Hello from the flower city. Scenario of a musical fairy tale based on the work of N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" Scenario of the adventure of Dunno and his friends

Teacher: Guys! Today we will meet with the heroes of books about Dunno. But first, I suggest you listen to the author of these books. Nikolai Nosov was born in 1908 in Kiev, in the family of an actor. In school, he dreamed of becoming a musician, learned to play the violin. In high school, he was preparing to enter the Faculty of Chemistry. And he suddenly began to study after school at an art institute. He soon left him and moved to the Institute of Cinematography, after graduating from which he worked for several years at a film studio, made popular science films. And all the time, as he later admitted, he felt a sense of dissatisfaction. It’s not that the work in the cinema was unpleasant for him, but it did not capture him entirely, did not give real happiness.

The vocation opened unexpectedly. Among other activities in his youth, Nosov was fond of literature, he tried to write stories, but nothing came of it. Nosov decided that he had no talent. It turned out that there was simply no topic. He tried to write for adults, but it was necessary for children. This was discovered when his son was born and he, as an adult, again fell into the magical land of childhood and saw childhood not in the fog of the distant past, but in close proximity.

  “I admit,” the writer recalled, “this magical country surprised me, and creativity, as one smart artist said, begins with surprise. “I saw in the child that which I had not noticed before and which, it seemed to me, others did not notice.”

His first story for children appeared in the magazine Murzilka in 1938 and was called Zateyniki, and the first book was a collection of short stories Tuk-tuk-tuk in 1945. Each subsequent book was a resounding success in children.

Almost every Nosov story is based on error, inexperience, or ignorance. For example, in the story “Mishkina porridge” a whole chain of hilarious events is caused by one simple thing - the guys’s inability to cook porridge.

Nosov’s world is children on their own. They often find themselves alone, without adults: they play, play pranks, travel, do homework, get lost and find themselves. Kids from the stories of N. N. Nosov get valuable life experience. Stories such as “Steps”, “Car”, “Metro”, “Cucumbers” give the first lessons in knowing what is good and what is bad.

But the writer-tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (1951) and its two sequels, “Dunno in the Solar City” and “Dunno on the Moon”, brought the writer fame.

There is one interesting trick in the Trilogy about Dunno: all residents of the Flower City, shorties - both children and adults at the same time. By occupation - like adults, by nature and behavior - real children. Hunter Pulka, poet Tsvetik, Dr. Pilyulkin and all the others are bright personalities, and everyone is busy. And only Dunno, the naughty and the fidget, does not find a place for herself, takes on everything and throws everything, manages to quarrel with everyone and spoil everywhere. But at the same time no one is especially angry with him, they do not expel him from the company, and sometimes he is very useful, and we are glad that Dunno has so many friends.

Nosov was the greatest inventor: in the second part of the trilogy, he told the children about the future miracles of science and technology - what is a car running on soda! And in the third book, he spoke to children about the most difficult thing: the structure of human society.

The books of N. N. Nosov are fascinating and interesting, therefore they are constantly reprinted, attract artists, and his characters live on stage, on the screen and just in a daily children's game.

On a fairytale map

I know for sure

There is a wonderful city

With the name Floral.

Dunno (quits): I hear, hear ... Who is talking about my hometown? Oh, where did I go?

Teacher: First of all, Dunno, you need to say hello, and then ask questions.

Dunno: Here's another! I do well without it.

Teacher: Do you know, Dunno, what does this word mean?

Dunno: I do not know. And I don’t want to know.

Teacher: But you still listen to what the guys will say about him.

Dunno:   Okay.


Hello! Hello! Hello!

No more words needed

Smiles bloom on their faces

People are becoming friends.

Child: The word "hello", at first glance, is the simplest and most ordinary. But so sunny! And how much joy and light it carries in itself! You will say this word and your soul will become warmer.

Child: This word is very old. It is associated with the word "tree." Once upon a time, people, pronouncing the word “hello,” wished others to be healthy, strong, powerful, like a tree, such as an oak.

Dunno: What a wonderful thing it turns out to be.

Hello guys.

All:   Hello, Dunno.

Dunno: So tell me guys, where did I go?

Child: She got into ... school, in ... class.

Dunno: So everything is correct. My friends from Flower City are sending you letters. (Shows.) They have interesting assignments that they composed for you. (Takes the first letter .)

This is a letter from ... Stop. Guess from whom?

In a long blouse "hoodie"

And with a palette in hand

So standing by the easel

It will remain for centuries.

Children :


Dunno (opens an envelope, reads ):

I'm landscapes, still lifes

I have been drawing for many years.

And I wanted someone

He gave me my portrait.

  Competition "Funny artist"

Children draw a portrait of a tube.


He’s always losing something,

Where things are, constantly does not know.

Who am I talking about, guess.

What is the baby’s name?



Dunno   (reads the second letter):

Well, it’s a disaster!

I always lose them.

Find the shoes

On this picture.

Competition "The most attentive"

In the picture, the children find and show where the shoes hid.


  - Sweet water

Give me a trailer

I would drink it all, -

Is talking …

Children :


Dunno (is reading ):

Are there among you

The same as me?

Who will drink faster

Lemonade, friends?

Competition "Who is faster"

Two compete. Each has a glass of lemonade and a straw. The one who drinks faster wins.


In the city of Flower

Everyone knows him

On the harp constantly

He is playing something.




There are many different tools,

Even I can’t count them all.

Maybe some new

Do you have any kids?

I see two empty bottles on the window. Well, no matter what a musical instrument?

  Competition "Musical"

Children on empty bottles whistle the motive for the song Grasshopper.


He walks with the dog Bulka,

And his name is all ...

Children :

A bullet.

Dunno :

In the circle is a carrot.

Hit it adroitly.

A drawing opens with a carrot drawn in the center of the circle.

This is not fifties to you ...

We all need to make bullets.

Children make bullets out of paper (crumple a paper sheet).

Competition “Hit the target”

Competitors must be pulled into the center of the circle where the carrot is drawn. The one who manages to do this wins.


Least of all he says

Never scream

Never grunt

It’s just better not to say anything.



Dunno   (opens the following letter, takes out a blank sheet of paper, twirls it in his hands):

Interesting?! What did he mean by that?(Thinking about it.) I know. He probably wants us to play the silence musical game.

Musical game "Silence"

Music sounds, everyone sings. By the sign of Dunno, they continue to sing to themselves. But to confuse the children, Dunno can continue the song out loud.

  Losers exit the game and the game continues.


This handyman

Never knows boredom.

Doesn’t cost him anything -

The ship will build on the moon.

Children :



Vintik has an assistant. What's his name?

Children :



We dream of a car

To cook and soaps,

Cleaned and washed

And the floor to rub,

Performing everything at once.

Competition "Inventor"

Children draw a model of a similar machine.


And the last envelope.

He knows about everything in the world.

Who is he? Tell me the children.



Dunno (is reading):

Compose love crosswords.

I offer two at once.

Who will read faster

Key words in them.

1st team

Crossword 1

    Baby from the Flower City.(Chamomile.)

    Poet. (Flower.)

    A kid from Zmeevka who was messing up in the Green City.   (Carnation.)

    Helper Cog.(Groovy.)

    Donut lover.(Donut.)

    Artist. (Tube.)

    Poetess. (Gem.)

    A kid who knows nothing and does not know how to do anything.(Dunno.)

Keyword: "Lungwort".

2nd team

    Dunno's best friend.(Gunka.)

    The kid who loses everything.(Confused.)

    Baby with blue eyes.(Blueeye.)

    The famous mechanic.(Cog.)

    Neighbor Sineglazki.(Daisy.)

    The kid who knows everything. (Znayka.)

    Hunter. (Bullet.)

    Invention inventor. (Quickly.)

Keyword: “Dunno.”

The results are summed up, the winners are awarded.

(Finally executed   song "Grasshopper", music by V. Shainsky.)

Hand-painted scenes from the book by N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno." Scenes go one after another, although you can play separately. All children in the class can be involved in the play. In each scene - his Dunno, his Pilyulkin, his Znayka, etc. Rehearsals, production of sets, costumes, props, programs - we prepared the performance for almost a year. Showed more than once. Always the first viewers are our parents. It turns out a fun performance for the end of the school year.



