her mother. - Do not worry, my children and I quickly become silk.

Then the Kid blushed with excitement: he felt sorry for the children who had become silk at the Bok freken! And soon he himself will be one of them. Why be surprised that he was so scared?

However, my mother also had a somewhat discouraged look. She stroked the Baby on the head and said:

- As for the boy, it is easiest to deal with him with affection.

“Experience tells me that affection does not always help,” Frecken Bock resolutely objected. - Children should feel a firm hand.

Then Freken Bock said how much she wants to receive per month, and stipulated that she should not be called a housekeeper, but a housekeeper. This ended the negotiations.

Just at that time, dad returned from work, and mom introduced them.

“Our housekeeper, Freken Bock.”

“Our ... housekeeper,” the Kid hissed, and threw himself out of the room with all his legs.

The next day, mom left for her grandmother. Seeing her off, everyone cried, and the Kid was the most.

- I do not want to be alone with this housekeeper! He sobbed.

But there was nothing to do, he himself understood. After all, Bosset and Betan came from school late, and dad did not return from work before five. Every day, the Kid will have to spend many, many hours in private with the housekeeper. That's why he cried so much. Mom kissed him:

“Try to be great ... for my sake!” And please don't call her a housekeeper.

Troubles began the very next day, as soon as the Kid came from school. In the kitchen there was neither a mother, nor cocoa with buns - there now reigned a freken Bok, and it cannot be said that the appearance of the Kid pleased her.

“Everything flour makes your appetite worse,” she said. “You won’t get any goodies.”

But she herself baked them: a whole mountain of buns froze on a dish in front of an open window.

“But ...” the Kid began.

“No“ buts, ”Frecken Bock interrupted. - First of all, the boy has nothing to do in the kitchen. Go to your room and learn the lessons. Hang your jacket and wash your hands! Well, wait a minute!

And the Kid went into his room. He was angry and hungry. Bimbo was lying in a basket and sleeping. But as soon as the Kid crossed the threshold, he flew with an arrow to meet him.

“At least someone is happy to see me,” thought the Kid and hugged the dog.

“She treated you badly too?” I can not stand it! "Hang your jacket and wash your hands!" Maybe I should still air the cupboard and wash my feet? And in general I hang a jacket without reminders! Yes Yes!

He threw his jacket into Bimbo's basket, and Bimbo comfortably lay on it, clutching his teeth in his sleeve.

The kid went to the window and began to look at the street. He stood and thought about how miserable he was and how sadly without a mother. And suddenly he felt fun: he saw that on the roof of the house, on the other side of the street, Carlson was working out complex aerobatics. He circled between the pipes and from time to time made a dead loop in the air.

The kid waved him frantically, and Carlson immediately flew in, and on such a shaving flight that the Kid was instilled in jumping to the side, otherwise Carlson would have directly crashed into him.

- Hi baby! - shouted Carlson. “Have I offended you with anything?” Why do you have such a frown? Are you not feeling well?

“No, that’s not the point,” answered the Kid and told Carlson about his misfortunes and that Mom had left and that some kind of housekeeper had appeared in her place, so disgusting, angry and greedy that you couldn’t even get some goodies from her when you come home from school, although there is a whole plate of still warm buns on the window. Carlson's eyes flashed.

“You're lucky,” he said. - Guess who is the best tamer in the world?

The kid immediately guessed, but could not imagine how Carlson would cope with Freken Bock.

“I'll start by bringing her down.” “Do you want to say harass?” Asked the Kid.

Carlson could not stand such stupid nitpicking.

- If I wanted to say "plague", I would say so. And to “reduce”, as you might understand from the very word, means to do the same, but only much funnier.

The kid thought and was forced to admit that Carlson was right. “Produce" actually sounded much more ridiculous.

“I think it's best to start with releasing the buns,” Carlson said. “And you must help me.”

- How? - asked the Kid.

- Go to the kitchen and start a conversation with the housekeeper.

“Yes, but ...” the Kid began.

“No buts,” Carlson stopped him. - Talk to her about what you want, but so that she at least for a moment looks away from the window.

Then Carlson laughed, he cackled right out of laughter, then pressed a button, the propeller spun, and, still cackling gaily, Carlson flew out the window.

And the Kid bravely moved into the kitchen. Now that he was assisted by the world's best domesticator tamer, he had nothing to fear.

This time, Freken Bock was even less pleased with his appearance. She was just making coffee for herself, and the Kid knew perfectly well that she was going to spend some pleasant minutes in silence, seizing coffee with fresh buns. It must be that eating flour is harmful only to children.

Freken Bock glanced at the Kid. She looked very sour.

- What do you want? She asked in an even more sour voice.

The kid thought it was time to talk to her. But he absolutely did not know where to start.

“Guess what I will do when I grow up as big as you, Frecken Bock?” - he said.

And at that moment he heard a familiar faint buzz at the window. But Carlson was not visible. Only a small puffy pen suddenly flashed in the window and grabbed a bun from the dish. The kid giggled. Freken Bock did not notice anything.

“So what will you do when you grow big?” She asked impatiently. It was clear that she was not at all interested in this. She just wanted to get rid of Toddler as soon as possible.

- No, guess it yourself! - insisted the Kid.

And then he again saw how the same little puffy handle took another bun from the dish. And the Kid giggled again. He tried to restrain himself, but nothing came of it. It turns out that a lot of laughter accumulated in him, and this laughter uncontrollably burst out. Freken Bock thought with irritation that he was the most tiresome boy in the world. It was not easy to bring it right now, when she was going to calmly drink a coffee.

“Guess what I will do when I grow up as big as you, Frecken Bock?” - the Kid repeated and giggled more than ever, because now already two small chubby hands dragged several remaining buns from the dish.

“I have no time to stand here with you and listen to your stupidities,” said Bock. “And I'm not going to rack my brains over what you will do when you grow big.” But while you are still small, please obey and therefore immediately leave the kitchen and learn lessons.

“Yes, of course,” said the Kid and burst out laughing so much that he even had to lean against the door. “But when I grow up as big as you, Frecken Bock, I will grumble all the time, that's for sure.”

Freken Bock changed her face, it seemed she was about to pounce on Toddler, but then from the street came a strange sound, like a lowing. She quickly turned around and found that there were no buns on the dish.

- Oh my god, where did my buns go?

She rushed to the windowsill. Maybe she hoped to see the thief fleeing, clutching rich buns in an armful. But the Svanteson family lives on the fourth floor, and there are no such long-legged thieves, even this she could not know.

Freken Bock sank into a chair in utter confusion.

- Really pigeons? She muttered.

