Primer for babies from 2 to 5. E. Bakhtin. Primer for babies from two to five

The book is wonderful! Colorful, interesting, nice to hold in your hands. Particularly pleased with the consistency and consistency of the presentation of materials.
  The child was happy to study on this book. In a short time, he learned the alphabet and began to read in syllables.
  I recommend to everyone!
  Thanks to Elena Bakhtina for the MIRACLE BOOK.

I recommend this primer to everyone.
  They bought a magnetic alphabet and a Zhukova alphabet for the child, and in the garden the teachers tried to learn a few letters at 3 years old, as a result, the daughter recognized only A and O. And only by the Elena Bakhtina Primer did we learn the whole alphabet. The illustrations deserve a separate comment - you definitely will not find such in any textbook. And this applies to all publications ... more

Awesome Edition! A very pleasant presentation of the material, captures the attention from the first pages, everything is accessible and understandable even to the smallest readers.
  I would like to pay special attention to colorful and positive illustrations that make the child want to meet them again and again leafing through such a wonderful book. I hope the author, Elena Nikolaevna Bakhtina, will continue to please ... more

The book is good. We started to study with my daughter in 1g and 10m, the child is engaged with pleasure. I don’t know how this technique works, but it WORKS !!! The child quickly remembered about a third of the alphabet. If you engage in purposefully, then it seems to me that the result can be achieved quickly. We just deal with occasionally, because until I pursue the goal of teaching the child to read.

Very interesting and informative primer. A lot of necessary and important information. The son already knows the alphabet, but it did not work out with syllables. The technique proposed by Bakhtina helped us a lot! Of the minuses, I can only note that the entire book, with the exception of the alphabet, is too loaded with drawings. Eyes run up and catch the main thing is very difficult) But, I repeat, it helped a lot! Therefore recommend

A wonderful book, everything is thought out: catchy images, vivid illustrations, an understandable technique, beautiful pictures and letters carved from the last page, which cause only pleasant associations and attract a child. I highly recommend it to everyone !!!

The textbook is apparently not bad. But I am disappointed: without this and other textbooks, by the age of 3 we read words with understandable syllables. "Mom" "Dad" "Uncle" "Aunt" read at 2.5 years old. You just read the names of books / products / signs / cartoons that interest the child, and you show the syllables in a little way. And on the signs of shops. And that’s all.
  Almost the entire alphabet has learned itself ... more

A wonderful guide for kids who are just starting to get to know the letters. On the part of speech therapy, the letters are well visualized, so it’s easier for kids to remember the sound.
  The quality of the paper is good, the pictures are bright))

What a beautiful and well-composed book!
  The illustrations are wonderful, colorful, the eye rejoices!
  It's nice to do it both for me and the child 1.9 g

I really liked the book. She took it without much hope after repeated fruitless attempts to study letters, read with her youngest child. We started studying this book somewhere from 4, 5 years. The child is not greedy for knowledge, mastered the technique slowly, but with obvious progress. As a result, they began to read very well to school. We have a very good result!