About Dunno (Scenario)

The song "Grasshopper sat in the grass." The music gradually subsides. The heroes in their "kids" costumes, one by one, take turns on the stage (in front of the closed curtain)

Scene 1. Introduction

1. Shorties lived in one fairytale city.

2. They were called shorties because they were very small.

3. Each shorty was tall with a small cucumber.

4. The city they had was very beautiful.

5. Around each house, flowers grew: daisies, daisies, dandelions.

6. There, even the streets were called by the names of the flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Romashhek Avenue, Vasilkov Boulevard.

7. And the city itself was called the Flower City.

8. The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies.

9. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with the babies.

10. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones.

11. Babies called babies imaginative (they will come up with the same word) ...

12. And many babies called babies bully

and other offensive nicknames.

13. You will say that in the life of such kids does not happen.

14. But no one says that they happen in life.

15. In life, one thing, but in a fabulous city is completely different.

16. (Together)   Everything happens in a fabulous city!

  (Everything is prepared for the first scene - “in the field”)

Song sounds In the grass Grasshopper sat"

All disagree in their places (on stage or in the "hall")

Scene 2. How Dunno became famous

Tube.   The most famous among the kids was a baby named Dunno.

Pilyulkin. He was nicknamed Dunno because he knew nothing.

(Dunno appears; he is wearing a bright blue hat, yellow canary-colored trousers, an orange shirt,

Green tie)

Dunno.   I know a lot of things. Otherwise, how would I be able to chat with my friend Gunka for hours.

Guslya.   Once Dunno walked around the city and wandered into the field.

(Dunno walks around the stage, sniffs flowers, chases butterflies, dragonflies.

A huge May bug flies, hits Dunno in the back of the head, flies away at the same moment. Dunno falls; sits on the ground and, sitting, looks around, shrugs)

Dunno.   Who hit me? Maybe something fell on top?

(He lifts his head, looks up,long   looking at the sun)

So something fell from the sun on me. Probably a piece fell off the sun and hit me on the head. I’ll go to Steklyashkin.

Donut   This Steklyashkin is a famous astronomer.

Tube. He can make magnifying glasses out of fragments of bottles.

Pilyulkin. Of several such glasses, Steklyashkin made a large spyglass.

Guslya. You can look at the moon and the stars in it.

Dunno.   Listen, Steklyashkin, you understand what story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

Steklyashkin.   What are you, Dunno! If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

(shows the sun in the solar system)

(takes a plate, compares it with the Sun in the sky, on the map)

Dunno. Can not be! In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

Steklyashkin.   It only seems to us like this, because the Sun is very far from us.

The sun is a huge hot ball. This I saw in my pipe. If even a small piece had come off the Sun, it would have destroyed our entire city.

Dunno.   Oh you! And I did not know that the Sun is so big. Let’s go tell my ours - maybe they haven’t heard about it. But you still look at the sun in your pipe: all of a sudden it’s actually chipped!

(Dunno runs and informs everyone she sees in alarm)

Brothers, do you know what sun is?

It is larger than all our land. Here it is!

And so, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying directly to us.

Soon he will fall and crush us all. Horror of what will happen! So go ask Steklyashkin!

Pilyulkin.   Dunno, everyone knows that you're a talker.

Guslya.   There is nothing to listen to!

(Dunno runs, screams, spreads panic)

Dunno. Brothers, save yourself, a piece is flying!

Tube. Which piece?

Dunno.   A piece, brothers! A piece has come off the sun! It will slap soon - and everyone will have a lid!

Do you know what sun?

It is larger than our entire Earth!

Tube. What are you making up?

Dunno. I’m not making anything up. This is Steklyashkin said. He saw in his pipe.

(Everyone runs away and looks at the sun; rubbing his eyes, as if tears had flowed)

Donut   It seems the sun is actually chipped.

Tube. Yes...

Dunno.   Trouble! Save who can! Trouble!

(Everyone grabs their things; rushing around the stage:

Tube - paints and brushes,

Guslya - their musical instruments,

Pilyulkin - looking for a first-aid kit, looking for a long time, can not find

Donut - an umbrella and "food";

Znayka appears - unperturbed, withworth)

Znayka. What happened?!

Dunno.   A piece came off the sun. Soon it will plop and everyone will have a lid. Do you know what sun? ..

(again, except Znayka, rushing around the stage)

Znayka.   Calm down, brothers! There is nothing wrong. Do you not know that Dunno is a talker. All this is he you-do-mal.

Dunno.   Invented? So go and ask Steklyashkin.

(run to Steklyashkin, return)

Guslya.   Dunno actually composed everything. Here's a scream.

Tube.   I wonder how we believed you!

Dunno.   But I’m not surprised! I myself believed.

Donut   That's how wonderful this Dunno was!

(sounds Song of the Blue Eyes ")

(the curtain closes, sets and stage props are being prepared"How Dunno Decided to Become a Musician")

Scene 3. "How Dunno Decided to Become a Musician"

(In the corner of the stage, the kids gathered, singing under the guidance of Gusli)

Znayka. (turning to Dunno)Dunno, you all get a scruff of the neck. You only read in warehouses and know how to write only in block letters.

Pilyulkin. You, Dunno, have an empty head.

Dunno. This is not true, because how could I then think?

Maybe I sometimes think poorly, but I put shoes on my feet, and not on my head - this is also a consideration.

Znayka. Dunno, you are not so nasty, but you do not like to work.

You want to learn right away, without any work, and from this, even the smartest shorty can not do anything.


Dunno. (appeals to the audience)   I like music very much. All babies and babies love music. Our Guslya is a wonderful musician. He has different

musical instruments. He often plays them. Everyone listens to music and is very praised.

  (kids sing to the soundtrack "I sat in the grass

grasshopper "1 verse.

After all quietly diverge)

Dunno. I want to be listened to and praised. I’ll go to Gusla.

(goes to Gusla)

Guslya, teach me how to play. I also want to be a musician.

Guslya.   Learn. What do you want to play on?

Dunno.   And what is the easiest way to learn?

Guslya. On the balalaika.

Dunno.   Well, come on balalaika, I’ll try.

(Gusli gives Dunno the balalaika; Dunno strumming the strings)

No, the balalaika is playing too quietly. Give something else, louder.

(Gusli gives Dunno the violin; Dunno tries to lead the bow along the strings)

Is there nothing even louder?

Guslya. There is still a pipe.

Dunno.   Come on here, I'll try.

(Gusli gives Dunno the pipe; Dunno blows into it; she roars)

This is a good tool. He plays loudly.

Guslya.   Well, learn on the pipe if you like.

Dunno.   Why should I study? I already know how.

Guslya. No, you still don’t know how.

Dunno. (screaming) I can, I can! Here, listen!

(blows into the pipe with all his might)

Guslya. You just trumpet, not play.

Dunno.   How not to play? Very much I play! Loudly!

Guslya.   Oh you! It's not that it was loud. It must be beautiful.

Dunno.   So after all, it turns out beautifully for me.

Guslya. And not at all beautiful. You, I see, not at all

capable of music.

Dunno.   You are not capable of it. You just say so out of jealousy. You want to be listened to and praised by one.

Guslya.   Nothing like this. Take the pipe and play as you want, if you think that you do not need to learn. Let them praise you too.

Dunno.   Well, I will play.

(plays, plays, plays; Guslya listens. Finally, he is bored. Guslya puts on a velvet jacket, a pink bow around his neck)

I'm going to visit.

(babies and babies are resting in the next room)

Znayka. What's that noise?

Dunno.   This is not noise. This is me playing.

Znayka.   Stop it now. Your music hurts your ears.

Dunno. This is because you are not used to my music yet. You’ll get used to it and your ears won’t hurt.

Znayka.   And I don’t want to get used to it. I really need it!

(Dunno stops playing; then starts playing again)

Pilyulkin.   Stop it! Get out of here with your nasty pipe!

Dunno.   Where am I to go?

Pilyulkin.   Go to the field and play there.

Dunno.   So in the field there will be nobody to listen to.

Pilyulkin.   Do you really need someone to listen?

Dunno. Mandatory.

Pilyulkin.   Well, go outside, the neighbors will hear you there.

(Dunno goes under the windows of the neighboring house)

Neighbor 1.   No noise, please.

