Learning to count children 3 4 years old. A surprisingly easy way to teach your child to count. Games for learning counting with younger preschoolers

Why do I call mine easy way and even surprisingly light? Yes, simply because I have not yet seen a simpler and more reliable way to teach kids to count. You yourself will soon see this if you use it to teach your child. For a child, this will be just a game, and all that is required from parents is to devote a few minutes a day to this game, and if you follow my recommendations, then sooner or later your child will definitely begin to count against you. But is this possible if the child is only three or four years old? It turns out it's quite possible. Anyway, I've been doing it successfully for over a decade.

I describe the entire learning process below in great detail, with a detailed description of each educational game, so that any mother can repeat it with her child. And, in addition, on the Internet on my site "Seven Steps to a Book" I posted videos of fragments of my activities with children to make these lessons even more accessible for playback.

First, a few introductory words.

The first question that arises in some parents is: is it worth it to start teaching a child to count before school?

I believe that it is necessary to teach a child when he shows interest in the subject of education, and not after this interest has faded away. And interest in counting and counting appears early in children, it only needs to be slightly nourished and imperceptibly complicate games day by day. If for some reason your child is indifferent to counting objects, do not tell yourself: "He has no inclination for mathematics, I also lagged behind in mathematics at school." Try to arouse this interest in him. Just include in it what you have missed so far: counting toys, buttons on a shirt, steps when walking, etc.

The second question is: what is the best way to teach a child?

You will get the answer to this question by reading here the full presentation of my methodology for teaching mental counting.

In the meantime, I want to warn you against using some teaching methods that do not benefit the child.

"In order to add 3 to the 2nd, you must first add 1 to the 2nd, you get 3, then add another 1 to the 3rd, you get 4, and finally add 1 more to the 4th, as a result there will be 5" ; "- In order to subtract 3 from 5, you must first subtract 1, leaving 4, then subtract another 1 from 4, leaving 3, and finally, subtract another 1 from 3, as a result, 2 will remain."

This, unfortunately, common method develops and reinforces the habit of slow counting and does not stimulate the mental. After all, counting means adding and subtracting at once in whole numerical groups, and not adding and subtracting one by one, and even by counting fingers or sticks. Why is this method not useful for a child so common? I think because it's easier for the teacher. I hope that some teachers, having familiarized themselves with my methodology, will refuse it.

Do not start teaching your child to count with sticks or fingers and make sure that he does not start using them later on the advice of an older sister or brother. Learning to count on fingers is easy, but hard to unlearn. While the child is counting on his fingers, the memory mechanism is not involved, the results of addition and subtraction in whole numerical groups are not stored in memory.

And, finally, in no case do not use the "line" counting method that has appeared in recent years:

"In order to add 3 to the 2nd, you need to take a ruler, find the number 2 on it, count from it to the right 3 times in a centimeter and read the result 5 on the ruler";

"To subtract 3 from 5, you need to take a ruler, find the number 5 on it, count from it to the left 3 times by a centimeter and read the result 2 on the ruler."

This method of counting, using such a primitive "calculator" as a ruler, seems to have been deliberately invented in order to wean a child to think and remember. Rather than teach counting like this, it’s better not to teach at all, but to immediately show how to use a calculator. After all, this method, just like a calculator, excludes memory training and slows down the mental development of the baby.

At the first stage of teaching oral counting, it is necessary to teach the child to count within ten. We need to help him firmly remember the results of all the options for adding and subtracting numbers within ten, just as we adults remember them.

At the second stage of training, preschoolers master the basic methods of addition and subtraction in the mind of two-digit numbers. The main thing now is not the automatic extraction of ready-made solutions from memory, but the understanding and memorization of the methods of addition and subtraction in the next dozens.

Both at the first and at the second stage, the teaching of oral counting takes place with the use of elements of the game and competitiveness. With the help of, arranged in a certain sequence, not formal memorization is achieved, but conscious memorization using the visual and tactile memory of the child, followed by fixing each learned step in memory.

Why do I teach oral counting? Because only mental counting develops the memory, intelligence of the child and what we call ingenuity. And this is exactly what he will need in the future. adult life. And writing "examples" with long reflection and calculation of the answer on the fingers of a preschooler does nothing but harm, because. makes you think fast. He will solve examples later, at school, practicing the accuracy of design. And ingenuity must be developed in early age, which is facilitated by oral counting.

Even before starting to teach the child to add and subtract, parents should teach him to count objects in pictures and in kind, to count the steps on the stairs, the steps on the walk. By the beginning of learning mental counting, a child should be able to count at least five toys, fish, birds, or ladybugs and at the same time master the concepts of "more" and "less". But all these various objects and creatures should not be used in the future for teaching addition and subtraction. Teaching mental counting must begin with the addition and subtraction of the same homogeneous objects, forming a certain configuration for each of their numbers. This will allow the child's visual and tactile memory to be used when memorizing the results of addition and subtraction in whole numerical groups (see video file 056). As an aid to teaching mental counting, I used a set of small counting cubes in a counting box ( detailed description- Further). And the children will return to fish, birds, dolls, ladybugs and other objects and creatures later, when solving arithmetic problems. But by this time, adding and subtracting any numbers in their minds will no longer be difficult for them.