annotation: Is it difficult for you to teach your child to read? Any attempt fails? Does it seem to you that you are wasting time and effort in vain? You will be helped by the ABC FOR BABIES FROM TWO TO FIVE. A three-year-old child reads books with pleasure, pushing cars and cubes to the side of the dolls. Fantasy? No, this is reality! The book you see is the result of 15 years of Elena Bakhtina’s work with children from 2 to 7 years old in her author’s School of Geniuses.
   To deal with kids in this book does not require special teacher education.
   From the first pages you will understand: there is nothing easier than to teach a child to read.
   Beautiful illustrations, bright colors, consistency and consistency in the presentation of the material.
   Now you do not have to force the child to read, he will reach for the book.
   A unique feature of Elena Bakhtina’s unique technique is that each letter has its own unique image. Therefore, children are happy to play with them and never confuse even outwardly similar letters.
   The primer is designed to work on it was easy and convenient for both adults and children.
   If you have little free time, then TWO TO FIVE LITTER FOR BABIES is for you! You will feel the result in a week! This is the maximum result in the shortest possible time! Unbelievable!
With the help of this primer, 2-3 year old children learn to read in 3-4 months, 4-5 year old children in a month, and a 6 year old child learns to read and write in just 2 weeks! And most importantly, the book contains instructions with which you can easily and quickly teach your baby to read.
   LETTER FOR BABIES FROM TWO TO FIVE is a unique gift: to mothers, fathers, grandparents, and most importantly - children.
   Don’t postpone your meeting with your native language tomorrow and very soon your babies and babies will read their favorite books themselves!
   As experience has shown, it is the development of reading from an early age that gives the child the opportunity to receive from books the same amount of information as from TV and a computer. What further gives freedom of choice of a source of information.
   For this purpose, a technique was developed, the book “Primer for Toddlers from 2 to 5” was written and “designed”. For two years she was reprinted 12 times !!!
   She received rave reviews from the USA, Germany, Israel, from our compatriots, who very quickly learned to read their children using this book. Some parents, relying on the traditional Russian “maybe”, think like this: since I was not taught to read in 2 years, then my children do not need this.
   Meanwhile, the demands of life have changed. The modern world needs new people, new knowledge. So why waste time?
There are legends about the possibilities of young children, but reality sometimes exceeds all expectations. Sooner or later each child will need to learn to read. How to make this activity fun and interesting? Physicist, creator and leader of the School of Geniuses Elena Bakhtina offers a new method: living alphabet. Why do children sometimes remember letters so hard? Adults come up with such colorful primers and cubes for them, and success does not come as fast as you want! The reason is that the letter for the baby is a somewhat abstract concept. Especially if next to her in the picture is drawn an object with which the child is little familiar. For example, a bus. It seems to adults that all children know what it is. In fact, for many kids, a bus from an ABC book is like the structure of an atom in the illustration of a physics textbook. It’s not easy for kids to compare painted buses with the ones they see on the street. And it’s difficult to reconcile that the bus is the letter A. The image of the subject, of course, helps to remember the meaning of the letter. But in memory, this picture remains as something that exists next to the letter and does not at all resemble it. And when the baby begins to read, it makes it difficult to concentrate. He needs to read the word "ball", and he, sorting the letters, for some reason must remember the barrel, bus and forest! Elena Bakhtina came to the conclusion: if you make a picture in the picture next to the letter similar to it, then the connection becomes absolutely obvious. And if you play with this letter, then it is already impossible to forget it. Carry out an experiment: draw and cut out a large printed letter A. Then show the baby a photo with a small child who plays cheerfully in the crib, and say: “This is the letter A. Even small children know her. They lie in the crib and shout:“ A-a- a! "Shout with your child. He will remember her instantly. Firstly, the letter is connected with a very familiar concept for the baby - he himself was a baby not so long ago. And secondly, during the lesson with his mother he gets a lot of positive emotions In Bakhtina's alphabet, all letters can be learned by this principle. the letter P is shod in shoes, and when the children get to know her, they hear the phrase: “Daddy Came, Brought Gifts!” Well, how can you not like such a letter! And the funniest letter is I. Because she loves the same thing that they . Ask the child: “Who likes sweets?” He will answer: “Me!” - “And the cartoons?” - “Me!” - “And go for a walk?” And you will again hear: “Me!” This letter is called. Shout together: “I-I-I-II!” Learning is very fast, because all the images that are associated with letters are familiar to the child. The letter H is like a cup. From it you can drink and kefir, and milk, and tea. Wrap multi-colored threads on the letter H, as if on a spool, and say hello to the letter L, if instead of the tail on the left, draw a palm unfurled for greeting to her. Everyone can invent images of letters for himself. The main thing is that they are close and understandable to the baby. For example, you can say that a soft sign is like a felt boot. But if the baby has never seen him, then this will not help to remember the letter. And if your child has felt boots, then a hard sign to learn for him will not be a problem. Just say that it looks like a felt boot, from which a sock sticks out. A win-win option is to draw a soft sign as if it were made from a soft down pillow. And solid - made of stone cobblestones. Associations will be clear to every child. Learned the letters? To move on, you need to make sure that this lesson is well learned. And for this you need to be able to name the entire alphabet, following the eyes of the pointer, for a maximum of 20 seconds. There is nothing supernatural, and any child can do it. In order to sound the alphabet, it will take him three minutes, and therefore, for one letter - about 6 seconds. At this speed, the baby will read the word "Masha" for 24 seconds. Take your watch and try reading at that speed. It's impossible. It is better to train the memory so that, seeing the letter, the baby calls it without delay for a second. If the entire process of learning the alphabet was connected with the baby only with positive emotions, he will gladly start reading. Now you need to learn how to combine letters into syllables. These lessons can take place anywhere: at home and on the street. It is enough to show the child a syllable, for example, ON, and explain that the letters can be friends. When (H) meets (A) - together it turns ON. After this, it remains only 70 times a day to repeat the phrase (H) (A) with the baby - together with HA. From the third or even the tenth time, not every baby can remember this. But if you said it 10 times at breakfast, another 10 during a walk, in the evening in the bath - it will firmly settle in memory. And most importantly, do not gloomily repeat the same thing, sitting in front of the alphabet. Show the baby that you like to listen to him, and he will be happy to repeat it 100 times! You can also learn the other syllables, and then start reading by syllables. At this stage, parents often make the same mistake: they require the baby to repeat the whole long word that he read. And they get angry when it turns out that he is not able to do this. One mother once complained to Elena Nikolaevna that her child did not understand what she was reading: - Well, what is incomprehensible in the words "the willow has a hut"? This is written in Russian! - Do you all understand that you read in Russian? Bakhtin asked her. - Sure! Then Elena Nikolaevna took the book "Fundamentals of Vector and Tensor Analysis" from the shelf and invited the indignant mother to read and explain what she understood. Of course, it is difficult for adults to look at the world through the eyes of children. They cannot imagine that for the baby the words "hut" and some unknown "willow" are as incomprehensible as the scientific physical terms for the humanities. And the next stage, retelling, can be mastered only after completing the reading technique. Even if the words are unfamiliar to him. If the baby reads slowly, retelling for him is an impossible task. The human brain does not perceive information that arrives at a speed of 4-5 words per minute. And that's exactly how children read at first. The child will only be able to understand the meaning of what he reads when his reading speed is at least 40 words per minute.
book review: This is a book by which I finally managed to teach my child to see syllables. For 2 months we began to read long words, and quite fluently, understanding what we read. I think we’ll read a little more books from “5 U-turns” ourselves.

