Card file morning conversations with children of the younger group. Observations, conversations in the younger group. "It's better to be kind"

CARD No. 1

Conversation on the topic: “ Good Doctor Aibolit."


1. Strengthening children's health.

2. Replenishing children's knowledge about ways to improve health.

3. Development of coordination, strength and dexterity of movements.

4. Consolidation and addition of knowledge about the medical profession and personal hygiene.

Dr. Aibolit:

I'll come to Sasha,

I'll come to Vova,

Hello children!

Who is sick with you?

How are you living? How's your tummy?

Doesn't your head hurt?...

Greets and gets to know children;

Measures everyone's temperature with a large cardboard thermometer (asks the children what it is, what the thermometer is for);

Talks about hygiene before meals, about breakfast.

Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.”

Aibolit says that he received a letter and reads it:

Aibolit invites children to help cure the animals.

The doctor shows the instruments: phonendoscopes, thermometers, spatulas.

Children name (or learn the names of) instruments. Then they perform the appropriate actions, discussing them. During the actions of children, Aibolit reminds that the patient also needs to speak kind words.

A game:

Aibolit takes out a bottle of vitamins, opens it, and it is empty. Invites children to make vitamins from napkins. By rolling.

Children give the animals vitamins. Doctor Aibolit solemnly announces that the animals have recovered.

So as not to get sick, little animals,

Do exercises in the morning!

The doctor says goodbye and leaves.

CARD No. 2

Conversation on the topic: “Transport”

Target: Strengthen children's understanding of vehicles.

Reinforce the general concept of “Transport”.

In outdoor games, learn to walk in a column one at a time, slow down and speed up the movement, not push others, move together, balance movements with each other, be attentive to your play partners.

Progress: There are toys on the teacher’s table: a train, a plane, a car. The teacher asks:

Guys, what's on my desk?

Children's answers (plane, car, train).

How can you call this in one word?

Children's answers.

Right. This is transport. What is transport needed for?

Children's answers (drive, fly, travel).

And again true. Transport helps people move and travel. Do you love to travel?

Children's answers (yes).

Today we will try to travel by all these modes of transport. It's better to travel with friends.

Let's get on the train and go.

Outdoor game "Train".

The teacher says: “You will be the carriages, and I will be the locomotive!” Children stand one after another. The locomotive blows its whistle. The train begins to move. The locomotive must move slowly so that the carriages do not lag behind. The children sing while driving.

Suddenly the teacher stops:

Children's answers (gasoline, steam locomotive, wheels, rails).

Right! But Railway ended, there are no more rails, which means that the train does not go further, and our journey must continue on something else. But on what? Guess the riddle:

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this? -... (airplane)

Right! But in order for such a large iron “bird” to fly, it needs a magic motor.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"". The children stand on one side of the room. The teacher says: "Get ready for the flight! Start the engines!" After the teacher's signal "Let's fly!" they spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - they scatter in different directions. At the teacher's signal "Landing!" they head to their seats. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Well, here we go. Did you like it? (Children’s answers)

Educator: - Guys, our journey ends, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten! Guess the riddle (V Stepanov):

Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people.

Of course you know her. Children's answers (car).

Right! Tell me, if a car carries cargo, it is ... (cargo). What if the car carries people? Children's answers (passenger car).

Outdoor game "Taxi". Children stand inside a large hoop (1 m in diameter), hold it in their lowered hands: one at one side of the rim, the other at the opposite side, one after the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children move around the room. The teacher makes sure that they do not collide. After a while they change roles.


Well, our journey has come to an end. What, guys, helped us travel? Children's answers (plane, car, train).

Right. In a word, it can be called transport.

CARD No. 3

Conversation on the topic: “How wild animals prepare for winter”

Target:- continue to form an idea about preparing animals for winter, their adaptation to seasonal changes.

Reinforce the general concept of “Wild Animals”, learn to guess descriptive riddles about wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to animals.

Move :

“Hello guys, today we will talk about how “wild animals prepare for wintering”

Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to solve them.

Children's answers (hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel)

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles, but please answer me - How can we call all these animals in one word? (if they can’t answer, I ask leading questions). For example: Guys, where do they live? What pets do you know? Why are they homemade? What wild animals do you know? That's right guys, let's call all these animals wild. How smart you are.

Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children (winter)

The animals of the forest have the hardest time. Guys, do you know how animals prepare to meet winter?

Children's answers (changing wool, preparing holes, dens, winter supplies)

Educator: They exchange their summer wool for a thicker, warmer one. (Show pictures of a squirrel and a hare) And some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. (Show pictures of a bear and a hedgehog)

A game:

Guys, now, let's rest a little. Let's do animal exercises. We look at me and repeat exactly after me.

Educator: - Guys, what new did you learn in class? What animals came to our classes? Wild. Where do they live? In the forest. What words have we learned? Guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog say thank you very much and they also brought you a gift, a book about them, about animals.

CARD No. 4

Conversation on the topic: “Safe road”


Foster respect for professions. Reinforce rules with children traffic. Know the colors of traffic lights.

Develop attention and orientation in the area. Know that you cannot play on the roadway.

Teach children to follow traffic rules.

Teacher's story: One day Luntik came down to our earth. He was right on the road. He stands there and doesn’t know what to do, but cars are driving around him. He sees his uncle standing and waving his wand. He approached him, greeted him and asked him: “Who are you and where did I end up?”

The uncle answers him: “I am a policeman, a traffic controller.” You are in a very dangerous place, it’s called a road. You can't play here because there are a lot of cars driving here. And they might run you over. I help car drivers and pedestrians navigate the road. I have helpers:

A wand, it's called a wand. I use it to indicate the direction of where and who can go now, and who needs to stand.

There is a special crossing for pedestrians. It's called Zebra

Traffic light. He has 3 eyes. Red, yellow and green. Pedestrians know that on red they need to stand, on yellow they need to get ready, and on green they can cross the street.

All pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk; this is a designated safe place for them.

There are also special signs that will help you navigate (showing a pedestrian crossing sign, traffic light, children).

And these are all called traffic rules. They must be followed and then nothing bad will happen to you.

Luntik was very happy that they helped him and told him everything, thanked the policeman and said:

I learned that playing on the road is life-threatening. I realized that you need to cross the street at the zebra crossing and only when the traffic light is green. Now I know the rules of the road and will be an exemplary pedestrian and will definitely tell my friends about them!

Game: "Safe crossing of the road"

1. What kind of cars drive on the road? (Cars and trucks).

2. What is the name of the place where cars drive? (Road) .

3. What is the name of the safe part of the street where people walk? (Sidewalk) .

4. What is the name of the person who drives the car? (Driver, chauffeur).

5. What is the name of a person walking along a zebra crossing? (A pedestrian) .

6. What colors does the traffic light have? (Red, yellow, green).

7. At what color of traffic light can you cross the road? (green) .

8. Where is it allowed to cross the road? (Along the zebra).

9. Who helps regulate traffic at the intersection? (Traffic controller).

10. What are the rules called that help pedestrians and drivers stay safe? (Traffic Laws)


Road rules

You must remember.

And then they can be useful to you!

CARD No. 5

Conversation on the topic: "Favorite toy"

    Develop an emotional response to your favorite poem through plot-based play. Teach children to handle toys carefully.

    Children enter the group. There is a bear toy lying on the floor; the bear is missing one leg.
    - Who is this?
    - Bear.
    - Why is he so sad?
    Children(choral and individual answers):
    - He doesn't have a paw.
    The teacher reads a poem with the children.

    Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
    They tore off the bear's paw.
    I still won't leave him -
    Because he's good.
    - How can we help our bear so that he becomes cheerful?
    Children(choral and individual answers):
    - Sew on his paw, bandage him, take him to the doctor.
    The teacher puts on a doctor's cap and sews the bear's paw on.
    - Now the bear is having fun, look at his two paws. Guys, tell me how to handle toys so that they don’t break?
    Children(choral and individual answers):
    - Do not throw, do not throw, put on a shelf.
    - Guys, do you want the bear to stay in our group? Let's find a corner in our group where he will live.
    - Yes!
    Guys, let's ask the bear if he liked it in our group? Ask the children what toys live in our group. Remind us that we love all toys and will need to handle them with care.

CARD No. 6

Conversation on the topic: “My family”

Target: learn to answer questions; form ideas about family composition, cultivate love and respect for family members. Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, what do you think family is?

Children: Family is mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister.

Educator: Yes, indeed, the closest, most beloved and loving, dearest people - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters - your family. It's so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family.

A family may be small - for example, a mother and a child, but if they love each other - this is a real family. It's good if the family is big. A family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other.

7. Physical education minute.

Who lives in our apartment?

One two three four. (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five. (Jumping in place.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body to the right and left.)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)

That's my whole family. (Clap our hands.)

CARD No. 7

Conversation on the topic: “Victory Day”

Goals: To introduce children to E. Shalamonov’s poem “Victory Day”, to encourage them to take an active part in the conversation, to develop dialogical speech, to answer questions.. To form children’s idea of ​​how the Russian people defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Tell us what holiday is coming soon, what we are celebrating.

There are many troops in the Russian Army. Tankers serve in tank forces, missilemen serve in missile forces, pilots in aviation, sailors in the navy.

On May 9, our city hosts a Victory Parade. On this day we remember all those who fought, who died in the war, in battle, or died from wounds after the war.

Children and adults lay flowers at Eternal Flame, other monuments. And in the evening there are fireworks displays.

Many families keep awards and letters from the front.

All children love to listen to stories about war; boys play pilots, sailors, border guards, tank crews.

Who defended our homeland?

2. Reading a poem by E. Shalamonov

3. Physical education: before continuing our lesson, let’s rest a little.

The tin soldier is persistent

The tin soldier is persistent,

Stand on one leg.

Stand on one leg, (Stand on your right leg.)

If you are a persistent soldier.

Left leg to the chest,

Look, don't fall! (We walk in place.)

Now stand on your left, (We stand on our left leg.)

If you are a brave soldier. (Jumping in place)

Teacher: Now those who fought many years ago are still alive. These are our dear veterans. On Victory Day, they put on military decorations and gather together to remember the war years.

CARD No. 8

Conversation on the topic: “Space”

Target: summarizing children's knowledge about space

Guys, today we will go on an amazing journey into space.

We have been preparing for this flight all week and already know a lot

Let us now remember what we know about space and astronauts

Slide show on the topic “Space”, accompanying conversation

Guys, who can tell me the name of the very first astronaut?