“Judging by the lowing, it's more like a cow,” said the Kid. - Some kind of flying ladybug who loves the goodies very much. So she saw them and licked her tongue.

“Don't talk nonsense,” Bok grunted.

But then the Kid again heard the familiar buzzing at the window and, to drown it out and distract the Bock freken, he sang as loudly as he could:


Flying to the sky

Bringing us bread.

Sushki, buns,

Sweet cheesecakes.

The kid often composed poems with his mother and he himself understood that they successfully came up with the ladybug, dryers and buns. But Freken Bock had a different opinion.

- Shut up immediately! I'm tired of your stupid things! She cried.

Just at that moment, something so rang at the window that they both flinched in fright. They turned around and saw a five-era coin lying on an empty dish.

The kid giggled again.

“What an honest cow,” he said through laughter. - She paid for the buns.

Freken Bock turned red with anger.

- What an idiotic joke! She screamed and rushed to the window again. - Probably, someone from the upper apartment is amused by the fact that he steals buns from me and throws five-coin coins here.

“Nobody is above us,” said the Kid. - We live on the top floor, there is only a roof above us.

Freken Bock was completely furious.

- I don’t understand anything! She yelled. - Nothing at all.

“Yes, I noticed it a long time ago,” said the Kid. - But is it worth it to be upset, not everyone should be understanding. For these words, the Kid received a slap in the face.

- I'll show you how to dare! She screamed.

“No, no, don’t, don’t show me,” the Kid pleaded and cried, “otherwise my mother won’t recognize me when she returns home.”

Toddler's eyes shone. He continued to cry. Never in his life had he received slaps in the face, and he was very offended. He glanced viciously at Frecken Bock. Then she grabbed his hand and dragged him into the room.

“Sit here and be ashamed,” she said. “I will lock the door and take out the key, now you will not be able to run every minute into the kitchen.” She looked at her watch. “I hope there’s enough time to make you silk.” I’ll let you go at three o’clock. In the meantime, remember what you have to say when they ask for forgiveness.

And Freken Bock is gone. The kid heard the lock click: it is simply locked and cannot exit. It was terrible. He hated Frecken Bock. But at the same time, his conscience was not entirely clear, because he also did not behave perfectly. And now he was put in a cage. Mom decides that he teased the housekeeper, dared her. He thought about his mother, that for a long time he would not see her, and cried a little more.

But then he heard a buzzing, and Carlson flew into the room.

Lindgren Astrid

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The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there’s a very tiny Carlson’s house that lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is also sure of this. As for the Kid, he lives with his mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the chimney, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Carlson, who lives on the roof, the best in the world Carlson

Surely there will be people who find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where he wants.

Mom and Dad also believe that everyone can live wherever he wants. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosset and Betan did not believe it either. They could not even imagine that on the roof there lives a small plump man with a propeller on his back and that he can fly.

Don’t talk, Kid, said Bossse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fiction.”

For fidelity, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was an invention, to which Carlson muttered angrily:

They themselves are fiction!

Mom and Dad decided that the Baby is sad alone, and single children often come up with different comrades for games.

Poor Baby, ”said Mom. - Bosse and Betan are so much older than him! He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.,

Yes, dad agreed. “In any case, we must give him a dog.” He has been dreaming of her for so long. When the Kid receives the dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And they presented Bimbo to the Kid. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, yes, they saw him. This is how it happened.

The kid celebrated a birthday in his room. He was visited by Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan heard a loud laugh and funny chatter coming from the Kid’s room, mother suggested:

Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

Come on! - picked up dad.

And what did mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw when they opened the door and looked into the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared with whipped cream to his ears, and gobbled up so that it was nice to watch? Of course, none other than a small fat man who immediately wentbbled up that there was urine:

Hello! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to still not have the honor of knowing me?

Mom almost lost her senses. And dad got nervous too.

Just don’t tell anyone about this, ”he said,“ hear, not a word to anyone. ”

Why? asked Bosse.

And dad explained:

Think for yourself what our life will turn into if people find out about Carlson. He will, of course, be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of the lighting fixtures, and every half hour we will receive correspondents to photograph Carlson and the Kid. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Betan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone about Carlson.

And just the next day, the Kid was supposed to go all summer to his grandmother in the village. He was very happy about this, but was worried about Carlson. You never know what he wants to throw out during this time! What if he disappears and never arrives again!

Dear, dear Carlson, you will still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother? Surely you will? - asked the Kid.

How to know? - answered Carlson. - Calm, only calm. After all, I will also go to my grandmother, and my grandmother is much more like a grandmother than yours.

And where does your grandmother live? - asked the Kid.

In the house, and where else! Do you think that she lives on the street and rides at night?

So the Kid did not manage to learn anything about Carlson's grandmother. And the next day, the Kid went to the village. He took Bimbo with him. For days he played with the village boys and hardly remembered Carlson. But when the summer holidays were over and the Kid returned to the city, he asked, barely crossing the threshold:

Mom, have you ever seen Carlson during this time?

Mom shook her head:

Never. He will not go back.

Do not say that! I want him to live on our roof. Let him fly again!

But you now have Bimbo, ”said the mother, trying to comfort the Kid. She believed that the time had come once and for all to end Carlson. The kid stroked Bimbo.

Yes, of course I have Bimbo. He is a world dog, but he does not have a propeller, and he does not know how to fly, and in general it is more interesting to play with Carlson.

The kid rushed to his room and opened the window.

Hey Carls-o-he! Are you up there? Respond he screamed at the top of his lungs, but no answer came. And the next morning, the Kid went to school. He was now in second grade. After lunch, he went to his room and sat down for lessons. He never closed the window so as not to miss the buzz of Carlson's motor, but from the street came only the roar of cars and sometimes the roar of an airplane flying over the roofs. But the familiar buzz was not heard.

Everything is clear, he did not return, - the Kid repeated sadly to himself. “He will never fly again.”

In the evening, going to bed, the Kid thought about Carlson, and sometimes, covering himself with a blanket, he even cried quietly at the thought that he would not see Carlson anymore. Days passed, there was a school, there were lessons, but Carlson was not and never was.

Once, after dinner, the Kid was sitting in his room and fiddling with his collection of stamps. In front of him lay an album and a whole bunch of new stamps, which he was going to make out. The kid zealously got down to business and very quickly pasted all the stamps. All but one of the best, which he purposely left in the end. It was a German brand with the image of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, and the Kid really liked it. He laid it on the table in front of him and admired it.

And suddenly the Kid heard some kind of faint buzzing sound similar to ... - yes, just imagine - similar to the buzzing sound of Carlson’s motor! And indeed it was Carlson. He flew through the window and shouted:

Hi baby!