(Dunno goes under the windows of another house)

Neighbor 2.   Stop making noise. They don’t give a rest!

(Dunno goes to the third house)

Neighbor 3.   Go away with your pipe!

(Dunno is already making noise on purpose.

All angry neighbors run out of houses and drive Dunno, waving their arms)

Dunno.   Forcibly fled from them. They don’t understand my music. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won’t play anymore!

(sounds Secret to the whole world" "How Dunno was an artist")

Scene 4. "How Dunno was an artist"

Leading \\ Znayka.   Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called a "hoodie."

Dunno.   Since no one wants to listen to my music, I will become an artist.

(goes to Tube)

Dunno.   Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush.

Artist Tube.   I'm not greedy at all. I give you, Dunno, my old paints and brush.

(gives Dunno colors, a palette and a brush.

Dunno goes to herself.

Gunka comes to him)

Dunno.   Sit down, Gunka. Now I will draw you.

(Dunno sets up a chair for Gunka, seats him)

Gunka. That's great!

(Gunka sits on a chair.

Dunno draws)

Dunno.   I want, Gunka, to portray you more beautifully ... I will draw red. ..nose ... green ... ears ... blue ... lips ... orange ... eyes ...

(Gunka jumps up)

Gunka.   I want to see my portrait as soon as possible.

(Gunka spins on a chair)

Dunno.   Do not spin, do not spin, otherwise it will not work out.

Gunka.   And now it looks like?

Dunno. Is very similar.

(as if to himself)

Now I will paint a mustache with purple paint ...

Gunka. (with curiosity) Well, show me what happened!

(Dunno shows Gunke portrait)

Gunka. (indignantly)   But am I like that?

Dunno.   Of course it is. What else?

Gunka.   Why did you draw a mustache? I don’t have a mustache.

(looks in the mirror)

Dunno.   Well, someday they will grow.

Gunka.   And why is the nose red?

Dunno.   This is ... to be more beautiful.

Gunka.   And why is blue hair? Do I have blue hair?

(looks in the mirror again)

Dunno. Blue. But, if you don’t like it, I can make green ones.

(takes the brush)

Gunka. (startled) No, no. (indignantly)   No, this is a bad portrait. Let me tear it.

(trying to take a portrait to tear; fight; make noise)

(resort to Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska)

Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska.   Why are you fighting?

Gunka. (screaming)   Here you judge us. Tell me, who is painted here? Really, it's not me?

Znayka.   Of course not you. Here some garden scarecrow is drawn.

Dunno.   You didn’t guess because the signatures here

Not. I will sign it now, and everything will be clear.

(takes a pencil and signs "Gunka" in block letters, hangs a portrait)

Dunno.   Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is forbidden.

Gunka. (resolutely)   Anyway, when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.

Dunno. And I will not go to bed at night and I will watch!

(Gunka walks away resentfully)

Leading \\ Znayka.   But Dunno actually did not go to bed in the evening. When everyone fell asleep, he took paints and began to paint everyone.

  (Dunno paints, hangs portraits)

By morning, he hung these portraits and signed them, so that turned out to be a whole exhibition.

Pilyulkin. (examines portraits, laughs)   I really like these portraits.

(puts on glasses and begins to examine them more closely)

Pilyulkin.   Well done, dunno! Never in my life have I laughed like that.

(stops near his portrait)

Pilyulkin. (strictly)   Who's that? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Dunno.   Why shoot? Let it hang.

Pilyulkin. (offended)   You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When did you see that I had a thermometer instead of a nose ?! You’ll have to give castors for the night.

Dunno.   Phew! I do not like this castor. No no! Now I myself see that the portrait is bad.

(quickly removes a portrait of Pilyulkin from the wall)

Hunter Bullet. (examines portraits through binoculars, laughs)   I almost burst with laughter.

(sees his portrait, his mood immediately spoils)

Hunter Bullet.   This is a bad portrait. Not like me. Take it off, otherwise I won’t take you with me on the hunt.

(Dunno takes a portrait of Pulka)

  (the artist Tubik comes, seeing his portrait on the wall, gets angry)

Artist Tube.   This is not a portrait, but a mediocre anti-artistic maz-nya.

(removes portraits from the wall, takes paint and brush away from Dunno, leaves)

  (only Gunkin's portrait remained)

  (Dunno takes it off and goes to her best friend)

Dunno. Do you want, Gunka, will I give you your portrait? And you will make peace with me for this.

Gunka. (takes a portrait) Okay, peace. Only if you draw at least once, I will not put up for anything.

Dunno.   And I will never draw again. You draw, you draw, and no one will even say thank you. Everyone just curses. I do not want to be an artist anymore!

  (sounds When my friends are with me ". Scenery getting ready"How Dunno Composed Poems")

Scene 5. "How Dunno wrote poetry"

Leading. After the artist did not work out of Dunno, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. Dunno had a familiar poet. His real name was Pudik, but since all poets really love beautiful names, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

(Dunno comes to Flower)

Dunno.   Listen, Flower, teach me how to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Flower.   Do you have abilities?

Dunno.   Of course have. I am very capable.

Flower.   This must be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno.   Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower.   Rhyme is when two words end the same way. For example, korzhik - walrus. Got it

Dunno. I get it.

Flower.   Well, say the rhyme to the word "stick".

Dunno. Herring!

Flower.   What rhyme is this? A stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Dunno.   Why not? They end the same way.

Flower. This is not enough. Words must be alike

so that it turns out folding. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

Dunno. (screaming pleased)   Got it, got it. A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump. That's great! Ha ha ha

Flower. Well, come up with a rhyme for the word tow.

Dunno. (without thinking) Shmaklya.

Flower. (surprised)   What shmaklya? Is there such a word?

Dunno. But isn’t it?

Flower. Of course not.

Dunno. (without a doubt) Well then, a jerk.

Flower. What kind of bastard is this?

Dunno.   Well, it’s when they tear something, that’s why it’s ravaklya.

Flower. You're lying. There is no such word. It is necessary to select such words that happen, and not invent.

Dunno.   And if I can’t find another word?

Flower. So you do not have the ability to poetry.

Dunno.   Well, then figure it out for yourself what rhyme is there.

Flower. Now.

(He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms over his chest, tilted his head to one side, began to think. Raised his head up, began to think, looking at the ceiling. He grabbed his hands on his chin, began to think, looking at the floor. He wanders about the room and mutters to himself)

Tow, Buckley, Wakla, Daklja, Maklya ...

Ugh! What's this word? This is some kind of word that has no rhyme.

Dunno. (happy) Here you go! He asks such words that have no rhyme, and he also says that I


Flower. Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone. My head ached. Compose so that it makes sense and rhyme, here's the poems for you.

Dunno.   Is it that simple?

Flower. Of course, simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

(Dunno goes home. He walks around the room, looks at the floor, then at the ceiling, holds his chin, mumbles something to himself. He writes something down ... He gets up, screams)

Dunno.   Brothers! Listen to the verses I composed.

Flower. Come on, come on, what are these verses about?

Dunno.   I composed this about you. Here are the poems about Znayka first:

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

Znayka.   What?! When did I jump through the sheep?

Dunno.   Well, it’s only in verse as they say, for rhyme.

Znayka.   So, because of the rhyme, are you going to compose any untruth on me?

Dunno.   Of course! Why should I compose the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already is.

Znayka. (angrily)   Here, try again, you'll find out! Well, read what you wrote about others there?

Dunno.   Here listen to Toropyzhka:

Torozhka was hungry

I swallowed the iron cold.

Hurry.   Brothers! What dunno about me composing? I didn’t swallow any cold iron!

Dunno.   Don’t scream. It's me just for rhyme

said the iron was cold.

Hurry.   So, I didn’t swallow any iron in my life, neither cold nor hot!

Dunno.   And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down. Here listen to verses about Avoska:

Avoska under the pillow

Lies a sweet cheesecake.

  (Avoska goes to her bed, looks under the pillow)

String bag.   Doctors! There is no cheesecake here.

Dunno.   You do not understand anything in poetry. It is only for rhyme that it says that it lies, but in fact does not lie. So I wrote about Pilyulkin ...

Pilyulkin.   Brothers! We must stop this mockery! Are we really going to calmly hear that Dunno is lying about us all?

