Nursery rhymes for babies from 5 years. Summer poems for preschool children. Here is the sun

Would you like to amuse yourself and your child? Or bring something cute and funny to your event? Then just for you, numerous verses for children are created funny.

Agree, what could be cleaner and nicer than children's laughter? After all, he is always sincere - innocent children still have no idea what deception is. Poems about children are funny, short, easy-to-remember works that can decorate any family holiday. They will cheer up and set the topic for communication, because nothing brings people together like laughter.

It will not be difficult for a child to learn funny poems for children, short quatrains quickly fit into his tongue, and an understandable, unpretentious dialect will certainly not make him unnecessary difficulty.

In addition, you can save a lot of money on this, because to get them you only need Internet access. Having visited our site, you can find a huge selection of works by various authors. And all this is absolutely free and at any time convenient for you day or night. Experienced and trusted writers every day replenish the base of the site with new funny poems for children, the full variety and freedom of choice in your hands.

From the point of view of the Cat

From the point of view of the Cat -
  life is clear and simple:
  Vovkin dad exists,
  to go Kotu for fish,
  Because the fish themselves
  could not jump into a bowl;
  Mom Vovka - well, that was
  with whom to doze off on TV,
  And the fire brigade
  to remove the Cat from the eaves;
  Armchair - to tear upholstery,
  Wardrobe - to hide in it,
  Only Vovka exists
  it’s not clear why.
  He, according to Cat,
  Very bad for the tail!
  And decent Cats,
  You know, not a hundred tails!

Nina Tarasova


He lived in the apartment of a cockroach,
  In the gap at the threshold.
  He didn’t bite anyone
  Didn’t touch anyone
  Didn't scratch anyone
  Didn't pinch
  Didn't sting
  And his homework
  Very respected.
  So would a cockroach
  Living with everyone in the world.
  ... only people wound up
  In his apartment.

  Renata Mucha

I bark myself. And he is silent.
  How to teach this? ..

I take a handful of candy.
  The friend plays a tail.
  - How many will be three plus seven?
  Stunned Friend completely:
  Jumps, plays.
  Barking - does not want to.

I bark ten times in a row, -
  I eat fruit marmalade.

- How much will two plus two?
Do not ask! Shed first!
  Count it! There are sweets.
  You will bark - you will eat!
  He does not understand.
  She doesn’t want to bark ...

Barking again. Eating again.
  - You’ll be without sweets at all!

- We subtract five from six?
  Well, my friend, let's count!
  Answer, without lying!
  - Woof !!!

Valery Fursa

There are no ghosts

I will say for sure:
  Ghosts are fiction!
  That's for sure - nonsense!
  And nowhere and never:
  Not on Tuesdays or Wednesdays,
  Neither the woman nor the grandfather,
  Neither at sea nor in the forest
  Not at twelfth hour
  There are no ghosts!
  Every student knows this.
  Even the wind howls aaaaaa ...
  There are no ghosts ...
  And a terrible dark night
  Nobody wants to scare us,
  After all, any ghost -
  Just a misunderstanding!
  And behind the closet ... just ... a shadow,
  But not a ghost ... a ghost ...
  Nonsense ... wrong ...
  There are no ghosts !!!
  And no one there sighs ...
  And there are no draws ... no steps ...
  You can’t even think!
  And in the darkness ... no one ... prowls ...
  Do not laugh ... and do not whistle ...
  And draws ... there ... not eyes ...
  This is just a show-a-a-ah-ah !!!

Elena Evseeva

Fifteen Fat Grannies

Fifteen Fat Grannies
  We stood at the fence
  Fifteen Fat Grannies
  We looked at Yegor.

And he wanted through the fence
  Jump over like a bird.
  And he wanted, like a fly agaric,
  Fall through the ground.

Fifteen Fat Grannies
  He was not offended,
  Fifteen Fat Grannies
  They breathed in his face.

Why did he only suggest
  To convey a string bag?
  Grandma across the road
  I wanted to translate ...

Timurovites were transferred,
  Apparently, in Russia.
  And who are they - you
  Ask your grandmother.

Tatyana Shatskikh

Offended briefcase

The portfolio grumbled offendedly:
  - So-and-so! Loafer!
  Where did he rush without me?
  Today is Monday!

He took the ball - and immediately over the threshold,
  I was thrown under the bunk.
  Everything! Late for the lesson.
  Now we get a deuce.

It used to throw in the way
  I’m flying anywhere.
  But in order not to go to school ...
  This has never happened!

