Toasts for a woman's birthday for a reason. Toasts to women and girls. To set the right tone for the feast, you can say these short, cool toasts

Toasts on a woman’s birthday are made about beauty and tenderness, about softness and charm, and always about the fact that only a woman can increase the amount of good in our difficult life. modern world. And then we need to list all the good deeds and deeds (at least the main ones), the “author” of which is the hero of the occasion.

In verse

  • The glasses have been full for a long time!
  • We drink to your beauty.
  • Be as beautiful as in the movies
  • Arrange your destiny!
  • Let it come to you
  • King on a chariot
  • Will take you to the sea
  • And your grief will be driven away!
  • Your birthday is a great day,
  • We'll raise a nice toast,
  • We wish you happiness in your personal life,
  • Move through life smoothly.
  • Don't stumble be kind,
  • And honest and wonderful,
  • And so that your soul soars,
  • And composed songs!
  • We drink to your luck,
  • And then we’ll pour some more!
  • Always gather friends
  • It will be more fun with them!
  • Whatever is in your mind - let it come true,
  • Let your hands work
  • Let the heart fall in love
  • The soul changes for the better!
  • Let life spin you around on a carousel,
  • The heart never hurts
  • So that, as if in early childhood
  • You could warm yourself with human warmth!
  • Leave all your worries at the door,
  • Sometimes you talk to God,
  • I want to raise a glass of wine to you!
  • Please gather us more often!
  • We'll drink a lot today
  • Raise the spell
  • To have enough in life
  • Honey, it's all for nothing!
  • I collected it on my birthday
  • At the table of all of us,
  • And we'll raise our glasses
  • Ecstasy for the soul!
  • The birthday girl poured us glasses full!
  • We want you to have money in your purse!
  • So that there is happiness in your heart,
  • And so that the door is open for love!
  • And always to open doors for us,
  • And may you pour it for us more than once!
  • Congratulations and wish you great luck,
  • Drive away troubles and sorrows and sadness!
  • We drink to your success
  • On your day happy birthday,
  • To tempt everyone to sin,
  • She was always beautiful.
  • Never lose heart,
  • Just enjoy life
  • And let your loved one
  • Will be with you until the funeral!
  • Pour the glass fuller,
  • And quickly pour it,
  • We came up with a toast for you,
  • Take it, come on!
  • There won't be too many words
  • But it's cool:
  • Be loved by men
  • And I'm always happy!

In prose

If you try to compare different women with flowers, the first will be beautiful like May roses, the second mysterious like violets, the third tender like orchids, the fourth slender like irises... Let's drink to the birthday girl for a bouquet of these flowers,

Gentle, sweet, kind, different, charming, beautiful, rarely like a gloomy cloud, proud, unapproachable and cold with the first people you meet, sparkling for close people, unpredictably sunny-bright, for a loved one - sultry, hot. And still, these words are not enough to describe the birthday girl. Please accept my warm congratulations and always remain yourself.

Who said that birthday is a sad holiday? On this day, I ask the birthday girl not to count how many years she has behind her. These are not the years passed, but the experience gained and loved ones found during this time, who did not become a thing of the past, but remained nearby. And it doesn’t matter how old you are, the main thing is how old you feel. Any woman, like the fabulous Phoenix bird, is able to renew herself after a fall and become even more beautiful and desirable! Don't be sad and don't regret anything. Happy holidays to you!

In your own words

Let's drink to the birthday party's thousands of wishes coming true and fate giving great happiness. Diseases passed by. Let your life bloom like an apple orchard and let every new day begin with your smile. Let the love be mutual, and let you always be desired. That night I dreamed that I was the wind and understood the voices of flowers and the singing of birds. They chirped in different voices about your unearthly beauty and every flower dreamed of being in your gentle hands. On the way to your house today, I thought: what if it wasn’t a dream at all and fulfilled their wish. I collected this one from flowers beautiful bouquet, and ordered the nightingale to sing the best song for you. Let's open the window and listen - it's being performed in honor of your birthday. In the circle of your friends, I feel awkward and understand that I am the odd one out in this joyful festival of laughter. But I couldn't help but come. At the cheerful seller's balloons I bought three multi-colored ball, but they immediately flew away and while I was trying to catch them, I dropped a bottle of expensive wine. And now I stand with a “fine” glass in my hands and give only what cannot be lost or broken - my devotion to you and love. accept mine my sincere congratulations and forgive me if you can!