Hi Carlson! - screamed the Kid and jumped up.

Not remembering himself with happiness, he looked at Carlson, who flew around the chandelier several times and landed awkwardly. As soon as Carlson turned off the motor - and for this it was enough for him to press a button on his stomach - so, as soon as Carlson turned off the motor, the Kid rushed to him to hug him, but Carlson shoved the Kid off with his chubby handle and said:

Calm, only calm! Do you have any food? Maybe meatballs or something like that? A piece of whipped cream cake will do.

The kid shook his head:

No, mom didn’t make meatballs today. And the cream cake is with us only on holidays.

Carlson pouted:

Well, you have a family! “Only on holidays” ... And if a dear old friend comes, whom he has not seen for several months? I think your mother could try for the sake of such an event.

Yes, of course, but we didn’t know ... - the Kid was making excuses.

- "Did not know"! grumbled Carlson. “You should have hoped!” You should always hope that I will visit you, and therefore, your mother every day needs to fry meatballs with one hand and knock cream with the other.

We have fried sausage for lunch today, ”said the shamed Kid. - Do you want sausages?

Fried sausage, when a dear old friend comes to visit, whom we have not seen for several months! - Carlson pouted even more. - Clear! When you get to your house, you will learn how to fill your belly with anything ... Go ahead, drag your sausage.

The kid rushed to the kitchen with all his legs. Mom was not at home - she went to the doctor - so he could not ask her for permission. But Carlson agreed to eat sausage. And on the plate were just the heels of slices left over from dinner. Carlson attacked them like a hawk on a chicken. He filled his mouth with sausage and shone like a penny.

Well, sausage is so sausage. You know, she’s not bad. Of course, you cannot compare with meatballs, but you can’t demand too much from some people.

The kid understood perfectly well that “some people” are him, and therefore he hastened to transfer the conversation to another topic.

Have you had fun with your grandmother? - he asked.

So much fun that I can’t say. Therefore, I will not talk about this, ”Carlson answered and eagerly bit off another piece of sausage.

I had fun too, ”said the Kid. And he began to tell Carlson how he spent time with his grandmother. “My grandmother, she is very, very good,” said the Kid. “You can’t even imagine how glad she was to me.” She hugged me tightly.

Why? asked Carlson.

Yes, because she loves me. How do you not understand? - surprised the Kid.

Carlson stopped chewing:

Do you mind that my grandmother loves me less? Do you not think that she did not rush at me and did not begin to hug me so tightly, that I turned blue? This is how my grandmother loves me. And I must tell you that my grandmother has small hands, but her grip is iron, and if she loved me even a little more, I would not be sitting here now - she would just strangle me in her arms.

Wow! - the kid was amazed. “So your grandmother is a hugging champion.”

Of course, the kid’s grandmother could not compare with her, she did not hug him so tightly, but still she also loved her grandson and was always very kind to him. This kid decided to once again explain to Carlson.

But my grandmother is also the most grouchy in the world, ”added the Kid, after thinking for a moment. “She always grumbles if I get my feet wet or fight with La? Sse Janson.”

Carlson set aside his empty plate.

Do you not think that my grandmother is less grouchy than yours? Let it be known to you that, going to bed, she sets off an alarm clock and jumps up at five in the morning only in order to get the hell out of it if I get my feet wet or fight with Lasse Janson.

How do you know Laos Janson? asked the Kid in surprise.

Fortunately not, ”Carlson replied.

But why is your grandmother grumbling? - the Kid was even more amazed.

Because she is the most grouchy in the world, ”snapped Carlson. - Understand at last! Since you know Lasse Janson, how can you say that your grandmother is the most grouchy? No, where is she to my grandmother, who can grumble all day: “Do not fight with Lasse Janson, do not fight with Lasse Janson ...” - although I have never seen this boy and there is no hope that I will ever see.

The kid was lost in thought. It was somehow strange ... It seemed to him that when a grandmother grumbles at him, it is very bad, but now it turns out that he has to prove to Carlson that his grandmother is more grouchy than in reality.

All I have to do is to wet my feet a little bit, well, just a drop, and she’s already grumbling and pestering me to change my socks, ”convinced the Carlson Kid.

Carlson nodded in understanding.

Don’t you think that my grandmother does not require me to change my socks all the time? Do you know that as soon as I get to the puddle, my grandmother runs to me at all costs through the village and grumbles and mutters the same thing: “Change your socks, Karlsonchik, change your socks ...” What, don’t you believe?

The kid cringed:

No, why ...

Carlson shoved the Kid, then sat him on a chair, and he stood in front of him with his hands on his hips:

No, I see, you don’t believe me. So listen, I'll tell you everything in order. I went outside and slap myself in the puddles ... Can you imagine? Having fun with might and main. But suddenly, out of nowhere, my grandmother rushes and yells at the whole village: “Change clothes, Karlsonchik, change clothes! ..”

And I say: “I won’t change clothes, I won’t! ..” - because I am the most naughty grandson in the world, ”Carlson explained. - I rode away from my grandmother and climbed a tree so that she would leave me alone.

And she must have been confused, ”said the Kid.

It’s immediately obvious that you don’t know my grandmother, ”objected Carlson. - Not at all, she was not taken aback, but climbed after me.

How - to a tree? - the kid was amazed.

Carlson nodded.

Don’t you think that my grandmother cannot climb trees? So know: when you can grumble, she’ll even climb where, not just a tree, but much higher. So, she’s crawling along the branch on which I am sitting, crawling and muttering: “Change socks, Karlsonchik, change socks ...”

What about you? asked the Kid again.

There was nothing to do, said Carlson. - I had to change clothes, otherwise she would never have untied herself. High-high on a tree, I somehow perched on a thin bitch and, risking my life, changed my socks.

Haha You're lying, ”the Kid laughed. - Where did you get the socks on the tree to change clothes?

And you're not a fool, ”said Carlson. “So you say I didn't have socks?”

Carlson rolled up his pants and showed his little plump legs in striped socks:

What is it? Maybe not socks? Two, if not mistaken, sock? And why couldn’t I sit on a bitch and change clothes: put a sock on my left foot on my right and a right on my left? What do you think I could not do this to please my grandmother?

Could, of course, but your legs didn’t become drier from this, ”said the Kid.

Did I say that they became? - Carlson was indignant. “Did I say that?”

But then ... - and the Kid even stumbled from bewilderment, - because then it turns out that you completely changed your socks in vain.

Carlson nodded.

