Interactive manual tablecloth for kindergarten. My city is Perm. The pedagogical project "Miracles of the Perm Territory" for children of the preparatory group for the school; Children's project: Peoples of the Perm Territory

  Petrova Tatyana
  Project "Perm Territory"

Passport of the project “Fauna of the Perm Territory”

Objective of the project:

The formation of knowledge in children 4-5 years old about the wildlife of the Perm region.

Project Objectives:

Expand and deepen children's knowledge of animals and birds.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Develop observation. cognitive activity, initiative.

Develop creative abilities.

To promote the formation of cooperation in parent-child relations.

Type of project:

Cognitive, creative, group. Short.

Relevance of the project:

Our land is our homeland and every person living in it should be careful and careful about it, preserving all its traditions, values \u200b\u200band wealth.

Analyzing the knowledge of children about the animal kingdom of the Perm Territory, it was revealed that children lack knowledge. To form ideas about the nature of the native land, it was decided to organize the project “Fauna of the Perm Territory”, the result of which could be the acquisition of knowledge about animals of the Perm Territory and the ability to use knowledge in independent activities.

Purpose of the project:

Collection, study, preservation of materials about the life of animals of the region.

Terms and stages of the project:

Preparatory stage

Setting goals, objectives.

The study of methodological literature.

Project development

Selection of methodological literature.

The choice of forms of work with children and parents.

Selection of key events.

Determination of the scope and content of work for the implementation of the project.

Definition and statement of expected results.

Project implementation

Conducting classes, conversations, reading books, search and research activities with children with the participation of parents.

Making baby books for parents with children.

Making stencils with the image of animals and birds.

Acquisition of albums animals and birds of the Perm region.

Production of models "Habitat of a heron and beaver"

Making albums about heron, squirrel, stork, raccoon, beaver, elk and other animals.

The acquisition and manufacture of didactic games about animals.

The final stage.

A holiday with children and parents is a quiz.

Project implementers and key participants:

Teachers of the group, children, parents.

Expected results:   the formation in children of diverse knowledge about the wildlife of the Perm Territory.

Raising respect for nature

Attracting parents of pupils to cooperation and interaction.

Strengthening the resource support of the group.

Scope and content of work:

Area of \u200b\u200bactivity Performers

Cognition “Wild animals of our forests”, “Teremok” (retelling of a fairy tale and dramatization, “compilation of descriptive stories about animals” Educators, children

Finger game "Belochkin reserve", "Squirrel sits on a trolley", "Teddy bear", "A gift for a good deal." Educators, children

D / games "Who is where?", "Who eats what?", "Who hid?" “Name the home”. “Who lives where?”, “Who was who?”, “Whose cub?”, “Find out the outline” Educators, children, parents

P / game "Homeless Hare", "The Bear has a pine forest." "Hares and the wolf" Educators, children

The guest of the group is lynx, raccoon, owl, stork, beaver. Elk, squirrel and others. Carers, parents, children

The plot and role-playing game "Building a house for a bunny" Educators, children

Reading fiction by V. Bianchi “How animals prepare for winter”, D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare” Educators, children, parents

Design "Teremok for all animals" Educators and children

Modeling "Mushrooms and nuts for squirrels" Educators and children

Drawing "Bears" Educators and children

Application “In the Forest” (teamwork) Educators and children

Exhibition "Wild Forests" Educators

OBZH "How to behave in the forest" Educators and children

Making Baby Books Parents and Children

Making albums about animals and birds of the Perm Territory Parents children

Acquisition of albums and didactic games Parents

Making models of the habitat of animals and birds Parents and children

Making stencils with the image of animals and birds Parents and children

Presentation "Animals and Birds of Perm Region"

Holding a holiday with parents and children. Carers, children, parents

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Development Center kindergarten №378 Perm

“Perm Territory is my Homeland”

for children of preschool age



Grunina Marina Nikolaevna

“I found out that I have

There is a huge relative:

And the path and the forest,

In the field - every spikelet,

The river, the sky above me

This is all mine, dear! ”

V. Orlov

Project: long-term, group, creative search.