That's right, this is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. You know, guys, in order for him to go into space, he worked and trained a lot

If we want to go on a space flight, then we also need to train

So our training begins. To control a rocket, our fingers must be flexible and work well. Now we'll train them

Finger gymnastics"Family"

A game:

Guys, astronauts fly into space, it’s very difficult. Let's try it too.

Cubes of different sizes and colors are laid out on the floor. Your task is to run, jumping over cubes

Well done, everyone completed the task. Now I think we can go into space. So, take your seats on the rocket!

Children board the rocket (line up one after another).

Here we are! Wow! Something is flying around us. Guys, what is this?

That's right, these are planets. What shape are they? What color?

Children move from planet to planet, naming its shape and color.

That's how many unexplored planets we saw. And now it's time to go home

Returning home, each astronaut takes air baths. Let us also perform aerial procedures. Children lie down on the carpet and rest.

Guys, where have we been? What did you see? Do you want to become real astronauts? What is needed for this?

CARD No. 9

Conversation on the topic: “Dads - You are our Defenders”


To instill in children a good attitude towards their dad, to evoke a feeling of pride and joy for noble deeds loved one; develop speech, cultivate a desire to read and listen to poetry; play.

Educator: Guys, soon we will celebrate the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. This is a holiday of real men, our defenders.

Who do you think the defenders are? (children's answers)

That's right, these are your dads and grandfathers, who at one time courageously defended our Motherland and served in the army.

Now Katya will read a poem about the Army (reads a poem)

Our beloved Army

Birthday in February

Glory to her, invincible,

Glory to peace on Earth!

Guys, look at the poster, who do you see in these photographs? (fathers, grandfathers)

Dima, show me a photo of your dad, what’s his name? (ask 3-4 children).

Guys, your dads have different names, but they not only have different first and last names, they have different appearances. And they are dressed in different clothes, which is called "military uniform".

Look, it’s different from each other: Dima’s dad has a naval uniform - he served in the navy. And Denis’s dad has a border guard uniform - he served on the border of our Motherland.

Well done, you know everything about dad. You love your dads very much! Do you think your dads love you? (Yes)

How did you guess about this? (They hug us, kiss us, play.)

What games do dads play with you? (Football, reading books, playing with cars.)

What else is fun to do with dad? (Walk in the park, ride in a car, go to the circus, etc.)

Guys, what are your good dads, they love you very much.

And you also have grandfathers. When they were young, they also served in the army. Someone’s grandfather was a tank driver, and mine was a pilot, he flew an airplane (show photo).

Now let's play the game "Pilots". Tell me where the planes fly? (High in the sky.) You will be the pilots of an airplane.

A game:

Spread your “wings”, start the “engine”: “f - f - f”, we fly...

The plane is flying,

The plane hums:

“Oooh – ooh – ooh!”

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commander - pilot

The plane leads:


I'm flying to Moscow! (Naydenov)

Our grandfathers and fathers were strong and brave, they defended our Motherland. Strong man- not an offender, he is a protector. When you grow up, you will also be strong defenders of your family and your Motherland.

CARD No. 10

Conversation on the topic: "Spring"..

Target: consolidation and generalization of knowledge about spring.

Educator: Children, what time of year is it now?

Children: spring.

Educator: Would you like to listen to a poem about spring?


I open my buds into green leaves

I water the trees, it’s full of movement

My name is spring!


Educator: Let's repeat it again. (repetition of the poem).

Educator: Guys, what signs of spring do you know?

Children: The snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, grass is growing, rain begins to fall, buds are swelling on the trees, birds are flying in.

A game

Educator: Guys, let's do some finger gymnastics.

Drip, drip, drip

The drops are ringing.

It's April.

3. Educator: Guys, let’s remember the poem about “April”.

April, April, the yard is ringing, drops.

Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon after the winter cold.

CARD No. 11

Conversation on the topic “Insects”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about insects, teach them to identify their main features (segmented body structure, six legs, wings, antennae), and develop knowledge about how insects protect themselves from enemies; develop the ability to compare, identify common and distinctive features of insects; cultivate curiosity.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher suggests going to the forest by train.

The train goes chug-chug-chug. Stop at a clearing with many flowers and insects. What do we see around?
- Name the flowers that you know. Who do you see next to the flowers? (looking at pictures with insects, children name those they know).
Now I will tell you by what signs you can determine that this is an insect. Their body consists of several parts, almost all insects have 6 legs, wings and antennae.

The teacher invites the children to name each insect again and reads a poem about each. Then the teacher offers to play outdoor games about insects. After the games, the teacher tells the children that they will watch insects during their walk.

Outdoor game “Catch a mosquito”

Number of players: any. Additionally: 0.5 meter long rope, handkerchief. A handkerchief - “mosquito” - is tied to a string. A rope with a mosquito can be attached to a twig, or it can be held in your hand. The adult holds the string so that the “mosquito” is 5-10 cm above the child’s raised hand. The child, jumping up, tries to swat the mosquito with his palms. Option: instead of a rope with a handkerchief, you can use a tambourine. The child, jumping up, knocks on the tambourine with his palm.

Outdoor game "Transformations"

Now, children, I want to cast a spell: “One, two - now I’m a fairy.” And I will turn you into insects with a magic wand. Insect children fly, jump, flutter, and make characteristic sounds characteristic of a mosquito (“z-z-z”), a bee (“z-z-z”), a fly (“z-z-z”), and a bumblebee (“z-z-z”). w-w-w").

CARD No. 12

Conversation on the topic “Books”


Consolidating children's knowledge about books;
- clarifying children’s knowledge about the purpose of books;
-development of cognitive processes;
-develop the ability to compare and find similarities and differences;
-introduction to a new work.

Guys, guess riddle
Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a field, but sown,
Not a person, but a story. (book)
Today we will talk about books. Look, each of you has a book in your hands. How do you know it's a book? Let's compare it to sheets of paper. By the book
there is a cover, there are drawings called illustrations, there are pages, there is a size.
Where can you find books (store, library).
I invite you to go to the place where books live.

Finger gymnastics.

Point your finger Children clench their right hand into a fist.
hare, Extend the middle and index fingers.
a book, Two open palms are folded side by side.
Mouse and Palms are placed on the top of the head.
Nut. They clench their fist.
index finger Extend the index finger upward, bend it and
Everything is known best. bend it several times.
(Repeat the exercise several times, alternating hands.)

The teacher tells the children: what they write about in books (fairy tales, about nature, poems, stories); how does a fairy tale differ from a short story? how do poems differ from fairy tales? who writes fairy tales; who are the poems?

Physical exercise.

How are you? Like this! Show the thumbs of both hands pointing upward.
- How are you going? Like this! March.
- How are you running? Like this! Run in place.
- Do you sleep at night? Like this! Join your palms and place your head (cheek) on them.
- How do you take it? Like this! Press your palm towards you.
- Will you give it? Like this! Place your palm forward.
- How are you being naughty? Like this! Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.
- How are you threatening? That’s it! Shake your finger at each other.

At all times, people valued and cherished books. Parents passed books on to their children.

CARD No. 13

Conversation on the topic: “Let’s get to know each other.”
Target: study the rules of speech behavior during acquaintances, continue to teach children to use words in speech that help during acquaintances. Tasks: continue to develop in children elementary representations about etiquette.
Progress: Guys, we have a guest today.
Parsley: Hello guys.
Parsley: Let's get acquainted.
I funny toy, and my name is Parsley! What's your name?
Game: "Dating"(Throwing the ball: “My name is Petrushka, what’s yours? Nice to meet you!”
Parsley: Now we know each other.
V-l: Well done Parsley! You know how to make acquaintances correctly. You must first say your name and invite them to meet you. And end the acquaintance with the words: “Nice to meet you”
Listen to a poem about how animals met in the forest.
Met a wild boar in the forest
An unfamiliar fox.
Says to the beauty:
“Allow me to introduce myself!”
I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!
I really love acorns!”
The stranger will answer
"Nice to meet you!"
- Do you think the boar got to know the fox correctly?
- Why do you think so?
Parsley: guys, now you also know how to meet people. What should you do first? And then? Right. You are well-mannered children. I really enjoyed it, but it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

CARD No. 14

Conversation on the topic “Winter fun”

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about winter fun, but first let’s remember. What time of year is it now? What's the weather like in winter? (Children's answers).

Children stand in front of the chairs. The teacher invites the children to play the didactic game “Tender Word”. The one who tells me the varnish word sits down on the chair. (The game is played: snow-snowball, slide-slide, etc.).

Educator: Well done. Now let's work with our tongue, I will say the syllables and you repeat after me, okay (task for consolidating whistling sounds Z-S.)

Educator: Winter is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it? We don’t want to leave our walk home because it’s interesting outside. What interesting things can you do outside in winter? (children's answers: you can ski and skate, play hockey, build forts out of snow, sculpt a snowman, throw snowballs). The teacher demonstrates a series of plot paintings on the topic: “Winter entertainment.”


Outdoor game: “Bom, bom, bom.”

Children stand near their chairs. The teacher sings a song and shows the movements, the children repeat.

Bom, bom, bom the clock is knocking. Frost twirled his mustache

He combed his beard and walked around the city

100 toys behind each child's back, one each

The snowball creaks and creaks

What a big bag of beads and firecrackers with different toys

Educator: Well done. And now I will show you how to write a story using pictures. You will listen carefully and also try to compose a story yourself.

One winter day the children went for a walk. The children were in a joyful mood. Everyone found something to their liking. Masha, Sasha and Petya began to feed the birds with rowan berries, bread crumbs and seeds. Tits, bullfinches and sparrows flew to the feeder.

Tanya and Vanya were sledding down the hill. And the boys Nikita and Maxim were skiing on the track. The rest of the guys were making a snowman. Sveta attached a broom to the snowman, and Kirill put a bucket on his head. It’s a pity that in winter you can’t go for long walks and you have to go back to the group.

Educator: Now you guys try to tell me your story. (The teacher listens to the story of 4-5 children, helps if difficulties arise, seeks a complete and detailed answer, monitors the correct construction of sentences).

CARD No. 15

Conversation on the topic “About the rules fire safety»

Goal: to teach children to coherently answer the teacher’s questions;

correctly use the names of objects in speech; introduce children to fire safety rules.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look what new toy appeared in our group? (Car).

Who guessed what it's called? (Fire department).

By what signs did you guess that it was a fire truck? (It's red, with a ladder).