For convenience of presentation, I divided the first stage of training (counting within the first ten) into 40 lessons, and the second stage of training (counting in the next tens) into another 10-15 lessons. Don't let it scare you a large number of lessons. The breakdown of the entire course of study into lessons is approximate, with prepared children I sometimes go through 2-3 lessons in one lesson, and it is quite possible that your kid will not need so many lessons. In addition, these classes can be called lessons only conditionally, because. each is only 10-20 minutes long. They can also be combined with reading lessons. It is advisable to do it twice a week, and it is enough to devote 5-7 minutes to doing homework on other days. Not every child needs the very first lesson, it is designed only for children who do not yet know the number 1 and, looking at two objects, cannot say how many there are without first counting with their fingers. Their training must be started practically from scratch. More prepared children may start immediately from the second, and some from the third or fourth lesson.

I conduct classes at the same time with three children, no more, in order to keep the attention of each of them and not let them get bored. When the level of preparation of children is somewhat different, you have to deal with them in turn different tasks, all the time switching from one child to another. At the initial lessons, the presence of parents is desirable so that they understand the essence of the methodology and correctly perform simple and short daily homework with their children. But it is necessary to place the parents so that the children forget about their presence. Parents should not interfere and scold their children, even if they are naughty or distracted.

Lessons with children in oral counting in a small group can begin at about the age of three, if they already know how to count objects with their fingers, at least up to five. And with their own child, parents may well engage in initial lessons using this method from the age of two.

Initial lessons of the first stage. Learning to count within five

For the initial lessons, you will need five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five cubes with a rib size of about 1.5-2 cm, installed in a box. As bricks, I use "knowledge cubes", or "learning bricks" sold in educational game stores, 36 cubes per box. For the entire course of study, you will need three of these boxes, i.e. 108 cubes. For the initial lessons, I take five cubes, the rest will be needed later. If you can’t pick up ready-made cubes, then it will not be difficult to make them yourself. To do this, you just need to print on thick paper, 200-250 g / m2, drawing, and then cut out blanks of cubes from it, glue them in accordance with the instructions, fill them with any filler, for example, some kind of cereal, and paste over the outside with adhesive tape. It is also necessary to make a box for placing these five cubes in a row. It is just as easy to glue it from a pattern printed on thick paper and cut out. At the bottom of the box, five cells are drawn according to the size of the cubes; the cubes should fit freely in it.

You already understood that learning to count on initial stage will be made using five cubes and a box with five cells for them. In this regard, the question arises: why is the method of learning with five counting cubes and a box of five cells better than learning with five fingers? Mainly by the fact that the teacher can cover the box with his palm from time to time or remove it, due to which the cubes and empty cells located in it are very soon imprinted in the child's memory. And the child's fingers always remain with him, he can see or feel them, and there is simply no need for memorization, the stimulation of the memory mechanism does not occur.

You should also not try to replace the dice box with counting sticks, other counting items, or dice that are not lined up in the box. Unlike cubes lined up in a box, these items are arranged randomly, do not form a permanent configuration, and therefore are not deposited in memory in the form of a memorable picture.

Lesson #1

Before the lesson, find out how many cubes the child is able to determine at the same time, without counting them one by one with his finger. Usually, by the age of three, children can tell immediately without counting how many cubes are in the box, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only a few of them see four at once. But there are children who can only name one thing so far. In order to say that they see two objects, they must count them, pointing with their finger. For such children, the first lesson is intended. The rest will join them later. To determine how many cubes the child sees at once, alternately put a different number of cubes into the box and ask: "How many cubes are in the box? Don't count, say right away. Well done! And now? And now? That's right, well done!" Children can sit or stand at the table. Place the cube box on the table next to the child, parallel to the edge of the table.

For the tasks of the first lesson, leave the children who can only identify one cube so far. Play with them one by one.

  1. Game "Put the numbers to the cubes" with two cubes.
    Put a card with the number 1 and a card with the number 2 on the table. Place the box on the table and put one die in it. Ask the child how many cubes are in the box. After he answers "one", show him and say the number 1 and ask him to put it next to the box. Add a second cube to the box and ask them to count how many cubes are now in the box. Let him, if he wants, count the cubes with his finger. After the child says that there are already two cubes in the box, show him and name the number 2 and ask him to remove the number 1 from the box, and put the number 2 in its place. Repeat this game several times. Very soon, the child will remember what two cubes look like and will begin to name this number immediately, without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move the number to the box corresponding to the number of cubes in it.
  2. Game "Gnomes in the house" with two dice.
    Tell your child that you will now play the game "Gnomes in the house" with him. The box is a make-believe house, the cells in it are rooms, and the cubes are the gnomes who live in them. Put one cube on the first cell to the left of the child and say: "One gnome came to the house." Then ask: "And if another one comes to him, how many gnomes will be in the house?" If the child finds it difficult to answer, put the second cube on the table next to the house. After the child says that now there will be two gnomes in the house, let him put the second gnome next to the first on the second cell. Then ask: "And if now one dwarf leaves, how many gnomes will remain in the house?" This time your question will not cause difficulty and the child will answer: "One will remain."