Terms of implementation:   2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years

Relevance of the project:

Nowadays, people often talk about the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation. I think it is relevant to begin work on the patriotic education of children in kindergarten since in the family, parents pay little attention to this issue. Modern children know little about their hometown, region, country, and folk traditions. But the homeland begins from the place where he was born. In order to raise a worthy citizen of your country, it is necessary to awaken love and respect for your small homeland as soon as possible. So that he can feel and realize himself as a particle of his homeland. Therefore, the child needs help to learn as much as possible about the family, city and region where he was born.

Goal: The formation of the foundations of patriotic education in preschool children.

Project Objectives:

    To acquaint children with the history, culture, industry, nature of the Ordzhonikidze district.

    To expand knowledge of the streets and attractions of the Ordzhonikidzevsky district.

    To form in children an interest in the hometown of the streets, sights, cultural centers.

    To acquaint children with the state symbols of the Perm Territory.

    To acquaint children with the famous compatriots of the Perm Region: writers, artists, musicians. Encourage children to admire their work.

    To expand children's ideas about the nature of the Perm Territory: plants, animals, and fossils. Encourage children to admire the beauty of their native nature.

    Introduce the Basegi Nature Reserve.

    To acquaint with maps of the city of Perm and the Perm Territory.

    To give an idea of \u200b\u200bpeople of different nationalities living in the territory of the Perm Territory (Tatars, Komi), their household items, national clothes, and language.

    To form a sense of respect for the defenders of the motherland. Develop patriotic feelings.

    To teach how to protect and preserve the wealth of the Perm Territory.

    To instill love and pride in your homeland.

    To help you feel like a part of your small Motherland.

    Engage parents in active work.

Resource support:

    Postcards, booklets, photos about hometown, region

    Photos of the streets of the hometown

    Albums with views of the streets on which there are buildings familiar to everyone, architectural ensembles, factories, monuments, theaters, museums.

    Maps of Perm and Perm Territory

    Videos about the city of Perm and the Perm Territory.

    Books of Perm Writers and Poets

    Music, songs of Perm composers

    Paintings and illustrations of Perm artists

    Didactic and outdoor games

    Dolls in national costumes

Project participants:


    Children of senior and preparatory groups

    Parents of pupils

Expected results:

    Children should know and name their city, region, district, nearby streets; sights of the city, Perm region; flora and fauna

    Children should have a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

    Involve families of pupils in the educational process

    To develop methodological and didactic manuals on patriotic education

    To intensify the knowledge of parents on the issue of patriotic education in preschool children.

Three Question Model

What do we know and are able to?

What do we want to know?

What needs to be done to find out?

What we live in the city of Perm;

We know our street;

- Children's theaters of the city of Perm;

That the Kama River flows in Perm;

What trees grow in our forest;

What are the animals and birds.

Who founded the city of Perm and what it was called before;

Get acquainted with the symbols of the city of Perm;

Sights of the city of Perm;

What streets are in our city;

What plants are in Perm and the Perm Territory;

Get to know writers and artists of the Perm Territory;

- learn about the prominent people of the city of Perm;

Learn more about the flora and fauna of the Perm region;

Find out what minerals are in the Perm region and how they are extracted;

Understand why people living in the city of Perm are proud of their homeland.

Consider illustrations about Perm and the Perm Territory;

Watch documentaries about Perm;

Talk about Perm;

Hold exhibitions of drawings about Perm;

To conduct quizzes about Perm and Perm region;

Create newspapers about Perm and its inhabitants;





My little homeland

Conversation about the area (streets, buildings, cultural and industrial centers)

Examining the area map

Creation of the photo album "District before and now"

Compilation of short stories “The House I Live In”

Tour of Vedeneeva street

Design from the Lego "My area"


History of the city

The story "How did the city of Perm"

Creating a photo album “History of Perm”


Hometown Tour »

Conversation "Perm Sights"

Creation of the photo album “Cultural centers of Perm”

Making a model of the city of Perm

Modeling "Who lives in the zoo"

Cp game "Circus"

D / and "Guide"



They glorified our city

A conversation about prominent people of the city of Perm

Creation of the photo album “Famous people of our city”

Issue of the newspaper “My parents work”

Compilation of the stories “What I want to become”



Writers, poets, artists of the Perm region

Organize an exhibition of books by writers of the Perm Territory

Reading tales of different peoples of the Perm region

Reading the tales of Bazhov

Reading poetry and listening to songs about the city of Perm

Examination of reproductions of paintings by Perm artists

Creating a gallery of drawings "My favorite city"


Battle glory of the city

- production of holiday cards,

- meeting with veterans(great-grandfather of one of the children) ,

- talk about the exploits of soldiers in the Great Patriotic War

Conversation "Monuments of the city of Perm"

Quiz "What do we know about Perm"

A long-term work plan for introducing the senior group children to their hometown for the 2012-2013 academic year.