You shine like the sun,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
And always be beautiful
I drink to you today!

I wish you women's happiness,
Happy birthday,
Let your soul bloom
Be successful always!

Your beauty is blooming
And your soul sings,
And the years suit you,
You are always beautiful!

And today, on this day,
I'm not too lazy to drink for you,
I wish you kindness
And flowers for no reason!

I wish not to be sad
And you can live in abundance,
I wish you kindness
Please accept my congratulations!

They say that a woman is only as old as she looks. Looking at our hero of the occasion today, I want to remove some of the candles from the cake. I would also like to remember the saying - a woman is like wine, she only gets prettier with age. Such a wine is worthy only of a gourmet's lips, so your husband is very happy man. After all, he got a woman of unearthly beauty, a fantastic mind, a big heart and a pure soul. A faithful wife, a caring mother, a close friend and a reliable employee - and all this is one person. (Name), happy birthday to you!

Tradition says that God once decided to bestow special gifts on women of different states. He gave the Indian woman industriousness, the French woman he gave sophistication and piquancy, the African woman - burning passion, the German woman - scrupulousness and thriftiness, and the American woman - business acumen. But a surprise happened: his bag tore, and all the remaining gifts fell on the residents of our city. Now you know where our (name) has so many talents. So let's drink to them!

I would like to wish this beautiful woman a lot on her birthday. But I will drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that there is plenty of money, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, and achievements in business. And also longevity, kindness and a lot of love!

Women's happiness I wish you
And I drink my glass to you,
To smile, to be loved,
And so that sadness goes away from life.

May the years be a joy to you,
And to stay away from troubles,
To make any dreams come true,
And may you shine like the sun!

For most women, a birthday not only leaves a smile on the face, but also brings sadness, because the woman becomes a year older. But let’s still remember how nature methodically creates pearls. Which cognac is most valued? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, striking everyone down like aged cognac, and at the same time remaining as unsurpassed as you are now!

Women are like books: there are smart ones, there are beautiful ones, there are sexy ones, there are economical ones, there are needlewomen, there are mystery women, there are business women, there are domestic ones. I want to toast a woman librarian who harmoniously combines all the qualities.
(Accompanied by a demonstration of books on various subjects and presentation of them to the birthday girl)

They say that women are like chocolates: you never know what kind of filling you'll get. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! She will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only one - the sweetest and most desirable!

What does a woman need to be happy? Only loving person close proximity and home comfort. So let's drink to that. May you always have peace and contentment in your soul. Let your family and friends surround you with attention and care. I wish you to be truly happy!

Toasts are always raised to women and girls if there is at least one representative of the fair sex at the table. Surprise your loved ones and colleagues with a beautiful, memorable greeting that emphasizes their importance.

What does a woman say during a love attack? Cold – “no”, passionate – “yes”, capricious – “neither yes nor no”, flirtatious – “yes and no”. I noticed that some elements of computer circuits behave like capricious and flirtatious women: sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes neither yes nor no. I had to get married and start studying the secrets of the female soul. And what do you think? This turned out to be the key to understanding the technical problems. I raise a glass to all the women here, to my wife and to the unity of the feminine in nature.

The wife reprimands her husband:
– As soon as you see a pretty woman or just a young girl, you immediately forget that you have a wife.
“Just the opposite,” the husband replies, “I remember that!”
Young and beautiful women gathered at our table! And all evening today I will remember that I have a wife. Here's to young and beautiful ladies!

Never argue with a woman: if you argue, she will consider you a rude person; if she argues, she will consider you a fool. Here's to lovely ladies who know how to argue!

A husband writes a letter to his wife from a business trip: “Darling, you are my only one. There is no woman better than you! Yesterday I was convinced of this again.”
I suggest we drink so that our wives always remain sweet and loved. No checks!

When a woman truly falls in love with a man, she stops comparing him to other men. When a man falls in love with a woman, he is constantly convinced that his beloved is the best. Let's drink to constancy of convictions!

I would like to drink this glass for all women! They are a balm for us. Or more precisely, please: a Russian woman is Russian vodka; Georgian is Georgian wine; Armenian is Armenian cognac; Czech is Czech beer. The rest of the women are liqueurs, rums, whiskeys, gins and so on. Drink to your health!