Now do you finally understand who has the world's most grouchy grandmother? Your grandmother is simply forced to grumble: without this, do you get along with such a nasty grandson like you? And my grandmother is the most grouchy in the world, because she always grumbles at me in vain - how can I drive this into your head?

Carlson immediately burst out laughing and gently poked the Kid in the back.

Hi baby! he exclaimed. - Enough for us to argue about our grandmothers, now is the time to have some fun.

Hi Carlson! - answered the Kid. - I think so too.

Maybe you have a new steam engine? asked Carlson. “Remember how fun we were when the old one exploded?” Maybe they gave you a new one and we can blow it up again?

Alas, the Kid was not presented with a new car, and Carlson immediately pouted. But suddenly his eyes fell on the vacuum cleaner, which my mother forgot to take out of the room when she finished cleaning. Screaming with joy, Carlson rushed to the vacuum cleaner and clung to it.

Do you know who is the best vacuum cleaner in the world? he asked and turned on the vacuum cleaner at full power. “I'm used to everything around me shining with purity,” Carlson said. - And you spread such dirt! Cleaning is indispensable. How fortunate you are to have attacked the world's best vacuum cleaner!

The kid knew that his mother had just cleaned his room properly, and told Carlson about this, but he only laughed sarcastically in response.

Women do not know how to handle such delicate equipment, everyone knows that. Look at how to get down to business, ”said Carlson, and he directed the hose of the vacuum cleaner to the white tulle curtains, which, with a slight rustle, immediately half disappeared into the pipe.

No, no, ”the Kid shouted,“ the curtains are so thin ... Why don’t you see that the vacuum cleaner sucked them in! ” Stop it! ..

Carlson shrugged.

Well, if you want to live in such a stable, please, ”he said.

Without turning off the vacuum cleaner, Carlson began to pull out the curtains, but in vain - the vacuum cleaner absolutely did not want to give them away.

You shouldn’t rest in vain, said Carlson to the vacuum cleaner. “You have to do with Carlson, who lives on the rooftop, with the best curtain puller in the world!”

He pulled even harder, and he finally managed to pull them out of the hose. The curtains turned black, and besides, they appeared fringe.

Oh look what they look like! - exclaimed the Kid in horror. “They are completely black.”

No, admitted the Kid.

Carlson picked up the hose and moved toward the Kid.

Ah, these women! he exclaimed. - They clean the room for hours, but they forget to process such a mess! Let's start with the ears.

Never before had Toddler been vacuumed, and it turned out to be so ticklish that Todd moaned with laughter.

And Carlson worked diligently and methodically - he began with the ears and hair of the Kid, then he took up his neck and armpits, walked along his back and stomach, and finally took up his legs.

That’s exactly what is called “spring cleaning,” Carlson said.

Oh, how ticklish! squealed the Kid.

In fairness, my work requires remuneration, said Carlson.

The kid also wanted to make a "general cleaning" of Carlson.

Now it's my turn, ”he said. - Come here, for a start I will vacuum your ears.

There is no need, ”protested Carlson. - I washed them last year in September. There are things here that need more cleaning than my ears.

He looked around the room and found marks lying on the table.

You have all kinds of colored papers scattered everywhere, not a table, but a garbage can! - he was indignant.

And before the Kid managed to stop him, he sucked a stamp with a Little Red Riding Hood and a Gray Wolf with a vacuum cleaner. The kid was desperate.

My brand! he screamed. - You sucked Little Red Riding Hood, I will never forgive you for this!

Carlson turned off the vacuum cleaner and crossed his arms over his chest.

Sorry, ”he said,“ forgive me for the fact that I, such a sweet, helpful and neat little man, want to do everything the best. ” Forgive me for this ... He seemed to be crying now. “But I'm trying in vain,” Carlson said, and his voice trembled. - I never hear words of gratitude ... only reproaches ...

Oh Carlson! - said the Kid. - Do not worry, understand, this is Little Red Riding Hood.

What is Little Red Riding Hood that made you make such a fuss? - asked Carlson and immediately stopped crying.

She was depicted on the stamp, - explained the Kid. “You see, that was my best brand.”

Carlson stood silently - he thought. Suddenly his eyes shone and he smiled slyly.

Guess who is the best game inventor in the world! Guess what we will play! .. In Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf!   The vacuum cleaner will be a wolf, and I will be the hunter who comes, will order the wolf’s belly, and from there - up! - Little Red Riding Hood will jump out. Carlson glanced impatiently around the room. - Do you have an ax? After all, the vacuum cleaner is solid, like a log.

The Kid did not have an ax, and he was even glad of it.

But the vacuum cleaner can be opened - as if we had torn the belly of the wolf.

Of course, if you hack, then you can open it, ”muttered Carlson. - It’s not in my rules to do this when it happens to rip open the belly of the wolves, but since there are no tools in this miserable house, you have to somehow get out of the situation.

Carlson slumped his stomach on the vacuum cleaner and grabbed his hand.

Dumbass! he cried. - Why did you suck Little Red Riding Hood?

The kid was surprised that Carlson, as a little plays such children's games, but it was still fun to watch.

Calm, only calm, dear Little Red Riding Hood! shouted Carlson. “Put on your hat and galoshes soon, because now I will let you go.”

Carlson opened the vacuum cleaner and poured everything that was in it directly onto the carpet. The result was a large pile of gray-black dust.

Oh, you had to spill it all on the newspaper! - said the Kid.

To the newspaper? .. Is that what the fairy tale says? - Carlson was indignant. “Does it say that the hunter spread the newspaper before you ripped open the wolf’s belly and let out the little Red Riding Hood?” No, answer!

Of course, the tale does not say so, - the Kid was forced to admit.

Then be silent! - said Carlson. - You are inventing what is not in the fairy tale! So I do not play!

He couldn’t add anything anymore, because the wind rushed through the open window, dusted up, she hid in Carlson’s nose, and he sneezed. From his sneezing dust rose again, a small multi-colored square circled over the floor and fell at the feet of the Kid.

Oh, look, look, here it is, Little Red Riding Hood! cried the Kid and rushed to raise the dusty mark. Carlson was clearly pleased.

I saw almonds! he exclaimed boastfully. “Once I sneeze, and the thing is found ... Let's not swear anymore because of poor Little Red Riding Hood!”

The kid blew the dust off his precious mark - he was completely happy.

Suddenly Carlson sneezed once more, and again a whole cloud of dust rose from the floor.

Guess who is the best sneezer in the world? - said Carlson. “I can disperse all the dust around the room with a sneeze - let it lie where it should be.” You will see now!

But the Kid did not listen to him. He wanted only one thing - to put Little Red Riding Hood in the album as soon as possible.