Relationship with other activities


Acquaintance with the symbols of the city of Perm and the Perm Territory

Acquaintance with the flag and coat of arms of the Perm region

Painting the coat of arms of the city of Perm

Drawing "Family Coat of Arms"



The nature of the Perm region

Examining a Perm Territory Map

Conversation "Plants of the Perm Territory"

Creation of the album “Medicinal herbs of Prikamye”

The story of the reserve "Basegi"

Browsing booklets, magazines, slide shows about the nature of Prikamye

Drawing "Forest - just painted tower"


Fauna of the Perm region

Reviewing and reading books, encyclopedias, magazines about the animal kingdom of the Perm Territory

Creation of the album “Animals listed in the Red Book”

Modeling "Animals of our forest"

Creation of the Prikamye Nature layout


Fossils of the Perm Territory

Examining the collection of fossils of the Perm region

Creation of a mini-museum “Products from stones of Prikamye

Conversation "Kungur cave"

Reading by P. Bazhov “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”


Peoples of the Perm Territory

Acquaintance with people of different nationalities living in the Perm region

Exhibition of clothing, household items of the Komi peoples, Tatars. Russians

P / and different nations

Listening to poems, songs


Talk about the rules of behavior in nature

Poster exhibition "Take care of your native land"


Perm Krai - My Homeland

Creation of mini-projects “Why I love my city”

KVN "Perm Territory - My Homeland"

List of references:

Aleshina N.V. Introducing preschoolers to to relatives the city, M.: SC Sphere, 1999

Bazhov P. Silver hoof, Speech publishing house, 2015

Bazhov P. Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Dragonfly-Press, 2007

Borodinsky G.A. Great Perm, Solikamsk, 1994

Vorobiev V.I. About the black stork and white snowdrop, Perm. Prince Publishing House, 1987

Vorobiev V.I. Caprice: Rosman-Press, 2013

Kuzmin L.I. Chagall one weirdo: Perm: Perm. Prince publishing house, 1988

Kuzmin L.I. Captain Coco and the green glass: Perm. Prince Ed., 1968.

Melchakova S.S. A city in the depths of Russia. Perm: Cannon, 2010

Permyak E.A. Chizhik-fawn, Machaon, 2013

Permyak E.A. Grandfather's piggy bank, M .: EKSMO, 2009

Perm from the foundation to the present day. Historical essays. Perm: Cannon, 2000

Perm: 280 steps in the city, Perm: Press Center, 2003

Pyankov B. Forest Soul, Perm: Star, 2003

Trutneva E.F. Lights - snegiri, verses, Children's literature, 1974

Trutneva E.F. Golden rain, verses, Perm: Prince. From, 1984

Trutneva E.F. Protalinki, verses, Moscow: Detgiz, 1958

Trutneva E.F. Homeland, Perm: Permgiz, 1945

Fedin S.N. Games of our childhood, Iris Press, 2006

Chernykh E.A. , Pokhozhaeva T.V. Your Prikamye. Take care of your home. Perm, Cannon, 2001

Tales of Prikamye, Perm Book Edition, 1972

The names of the heroes on the map of the Perm region, brochure, Perm, 2012.

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Slide captions:

Project “Protected Areas of the Perm Territory” Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 3” Author: Viktoria Medvedeva, teacher of the first qualification category, Berezniki, 201 8

Type of project: cognitive-ecological Duration: short-term Participants: group preparing for school and their parents Directions: cognitive, speech, communicative-personal, artistic and aesthetic. Age: senior preschool Duration: January 2018 - February 2018.