That's right, the fire truck is always red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of anxiety, the color of fire.

How does the fire truck drive, fast or slow? (Fast).

Why fast? (We need to put out the fire quickly and save people).

When a car drives along the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren.

What does a siren sound like? (Ooh, ooh, ooh)

Guys, what do you think is in the back of the fire truck? (Tools for extinguishing a fire: axe, shovel, hose, fire extinguisher, etc.).

Guys, why do you think fires occur? (Children's different answers).

Yes, there are many fires caused by careless handling of fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, stronger, flare up, and rage.

To avoid trouble, you need to know the rules well. Now we will repeat the rules for children together.

You can’t take matches... (Take them).

Gas must not be ignited...(Light).

The iron cannot be...(turned on).

Fingers must not be inserted into the socket...(Insert).

Guys, try to remember these rules and always follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.

Fire truck from the word "fire". And the people who put out fires are called firefighters.

What kind of firefighters should be? (Brave, strong, dexterous, courageous, etc.).

Game "Cat's house caught fire."

Material: cat house (made from cubes or chairs), bucket, watering can, flashlight, spatula, piece of red cloth, bell.

Progress of the game: Children walk in a circle and sing a song:

Tili - boom! Tili - boom! A chicken is running with a bucket,

And a dog with a lantern. Gray bunny with leaf.

Cat's house caught fire!

The adult rings the bell loudly, the children run to where the bucket, watering can, etc. are lying, take toys and “put out the fire” (the fire is depicted using red material thrown over the house).

CARD No. 16

Children: Hello, bird!

Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful.
Children: About rowan.
Birds feed on them in winter.
Educator: What color are rowan berries?
Children: Red.
Educator: What shape are they?
Children: Round
Educator: What size are they?
Children: Small ones.
One, two, three turn around
Quickly turn into birds.
Game "Birds"
Birds flew across the sky

And sat down on a branch

A handful of berries were pecked

Then they flew into the sky.

CARD No. 17

Conversation on the topic: “Birds in winter”

Goal: To instill in children a caring attitude towards wintering birds.

When I went to work today, a small bird was sitting on the ground. She didn't have the strength to fly. She was hungry. I brought her to kindergarten and fed her. Here she is. Let's say hello to her!
Children: Hello, bird!
Educator: Do you know what birds eat in winter? (Bread, grains...)
What else can we feed the birds? (Children's answers)
There is also a special tree whose berries hang until late winter and birds peck at them. We saw him on a walk. Listen to a poem about this tree.

I see a slender rowan tree in the yard,
Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.
Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful.
What is the poem about? (Shows a bunch of rowan berries)
Children: About rowan.
Educator: That's right, look at how beautiful the berries are hanging on the branch, one next to the other, there are a lot of berries, they are collected in a brush or bunch.
Birds feed on them in winter.
Educator: What color are rowan berries?
Children: Red.
Educator: What shape are they?
Children: Round
Educator: What size are they?
Children: Small ones.
Educator: That's right, guys. On a rowan branch there are many, many small round red berries, one next to the other. How do the birds peck them? Let's turn into birds.
One, two, three turn around
Quickly turn into birds.
Game "Birds"
Birds flew across the sky
(Children wave their hands and run in a circle)
And sat down on a branch
(Stop and squat down)
A handful of berries were pecked
(Hands show how birds peck)
Then they flew into the sky.

Well, now you know what birds eat in winter. And you can feed them yourself by adding food to the feeders.

CARD No. 18

Conversation with children “My friend is a traffic light”

Goal: To acquaint children with the basic rules of street traffic, to tell them what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.

Teacher: How many cars are there on the streets?! And every year there are more and more of them. Heavy MAZs, KRAZs, GAZelles, buses are rushing along our roads, and cars are flying. In order to keep the roads safe, all cars and buses are subject to strict traffic laws. All pedestrians, adults and children, should know and follow the rules of behavior on the street. People go to work, to the store, kids hurry to school. Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, but they should also walk on the sidewalk, adhering to right side. And then you won’t have to stumble, go around people you meet, or turn to the side. There are no sidewalks outside the city, and there are also a lot of cars. Transport moves along the roadway. If you have to walk along the road, then you need to walk towards the traffic. Why? It's not hard to guess. You see a car and give way to it, move to the side. You need to cross the road on a pedestrian path. Before crossing the road, you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. Our friend the traffic light helps us cross the road. Red light is a danger signal. Stop! Stop! - the red traffic light tells the pedestrian. Then the traffic light turns yellow. He says “Attention! Get ready! Now you can move on!” The green traffic light says: “The path is clear! Go!

Teacher: The law of streets and roads, which is called “traffic rules,” is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the law of streets and roads is also very good: it protects from terrible misfortune, protects life. So that nothing happens to you, children, follow the basic rules of behavior: Do not cross the street in front of nearby traffic. Don't play outside close to the road. Do not sled, skate, or bike on the road. So, what children must learn in order to live peacefully in the world:

1.Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.

2.Obey traffic light signals. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green.

3. Cross the road only on the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.

4.Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.

5. Cars, buses, trolleybuses must be walked around from behind, and trams - from the front.

CARD No. 19

Conversation with children “Where can I play?” Purpose: To form an idea younger preschoolers about safety on the streets and roads. Convince children of the dangers of playing on the roadway (road). Explain why you can’t play on the street and roads. Designate places for games and riding scooters, children's bicycles, skis, sleds and ice skates.

Vocabulary: danger, discipline.

Progress of the conversation: Road rules

There are a lot in the world.

Everyone would like to learn them

It didn't bother us

But the main thing

Traffic rules

Know like a table

Must multiply.

Don't play on the pavement,

Don't ride

If you want to stay healthy!

Game exercise “Scooter”

Scooter! Scooter!

Scooter, very happy!

I'm rolling on my own, I'm rolling on my own

Scooter wherever I want! (children bend one leg at the knee with a slight spring, with the other leg they imitate pushing movements, as when riding a scooter, while the leg seems to slide, but does not touch the floor).

The teacher reminds the children that playing on the pavement is very dangerous. Ice skating is only required at skating rinks; on skis and sleds - in parks, squares, stadiums; on bicycles and scooters - only in specially designated areas. Riding bicycles and scooters on the street is strictly prohibited. You should play on sports grounds and stadiums. You cannot play snowballs, football and other games on the sidewalks and roadways of the street or road - this interferes with pedestrians and traffic.

Physical education lesson “Cars”: We’re going, we’re going, we’re going for a long time,

This path is very long.

We'll get to Moscow soon,

There we can rest. (walking in place, moving forward on half-bent legs, moving forward and backward with bent arms). (The song plays, “It’s dangerous to play on the road,” lyrics by V. Murzin; music by S. Mirolyubov).

Outdoor game "Pedestrians and cars"

Children are divided into two groups (transport and pedestrians). Each person from the “transport” group is given a sign with a picture of the type of transport: bicycle, car, motorcycle, etc. Pedestrians are given signs - “child”, “pedestrian”. Command "Move!" for those. who has a sign with the name of the mode of transport. Team "Sidewalk!" served for pedestrians. Children must clearly respond to their command. On the command “Move!” children raise up signs with pictures of “car”, “motorcycle”, etc. At the command “Sidewalk!” Pedestrians do the same. Those who are careless receive penalty points. Then the game is played in the yard on a marked area (repeated several times). Next, they organize street traffic. Cars and motorcycles must slow down to allow pedestrians to pass. Pedestrians cross the street correctly. Then the children change roles. Errors are sorted out and the game continues.

Assignment and questions:

1. Where can you ride scooters and children's bicycles?

2. Where is it safer to play football and other sports?

3. Why can’t you play on the pavement?

4. Tell me where you can play?

5. Tell me where you can’t play and why?

CARD No. 20

Conversation with children “About traffic rules”

● teach children to correctly name the elements of the road;

● introduce the rule of driving on the side of the road;

● consolidate knowledge of familiar traffic rules

Visual aids:

Traffic light, model of the roadway, three traffic lights for the game "Traffic Light", posters depicting various situations on the roads

Progress of the conversation:


The hare came running

And she screamed: “Ay, ah!”

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

And his legs were cut

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!

Guys, why do you think the bunny got hit by a tram? (Broken the rules.) Yes, of course, he violated traffic rules - he played on the tram tracks or ran across the rails in front of a tram traveling nearby. To prevent such a disaster from happening, you must always follow the traffic rules. Today we will talk about this.

Everyone, without exception, should know the rules of the road.

What does a person become on the street? (On foot.)

What parts is the street divided into?

What is the name of the part of the road on which cars drive?

What is the name of the path along which pedestrians walk?

Guys, what should pedestrians do when there is no sidewalk next to the roadway? Where should pedestrians go in this case?

That's right, in the case where there is no sidewalk next to the roadway, you can walk along the edge of the roadway, which is called the shoulder. The shoulder is the edge of the roadway. I will walk along the side of the road, but how should I walk along it correctly so that cars don’t hit me - along the side of the road towards moving cars or in the direction of their movement?

A model showing the roadway and moving cars is displayed.

Educator. Let's look at the layout and figure out where you need to go so as not to get hit by a car? Look, if I walk along the side of the road towards moving cars, I see the car clearly, and the driver of the car sees me, and if I walk along the side of the road, in the direction of the cars, then I don’t see the car behind me, but the driver sees me. It’s uncomfortable for me, and most importantly, it’s life-threatening - if you stumble a little, you could get hit by a car.

What is the safest way to walk along the side of the road? (children's answers)

That's right, on the side of the road you need to walk towards moving cars. Who helps us cross the road?

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

Attention, looks straight ahead

There's a three-eyed traffic light on you -

Green, yellow, red eye

He gives orders to everyone.

Outdoor game "Traffic Light"

When the color is red, the children are standing quietly.

On yellow- clap their hands.

On green color- the children are marching.


Traffic rules!

Should know

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and cubs

Pony and kittens!

V. Golovko

Now you and I will be young traffic inspectors. Let's check how our animal friends follow traffic rules on the city streets.

Displays cards depicting different situations on the road.

Educator. Watch and tell us how animals follow traffic rules.

Children take turns talking about the situations depicted on the cards.

CARD No. 21

Topic: Let’s help Dunno protect his health.”

Goal: to develop in children an idea of ​​health, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health, the development of children’s speech and motor activity.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

(Dunno comes to visit)

Situation “Dunno fell ill”

How do you understand what health is? (Health is strength, beauty, when the mood is good and everything works out)

Guys, do you know who is called a healthy person? (children's answers).