String bag.   Enough. We do not want to listen anymore. These are not poems, but some teasers.

Znayka. Let him read!

Hurry.   Since he read about us, let him read about others.

String bag.   Do not! We do not want!

Dunno.   Well, since you don’t want to, I’ll go and read to the neighbors.

Hurry. What?!

String bag.   Will you still go before the neighbors to shame us?

Znayka. Just try it!

Pilyulkin.   You can then not return home.

Dunno.   Well, brothers, I won’t. Only you don’t get mad at me. I will no longer be writing poetry.

(sounds "We all halve". Scenery getting ready"How Dunno ride a soda car")

Scene 6. "How Dunno ride a soda car"

Leading. Mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik made a carbonated car. There was one very important improvement on the car: a rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go.

  (Torozhka "delves" in the car)

Dunno. Torozyzhka, I so love to ride with you in a car. Thank you for rolling me often.

Yes, Dunno, when you want, I'll ride you again.

Dunno. And let me ride a car. I also want to learn how to manage.

Hurry. You can't do it.

Screw This is a car.

Shpuntik. Here you need to understand.

Dunno. What else is there to understand! I saw how you control. Pull the handles, and turn the steering wheel. Everything is simple.

Hurry. It just seems that simple.

Screw But really difficult.

Shpuntik. You yourself will be killed and the car will be broken.

Dunno. Well, okay, Hurry! You will ask

i won’t give you anything.

  (Torozhka leaves. Dunno sneaks into the car. The car sniffed and drove off)

What are you doing? Kill yourself!

Dunno. I won’t kill myself.

  (Sounds of "accident")

Hurry. (screaming) You see what you have done.Screw Shpuntik. Stop right now.

  (Sounds of a racing car)

Dunno. Brothers! Guard! Watch out!

  (A cog, Shpuntik, Torozyzhka and Avoska take Dunno and carry to Pilyulkin)

String bag. He's probably already dead.

  (They lay on the bed. Everyone leaves. Pilyulkin prepares the medicine. Dunno sits down, looks around)

Dunno. Brothers, am I still alive?

Pilyulkin. Alive, alive. Just please lie still. I need to examine you.

  (Fit, inspects)

Pilyulkin. Amazing All bones are intact, only a few bruises and a splinter.

Dunno. It was I who was caught on the board with my back.

Pilyulkin. I have to pull out splinter(shakes his head)

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, not a bit. Here, let me, I’ll pull out the biggest one now.

Dunno. Aah!

Pilyulkin. What are you! Does it hurt!

Dunno. Of course it hurts!

Pilyulkin. Well, be patient, be patient. It only seems so.

Dunno. No, it doesn’t. Ah ah ah!

Pilyulkin. Well, what are you screaming like I'm cutting you? I

because I don’t cut you!

Dunno. Itself said that it does not hurt, but now it hurts.

Pilyulkin. Well, hush, hush ... One splinter left to pull out.

Dunno. Aw, don't! Do not! I'd rather be a splinter.

Pilyulkin. It’s impossible.

Dunno. Oooo ooo oo

Pilyulkin. Well, that's it already. Now only iodine needs to be anointed.

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, it doesn’t hurt with iodine. Lay down at attention.

Dunno. Aah!

Pilyulkin. Well, don’t shout, don’t shout! You love to ride a car, but you don’t like to endure a little bit!

Dunno. Aw! Burning like!

Pilyulkin. It will burn and cease. Now I'll put you a thermometer.

Dunno. Oh, don't have a thermometer! Do not!

Pilyulkin. Why?

Dunno. It will hurt!

Pilyulkin. Yes, the thermometer does not hurt.

Dunno. You say everything - it doesn’t hurt, and then it hurts.

Pilyulkin. Here is an eccentric! Have I never set a thermometer for you?

Dunno. Never.

Pilyulkin. Well, now, now you will see that it does not hurt.

  (Pilyulkin leaves for the thermometer.

Dunno jumps out of bed, runs away.

Pilyulkin returns. I don’t know.

Pilyulkin looks under the covers, under the pillow, under the bed. Spreads his hands)

Pilyulkin. So treat such a patient. Healing him

heal, and he will jump out of the window and run away. Where does it fit?

Leading. We showed only some stories about Dunno.

  (sounds "Dunno Anthem."

Everyone goes on stage. They sing to the soundtrack)

The children came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bhanding each other over to Neznaykin’s hat and trying on it, and then she somehow got to the audience, and they also tried on the hat of Dunno.

Anthem of Dunno and his friends

Music: Minkov M.

Words: Entin U.

True, true, impossible

Know everything in the world.

Thousands of books have been written in the world,

Maybe millions, maybe trillions

You’ll read them and you’re an old man,

Decrepit old man, gray-haired white.

This all should have been understood for a long time:

Everything in the world is still impossible to know.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

Everyone from knowledge would fade

Like a flower from the scorching sun

If you have your own head on your shoulders,

She will understand difficult questions.

This all should have been understood for a long time:

Everything in the world is still impossible to know.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

About Dunno (Scenario)

The song "Grasshopper sat in the grass." The music gradually subsides. The heroes in their costumes “babies” one by one take turns on stage (in front of a closed curtain)

Scene 1. Introduction

1. Shorties lived in one fairytale city.

2. They were called shorties because they were very small.

3. Each shorty was tall with a small cucumber.

4. The city they had was very beautiful.

5. Around each house, flowers grew: daisies, daisies, dandelions.

6. There, even the streets were called by the names of the flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Romashhek Avenue, Vasilkov Boulevard.

7. And the city itself was called the Flower City.

8. The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies.

9. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with the babies.

10. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones.

11. The kids called the little ones imaginative (they’ll come up with the same word) ...

12. And many babies called babies bully

and other offensive nicknames.

13. You will say that in the life of such kids does not happen.

14. But no one says that they happen in life.

15. In life, one thing, but in a fabulous city is completely different.

16. (Together)   Everything happens in a fabulous city!

  (Everything is prepared for the first scene - “in the field”)

The song sounds " In the grass Grasshopper sat«

All disagree in their places (on the stage or in the "hall")

Scene 2. How Dunno became famous

Tube.   The most famous among the kids was a baby named Dunno.

Pilyulkin. He was nicknamed Dunno because he knew nothing.

(Dunno appears; he is wearing a bright blue hat, yellow canary-colored trousers, an orange shirt,

Green tie)

Dunno.   I know a lot of things. Otherwise, how would I be able to chat with my friend Gunka for hours.

Guslya.   Once Dunno walked around the city and wandered into the field.

(Dunno walks around the stage, sniffs flowers, chases butterflies, dragonflies.

A huge May bug flies, hits Dunno in the back of the head, flies away at the same moment. Dunno falls; sits on the "ground" and, sitting, looks around, shrugs)

Dunno.   Who hit me? Maybe something fell on top?

(He lifts his head, looks up,long   looking at the sun)

So something fell from the sun on me. Probably a piece fell off the sun and hit me on the head. I’ll go to Steklyashkin.

Donut   This Steklyashkin is a famous astronomer.

Tube. He can make magnifying glasses out of fragments of bottles.

Pilyulkin. Of several such glasses, Steklyashkin made a large spyglass.

Guslya. You can look at the moon and the stars in it.

Dunno.   Listen, Steklyashkin, you understand what story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

Steklyashkin.   What are you, Dunno! If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

(shows the sun in the solar system)

(takes a plate, compares it with the Sun in the sky, on the map)

Dunno. Can not be! In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

Steklyashkin.   It only seems to us like this, because the Sun is very far from us.

The sun is a huge hot ball. This I saw in my pipe. If even a small piece had come off the Sun, it would have destroyed our entire city.

Dunno.   Oh you! And I did not know that the Sun is so big. Let’s go tell my ours - maybe they haven’t heard about it. But you still look at the sun in your pipe: all of a sudden it’s actually chipped!

(Dunno runs and informs everyone she sees in alarm)

Brothers, do you know what sun is?

It is larger than all our land. Here it is!

And so, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying directly to us.

Soon he will fall and crush us all. Horror of what will happen! So go ask Steklyashkin!

Pilyulkin.   Dunno, everyone knows that you're a talker.

Guslya.   There is nothing to listen to!