May it not be my fault
  I'm worrying too much.
  And he escaped - and at least henna.
  So serve the boys!

It's already evening outside the window, -
  Everything wears it somewhere!
  The portfolio did not yet know
  That summer has come.

Vera Kapustina

Earring and nails

The whole house is shaken.
  Beats Seryozha with a hammer.
  Turning red from anger
  Clogs nails.
  The nails bend
  Nails wrinkle
  Nails twist
  Over Seryozha they
  Just bullied -
  They do not drive into the wall.
  It’s good that the hands are whole.
  No, it’s a completely different matter -
  Drive nails into the ground!
  Tuk! - and hats not to be seen.
  Don't bend
  Do not break

V. Berestov


Tanyusha has a lot to do
  Tanya has a lot to do:
  In the morning I helped my brother, -
  He ate sweets in the morning.

Here is Tanya's business:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
  She sat down with her mom,
  I got up, went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she said to her mother:
  - You undress me yourself,
  I'm tired, I can’t
  I will help you tomorrow.


They gave the boy Anton
  For lunch, pasta.
  Pasta on a plate
  Twisted into a knot like a snake.

She looked scary
  But Anton bravely
  I made a hole right there with a fork,
  The family just gasped!

Give, - Antosha said, -
  I have more pasta!
  Everyone watched with delight
  On him from all sides.

And a big medal was given,
  And they painted a picture,
  Where is he bravely winning
  A herd of predatory pasta.

S. Vostokov

What happened to the kittens?

What happened to the kittens
  Why aren't they sleeping?
  Why did the buffet open
  Have you broken a new cup?

Drop the drum
  Scratched the sofa?
  Why are their paws
  Got into someone’s slippers?

Milk spilled a bowl
  Woke up mom cat?
  Why did they tear the book?
  Because they catch a mouse.

V. Stepanov

Even the fact of learning a poem is already good for the child, because it is precisely at a young age that his memory is actively formed. And the fact that it is also funny poems for children allows us to conclude that his sense of humor will begin to develop at a rapid pace.

Make a small and very touching surprise for your guests, your choice will definitely not be disapproved. If you want to arrange on your holiday, then you definitely will not blunder, because the memory of a child, like nothing else, absorbs all the knowledge and all information about the world. Funny poems for children - a great choice of source of this information, and it is available to you at any time of the day or night. Visit our website, choose everything you like and learn it with your child! This may bring you even closer to him while you are trying to learn another poem together. Do not hesitate and do not miss your chance, good luck to you.

Sasha Cherny “When Nobody Is At Home”

Looks into the glass

the month is red,

Everyone is gone - and I am alone.

And great! And great!

Very clear:

I am braver than all men.

With a Moore cat, looking for a month,

We climbed onto the bed:

A month is our brother

the wind is uncle

So uncle!

Stars are sisters

heaven is mother ...

I will sing loudly loudly!

I will sing loudly,

So that from the stove through the dark

On the ribbon

A bear didn’t come down to us ...

I'm not afraid of either rats or Buki,

By the poker in his nose!

Not a lame devil Kluki,

Not a viper - Nobody and nothing!

A cloud in the sky like a lamb

In curls, in curls.

I'm not a boy, I'm an elephant

I'm a tiger cub

Dozing off in the reeds ...

I wait and wait, I wait in vain -

The bell is numb ...

A month, my brother, a month red

The month is clear

Why are you pale?

Sasha Black “Who?”

“Come on, children!

Who is braver than anyone in the world?

And he knew - in response, all the chorus in chorus:

A lion? Ha ha ... It's easy to be brave

If the paws are wider than the mop.

No, neither a lion nor an elephant ...

Braver than all, baby, -

I saw a miracle yesterday

How a little mouse climbed onto a dish

And at the nose of a sleeping cat

Slowly ate all the crumbs.

Sasha Black "Skrut"

Who lives under the ceiling?

Does he have a beard?

And shirt and vest?

How does he get up in the morning?

Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?

How long has he been living there?

Who runs along the rooftops with him?

Well, what's his name?

He's acting up, right?

- Never! ..

Sasha Black "How the cat ate sour cream"

Once upon a time there were mice

Gray little coats.

There was another cat

Velvet belly.

The cat went to the closet

Lick the sour cream

Yes the closet on the gate

And in the closet of the mouse ...

The cat is sitting in front of the door

Pounding heart -

You can not enter!