The word "health" means "made of good wood, strong as wood."

Guys, do you know how to preserve your health?

Do physical exercise, do exercises, harden yourself, eat right, keep clean, take vitamins, follow a daily routine.

Finger gymnastics


Now check, have your fingers become stronger and more obedient?

You know guys, today Moidodyr came to our group. He really wanted to see you. It’s such a pity that Moidodyr didn’t wait for you, because he has so many worries in the morning! But he left you this little bag.

Didactic game “Magic Bag”

Children guess personal hygiene items (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush) by touch and tell what they are for and how to use them.

Guessing riddles

Smooth and fragrant

It washes very clean. (soap)

I saw my portrait

I walked away - there was no portrait. (mirror).

Plastic back, hard bristles,

WITH toothpaste friendly

(Toothbrush) serves us diligently.

Roaring, crybaby and dirty

They will have streams of tears in the morning

I won’t forget about the nose (handkerchief).

I wipe, I try

After the boy's bath

Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled

No dry corner (towel)

We use it often

Even though she's like a toothy wolf

I don't want to bite her

She would like to scratch her teeth (with a comb).


Let us warm up so that we can win at the Olympics in the future.

We will do exercises (hand jerks)

Jump quickly (two jumps)

Run fast (running in place).

Let's play sports (torso turns)

Crouch and bend (squat and bend).

Let us all be brave, dexterous, skillful

(tilts to the sides).

Because we must become the hope of the country

(step in place).

In Olympic competitions,

Win all competitions (clap your hands).

I see a smile on your faces. This is very good!

After all, joyful t, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. A good mood and a smile are like protection from diseases. Let's give each other smiles more often

Looking at leaves while walking.

Goal: to draw children’s attention to the leaves (size, shape, multi-colored color). Techniques: The teacher takes a beautiful leaf in his hands, waving it above his head, and begins to spin. Show the sheet to the children. "What is this? Yes, it's a leaf, a leaf. I give it to Seryozha.” Give the children tasks: - spin around with leaves in their hands; - compare leaves by size (large - small), shape, color; - listen to the leaves rustling under your feet; - find out where the leaves are coming from (lightly shake the lower branches of trees and bushes); - arrange an autumn fireworks display from leaves; - see how the boat leaf floats in the water (puddle); - look for what or who is hiding under the leaves; - decorate an area, a group, your cabinet, yourself with leaves; - carry and move leaves from place to place; - carry a leaf by a string across a puddle.

Observation of a tree.

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a tree (it has a trunk, branches, leaves). The trunks are thick and thin. The tree has one trunk. Techniques: -Teacher's story: “This plant is called a tree. It's alive. It has a trunk, branches and leaves. A tree always has one trunk. It comes in thick and thin.” -Practical steps: clasp the thick trunk with your hands, then the thin trunk. -Teacher’s explanation: “A thin trunk can be grasped with one or two hands, but a thick one must be grasped by two or three.” - Game “Stand by the tree.” - Admire the beauty of the tree.

Observation: “First acquaintance with birch.”

Goal: to form the idea in children that birch is a tree. It grows on our site. Birch has one trunk white with black spots. The teacher draws the children's attention to the birch tree and asks: is it a tree or grass? What color is the birch trunk? Thick barrel or thin barrel? He reads the poem: “You will recognize it by a simple sign, There is no whiter tree in the world!” (A. Prokofiev)

Examining marigolds and replanting them from the ground.

Goal: examine the plant with children; explain the purpose of the root; show a method of transplanting a plant from soil into a flower pot. Make children want to care for plants and watch them grow. The teacher invites the children to the flowerbed where marigolds (marigolds, nasturtiums) grow. Children admire flowering plants, touch a cut flower, noting its velvety quality. They ask why the teacher is wearing an apron, why she took a spatula. They look at those standing nearby flower pots: one empty, the rest with soil. The teacher says that autumn has come and it’s getting colder. It gets especially cold at night. Plants may freeze and stop growing. But they can be saved - transplanted into flower pots and moved to the group room. The teacher asks the children to guess why a strong wind cannot tear small plants such as marigolds and grass out of the ground. Listens to their answers. Offers to carefully observe what she will do. He digs up the plant and carefully removes some of the roots from the soil. Shows them to children. He explains that these roots hold the plant and prevent the wind from tearing it out of the ground. The roots feed the plant by absorbing water (rain, after watering). If the roots are damaged, the plant will die and dry out. The teacher carefully transplants the plant into the pot. He digs up another one, clarifying with the children why the plant should be dug up carefully, and why the plant needs roots. Children watch as the teacher waters the plant (slowly so that the water is absorbed into the ground gradually). Before this, the guys try the water by touch, finding out what it is like. They clarify why it is better to water plants with warm water. Plants are transferred to a group and placed in a corner of nature. Later, when going for a walk, children look at the transplanted marigolds, and then compare the plants in the flowerbed with them.

Watching an autumn tree while walking.

Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of the main parts of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves), to practice distinguishing leaves by color, size, shape. Reinforce the knowledge that in the fall the leaves turn yellow and fall off. To develop the ability to notice the beauty of an autumn tree, the desire to take care of trees, and the ability to care for trees. Techniques: 1). Place the children in a semicircle away from the tree, show them and give them the opportunity to admire the beauty of the autumn tree. 2). Bring him closer and conduct an examination. What is this? Look carefully at the tree and find the trunk, and Seryozha will show it with his hand. How thick is the trunk? Alyosha, grab the tree trunk with your hands (if he can’t, then the children help him by holding hands). The trunk is thick, wide, round (or thin, narrow). Ira, touch the tree bark. How does it feel to the touch (rough or smooth)? 3). Offer to press on the trunk: hard or soft? Is the trunk tall or short? What do the tree's leaves grow on (on its branches)? Are the branches long or short? 4). Offer to reach the lowest branch. Is she fat or thin? Long or short? Tilt the lower branch and examine it together with the children. 5). Examine the leaves. What color are they (green, yellow, red)? Are they big or small? Hide, Alyosha, the leaf in your palms. It is seen? Small, it is not visible in the palms. In the same way, hide a large sheet so that the children understand that there is different leaves(large, medium, small). Draw a conclusion together with the children. 6). Offer to trace your finger along the edge of the sheet. What is its shape? 7). Offer to find yellow, red, green leaves under the tree. 8). Teacher’s story: “Autumn has come. Trees are shedding their leaves. Leaves vary in size, shape and color. They are beautiful, colorful, like a carpet, lying on the ground. Suddenly it became twice as bright, the yard, as if in the sun’s rays - This golden dress is on the birch tree’s shoulders. In the morning we go into the yard - the leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet and flying, flying, flying...

Observe how the teacher cares for indoor plants.

Purpose: to show that the plants need care. The teacher examines the plants and cares for them: waters them, wipes the leaves, washes the trays. At the same time, he satisfies the children’s desire to participate in caring for the plant: he gives them watering cans, explains and shows them how to water correctly (do not raise the spout of the watering can high, pour the water carefully, at first you can even hold the child’s hand with the watering can) . Gradually, the teacher involves all the children in watering, teaches the children this type of care for plants that require abundant watering (geranium, balsam). This type of work should be assigned to one or two children at a time, and they should work together with the teacher, performing the same task.

Looking at ficus.

Goal: to introduce children to the ficus, its distinctive appearance features and how to care for it. Exercise children in the ability to describe plants and compare them with each other. Equipment: ficus, watering can with water, damp cloth. The teacher turns to the children: “Children, do you know why the room is so beautiful? I'll show you a houseplant. I think you will like it (shows). Do you like it, Vitya? What about you, Alyosha? This flower is called “ficus”. Let's take a closer look at our ficus. Is this flower big or small (large)? What does it have (stem)? Go, Sveta, show me the ficus stem. How many stems does a ficus have (one)? What is this (the teacher points to the leaves)? How many leaves does a flower have (many)? What color are they? So you and I learned a new houseplant. I just forgot what it’s called (ficus)? Do you want to remember it well? I will give you “magic” straws. You can see everything very clearly through them. Look and remember what kind of ficus stem and leaves it has. Do you know what needs to be done so that the plant does not wither and remains so beautiful for a long time? You must not forget to water it with water. The teacher invites the child to water from a watering can and reminds him that he must water carefully so that all the soil becomes wet and the roots are not washed away by water. The teacher says that it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth (shows how this is done). “Let’s leave the ficus in our group and take care of it.”

Observation of a birch tree.

Goal: compare the color of rowan and birch leaves. Improve research activities. Techniques: 1), Questions: Can you find a birch tree on the site? How did you guess? What color are birch leaves? What about rowan trees? Are they the same color? 2). Examination of birch and rowan leaves. 3). Teacher's story: “In late autumn, the rowan leaves turn yellow, turn purple and fall off, and the orange-red clusters of fruit remain on the trees for the winter. Birch leaves begin to turn yellow early and appear golden. Slowly circling in the air, yellowed light leaves fall from the birches.” At the end of the month, decorate the nature calendar with illustrations and drawings reflecting observations of nature in September. 4). Artistic word: “The stormy autumn season has come again, October with frequent rains drives us out of the yard. Drops are rolling down the glass, I can’t wipe them off, The birch tree in the yellow dress was chilled in the wind. A leaf flies, spins until it falls, then sails like a boat through a blue puddle.” V. Melkova

Looking at rowan branches.

Goal: to introduce children to rowan leaves and berries, to improve children’s examination activities. Techniques: 1). Teacher's story: “Rowan is one of the most favorite trees. No wonder it is often affectionately called “rowanushka”. In summer, clusters of small round berries begin to turn red on the rowan tree. They ripen slowly in the summer sun. In summer, rowan berries are hard and tasteless. Birds do not peck them and people do not touch them. In late autumn, after frost, the berries acquire a more pleasant bitter-sour taste. Rowan berries are especially loved by bullfinches.” 2). Examine the leaves of the rowan, note their unusualness: there are many leaves on the cuttings. The branch looks like a small Christmas tree. 3). Let the children taste the berries and ask what they taste like. 4). Literary word: “The rowan gave me a red berry. I thought she was sweet, but she is like a china. Either this berry is just not ripe, or the cunning rowan wanted to play a joke? 5). Invite the children to save this “piece of autumn” - dry the rowan leaves.