(Dunno runs, screams, spreads panic)

Dunno. Brothers, save yourself, a piece is flying!

Tube. Which piece?

Dunno.   A piece, brothers! A piece has come off the sun! It will slap soon - and everyone will have a lid!

Do you know what sun?

It is larger than our entire Earth!

Tube. What are you making up?

Dunno. I’m not making anything up. This is Steklyashkin said. He saw in his pipe.

(Everyone runs away and looks at the sun; rubbing his eyes, as if tears had flowed)

Donut   It seems the sun is actually chipped.

Tube. Yes…

Dunno.   Trouble! Save who can! Trouble!

(Everyone grabs their things; rushing around the stage:

Tube - paints and brushes,

Guslya - their musical instruments,

Pilyulkin - looking for a first-aid kit, looking for a long time, can not find

Donut - an umbrella and "food";

Znayka appears - unperturbed, withworth)

Znayka. What happened?!

Dunno.   A piece came off the sun. Soon it will plop and everyone will have a lid. Do you know what sun? ..

(again, except Znayka, rushing around the stage)

Znayka.   Calm down, brothers! There is nothing wrong. Do you not know that Dunno is a talker. All this is he you-do-mal.

Dunno.   Invented? So go and ask Steklyashkin.

(run to Steklyashkin, return)

Guslya.   Dunno actually composed everything. Here's a scream.

Tube.   I wonder how we believed you!

Dunno.   But I’m not surprised! I myself believed.

Donut   That's how wonderful this Dunno was!

(sounds " Song of the Blue Eyes »)

(the curtain closes, sets and stage props are being prepared"How Dunno Decided to Become a Musician")

Scene 3. “How Dunno Decided to Become a Musician”

(In the corner of the stage, the kids gathered, singing under the guidance of Gusli)

Znayka. (turning to Dunno)Dunno, you all get a scruff of the neck. You only read in warehouses and know how to write only in block letters.

Pilyulkin. You, Dunno, have an empty head.

Dunno. This is not true, because how could I then think?

Maybe I sometimes think poorly, but I put shoes on my feet, and not on my head - this is also a consideration.

Znayka. Dunno, you are not so nasty, but you do not like to work.

You want to learn right away, without any work, and from this, even the smartest shorty can not do anything.


Dunno. (appeals to the audience)   I like music very much. All babies and babies love music. Our Guslya is a wonderful musician. He has different

musical instruments. He often plays them. Everyone listens to music and is very praised.

  (kids sing to the soundtrack “I sat in the grass

grasshopper "1 verse.

After all quietly diverge)

Dunno. I want to be listened to and praised. I’ll go to Gusla.

(goes to Gusla)

Guslya, teach me how to play. I also want to be a musician.

Guslya.   Learn. What do you want to play on?

Dunno.   And what is the easiest way to learn?

Guslya. On the balalaika.

Dunno.   Well, come on balalaika, I’ll try.

(Gusli gives Dunno the balalaika; Dunno strumming the strings)

No, the balalaika is playing too quietly. Give something else, louder.

(Gusli gives Dunno the violin; Dunno tries to lead the bow along the strings)

Is there nothing even louder?

Guslya. There is still a pipe.

Dunno.   Come on here, I'll try.

(Gusli gives Dunno the pipe; Dunno blows into it; she roars)

This is a good tool. He plays loudly.

Guslya.   Well, learn on the pipe if you like.

Dunno.   Why should I study? I already know how.

Guslya. No, you still don’t know how.

Dunno. (screaming) I can, I can! Here, listen!

(blows into the pipe with all his might)

Guslya. You just trumpet, not play.

Dunno.   How not to play? Very much I play! Loudly!

Guslya.   Oh you! It's not that it was loud. It must be beautiful.

Dunno.   So after all, it turns out beautifully for me.

Guslya. And not at all beautiful. You, I see, not at all

capable of music.

Dunno.   You are not capable of it. You just say so out of jealousy. You want to be listened to and praised by one.

Guslya.   Nothing like this. Take the pipe and play as you want, if you think that you do not need to learn. Let them praise you too.

Dunno.   Well, I will play.

(plays, plays, plays; Guslya listens. Finally, he is bored. Guslya puts on a velvet jacket, a pink bow around his neck)

I'm going to visit.

(babies and babies are resting in the next room)

Znayka. What's that noise?

Dunno.   This is not noise. This is me playing.

Znayka.   Stop it now. Your music hurts your ears.

Dunno.   This is because you are not used to my music yet. You’ll get used to it and your ears won’t hurt.

Znayka.   And I don’t want to get used to it. I really need it!

(Dunno stops playing; then starts playing again)

Pilyulkin.   Stop it! Get out of here with your nasty pipe!

Dunno.   Where am I to go?

Pilyulkin.   Go to the field and play there.

Dunno.   So in the field there will be nobody to listen to.

Pilyulkin.   Do you really need someone to listen?

Dunno. Mandatory.

Pilyulkin.   Well, go outside, the neighbors will hear you there.

(Dunno goes under the windows of the neighboring house)

Neighbor 1.   No noise, please.

(Dunno goes under the windows of another house)

Neighbor 2.   Stop making noise. They don’t give a rest!

(Dunno goes to the third house)

Neighbor 3.   Go away with your pipe!

(Dunno is already making noise on purpose.

All angry neighbors run out of houses and drive Dunno, waving their arms)

Dunno.   Forcibly fled from them. They don’t understand my music. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won’t play anymore!

(sounds " Secret to the whole world« "How Dunno was an artist")

Scene 4. “How Dunno was an artist”

Leading \\ Znayka.   Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called a "hoodie."

Dunno.   Since no one wants to listen to my music, I will become an artist.

(goes to Tube)

Dunno.   Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush.

Artist Tube.   I'm not greedy at all. I give you, Dunno, my old paints and brush.

(gives Dunno colors, a palette and a brush.

Dunno goes to herself.

Gunka comes to him)

Dunno.   Sit down, Gunka. Now I will draw you.

(Dunno sets up a chair for Gunka, seats him)

Gunka. That's great!

(Gunka sits on a chair.

Dunno draws)

Dunno.   I want, Gunka, to portray you more beautifully ... I will draw red. ..nose ... green ... ears ... blue ... lips ... orange ... eyes ...

(Gunka jumps up)

Gunka.   I want to see my portrait as soon as possible.

(Gunka spins on a chair)

Dunno.   Do not spin, do not spin, otherwise it will not work out.

Gunka.   And now it looks like?

Dunno. Is very similar.

(as if to himself)

Now I will paint a mustache with purple paint ...

Gunka. (with curiosity) Well, show me what happened!

(Dunno shows Gunke portrait)

Gunka. (indignantly)   But am I like that?

Dunno.   Of course it is. What else?

Gunka.   Why did you draw a mustache? I don’t have a mustache.

(looks in the mirror)

Dunno.   Well, someday they will grow.

Gunka.   And why is the nose red?

Dunno.   This is ... to be more beautiful.

Gunka.   And why is blue hair? Do I have blue hair?

(looks in the mirror again)

Dunno. Blue. But, if you don’t like it, I can make green ones.

(takes the brush)

Gunka. (startled) No, no. (indignantly)   No, this is a bad portrait. Let me tear it.

(trying to take a portrait to tear; fight; make noise)

(resort to Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska)

Znayka, Pilyulkin, Tube, Steklyashkin, Guslya, hunter Pulka, Avoska.   Why are you fighting?

Gunka. (screaming)   Here you judge us. Tell me, who is painted here? Really, it's not me?

Znayka.   Of course not you. Here some garden scarecrow is drawn.

Dunno.   You didn’t guess because the signatures here

Not. I will sign it now, and everything will be clear.

(takes a pencil and signs “Gunka” in block letters, hangs a portrait)

Dunno.   Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is forbidden.

Gunka. (resolutely)   Anyway, when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.

Dunno. And I will not go to bed at night and I will watch!

(Gunka walks away resentfully)

Leading \\ Znayka.   But Dunno actually did not go to bed in the evening. When everyone fell asleep, he took paints and began to paint everyone.

  (Dunno paints, hangs portraits)

By morning, he hung these portraits and signed them, so that turned out to be a whole exhibition.

Pilyulkin. (examines portraits, laughs)   I really like these portraits.