Then make the game harder. Say: "Now let's make a roof for the house." Cover the box with your palm and repeat the game. Every time the child says how many gnomes were in the house after one came, or how many of them were left in it after one left, remove the roof-palm and let the child add or remove the cube himself and make sure his answer is correct . This helps to connect not only the visual, but also the tactile memory of the child. You always need to remove the last cube, i.e. second from the left.

Play games 1 and 2 alternately with all the children in the group. Tell parents in class that they should play these games with their children once a day at home, unless the children themselves ask for more.

The time has long passed when parents began teaching counting, reading and writing shortly before entering first grade. Today, mothers raising young geniuses are trying to teach a small child to count for two years, or even earlier. Moms, what do you think - in a hurry or not, how important is it to instill counting skills in a 2-3 year old baby? And how to teach a child to count, what teaching methods are the most justified and effective? Dear parents, we will understand!

At what age should you start teaching your child the exact sciences?

Why is numeracy important for a toddler?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons to start learning to count, but two main ones are worth highlighting:

When to start learning to count

In fact, numbers surround us everywhere, so you can effortlessly introduce your baby to the world of numbers when his age is only a year old. For this, counters were invented, absolutely everything that is at hand will do.

By the way, mothers who are overzealous and obsessed with the education of their child want to say: “Honey, don’t worry if your baby today prefers learning numbers to playing on the playground.” The main thing in learning is pleasure, joy from classes, therefore, we sensitively listen to the desires of our child, and if today the young genius does not want to study, so be it.

The activity should be fun!

From the age of one, small children are quite ready for an exciting acquaintance with the world of numbers. Therefore, elementarily climbing the stairs, we pronounce: "one step, two steps ...". We do the same with food, cars we meet on a walk, etc. Praise your smart girl more often, sincerely rejoice at his successes and remember best friend- spontaneity, and not methodical classes strictly for half an hour and exclusively at 11.00 Moscow time. Life is a game, and it is children who constantly remind us of this.

Explore the world of numbers by playing!

Let's uncover the key points related to teaching counting and learning numbers:

Unfortunately, little children often get sick. Their body is still too weak to resist harmful viruses and insidious colds. The question arises before mothers: It is worthwhile to approach the choice of medicines with all responsibility, the drug must be completely safe for the young organism.

What to do if your newborn baby has muscle hypotonia? His mother Marina, who faced the same problem with her children.

What methods are most effective

There are many known and effective methods early development, and books have been written about each of them: this is the Montessori method, and the famous Doman cards, and the Zaitsev method.

Let's look at what original methods and games are applicable to a 1.5-3 year old kid who is hungry for knowledge:

  • We count everything around. Here, the mother turns on her imagination and begins to count with her child ... that's it! It can be cookies for an afternoon snack, apples in a vase, cars in the yard, favorite cubes, etc. you can simultaneously write the final number on the sheet so that the baby remembers it visually.

    Computational operations concerning objects that are in view are the best practice.

  • We count fingers. Such games include tricks with fingers, the disappearance of one of them, etc. Usually, small children react with genuine delight to the disappearance and are very fond of counting fingers.
  • We play with cards, books and pictures. Children love bright colorful pictures - why not use this in the learning process? Try to have the number "3" next to the image, for example, of three apples, and the number "4" next to 4 candies, etc. After they managed to teach the numbers 1, 2 and 3, usually parents and children move on to counting up to 5, and finally up to 10. And the pictures will help not just list the numbers, but compare the number of objects with the corresponding number.

    Bright paraphernalia will interest children!

  • Educational cartoons. Of course, watching cartoons should be strictly regulated, but 15-20 minutes a day of an interesting educational cartoon will help your child learn to count faster and more fun.

    Watching your favorite cartoons - combine business with pleasure.

  • Store game. Almost every kid after two years just loves to play shop with mom or dad, becoming either a buyer or a seller. And this - Best game to master the account, and not only up to 10, but also up to 20, if the child is easily given numbers.
  • Assistant in the kitchen. Another great game option is helping a child in the kitchen. The mother is required to pronounce each action and ask the baby to help. Example: "It's time for lunch. Who will eat? Sasha, mom, dad and grandmother. Sasha - one, mother - two, father - three, grandmother - four. So we need 4 spoons. Sasha, take 4 spoons out of the box. And who loves tea with jam? Grandmother - one, and Sasha - two. Sasha, please get two teaspoons.” Children are very happy to help around the house, at the same time studying the account.

    Let's count and prepare!

  • Introduction to Zero. Usually dads and moms forget about this moment, and then they realize that the child is not familiar with zero. Therefore, already at 2 years old, you can play, for example, with cubes in this way: put 2 cubes, count them, then hide one, count that there is one left, and, finally, hiding it, say: “no cubes, zero.”
  • We play on account. Example: we put 20-30 sweets, cubes or other identical items in a box. We roll a dice in turn, and each of the players takes out as many items as there are points on the dice. In the end, the one who wins more candy or cubes.

Babies start counting much earlier than most people think. Already at 18 months - that tender age when many babies still have neither speech nor developed motor skills- children are actively interested in the number of objects, develop their own strategies for counting them, and react quite nervously to mistakes specially made by adults related to numbers.

Therefore, the first games to introduce the child to the score can be started as early as a year and a half.