Goal. Formation of the basics of environmental education of children of preschool age. Tasks: To expand children's ideas about the diversity of nature of their native land, about rare plants and animals listed in the Red Book; To form ideas about the protected areas of the Perm Territory; To lead to the ability to independently draw elementary conclusions about environmental protection. Promote cooperation in parent-child relationships

The project on the Perm Territory for children began with the concepts of "Reserve", "National Park". Children got acquainted with the first Losiny Ostrov national park and with the reasons for the appearance of the first Barguzinsky reserve in Russia - the extermination of sable. Manual labor "Elk Island"

Sable is listed in the Red Book not only of Russia, but also of the Perm Territory, as it is called the "pearl of the Perm Territory" Joint activity in pairs "Sable"

The guys found out that there are reserves in our native land: Vishersky and Basegi. We also got acquainted with the rules for staying in the conservation area, with animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory and why. GCD “Vishersky reserve”

During the project, the children not only learned about the black stork, but also mastered the unconventional technique of drawing glue with salt. Drawing "Black Stork"

The Kungur ice cave made the greatest impression on the children, since no one had seen the caves close to or visited them. The children watched the pictures and a short video about the Kungur ice cave. During the experiment, they tried to grow stalactites and stalagmites, found out who the caver is and what equipment is needed to visit the unexplored cave. Experiment "Stalactites" (from salt)

The caver is cool. Nobody got scared through the tunnel.

Also in our region there are many interesting places that have received the status of natural monuments of the Perm region. This is the Stone Town, Plakun Falls, Usvinsky Pillars, Mount Vetlan and Polyud, the Goryvly stone, the Memorial stone, and many others. The project ended with a quiz to understand what the guys remembered, it seemed interesting in what places they would like to visit. Winners team

Parents also took part in our project. We came to the creative living room "Grotto of the Kungur cave" (drawing the cave with glue and salt)

Moms and dads took part in solving the Perm Territory crossword

Children for parents created a newspaper with drawings, photographs and information about the protected areas of the Perm Territory

Thanks for attention

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and summaries

April Fools Day celebration in the 2nd younger group. (TOGETHER WITH PARENTS) Caregiver MDOU TsRR Karagaysky kindergarten No. 3, Perm Territory - Kolyshkina Nadezhda Mikhailovna.

The purpose of the holiday: The development of musical and creative activities of children. To attract parents to participate in the artistic, play, music, dance activities of children. To give children pleasure ...

Lesson on the social and personal development of children in the 2nd younger group. Theme of the lesson: “People’s Toy” Nadezhda Kolyshkina, educator of MDOU TsRR - d / s No. 3, p. Karagay, Perm Territory

Purpose: The development of an emotional - value attitude of children to a Russian folk toy. Conducting classes on the social and personal development of children is one of the forms of interaction of the educator ...


  "My native Prikamye"



  MADOU "Kindergarten No. 47"

  Perm city

  year 2009


1. The problem the project aims to solve

The patriotic education of preschoolers is a daunting problem in modern Russia. Not only life has changed, but we ourselves. We know much more than before, about ourselves and our country, we see more, we think about more. Perhaps this is precisely the main reason for such a radical rethinking of the content, goals and objectives of the patriotic education of preschool children. The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings; without it, a person is flawed, does not feel his roots. And whether a person feels attachment to his native land or moves away from it, it already depends on the circumstances of life and education. Therefore, it is important that the child already at a preschool age feels personal responsibility for his native land and its future.

Raising a sense of patriotism in a preschooler is a complex and lengthy process. Love for loved ones, for kindergarten, hometown, hometown, hometown play a huge role in the formation of personality.

At present, the upbringing of the moral generation of moral qualities and, above all, feelings of love for their Fatherland has become especially relevant.

It is necessary to cultivate patriotism from early childhood. This is an important pedagogical task. A child is not born evil or good, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child develops depends, first of all, on the parents and adults around him, on how they educate him, on what impressions they enrich. Patriotism is formed in each child individually. It is connected with the spiritual world of a person, his personal experiences. And our task is to make these experiences bright, unforgettable. When starting to work to foster love for the native land, you need to think about what to tell the children about, highlighting what is characteristic only for our region, it is possible to show the connection between the native land and the whole country.

We live and work in the Perm region. It is rich in its customs and traditions; interesting people inhabit it. And our task is to help children learn how beautiful and rich our land is, which bears such a proud name.

If we want children to love their country, city, region, it is necessary to show them on the attractive side in order to evoke a sense of admiration and pride in children. To give children certain knowledge about their native city, Perm Territory, its history, culture, nature. Arouse certain feelings and attitudes towards their small Motherland.

2. The conceptual framework of the project, the predicted result

Our kindergarten implements the program "Kindergarten - a house of joy."