(puts on glasses and begins to examine them more closely)

Pilyulkin.   Well done, dunno! Never in my life have I laughed like that.

(stops near his portrait)

Pilyulkin. (strictly)   Who's that? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Dunno.   Why shoot? Let it hang.

Pilyulkin. (offended)   You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When did you see that I had a thermometer instead of a nose ?! You’ll have to give castors for the night.

Dunno.   Phew! I do not like this castor. No no! Now I myself see that the portrait is bad.

(quickly removes a portrait of Pilyulkin from the wall)

Hunter Bullet. (examines portraits through binoculars, laughs)   I almost burst with laughter.

(sees his portrait, his mood immediately spoils)

Hunter Bullet.   This is a bad portrait. Not like me. Take it off, otherwise I won’t take you with me on the hunt.

(Dunno takes a portrait of Pulka)

  (the artist Tubik comes, seeing his portrait on the wall, gets angry)

Artist Tube.   This is not a portrait, but a mediocre anti-artistic maz-nya.

(removes portraits from the wall, takes paint and brush away from Dunno, leaves)

  (only Gunkin's portrait remained)

  (Dunno takes it off and goes to her best friend)

Dunno. Do you want, Gunka, will I give you your portrait? And you will make peace with me for this.

Gunka. (takes a portrait) Okay, peace. Only if you draw at least once, I will not put up for anything.

Dunno.   And I will never draw again. You draw, you draw, and no one will even say thank you. Everyone just curses. I do not want to be an artist anymore!

  (sounds " When my friends are with me. Scenery getting ready"How Dunno Composed Poems")

Scene 5. “How Dunno wrote poetry”

Leading. After the artist did not work out of Dunno, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. Dunno had a familiar poet. His real name was Pudik, but since all poets really love beautiful names, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

(Dunno comes to Flower)

Dunno.   Listen, Flower, teach me how to write poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Flower.   Do you have abilities?

Dunno.   Of course have. I am very capable.

Flower.   This must be checked. Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno.   Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Flower.   Rhyme is when two words end the same way. For example, korzhik - walrus. Got it?

Dunno. I get it.

Flower.   Well, say the rhyme to the word "stick".

Dunno. Herring!

Flower.   What rhyme is this? A stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Dunno.   Why not? They end the same way.

Flower. This is not enough. Words must be alike

so that it turns out folding. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

Dunno. (screaming pleased)   Got it, got it. A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump. That's great! Ha ha ha

Flower. Well, think up a rhyme for the word tow.

Dunno. (without thinking) Shmaklya.

Flower. (surprised)   What shmaklya? Is there such a word?

Dunno. But isn’t it?

Flower. Of course not.

Dunno. (without a doubt) Well then, a jerk.

Flower. What kind of bastard is this?

Dunno.   Well, it’s when they tear something, that’s why it’s ravaklya.

Flower. You're lying. There is no such word. It is necessary to select such words that happen, and not invent.

Dunno.   And if I can’t find another word?

Flower. So you do not have the ability to poetry.

Dunno.   Well, then figure it out for yourself what rhyme is there.

Flower. Now.

(He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms over his chest, tilted his head to one side, began to think. Raised his head up, began to think, looking at the ceiling. He grabbed his hands on his chin, began to think, looking at the floor. He wanders about the room and mutters to himself)

Tow, Buckley, Wakla, Duckle, Mackle ...

Ugh! What's this word? This is some kind of word that has no rhyme.

Dunno. (happy) Here you go! He asks such words that have no rhyme, and he also says that I


Flower. Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone. My head ached. Compose so that it makes sense and rhyme, here's the poems for you.

Dunno.   Is it that simple?

Flower. Of course, simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

(Dunno goes home. He walks around the room, looks at the floor, then at the ceiling, holds his chin, mumbles something to himself. He writes something down ... He gets up, screams)

Dunno.   Brothers! Listen to the verses I composed.

Flower. Come on, come on, what are these verses about?

Dunno.   I composed this about you. Here are the poems about Znayka first:

Znayka went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the sheep.

Znayka.   What?! When did I jump through the sheep?

Dunno.   Well, it’s only in verse as they say, for rhyme.

Znayka.   So, because of the rhyme, are you going to compose any untruth on me?

Dunno.   Of course! Why should I compose the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already is.

Znayka. (angrily)   Here, try again, you'll find out! Well, read what you wrote about others there?

Dunno.   Here listen to Toropyzhka:

Torozhka was hungry

I swallowed the iron cold.

Hurry.   Brothers! What dunno about me composing? I didn’t swallow any cold iron!

Dunno.   Don’t scream. It's me just for rhyme

said the iron was cold.

Hurry.   So, I didn’t swallow any iron in my life, neither cold nor hot!

Dunno.   And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down. Here listen to verses about Avoska:

Avoska under the pillow

Lies a sweet cheesecake.

  (Avoska goes to her bed, looks under the pillow)

String bag.   Doctors! There is no cheesecake here.

Dunno.   You do not understand anything in poetry. It is only for rhyme that it says that it lies, but in fact does not lie. So I wrote about Pilyulkin ...

Pilyulkin.   Brothers! We must stop this mockery! Are we really going to calmly hear that Dunno is lying about us all?

String bag.   Enough. We do not want to listen anymore. These are not poems, but some teasers.

Znayka. Let him read!

Hurry.   Since he read about us, let him read about others.

String bag.   Do not! We do not want!

Dunno.   Well, since you don’t want to, I’ll go and read to the neighbors.

Hurry. What?!

String bag.   Will you still go before the neighbors to shame us?

Znayka. Just try it!

Pilyulkin.   You can then not return home.

Dunno.   Well, brothers, I won’t. Only you don’t get mad at me. I will no longer be writing poetry.

(sounds “We all divide in half”. Scenery getting ready"How Dunno rode a soda car")

Scene 6. “How Dunno Ridded on a Carbonated Car”

Leading. Mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik made a carbonated car. There was one very important improvement on the car: a rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go.

  (Torozhka "delves" in the car)

Dunno. Torozyzhka, I so love to ride with you in a car. Thank you for rolling me often.

Yes, Dunno, when you want, I'll ride you again.

Dunno. And let me ride a car. I also want to learn how to manage.

Hurry. You can't do it.

Screw This is a car.

Shpuntik. Here you need to understand.

Dunno. What else is there to understand! I saw how you control. Pull the handles, and turn the steering wheel. Everything is simple.

Hurry. It just seems that simple.

Screw But really difficult.

Shpuntik. You yourself will be killed and the car will be broken.

Dunno. Well, okay, Hurry! You will ask

i won’t give you anything.

  (Torozhka leaves. Dunno sneaks into the car. The car sniffed and drove off)

What are you doing? Kill yourself!

Dunno. I won’t kill myself.

  (Sounds of “accident”)

Hurry. (screaming) You see what you have done.Screw Shpuntik. Stop right now.

  (Sounds of a racing car)

Dunno. Brothers! Guard! Watch out!

  (A cog, Shpuntik, Torozyzhka and Avoska take Dunno and carry to Pilyulkin)

String bag. He's probably already dead.

  (They lay on the bed. Everyone leaves. Pilyulkin prepares the medicine. Dunno sits down, looks around)

Dunno. Brothers, am I still alive?

Pilyulkin. Alive, alive. Just please lie still. I need to examine you.

  (Fit, inspects)

Pilyulkin. Amazing All bones are intact, only a few bruises and a splinter.

Dunno. It was I who was caught on the board with my back.

Pilyulkin. I have to pull out splinter(shakes his head)

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, not a bit. Here, let me, I’ll pull out the biggest one now.

Dunno. Aah!

Pilyulkin. What are you! Does it hurt!

Dunno. Of course it hurts!

Pilyulkin. Well, be patient, be patient. It only seems so.

Dunno. No, it doesn’t. Ah ah ah!

Pilyulkin. Well, what are you screaming like I'm cutting you? I

because I don’t cut you!

Dunno. Itself said that it does not hurt, but now it hurts.

Pilyulkin. Well, hush, hush ... One splinter left to pull out.

Dunno. Aw, don't! Do not! I'd rather be a splinter.

Pilyulkin. It’s impossible.

Dunno. Oooo ooo oo

Pilyulkin. Well, that's it already. Now only iodine needs to be anointed.

Dunno. Does it hurt?