However, it is important not to rush and not expect miracles from very young children. The ability to notice your own mistakes and establish clear patterns that connect numbers comes a little later - between 3 and 5 years. Learning to count begins in infancy: evidence from 18 month olds’ visual preferences. It is this age that is considered optimal for the beginning of meaningful mathematical studies.

10 easy and fun ways to teach your child to count

1. Use digital examples more often in speech


By the age of 3-5, the baby is already developing a good vocabulary and is curious about words that are still incomprehensible. The more often numbers will sound in your speech (“It’s time to wake up: it’s already eight!”, “We are waiting for tram number 3! And this one is number 11, it doesn’t suit us”, “You are three years old, and Misha is already four from kindergarten”, “To take this bun, you need to give your aunt 12 rubles”), the more attention the child will pay to them, being curious and trying to penetrate the essence.

2. Count wherever possible


You can count steps. You can count the seconds before the elevator doors open. You can use counting rhymes before starting any business: "One-two-three - Christmas tree, burn", "One-two-three-four-five - run." This is important for the baby to understand: numbers are not something abstract, but part of Everyday life.

3. Include counting songs with video for your baby


This is one of the most accessible, simple and fun ways to introduce your child to numbers, their order and the simplest rules for addition and subtraction. Surprising as it may sound, children learn math most effectively when they hear familiar and understandable spoken language. Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation.

On YouTube, for example, there are a lot of counting songs that you can play with your baby on a trip or sing along during the day. Here is a modern urban counting song in Russian:

And here is a wonderful English-language collection for the little ones:

In general, choose what your baby will like - and go ahead: watch, listen and sing along.

4. Link numbers to growth


The simplest example is marks on a game stadiometer. “Look, last birthday you were 92 centimeters tall, and now you are already 100! Let's measure you in a month - I wonder if you will grow to 101 centimeters? The preschooler is actively groping for his place, himself in the world around him. He is already aware that he is growing. And the numbers growing along with it arouse natural interest as one of the ways to know oneself.

Sorting is one of the most important mathematical techniques. We separate even numbers from odd ones, integers from fractional ones, simple ones from composite ones ... Naturally, a child is still far from such concepts, but he can be taught the logic of future arithmetic operations as early as 3-4 years old.

These are cardboard pictures familiar to many, where the numbers are shown next to the corresponding number of items. For example, 1 might be shown with an apple, 2 with a couple of bananas, 3 with three cherries, and so on. The main purpose of such cards is to create a stable connection between the image of a number and its actual value.

It is good if such mnemonic elements are encountered by the baby as often as possible. For example, cards on a magnetic basis can be hung on a magnetized board of a children's easel or on a refrigerator. From time to time, without bothering the child, it is important to go over the cards with him, counting from 1 to 9 and back. This fixes in memory the sequence of counting and understanding what exactly is hidden behind abstract and yet incomprehensible words like “two”, “three” or “nine”.


Well, so that the kid himself would be interested in messing with cards, there are models “with a secret”. For example, sliding.

The legendary teacher Maria Montessori in her book “My method. Guide to raising children from 3 to 6 years "said that almost top scores in teaching preschoolers to count, they showed classes with money (or their dummies).

I give children one, two or four centime coins, and with their help the kids learn to count to ten. Most practical way to teach children to count is to show them the coins in their use, and the most useful exercise is to change money. Such exercises are so closely connected with everyday life that they are of great interest to all children without exception.

Maria Montessori

In the next steps, connect math games with other items. For example, apples: their child is invited to count and distribute equally to all children present). Or, let’s say, with cups, when the baby is asked: “We are going to drink tea now, bring as many cups so that everyone has enough” (that is, the child has to first count the number of those present, and then bring the required number of utensils).

Montessori also considered it necessary to associate mathematics with sensations. It might look like this. Offer the child several brightly colored sticks of different lengths (you can simply pour them on the table) and ask them to choose the longest one by eye. When the kid has made a choice, ask him if he is sure that his wand is a champion? To check, sequentially compare it with others remaining in the common heap. Well, if on each of the sticks its length is indicated in the form of a noticeable number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 centimeters and so on. So the child will learn to feel the length.

10. Use the Glenn Doman Method


The American doctor Glen Doman believed that the brain of a small child is much more powerful than is commonly believed: it is able to instantly analyze and perceive huge flows of information, even if it seems to adults that the baby "does not understand anything."

Doman's technique is based on approximately the same principle as mnemonic cards: on establishing a connection between numbers and what they stand for. To start, Doman suggested that parents make cards out of cardboard: a number is written on one side (in the case of 2–3-year-old babies, from 1 to 10), and the corresponding number of clearly distinguishable dots is applied to the opposite side.

According to Doman, you need to do mathematics when the child is in a good mood.

Just a couple of minutes is enough for the lesson. Show your child a map with one dot and clearly say: "One." Then move on to card two, and so on. Do not delay: it should take no more time to demonstrate one card than to pronounce the corresponding number.

In the first lessons, the child should simply observe. No need to ask him to repeat or perform other actions. After showing all the cards, be sure to tell the baby how you love him, how you like him, pat on the head, hug and, if possible, treat him to something tasty: physical encouragement is an important part of the Doman technique.