One of the areas of the program is introducing the child to the basics of spiritual culture and intelligence.

And the task is to expand the children's perception of Russia, to introduce them to the history of their country, to the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof their people.

But I solve this problem, we cannot but focus on enriching the knowledge of children about our native Perm region, about the people living in it, about traditions, etc.

I understand that the problem of patriotic education of the younger generation today is one of the most urgent. Homeland must take care of its children, shower them with blessings, become an authoritative, powerful power, so that each of us wants to love her. But the question arises: who will shower us with benefits, and is it possible to determine the amount of benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love the Motherland? If we do not teach a child to love his country, who will need it? Who will rejoice at her achievements and hurt her sorrows? The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of man, and at least it is not reasonable to wait for the moment when it will be worthy of his love. Homeland is what we do it ourselves.
We are burning with a desire to cultivate love for the Motherland, but we are not able to instill in our child a love for the closest - to our home and kindergarten, and this is the basis of the foundations of moral-patriotic education, its first and most important stage. A preschooler must first recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then - a citizen of Russia, and only then - a resident of planet Earth.

Living in the Perm Territory, the city of Perm, on the territory of unique places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During the implementation of the project, children will receive knowledge about the beautiful places known around the world. You should not expect adult forms of love for your hometown from adult children, but if during the project the children acquire knowledge about the history of the city, symbols, sights, they know the names of those who founded and glorified the city, begin to show interest in the events of urban life and reflect your impressions in productive activities, you can assume that the goal and objectives of my project are fulfilled.

For this purpose, we decided to create our own project. We must go from close to far

Objective of the project:

* Familiarization of children with the history and culture of the Perm Territory, the natural, social and man-made world.

* Education of a holistic personality, combining moral, moral, civic traits.

* Systematization of knowledge about the city, region

Project objectives:

* Awaken in children a sense of love for their city, region, respect for its traditions and customs.

* To form spiritual and moral relations and feelings of belonging to one’s home, city, and region; to the cultural heritage of their people; to the nature of the native land.

* To develop the need for independent development of the surrounding world by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples. Develop communication skills.

* Cultivate love, respect for their nation, understanding of their national characteristics, respect for other nationalities.

* Cultivate respect for the culture of other nations. To educate international feelings, as a component of moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Russia is a multinational country, and the upbringing of moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers is relevant.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project is as follows: we live in the Perm Territory, in order to love and respect our Motherland, we need to know its history, culture. But our region is multinational, different peoples live in it, having their own traditions, customs, their history and our task is to help children learn what our region is famous for, to acquaint it with its history, culture, nature, its wealth. Arouse in children a sense of admiration and pride in their homeland.

Local history issues run through all sections of the program "House of Joy, through which our kindergarten works."

We have outlined the main areas of work:

* To form in children ideas about the glory of their hometown, region, and a sense of pride in their homeland.

* Maintain and develop interest in the traditions of the family, city, region.

* To instill in the pupils an interest in the past of their land.

* Attach to the culture of the peoples inhabiting the Perm Territory. To cultivate love and respect for traditions and customs.

* Form a national identity in the process of getting acquainted with culture, life, traditions.

* Generate interest in the peoples of Prikamye and Russia.

* Teach to see the general and the specific in the life of the peoples of the Perm Territory.

* Carry out the cognitive development of the child in the process of acquaintance with the past and present of the region.

* To form an idea of \u200b\u200bhis native city, region, as particles of a large country in Russia.

* Teach you to actively express your civic feelings.

Implementing the project, in children:

    there will be an interest in the history of his native land, city, in his wealth; cognitive activity, creativity, imagination, thinking, communication skills, speech will develop; children learn to behave correctly in the world around them, expand their horizons; there will be a sense of responsibility for the living world and the environment.

Acquaintance with the native land will pass through conversations, legend (one of the forms of activity), viewing albums, reproductions, listening to folk music, reading fiction, and excursions.

The criteria for evaluating our work will be the interest of children, parents, and teachers in the history of our native land.

Children will know the history of the region, its culture, nature. And to the question - “Where did you come from, where do you live?”, The child with pride can say: “I am Perm!”

