"Anniversary toasts" section. Beautiful toasts to health Wise wishes for health and longevity

Of all the toasts, toasts to health are the most necessary. Neither a three-story mansion on the shore of a warm sea, nor your own spaceship will bring happiness if your health is wasted. Toasts to health are always appropriate, at any holidays and feasts.

In verse

  • We'll drink to your health!
  • After all, people's health is important!
  • Without health - nowhere,
  • And then there is trouble in fate!
  • So let's quickly raise our glasses,
  • So that health comes,
  • So that there is strength in the body,
  • I could barely walk!
  • For health! For health!
  • Let's drink now with love!
  • After all, where would we be without him?
  • We are worth nothing!
  • May it only grow stronger!
  • All diseases run away!
  • Let nothing hurt!
  • A drink won't hurt us!
  • What does a person need to live?
  • Of course, love, and of course - friendship!
  • What will we do with friendship, with love?
  • When will the body become unhealthy?
  • Health is important to us, we need health,
  • And how sad it can be without health!
  • So we drink to health at this festive hour,
  • May it never leave us!
  • Gathered around the table with this!
  • We drank to everything in the world!
  • For luck, for success,
  • And for someone's sweet sin.
  • And for tea at the head of the bed.
  • But they forgot about your health!
  • So let's not mope!
  • We urgently need to drink to our health!
  • It's so nice to live in the world,
  • So many joys and temptations!
  • We made a lot of toasts
  • They are all about very different things!
  • But health is more important!
  • Both at work and in bed,
  • In love relationships,
  • In January, March, April!
  • Will you love
  • If you can't walk?
  • Pour your glasses fuller,
  • May fate send us health!
  • There are many reasons for drinking:
  • Love and marriage, gatherings of men,
  • Birthday feast and corporate party.
  • When we are under the “fly”, there is positivity in our souls!
  • But so that they could drink so much,
  • We need to be healthy and not get sick!
  • Therefore, in this wonderful moment we drink
  • For everyone's health: his and yours!
  • May health always be in our bodies,
  • The face of illness will not be in tears,
  • We will always take care of our health,
  • As soon as this booze ends!

In prose in your own words

They say that if you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, then you are dead. They say that if something hurts, it means you are alive. I want to drink to being sick in a new place every day. After all, this will mean that you are alive. Therefore, for life, even with pain!

One day an athlete was running long distances. He loved this activity very much and ran every day. He ran for many kilometers and while he ran, he thought that he was becoming healthier and more resilient. On the one hand, running made him healthier, but on the other hand, he had no time to toast his health with friends. Therefore, while this comrade is running, I propose to raise a glass to our good health!

They say that those who eat right and exercise have good health. Sport makes us tougher healthy eating makes you feel lighter and more energetic. All of us have exercised at least once in our lives and watched our diet. Today we are sitting at the table, and maybe we are not eating very healthy food, and we are not going to pump up our abs after the feast, but we simply have to drink to our health. Therefore, here's to everyone's health!

On our website you will find more than 300 original author's anniversary toasts. More than 300 authors are working especially for you; new toasts for the anniversary appear every day, both in prose and in poetry. We have already covered all possible anniversaries: round dates - 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, etc. years. Various reasons: wedding anniversaries, company anniversaries. Different types toasts: funny, cool, wise, original, beautiful.... And we continue to expand our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable anniversary toast for your occasion.

Anniversary toast

Our wonderful hero of the day,
He's not old at all!
And that's why we want
Let's drink vodka with him!
May he always be healthy
He didn't scold the doctors
He always had money
I would never be sad
May he be lucky in everything!
Let's drink to him today!!!

Toast to the anniversary

I wish that everything in your life is strengthened: wine, health,
friendship, spirit and family. For the hero of the day.

Toast to the hero of the day

Happy anniversary
And with love we wish you:
Happiness, joy, patience
And great luck,
Respect and warmth,
In the house of all good things.
We raise our glasses,
Congratulations to the hero of the day.
May he live happily
He eats meat and drinks vodka.

Happy 50th Anniversary Toast

Once the great eastern sage Hajja Nasreddin said Nice words: “It is at the age of fifty that a person begins to have a great understanding of life and he develops a real taste for life.” Judging by the table set, you have excellent taste! So let’s drink to ensure that the table in your house is always full, as on the day of your anniversary!

Toast anniversary 60 years

You know, on Georgian holidays, they first drink to the youth. These are those who are under sixty. So let's congratulate our
hero of the day with transition to adult life!

The best toast for an anniversary

I'll tell you best toast for the anniversary,
Grab a heavier glass of wine!
Can you drink some vodka slowly?
After all, this day is also good for her!
Live among raging passions,
I wish you many bright and happy days!
Accept gifts from all your friends,
And don’t regret the days you’ve lived!
I wish you wealth, kindness,
Live joyfully, in love, without fuss!
I wish you a lot of happiness and warmth,
And may the beautiful star guide you!
So let's have a drink, friends,
And let the flowers bloom today!

Anniversary toast to parents

Even though today is your holiday, your anniversary, let me drink to your roots, to the spring from which the river of your life originates, to your parents! After all, without them, your existence would simply not be possible, and you would not have grown up to be such a wonderful person if not for their upbringing! In general, for them, for those who gave you this world. And we need you!

Toast for the 60th anniversary

I wish the hero of the day Siberian health
Caucasian longevity
And to drink a glass
We are on your centenary

Toast in verse for the Anniversary

Now let's pour some wine into a glass
And we will drink it to the dregs,
May there be more bright days,
Such as this anniversary,
We wish you a cherished dream,
Only bright smiles on your face!
Let's congratulate our birthday boy on his anniversary and drink to ensure that all your dreams come true!

Toast to the hero of the day

I would like to wish that tomorrow, everyone present at this table will start the day with Viy’s famous phrase
from Gogol's novel "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" - "Lift my eyelids."
For this wonderful holiday! And for our beloved hero of the day!

Response toast to the hero of the day

You came today
They ate and drank, ate and drank,
All the words they told me
And they gave us gifts.
And then you danced
They raised their glasses dashingly.
Everyone tried to please me,
They hugged and kissed.
Thank you all, I love you all,
I'll invite you to visit again.
Let's drink, my dear and beloved ones, to you, to your attention and love!

Toast for mom's anniversary

My dear mom! Today I want to drink to you: to your beautiful hands that raised me; for maternal affection, which warms me even on the harshest everyday life; behind your kind a mother's heart that feels everything; for your maternal soul, which always understands me! For your anniversary!

Toast to the health of the hero of the day

To keep your body healthy, drink vodka in moderation, people
For fun and for songs, drink as much as you like.

Gypsy toast, Anniversary

If you steal a gypsy's wife, the gypsy will laugh. If you steal a gypsy's horse, the gypsy will cry.
If you steal a song, the gypsy will shut up...
Therefore, I wish that your horse is always under the bridle, your wife is at your side, and the song is sung!
Happy Anniversary, dear!

Toast anniversaries

It’s only pleasant for us in childhood
Congratulations to receive friends.
And over the years it will certainly become
It’s harder for us to come to terms with life.
Anniversaries remind us
That one more stage will be lived through,
After all, over the years people understand -
Time is rushing so desperately.
I didn’t have time, I forgot, I passed, I left...
Life flies, you can’t catch up with it.
Let's drink to these rules
The hero of the day would never know.
Let him have time, remember, and not leave,
Let it not pass by happiness,
Let him know the riddle of time,
And let us reveal her secret.

Toast to the Anniversary

Today is a holiday - an anniversary,
Pour some wine into a glass of wine!
I want to say a short toast
For beauty and for love!
For happiness and a luxurious table,
For always being kind to us!
For your bright dream,
I drink…
Can I pour you some more?

Anniversary toast

I want to say
A wonderful anniversary toast!
Let luck and love reign!
We congratulate the hero of the day together,
We all fill our glasses quickly!
And may all your dreams come true soon,
We drink to the triumph of magical kindness!