And Carlson stood in a cloud of dust and sneezed. He sneezed and sneezed until he “sniffed” the dust all over the room.

You see, in vain you said that it was necessary to lay the newspaper. The dust is now in its place again, as before. Everything should be in order - I need it, in any case. I can’t stand the dirt and all the swine - I’m not used to it.

But the Kid could not tear himself away from his brand. He already pasted it and now admired it - how good it is!

I see I’ll have to vacuum your ears again! - exclaimed Carlson. “You don't hear anything!”

What are you saying? asked the Kid.

The deaf grouse! I say that it’s unfair that I work alone until the seventh sweat! Look, I’ll soon get my hands on calluses! I climb out of my skin to clean your room cleaner. Now you have to fly with me and help me clean mine, otherwise it will be unfair.

The kid postponed the album. Fly with Carlson to the roof - you could only dream about it! Only once did he happen to visit Carlson, in his small house on the roof. But that time, for some reason, my mother was terribly scared and called firefighters.

The kid was lost in thought. After all, all this was already so long ago, he has now become much older and can, of course, calmly climb onto any roof. But will mom understand this? That is the question. She is not at home, so you cannot ask her. Perhaps it would be most correct to refuse ...

Well, flew? asked Carlson.

The kid once again weighed everything.

What if you drop me? he said anxiously.

This assumption did not bother Carlson.

Great trouble! he exclaimed. - After all, there are so many children in the world. One boy more, one less - nonsense, everyday life!

The kid was seriously angry with Carlson.

Am I an everyday matter? Not if I fall ...

Calm, only calm, ”Carlson said and patted the Kid on the shoulder. “You will not fall.” I will hug you as tight as my grandmother hugs me. You, of course, are just a little scum, but still I like you.

And once again he patted the Kid on the shoulder.

Yes, it’s strange, but still I’ve become very attached to you, stupid boy. Wait, we’ll get to my house on the roof, and I’ll squeeze you so that you turn blue. Why am I worse than my grandmother?

Carlson pressed a button on his stomach - the engine rattled. Then he grabbed the Kid with his chubby arms, they flew out the window and began to gain height.

And the black fringed tulle curtains swayed as if waving them goodbye.

The door was opened by dad. But the mother cried out first, because she was the first to see the little fat man who was sitting at the table near the Kid.

This little fat man was smeared with whipped cream to his ears.

I’ll faint now ... - said Mom.

Dad, Bosse and Betan stood silently and looked all eyes.

You see, mom, Carlson still flew to me, ”said the Kid. - Oh, what a wonderful birthday I got!

The little fat man wiped the cream off his fingers with his fingers and so energetically began to wave his plump hand to mom, dad, Boss and Betan, that the flakes of cream flew in all directions.

Hello! he shouted. “Until now, you have not had the honor of knowing me.” My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof ... Hey Gunilla, Gunilla, you put too much on your plate! I also want a pie ...

And he grabbed the hand of Gunnil, who had already taken a piece of the sweet cake from the dish, and forced her to put everything back.

I have never seen such a gluttonous girl! - said Carlson and put on his plate a much larger piece. - The best pie fighter in the world is Carlson, who lives on the roof! he said, and smiled happily.

Let's get out of here, ”mom whispered.

Yes, perhaps leave, it will be better. And then I’m shy with you, ”said Carlson.

Promise me one thing, ”said Papa, addressing his mother when they left the Kid’s room. “Promise me everything — and you, Bosse, and you, Betan.” Promise me never to tell anyone about what we have just seen.

Why? asked Bosse.

Because no one will believe us, ”said Papa. “And if anyone believes, then his inquiries will not give us rest until the end of our days!”

Dad, mom, Bosse and Betan promised each other that they would not tell a single living soul about the amazing comrade that the Kid had found for himself.

And they kept their promise. No one ever heard a word about Carlson. And that is why Carlson continues to live in his little house, about which no one knows anything, although this house is on the most ordinary roof of an ordinary house on the most ordinary street in Stockholm. Therefore, Carlson still calmly walks wherever he wants, and pranks as much as he wants. After all, it is known that he is the best prankster in the world!

When sandwiches, cookies and pie were over and Christer and Gunilla went home and Bimbo was fast asleep in his basket, the Kid began to say goodbye to Carlson.

Carlson sat on the windowsill, ready to fly. The wind was swinging the curtains, but the air was warm because the summer had already arrived.

Dear, dear Carlson, you will still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother? Surely you will? - asked the Kid.

Calm, only calm! - said Carlson. “I would if my grandmother let me go.” And this is still unknown, because she considers me the best grandson in the world.

Are you really the best grandson in the world?

Sure. And who else, if not me? Can you name anyone else? asked Carlson.

Then he pressed a button on his stomach, and the motor started to work.

When I fly back, we will eat even more pies! - shouted Carlson. “They don’t get fat from pies! .. Hello, Baby!”

Hi Carlson! - shouted back the Kid.

And Carlson flew away.

But Bimbo was lying in a basket, next to Toddler’s bed, and was sleeping.

The kid leaned towards the puppy and gently stroked his head with his small weathered hand.

Bimbo, tomorrow we will go to grandmother, ”said the Kid. - Good night, Bimbo! Sleep well.

The second story

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again

The earth is so huge, and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there’s a very tiny Carlson’s house that lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is also sure of this. As for the Kid, he lives with his mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the chimney, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

who lives on the roof
the best carlson in the world

Surely there will be people who find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where he wants.

Mom and Dad also believe that everyone can live wherever he wants. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosset and Betan did not believe it either. They could not even imagine that on the roof there lives a small plump man with a propeller on his back and that he can fly.

Don’t talk, Kid, said Bossse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fiction.”

For fidelity, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was an invention, to which Carlson muttered angrily:

They themselves are fiction!

Mom and Dad decided that the Baby is sad alone, and single children often come up with different comrades for games.

Poor Baby, ”said Mom. - Bosse and Betan are so much older than him! He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.,

Karlsson p? taket flyger igen

First published in 1962 by Rab? N & Sj? Gren, Sweden.

All foreign rights are handled by The Astrid Lindgren Company, Liding ?, Sweden.

© Text: Astrid Lindgren, 1962 / The Astrid Lindgren Company

© Lungina L.Z., heirs, translation into Russian, 2019

© Janikyan A.O., illustrations, 2019

© Design, publication in Russian.

LLC Publishing Group Alphabet-Atticus, 2019

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again

The earth is so huge and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there’s a very tiny Carlson’s house that lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is also sure of this. As for the Kid, he lives with his mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the chimney, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Surely there will be people who find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

- There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where he wants.