Our kindergarten implements the "House of Joy" program, and technologists are prescribed for the program, which covers the entire preschool age. The result of our project is additions to the technology written by the author. Using regional programs: “Love and know your land”. "Patriotic education of preschool children." Perm Krai allowed, without violating the technology, to give children ideas about their native land, to introduce famous people of Prikamye.

I plan to supplement the technology material with local history material, create a developing environment in the group, taking into account the regional component.

  3. Project Description: Strategy and Achievement Mechanism

  set goals

The work on the project is designed for children of preschool age.

Project Stages:

Project stages

Teacher Activities


Selection of methodological, popular science, fiction on this topic

Project Planning

Selection of visual and didactic material

Diagnostics of children "Do you know your land"


Development of abstracts using developmental learning methods


  Speech development:

Compilation of creative stories “My street” “My hometown”, “My land”

Conversations: “My city is a hard worker city”, “Perm is theatrical”, “The wealth of the Ural mountains”, “Perm is musical”, “They glorified our land”

  Familiarization with fiction:

Reading the tales of the peoples of Prikamye; acquaintance with the work of writers of Prikamye - E. Trutneva, L. Kuzmin; folklore


–Lesson “The Legend of Perm”; "The Legend of the Urals"; "The Legend of Kama"

City tour, city

Acquaintance with arts and crafts of Prikamye

Excursion to the museum of local lore

Game activity:

- role-playing game "My family"

Didactic games "Traveling around the edge", "Learn about yourself", "Sowing"

Learning the folk games of Prikamye.

  Theatrical activity:

- theatricalization of fairy tales, nurseries of Prikamye


- “Dekabristov Street”, “Kama Embankment”, “Theaters of the city” “My Perm Territory”

  Productive Activities:

–Drawing: “My favorite street”, “Ural winter forest”, prosecution painting, birds of the Urals

  Musical activity:

Folk holidays; folk songs; Acquaintance with the work of children's composers –E. Krylatov, L. Vakhrusheva

  Work with parents:

- conversations and consultations on the topics of the project,

The design of the folder, "Love and know your land"; homework;

Attracting parents to participate in themed holidays and entertainment



Broadcast project work on stands

Questioning children

Defining tasks for a new project

Work schedule





The acquisition of literature on the Perm region, the city

Booklets "The Nature of the Urals", "Decorative and Applied Art"

Acquisition of games of didactic games in local history


Selection of visual material

Questioning children

During a year

Deputy Head on BMR



Development of abstracts

Creation of a subject-development environment

Exhibition design

During a year

Deputy Head on BMR



Conversations, legends, classes according to plan

Reading fiction

Browse albums, postcards

Role-playing game

Didactic games

Theatricalization according to the tales of the peoples of Prikamye

Design, drawing, application

Outdoor games of the peoples of Prikamye

City Tours, Museum

Conducting theme parties, entertainment

During the year (according to plan)



Summing up the project

Final survey of children

December 2009

Deputy Head on BMR


Dissemination of results :

Performance with generalized experience at the pedagogical council, at the methodological association

teachers implementing the program "Kindergarten - a house of joy"

Broadcasting project work in the media

Relevance of the project:

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation today is one of the most urgent. Recently, the work of researchers and pre-school educational institutions has noticeably intensified: contests for a grant for organizing work on patriotic education and conferences began to be held, a variety of methodological literature on moral and patriotic education in a preschool educational institution appeared.

Research in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology suggests that it is in preschool age that the basic foundations of the personality are laid, the process of formation and formation of sociocultural experience begins, and a person "develops".

The education of patriotic feelings at the present stage of the development of society obliges preschool institutions to develop cognitive interest, love for the motherland, its historical and cultural heritage.

Ancient wisdom reminds us: "A man who does not know his past knows nothing."

Today, there are many concepts, technologies, and partial programs in which civic, patriotic education, including a regional component, is presented in different formulations and volumes. Nevertheless, none of the programs makes it possible to fully solve the tasks of familiarizing children with their native land, so teachers independently develop and systematize practical material.

In order to ensure the moral and patriotic education of preschool children, work is carried out on the basis of the regional component in our preschool institution. The activities of teachers in patriotic education of children include the joint activities of teachers, children and their parents.

The project "My favorite city" helped us in organizing work in this area.

Problems the project aimed at solving:

To acquaint children with the city - as the cultural capital of Prikamye;

To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sights of the hometown;

To attract parents to participate, to contribute to the formation of cultural family values \u200b\u200band traditions.