Toast to mom's anniversary

One famous person said: “You will never stop being a child as long as you have a mother.” I propose to drink to the most selfless person who is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones - to our mother. Let's congratulate her on her anniversary and wish her long life. Agree that your soul is warm and cozy when you know that mommy is thinking about you every minute.

Parable toast for the 70th anniversary

As a congratulation, I want to tell you this parable:
“There was a dead tree near the road. One day, late one evening, a thief walked by in the dark and thought he saw the silhouette of a policeman. The thief got scared and ran away. After some time, a young man in love passed by the tree. He noticed the silhouette of his beloved from afar, so he quickened his pace. When a mother and her baby walked past the tree, the child began to cry because he thought it was a scary ghost. But the truth is that a tree is just a tree, and the world around us is a reflection of ourselves.”
I would like to drink to our birthday boy, who turns 70 today. Agree, this is a respectable age that deserves special respect and veneration. Ours lived decent life, he still has many plans and goals ahead. I would like to wish that in the life of our birthday boy there are only joyful and happy “silhouettes”, such as himself and his whole life.

Anniversary toast

Happy anniversary, new happiness
Congratulations on this day.
Let all bad weather recede,
After all, today is the anniversary.
Let's drink to the hero of the day,
May he live happily
Let there be few mistakes
Let it bloom like an apple tree!

Toast for the 55th Anniversary

If you don’t like your age, then just change your attitude towards it, because you won’t be able to change your age anyway! Therefore, I want to raise a glass to your amazing age and to your unbending optimism! And, of course, for a positive outlook on everything that happens in your life!

Toast to the anniversary

We need to celebrate the round date,
May it happen again.
We have wishes in mind,
Get more wine.
We'll drink to good luck all evening
And for a happy life,
And for a pleasant and good meeting,
And in the years that have passed.
Most of all I ask you today
Drink to what is to come.
May there be only a lot of happiness and joy
The culprit is waiting tomorrow!

Congratulate mom on her anniversary toast

Congratulations to our mother,
She's the birthday girl!
And with a cunning cunning
Looks like the moon is in the window.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
After all, there is no more beautiful mother!
Forever yours we are children
Even though we are many years old!
Be healthy and happy,
Be cheerful and full of strength,
The sweetest and most beloved!
For you, mommy, to the bottom!

Anniversary Toast

High, high in the mountains lived a lonely highlander. He was a hermit; no one could climb so high on the mountain where his lonely house stood. One day a mountaineer found a little crow with a broken wing. He took him out, raised him. And when the highlander had his birthday, a huge old raven said to him - Happy anniversary.
So let's drink to the fact that not just one raven, but many people will congratulate our hero of the day!

22. Happy Anniversary Toast

Today is our anniversary,
For this, quickly pour a drink for everyone,
Be always healthy and happy,
And, of course, lucky.
Know that the most important thing in life is family,
And also your reliable friends!
An anniversary is a special birthday! For some reason, we are all attracted to round dates; they contain some kind of mystery, some kind of charm and the expectation of happy changes in life. Let's drink to our hero of the day and wish him that all changes and events will be only joyful and bring satisfaction to life.
Bloomed to my joy.

Toasts to health

The girl came to the doctor: - Doctor, I suffer from sexual impotence! - What does this mean? - I can’t refuse any man! So let's drink to women with a similar diagnosis!

A man goes to the doctor with an eye problem. The doctor looks at him and says: “You must either stop drinking or say goodbye to your eye.” “Oh, my eye is gone,” the man sighed. So let's drink to the sighted teetotalers!

A young woman married a rich old man. He lies in his bedroom and thinks: “Now I’ll take three lovers, I’ll live.” There's a knock on the door. She: - Come in. Her old man enters the bedroom and says: “I came to fulfill my marital duty.” - Well, okay, let's quickly. He did it and left. Spouse: “No, three are too many, I’ll have two.” There's another knock on the door. - I came to fulfill my marital duty. She was amazed: - Well, come on. “Okay, I’ll get one for myself, but my husband still seems normal.” There's another knock on the door. - I came to fulfill my duty. He did it and left. “Wow, there’s no time for lovers here, there’s no rest from my husband all night.” There's another knock on the door. - I came to fulfill my duty. “I can’t take it anymore,” the wife begged. - How can?! - How, have I already fulfilled it? So let's drink to our domestic medicine, which still has not learned to treat sclerosis!

A friend asks his doctor friend: - Why are you so upset? - Yes, today my patient died. - Accept my sympathy! But I still have to point out to you that this is also your fault... you need to pay for the treatment in advance! Let's drink to sensitive people who know how to sympathize with others!

One famous doctor said: “I’ve been treating people for decades.” During this time, he prescribed all kinds of medications to patients. But now I have come to the conclusion that the best cure for all ailments is love! - Well, what if she doesn’t help? - they ask him. - Then... you just need to double the dose! - the doctor answers. I propose to raise a glass to love!

Something terrible happened. The doctor... sinned with his patient. I couldn't sleep all night because of remorse. The next day I went to church to confess: “Lord, forgive me, a sinner.” I sinned with my patient. And then a voice comes from heaven: - Don’t worry so much, many doctors sin with their patients. - But, Lord, I violated medical ethics. How can I continue to live? - It’s okay, don’t be nervous, it’s not such a big sin. Many people do this. You are not the first, you are not the last. - Yes? Really? Thank you, Lord! I'm happy that you forgave me! Voice from heaven (thoughtfully): - On the other hand... not all doctors are veterinarians. Let's sin only with the female gender because there are so many of them.

One person was in a car accident. He suffered very badly: he broke not only his arms and legs, but even all his fingers. However, he found good doctors and the treatment was successful. “Doctor,” the patient asks, “when my cast is removed, will I be able to play the piano?” - Of course you can! - the doctor answers. - That's good! It is wonderful! - the patient rejoices. - Doctor! You are simply a magician! After all, I haven’t played the piano before! Let's drink to the doctors who can work miracles!

The landowner asked his serf: “How did you manage to live to be a hundred years old and keep all your teeth so healthy?” “The matter is clear,” answered the peasant. - My teeth don’t have any worries - I have neither food nor drink. And you have so much that even a hundred teeth couldn’t handle it. So let’s drink so that we have healthy teeth and plenty of food!

People are different. There are sadly existing ones, there are gray existing ones. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our birthday boy represents exactly this type of people. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives the same charge from him. Let's say hello to our hero of the evening. We wish him good health, happiness, and many years of life. We wish you to always carry the torch of a joyful attitude and always warm our hearts. Let's raise our glasses to N.!

I would like to drink to one rare trait of N. - great-heartedness, that is, that wonderful quality when a person gratefully, tolerantly and kindly accepts the world. By God, he's winning. For you!

In honor of the banker present, we will eat a piece of cheese, a piece of fish for a smile and a piece of sausage for a heartfelt affection. And about drinking, too, not in one fell swoop. Cheers!

Let's drink to the health of our host and his family, so that the worst disease he would know about would be the pregnancy of his beloved wife.

A man is as young as he loves. A woman is as young as she is loved. So let's drink to our youth! Cheers!

Sonya! Are you sick? The doctor left you this morning. - Listen, Manya, a military man left you in the morning. Is it that the war has already begun? Let's drink to health and peace in our home!

A black man rode across the savannah on a dashing warthog. I saw a cactus, sat down and thought. So let's drink to acupuncture, which helps even blacks!

Ivan Ivanovich caught a cold in his throat. And in the evening his voice disappeared. He decided to wait until the morning and go to a doctor he knew right at home. Having risen to the desired floor, he called. The doctor's wife opened the door. - Is your husband at home? - Ivan Ivanovich whispered barely audibly and even closed his eyes in pain. “No,” the doctor’s wife whispered in response. - Come in quickly before the neighbors see you. So let's drink to the fact that we have good health and don't have doctors at home!