A cat sang

Like a mouse:

"Hey you hear

I am also a mouse, -

It hurts to feel hungry

Yes, do not crawl under the door ...

You have a lot in a glass,

Smear the feet in sour cream

Yes, stick it out under the door.

Hurry, deaf aunts!

I’ll lie down

I’ll say thanks ... "

Believe the mouse


Stick out your paws ...

And the cat is a dac! ..

From all paws ...

Pulled by the paws

Raked in an armful

Sasha Black "The Riddle"

Under the apple tree, the geese make a fuss and hiss,

They look at the apple tree angrily

Walk around the neglected garden

And they poke their beaks in the trough ...

But the wind suddenly rocked the apple tree quietly -

Bang! An apple slammed from a branch.

And the geese, swaying, rushed to the rumble,

Behind them skipping a hen ...

Ducklings along the beds in a hurry,

Turkeys running from the fence

Prowl back and forth under the apple tree

Shout and fight. Scream!

Lying on the bench Ilyusha-shot

And licked his lips. Sweet

Who picked up a delicious apple and ate?

The riddle ...

S. Yesenin

Winter sings

Shaggy forest cradles

Pine ringing.

Around with longing deep

Sailing to a faraway country

Gray clouds.

And across the yard a blizzard

It spreads with a silk carpet

But it is painfully cold.

Playful sparrows

Like lonely kids

Cuddled by the window.

The little birds have fallen in love,

Hungry, tired

And cling tightly.

A blizzard with a frantic roar

Knocks on the shutters hung

And getting angry more and more.

And the gentle birds doze

Under these whirlwinds are snowy

At the frozen window.

And they dream beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Belle spring.

O. Mandelstam

The phone in the apartment is crying,

Two minutes, three, four.

Silent and angry again:

Ah, no one came up.

- Means, I do not need at all,

I am offended, I have a cold:

Phones - old people -

They will understand my calls!

Crumble peas

Phone calls,

But from the kitchen they hear badly

Irons and bowlers.

And the pots are deaf -

But they are not to blame:

The open crane is to blame -

It makes a noise like a drum.

M. Klokova "Santa Claus"

The snow is loose in the field at night,

In the dark sky, in a soft cloud

The moon is sleeping.

Quiet in the field. Dark dark

Watching the forest.

Santa Claus, a huge old man,

From the tree of tears.

All of it is white, all in updates,

All in the stars

In a white hat and down

All in silver icicles

He has a whistle in his mouth

Of ice.

Higher, higher

Santa Claus is growing.

Here he came out

Because of the Christmas trees and birches.

I’ve flooded

Grabbed the pine tree

And patted

A snow mitt to the moon.

He strode,

He shook his head,

He whistled

In his whistle icy.

All the snowflakes

By the snowdrifts subsided,

All the snowflakes

Lights lit up.

M. Moravian “Orange Peels”

I live bitterly, very bitterly, -

Everyone is gone, and I'm alone ...

Shebershit a mouse in a mink,

I gnaw, sighing, peel, -

I ate an orange a long time ago.

The hour I cried long, long

There is no longer a tear.

Orange peel juice

I splatter my eyes.

I stock up again in tears

I'll cry for at least half a day

Let them come, see for yourself,

How offended me.

A. Barto “I know what needs to be invented”

I know what to think of,

So that there is no more winter

So instead of high snowdrifts

Around the green hills.

I look in the glass

Green color,

And immediately winter

Turns into summer.

Yu. Vladimirov "Eccentrics"

I sent cranks to the bazaar

He gave the cranks dimes.

One nickle -

on the sash

Another dime

on the cap

And the third nickle -

Eccentrics on the way to the bazaar

They mixed up all the dimes:

Which a nickle

on the sash

Which a nickle

on the cap

And which is a nickle

Only at night cranks came

They brought me back the penny.

- Excuse me,

but the trouble is with us:

We forgot,

which where:

Which a nickle

on the sash

Which a nickle

on the cap

And which is a nickle

3. Alexandrova "Snowball"

The snow flutters, whirls,

It’s white outside.

And turned puddles

In a cold glass.

Where finches sang in the summer

Today - take a look! -

Like pink apples

Bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut by skis

Like chalk, creaky and dry.

And the red cat catches

Merry white flies.

3. Alexandrova "Rain"

To us on a long wet leg

Rain is jumping along the path.

In a puddle - look, look! -

He blows bubbles.

If puddles are poured,

I want to take off my shoes

Run and shake

Bushes in the warm rain ...