Weather observation

Goal: continue to note the weather condition every day, invite children to determine what it is like (cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny). Develop children's observation skills. Techniques: 1). Draw the attention of children: if the sun does not heat well, the weather is colder. 2). Ask the children how people began to dress and why. 3). Show how heavy dark clouds float across the sky, tell that they are driven by the wind. Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds. (A.S. Pushkin) 4). Note that it often rains, cold and drizzling, and the puddles on the ground do not dry out: Rain, rain all day Drumming on the windows. The whole earth, the whole earth was wet from the rain. (E. Trutneva) 4). Invite the children to look at the branches of the trees and determine whether there is wind outside. If so, which one (cold, piercing): Windy, windy, The whole earth is ventilated! The wind scattered the leaves from the branches around the world... (I. Tokmakova)

Looking at a bush.

Goal: to clarify children’s understanding of the main parts of a shrub (several trunks, branches, leaves). Give them a visual representation that shrubs come in different heights. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Techniques: 1). The teacher's story about a bush (many trunks, branches, leaves). Remind that leaves grow on the branches, but when it gets cold they fall off. 2). Invite the children to show the trunks and branches. Ask how many trunks a bush has and how many a tree has. 3). Game: “One, two, three, run to the bush!” Observation of trees Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of a tree (trunk, branches). One tree has light bark (birch), the other has dark bark (aspen). 1). Offer to admire the beauty of the snow-covered area. 2). Literary word: “You can’t count the different trees: One is more beautiful than the other! But where will you find a tree more related to our birch?” V. Prokofiev 3). Questions: a) what trees grow on our site? b) what parts of a tree do you know? c) what color is the bark of trees? 4). Comparison of birch and aspen by bark color. 5). Teacher’s explanation: “There are many trees, they differ in the color of their bark: birch is white, light, aspen is dark.” 6). Didactic game: “One, two, three, run to the birch tree!”

Introducing a new houseplant.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the new indoor plant, its structure (stem, leaves, flowers), the need to care for it (watering, dust removal). Equipment: balsam, “magic straws”, attributes for the didactic game “Journey of the Ladybug” (card with a picture of a flower and a ladybug on a string). Show the children a new plant, tell it its name (Ogonyok or balsam). Consider it. Then you can play the didactic game “The Journey of the Ladybug” (the kids take the thread with the ladybug and move it along the flower shown on the card). “My insect crawls along a stem (children show), along a leaf, a flower.” In this way, knowledge about the structure of the plant is consolidated. Then the children approach the real plant. The teacher asks questions: what parts does a flower have? Is the stem high or low? What color are the leaves? A lot of them? Are there any flowers? What color are they? What is the name of the plant? Do you know what needs to be done so that the plant does not wilt and remains so beautiful for a long time? The teacher invites the child to water the plant with a watering can, reminding him that he needs to water it carefully so that the whole earth becomes wet and the roots are not washed away by water. How do you know if the soil is dry or wet? Look, we watered it, and the earth turned black. You can touch it, it feels cool and wet to the touch. This means that the need for watering can be determined by touch.

Goal: to draw attention to the changes that have occurred in appearance rowan, secure the parts. Techniques: 1). “Winter has come, knocked on the gate.” Tell the children that the rowan tree is wrapped in a fur coat and snow boots. Our mountain ash will not freeze outside! 2). Offer to admire her from afar, how beautiful she is: “Rowan is a soul! How good you are! 3). Questions: Has the mountain ash changed in winter? What happened to her? How did she adapt to winter? Is her trunk thick or thin? What color is it? What makes rowan look elegant in winter? 4). Didactic game “One, two, three, run to the rowan tree!”

Watching rowan trees on a walk.

Goal: to teach children to record changes that have occurred in trees. Techniques: 1). Draw children's attention to the fashionable rowan tree. She changes her outfits in summer and winter. Look at the lace collar she has above the branch. 2). Questions: Are there berries on rowan branches? Where do you think they disappeared to? What color paints can you use to paint rowan berries? 3). Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes are very fragile and break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a shovel, and not run over with sleds. 4). Game "Find the tree by description."

Inspection of indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Goal: to show children the changes occurring in plants (the appearance of a new leaf, bud, etc.). Name these changes. Observing a birch tree on the street during a thaw. Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about trees and the seasonal state of plants. Notice the changes that have occurred. Techniques: 1) examine an icy birch branch and examine it; 2) what happened to the twig? Why? Did this happen in winter on a frosty day?; 3) compare the branches by length (short and long); 4) find a bush on the site, compare it with a birch (how they differ); 5) game: “One-two-three, run to the bush!”

Looking at trees after the thaw.

Goal: to draw the children’s attention to trees that seem to be made of glass, and their branches seem to be covered with an ice crust. Admire the beauty of the icy branches. Techniques: 1) draw the children’s attention to the changed tree branches. What happened to them? How did they end up in the ice?; 2) teacher’s story: “On a sunny day, the trees seem to cry: the snow that covers them melts and rolls down in droplets. And at night it freezes. So the branches end up in an ice crust. The roads are starting to become icy, slippery and difficult to walk”; 3) literary word: You can’t walk and you can’t go: There is black ice on the road, But it falls perfectly, Why isn’t anyone happy? (V. Berestov)

Watching rowan trees on a walk.

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about trees, to notice seasonal changes in the plant world. Techniques: 1) invite children to talk to the rowan tree, tell it what happened to the branches brought into the group in February. Conclude: plants need light, heat and water; 2) guess: rowan tree or shrub? How did you guess? Count the number of trunks; 3) let’s close our eyes and remember: what the mountain ash was like in the fall and winter. Let's imagine what it will be like in the summer; 4) the game “One, two, three, run to the rowan tree!”

Watching rowan trees on a walk.

Goal: to draw children's attention to changes in the tree in the spring. Techniques: 1). Questions: Who will notice more changes? Why does rowan look new? What has changed in her appearance? 2), Offer to bend the twig, pay attention to the fact that it has become flexible, not as fragile as in severe frosts in winter. 3). Teacher’s story: “On warm days the snow melts. The sun is shining brighter. The sky is clear. And our mountain ash is reaching out to the sun with its branches and arms. He wants to warm up."

Observing a birch tree during a walk in windy weather.

Goal: to learn to establish the simplest relationships: the wind blows, deflects the branches of a tree. Techniques: 1). Questions: Is there any wind today? How did you guess? Are birch trees the same in windy and calm weather? 2). Offer to touch the birch branches: they have become flexible, like those of the rowan. 3). Collect broken twigs and place them in water in a group. Watch what happens to them. Teacher’s story: “The white birch tree woke up after its winter sleep. The trunk of the birch tree seems to glow: it rejoices in the sun. The breeze moves the birch branches. It’s as if he’s disturbing her: “Wake up quickly, spring has come!”

Looking at trees.

Goal: to draw children’s attention to the appearance of leaves on different trees. They are very delicate, light green. To cultivate the ability to perceive the beauty of nature, the desire to protect it. Techniques: 1) Offer to admire the beauty of the site in green decoration. 2). Questions: What trees on our site do you know? What appeared on the trees? What color are the leaves? Big or small? 3). Offer to find a rowan among the green trees, then a birch. 4). Teacher’s story: “In spring, trees wake up from winter sleep, leaves appear on them. On all the trees they are green, but they are all different in size.” 5). Offer to count how many leaves on the cuttings the rowan has (many) and the birch (one). 6). Literary word: The beautiful birch tree has silver dresses, The beautiful birch tree has green braids. P. Voronko 7). Game “One, two, three, run to the birch (rowan) tree!”

Observing dandelions.

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about the dandelion (yellow, with long, narrow leaves with teeth, on a long smooth stem). To give knowledge about connections in nature: butterflies drink the sweet juice of flowers, if there are no flowers, there will be no butterflies. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things. Techniques: 1). Questions: Who knows what these beautiful flowers are called? What is a dandelion like? Why is dandelion compared to the sun? Who knows a poem about him? 2). Artistic word: He has a wonderful golden color, he is a big sun, a small portrait. M. Pozharova 3). Offer to bend down and look at the dandelion. What kind of leg does he have? Are the leaves long or short? If we pick all the dandelions, what will happen? 4). Teacher’s story: “Listen carefully to what might happen. If we pick all the dandelions, then there will be no sweet juice for the butterflies; the butterflies will either die of hunger or fly away from our site. It will be bad for the butterflies, it will be bad for us too: boring, ugly. Let's not pick dandelions, let them grow and enjoy the sun, let the butterflies fly to the meadow. We will not catch butterflies, we will not offend them. Let's better draw dandelion flowers after lunch."

Watching the grass while walking.

Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about spring grass. (Green, soft, silky.) About the conditions necessary for growth. (Warmth, sunlight, moisture, earth.) Cultivate a caring attitude. Techniques: 1). Questions: Where did the grass grow? What color is it? What does grass feel like? What is the length? 2). Game technique: hide a bunny toy in the grass. Can you see the bunny? Why? (If you can see it, then the grass is still small; if you can’t see it, the grass is tall and thick.) 3). Literary word: A fleet-footed bunny jumps between the grasses. I crushed a yellow dandelion with my paws. 4). Imitation movements: jump like a bunny. 5). Offer to touch the weed: how can you say about weed? How does grass hold onto the ground? Why does she need roots just to hold on to the ground? Right. The grass drinks water from the ground. What else helps grass grow? Did the grass grow in winter? 6). Teacher’s story: “In spring it becomes warm, the sun warms, warms the earth. Green grass appears. At first it is very tender, silky, light green. In the nature corner there are photographs, drawings and crafts made by children depicting nature in May. The grass is alive, it grows, it must be protected, not torn, not trampled.”

Developer Karsakova M.G.

Lexical topic: “Folk culture and traditions.”
Poem of the week
Like in the snow, in a blizzard
Three sleds were flying.
And they make noise and thunder,
The bells are ringing.
Grandfather is in the first sleigh,
In the other sled there is a grandmother,
In the third sleigh - auntie,
These are the guests!
Morning greeting:
- Educator:
Hello, naughty boys!
Hello girls - long bangs!
Let's get into the Circle as soon as possible, let's say hello as quickly as possible.
We love to play together
Don't swear, don't shout.
Let's smile at everyone soon,
And the day will begin brighter!
Finger gymnastics “MAGIE – CROW”.
(Run your finger over your palm in a circular motion).
The magpie-crow was cooking porridge,
She jumped on the threshold and called guests.
There were no guests, we didn’t eat porridge,
Soroka the Crow gave all her porridge to the children.
(Next we bend our fingers as if counting).
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this:
-Why didn’t you cut wood?
-Why didn’t you carry water?