According to the good Russian tradition, not a single important event in a person’s life is complete without table speeches, called toasts. The collection presented to your attention contains a collection of completely new, funny and original toasts for all occasions and for all tastes: from instant reactive to intricate ornate. As people say, “there would be a reason to drink,” and you will find a suitable toast in our book.

HEALTHY BULS,” OR Toasts to Health

The most convenient opportunity to show your sincere friendship, devotion and respect for a specific person (or persons) is provided during some celebration. Just imagine this picture: you get up from the festive table with a glass of champagne in one hand, while you dramatically move the other to the side and, filled with good intentions, begin to say a toast to your health.

And this is where the fun begins! Instead of exquisite praises about the health of the owners and all those present, one hears unintelligible and rather confusing muttering, or a story full of “interesting” details (no worse than any hospital record) about the illnesses suffered. As a result, the entire company finally loses interest in the newly-made toastmaster, the table, the drink, etc. This is reflected in the faces, the expression of which boils down to the following mentally uttered laconic phrase: “To hell with it, this is health...”.

This happens rarely, but it does happen. To avoid such incidents, it is not at all necessary to have a bachelor’s degree and study rhetoric. It’s enough just to think a little and express as accurately as possible in words your feelings for the person you are going to congratulate.

In this chapter, the attentive reader will be able to find the most original and fiery toasts to health.

As you know, a toast to the health of those present at the table is one of the most popular and is second only to the traditional toast “For love!” and “For friendship!” It would seem that there is nothing simpler than wishing each other health and long life. However, the banal “Let’s raise our glasses to good health!”, especially said for the fifth time, will not delight others and will not make a big impression on them.

We think we need to start with one of the yogic commandments, which says: “Get up with the thought that you are healthy, and go to sleep with it.” Now let's try to rephrase it so that it matches the topic and title of our chapter. The result will be a wonderful toast that will not leave anyone who came to the festive feast indifferent: “Sit down at the table with the thought that you are healthy, get up from the table with it and at the same time manage not to fall asleep next to it!”

What is needed for this? Firstly, do not overdo it with alcohol, the use of which in unlimited quantities contributes to the fact that most toasts will remain unappreciated by you personally or misunderstood by others. Secondly, pronounce either very succinct or very funny toasts, which will slightly distract those gathered from a bottle of some intoxicating liquid. For example:

A man comes to hire a job. He is asked:

– What can you do?

- I can dig.

- And what else?

- I don’t have to dig.

Following this principle, anyone may or may not say a toast. And therefore for your health - at our throats!

What should you say as a toast to health in order to look both original and sincere? For this purpose, you can adapt anything: the latest song hit, a vigorous ditty, a majestic ode and an ordinary quatrain. For example:

Let's have a drink, let's have a glass, grandfather!

Live another hundred years!

Let's drink again, grandma,

We are no healthier!

Let's drink to the health of our wives,

Every home will be happy!

We don't need the weak ones

Don't get sick, darlings!

Come on, let's have some fun

For the health of husbands!

Be healthy, My love,

I will always be with you!

Let your heart hurt sometimes

But for me, dear!

For the fever of ardent love

I'm raising my glass now!

May they always give you...

...Ranks, awards and medals.

May you always have...

...A glass filled with wine!

Sick severely and incurably,

But not chickenpox and sore throat!

Of all the diseases, let one torment you -

The desire to drink a glass full to the bottom!

How many glasses and wine glasses,

So much toast!

For the health of the gentlemen

Just pour!

However, so that your feast does not turn into a poetic evening and does not resemble a matinee in kindergarten, when smart-looking kids are vying with each other for memorized rhymes, try to diversify the program with some original philosophical arguments about the meaning of life, in this case healthy.

Just imagine that at some ceremonial meeting on the occasion of, for example, the fiftieth anniversary of your deeply respected boss, it was your turn to raise a toast in honor of the high-ranking birthday person. You get up with a thoughtful and somewhat detached look, thoughtfully glance at the ceiling of the banquet hall and finally, with a slight, unamused smile of a wise man, you pronounce that then and there a certain Plato said: “There is no surer sign of the poor structure of cities than the abundance of they contain lawyers and doctors.” After which, after a long pause, solemnly say: “So let’s drink so that these representatives of noble professions have the best possible less work. For our health!”

Here's another medical toast.

The great Plutarch said: “Medicine often makes us die more slowly and painfully.” So let’s drink to turning to doctors as little as possible. Cheers!

Confirmation of the thoughts of the ancient Greek thinker can be found in some anecdotes. For example, in the following:

The operation is underway. The surgeon is extremely focused and serious. Suddenly, in the deathly silence, a meow is heard. "Scram!" - says the surgeon and continues the operation. After some time, the meowing repeats again. “Scram, I said!” Silence again. But a little later the insistent “Meow!” is heard again. “Come on, you bastard, choke!” - exclaims the angry doctor and throws a piece of entrails to the cat.

Let's drink so that not a single creature interferes with the process of our treatment!

If you are not afraid of becoming the object of intense attention from the assembled motley audience and earning some nickname like “smart guy” or “philosopher,” you can safely raise another glass of wine, accompanying this sacred act with the following saying. This time from a certain Mill, who has such an interesting and noteworthy idea: “Everything that contributes to the mixing of nationalities and the merging of their talents and abilities into one common indissoluble union constitutes a great good for the human race.”

So let's drink to the prosperity of the human race. For our health!

After such a philosophical retreat, it’s time to move on to something truly incendiary and fun. For example, to witty “arrangements” of well-known songs or slightly obscene poems. You can be sure that those who five minutes ago were nodding off over a poured glass or snoring peacefully with their heads bowed over a plate of salad will jump up from their seats and at all costs will want to compete with you in originality and wit.

Popular wisdom says that you don’t skimp on your health. For his sake, you can sacrifice anything: your salary, your nest egg, and even your last glass of vodka. Or, on the contrary, everything taken together, including the wife, apartment and dacha, for her sake alone - forty degrees. Just like in the joke.

Autumn, cold and damp. A numb, ragged drunk walks into a glass shop and asks in a slurred voice for a drink to soothe his hangover. The barmaid, feeling sorry for him, says:

- You should at least buy yourself some new shoes...

– Why do I need them, health is more important!

So let’s drink to the most precious thing we have - to our health, for, as the great Shakespeare said, “health is more valuable than gold.”

Particular attention should be paid to nerve cells, which, as is known, are destroyed very quickly and are practically not restored. Therefore, we simply cannot do without the next toast.

The psychiatrist asks the patient:

– Have you ever experienced severe nervous shock?

– Yes, doctor, once, right in front of my eyes, my computer was washed with alcohol.

So let's drink so that we never have to experience such severe stress!

But taking care only of your own health, without paying any attention to others, is not only indecent, but also not reasonable, as evidenced by the ancient Eastern wisdom that we inherited from the temperamental Caucasians. Rearranging it a little, we get an edifying toast:

Let's drink to my health!

If I am healthy, my wife will be healthy.

If my wife is healthy, all the men in our village will be healthy.

If all the men in our village are healthy, that means all the women will be healthy.

If all women are healthy, I will be healthy too.

So let's drink to my health!

After such toasts, you involuntarily come to the idea that everything in our lives is interconnected in one way or another. We think everyone will agree that our health often has a strong influence on our actions and behavior. We are not talking about open fractures that force you to sit in the same place for hours, while your soul rushes towards the lights of discotheques or the volleyball court. Here we mean those specific features of the body of each of us that determine our overall well-being and behavior.

To illustrate this lengthy argument, let us recall the following anecdote.

One man says goodbye to another:

– My phone number is simple – 32–08. Easy to remember: thirty-two teeth and eight fingers.

Perhaps it’s worth drinking so that the presence of eight fingers is explained only by the inability to count to ten, and not by congenital physical disabilities!

By the way, different kinds ailments greatly affect intimate life of people. An example of this is an ancient legend that has come down to us from antediluvian times. Here is how it was.