In the first couple of lessons, the cards should follow one after the other in a clear numerical order - from 1 to 10. Starting from the third or fourth, they can be shuffled like a deck. And do not forget: we show quickly, we praise generously. This will allow the child, without getting bored in the learning process and even enjoying it, to firmly master the connection between digital symbols and quantity.

What's next

With the help of the above methods, the baby will be able to effortlessly learn to count up to 10 and backwards, as well as perform the simplest arithmetic operations: add and subtract. It will be easy for him, because he does not operate with incomprehensible symbols, but with the meaning behind it - the number of objects. For a child of 4–5 years old, this level of mathematical knowledge is quite sufficient.

The next step is to consistently learn to count up to 20, then up to 100, get acquainted with more complex operations: multiplication and division. However, at the highest levels, it is important to follow the key principle: mathematics should not turn into a heavy duty. The more joy and games there are in the account, the easier and easier it will be for a child (and then a teenager) to communicate with numbers.

The child learns the basics of teaching counting at an early age. preschool age. The first concepts of numbers are learned by the baby in the period of 1.5-2.5 years during the game. Often this is an unconscious process, and the baby can count to 5 tolerably, just remembering the order in which the numbers are pronounced. After 3 years, it is time to develop the skill of quantitative counting, and here the task of parents is not to miss the moment and interest the child in the basics of mathematics.

Learning to count - the first steps in learning

You should not be overly zealous, so as not to discourage the “student” from wanting to get acquainted with the account. It will not be possible to achieve quick results; to master even the simplest ordinal account, at least a week of daily practice will be required. Gradually building skills game form, you will not notice how your baby learns to count independently.

  • Counting in games and everyday life will help you remember the correct sequence without any extra effort. 10-15 minutes a day purposefully devote time to such a mini-class. Count how many cars, cubes the child has, how many rings on the pyramid. Very effective method As you climb the stairs, count the steps aloud. Thus, in a month you can teach a child to count up to 10.
  • It is very important that the child understands cardinal numbers. Show him two pictures, on one, for example, bunnies, on the other - bears. Both there and there are five of them, although bears are larger than bunnies in size, but the number does not change from this. The child should know that everything in the world can be counted, both ants and elephants, so the concept of the number “2”, “5”, etc. will firmly come to him.
  • To teach counting, choose one method that is most understandable and comfortable for you and your child. different ways dating the account can confuse even the smartest kid.

Before taking seriously the study of the first methods of counting, you need to know at what age the child will be ready for classes and will be able to optimally perceive information new to him in such a difficult discipline.

– Up to 3 years. Psychologists and early childhood educators claim that the brain of a two-year-old child is already able to remember the score. At 2-3 years old, the baby is aware of an elementary ordinal count, which involves pointing a finger at objects and counting them in order - one apple, two apples, etc.

- 3-4 years. Upon reaching the age of three, the child already consciously approaches the process of counting. He can calculate how many sweets are needed for all family members, take away the excess, add small groups of items.

- 4-5 years. At 4 years old, the baby can already perform simple counting techniques on visual materials. Closer to 5 years, you can teach your child to count in his mind. Five-year-olds, as a rule, are no longer interested in counting within 10. It's time to teach a child to count to 20. The brain of a grown child is already able to comprehend abstract concepts. A preschooler can master mental counting, and it’s easier to get to know him now than in primary school.

- 5-7 years. At this age, the child is already able to begin to learn the concept of dozens. As soon as your future student understands where to add “tsat”, he will very quickly master the further calculation. Grade 1 is just around the corner. Before school, it is desirable to teach the child to count to 100, so that it would be easier for him to learn mathematical material. Moreover, at the age of 7, the child will already be making small purchases, and along with the bill, you need to learn how to count money so that the first grader knows how much change he is supposed to have after buying ice cream.

Exercises for quick memorization of the score

Mathematics is an integral part of our life. Therefore, you should not put off teaching your child numbers “for later”, because the sooner he masters the examples, the easier it will be for him to count something if necessary. Parents will come to the aid of exercises that in practice bring good results in mastering the count by kids.

Exercise 1.

The easiest way to master the first ten digits is to count on your fingers. There is nowhere easier, and there is no special need to prepare for such an activity, the “material” is always at hand.

Before calling the child for breakfast, let the mother show a clenched fist, from which it will be fun to raise your fingers one at a time. Count out loud to five, and proceed to the second palm. First, let mom call the numbers. In a week, the mother will only raise her finger, and the child himself will name the number. A simple activity that will take less than a minute and will help your baby master decimal counting.

Funny counting rhymes are also good in working with fingers.

“How many fingers do we have?

Let's count -

This is one!

We bend -

This is two!

We continue -

Three four!

Where is the fifth?!

Here - look!

We continue to another -

Here's the sixth! Seventh! Eighth!

The penultimate - oh-oh-oh!

Yes, the ninth - he is!

How many fingers are there?

Roughly ten? Oh-hoo!”

Exercise 2.

Learning to count the number of objects. Give the child the task of finding two yellow objects, three green ones, one red and one blue in the toy basket. You can draw them in the picture, as a hint or to make it easier to count the toys. So, in addition to counting, the concepts of colors are fixed.