When implementing the project, use new forms of interaction with children and parents. Therefore, there was a need to change the organization of the pedagogical process to familiarize children with the features of the city and the region. In our opinion, the solution to this problem was the implementation of the project: "My favorite city!"

We believe that the project method allows children to learn complex local history material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activity develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself to develop as a creative person.

Project participants: children of preparatory group No. 11 MBDOU “TsRR - kindergarten No. 415”, tutor Ostryakova Marina Vladimirovna, parents of pupils.

Type of project:   group, short-term.

  Duration of the project:   October 2013 - January 2014

Directions of the project activity:

  • Information block: Processing of theoretical materials, writing informative stories
  • Technological block: Development of class notes using developmental education
  • Organizational unit: Creating a subject - development environment

The main section of the program: cognitive development

Sections of the program, the contents of which are included in the project: speech development, visual activity, game activity, musical activity, classes to familiarize with the outside world.

Objective of the project:in the replenishment of civic feelings, feelings of love for the motherland, native land; development of abilities for practical and mental experimentation, speech planning, logical operations.

Project Objectives:

  • Continue to acquaint children with their native city, Perm Territory; give an idea that the city of Perm is part of the Perm Territory.
  • Continue to acquaint children with the history of the city. Perm, its founder, the main cultural and historical attractions.
  • To consolidate knowledge of the symbolism of Perm.
  • To foster interest in the history of their land, a sense of love and pride in their homeland.

Resource support:

Personnel: a teacher with a special pedagogical education, musical director of a preschool educational institution.

Methodical: program L.V. Kolomiychenko “The program of patriotic education of preschool children”, NP Gorbatsevich , Shatrova N.V. “Prikamye: pages of distant and near times”, “Your Prikamye - take care of your home” compiled by E.A. Blacks.

Informational: video “My city”, photo presentation “Perm”, booklets, postcards about the city, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, excursion programs.

Stages of the project implementation and implementation:

I. Information storage:

  • Studying children's interest to determine project goals.
  • Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.
  • Appeal to specialists.

II. Organizational and practical

No. p / p

Joint activities of a teacher with children

Work with parents

Development Environment Organization

Exhibition of drawings "Favorite city with a happy birthday"

Exhibition of drawings in the lobby of the kindergarten.

Presentation of mini-projects “My favorite place in the city”

Assistance in the preparation of presentations, photo reports, information retrieval

Selection of materials about the city, photo albums favorite places in Perm

Viewing booklets and photos "My city"

Help in selecting materials

Exhibition of Booklets and Photos

The cycle of "virtual" city tours.

Central streets of the city;

Parks and squares of Perm;

The gates of our city (railway station, river, bus station, airport);

Perm theatrical

Monuments and museums of the city.

Historic buildings of the city.

Help in selecting materials for excursions.

Photo reports

Search activity with children "History of the city" (symbolism, founder)

Help in the selection of information.

Video and photo presentation.

Conducting didactic games on local history “My city Perm”, “Find out where I am?”, “Collect a picture”, “Grandma’s chest”, “Map of my city”, “City of the future”, “My native land”, “I am a photographer "," Here is my street, here is my home "," Association-city "

Selection of didactic games on local history in the cognitive-speech corner.

City Tours

- “My city is Perm” (past, present, future)

Visit to the museum of local lore

Learning songs, poems about Perm

Selection of materials

Design layouts “Favorite building of my city”

Assistance in the manufacture, description and design.

Decoration of the exhibition “Our favorite city”

V. Stepanov “What We Call the Motherland”, “Our Home”, N. Kurtog “Tales”.

The design of the exhibition of books about the city, homeland, country in the book corner.

Writing stories on the topic: “What would I tell the guests of my city”

The design of the page of the book.

Making a book of stories about the city.

Visit to the puppet theater.

Historical quiz "Connoisseurs of the hometown"

III. Presentation - final

Open final event “My Motherland is the city of Perm!”

Exhibition of Products of Children's Activities.

Assessment of the stages of project implementation by children.

IV. Reflexive


Conversation “What did we want to know, what did we learn, why did we learn?”

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:

  1. 1.interest of children and parents;
  2. 2.methodological developments
  3. 3.integration with kindergarten specialists.

Possible risks:

  1. 1.unwillingness to participate in the project of parents;
  2. 2.low resource provision;
  3. 3.low cognitive activity of participants.