Mom and Dad also believe that everyone can live wherever he wants. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosset and Betan did not believe it either. They could not even imagine that on the roof there lives a small plump man with a propeller on his back and that he can fly.

“Don't talk, Baby,” said Bosse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fiction.”

For fidelity, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was an invention, to which Carlson muttered angrily:

“They themselves are fiction!”

Mom and Dad decided that the Baby is sad alone, and single children often come up with different comrades for games.

“Poor Baby,” Mom said. “Bosse and Betan are so much older than him!” He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.

“Yes,” dad agreed. “In any case, we must give him a dog.”

He has been dreaming of her for so long. When the Kid receives the dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And they presented Bimbo to the Kid. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, yes, they saw him. This is how it happened.

The kid celebrated a birthday in his room. He was visited by Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan heard a loud laugh and funny chatter coming from the Kid’s room, mother suggested:

- Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

- Let's go! - picked up dad.

And what did mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw when they opened the door and looked into the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared with whipped cream to his ears, and gobbled up so that it was nice to watch? Of course, none other than a small fat man who immediately wentbbled up that there was urine:

- Hello! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to still not have the honor of knowing me?

Mom almost lost her senses. And dad got nervous too.

“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” he said, “hear, not a word to anyone.”

- Why? Asked Bosse.

And dad explained:

“Think for yourself what our lives will turn into if people find out about Carlson.” He, of course, will be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of the lighting fixtures, and every half hour we will receive correspondents to photograph Carlson and the Kid. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Betan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone about Carlson.

And just the next day, the Kid was supposed to go all summer to his grandmother in the village. He was very happy about this, but was worried about Carlson. You never know what he wants to throw out during this time! What if he disappears and never arrives again!

“Dear, dear Carlson, you will still live on the roof when I return from my grandmother?” Surely you will? - asked the Kid.

- How to know? - answered Carlson. - Calm, only calm. After all, I will also go to my grandmother, and my grandmother is much more like a grandmother than yours.

- And where does your grandmother live? - asked the Kid.

- In the house, but where else! Do you think that she lives on the street and rides at night?

So the Kid did not manage to learn anything about Carlson's grandmother. And the next day, the Kid went to the village. He took Bimbo with him. For days he played with the village boys and hardly remembered Carlson. But when the summer holidays were over and the Kid returned to the city, he asked, barely crossing the threshold:

- Mom, during this time have you ever seen Carlson?

Mom shook her head:

- Not once. He will not go back.

- Do not say that! I want him to live on our roof. Let him fly again!

“But you now have Bimbo,” my mother said, trying to comfort the Kid. She believed that the time had come once and for all to end Carlson.

The kid stroked Bimbo.

“Yes, of course I have Bimbo.” He is a world dog, but he does not have a propeller, and he does not know how to fly, and in general it is more interesting to play with Carlson.

The kid rushed to his room and opened the window.

- Hey, Karlso-oh-he! Are you up there? Respond He screamed at the top of his lungs, but no answer came.

And the next morning, the Kid went to school. He was now in second grade. After lunch, he went to his room and sat down for lessons. He never closed the window so as not to miss the buzz of Carlson's motor, but from the street came only the roar of cars and sometimes the roar of an airplane flying over the roofs. But the familiar buzz was not heard.

“Everything is clear, he did not return,” the Kid repeated sadly to himself. “He will never fly again.”

In the evening, going to bed, the Kid thought about Carlson, and sometimes, covering himself with a blanket, he even cried quietly at the thought that he would not see Carlson anymore. Days passed, there was a school, there were lessons, but Carlson was not and never was.

Once, after dinner, the Kid was sitting in his room and fiddling with his collection of stamps. In front of him lay an album and a whole bunch of new stamps, which he was going to make out. The kid zealously got down to business and very quickly pasted all the stamps. All but one of the best, which he purposely left in the end. It was a German brand with the image of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf, and the Kid really liked it. He laid it on the table in front of him and admired it.

And suddenly the Kid heard some kind of faint buzzing sound similar to ... - yes, just imagine - similar to the buzzing sound of Carlson’s motor! And indeed it was Carlson. He flew through the window and shouted:

- Hi baby!

- Hi Carlson! - screamed the Kid and jumped up.

Not remembering himself with happiness, he looked at Carlson, who flew around the chandelier several times and landed awkwardly. As soon as Carlson turned off the motor - and for this it was enough for him to press a button on his stomach - so, as soon as Carlson turned off the motor, the Kid rushed to him to hug him, but Carlson shoved the Kid off with his chubby handle and said:

- Calm, only calm! Do you have any food? Maybe meatballs or something like that? A piece of whipped cream cake will do.

The kid shook his head:

- No, mom didn’t make meatballs today. And the cream cake is with us only on holidays.

Carlson pouted:

- Well, you have a family! “Only on holidays” ... And if a dear old friend comes, whom he has not seen for several months? I think your mother could try for the sake of such an event.

“Yes, of course, but we didn’t know ...” the Kid justified himself.

- "Did not know"! Grumbled Carlson. “You should have hoped!” You should always hope that I will visit you, and therefore, your mother every day needs to fry meatballs with one hand and knock cream with the other.

“We have fried sausage for lunch today,” said the shamed Kid. - Do you want sausages?

- Fried sausage, when a dear old friend comes to visit, whom we have not seen for several months! - Carlson pouted even more. - Clear! When you get to your house, you will learn how to fill your belly with anything ... Go ahead, drag your sausage.

The kid rushed to the kitchen with all his legs. Mom was not at home - she went to the doctor - so he could not ask her for permission. But Carlson agreed to eat sausage. And on the plate were just five slices left over from dinner. Carlson attacked them like a hawk on a chicken. He filled his mouth with sausage and shone like a penny.

- Well, sausage is so sausage. You know, she’s not bad. Of course, you cannot compare with meatballs, but you can’t demand too much from some people.

The kid understood perfectly well that “some people” are him, and therefore he hastened to transfer the conversation to another topic.

“Have you had fun with your grandmother?” - he asked.

- So much fun that I can’t say. Therefore, I will not talk about this, ”Carlson answered and eagerly bit off another piece of sausage.

“I had fun too,” said the Kid. And he began to tell Carlson how he spent time with his grandmother. “My grandmother, she is very, very good,” said the Kid. “You can’t even imagine how glad she was to me.” She hugged me tightly.

- Why? Asked Carlson.

“Yes, because she loves me.” How do you not understand? - surprised the Kid.