Does a three-year-old child read books with pleasure, pushing aside dolls, cars and cubes? This book is the result of 15 years of Elena Bakhtina’s work with children from two to seven years old in her School of Geniuses.

Description "Primer from two to five"

To teach a child to read from this book, special pedagogical education is not required. From the first pages you will understand: there is nothing easier than to teach a child to read. A feature of the methodology for working with Elena Bakhtina’s primer is that each letter has its own unique image, which is why children are happy to play with them and never even confuse outwardly similar letters.

Do not postpone meeting your native language for tomorrow, and very soon your little ones and little ones will be happy to read their favorite books themselves. With the help of the "Primer" by Elena Bakhtina, 2-3-year-old kids will learn to read in three to four months.

There are legends about the possibilities of young children, but reality sometimes exceeds all expectations. This book is a unique manual that will help your 2-3 year old baby learn to read in 3-4 months.

If the child is 4-5 years old, then for this he will need 1 month, but a 7-year-old child will master the diploma in 1-2 weeks. Give it a try!

Some parents, relying on the traditional Russian “maybe”, think something like this: since I was not taught to read in 2 years, then my children do not need it. Meanwhile, the demands of life have changed. The modern world needs new people, new knowledge.

So why waste time?

Elena Bakhtina composed the ABC Book so that it was easy and convenient to work on it for both adults and children. All the steps that the baby must go through during training are reflected in the structure of the primer.

  • Stage 1. Acquaintance with the letters. Alphabet.
  • 2 stage. The combination of letters in syllables - "Letters are friends."
  • 3 stage. Development of the ability to read words with open syllables.
  • 4th stage. Big and small letters. Testing reading skills.
  • 5 stage. Closed syllable.
  • 6 stage. Development of the ability to read words with closed syllables.
  • 7th stage. Reading syllables starting with a vowel.
  • 8 stage. Development of syllable reading skills.
  • 9th stage. Visual aids.

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