Rain danced around the garden

Spilled water on the beds

He carried a cloud-watering can,

I drank oats in the fields.

Dry washed clean

Burdock big leaves.

It is very good,

That it was raining today!

L. Kvitko "Complaint of trees"

In baskets, fruits are brought into the house,

When the summer goes by

And left in the rain

Outside the door, the garden is undressed.

And there will be banks until spring

Full of pink jam

And there will be apples in the chest

Fresh as if in September

And drunk cherries scarlet juice

Stains granulated sugar.

And the garden remained there, outside,

Stand waist-deep in a black puddle.

A cold whirlwind caught up with him -

He coughed the garden and groaned.

Trees hunch, wheeze

Shaking from head to toe:

“We would all run now,

Yes, we have one foot!

Oh, it’s bad to get cold in the rain,

And take us to a warm house! ”

Well, how can trees not help?

And suddenly the night will be frosty!

Carry guns and bags -

Winter stockings for trees.

Feet warm, dressed everyone

And the snow will cover their heads.

Boris Zakhoder "Nobody"

We got a mischief with us.

The whole family is grieving -

In the apartment from his leprosy

There is literally no living!

True, nobody is with him.

But they all know,

What is always to blame for everything

He alone is NOBODY!

Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,

Found sweets there

And all the pieces of candy

Who threw under the table?

Who painted on the wallpaper?

Who tore the coat?

Who's at dad's desk

poked your nose?


- NOBODY is terrible

tomboy! -

Strictly said the mother. -

We must finally

About to punish!


Neither a guest nor a movie! -

Are you laughing?

And me and my sister

Not a bit funny!

Boris Zakhoder "Kiskino grief"

Crying Pussy in the hallway.

Great sorrow:

Evil people

Poor pussy

K. Chukovsky “Turtle”

Go far to the swamp

Going to the swamp is not easy.

“Here a stone lies by the road,

We will sit down and stretch our legs. ”

And on the stone frogs put a bundle.

“It would be nice to lie down on a stone for an hour!”

Suddenly a stone jumped to his feet

And grabbed their legs.

And they cried out in fear:

"What is it!

This is RE!

This is EGG!

This is BLACK!

V. Berestov “Who will learn what”

What is the first thing

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What is the first thing

Will the bird learn?

- To fly!

What is the first thing

A kitten will grow up a cat,

The same as everything in the world.

The chick will turn into a bird

Well, like everything else.

And the children read

And the children dream.

And even their moms and dads

don't know

What will become, what will children grow up.

V. Berestov “Hare trail”

In the forest, not long before the disaster,

But the hare is not a simpleton.

Know how to muddle tracks -

There, a trace winds here

Forward, backward and sideways.

Where there was a hare, there is no hare -

Jumping gallop!

E. Moshkovskaya “We reached the evening”

We ran and hurried

because they lived fast!

We ran and galloped

and didn’t rest in the morning,


out of breath




an asterisk lit up in the sky

you have to live in a hurry ...

June Harvest

Dawn is met,

And in the field, rye sways

And the grass is all in dew -

Dreaming about a scythe.

And the sky is a rainbow ribbon

Rinses in the Volga, Ladoga.

We will ride above the ground

On a black cloud

And we see under the birches

Father and mom with braids.

We are driving father and mother

Sour cream and pancakes.

M. Sukhorukova


Came June, June, June.

The birds chirp in the garden

On a dandelion only a dun -

And all of it will fly apart.

S. Marshak

Beyond the outskirts

Beyond our outskirts

In the sun - warm.

Green plantain

The road is covered with snow.

And along the edges of the road

By the river

Daisies with cornflowers

Racing race.

V. Lisichkin


Work small bee

Not a bit lazy.

From flower to flower

Flies every day.

For many kilometers

The path goes from home

But smart little bee

He will always find his home.

Collects for crumbs

Flower scent

And honey will become fragrant

What I am very happy!

N. Migunova


Bells, daisies,

Forget-me-nots, cornflowers.

Barefoot and shirtless

We walk, weave wreaths.

V. Berestov

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick the flowers

Empty all the fields

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakina

On the hemp lawn

We found a bug in the grass.

The beetle is mustachioed and large,

You sing us a song.

The beetle went flying

Buzzed like a plane:

"Ju-ju-ju, ju-ju-ju

Goodbye, I'm in a hurry. "

E. Trutneva


Morning is a time of purity.

Important cats lick.

Clean the feathers of the swifts.