Another version of this exercise. Using colored paper or a printer, prepare mugs different colors and quantities. Mix the multi-colored circles and ask the child to sort them - green separately, yellow and red separately. Let the baby show which color circles are more, green (for example, there are 5 of them) or yellow (for example, 3). Now let them put 2 circles of different colors side by side. What happens if you add +1 to each row? How much will it take? Count.

Exercise 3

Activities in action help to effortlessly remember the sequence of counting. A good example of play in action is the ball game. The child and the parent stand opposite each other, and the parent throws the ball to the child - “one”! The child returns the ball - "two"! And thus, passing the ball to each other, you need to bring the count to 10. Then, stopping at “ten”, start counting back - “9, 8, 7, 6 ...” This is an easy way to teach a child to count backwards.

Instead of a ball, a constructor is suitable - we stand a tower and keep score, then we disassemble and count in reverse order.

Important! If the child does not yet know the names of the numbers, the parent must pronounce them himself. Do not rush the child with the pronunciation of numbers, it is much more important that he remembers them.

Numbers and mathematical calculations are not necessarily boring and bleak. For some reason, many, raising mathematics to the rank of "queen of all sciences", endow it with just such characteristics.

However, the world of numbers can be very exciting - you just need to find the right approach to it. And if you still haven’t found it, then with the advent of the need to teach the basics of mathematics and counting to your child, you will have to search with a vengeance.

At the very beginning of the journey, a lot depends on you, so you should not let the process take its course or teach the child inconsistently. In fact, kids love to count, the main thing is to choose a teaching method that suits you and try to convey information to the child in the simplest and most interesting, and even better, playful way.

Peculiarities children's perception are such that the child simply does not perceive and does not remember things that are not interesting to him. You can force him to learn numbers as much as you like, but until he wants to do mathematics himself, nothing will come of your studies.

One of the most common parenting mistakes is rushing. Often adults are in a hurry to brag about the success of their baby in front of acquaintances or friends, parents of other children of the same age, who, according to them, already know how to count with might and main and even do it in their minds.

Chasing an ephemeral result to equalize your own child's abilities with someone else's children will not only not help you in learning, but will even bring harm. The best option is to start exercising with the baby when he is ready for this.

How to teach a child to count to 10?

Learning to count to ten is quite easy for a child at the age of two or three years, depending on their individual characteristics and general development.

Many mothers do math with their children without even knowing it. For example, when you show your child various playing exercises on the score, such as “Magpie-Crow”, “Patricks” or “Fingers went out for a walk” - as a rule, acquaintance with such nursery rhymes occurs before the baby is six months old.

Of course, he still does not learn numbers, as such, but you help him develop memory, perception of the presence of objects and their number, contribute to the formation of imaginative thinking, work to improve fine motor skills hands and fingers.

After a year or a year and a half, using the example of toys - the same nesting dolls or any other items, the child can get acquainted with the concepts of "one-many".

At the same time, try to show him the numbers, so it's easier to teach counting in a playful way. For these purposes, various cubes, and magnets on the board, and colorful posters, and many other devices with which you can teach mathematics in a fun and interesting way, are suitable.

If you practice counting constantly, gradually increasing the number of familiar numbers, then by the age of three, the child will absolutely easily count to ten without prompts and errors.

From this video you can learn how to teach a child to count to ten, how much time is recommended for classes, what tools can be used.

Two-digit numbers: Count up to 100

At four years old, a child who has been regularly trained will be able to distinguish which number is greater and which is less, and will also know concepts such as "equal" and zero.

Be prepared for the fact that the baby may not immediately understand. Do not rush - that means, put this information aside for now and repeat it after a while. Well, if you learn while counting from ten to twenty.

There are children who grasp faster and show more pronounced abilities in mathematics - such children will be able to master counting in tens of up to a hundred and at four or five years old. If your child is a pronounced humanist, then this ability will come to him just a little later.

Some teachers advise, nevertheless, to first show the child the processes of subtraction and addition with those numbers that he operates well, that is, from zero to ten or twenty. This will greatly help in consolidating the material and in understanding the subject as such, and only then will it be possible to move on to mastering dozens and counting to one hundred.

Quick Score

  • he will remember the numbers well - he will remember them, and not just memorize them, that is, he will know their direct and reverse sequence, he will be able to recognize the number by writing, find the missing or missing number, match the written number with the same number of objects, etc .;
  • learn the basics of counting and composition of numbers;
  • will clearly separate the concepts of "greater-less-equal", "one-many";
  • will be able to count objects well and correctly, perform elementary mathematical operations with sticks, cards or other aids.

As a rule, children master the speed calculation at about five or after five years.

Counting in the mind

At the same time, it is worth gradually weaning the child from using various aids, such as sticks, for example, when counting. Also, at the age of five or six, a preschooler should already stop counting on his fingers, and switch to mental counting.

This process may take a lot of time, but your task is patience and constant regular exercises for the development of memory until the child brings the operations first with the first ten digits to automaticity.

Having mastered simple counting mechanisms in his mind, he will memorize further and further much more easily and quickly and will soon be able to solve complicated examples.

Basic rules and nuances of training

To make classes a joy for both you and your child, you should follow a few rules and recommendations from experts.