What house do you live in? What is your house made of? So what is he like? How many rooms are there in your apartment? What are their names? Do you have your own room? What are you doing there?
The collage “Russian Hut” is considered; the teacher gives a comment:
A long time ago in Rus', people built their homes from logs. They were called huts. And everything in the hut was made of wood: the floors, the ceiling, the walls, the furniture, and the dishes. There was only one room in the hut - the upper room. The upper room was a kitchen, a bedroom, and a living room. The whole family lived in the same room. Do you think it was convenient? Why?
Playing out a fairy tale nursery rhyme:
Our hostess was smart
She gave everyone in the hut a job for the holiday: The dog washes the bowl with its tongue,
The mouse collects crumbs under the window,
The cat scratches the table with its paw.
The chicken is scrubbing the rug with a broom. Is your home warm? How do your parents heat your apartment? What is the food used for cooking? Is it delicious? Do you remember what the house was called before? They heated the hut with wood, they used a stove like this (demonstration of the picture). And they cooked food for themselves and the livestock they had, also in these stoves. The firewood will be laid, the birch bark will be lit, and the stove will be lit.
“A house without a stove is an uninhabited house,” people said. People affectionately called the stove “nurse”, “mother”, because it really fed people - they baked bread in it, cooked porridge, cabbage soup, and potatoes. The hot stove made the hut feel warm and cozy even in the dead of winter. Near the stove there were always large and small pots and cast irons in which food was cooked.
The stove warmed people, they cooked food in it, and you could even sleep on it! And how many tales have been told here for a long time winter evenings. (Show the illustration “Children on a Russian stove.”)
Riddle: What can’t you get out of the hut?”
Proverb: “Whoever sat on the stove is no longer a guest, but one of his own!”
Riddles about the oven
Our fat Fedora
It doesn't take long to get enough.
But when I’m full,
From Fedora - warmth.
Our dough has arrived
To a hot place.
Got it -
Not lost
It became a golden brown bun.
There is a hut made of bricks,
Sometimes cold, sometimes hot.
What is water for? Do you have water at home? Where does it come from?
What do you think, how did they wash their hands and dishes in the old days, since there was no running water yet?
Previously, the huts did not have running water, but there was a washstand and a tub of water (showing pictures: washstand, tub).
Water had to be brought in buckets from a well (pictures: buckets, rocker, well).
Previously, there were no mirrors, and people looked into the water as if into a mirror.
Children are invited to look at their reflection in a container of water.
Text with movements.
Ay, okay, okay, okay, We are not afraid of water! Clean water will wash our face, Wash our palms, Wet us a little, Ay, okay, okay, okay, We are not afraid of water! We wash ourselves clean, We smile at Mom!
D/i Remember and name.”
In which fairy tale did buckets with a rocker fetch water themselves? / " By magic"/.
Playing out the nursery rhyme “Ryabushechka Hen”. - Ryabushechka Hen, Where did you go? - To the river. - Ryabushechka Hen, Why did you go? - For some water. - Ryabushechka Hen, Why do you need some water? - To give the chickens something to drink. - Ryabushechka Hen, How do chickens ask for water? - Pee-wee -pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi! D/i "Find out and name."
/pictures of modern furniture are shown/. What is furniture for? What furniture do you have at home? What do you like to sit on? Lie?
Once upon a time, in a Russian hut there was very little furniture (pictures are shown: table, benches, chest, bed, shaky, cradle, shelf).

D/i "Before - Now".
Bench-...(stool, chair, armchair, sofa);
Chest-...(chest of drawers, wardrobe);
The babies were put to sleep in cradles or cribs /picture/ and lullabies were sung:
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Don't bark, little dog,
And don’t scare Vanyusha,
And don’t blow the horn,
Don't wake me up until the morning,
Come and spend the night with us,
Rock Vanya in the cradle.
How does your mother put you to bed? -What do you guys think, why does a person need a house?
-How do we feel at home?
- Why do they say: “Away is good, but home is better?” People have always made homes for themselves, where they could hide from the cold and bad weather, from wild animals, and warm themselves by the fire. We come home to rest and gain strength.
What else was in the hut?
Stop silently visiting - it's time to solve the riddles.
I will ask riddles, and you try to find the answers in our hut./pictures-riddles/
"Releases hot steam
An ancient teapot..." (samovar).
The whole large peasant family gathered around the samovar, drank hot tea with honey, pies and pancakes. The samovar has become a symbol of goodness, home comfort and family peace.
“It’s a new vessel, but it’s all full of holes” (sieve)
They sowed flour with a sieve, and then the dough for the pies turned out to be very fluffy and soft.
“What kind of lady is this?
She takes the wool into the comb,
A thin fluffy thread
Does he give yarn to the children?” (spinning wheel)
On long winter evenings, the housewife used it to spin threads. And the threads were then knitted or woven into cloth and sewn into clothes.
“I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she herself is mouthless” (spoon)
In a peasant family, each family member had his own spoon, which was carved from wood. And we always brought our own spoon when visiting. There was even a saying: “A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon.” Not only did people eat with a spoon, they could also play and dance on the spoons. Let's try to play on spoons and dance to folk music.
Children invent and perform dance movements while playing spoons to folk music.