Seeing a beautiful woman picking pears on a tree, the famous philosopher exclaimed: “Oh, if only all trees bore such beautiful fruit as this one!” He didn't mean pears, of course, but a beauty. Dear ladies, for your beautiful sister who was sitting on the tree. But let us pray to God that our civilization does not condemn us to live in trees again.

The girl is a star. And the stars are beautiful at night. Let's raise our glasses to the polar nights!

What unites nice women with good wine? Firstly, a pleasant woman, like good wine, makes you slightly dizzy. Secondly, a nice woman and good wine are expensive. Thirdly, both women and wine are prone to fermentation. Therefore, I propose to drink good wine to nice women!

It is absolutely obvious to us that without the sky, without the sun, without water, without nature, the world could not exist. In the same way, we, men, cannot exist without our dear women, who know how to share our sadness, console us with a kind word and give practical advice. So let's drink to the beautiful women - our friends and comrades-in-arms!

I propose to raise our glasses so that our beautiful ladies always remain as pure and frank as a drop of spring water, and at the same time sweet and playful, like champagne in these crystal glasses.

Women are like daisies, they are the same:
R – romantic,
Oh - charming,
M - young,
A - angels,
Sh - playful,
K - beautiful,
And - exquisite.
Let's drink to the daisies decorating our table!!!

A loving husband serves his wife coffee in bed every morning, and all she has to do is grind it. So let's drink to hardworking wives!

A man was walking through the forest and saw a frog. The frog tells him: “Take me with you, I will be useful to you.” He brought it home, gave the frog something to eat, and went to bed. The frog says: “Take me to bed, you will need me.” He took her to his bed, and - oh, miracle! – the frog turned into a stunningly beautiful girl. At that moment my wife came and asked: “What is this?” He told her how it happened, and - oh, miracle! – the wife believed and calmed down. So let's drink to our wives believing in all the fairy tales we tell them!

I heard about one man who remained single his whole life because he was looking for the perfect woman. When he was 70, someone asked: “You have traveled a lot. From Kabul to Kathmandu, from Kathmandu to Goa, from Goa to Pune. Have you found the perfect woman? an old man saddened. He said: “Yes, only once did I meet a perfect woman.” The questioner said: “And what happened? Why didn’t you get married? He became very, very sad. And he answered: “What should I do? She was looking for the perfect man." So let's drink to those whom we found, and those who found us - to our women!

I want to admit that I feel strangely inclined on my right side. I sit up straight, but my nature tries to fall to the right. Who's on the right? Attractive woman. So let's drink to our magnets!

An angelic woman is one who will make an angel out of any devil. Here's to angelic women!

Chemist girls drink until they precipitate. Female doctors drink until they lose their pulse. So let's drink to the girls physicists who drink until they lose resistance!

Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais: “Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.” I propose to raise a glass to our beautiful, wise and noble smart women!

Women's drama: before you knew it, they stopped looking back. So let's drink to those women who live without looking back!

Men believe that women are worse than robbers, because robbers shout: “Life or wallet!”, and women demand both. So let's drink to the women who always achieve what they want!

An amazing woman is one who can surprise own husband. So let's drink to the women who surprise us more than once a day!

I propose a toast to the unyielding women present here. Women to whom old age will never come! For you, our adamant ones!

When a girl crosses a stream, she lifts her skirt above her knees. So let the girls cross the seas!

As Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety, tolerance.” So let's drink to this kingdom, to its prosperity!

Let's drink to six "N"! For our unique, beloved, incomparable, irresistible, necessary, unforgettable hostess!

If women are flowers, then men are gardeners. So let's drink to the most beautiful profession on earth - gardeners!

The original woman sees a hint of serious relationship. So let's drink to original female thinking!

The very first woman was Eve. The most beautiful was Cleopatra. The smartest is George Sand. Did you know this? Very good. Now forget it! Because the very first woman is the one who is nearby, the most beautiful is the one who is nearby. And the smartest one is the one who is nearby, but is silent.

Children are the flowers of life. So let's give flowers to beautiful girls!