A few days after the creation of the world, God called Adam and said to him:

“The time has come for you and Eve to begin the process of repopulating the Earth.” Go and kiss her.

-What is a “kiss”? - asks Adam.

God explained it to him. Adam grabbed Eve and dragged her into the bushes. A few minutes later he comes out satisfied:

- Thank you, God. It was nice.

“Now,” God tells him, “go back and caress Eve.”

– What is “kindness”? – Adam is interested.

God explained to him, and Adam again dived into the bushes to Eve. After about 15 minutes, he crawls out all shining:

- Thank you very much, God. It was even better than a kiss.

“Well, now,” God tells him again, “I want you to know Eve.”

– What is “to know”? – Adam asks again.

God explained to him, and Adam dived into the bushes for the third time. But not even a few seconds have passed before he gets out of there and asks:

- God, what is a headache?

So let's drink to ensure that our beloved women never have a headache! And not only the head, but also the rest of the body.

We think that in order to raise a glass to the health of your mother or spouse, no unusual words are required. It is enough just to listen to yourself and express everything that has accumulated in your heart. But the best way to do this is with a song or a poem, maybe a joke:

I want you, my dear, to be a FOOL -

That is, Kind, Smart and Joyful.

Never get sick and don’t dare walk gloomily.

And I will make your life sweet.

Let you become Zima today!

But not cold or snowy,

And full of health and young,

Like the first spring snowdrop!

After this, the most appropriate thing would be a toast to the health of your wives or loved ones, or even your beloved wives. Let them in family life will be as delightful as on the days of the honeymoon.

On this occasion, one cannot help but recall an anecdote. A young husband says to his friend after the wedding:

– Today my wife begins her honeymoon.

- Only her?

“But you know that I’m a diabetic.”

Let's drink to the fact that among young spouses there are as few diabetics, sclerotics, neurotics and allergy sufferers as possible!

It is generally worth drinking to the good health of our precious life partners, about whom, by the way, there is one good anecdote.

A competition has been announced in a women's magazine. The photograph shows a space rocket taking off from the earth. What does it mean?

The best answer was: “The satellite flew away. You can come."

So let’s all raise a glass to the health of our companions, especially to those who often “fly away” on long business trips!

Often, folk sayings like: “It’s hard in treatment, it’s easy in paradise” are used as toasts. So why not drink to your health and create your own heaven on earth?!

What is needed for this? Of course, good company, a couple of bottles of champagne or something stronger and, of course, a toast. You can, for example, like this:

Who doesn't smoke or drink,

He will die healthy!

Let's drink to those who smoke and drink, but live very long and cheerfully!

Don't forget about folk signs, many of which are simply an inexhaustible treasury for all kinds of toasts and table congratulations.

For example, everyone knows that if you sneeze on Monday, it means a gift, on Tuesday, it means guests, on Wednesday, it means news, on Thursday, it means praise, on Friday, it means a date, on Saturday, it means a wish will come true, and on Sunday, it means fun. . Therefore, our next toast will be for gifts to be frequent and necessary, guests to be invited and welcome, news to be only good, praise to be constant, dates to be regular, wishes to be fulfilled. Well, fun is not only on Sundays, but also on other days.

And yet we should not forget about moderation, for, as one of the aphorisms extracted from the works of Baltasar Gracian says, “two things quickly finish off a person: stupidity and debauchery. Some lost their lives because they did not know how to preserve it, others because they did not want to. Just as virtue is its own reward, so vice is its own punishment. He who hastens to live in vice perishes quickly in both senses. He who lives with dignity will never die. Health of spirit prolongs years.”

So let's drink to a healthy spirit in a healthy body, thanks to which each of us has the opportunity to become immortal. If not literally, then at least in the hearts of their friends and acquaintances. May they be healthy!

Gathering for festive table, do not forget to drink to the health of the deeply respected and adored members of our government. And the best way to do this is with the help of such a parable toast.

One king, distinguished by extreme cruelty and ferocity towards his subjects, once gathered all his courtiers, including influential dignitaries, the richest merchants, as well as his favorite jester, and asked:

– Am I not the most powerful and omnipotent ruler in the whole world?

The courtiers obsequiously nodded their heads in agreement.

“Then answer me, can I do anything that the Lord God cannot do?”

Those present began to whisper, look at each other and shrug their shoulders: how could this be? Is it possible to do something that the Almighty Himself cannot do?

But then his favorite jester appeared before the tyrant and declared that nothing could be simpler than this.

- Is it true? Prove it! – the surprised and intrigued king rejoiced.

- If you please! As you know, the whole world was created by the Lord God,” the jester began. - In his eyes, everyone on earth is equal and everyone is destined to do their own thing: for me, to joke, for you, to rule. Therefore, God cannot expel anyone from his earthly possessions, and you, Your Majesty, can quickly expel from the country any subject you dislike. What you have already proven in practice more than once.

So let's drink to our good government in the person of our beloved president, since for several years now it has been tolerant of all its subjects and does not expel anyone from its earthly possessions. For the health of the government!

You can be “treated” in a hospital, you can be with friends, or you can be in a sanatorium. Just don’t forget to take a couple of bottles of good wine with you and stock up on a few pieces of toast just in case. Will it come in handy?

Vacationers at one sanatorium began arguing about what categories modern holidaymakers could be divided into. Previously, everything was very clear about this, but now?

We decided to divide it as follows: the first category is lions. They come with their mistresses, occupy separate comfortable rooms and are in close friendly relations with the sanatorium authorities.

The second category is wolves. They arrive at the resort angry and lonely. From loneliness they almost begin to howl, and therefore are in constant search, if not for women, then for vodka. They get acquainted with the first and leave, but they do not part with the second until their departure.

The third category is jackals. They pick up what the wolves have abandoned and are happy with that.

The fourth category is donkeys. They always come with their wives and walk with them arm in arm, looking smart.

The fifth category is goats. They go to the library, read books and play dominoes.

The sixth category is alcoholics.

So let's drink to everyone having what they want and being healthy! And also for a complete, healthy rest!

By the way, some seriously ill patients begin to feel much better when they find themselves in a casino or some other place where they indulge in gambling.

Whose heart has sank in anticipation of the possible smile of insidious fortune when the striker of the football team on which the bet is made skillfully dribbles the ball towards the opponent’s goal... But let’s better listen to the following anecdote.

Two women went to the racetrack. We decided to bet on some horse. But how do you choose which one? And then it dawned on one of the ladies:

- Listen, what is your bra number?

- Third.

- And I have a fourth. Three plus four equals seven. Let's bet on the horse with this number.

Put. After the race the announcer announces:

– Horse number seven came first.

The women won a lot of money and, very happy, told their husbands about it. The next day, the husbands went to the hippodrome, firmly deciding to take advantage of the “discovery” of their spouses.

“Listen,” says one, “how many times do you love your wife a night?”

- Four.

- Well, I’m five. Four plus five is nine.

We bet on horse number nine. After the finish the announcer announces:

– Horse number two came first.

So let's drink to healthy self-esteem and the ability to realistically assess your capabilities!

The famous German writer Goethe wrote:

The spirit of medicine is clear to everyone:

They only study it for this purpose,

To let everything go later

By the will of God and fate.

We think that everyone present will agree to raise their glasses so that everything goes as usual. But at the same time, let each of those present be spared ailments, and if, nevertheless, it is not possible to avoid the disease, it is better that the sick person be sure to fall into the hands of a doctor who has not read this Goethean quatrain. And as follows from the following toast-anecdotes, there are a lot of them.

- Doctor, maybe I should be taken to intensive care?

– Patient, do not self-medicate. I said to the morgue - that means to the morgue.

Let's drink to the methods traditional medicine, which leaves at least some hope for life, while the luminaries of science give up with scalpels clutched in them!

But why are we all talking about the sad and the serious! It's time to have a drink:

Be healthy, don't sneeze!