Pilyulkin. No, it doesn’t hurt with iodine. Lay down at attention.

Dunno. Aah!

Pilyulkin. Well, don’t shout, don’t shout! You love to ride a car, but you don’t like to endure a little bit!

Dunno. Aw! Burning like!

Pilyulkin. It will burn and cease. Now I'll put you a thermometer.

Dunno. Oh, don't have a thermometer! Do not!

Pilyulkin. Why?

Dunno. It will hurt!

Pilyulkin. Yes, the thermometer does not hurt.

Dunno. You say everything - it doesn’t hurt, and then it hurts.

Pilyulkin. Here is an eccentric! Have I never set a thermometer for you?

Dunno. Never.

Pilyulkin. Well, now, now you will see that it does not hurt.

  (Pilyulkin leaves for the thermometer.

Dunno jumps out of bed, runs away.

Pilyulkin returns. I don’t know.

Pilyulkin looks under the covers, under the pillow, under the bed. Spreads his hands)

Pilyulkin. So treat such a patient. Healing him

heal, and he will jump out of the window and run away. Where does it fit?

Leading. We showed only some stories about Dunno.

  (sounds "Dunno Anthem."

Everyone goes on stage. They sing to the soundtrack)

The children came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bhanding each other over to Neznaykin’s hat and trying on it, and then she somehow got to the audience, and they also tried on the hat of Dunno.

Anthem of Dunno and his friends

Music: Minkov M.

Words: Entin U.

True, true, impossible

Know everything in the world.

Thousands of books have been written in the world,

Maybe millions, maybe trillions

You’ll read them and you’re an old man,

Decrepit old man, gray-haired white.

This all should have been understood for a long time:

Everything in the world is still impossible to know.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

Everyone from knowledge would fade

Like a flower from the scorching sun

If you have your own head on your shoulders,

She will understand difficult questions.

This all should have been understood for a long time:

Everything in the world is still impossible to know.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

True, true, impossible

Completely impossible, absolutely impossible

Know everything in the world.

The general didactic goal of the lesson:

- The development of primary school students' interest in the works of N. Nosov, in theatrical art, artistic abilities;
  - To educate the ability to work in a team, to instill the skills of a culture of communication, an interest in reading books.

Actors and performers: Boy, Znayka, Dunno, Wizard, Cog, Shpuntik, Guslya, Tube, Donut, Flower, Torozhka, Snowflake, Squirrel, Swoosh, Blue Eye, Sweet Tooth, Lungwort, nurse, Grumble.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, music, stage design - flower city.

Scene 1. “In the yard”

The yard. Kids are playing.

Music “Where wizards are found ...”

1 boy: Here we would have a magic wand. We would have done so much for ourselves!

2 boy: Also invented for me. There are no wizards or wands!

3 boy: And here it is!

4 boy: And here it is!

2 boy: And yes!

3 boy: I know!

4 boy: You know nothing, you dunno!

1 boy: And you know, you know everything!

2 boy: And I saw!

1 boy: You have not seen anything!

The Wizard appears.

Wizard: Has anyone called me?

Boys: Who are you?

Wizard: I am a wizard!

Boy 3: What kind of wizard are you? Wizards do not exist, you are from the circus!

Boy 1: Do something magical, Wizard?

Wizard: It’s good for some to believe that wizards exist. I will give you a big surprise. Everyone remembers the adventure of Dunno. Dunno we already have. Know too. Now let's look at other roles. So the magic game begins!

Song Surprise.

In some fabulous fun town
   Small little men lived
   People in boats rode along the river
   And in the evenings they read books.


Living on a routine, boring and disgusting to me,
   Work all day, and when to frolic?
   If everything is known, I’m not interested
   Tru-lu-lu-lu and tra-la-la, jumping mountains and fields,
   It’s not ugliness, fantasy is seething here,
   Fantasies, fantasies from Africa to Asia,
   Friends are surprised.
   There is no need to learn everything and so to happen.

Scene 2 “The Sun Is Falling”

Dunno: Oh, whoever hit me on the head is strange, there is nobody.

Everything is clear, something fell on me from the sun. Probably a piece broke off from the sun, Boom! And hit me on the head.

(Dunno ran home to tell everyone about what had happened.)

Dunno: Listen, Znayka, can you imagine what story happened to me? See what bump on my head?

Znayka: Yes, a decent bump!

Dunno: This is a lump because a piece of the sun fell on me! Hit me on the head! A real sunstroke!

Znayka: If a piece were torn from the sun, it would crush you.

The sun, dunno is very large. This is a huge hot ball! I saw this in my pipe!

Dunno: Brothers! Do you know what sun? It is larger than all of our Earth, here it is. And so, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying right at us. Soon he will fall and crush us all. Horror that will be.

Steklyashkin: Which piece? What are you making up?

Dunno: I'm not making anything up. This Znayka saw in his pipe.

Znayka: Calm down brothers! Dunno again confused everything!

Donut: We wonder how we believed you.

Dr. Pilyulkin: Dunno, drink castor oil overnight so that you don’t fantasize!

Those who do not like discipline will take care of medicine.
  Anyone who yells at a quiet hour will not leave without castor.
  Who does not wash the dishes, will earn a cold.
  Who leaves a dirty table, he lies on the injection.
  An injection of everything is more beneficial, there is no better medicine
  It treats diseases and hooliganism.
  Anyone at the sight of a syringe doesn’t feel lazy,
  At the sight of a syringe, I want to work.

Wonderful you Dunno. Actually, I would take up some business ...

Vintik: Yes, you all have a scruff of the neck.

Shpuntik: Dunno just has an empty head.

Dunno: I really want to learn something. But somehow right away, so that without any labor. I'll go to Gusla ...

Scene 3 “Dunno Musician”

Dunno: Hello, Guslya.

Guslya: Hello, Dunno!

Dunno: What are you doing here so interesting?

Guslya: Yes, now, Dunno, composed today a new melody and now I am rehearsing it. Listen (plays)

Dunno: Great. Guslya, teach me to play something, I also want to rehearse.

Guslya: Please, Dunno!

Dunno: This, Guslya is a good instrument, plays loudly, it's nice to listen!

Guslya: Well, Dunno, study if you like.

Dunno: Why do I study, I already know how.

Guslya: In music, Dunno, the main thing is not to be loud, you need to be beautiful.

Little music to come up with, little notes to write
  It is necessary that the musicians could play well.
  Musicians, musicians, all talents at first glance,
  But, first get the proper measure of mastery.

Dunno: And it will turn out very beautifully!

Dr. Pilyulkin: What is that noise in our yard?

Dunno: This is not noise, this is me playing!

Dr. Pilyulkin: Stop it now! And if you don’t stop, I’ll do it for you!

Dunno: Okay, okay, just a shot ... I will become an artist, like a Tube!

Scene 4 “Dunno Artist”

(The tube stood in front of the easel with a palette in his hands, pushing back his long hair. Dunno immediately realized that he was a real artist)

Dunno: Hello, Tube! What are you doing here?

I, Dunno, paint my new picture.
   If the colors are not mixed correctly,
   Painting comes out very badly,
   So it’s very interesting
   But not so easy, to be honest.
   The color green is yellow with blue,
   It is always spectacular in the picture,
   Plus the laws of perspective,
   To get a still life beautiful.

Dunno: Dachshund, of course, take the colors and mix them thicker!

Oh hello Donut! What are you doing?

Donut: I, Dunno, come up with a recipe for a new pie. I think it will turn out very tasty.

Dunno: What is the recipe? Throw your pie and sit down on a chair rather, I will draw you!

Donut: Me? Paint?

Dunno: Yes, sit down. So, don’t get around, Donut, otherwise it doesn’t seem to work out.

Donut: I'm sitting, huh, right? Well, what does it look like? Dunno?

Dunno: Very similar, very, like that, that's all .... To make it more beautiful - a red nose, green ears, and ... a large purple mustache. Everything, Donut, ready, you can watch!

Donut: Oh, Dunno, am I like that?

Dunno: Of course it is, but what else?

Donut: And you mustache, why did you draw it? I do not have them.

Dunno: Well, someday they will grow ...

Donut: No, Dunno, this is a bad portrait. Let me tear him apart.

Dr. Pilyulkin: Brothers, what kind of noise?