Like a star falling from the sky,
A beautiful lady was bathing in a pond.
Seeing a crumpled bodice near the shore,
An inquisitive page appeared there.
Seeing the page two steps away from me,
The beautiful lady exclaimed: “Ah!”
But the page did not answer her
And he began to hypocritically feed the swans.
By such a tactless act of a page
The lady was stabbed to death without a knife.
So in this pond all the rakes are reproached
The beautiful lady is still sitting.
Let's drink to the beautiful ladies and determined pages!

Let's raise our glasses so that every man present here will meet his own Mona Lisa, which you can look at without financing!

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what the woman wants. So let's drink to their persistence and our desirability!

The British believe that a woman becomes what men make of her. So let's drink not to the English, but to our lovely ladies, from whom we can make only what they want!

Any pessimistic woman will tell you that there is no beast worse than a man. An optimist is not afraid of any man, but she believes that there are even worse animals - women! My toast to optimistic women!

No matter what the astrologer guesses,
I simply don’t listen to astrologers!
A glass of wine for the lovely women
I'm excited today.

Frost and the Sun argued which of them is stronger. They decided to test the strength on the most resilient creature - our woman. They see she's walking alone. Frost pounced on her, blew the north wind, swirled a blizzard around her, and began to bite her cheeks and nose. But the more fierce Frost became, the faster the woman walked, rubbing her face as she went. Almost at a run, she broke through the blizzard and scolded Frost with such words that he was dumbfounded by surprise and immediately fell behind. She laughed happily, stretched out her hands towards the rays and whispered with gratitude: “You are our joy, Sun, bringing warmth and light to everyone!” So let's drink to warm and bright relationships with women!

In the code of knightly love there are four stages of approach - hesitant, praying, obedient, friends. I raise my glass to the fact that our girls allowed us to go through all four steps in one evening and we became their praying, obedient close friends.

If a girl is afraid of hot hugs, then she is the Snow Maiden. If a woman is afraid of strong drinks, then she is... Snow Baba. I propose a toast to sultry women who are not afraid of hot kisses, passionate nights, or strong drinks, but are only afraid of Santa Clauses. Fortunately, there are none of us. So, here's to sultry, sweet and expensive women like the Sahara Desert!

If the whole world is talking about a woman, it means she is a movie star. If the whole country is talking about a woman, it means she is the president’s wife. If the whole city is talking about a woman, it means she is a soloist of a local ensemble. If the whole street is talking about a woman, it means she is a courtesan. So let's drink to the women about whom their lovers speak in poetry!

The taste of life is on a woman’s lips. The feeling of life is in the arms of a woman. Here's to the women who represent the whole world to us!

One sorcerer assembled a harem of the most beautiful women peace. But they were all so naughty and capricious that he turned them into pearls. He made a necklace from precious stones and hung it around his neck. One day a wizard was walking along the road, and a flying eagle picked up a pearl necklace and soared into the air. The bird flew around the world for a long time, and suddenly the decoration broke. Pearls scattered all over the world...
So let's drink to those pearls that have gathered at our table!

It has already become a saying: “A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives - and that’s all.” Let's drink to women not only forgiving, but also forgetting!

A hot woman can be compared to boiling water. Let's drink so that it doesn't boil in vain!

Previously, in Rus' there was such a custom: if a girl waited for a guy from the army, then a cannon was cast, if not, a tree was planted. So let's drink to ours dense forests and for the only Tsar Cannon!

I had a strong suspicion that the women present were witches, every single one of them... Yes, yes. After all, real witches are beautiful, charming and so bewitch the poor heart of a man that the world is not nice to him without them. I drink to the lovely witches!

There are women with whom no one ever falls in love, but whom everyone loves; there are women with whom everyone falls in love, but whom no one loves; There are women whom everyone loves, but only one is in love with. Of all these women, only the last ones are happy. So let's drink to happy women!

The irony of life is manifested in the fact that, as a rule, fur coats are given to hot women, not to cold ones. So let's drink to the irony of fate and hot women!

IN interesting woman The most interesting thing is not what she can give you, but what you want from her. For women calling interesting wishes!