Second week.
Poem of the week
Snow fell on the threshold, The cat baked a pie for himself. And while he was sculpting and baking, the pie flowed away in a stream. They baked pies for themselves, not from snow - from flour. (P. Voronko)
Morning greeting:
In our group, every day we do exercises, do exercises, strictly in order: Everyone sat down, stood up together, turned their heads, stretched, turned
And they smiled at each other!
Finger gymnastics “OUR GRANDMOTHER”.
Our grandmother goes to clap her palms on her knees alternately with her right and left hands
And the basket carries the fingers slightly apart and connect them with the fingers of the other hand
She sat down quietly in a corner and put her hands on her knees,
Knits stockings for children to imitate knitting movements.
Suddenly the kittens came running with their soft hands to perform the “kitty cat” movement.
And the balls were scattered.
Where, where are my balls, spread your arms to the sides, perform the movement
How should I knit stockings? "knitting".
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Educator: A guest came to us today. To find out who it is, you need to guess the riddle:
In the wooden Mashenka there is a Sashenka doll inside. Open the Sashenka doll, And there is little Dashenka. And in sister Dashenka there is little Pashenka. (Matryoshka) Name it main secret nesting dolls. (This is a doll with a surprise: inside a large nesting doll there is a smaller doll, and in that one there is also another).
What material is the nesting doll made of? (Made of wood. Wood is an accessible material, durable, pliable, beautiful, and easy to paint).
Children have always loved Matryoshka dolls. It is very interesting to assemble and disassemble the parts:
“Me with a mysterious toy
played until late,
I take it apart, I collect it,
sometimes there are eight of them, sometimes there is one.”
Do you also want to play with a nesting doll?
D/i “Assemble a matryoshka doll.”
Round dance game "Matryoshka, matryoshka"
Well, guys, don't yawn
And everyone stand in a circle.
Do you want to play a little?
Then dress up as a matryoshka!
(3 matryoshka dolls are selected from the children. Scarves are tied on their heads. They squat in the center of the circle that the other children form. The children walk in a circle and sing the song “Matryoshka” to the tune of the Russian folk song “Cap”).
Eh, matryoshka,
Scarlet handkerchief-
Floral sundress.
We fed you
We gave you something to drink.
Put on my feet
They forced me to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose whoever you want.
Came to visit us today Wonderful pouch. Want to know what's inside?
D/i “Find out and name.” (children take turns taking out folk musical instruments and calling them: tambourine, bell, spoons, balalaika, maracas, triangle, etc.).
Children know everything in the world
There are different sounds:
Leaf fall, quiet whisper,
Airplane loud rumble
The hum of a car in the yard,
Dog barking in a kennel.
These are noise sounds,
Only there are others.
Not rustling, not knocking - there are MUSICAL sounds
“Guess what instrument sounded.” (A screen is installed, behind it there are musical instruments: bells, drum, maracas, tambourine, balalaika, metallophone.
The teacher reads a quatrain, calling the name of a child from the group, the Katya doll plays one of the musical instruments, the children guess) The guys and I are playing, What it sounds like now, we’ll find out, Katya doll play! Quickly, Kirill, name it!
At lunch they eat soup, In the evening the wooden girls and the musical sisters will “talk”. Play a little, too, on beautiful bright... (spoons).
Three strings, plays loudly That instrument is a “cocked hat”. Find out quickly, What is it?.. (balalaika)
It’s easy to go on a hike with me, It’s fun with me on the road, And I’m a screamer, and I’m a brawler, I’m loud, round... (drum)
He sits under his cap, don’t disturb him - he’s silent.
All you have to do is pick it up and swing it a little,
You can hear the chime: “Dili-don, dili-don. »
It looks like a rattle, but it's not a toy! (Maraca)
We release the hammers, onto the iron leaves, and a cheerful ringing flies. What is ringing?
At the most fabulous moment, this instrument will enter. But not everyone knows that it plays in the orchestra! It will ring quietly, gently, as if everything is silvered. And then it will soon fall silent at the conductor’s signal. Every schoolchild knows this. What's happened...
Look what I brought you today. /Showing, looking at toys/.
- What toys are you familiar with? Children call: /matryoshka, rattle, tumbler, ball, whistle, etc./ A long time ago, toys were called fun, this is because they amuse children.
How can you play with these toys?
Would you like to go with me to the fair? They sell a lot of different toys there. Take the reins in your hands, let's ride on a horse. I'm going, going to the market, to buy goods for myself, On a horse in a red hat, Along a level path, on one leg. In an old little shoe, over potholes, over bumps, Everything is straight and straight, and then suddenly... in hole WHAM! Whoops! We've arrived!
Our girls love to play with dolls.
/ Showing pictures or toys/
-It didn’t exist before, guys. beautiful dolls and mothers made these for their children rag dolls: “Krupenichka” they have cereal inside, “Sonyushka” - the children put it to bed with them, “Maslenitsa” is a doll that was made for the Maslenitsa holiday.
What kind of toy is this? (matryoshka). What material are the nesting dolls toys made of? - Wood! So they are wooden.
Who is this? - Cockerel - This is Dymkovo toy. She was molded from clay, which means she is clay! And it’s called Dymkovo because it was made and decorated by craftsmen in the village of Dymkovomastera! How should you play with such a toy? Children: - Be careful and careful, as it can quickly break.
You now have many different beautiful toys, there are those that could not exist before: airplanes, cars, robots, etc., because in the old days there were no airplanes, no cars, no robots. People haven't invented them yet.
-Tell me about your favorite toys. A long time ago, even now, domestic animals and birds lived next to humans. People took care of them - fed them, gave them water, and made homes for them.
For what?
.D/i “Who brings what benefit?”
Dog-, cat-, cow-,
horse-, sheep-, goat-, pig-.?
Chickens, geese, turkeys?
-What kind of pets and birds do you have?
How do your parents take care of them?
D/i “Lost?”
Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the family of domestic animals and birds.
Imitation game “Sing a song” (cows, sheep, etc.) – onomatopoeia.
Playing out the nursery rhyme “I’m going - I’m going to see my grandmother, my grandfather”
I'm on my way to my woman, to my grandfather, On a horse in a red hat, On a flat path, On one leg, In an old bast shoe, Over potholes, over bumps, Everything straight and straight, And then... into a hole! Thump!
/the picture “Dishes” is shown/. What it is? What are the dishes for? What kind of dishes do you have at home? Can you do without dishes? Why?
/Karinki: antique pots/. In the old days, the main kitchen utensil was a pot - a direct predecessor of a saucepan, tureen, sugar bowl, teapot, and storage container. Soups and porridges were cooked in the pot, water was boiled, meat was stewed, cereals, flour, and butter were stored. The milk did not turn sour in the pots, and bugs did not appear. Pots could be different sizes: from a small pot for a few spoons, to a huge pot that could hold up to 2-3 buckets of water. The pots also differed in their external decoration. More elegant were those served with food on the table. It was believed that the older the pot, the more protective it has, i.e. protective power. One bad thing, the pot should have been “Neroneya”. But if the pot suddenly cracked, they braided it with birch bark strips and used it for storage. There was even a riddle about such a potty: “When there was a child, he didn’t know diapers, but when he was old, he began to wear diapers.”
/ Picture – cast iron, grip/.
“What does the housewife put in the stove,
How many of you guys know?" (cast iron)
This is cast iron. He was indispensable on the farm. It is heavy in weight, as it is made of cast iron, a special type of metal that could withstand any fire and never break.
How could you get a hot pot out of the oven? Another assistant was needed here. Listen to a riddle about him.
“Not a bull, but goring,
He doesn’t eat, but he has enough food,
What he grabs, he gives away,
And he goes into the corner (grasp)
There was always a handle near the Russian stove, with which the hostess took out hot pots of cabbage soup and tasty porridge. Do you want to try whether it was easy for the hostess?
D/i "Compare by weight".
Goal: to form an idea of ​​sensory concepts: easy (easier) – hard (heavier).
/The weight of a pot and a cast iron pot with and without a grip is compared./
“Scenario of cognitive communication with the second-youngest children in the morning.”
Developer Karsakova M.G.
The content of morning conversations with children corresponds to the lexical topic being studied. Moreover, in accordance with lexical topic, for each day, didactic games, exercises, and problem situations are selected that allow the child to test his knowledge in practical activities, to play the role of an active interlocutor and researcher.
Lexical topic: “I am a person.”
Poem of the week
How lucky you and I are -
We were born in such a country
Where people are all one family,
Everywhere you look there are friends all around!
Morning greeting:
- Educator:
Hello right hand- we stretch forward, Hello left hand - we stretch forward, Hello friend - we grasp with a neighbor with one hand, Hello friend - we grasp with the other hand, Hello, hello friendly circle - we shake our hands. We stand hand in hand, together we are a great force, We can be small - we squat, We can be big - we stand up, But no one will be alone.
Finger gymnastics “How are you living?”
- How are you living? - That’s it! (thumbs forward) - How are you swimming? - That's it! (imitation of swimming) - How do you run? - That's it! (index and middle fingers “run”) - Are you looking into the distance? - That’s it! (“binoculars”) - Are you waiting for lunch? - That’s it! (Put your cheek on your fist) - Are you waving after me? - That's it! (wave your hand) - Do you sleep in the morning? - That's it! (both hands under the cheek) - Are you naughty? - That's it! (slap puffy cheeks)
Planning for every day of the week. First week
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Look at these pictures (children of different ages in game situations).
Do you think these are adults or children? Why did you decide so? And who are you?
Big or small? How old are you?
Which of these kids are you like? Why?
How do you want to grow up? Do you think that's why big man or is it small whether it is good or bad?
Reads a poem:
If you yourself are small, but with a high soul,
This means your real height
Above the farthest stars
D/game “Who was who and who will become who?”
Goal: develop cognitive abilities
(who was dad, grandmother, sister, etc.) The child is asked to look in the mirror and say:
What do you have?
What eyes do you have?
What kind of hair do you have?
What's your nose like?
What does a person need eyes, nose, mouth, ears?
What can eyes, ears, nose do?
D/game “What I have and toys.”
Goal: to cultivate a sense of self-determination in the objective world, awareness of one’s body and its specific features.
Compare yourself to a toy:
the bear is shaggy, but my skin is smooth, etc.
Are you a boy or a girl?
Do you have hands?
What do you need them for?
What can they do?
What else do you have?
For what?
Do you love yourself?
How do you take care of your eyes, ears, hands?
How do you care for them?
D/game “What I love.”
Goal: uniting children
(they pass the ball around and everyone who has it in their hands tells what they like to do most). Place replicas of fruits in a bag: banana, apple, pear.
The monkey sent us a package, and you have to guess what is in it. Each child identifies fruits by touch.
How did you guess?
What helped you? (fingers).
Now guess what is under the napkin (pieces of fruit on separate saucers). What helped you guess? (nose).
Now close your eyes, and I will treat you to some fruit. What did you eat? How did you guess? What helped? (language).
(takes out fruit)
What colour? What helped you? (eyes)
Eyes, nose, tongue, fingers are our helpers.
Do you like to laugh?
When do you laugh?
When are you happy?
When do you smile?
And when do you cry? Why?
Show illustrations.
Why is the girl crying?
What is the boy happy about? etc.
Hands out cards with pictures of people with different moods, offers to look at them, say what mood they are in and try to portray a similar expression on their face
Second week.
Poem of the week
We wash ourselves quickly, we dry ourselves clean
So neat, neat, everyone likes to look at us.
Morning greeting: “Hello! »
Hello pens! Clap-clap-clap! Hello, legs! Top-top-top! Hello, cheeks! Plop-plop-plop!
Hello, little eyes! Blink-blink-blink! Hello, sponges! Smack-smack-smack! Hello, teeth! Click-click-click! Hello, my little nose! Beep-beep-beep! Hello, kids! One, two, three. Girls and boys, hello!
Finger gymnastics “On a visit.”
Visiting the big toe
(the thumb is bent, the rest are clenched into a fist) They came straight to the house: index and middle,
(in accordance with the text, straighten your fingers alternately) Ring and last. Little finger himself
I knocked on the threshold, together my fingers are friends,
(clench your fingers into a fist and unclench them) They can’t live without each other.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Children look at photographs. Who do you see in the photo? Do you recognize yourself?
What are you like here? (small, good, funny)
What kind of clothes do you wear?
Are adults' clothes too small?
How are adults different from children?
What are the children doing?
Do adults do this?
Are you adults or children?
How did you realize that you were children?
Why do adults go to work?
Game "Crested Hen"
Learn to perform actions in accordance with the text. Everyone has it. Both mom has it, dad has it, daughter has it, granddaughter has it, to recognize it, you have to say (name) out loud.
Why do you think a person needs a name?
D/i “Call me affectionately.”
Purpose: to use in speech different shapes one word.
And the person also has a last name. State your last name. Why do you need a last name?
In first grade there are 8 Tan,
This is downright punishment!
After all, everywhere you look
Everywhere Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!
If they say: “Tanya, get up!”
8 Tan will stand up immediately.
But you can very easily understand newbies. How to distinguish girls? /By last name/.
Do we have guys in our group with the same names? How can you figure out who's name is?
When you grow up and become an adult, your middle name will be added to your name. It comes from the word “Fatherland”, i.e. Homeland.
Joke game “My Body”.
All children should take care of their health, and our assistants - body parts - help us with this. Let's praise them!
Little head - nightingale (stroking the head)
Spout - apricot (with eyes closed touch the tip of your nose)
Cheeks - lumps (crease the cheeks, puff them up)
Sponges - doves (“tube”)
Teeth - oaks (tapping with teeth)
Young beard (stroking the chin)
Eyes - colors (open eyes wide)
Sister eyelashes (blinking)
Naughty ears (rubbing ears)
Neck - turkey (stretch the neck)
Grasshopper shoulders (raises and lowers shoulders)
Grip handles (grasp yourself)
Fingers-boys (wiggle their fingers)
Watermelon belly (belly sticks out)
Back - aspen (straighten the back)
Knees – logs (alternately bend the legs at the knee)
Feet-boots (stomping feet)
Cleanliness is very important for health. There is a proverb: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” Let’s remember the rules of cleanliness: brush your teeth, don’t forget to keep your ears clean, always carry a handkerchief with you, be sure to wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, keep your nails clean, comb, toothbrush Each person should have their own brush and towel.
Would you like to be friends with a slut? Why?
D/i “Do what I ask?”
– Our body acts like a wonderful machine that can laugh, cry, walk, run, and also play, love, draw, and eat porridge.
- Let's check what the body of each of you can do.
/children are offered a set of objects and toys to perform various actions with them: a car on a string, a ball, a large pyramid, a book with pictures, paper and pencils, etc. Children perform various play actions at will/. - You see, guys, how much your body can do.
"Additional riddles."
And now I will ask you riddles. You will guess them and show the answer to yourself.
Do not take off at the doorstep Along with boots (feet).
Olya runs merrily
Along the path to the river,
And for this we need
Our Ole (legs).
Olya takes berries
Two, three pieces,
But for this we need
Our Ole (hands).
- Tell me, guys, what can you do with your hands? (Children's answers).
The smell of rose cakes
Can distinguish (nose)
Everything we put in our mouths
Gets into our (stomach)
Listen to mom and dad
Help (ears)
See beauty all around
Help us (eyes).
There is water babbling in the tap for us:
“Wash yours cleaner...” (faces).
I'll feel sorry for my brother:
I’ll hug him by the (neck).
The house where our language lives,
We all call it (mouth).
Who brought something tasty -
A child’s (nose) can smell everything.
To hit the target at least once,
You need a sharp, accurate (eye).
Asking for white teeth:
"Smile more often!" (sponges)
I'm used to trying first
Treats all (language).
You'll chew through steel pipes,
If you brush (your teeth) often.
-In the middle of the man
Day and night the heart beats. Conversation “I am a person, we are people.”
- Guys, look at each other, smile! And I will smile at you: and Madina, and Timosha, and Ksyusha.
-How can you call all of us in one word? Who are we? ((People).
– What can you call Sasha? Who is she? (Human.)
- Who is Yaroslava? Also a person. I’m a human being, and so is Roma. All together - who are we? (People).
- When there is one, they call it what? (person), when there are many of us? (People).
- Me and everyone who works in kindergarten, your parents are adults, and who are you all together? (children).
- How can you call Vika, Madina, Nastya, Sonya in one word - who are they? (girls).
- How can you call Vladik, Kirill, Seryozha, Timosha in one word - who are they? (boys)?
D/game “We are different.”
Goal: to develop attention, observation, and the ability to distinguish the individual characteristics of other children.
Children stand in a circle, and one of the children is called upon request. The teacher acting as a facilitator asks questions:
- Which of the boys is the tallest?
- Which of the girls is the shortest?
- Which of the children has blond hair?
-Who has sandals with flowers? etc
- Now we will hold hands to feel each other’s warmth and smile.