  • Patience and calm. It is this state that should become your motto in the learning process. Even if it seems to you that the information is elementary to understand, a three-year-old child may think completely differently.
  • Do not force the baby, do not yell at him and do not condemn him for mistakes - the atmosphere in the classroom should be calm and comfortable.
  • You will be greatly assisted in your studies the world- just count everything around with your child: the buttons on the blouse, the dishes that you put on the table for dinner, the food you buy, toys, cars, animals and birds for a walk, steps on the way home, etc.
  • To conduct a lesson, it is not at all necessary to sit down at the table, as in a lesson - the child’s acquaintance with mathematics should be fun, exciting and interesting, otherwise he will get bored, become distracted and will not perceive the information that you want to convey.
  • For a small child, classes can last no more than ten minutes. You can work out with preschoolers for up to half an hour, but it is important that the child does not get tired.
  • There is an opinion that it is necessary to devote time to classes every day, constantly repeating previously covered material. If the child goes to kindergarten or to developmental classes, then this is quite realistic, but at home, parents may simply not have time for regular classes.
  • Repetition and regularity, of course, are important, but the child also has his own natural learning rhythms, for example, at some point he will be enthusiastic about counting and learning numbers with pleasure, and then suddenly his interest in this topic will subside and he will switch to anything else. Then it is better to wait a little or present the information in a different form.

Be sure to take into account all these points and study with the child not because it is necessary, but be, first of all, interested and passionate yourself - then your lessons will become a joy for the child, and from classes you both will be able to receive not only knowledge, but also positive emotions.

Learning by playing

Pay attention to the existing gaming techniques that help you quickly get to know the world of mathematics:

  • you can use cards with numbers or pictures, on which, in addition to the number itself, various objects in a certain amount will be drawn;
  • visual material is also in the form of posters or tables;
  • cubes and numbers on magnets also work well;
  • you can find educational lottos or dominoes on the topic of counting;
  • various counting material will also be useful - Cuisiner sticks or specialized sets with fruits, geometric shapes or other items.

How it works? In fact, it all depends on your imagination, because you can invent educational games on your own, relying on or taking as a basis already existing methodological developments.

  • Visual aids help the child visualize numbers. Show him the numbers on the poster or on the cards, let him think about what each number looks like or come up with a special image for it, for example, a two is very similar to a swimming swan, and an eight is like two bagels, which were put one on top of the other, etc. d.
  • Buy or make your own "knowledge cubes" with cards. First, the child can put the cubes in the box, counting them and choosing the appropriate card with the desired number.
  • Zaitsev's tables and cubes are very useful in this regard, since they can be used to show the baby the difference between large and small numbers, colored cubes are well suited for teaching column counting - laying out examples, the child will see that units are indicated by one color, and tens - others.

Dominoes for learning to count can be made from plasticine or quickly hardening plastic. Just make small rectangles and make indentations in them with an arrangement like domino dots. Then make small balls of different colors.

Forms can play the role of houses, cars, ships, a flying carpet or any other object in which character balls will live, play or move in different quantities:

  • let the child lay out the balls and count how much fits on each rectangle, after that you need to find and put a card with the desired number next to it;
  • close any of the rectangles with a sheet of paper and invite the child to remember how many balls were there;
  • you can play like a real domino - then you will need to make a lot of chips, and additional players can be toys, for which you will also perform moves;
  • put all the numbers from one to ten in order and fill the rectangles with balls, then let the child turn away, and someone harmful, for example, Baba Yaga, will fly in and mix everything up, and the baby will be tasked with fixing everything;
  • with the help of multi-colored bones and balls, you can learn to divide them into groups by color and number of dots;
  • show the child how the larger number differs from the smaller one, let him find bones with the same number of points.

How not to miss the moment when you can start learning math so that the child gets the score in his head, says the teacher.

Learn to count quickly and easily

A small crumb can be introduced to numbers by doing ordinary daily activities:

  • here you wash both eyes and one nose, here you wash two hands and feet;
  • here you put on two shoes, but put on one blouse;
  • then you can count your fingers - first on one pen, and then on two, accompanying the count with rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • try to count to the child the characters of the fairy tale that you are reading at night, for example, all the inhabitants of the tower or everyone who pulled the turnip, etc .;
  • special educational cartoons and presentations can acquaint the baby well with numbers;
  • numbers can be drawn or painted, played with magnets on the board;
  • use nesting dolls, pyramid rings, mazes and other toys that may be interesting and useful to the child in teaching.

Learning to count to ten

Many methods advise starting learning to count with actions with objects, and not with numbers. That is, at first you operate only, for example, with toys: the child has one car on the table, if another one comes to it, then there will be two of them, and then a third, fourth, etc. can join them.

As already mentioned, you can practice anytime and anywhere, counting the birds on the branch, the trees along the road, and the steps in the stairs.

Then the acquaintance with the numbers themselves will begin. Remember that it will be easier for a child to visualize their images, and this can be done with the help of various visual aids.

The most traditional and in a simple way learning has always been counting on the fingers, but keep in mind that this way you completely prevent him from using the memory mechanism, and later you will have to wean the baby from using his fingers and teach him to count in his mind, and this is quite difficult.

Another way to mechanically memorize numbers and their order is to learn to count “by the line”. However, many teachers believe that with it you run the risk of weaning the child to remember and think, because such a primitive method not only trains, but also inhibits memory and mental development.