Carlson stopped chewing:

“Don’t you think that my grandmother loves me less?” Do you not think that she did not rush at me and did not begin to hug me so tightly, that I turned blue? This is how my grandmother loves me. And I must tell you that my grandmother has small hands, but her grip is iron, and if she loved me even a little more, I would not be sitting here now - she would just strangle me in her arms.

- Wow! - the kid was amazed. “So your grandmother is a hugging champion.”

Of course, the kid’s grandmother could not compare with her, she did not hug him so tightly, but still she also loved her grandson and was always very kind to him. This kid decided to once again explain to Carlson.

“But my grandmother is also the most grouchy in the world,” added the Kid, after a moment's thought. “She always grumbles if I get my feet wet or fight with La? Sse Janson.”

Carlson set aside his empty plate.

“Don’t you think that my grandmother is less grouchy than yours?” Let it be known to you that, going to bed, she sets off an alarm clock and jumps up at five in the morning only in order to get the hell out of it if I get my feet wet or fight with Lasse Janson.

“How do you know Lasse Janson?” Asked the Kid in surprise.

“Fortunately not,” Carlson replied.

“But why is your grandmother grumbling?” - the Kid was even more amazed.

“Because she is the most grouchy in the world,” snapped Carlson. - Understand at last! Since you know Lasse Janson, how can you say that your grandmother is the most grouchy? No, where is she to my grandmother, who can grumble all day: “Do not fight with Lasse Janson, do not fight with Lasse Janson ...” - although I have never seen this boy and there is no hope that I will ever see.

The kid was lost in thought. It was somehow strange ... It seemed to him that when a grandmother grumbles at him, it is very bad, but now it turns out that he has to prove to Carlson that his grandmother is more grouchy than in reality.

“It only takes me a little to wet my feet, well, just a little bit, and she’s already grumbling and pestering me to change my socks,” said Baby Carlson.

Carlson nodded in understanding.

“Don’t you think that my grandmother does not require me to change my socks all the time?” Do you know that as soon as I get to the puddle, my grandmother runs to me at all costs through the village and grumbles and mutters the same thing: “Change your socks, Karlsonchik, change your socks ...” What, don’t you believe?

The kid cringed:

“No, why ...”

Carlson shoved the Kid, then sat him on a chair, and he stood in front of him with his hands on his hips:

- No, I see, you don’t believe me. So listen, I'll tell you everything in order. I went outside and slap myself in the puddles ... Can you imagine? Having fun with might and main. But suddenly, out of nowhere, my grandmother rushes and yells at the whole village: “Change clothes, Karlsonchik, change clothes! ..”

- And I say: “I won’t change clothes, I won’t! ..” - because I am the most naughty grandson in the world, ”Carlson explained. - I rode away from my grandmother and climbed a tree so that she would leave me alone.

“And she must have been confused,” said the Kid.

“You can see right away that you don't know my grandmother,” objected Carlson. - Not at all, she was not taken aback, but climbed after me.

- How - to a tree? - the kid was amazed.

Carlson nodded.

“Don’t you think that my grandmother cannot climb trees?” So know: when you can grumble, she’ll even climb where, not just a tree, but much higher. So, she’s crawling along the branch on which I am sitting, crawling and muttering: “Change socks, Karlsonchik, change socks ...”

- What about you? Asked the Kid again.

“There was nothing to do,” Carlson said. - I had to change clothes, otherwise she would never have untied herself. High-high on a tree, I somehow perched on a thin bitch and, risking my life, changed my socks.

- Ha ha! You're lying, ”the Kid laughed. - Where did you get the socks on the tree to change clothes?

“And you are not a fool,” Carlson remarked. “So you say I didn't have socks?”

Carlson rolled up his pants and showed his little plump legs in striped socks:

- What is it? Maybe not socks? Two, if not mistaken, sock? And why couldn’t I sit on a bitch and change clothes: put a sock on my left foot on my right and a right on my left? What do you think I could not do to please my grandmother?

“He could, of course, but your legs didn’t become drier from this,” said the Kid.

- Did I say that they became? - Carlson was indignant. “Did I say that?”

“But then ...” and the Kid even stumbled from bewilderment, “because then it turns out that you completely changed your socks in vain.”

Carlson nodded.

“Now you finally understand who has the most grouchy grandmother in the world?” Your grandmother is simply forced to grumble: without this, do you get along with such a nasty grandson like you? And my grandmother is the most grouchy in the world, because she always grumbles at me in vain - how can I drive this into your head?

Carlson immediately burst out laughing and gently poked the Kid in the back.

- Hi baby! He exclaimed. - Enough for us to argue about our grandmothers, now is the time to have some fun.

- Hi Carlson! - answered the Kid. - I think so too.

“Maybe you have a new steam engine?” Asked Carlson. “Remember how fun we were when the old one exploded?” Maybe they gave you a new one and we can blow it up again?

Alas, the Kid was not presented with a new car, and Carlson immediately pouted. But suddenly his eyes fell on the vacuum cleaner, which my mother forgot to take out of the room when she finished cleaning. Screaming with joy, Carlson rushed to the vacuum cleaner and clung to it.

- Do you know who is the best vacuum cleaner in the world? He asked and turned on the vacuum cleaner at full power. “I'm used to everything around me shining with purity,” Carlson said. - And you spread such dirt! Cleaning is indispensable. How fortunate you are to have attacked the world's best vacuum cleaner!

The kid knew that his mother had just cleaned his room properly, and told Carlson about this, but he only laughed sarcastically in response.

- Women do not know how to handle such delicate equipment, everyone knows that. Look at how to get down to business, ”Carlson said and directed the hose of the vacuum cleaner to the white tulle curtains, which, with a slight rustle, immediately half disappeared into the pipe.

“No, no,” the Kid shouted, “the curtains are so thin ... Why don’t you see that the vacuum cleaner sucked them in!” Stop it! ..

Carlson shrugged.

“Well, if you want to live in such a stable, please,” he said.

Without turning off the vacuum cleaner, Carlson began to pull out the curtains, but in vain - the vacuum cleaner absolutely did not want to give them away.

“You run into nothing,” Carlson said to the vacuum cleaner. “You have to do with Carlson, who lives on the rooftop, with the best curtain puller in the world!”

He pulled even harder, and he finally managed to pull them out of the hose. The curtains turned black, and besides, they appeared fringe.

“Oh, look what they look like!” - exclaimed the Kid in horror. “They are completely black.”

“No,” the Kid admitted.

Carlson picked up the hose and moved toward the Kid.

- Ah, these women! He exclaimed. - They clean the room for hours, but they forget to process such a mess! Let's start with the ears.

Never before had Toddler been vacuumed, and it turned out to be so ticklish that Todd moaned with laughter.