Pour and drink!

Not everyone knows how to drink properly. On this occasion, I would like to recall one Russian folk instructive tale.

The little boy was lying on the ground and looking at the tree from the side. He said:

- The tree is somehow crooked.

And the elder brother answered him:

- No, it’s straight, but you look crooked. As you look, so you see.

However, no matter how you look at it, the wine in our glasses will not decrease. Therefore, let's drink to the fact that until old age the eye remains faithful, the hand remains firm, and the heart remains resilient. To your health!

This is what an old parable tells about. Moses once claimed that everything comes from God, King Solomon said that everything comes from the mind, Jesus Christ - everything from the heart, Karl Marx - everything from the stomach, Freud - everything from sex. The great Einstein decided that everything is relative. It is not without reason that they say that as many people as there are so many opinions. Therefore, it is up to you to decide on what everything in your life will depend. However, it seems to us that everything is from good people, and especially from those who know how to gather guests and arrange such wonderful holidays. So let's drink to the health of the owners of this hospitable house!

Most of the toasts based on parables were inherited from the Eastern sages. They treated with special trepidation not only their own health, but also the health of their dear wives, of whom, as we know, they could have a great many.

Here is an example of one such toast.

As you know, God created:

women of India - wise,

African women are hardworking,

Spanish women are passionate,

French women are sexy,

women of England - piquant,

women in Germany - economic,

women of America - business.

And Russian women have wiped their noses at them all - they combine all these qualities, and besides, they are the most beautiful and healthy!

Here's another toast to women's health from temperamental Caucasians.

At 20 years old, a woman is like spring – full of hope, blooming and fragrant.

At 30, a woman is like summer - she knows exactly what she wants from life, warmth and fulfillment.

At the age of 40, a woman, like autumn, is “a berry again”, she is reaping the worthy fruits of her life.

After 60, a woman is like winter - cold and immersed in a long winter sleep.

So let's drink to the health of our lovely ladies! To ensure that, regardless of age, they never fall into hibernation!

It is with women, these lovely creatures, that most toasts are associated. Who, if not they, are able to brighten up the gray reality not only for their husbands, but also for other representatives of the opposite sex, for whom the main thing in this situation is not to get confused. And you should learn this from the hero of the next toast.

The husband calls his wife at home:

“I’m staying overnight at Mashka’s today.”

- You're lying again! Probably, you’ll be playing preference again at Nikolai Ivanovich’s until the morning?!

So let's drink to the healthy family relationship based on trust and love!

Once we had the opportunity to attend a Caucasian feast, where the toastmaster said the following: interesting toast:

“I want to raise a glass of wine to my friend Givi. But not because he has one apartment in Tbilisi and another in Kutaisi, because we ourselves do not live in the open air. And not even because he has one wife in Tbilisi, another in Kutaisi, and a very, very good friend in Moscow. After all, we are not without sin. I want to drink to my friend Givi, because for 25 years he was the secretary of our party organization, being non-party!”

So, we want to propose a toast to our friend. But not because he has one apartment in Moscow and another in Paris. We ourselves have a mustache. And not because he has two cars. We ourselves don’t walk. And not because he grabbed a huge plot of land for his fifth dacha. No, that's not why. We want to drink to our friend because he really a true friend! Let him be happy and healthy with all his cars, dachas and apartments!

By the way, best wishes a true friend will have the following: let him be a BISON! That is, healthy, confident, cheerful and joyful!

Or Bunny - Healthy, Active and, of course, Playful, just like a real playboy bunny.

And most importantly, let him be guided by the following rules:

If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk!

If you want to be happy for one month, get married!

If you want to be happy for one year, buy a car!

If you want to be happy for ten years, buy an apartment!

If you want to be happy all your life, be healthy!

So let's drink so that we can all be happy all our lives. Cheers!

If you want to be happy for one day, drink wine!

If you want to be happy for one year, fall in love!

If you want to be happy all your life, drink every day... curdled milk obtained from the milk of a mad cow!

So let's drink, friends, to dietary nutrition! Let's be healthy and happy all our lives!

Let's drink to:

Health is never enough!

Fun never hurts!

Luck – it doesn’t come often!

Joy is easier to live with!

And wealth – it gives confidence!

All of the above is sorely lacking for those who, for whatever reason, find themselves behind a high stone wall - in prison. How can one not raise a glass to their health?

In prison, a new guy is brought into a cell. The “old men” ask him:

- How did you get here?

– Yes, so... for health reasons. It's all the damn runny nose's fault!

- How is that?

- Yes so! I went to work and sneezed at the wrong time, that’s how I ended up...

Let's drink so we can be healthy!

Three men are sitting in a prison cell, asking each other:

- Why are you imprisoned?

- Yes, behind the stall. I broke it out of stupidity, and here I am...

- What are you for?

- Yes, for one drunk. He was walking down the street after his payday, and here I was...

- Well, what are you for?

– For providing the first medical care!

“Yes, my mother-in-law once started performing, so I punched her in the nose...

- To death?

- Don't... Until there's blood! And then I decided to help and put a tourniquet on my throat!

So let's drink to our health beloved mothers-in-law, without which the sons-in-law would be very bored!

According to T. Carlyle, “a healthy person is the most precious product of nature.” He needs to be carefully looked after and protected from various negative emotions. A the best remedy for this purpose there is, without a doubt, a glass filled with wine, which we will now raise for the health of all those gathered, and especially the hosts and organizers of the celebration.

Sometimes our ailments are so frivolous that they simply cannot help but end up in a joke:

– Doctor, you know, when I sneeze, I don’t hear it. Help me please!

- Here are the pills. Take 3 times daily.

– Will I hear better?

- No, sneeze louder.

Let's drink so that all our health problems can be solved just as easily!

Speaking of hangovers. It poisons the lives of civilians so much that it has even become the reason for the appearance of poetic “masterpieces.” Such as, for example, the following:

The little son came to his father,

And the little one asked:

- What is good and what is bad?

If a boy with early years

Reaches for the bottle

Here's some good advice:

Hit me in the back of the head!

It's bad if it's boys

They walk with adults.

Okay, at least nothing

They don't understand yet.

If you drank yesterday

Every last one is a guest,

It's in dad's head

Nails will knock.

Remember this every son,

Any child knows.

And leave it the next morning

Learn from the cradle!

Dads listened to the story,

The little one reasoned:

"It's good to be healthy"

And a hangover is bad!”

Let's drink to the health of dads and their growing sons! And may none of us ever experience such a terrible hangover as the moose in the following joke.

Early in the morning, an elk walks through the forest with a terrible hangover. His head is pounding, everything in his mouth is dry... Suddenly he sees a puddle of water, approaches it and begins to drink greedily.

At this moment, a hunter crawls out of the bushes. He sees an elk drinking water with his head bowed low... he sees nothing. The hunter quickly loads the gun, takes aim and fires a double shot straight at the elk’s head... The elk calmly continues to drink water... The hunter is terribly surprised: “How can this be?..” He reloads the gun with the largest shot and shoots again. The elk continues to drink... Then he slowly raises his head and thinks: “That’s it... I drink and drink, but there is no relief, I feel worse and worse...”

Let's drink so that no matter how much we drink, we get better and better!

And who, if not the owner of the house, can help with this?

Someone wisely remarked that there are people who shine, and there are people who warm. And then there are those who both shine and warm. This is exactly what our dear owner is!

Let's drink to his health! For his soul, broad, responsive and generous in Russian!

And in general, as one great sage said, the strength of the spirit is many times greater than the strength of the body; like a sword, it must always be kept ready in the sheath of prudence. She is the shield of personality. Each of us should know that spiritual weakness is much more harmful than physical weakness. Many people with remarkable abilities and merits, but without courage, became like dead men and died in their own cowardice. So let's raise our glasses so that the strength of our spirit will be truly inexhaustible!

It is she who helps men show miracles of patience and endurance. Just like in the joke.