Its essence is that in order to obtain, for example, the number five, you must find the number two on the ruler and count three centimeter divisions to the right from it.

You can play digital train with your child. To do this, build his favorite toys or cars into a big train, adding one trailer at a time. Let the kid name himself: the bear is one or the first car, the bunny joins it - this is the second or second car, etc. Then the train must be disbanded and the numbers counted in reverse order.

Learning to count to one hundred

First you need to fix the numbers well and count to ten. Learn with your child various simple and funny rhymes for memorizing numbers, riddles, songs and counting rhymes. Engage learning games with visual aids, look for familiar numbers on the numbers of houses and passing cars.

At each lesson, expand the range of familiar numbers. First you must explain to the child how to count from ten to twenty, and then show him the principle of counting in tens to one hundred.

Of course, he won’t learn and remember everything right away, but it’s not scary. Move gradually, periodically recalling what has already been learned and consolidating the material, return to previous topics in the context of new, more complex tasks.

Among the exercises that can be useful at this stage, it is worth noting:

  • search for "neighbors" of a number, for example, the child must name or find what numbers are before and after the five;
  • search for missing or missing digits in the chain;
  • ordering a confused series of numbers;
  • counting in both directions within each ten;
  • familiarity with clocks and the principle of determining time, various games about this theme;
  • familiarity with a thermometer for measuring air and the principle of its operation - a child can record temperature readings daily and compare them, etc.

We teach the child to memorize examples and the composition of numbers

If a child learns and can list numbers, this does not mean that he knows how to count, because for this he needs to learn how to determine the composition of a number and master various simple mathematical operations, such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

You can introduce your baby to subtraction and addition after he confidently masters counting to ten. There is a method that is considered elementary, but not very useful for further learning.

Its essence is to show the child how to add and subtract one by one, for example, to get the number five, you add one to the three, and then one more, or even add five units altogether. Many experts do not advise stopping at this method, but believe that it is better to immediately show the child a full account.

However, in games it is quite possible to use it at first. Take at least the classics with drawn numbers in squares. Let the child jump with a bucket or basket containing small toys possibly plastic fruit:

  • jumping from cell to cell in order, the baby must count out loud for the time being - one plus one will be two, two plus one will be three, etc.;
  • when he calculates everything without errors from one to ten, try to jump and count in reverse side, already subtracting;
  • you can also lay out toys, jumping around the cells and counting them, determine which number is greater and which is less, when it turns out to be zero.

To make it easier for your child to learn addition and subtraction, solve simple problems with him using illustrative examples:

  • put a different number of sweets or cookies on two plates, let him count them and compare where there are more and where there are less, then offer him to make it even, then take a few pieces - you need to count how many are left;
  • learning the composition of numbers is also better visually, and homemade dominoes, which we have already talked about, can help you with this - children perceive bright visual images much faster, therefore, if you show on two knuckles that a five consists of either two or three balls, or from one and four (they must be multi-colored), then he will immediately remember it;
  • be sure to show the child the most elementary mathematical rule - the sum does not change from changing the places of the terms. This can be done using the same ordinary objects, for example, putting two pears on the table first, and then two apples, and then vice versa - the kid should say that the same number four is obtained;
  • imagine a large number as a house in which smaller numbers live, come up with different rhymes for better memory, invite the child to experiment and play combinations of numbers, independently form the conditions of simple tasks.

Teaching mental counting

When a child can confidently cope with numbers and count quickly without using fingers or counting aids, then he can already be taught mental counting.

There are two essential elements in this process:

  1. Speech.

At first, your baby may loudly comment on his actions and the mathematical operations that he performs. Then he will begin to do this in a whisper until he comes to the count in his mind without saying it out loud.

  1. Motor.

Often, at first, children need to perform certain actions with objects in order to count them - rearrange, move, remove. The next step is to simply point your finger at the items being counted, and then the baby will learn to count with just his eyes.

Didactic games are very helpful in learning to count in the mind, and children also like to play in the store. You can purchase a manual called "Cashier of Numbers", operate with toy or conditional money and candy wrappers, or introduce a child to real purchases in a store.

If a child shows math abilities, introduce him to multiplication and division, the concept of even and odd numbers, and some formulas.

Learning to count in a column

When the baby learns to write numbers, he can be slowly prepared for counting in a column. To do this, you just need to show how the numbers are arranged and written with this method of counting.

The key principle of writing numbers in a column is the arrangement under each other with different digits, that is, we write units under units, tens under tens, and hundreds under hundreds. Explain to the child that this is how addition happens - from units or from right to left.

Developing knowledge requires constant practice. Don't try to get your child to memorize information. Move on to the next counting operation only when the baby remembers the previous one, that is, do not start teaching him to subtract in a column until he still knows how to add well in this way.

Visual examples will also come to your aid in the form didactic games, schemes, number cards, multi-colored cubes.


Mathematics is a rather difficult science, however, it can be fascinating and interesting if you open it to your children from this side.

Be consistent and patient, turn the learning process into entertaining game, do not make excessive demands on the child - then everything will go much easier and faster, and very soon the baby will delight you with his new achievements and mathematical abilities.