Expected Result:

  1. 1.The final result is monitoring, where children show their knowledge about their native city, its history, culture. Active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities is taken into account.
  2. 2.Ability to express one’s own opinion, analyze, vigorously respond to what is happening, provide all possible assistance.

Monitoring aimed at identifying perceptions of older preschool children perceptions of their hometown.

  1. 1.What is the name of our city?
  2. 2.Who is the founder of our city?
  3. 3.Which animal is depicted on the coat of arms of the Perm Territory?
  4. 4.What is the land of Perm famous for?
  5. 5.What is your home address?
  6. 6.What streets do you still know?
  7. 7.Name and tell about the sights of the city of Perm.
  8. 8.What stations are there in Perm?
  9. 9.What are the theaters of our city?

This monitoring is carried out at the beginning and end of the project.


No. p / p

Resource provision

Quantity per unit / amount

Number of pieces, amount

Notebook «Packard-bell »



Camera "Canon »



Wall screen "Pro-mega office »



MFP   "Canon pizma mg2240 / mg3240"



Consumables (black cartridge, color cartridge)




Memory card to the camera



USB device


Magnetic holders

1Up - 567


Wireless mouse

A set of posters on the theme "Perm City" on different topics



A set of videos on the theme "Perm City"



Wall system " durable Sherpa style   5844 »



Plastic Covers

1 unit - 950

Total: 40.014 rubles.

Direct educational activities in the educational field "Cognition", "Socialization".

Visiting Grandfather of a local history specialist

Goal:to contribute to the formation of children's feelings of patriotism towards their hometown.


1. To acquaint children with the history of the city of Perm, the main attractions.

2. To consolidate knowledge of the symbolism of Perm.

3. Develop coherent, dialogical speech in children.

4. To foster interest in the history of their land, a sense of love and pride in their homeland.

Preliminary work:

Examining booklets, symbols of Perm (coat of arms), a trip to the circus, an excursion along the street of Perm, the games “Collect Pictures”, compiling stories about places in Perm.

Course progress:

Hello children, hello guests! I am the Grandfather of the local historian - I know everything, I know everything about my native land. I heard that you are studying the history of your native land and I want to help you with this today. But first, I will test your knowledge. Guys, the grandfather of the local historian sent us cards (on the screen showing cards).

Please look and tell me if you recognize familiar places?

What is the name of our land?

Another Grandfather, a local historian, sent the game “Collect a picture”. We divide into three groups and quickly assemble them. Whose team is ahead? (we collect the coat of arms of Russia, the coat of arms of Perm, the coat of arms of Moscow). What kind of characters did you get? On the screen, Perm symbol is a coat of arms.

What do the elements of this symbol mean?

The bear is the strength and wealth of the land, the cross and the book are Christianity.

And do you guys think you need knowledge about the history of our country, our Perm Territory? What for? The local history grandfather really wants you to be smart and to know everything, so he still sent a historical book about the city of Perm. After reading it, I suggest you find out about the emergence of Mr. Perm.

Would you like to listen to my story? Once upon a time, when there was still no city of Perm, the taiga was noisy at this place. How rich is the forest? A small river Egoshikha flowed through the taiga, which was in a hurry to meet the big river Kama! How rich is the river? And people liked this place and they began to build houses. What were the houses before? And then in the land people found the mineral “copper ore” and built a plant. Copper was smelted at the plant - Russia needed it. Around the plant grew a village, it was called Egoshikha, like a river. The village was growing. Many, many years passed and it turned into a city. And Tsarina of Russia Catherine II issued a decree to name this city Perm.

What houses are built in Perm?

What are the streets in Perm?

What else did you see in Perm?

Look at the screen (Perm slides)

What has the city become in our time?

What houses are built?

What streets? (wide, long)

Perm is a large and beautiful city. It has many temples, theaters, museums, libraries.

Guys, did you go with your parents to Perm? Where have you been What have you seen? Can you tell us?

Thank you for the interesting stories.

Guys, what did you learn in class?

We need to tell the local grandfather.


You sent a package

You showed us a lot


What did you learn, tell me!


Guys, I suggest creating a mood flag - a symbol of our occupation. Look what we have. The flag turned out to be bright, colorful. So the mood from the class you have is cheerful, joyful.