A young woman is sitting in a train compartment interesting girl in a revealing miniskirt. The man sitting opposite turns to her:

- Girl, please cover your knees. And you will be warmer, and I will stop shaking.

Let's drink to the fact that only such a chill will strike us!

For some reason our guests became sad and seemed even drunk. Most The best way to sober up, as you know, to put pressure on the ears, which is what the toastmaster, figuratively speaking, will do by telling a short fairy tale.

One king had three sons: two smart, and the third, of course, Ivan the Fool. The king was about to die, called his sons and said: “My dear, beloved ones! To the one of you who brings me living water and rejuvenating apples that will save me from all the ailments of old age, I will bestow my kingdom and something else in addition!” The two older brothers dashingly jumped onto their horses and set off to race to obtain magic medicines. Ivan the Fool went to the store, bought a bottle of forty-proof, opened a jar of pickled apples and treated his father so much that he not only instantly recovered, but also decided to get married.

But this, as they say, is a completely different story. We will drink to the health of our beloved host, who with his simple appetizer not only discouraged us from going to overseas restaurants, but also made us believe in the unlimited possibilities of human resourcefulness and ingenuity!

Agree, how can you not sing here! Therefore, let’s pour it and sing!

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked,

Let's drink to your health now!

How long have I been waiting for this meeting?

I didn’t know what’s so cool here!

Glasses and forks,

Let's have a drink to warm up,

To ease the heart,

We need to pour a glass.

One ancient eastern parable says: once upon a time a good astrologer-magician came to the great Persian padishah, famous for his good deeds and rare nobility, and brought him three priceless gifts. He handed them to the padishah with the words:

– My first gift is health! May you be strong, powerful and immune to all illnesses. My second gift is oblivion. Forgetting fears, sorrows, past troubles and failures. From now on they will not burden your soul. And the third gift, O great padishah, is the gift of intuition, which, like a magic code, can tell you the right decision in life.

So let’s drink to the hero of the occasion, with all our hearts we wish him these three magical gifts: good health, which will allow him to receive crowds of guests until the end of his days, oblivion of sorrows and fears, thanks to which a wonderful smile will never leave his good-natured face, and, finally , intuition that allows you to go through life in a happy way!

Such a variety of toasts will surely convince anyone that they can adapt it to this type of toast. folk art Almost anything is possible, even the most hackneyed and hackneyed joke. And whether it will be entertaining and interesting depends on the ingenuity and ingenuity of the writer, and all that is required for this is to draw the appropriate conclusion.

One day an ensign reported to the company commander that that night Private Sidorov died in the infirmary, and added angrily:

- What a net! This is how you have to manage to get rid of the service!

So let’s drink so that we can always get rid of our own ailments without any problems!

Do not forget the statement of the ancient Greek scientist Democritus: “For all those who indulge in the pleasures of the stomach and go beyond the proper limit in food, in wine or in the pleasures of love, the pleasures are short-term and fleeting, lasting only as long as they eat or drink; the suffering resulting from this intemperance is numerous and long-lasting.”

Let's drink so that all the suffering, physical and spiritual, that we have endured up to this time, will more than pay off with today's fun!

What's fun without a soulful song? You can, of course, limit yourself to the classic “So be healthy, live richly...” or “I got drunk and drunk.” However, it's best to use your imagination and come up with something like the following:

Something sad and melancholy has stuck, Let's drink, drink, and more than once,

Isn't it time for us to get down to business? As long as we have something to drink.

Simple arithmetic - While we still have life,

After the first one, the second one awaits. While we are still drinking.

So that life in the world may be sweeter, Fir-trees, dense forests,

Isn't it time for us to take the third one? You will be fined for downtime.

We'll snatch, we'll bite, we'll give in, so that there's no mistake,

Let's shudder, groan, feel it! Let's have a glass, brothers!

We all know from fairy tales that there was once a magical Phoenix bird in the world, which had the ability to burn in its nest and then be reborn from the ashes. How I would like to wish us all the same skill! No matter what troubles happen to us, no matter what diseases overtake us, we will always be reborn, like the fabulous Phoenix bird. Be healthy!

However, no matter how much we want it, we will not be able to become immortal in the next few hundred years. And this means that you need to take care of your well-being with redoubled force. After all, health, according to Schopenhauer, “so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Our next toast is about how to treat your health correctly.

-Have you heard what's going on? Even swimming in the sea has become life-threatening - the sanitary and epidemiological station has closed all the beaches on the coast!

- And I even like it. Yesterday I went swimming: it was beautiful, no one was there.

- Here, here... And tomorrow you won’t be there either.

Let's drink so that we can be! And not only tomorrow!

And in order not to needlessly worry about your health and not run around doctors’ offices with frightened eyes, take the advice of G. Thoreau and “judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.” And also a filled glass. If the latter makes you happy almost every day, you most likely need to seek help from a specialist who will help prevent the onset of alcohol addiction in time.

Honore de Balzac said: “When a person is sick for a long time, he becomes more knowledgeable than the doctor himself, and begins to understand his illness, which does not always happen even with conscientious doctors.” So let's drink to understanding your illness faster than the “unscrupulous” doctor does!

However, Jonathan Swift noted that “besides real diseases, we are subject to many imaginary diseases.” Just like the hero of the next toast-anecdote.

A student takes time off from a lecture from a professor.

- Professor, I have a sore throat!

After the lecture, returning home, the professor sees that the student who asked for leave is walking with a charming blonde. The professor calls the student back and says:

- My friend, with such a sore throat you need to lie in bed!

So let's drink so that we will always be sick!

One patient who recently suffered a serious heart attack won a huge sum of money - one million francs - in the National Lottery. None of his relatives dare to tell him about this, fearing that such news will kill him.

“Let me tell him about this,” said the attending physician. “I myself have problems with my heart, and I know what to do in such cases.” I will act carefully and slowly.

The doctor goes to the lucky patient and asks him:

– What would you say if you once won a thousand francs in the lottery?

“I would throw such a party that I would remember for a lifetime.”

- What if you won ten thousand?

– I would invite all my friends to a luxurious restaurant.

- What if you won a hundred thousand?

“I would bring you and your wife gifts that you never thought of.”

- Well, what if you win a million?

“Then, my friend, I will give you half at once.”

The doctor fell dead to the floor.

So let's drink to ensure that our heart does not fail at important moments, and also to a healthy sense of humor!

And one more joke from the “healthy” series. Having waited for the end of the examination of her sick husband, the wife rushes to the doctor and frantically grabs him by the lapels of his robe:

- Doctor, what’s wrong with him? This is serious?

- Don't worry so much. Your husband just needs complete rest: I prescribed a very effective tranquilizer.

- How can he take it?

- You will accept.

Why don’t we drink so that today, on such a significant day, our wives will receive for us and with us?! And they will be healthier, and we will be calmer.

By the way, one famous Swedish doctor believes that every person who consumes more than 1 liter of alcohol per month takes the path of a chronic alcoholic. For a normal person, the maximum dose is the “legal” 350 g of pure alcohol per month. To determine how far you are from the fatal line separating drinkers and abusers, use the following data.

So, one three hundred gram bottle of light beer contains 9–10 g of pure alcohol. A large glass of white wine (125 g) - about 12 g of pure alcohol, a 20-gram glass of liqueur - 5-10 g, a 20-gram glass of whiskey - 13-14 g. A liter of champagne - 50-80 g. A half-liter bottle of cognac - 170 g pure alcohol. You can, of course, drink to ensure that your holiday table always has plenty of wine, champagne, and beer. Just do not forget about your own health.

Although the question of whether alcohol is harmful to health, whether it poisons the body, like a terrible poison, still remains open. The following case is known from medical practice: a young general practitioner, seeing his patient with a cup of black coffee in his hand during one of his daily rounds, exclaimed indignantly: “Don’t you know that coffee is a deadly poison!” To which he calmly answered: “Perhaps it’s just that it hasn’t had an effect on me for seventy years.”