And Carlson worked hard and methodically - he began with the ears and hair of the Kid, then he took up his neck and armpits, walked along his back and stomach, and finally took up his legs.

“That's exactly what is called“ spring cleaning, ”said Carlson.

- Oh, how ticklish! Squealed the Kid.

“In fairness, my work requires a reward,” Carlson said.

The kid also wanted to make a "general cleaning" of Carlson.

“Now it's my turn,” he said. - Come here, for a start I will vacuum your ears.

“There is no need,” protested Carlson. - I washed them last year in September. There are things here that need more cleaning than my ears.

He looked around the room and found marks lying on the table.

- You have scattered all kinds of colored papers, not a table, but a garbage can! - he was indignant.

And before the Kid managed to stop him, he sucked a stamp with a Little Red Riding Hood and a Gray Wolf with a vacuum cleaner. The kid was desperate.

- My brand! He screamed. - You sucked Little Red Riding Hood, I will never forgive you for this!

Carlson turned off the vacuum cleaner and crossed his arms over his chest.

“I'm sorry,” he said, “forgive me for the fact that I, such a sweet, helpful and neat little man, want to do everything the best.” Sorry about that…

He seemed to be crying now.

“But I'm trying in vain,” Carlson said, and his voice trembled. - I never hear words of gratitude ... only reproaches ...

- Oh Carlson! - said the Kid. - Do not worry, understand, this is Little Red Riding Hood.

“What is Little Red Riding Hood that made you make such a fuss?” - asked Carlson and immediately stopped crying.

“She was depicted on the stamp,” the Kid explained. “You see, that was my best brand.”

Carlson stood silently - he thought. Suddenly his eyes shone and he smiled slyly.

- Guess who is the best game inventor in the world! Guess what we'll play! .. Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf! The vacuum cleaner will be a wolf, and I will be the hunter who comes, will order the wolf’s belly, and from there - up! - Little Red Riding Hood will jump out.

Carlson glanced impatiently around the room.

- Do you have an ax? After all, the vacuum cleaner is solid, like a log.

The Kid did not have an ax, and he was even glad of it.

“But the vacuum cleaner can be opened, as if we had torn the wolf's belly.”

“Of course, if you hack, you can open it,” muttered Carlson. - It’s not in my rules to do this when it happens to rip open the belly of the wolves, but since there are no tools in this miserable house, you have to somehow get out of the situation.

Carlson slumped his stomach on the vacuum cleaner and grabbed his hand.

- Dumbass! He cried. - Why did you suck Little Red Riding Hood?

The kid was surprised that Carlson, as a little, plays such children's games, but it was still fun to watch.

- Calm, only calm, dear Little Red Riding Hood! Shouted Carlson. “Put on your hat and galoshes soon, because now I will let you go.”

Carlson opened the vacuum cleaner and poured everything that was in it directly onto the carpet. The result was a large pile of gray-black dust.

- Oh, you had to spill it all on the newspaper! - said the Kid.

- To the newspaper? .. Is that what the fairy tale says? - Carlson was indignant. “Does it say that the hunter spread the newspaper before you ripped open the wolf’s belly and let out the little Red Riding Hood?” No, answer!

“Of course, the tale does not say so,” the Kid was forced to admit.

- Then be silent! - said Carlson. - You are inventing what is not in the fairy tale! So I do not play!

He couldn’t add anything anymore, because the wind rushed through the open window, dusted up, she hid in Carlson’s nose, and he sneezed. From his sneezing dust rose again, a small multi-colored square circled over the floor and fell at the feet of the Kid.

- Oh, look, look, here it is, Little Red Riding Hood! Cried the Kid and rushed to raise the dusty mark.

Carlson, who lives on the roof - 2

The earth is so huge and there are so many houses on it! Big and small. Beautiful and ugly. New buildings and ruins. And there’s a very tiny Carlson’s house that lives on the roof. Carlson is sure that this is the best house in the world and that the best Carlson in the world lives in it. The kid is also sure of this. As for the Kid, he lives with his mom and dad, Bosse and Betan in the most ordinary house, on the most ordinary street in the city of Stockholm, but on the roof of this ordinary house, just behind the chimney, there is a tiny house with a sign above the door:

Surely there will be people who find it strange that someone lives on the roof, but the Kid says:

- There is nothing strange here. Everyone lives where he wants.

Mom and Dad also believe that everyone can live wherever he wants. But at first they did not believe that Carlson actually existed. Bosset and Betan did not believe it either. They could not even imagine that on the roof there lives a small plump man with a propeller on his back and that he can fly.

“Don't talk, Baby,” said Bosse and Betan, “your Carlson is just a fiction.”

For fidelity, the Kid once asked Carlson if he was an invention, to which Carlson muttered angrily:

“They themselves are fiction!”

Mom and Dad decided that the Baby is sad alone, and single children often come up with different comrades for games.

“Poor Baby,” Mom said. “Bosse and Betan are so much older than him!” He has no one to play with, so he fantasizes.

“Yes,” dad agreed. “In any case, we must give him a dog.” He has been dreaming of her for so long. When the Kid receives the dog, he will immediately forget about his Carlson.

And they presented Bimbo to the Kid. Now he had his own dog, and he received it on his birthday, when he was eight years old.

It was on this day that mom, dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw Carlson. Yes, yes, they saw him. This is how it happened.

The kid celebrated a birthday in his room. He was visited by Christer and Gunilla - they study with him in the same class. And when mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan heard a loud laugh and funny chatter coming from the Kid’s room, mother suggested:

- Let's go and look at them, they are so cute, these guys.

- Let's go! - picked up dad.

And what did mom, and dad, and Bosse, and Betan saw when they opened the door and looked into the Kid?

Who sat at the head of the festive table, smeared with whipped cream to his ears, and gobbled up so that it was nice to watch? Of course, none other than a small fat man who immediately wentbbled up that there was urine:

- Hello! My name is Carlson, who lives on the roof. You seem to still not have the honor of knowing me?

Mom almost lost her senses. And dad got nervous too.

“Just don’t tell anyone about this,” he said, “hear, not a word to anyone.”

- Why? Asked Bosse.

And dad explained:

“Think for yourself what our lives will turn into if people find out about Carlson.” He, of course, will be shown on TV and filmed for newsreels. Climbing the stairs, we will stumble over the television cable and the wires of the lighting fixtures, and every half hour we will receive correspondents to photograph Carlson and the Kid. Poor Kid, he will turn into "the boy who found Carlson, who lives on the roof ...". In a word, in our life there will no longer be a single calm moment.

Mom, and Bosse, and Betan realized that dad was right, and promised not to tell anyone about Carlson.