“I love you, Veronica,” the man said and blushed.
- No! – Veronica said firmly. – When a person loves, he seems to... flutter.
The man waved his arms and rose to the ceiling.
- Is not real love“,” the girl pouted, “when a person loves, he seems to... melt.”
The man sank softly to the floor.
“I love you, Veronica,” he said quietly, shrinking in size.
“This is not proof,” the capricious woman stamped her foot, “when a person loves, he seems to... flare up.”
The man took a deep breath, was enveloped in thick smoke and began to sparkle with light flames.
- Do they really burn like that?! – the tormentor was indignant. “You can’t even warm soup on such a fire.”
“I love you, Veronica,” the man managed to repeat, and the heat loving heart incinerated him.
“It’s a hassle with these men,” Veronica winced with displeasure, shaking the ashes into a bucket.
To our sweet and charming representatives of the fairer sex, for their inimitable logic!

Woman is with us when we are born,
The woman is with us in our last hour.
Woman is the banner when we fight
A woman is the joy of opened eyes.
Our first love and happiness,
In the best endeavor - first hello,
In the battle for right - the fire of complicity,
Woman is music. Woman is light.

Wherever you invite a woman, she will still lead you by the hand to the registry office door. Let's drink to purposeful women!

That's how it happened. After the death of the king, Vasilisa the Beautiful was thrown out of the palace, deprived of all awards and titles, her estate was taken away and she was exiled to the most seedy village. Vasilisa the Wise did not philosophize for a long time and married Ivan the Fool.
– Where can you find enough smart ones to go around?! Better a fool than nothing at all! - she reassured the women surprised by her decision, and thought to herself: “I will live, keep a low profile with my advice and tips.” But accustomed to thinking things over and giving advice in the palace, she could not stop herself from thinking even in the peasant hut. And with Ivan it’s easier than even with the Tsar: you don’t have to worry that you’ll present something in the wrong form or say it the wrong way. A fool is not a king, no matter what Vasilisa advises him, she nods her head at everything and immediately hurries to carry out her advice. And soon their estate became the most prominent in the village, and Ivan the Fool became the most respected and wealthy man. So let's drink to smart women who make a fool out of anyone.

So, here's to the women! United in their hearts
Love and tenderness, reserves of courage.
And without resistance to their mercy
The tigers slumbering within us surrender!

One day a man appeared to God and asked to create a woman for him to take as his wife. God took a little sunlight, pensive moonlight, the slenderness of a chamois, the meekness of a dove, the beauty of a snow-white swan, the breath of a breeze, the lightness of fluff, added the talkativeness of a magpie, the singing of a nightingale, streams of rain, the horrors of thunder and lightning. This mixture produced a beautiful woman. God breathed life into her and gave her to the man:
- Take it and enjoy!
So let's drink to this wonderful mixture!

The whale swims around the female and says reproachfully: “So many countries, environmental organizations, political leaders, millions of people - they are all fighting for our species to survive, and you tell me - my head hurts...”.
For you, women! So that you never have a headache!

In the beautiful country of Persia there lived a padishah who had three wives. The padishah had an astrologer who predicted his fate. One day the padishah invites an astrologer to his place and says:
“You’ve been living with me for a long time, all your predictions come true.” For this I wanted to thank you. Choose any of my wives!
The astrologer approaches the first wife and asks:
- Tell me, how much is two and two?
“Three,” she answers.
“What a thrifty wife!” - thought the astrologer. The second one answered the same question:
- Four.
“What a smart wife!” - thought the astrologer. The third replied:
- Five. “What a generous wife!” - thought the astrologer.
Which wife did the astrologer choose? (Pause). Nobody guessed right! He chose the most beautiful one! So let's drink, friends, to our beautiful ladies!

It is easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call someone beautiful. So let's drink to women's objectivity!

Nothing graces a woman more than the temporary absence of her husband. So let's drink to the most beautiful women!

Some women cannot resist after the first drink, others faint from the first compliment, others fall into arms after the first kiss. So let's drink to weak women!

Dear women! I wish you to always have four animals: a mink on your shoulders, a Jaguar in the garage, a lion in your bed and a donkey who would pay for it all!

You can talk a lot about a woman and in a variety of aspects: a woman and love, a woman for joy and sorrow, a woman and microprocessors, a woman and world history, a woman and devilry. The latter is especially characteristic of women: if you bewitch them, you’ll be lost. So as not to be lost, we ask you: love us! Let's drink to our dear women!

What can you raise a glass to at sea? For the sea wave, the sun, the beach, for the cheerful ease of crazy life, for the women who decorate our vacation.