A lot has been said about the dangers of alcohol, without which, however, not a single more or less decent feast can do. There are even jokes about this. For example, two friends lived. One drank, the other did not drink. The one who drank got drunk one day, got behind the wheel of a car and crushed to death the one who did not drink.

The moral is: drink and you will die, and don’t drink and you will die.

So let's drink so that, while taking care of our health, we don't deprive ourselves of little joys.

Moreover, many ordinary citizens of our country do not consider alcoholism a serious disease. This is exactly what our next toast is about.

Two old acquaintances meet, and one asks the other:

- Masha, how is your husband Misha?

- As he drank, so he drinks, as he beat, so he beats.

- Well, thank God, if only he didn’t get sick!

Therefore, let's drink to the health of everyone present, both drinkers and non-drinkers!

One doctor told a seriously ill man:

– You can’t eat fish, meat, sweets or fatty foods.

To which the patient replied:

– If I had eaten all this at one time as much as I wanted, I would not be sick now.

This toast is for always drinking, eating, and wanting more!

So that your feast does not resemble a meeting of the White Parrot club, forget about jokes for a while and use other “means” to create festive toasts to health. For example, when raising another glass of wine, say with expression:

In the old days there lived grandfathers

Have more fun with your grandchildren:

We drank plain water,

Honey and strong wine.

In between, you can explain to those gathered: you removed this quote from the work of the 19th century poet M.N. Zagoskina, and its meaning is that everyone should strain themselves and follow the example of their valiant ancestors, who drank and did not get drunk. And since there is no need to drink to the health of these same great-great-grandfathers, it is worth raising a glass to the good health of those present, who so zealously took up the noble cause of continuing the traditions.

It is known that vodka is popularly considered a cure for a hundred ailments. It’s only a pity that the great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates did not know about this. After all, in this case it would never have occurred to him to say the following:

“What medicines cannot cure, iron can cure. And what iron does not cure, fire cures. And what fire does not cure must be considered incurable.”

Let us all raise a glass together to what we, civilized people, know, and what the naive Hippocrates did not even know about. After all, no disease, even the most severe, can resist the invigorating degrees of some homemade liqueur, not to mention domestic vodka.

And in general, health, no matter how it is maintained: diets, a proper daily routine or regular libations, is the basis of all foundations, the beginning of all beginnings. How can one not remember the words of the well-known song from kindergarten potties:

Where does the Motherland begin?

From a bottle on our table,

From good and faithful comrades,

Those who came to my holiday.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us?

And it never ends

While there is something to drink and something to eat.

It’s one thing to drink to your health, and another to be treated for some illness. That’s when you begin to curse youth with its short coats in thirty-degree frost and swimming in April. Therefore, from an early age you need to be guided by Horace’s remark: “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick.”

In addition, the statement of D.I. will be useful. Pisarev: “All the efforts of a prudent person should be directed not towards repairing and caulking his body, like a fragile and leaky boat, but towards arranging for himself a way of life in which the body would be in an upset position as little as possible, and therefore, it needed repair as little as possible.”

So let's raise our filled glasses to getting up for repairs as little as possible, but getting preventive maintenance as often as possible in the circle of your closest friends!

There is such a thing as social energy. Scientists suggest that the Mongols, during the Tatar-Mongol yoke, applied something like this to Russian warriors. But at some point the Russian knights intuitively felt how to deal with psychotropic pressure. They came to the future battlefield and danced around each other in a circle. They didn’t know why, but they believed that this was the way to do it.

And now we are sitting in a friendly circle at the table, and this ring of friends is also reliable protection. So let us wish the dear prince that he would gather our friendly circle more often, thereby protecting himself and us from invisible ill-wishers. Be healthy, prince-master!

But what are we all about the owners? It's time to remember about the guests. How many proverbs and sayings have been invented in honor of this motley tribe. Here are just a few of them: “A guest is first like gold, then silver, then iron,” “When a guest arrives, he becomes a master, when he sits down, he becomes a prisoner, when he leaves, he becomes a poet,” “A guest without an invitation will not receive a treat,” “ A guest with the owner is like a donkey: wherever they want to tie him, he must agree,” “A guest is more humble than a sheep,” “If a guest spends the night once, it’s happiness, if the second time, it’s a disaster,” etc.

By the way, there are so many peoples, so many opinions. For example, the Armenians say: “Cursed be the house where there are no guests, and let the guest die who, having come in the evening, does not leave in the morning.” Perhaps we should drink to the health of our host, whose hospitality knows no bounds, because for the third day now we have been gathering at the same table, and his face is still beaming with a smile, and his generous hand is still pouring glasses full!

One ancient Arabic proverb says: “Come to your enemy hungry, but do not go naked.” Indeed, hunger can be hidden somehow, but nakedness is unlikely. However, this does not apply at all to those gathered at our holiday. Both guests and hosts are examples of friendly disposition and attention. Therefore, let's drink to their good health for many years to come!

With whom, if not with guests, can you have a great time not only at the festive table, but also at a game of dominoes, even if it happens in the next world, as in the following joke.

So, in the next world, the three decided to “kill the goat.” They began to look for the fourth. Finally, they met some unknown man who agreed to play with them. As soon as the bones were sorted out, the stranger disappeared. They had to divide the bones among three. They just started playing when the man appeared again. They mixed the bones and divided them into four. But then he suddenly disappears again. And so on several times.

“Listen,” the players got angry, “I sat down to play, so play, and don’t disappear every now and then!”

- Guys, it's not my fault. These resuscitators are already tortured!

So let's drink to certainty this time. We will either be sick or not sick, live or not live, drink or... Although there can be no “or” here! Let's have a drink!

We already drank to the health of our hosts and guests. It's time to think about your neighbors. Oh, not a single celebration is complete without these people! However, it is not at all necessary to invite them. After all, some curious Aunt Manya will definitely come to see what it smells so good about, and the nervous Vasily Timofeevich, as soon as it gets dark, will start knocking on the wall with his shoe in protest against too loud music or deafening bursts of laughter. In a word, for the health of your neighbors!

One Arab sheikh was given a horse of stunning beauty. He gathered all his advisers and addressed them:

– Where do you think this miracle horse will be useful to me?

“At war with the enemies of our state,” said the chief of the guard.

“No,” the powerful overlord shook his head thoughtfully.

“For horse lists,” the vizier tried to guess.

“No,” the sheikh snapped curtly.

- But for what? – the courtiers looked at each other in bewilderment.

“This wonderful horse will be useful to me in the event that I have a bad neighbor, so that I can gallop as far away from him as possible.”

No wonder people say: don’t buy a house, but buy a neighbor. So let's drink to the health of our good neighbors, from whom we will never have to run away!

And finally, not a single healthy toast can do without referring to the stars, or rather to the horoscope. Therefore, we offer several astrological toasts to health.

Let's drink to

Aries don't get sick

And overnight

Don't become sheep!

So that strong Taurus

Never mope

Need a glass

Pour for your health!

To be healthy

Like cabbage rolls

for three of you

Need to drink, Gemini!

Cancer - at every feast

The guest is always dear.

Without it, beer loses its taste

In the steam bath.

So let's have a drink

Here's to Cancer, friends!

You should be sick, dear ones,

Absolutely impossible!

This glass is not for Leo!

Pour the glass full!

Be healthy, our Levushka!

No pain, little head!

You might be a Virgo

Wherever and as much as possible

But today we drink

Only with men!

Without snack, with one toast

For health

Let's just grunt!

Libra has no time to guess today:

To pour yourself or not to pour.

Let's not split hairs for too long,

We decided together to drink to our health!

You got me today, dear Scorpio,

You won’t scare off your menacing appearance!

I'm ready to drink even moonshine,

If you pour it with your own hand!


As you shoot, so do you drink!

You will live another two hundred years!

Eh, apparently the toastmaster needs help:

We can't force Capricorn to drink!