Elena Petrovna
Topics of conversations with children in the second younger group


1. Conversation on the topic “What clothes do we need today?” Tasks : Activate in children’s speech words denoting objects and details of clothing, discuss their purpose, the dependence of people’s clothing on weather conditions. Develop aesthetic perception and taste.

2. Conversation on the topic "Our friends are books" . Tasks : Tell children about the meaning of books, about the types of books(encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, fiction) . Introduce children to the rules for handling books and cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

3. Conversation on the topic "Cute toys" . Tasks : to consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, to form basic ideas about handling things. Support children's desire to put things in order and develop a caring attitude towards toys.

4. Conversation on the topic "Boys and Girls" . Tasks : Talk to children about their interests , favorite toys, clothing preferences, favorite games, about who they will become in the future. Highlight the answers that are typical for boys and girls.

5. Conversation on the topic "Traffic light" Tasks : To form children’s ideas about situations dangerous to humans, to familiarize them with the rules of road safety.

6. Conversation on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats" Tasks : To activate children’s speech and clarify the names of items of clothing, shoes, hats, and teach them to talk about their purpose.

7. Conversation on the topic “We feel good together” . Tasks : Develop children’s interest in peers, cultivate friendly relationships, and develop communication skills.

8. Conversation on the topic "Guests have come to us" . Tasks : Continue to acquaint children with the rules of etiquette, teach them to be polite, respond to the arrival of adults and peers with words of greeting, and promote the development of appropriate speech structures.

9. Conversation on the topic “Health is fine - thanks to exercise” . Tasks : Cultivate interest in activities exercise, bring children to understand the relationship between physical exercise and health

10. Conversation on the topic "At the table" . Tasks : To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, to systematize knowledge about behavior at the table, to teach them to apply their knowledge in practice.

11. Conversation on the topic . "Our toys" . Learning and reciting poems by A. Barto from the cycle"My toys" . Tasks : To cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, to form generalizing concepts, to learn to compose sentences using nouns denoting the names of toys and verbs denoting actions with toys.

12. Conversation “We don’t like rude people and brawlers” . Tasks : Provide conditions for moral education children, to develop experience in evaluating their own and others’ actions, to teach them to evaluate actions and express their opinions about various actions.

14. Conversation on the topic


15. Conversation on the topic « Conversation about fire safety rules" Tasks : teach children to coherently answer the teacher’s questions; correctly use the names of objects in speech; activate prepositions and verbs in sentences; introduce children to fire safety rules.

16. Conversation on the topic "Vegetables fruits - healthy foods

Tasks : to form the idea that children really need vitamins to strengthen the body.

17. Conversation on the topic "How sand can become dangerous" Tasks : Show your child how to play with sand and warn him what to play with.unsafe : you need to be careful and make sure that sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head.

18. Conversation on the topic “How I spent my day off” Tasks : develop children’s coherent speech.

19. Conversation on the topic "Traffic light" 3 tasks : Continue to introduce children to the rules of road safety as pedestrians and the operation of traffic lights.

20. Conversation on the topic "Dangerous Ice" . Tasks : Give children an idea that ice can be dangerous in the fall; it is very thin and fragile, so it is impossible to move on the ice. Teach caution when near bodies of water

21 Conversation on the topic “You have to be neat”Target : forming the habit of taking care of your appearance.

22 Conversation on the topic “How to wash your hands correctly”Target : secure proper hand washing, use soap.

23 Conversation on the topic “Let’s say magic words to a friend”Target : developing a friendly attitude towards each other

24 Conversation on the topic “If a friend cries, have pity on him”Target : encouraging attempts to feel sorry for a peer, hug, help.

25 Conversation on the topic “Autumn has come to visit us”Target : developing the ability to notice changes in nature.

26 Conversation on the topic “Changes in nature”Target : formation of ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature.

27 Conversation on the topic "Domestic and wild animals"Target : developing the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, listen, understand asked question., it’s clear to answer it

28 Conversation on the topic “Winter is Coming”Target : expand your understanding of the seasons, develop speech.

29 Conversation on the topic “Far - Close”Target : development of the ability to determine the location of objects in relation to oneself, far - close).

30 Conversation on the topic “Favorite fairy tales”Target : development of initiative speech when interacting with adults andchildren

31 Conversation on the topic “Do exercises - you will be healthy”Target : developing the idea that morning exercise causes a good mood

32 Conversation on the topic “Why you need to sleep”Target : formation of ideas that with the help of sleep one can restore strength.

33 Conversation on the topic “Dangerous objects at home”Target : familiarization with sources of danger at home.

34. Conversation on the theme “Good and Evil Fire”Target : to develop knowledge about safety rules when using household appliances.

Svetlana Tolstikova.
Topics of conversations with children in the first junior group

1. Conversation on the topic : “How to wash your hands correctly”Target : improve Ph.D., improve simple skills of behavior while washing.

2. Conversation on the topic “Sit correctly at the table”Target : formation of basic table behavior skills.

3. Conversation on the topic “Magic words”Target : developing politeness in children(thank you for your help, say goodbye and hello)

4. Conversation on the topic "I'm good" Target : the formation of elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

5. Conversation on the topic : "Gold autumn"Target : developing the ability to notice changes in nature. It gets colder and the leaves change color.

6. Conversation on the topic “Insects”Target : expanding ideas about insects(3-4 species characteristic of the area)

7. Conversation on the topic “Tableware – tea and tableware”Target : developing the ability to classify objects.

8. Conversation on the topic : “Parts of the day. What do we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night”Target : development of the ability to name parts of the day.

9. Conversation on the topic “Our clothes”Target : development of the ability to distinguish and name parts and pieces of clothing(dress has sleeves, coat has buttons)

10. Conversation on the topic “My family”Target : Consolidate knowledge about family members, the ability to name their names.

11. Conversation on the topic “Dangerous things”Target : familiarization with sources of danger at home.

12. Conversation on the topic "My days off" . Tasks : Activate children’s vocabulary (weekends, at home, went, played, fun, friendly, interesting, worked, learn to answer the teacher’s questions.

13. Conversation on the topic “What I saw on the way to kindergarten” . Tasks : Continue working to activate and expand children’s vocabulary, clarify the names of familiar objects and phenomena.

14. Conversation on the topic "Cloth" . Tasks : Tell children about the seasons, lead them to understand the relationship between weather changes and people’s clothing.

15. Conversation on the topic "Hats" . Tasks : Enrich children’s understanding of their immediate surroundings, activate their vocabulary, teach them to name items of clothing(hats) .

16. Conversation on the topic "Our clothes" . Tasks : Teach children to understand generalizationswords : clothes, hats. Clarify the names and purposes of items, features of their use.

17. Conversation on the topic "Clothes, hats" . Tasks : Reinforce understandingchildren of generalizing words , teach to distinguish and name the quality characteristics of hats and clothing(color, shape, size) .

18. Conversation "How the little goats met the wolf" . Tasks : To instill in children a sense of caution, to introduce them to the rules of behavior when meeting strangers.

19. Conversation "Appearance and Intentions" , reading an excerpt from a fairy tale"Three piglets" . Tasks : Continue to teach children the rules of behavior when meeting strangers. Cultivate a sense of caution when communicating with strangers.

20. Conversation "Table manners" . Tasks : To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, introduce them to table manners, teach them to eat carefully, and use a napkin.

21. Conversation "Appearance and Intentions" , watching an excerpt from a cartoon based on a fairy tale by A. Pushkin"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" . Tasks : Continue to acquaint children with the rules of communication with strangers, instill caution and prudence

22. Conversation "Table manners" . Tasks : Develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, continue to familiarize them with table manners, and teach them to apply them in practice. Learn to use a napkin and hold a spoon correctly.

23. Conversation on the topic "Puppet show" . Tasks : Introduce children to the activities of puppet theater and the features of this type of art. Talk about the rules of behavior in the theater.

24. Conversation "Table manners" . Tasks : Develop self-service and cultural-hygienic skills, teach children to take their places at the table in an organized manner, eat independently and carefully, and hold a spoon correctly.

25. Conversation on the topic "Clean hands" . Tasks : Tell children why it is important to wash your hands thoroughly after a walk, going to the toilet, and before eating. Offer to show how to wash your hands correctly.

26. Conversation "Table manners" . Tasks : Develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, continue to familiarize them with the rules of behavior at the table, teach them to eat carefully, and use a napkin correctly.

27. Conversation "Let's be polite" . Tasks : Teach children to use polite words and expressions, discuss in what situations they should be used, what their meaning is.

28. Conversation on the topic "Me and my health" . Tasks : Tell children that health is one of the main values ​​of life. Form basic ideas about how to take care of your health.

29. Conversation on the topic "In the world of kind words" . Tasks : Teach children to use polite words and expressions in various situations, show with examples the meaning polite words. Enrich your vocabulary.

30. Conversation on the topic "Don't jump from high objects" Tasks : To form basic ideas about how to take care of health.

31. Conversation on the topic "Never spoil books" Tasks : Teach to take care of books. Instill accuracy and thrift.

32. Conversation with children on the topic "Vegetables" . Target : expand your understanding of the benefits of vegetables, enrich your vocabulary with verbs and adjectives.