What do you think is the difference between form and content? One said: “If there is a form, then you need to take it for maintenance.” Another said: “The more pleasant the form, the more indifferent the content.” Let us drink to the wonderful form and wonderful content that we see here. Here's to you, girls!

One photographer advertised: “Offered big choice various smiles: poetic, melancholic, bride-like, widow's, bewitching, intoxicating, captivating, ironic, intellectual, promising, unpromising, attractive...” Let's drink to the promising and intoxicating smiles of women!

There are four roses sitting at this table. Let us wish them to always bloom. Let's drink to beautiful women!

“The path to a settled life was shown to a man by a woman,” wrote Gorky. For our wives who showed us this path!

Women recognize seven stages of their age: child, girl, young woman, young woman, young woman, young woman, young woman. So let's drink to forever young women!

Doorbell. A little boy opens it. A visitor asks:
- Is your father home? “He will be there in three hours, forty-two minutes and seventeen seconds,” the kid answers, looking at his digital watch.
– Where does such accuracy come from?! - the visitor is amazed.
– Dad is an astronaut, and now he’s in flight.
- When will mom be there?
- I can’t say this, she went to the hairdresser...
So let's drink to the punctuality of our women!

In judicial practice, there are three sentence formulations: guilty, not guilty, and guilty but deserves leniency. Of course, I am guilty of being late to such a fun party, but I deserve leniency, since I did not know that there were such charming women here. I drink a penalty to the charming women and to providence, which nevertheless brought me here.

To love is like a queen, to steal is like a million,
But without the queen we don't need him! For women!

Compliments and a little flattery will not be superfluous - any representative of the fair sex likes them. Especially if it is a holiday, then praising the female gender is simply necessary. Birthdays, March 8th are excellent reasons to make a chic toast to women! Wish them prosperity, happiness and fulfillment of all their cherished desires! After all, each of them dreams of meeting her handsome prince and rushing off with him to the other side of the world. Give them these magical emotions, say an extraordinary and memorable toast to women!

Sweets and bouquets

Delicate creatures - women - love everything bright, beautiful, and refined. What could be more beautiful than a freshly cut flower? Giving bouquets to ladies has been customary for a long time; this tradition lives in every country. Girls are compared to unopened buds, and mature women- With velvet roses or wise lilies. Be sure to present flowers to the hero of the occasion. And don’t forget about the congratulation toast to the woman!

You are beautiful, like a bouquet of scarlet roses,

You are in a world of sweet dreams,

So bright and burning

Very beautiful, a little prickly,

I want to drink to such beauty,

I'll give you a glass of champagne.

Along with a gorgeous bouquet,

But that's not all!

Be healthy and cheerful,

Let men be generous!

These are neutral wishes, not tied to a specific holiday. Reviews advise addressing them to girls of any age. Toasts for a woman's birthday will be a little different.

Once a year

Birthday is a long-awaited and beloved holiday by everyone. They prepare for it in advance, carefully thinking through all the details. The birthday girl is worried on this day, fussing all day and may look tired when the guests arrive. Reviews recommend that a woman should sound cheerful and inspired in order to cheer up the birthday girl.

Like a beautiful goddess

You are like a noble princess,

Always elegant, beautiful,

Well, straight out of Hollywood, a diva!

I always admire you

I bow before the gentle knee,

Bloom and improve, love,

Take only the best from life!

Happy birthday, dear lady,

Your mischievous smile is important to us,

We raise our glasses to you,

We wish you a lot of happiness in life!

Guests and the birthday girl will love this toast. And let the toastmaster fill the glasses again!

On a beautiful warm day you were born,

Angel of goodness and beauty,

Everyone in life respects you,

The men follow with their gaze,

The creator endowed you with unearthly charm,

Pride and compassion attached.

You have everything in abundance: beauty, intelligence.

So let's drink to the bottom of the birthday girl!

Such toasts for a woman’s birthday are perfect. The hero of the occasion will be delighted with good wishes and compliments.


A wonderful holiday - March 8! Men will have to try very hard to adequately congratulate their goddesses. But what if there are more than a dozen of them? Female colleagues deserve warm congratulations, and delicious confectionery! Prepare everything in advance. Be sure to purchase the required number of souvenirs and package them beautifully. Gifts should look aesthetically pleasing, because this holiday comes once a year. Decorate the room with balloons and flowers, prepare a light buffet. Such a surprise will surprise and delight your ladies. Don't forget to prepare toasts for your female colleagues. Humorous, touching, flattering - use it all.