Wash the faces of the hedgehogs.

And just a little pig

Wake up awake.

I woke up a little - I got it right away,

To the eyebrow dives into the trough -

So the face is washed.

Early morning

Everywhere in the early hours

Sewed morning country

To all dew blade of grass

Dresses are transparent.

I. Demyanov

Why are watering can bored?

In the garden by the bench

The watering can miss you all day.

It's very fat in the sky

That's why it's boring.

G. Lagzdyn

Summer evening

Everything is visible from my window:

The yard and the garden, and the pines beyond the meadow,

The sun is leaving little by little

Waving me an orange scarf.

Dad will say:

He sleeps in a child.

What are you, dad, I do not have time to sleep.

Just evening sat on the windowsill,

And it smells of flowers from the yard.

V. Prikhodko


Clouds raced in the sky, staring at the bunch.

Thunder in one, hail in the other,

In the third - lightning burns,

And in the fourth cloud, rain, mighty,

Folded accordion, seven-color track!

G. Lagzdyn

Thunder with a bucket

There is thunder with a cloud bucket.

Bears rain streams, dewdrops.


Voiced circles.

Chamomile Fill

Porcelain cups.

Heron drank

The last drops ....

And at the very bottom -

N. Maznyak

White swans

White swans live in the sky

Swans swim smoothly on it.

White feathers curl lightly,

Hello, cloud swans!

L. Kudryavskaya

The clouds

Oh what a cloud

The cloud is deep

White, far

Right above me.

Oh what a cloud

High cloud

The cloud is far

Do not reach out with your hand.

Sail and hide

In the field outside the outskirts

In the lake wash

Fresh water.

V. Stepanov


On a forest glade

Strawberries under the pine.

Little Strawberry

It bloomed well in the spring.

Bees sat on it,

Maybug flew over her,

Her neighbor is cheerful -

The fontanel among the stones.

The sun was warming for many days

Lush bush near the stones.

It became a strawberry

Everything is fit and largest.

Blushed every side

Poured fragrant juice.

E. Trutneva

Earth globe

If the field bloomed

Only white flowers

Admire would be tired

They soon me and you.

If the field bloomed

Only yellow flowers

You and I would be bored

From similar beauty.

It’s good that there are daisies,

Roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and cereals,

Forget-me-nots and frying!

Good that unlike

People are the color of the eyes and skin.

How beautiful is the world of color

Colorful ball of the earth!

A. Shlygin

Lying, sitting, half-sitting,

Standing and crawling

In crowded but not mad

Friends met:

Moss, walnut, valy tearful,

Acorn, bug, bitch,

Two dewdrops, aspen leaf,

Scarlet like an icon

And an orange saffron

The sign of rainy days

Then I burnt my place

His fierceness.

N. Matveeva


On the field track

I’m hurrying home from the river.

And from the little cloud

Heavy rain is pouring.

Like someone in height

Carries sieve water

Rain, lei more fun

Do not spare warm drops!

The stronger you rain

The fatter rye will be!

A. Yashin

Funny rains

How much do I know rains?

Count as soon as possible:

Rain with the wind

Mushroom rain

Rainbow rainbow arc

Rain with the sun

Rain with hail

Rain with red leaf fall.

A. Taraskin


It whips, whips rain,

And when you get tired of pouring -

Hang clouds in the yard

Dry on a rope.

I. Bruckner

Mischievous rain

Top-top-top on the pavement,

On umbrellas, on roofs

Naughty Rain Rides

It’s stronger, it’s quieter.

In the puddles rainbows shine

Wet tires rustling,

The city smells of cleanliness.

Forest, leaves, grass ...

The city is smiling, the city is washing itself.

I. Mikhailova


Rain, rain ... It is pouring, it is pouring ...

We are waiting for it to pass.

Crying cat at the door:

"Meow! Let the house go soon. ”

The squirrel jumped into the hollow:

It’s both dry and warm.

An ant hurries to his house

He covered himself with a petal.

Only the clouds have fun:

They are not afraid of rain and thunder.

The clouds like to chase

One after another, day after day.

E. Sokolova


The rain went down the garden path

Drops on the branches hang like earrings

You touch a birch - it shakes

And laughs, laughs to tears.

Rain rustled through a green meadow

Even the flowers were surprised at each other:

In cups of leaves, on each blade of grass -

By little light, by silver.

G. Ladonschikov


Like from a cloud of rattlesnake,

Rain is pouring sideways, prickly!