Donut: Judge us Pilyulkin! Really, it's not me?

Dr. Pilyulkin: Of course, not you. An artist, as I see from you, it didn’t work either? Dunno: I'll become a poet, and I will compose poetry!

Scene 5 “Dunno Poet”

Flower: Oh! Who I see, Dunno! Come in!

Dunno: Hello, Flower! Teach me to write poetry.

Flower: Do you have abilities?

Dunno: Of course there is, I'm generally very capable shorty.

Flower: Do you know what rhyme is?

Dunno: Rhyme? No, I do not know!

For a good rhyme, you need the words to be similar
   That it would be folding,
   Here, listen: walrus cake,
   The stove is a candle, the bird is a knitting needle.
   Cloud-pile-fountain pen.
   And also, to become a poet,
   You need to know a lot
   To thoughts, by the way,
   Along with the rhyme were in the lines
   Got it

Dunno: Of course I got it!

Krutova Yu.Yu. No. 226-602-934

(Dunno began to compose poems. All day he walked around the room, looking, then on the floor, then on the ceiling)

Brothers! Listen to the verses I wrote about you. Here, first poems about Znayka!

Znayka went for a walk to the river,
   Jumped over the sheep.

Znayka: Just a moment, Dunno, let me, when did I jump over the lamb? I don’t have such a strange habit!

Dunno: Well, this is only for rhyme ... Listen to Toropizhka.

Torozhka was hungry
   I swallowed the iron cold.

Torozyzhka: Brothers! What does he write about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.

Dunno: Don’t shout! I said this for rhyme ... So I composed about Pilyulkin.

Dr. Pilyulkin: Brothers! We must stop this, are we really going to listen calmly that Dunno is lying about everyone here?

All: Enough! These are not poems, but some teasers!

Dance with umbrellas “We are not afraid of rain”

Scene 6 “Traveling”

(Twilight, Dunno went out into the yard)

Dunno: Again, I didn’t succeed.

Nobody needs my work. Why does this happen?

You try, try, invent all kinds of differences for them ...

And they just taunt me.

I’m completely unhappy shorty ...

Who is that? Is that you, Znayka?

Znayka: Why aren’t you sleeping?

Dunno: Oh, Znayka, I can’t do anything at all! For example, everyone praises you, and Pilyulkin is also praised, even Donut, for his pies. And nobody praises me. Everyone only scolds. But I can do everything, just not like the others ... But I’ll take it and leave you.

Znayka: Where will you go?

Dunno: Eh, to fly like a soap bubble ... (blows bubbles)

Znayka: Bubble, you say? Right! Need a balloon!

What could be better than a balloon ride!

Dunno: Great! Hurrah! Let's go on a trip!

A huge balloon inflated by steam,
   No wonder he took off into the air.
   Our shorty is not even a bird
   He is still good at flying.

(On the screen, slides with a flying ball are switched to music.)

Scene 7 “In the Green City”

(Dunno sits alone on the stage)

Come out girls Snowflake, Checkmark, Squirrel, Sineglazka and sing.


I walked in the forest.
   I walked in a meadow.
   With your good friend.

We climbed the bumps
   We admired the flowers.

Suddenly met a frog,
   And soon rushed home!

Blue Eye:

We ran home
   And they said, “Oh!”
   Oh, girls look!

Dunno: Where am I?

Snowflake: You are with us in the Green City.

Squirrel: You flew to us in a balloon!

Checkmark: Suddenly we look, flies, huge - enormous!

Dunno: I remembered, we were flying in a balloon, then Znayka jumped, the balloon became lighter, then as it rushes up, then down! And how it hits! And here I am!

Snowflake: What is your name?

Dunno: Dunno! And you?

(Each answers Snowflake, Sineglazka, Squirrel, Checkmark)

Dunno: Do \u200b\u200byou have any boys here?

Sineglazka: Only girls live in our city! All the boys settled by the river, there they have their own city.

Squirrel: And who invented it to fly in a balloon?

Dunno: And I came up with! I sat and thought for three days and three nights and came up with a balloon!

(Sweet tooth runs out)

Sweet tooth: Girls, girls, let's go to the hospital soon!

(Everyone leaves)

Scene 8 “At the Medunitsa”


I am Dr. Medunitsa.
   Who wants to be treated
   Let it come to us!
   Let it come to us!
   We have our own hospital
   Everyone is going to us for treatment.
   To the good doctors!

Nurse: And just think, the whole year the hospital was empty, nobody came.

Medunitsa: But today, there are no places! It’s so good that air travelers fell right on us! Get up sick!

Grouch: I'm not sick!

Lungwort: Show the tongue!

Grouch: Ahhh

Lungwort: Enough, hide it! To this patient inside honey, and on a bruise a honey patch.

(Coming to Flowery measures the height, listens to the Donut, goes to Pilyulkin)

Pilyulkin: You have the wrong treatment methods! Inside you need castors!

And outside, not honey, iodine!

Lungwort: I know better than anointing you!

Once you are in our hospital, we will treat you as we want!

(Dunno comes in her bathrobe)

Donut: Brothers, quietly, some kind of Aibolit is coming to us!

Dunno: Stand up, sick! Breathe!

Grouch: Now breathe, then do not breathe!

Dunno: And you Grumble is the same! Are you grumbling as always?

Pilyulkin: Dunno, are you? Help us get out of here! We are all healthy!

Dunno: Alright, alright!

Medunitsa: Why are you wearing a bathrobe? Who are you?

Dunno: Me !? Professor Kastorkin!

Lungwort: Professor?

Dunno: Yes, and my examination showed that everyone is healthy! Everyone needs to be discharged!

Your honey treatment has helped!

Sineglazka: Yes, yes, we will arrange a concert on the occasion of recovery!

Lungwort: Good! We all write out!

All: Hooray! Hurrah! Thanks!

Scene 9 “Return”

(All the characters on stage are waiting for the concert to begin)

Sweet tooth: Let's start our concert!

(Music “Where wizards are found” is 1-2 minutes, Znayka with a compass enters)

Donut: Look, Znayka has arrived! Hurrah! (surprised)

Pilyulkin: But this is ours, Znayka!

Finally we found you!

Znayka: you me? I found you! Attention, all come here! Time to go home! Take a walk and that's enough. Get in one line!

(All the "shorties" stand in one line. Dunno stands in front.

Znayka comes up and Dunno gives way to him, he himself gets up last)

Znayka: To the right! Step march!

(Dunno everything does the opposite, goes to the left, looks around and catches up with everyone)

Everyone sings “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

  Natalya Belyaeva
  The script for the theatrical production "The Adventures of Dunno"

Theatrical performance dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Nikolai Nosov based on the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno."

Adventures of Dunno.

Scene One.

The song sounds: "What progress has come to." from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics." All the characters dance around the Time Machine.

On the stage is the Time Machine. Cog and Shpuntik twist mechanisms.


: We have a time machine

Just the highest class came out!


: We will go on it

To distant lands!

And they worked with you

Not in vain, not in vain, not in vain!

Sounds the song Dunno. Dunno comes in.


: Screw, Shpuntik - hello everyone!

From me and old boots!

And what are you doing here?

For whom are you trying again?


: You dunno, do not bother

And you talk less.

Better you help us

Bring a nut wrench.


: No, I have no friends

Busy, very, very me!

Hmm ... And what is this unit?

Is it a crane, is it an automatic machine?


: This is a miracle of technology!

Imagine my friend.

You wanted to go

Somewhere south.

Press the button

And you're on your way.

Machine carries

You to the ends of the earth!


: Wow, guys ...

I have not seen this ...

Tell me more.

How how? What to do

So south to me

In the car fly away ....


: Dunno, I repeat

You get up and press the button.

Dunno jumps up and presses the button. The car starts, special effects music .... smoke started and it disappears.

Screw and Shpuntik

: Dunno! Wait! Where to ….

Scene two.

Sounds Russian folk tune. A flower dance is performed in a forest clearing.

Masha and the Bear are sitting in a forest in a clearing. Learn the lessons. The bear reads verses about friendship, about what you need to help your friends.


: Masha and Misha are friends

Apart from them, well, no way!

Masha is bored, she sits and yawns ...

Masha, Masha, do not yawn.

Listen and remember!


















































































































