March 8... On this day, women feel like goddesses, the most beautiful and charming! Give them lots of compliments and kind words. Let their eyes shine with happiness and enthusiasm, and let their souls sing!

The ancient legend says the truth,

The heavenly powers were at enmity,

They gave each other no rest,

They shared a necklace of unearthly beauty

And one day they dropped him to Earth.

Beads scattered all over the world,

And that’s why women are with us now!

They are like beautiful pearls

Beautiful and very necessary for us.

Let's drink to the treasures at our table!

And we’ll give them more compliments later!

This toast to women will definitely please everyone present. Even avid critics will appreciate an unusual speech with deep meaning.

A minute of laughter

Humor is appropriate always and everywhere, but in measured quantities. Amuse the company by making a sparkling toast on March 8 to your female colleagues with humor. Let their smiles shine, and let their tears come only from laughter!

“In a furniture store, a woman looks at the cabinets for a long time. The consultant decided to help the beauty: “What exactly are you looking for? It takes a long time to choose!” The woman modestly replied: “I need the tallest cabinet!” The seller asked with enthusiasm: “You probably have high ceilings in your house?” “No, neighbor,” the lady answered and blushed! Let's drink to the thoughtful women who even take care of their neighbors!”

Cheerful and resourceful

There are quite a few funny toasts, which prove that our women are the most resourceful.

“A French woman, having learned about her husband’s betrayal, invites him to invite his mistress to visit and get to know each other. The Spanish woman will kill her unfaithful husband on the spot. The Englishwoman will file for divorce without delay. The Italian will kill her rival without regret! And only a practical Russian woman will buy herself a new one. Let’s drink to smart and prudent women who know how to save families!”

Such a toast to women will amuse the whole company and give positive emotions!

Round date

An anniversary is a long-awaited holiday. It needs to be celebrated enchantingly and on a grand scale. Toasts to a woman’s birthday, sounding in honor of the birthday girl, should be the same.

Happy anniversary, dear beauty!

I've known you for many years,

You're still just as young

There are no changes in appearance!

I want in a hundred years,

So are you!

Always remain radiant

Tender, kind, mischievous,

Attractive and cool

And with a bright soul!

Happy anniversary, dear,

Dear birthday girl!

We raise all our glasses,

Let's drink to our health!

Toasts in verse are not easy for everyone to remember, but it doesn’t matter. You can congratulate the hero of the day in prose.

Prose of life

Don’t like to memorize poems, are you afraid of stuttering or saying things that don’t rhyme? Then prepare toasts for the woman’s anniversary in prose.

“Such perfect women as our hero of the day are rarely born. She is beautiful and smart, kind and sympathetic, charming and cheerful. All best qualities intertwined in this beautiful lady. Let's toast to this perfect mix! Let’s raise all our glasses and drink to the bottom!”

“I would like to raise a glass to a stunning woman, our hero of the day. I wish you the fulfillment of all your desires and thoughts in your beautiful head. You are a unique woman, bring yours to life creative ideas, be healthy and happy!”

“Everyone has their own happiness for women. May you have real happiness too! Let the closets burst with fur coats, let the boxes burst with jewelry with diamonds, let the vases overflow with flowers. Let dresses, shoes and handbags huddle in a modest fifty-meter dressing room. And you always be the center of attention. Love yourself, your work, your home. Let everything bring joy and smile. The main thing is to have a loved one nearby who will never betray you or leave you in trouble. Prosper, quickly raise your glasses, drink everything to the bottom!”

“A woman is like a flower. She is gentle, beautiful, sophisticated and unusual. Our hero of the day combines the properties of all the gifts of flora. She's as gorgeous as a rose. Mysterious as an orchid. Wise and bright in mind, like a lily. In my soul I am as simple as a chamomile. Multifaceted, like a carnation. And fresh as a blackberry. How many secrets does our hero of the day keep! Let's drink to her beauty, talent and bright soul! Happy birthday, flower angel!”