For nettles, raspberries,

To us for berries in a basket,

Herbs, smacking, chewing,

Not one step behind!

Rushing with us to the gate!

He will get us wet!

G. Lagzdyn


Striped, barefoot,

Rain spattered along the road.

Just in case

He was attached to his mother-cloud.


Do you hear? I hear!

Do you hear? I hear!

Drops fall on the roof

Suddenly the people only see

The roof moved forward:

I ran along the road

And under the roof - someone's legs.

Is this a miracle? No, not a miracle:

Mom’s umbrella holds Luda.

I. Mikhailova

The sun in the window

It shines on us in the morning.

Take a little walk

The kids came out.

If you ask for rain

He will not drizzle:

"Rain, rain, do not be angry,

Do not rush us away! ”

E. Sokolova

Summer sentences

Honey, show yourself!

Red outfit!

To year after year

The weather gave us

Warm letochka

Mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a basket,

Green peas.

The sun is red

Burn the horn clearly!

A bird fly into the sky

Light our land

To gardens and orchards

Green, bloom, grow!

The sun is red


Swim in the sky with a fish

Revive our land.

All the children in the world

Warm up, improve your health!


Bring us the breeze:

From the gate turn

Drive a boat into a brook.

Way, way, breeze

Pull the sail

D they shavings

From west to east!

Oh you rainbow arc

You are tall and tight!

Don't let it rain

Give us a bucket!

To walk the kids

To let the calves ride

Need a sun

The bell!

God's cow

Fly to the cloud,

Bring us rain from the sky

To be with us in the summer

Beans in the garden

In the forest, berries, mushrooms,

There is vodica in the spring,

Wheat in the field!

Butterfly box

Fly to the cloud

There your kids

On a birch branch!


Stick your horns out!

Give the cakes

Pork legs

Porridge pot

Bread teddy!

July sufferer

July is the crown of summer

And the sunshine the earth

Caressed, warmed up.

I'm on the sand throne

In a camomile crown

Like a king.

Bathing, sunbathing

And helping my mom:

I will fill all the beds -

I do not like to be lazy.

July is an eager sufferer

With a wreath of berries a rider.

M. Sukhorukova


Haymaking in July

Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

S. Marshak


Take a look at the July forest -

Ripe strawberries.

Each clearing -

Tablecloth self-assembly.

Come across in July

Very tasty finds.

All pots know it,

Cans, bowls, pans

V. Berestov

Good morning!

The sleepy birches smiled

Tattered silk braids

The green earrings rustle

And silver dew burn.

Wattle overgrown with nettles

Dressed in bright mother of pearl

And, swinging, whispers playfully:

"Good morning!".

S. Yesenin


Pale pink stripe

The dawn goes out behind the mountain.

Dozing spike, bending over

Over the dewy boundary.

Day says goodbye to the earth.

Quiet, quiet the night is coming

In the sky a month after him

The stars are clear leads.

A. Plescheev


Seven-color arc

Over the houses stood.

This, my son, is a rainbow, -

Mom told me. -

If it rains, but the sun

Shines brightly from a height

Meet the rainbow in the window:

You recognize seven colors.

A. Loktev


A rainbow of beauty came out

Multi-colored braid.

Variegated ribbons in a braid -

And there are exactly seven of them.

Gives them a beauty -

Take what you like.

E. Izmailov


Why is it suddenly

Has the meadow turned white today?

Children all run there.

Has trouble happened?

A flock of birds flew.

So I’m running on the meadow ...

Very white cilia

At the daisies in the meadow.

S. Khudyakov


White camomiles were scattered

In the meadows, among tall grasses.

Like someone scattered pieces of paper

Having drawn the suns on them.

Inviting bell ringing

Gather them in a field bouquet

But daisies are sly girls -

They just smile back.

G. Novitskaya


Haymaking, haymaking,

The meadow was left without hair!

He is cut with braids

It is sprayed with dew.

The stacks are scattered like a flock

Only their mouth is not necessary.

We all helped adults:

Ted and raked.

And when the stacks were swept away,

We counted them ourselves!

M. Sadovsky


Haymaking, haymaking,

Sen cart and cart again.

Hay stack and a new stack.

And in the fields, and along the roads.

Like this hairstyle

Good for the summer!

I. Tokmakova

Here is the sun

Dawn, dawn ...

A village wakes up.

Soon the sun rises

Calling everyone to charge.

Woke up a pig

And the foal








































































































































































































