Fairy fairies

Women are more magical creatures. They have time and know how to do everything. They build a career, give birth and raise children, look attractive and at the same time feel sorry for men. Fairy fairies are their middle name. Give them holidays more often, arrange unusual surprises and trips. Even a modest cup of coffee in the morning, prepared by you with love, will charge your fairy with positivity for the whole day. Love and respect women, because they deserve it!

“Let's drink to the goddesses! They surround us everywhere and each is beautiful in its own way. They must be valued ten times more and respected a hundred times more. Let's raise a glass to the beautiful ladies! They give us love, tenderness, and give themselves without reserve. Women are beautiful and unique. On behalf of all the men in the world, I say to you: “Thank you for existing!”

Women hurt us without a knife

Just by looking at it!

They have charm and passion,

Women know the way to happiness!

Let's drink to the beautiful floor,

So soft, but still powerful!

Women are mysterious, it's no secret

But there are no more beautiful ones in the world!

Shower your ladies with compliments and give them moments of happiness. After all, all they need is your attention and understanding. Respect and appreciate beautiful women!

I wish you what every woman wants for herself and what she strives for. And in addition to your secret desires, may you add happy days, sincere friends, courteous and generous fans and an inexhaustible growing income for a beautiful life!

I want everything in your life to depend on your decision and desire. Let your smile illuminate the road of life brighter than the headlights of a Mercedes, and let driving along it be exciting and safe!

I wish this toast brings only pleasure! Let a car, a cottage and a business appear in a carefree life. And there will be so much happiness in the heart that you won’t be able to get away from it!

There is no need to drink for your beauty. She needs to be truly appreciated. And I should pamper you more often, because you are a rare woman who combines kindness and strong will, tenderness and practicality, lightness and femininity.

Today, on your bright holiday,
I'm raising a toast
Let joy cover your head,
Don’t know, dear, tears!

This is how champagne foams in glasses,
Clockwork bubbles sparkle
Have fun today, it never happened,
May there be only bright days ahead!

I raise my wine glass,
My soul demands to congratulate you,
I wish to always be myself,
After all, you are beautiful and incredibly good!

I raise my glass
My humble toast sounds to you
I congratulate you with pleasure,
Be as wonderful as a bouquet of roses!

I am glad to say: “Thank you very much!”
And drink a glass to the bottom in your honor,
I wish you to live with dignity and beauty,
So that the soul is only full of joy!

Celebrate your birthday perfectly,
Let the fire burn in the eyes of your friends,
You stay cute, bright, fashionable,
Attract good luck like a magnet!

I dedicate this toast
A beautiful lady, no doubt
I wish you growth in your career
I was always waiting for you, without fail!

So let's drink to the bottom now,
So that life turns out flawlessly,
Taste the joys to the fullest,
And happiness will be endless!

Short birthday toasts for a woman

I wish you briefly but clearly: always a confident gait, success in your personal and career, and not being bored in bed at night!

As a woman, live carefree, happily, brightly, endlessly! Illuminate us with your radiance and be the very charm!

Let everything in life be like in a fairy tale. All you need is tenderness and affection, smiles, money and girlfriends, and the world around you just makes you happy!

I want to wish you with a toast that success is easy! So that the adventures never end, and passers-by smile!

Beautiful toast for a woman's birthday

I would like to say a lot to such a beautiful woman on her birthday. But it’s better to drink to setting your priorities correctly in life. There was plenty of money, friendly friends, achievements that amazed everyone, longevity was given without a struggle every year, and fools were immediately sent away!

I wish you, dear birthday girl, that the most difficult choice in your life is to decide whether to go to Paris or New York for the weekend!

Women can be compared to chocolate candies: it is difficult to determine by eye what kind of filling is inside. Yours is the most unique and has such a delicious aroma. Give pleasure to the chosen ones, glue the mouths of envious people with your sweetness, and always remain a surprise for the only one.

Original happy birthday toasts to a woman

For women, a birthday leaves double emotions, bringing along with joy a little sadness about the fact that a year has been added to their age. But it’s worth thinking about the fact that elite alcohol and antiques only increase in price with age and become more desirable and refined!

Women do not live by rules, but act according to their mood. May it always be radiant and positive for you!

Women can be compared to books. There are those that are dedicated to cooking or housekeeping, those that describe running a successful business or raising children, and others that contain stories of a sexual nature. You are a collection of them all, you have each volume that is self-sufficient and interesting! My toast to you reading avidly and never running out of pages!