Let's drink to him, let him jump,

Be healthy, our nimble “boy”!

Aquarius is in the house today

Chief guest and toastmaster!

It will come from a jug

Pouring vodka is not water.

Vodkoley, Vodkoley,

Be healthy, don't get sick!

Whatever Pisces you are,

It’s not for nothing that she “sailed” here today.

There's not much space here, but there's a lot of vodka!

And the only thing missing was you, herring!

For such toasts as above, the owner of the house or the hero of the occasion is simply obliged to make a speech in response. This could be some kind of memory of childhood with a lot of interesting details.

For example:

A lot has changed since we all had to part with our scoops and buckets. The always whining Seryozha makes surprisingly beautiful and intelligent speeches, whereas before the tenth grade he could not connect almost two words. My best friend Sveta, who generously sprinkled sand on my head and took away the dolls, assures me of unearthly love and eternal devotion. Yes, years pass and people change. But I want to believe that the relationship that was established from the nursery will never degenerate between us. I drink to your health, my dear and beloved friends!

And as a response toast to health, you can say the following:

I once decided to explore the plastic and elastic properties of life. First of all, I tried to establish a relationship with her that was reminiscent of a boxing match: first I beat, then she. But more often, of course, she is. And all I could do was rub the bruised places, lick the wounds and insert teeth.

Soon I got tired of all this, and I decided to smile at the world. So what do you think? He started smiling at me. With a beaming smile on my face, I gave people my love, tried not to hurt anyone, and at the same time, pushed hard into the world. And he gave in to me.

And then I realized that a fist meets a fist, a smile meets a smile, and that the world has the greatest flexibility in relation to a smile and love. This discovery inspired me, and I propose a toast to the smiles and love of everyone for everyone. Thank you for your congratulations and good words. I drink to your health!

Toasts to health, pronounced by the doctors themselves, are very informative and instructive. Who, if not them, should know about what worries every person. Most often, these are, of course, three questions: dandruff, caries and diarrhea. We already know how to deal with them thanks to everyone’s favorite advertising. As for other diseases, it is best not to mention them at the holiday table. However, you can still listen to a toast from a health specialist.

– For several years now I have been practicing in a local hospital as a general practitioner. And I have never met a completely healthy person. The point is, in my opinion, that the current generation lacks such vital important component existential being, like vitamins. What do you, ordinary people, alien to the understanding of health as the greatest gift of heaven, understand about acidophilus, coenzyme and riboflavin? The hidden meaning of these beautiful-sounding words is accessible only to a poet in a doctor's robe. And I won’t throw pearls before swine, but I’ll just say one thing: despite the fact that you don’t know anything about vitamins, you know very well about vodka. So let's drink to the health of true connoisseurs of beauty!

And since for a long time only men were considered such, the next toast will be to their precious health. Let them only have to be in the hospital once in their life: during childbirth. “What does this have to do with men?” - you say. But they were also given birth at some point. So be healthy!

One eastern sage was asked which disease is the most terrible on earth. And he answered: “Blindness!” And many of us, of course, will agree with this. Especially me. And here's the reason.

A friend of mine recently received an appointment to a high post. I, as a faithful comrade who knew him as a seven-year-old boy, went to congratulate him. But a friend, who had suddenly turned from a sociable and cheerful fellow into a stupid and arrogant official, asked me rudely:

- Who are you? I don't know you at all!

You can’t imagine how painfully his cruel words resonated in my heart. But I, however, did not show it and was able to answer him:

- Don't you recognize me? I am your old and faithful friend. And I came to visit you because I heard that you were completely blind. I was convinced that the people who told me this were not mistaken - you are a sighted blind man.

My toast is that our friends do not lose their sight when receiving prestigious positions and other earthly blessings! For spiritual and moral health!

Poets and romantics consider love to be the most terrible disease on earth. We are talking, naturally, not about the consequences of this feeling, which sometimes send us through life, but about the harm that sizzling passion brings to the nervous system.

The famous La Rochefoucauld wrote: “There are different medicines for love, but there is not a single reliable one.”

So let's drink to the terminally ill with this beautiful disease!

However, why didn’t we drink to the health of our respected doctors? It’s somehow not going well: they are trying their best to treat us, trying to teach us moderation and correct attitude to the body, and we... And we will sing to them:

An eternal feat is within your reach,

Your hands are sleepless and holy.

I want to bow low to you,

Men in white coats,

People in white coats... (four more times).

I want to bow low to you!

And one more toast on this occasion. One man was taken to be buried in a cemetery and was accidentally lost along the way. A drunk tractor driver accidentally ran over him. Frightened, he threw the corpse into the lake. Poachers who were killing fish saw the floating body and tied it to a border post.

The border guards, noticing the body and mistaking him for an intruder, shot him several times with a burst from a machine gun. Then, coming closer, they realized their mistake and took the “victim” to the hospital.

The doctor, leaving the operating room two hours later, tiredly wiping his forehead with his hand and waving to the side, said: “He will live...”

So let's drink to the happy ending of this story and to our valiant doctors who are able to bring a person back from the other world!

It seems that dawn is just around the corner. Soon you will need to clear the dishes from the table, wash them and do other post-holiday “pleasant” chores. Well, why not exercise! It’s very useful, and besides, you have time to think about whether it’s worth continuing to strengthen your body with the help of alcoholic drinks or stopping there. Although the answer in this case is unambiguous and clear to everyone: moderation is one thing, but healthy image life ( cheerful friends, rich table, etc.) – another.

Each of us has our own ideas about health. Some prefer to jog around the house, drink kefir and go to the theater, while others are supporters of more active image life, about which enough has been said above.

Someone joked, saying the following: “Take everything from life, but just in case, remember where you got it.” I will remember this house, where I was so interested among talented and cheerful people!

For you and for the health of our dear owners!

If you really enjoyed your visit, why not forget some little thing there that you could come back for the next evening, having first made sure that there are several bottles of beer in your grocery bag. And you already know what to do next. To your health!

One smart person said: “Nothing shortens our lives so much... as the distance between toasts”!!! So let's drink to live as long as possible and be healthy!

We drink to your health from the bottom of our hearts,
May the Lord grant you all the best of luck,
May you become even happier and richer!

He who does not smoke or drink will die healthy.
Let's drink to our immortality!

I propose to drink to the health of those who still have it!

Together friendly family Let's go through the seventh toast. For everyone's health!

I know that all women are beautiful
And with your kindness and intelligence!
And with wishes of happiness
We drink to their health!

Let's drink to my health! Because if I am healthy, then my wife will be healthy. And if my wife is healthy, all the men in this city will be healthy. And if all the men in this city are healthy, then all the women in this city will be healthy. Which means I will be healthy too!

May there always be power in Varya
Health, youth and happiness.

“A little wine is medicine, a lot of wine is poison,” say experts.
So let's drink to our health, which needs this medicine.

The house of our life consists of a hall of expectations and a hall of accomplishments. We wish the hero of the occasion not to stay in the waiting room longer than he should. And in any case, we wish you patience, courage, good luck and health!

As the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said: “A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.” Let's raise a glass to our health!

Don’t climb a mountain whose summit is not visible even in the morning. You do not live alone in the world, Do not do for other people forever What you do not wish for yourself, And be healthy, my dear man!

Someone joked: take everything from life, but just in case, remember where you got it. I will remember this house, where I was so interested among talented and cheerful people. For the health of hosts and guests!

In honor of the banker present, we will eat a piece of cheese, a piece of fish for a smile and a piece of sausage for a heartfelt affection. And about the drunks, too, not in one fell swoop. Cheers!

Youth is a state of delightful anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible.
Let's drink to the fact that the hero of this evening always maintains spiritual youth, good health and always enjoys success in achieving his goals.

I drink to these walls, in which there was a lot of good things, many fun and pleasant evenings. They absorbed our emotions, fun, joy.
May they always be attractive to us!
For the health of the owners!

The moon hid behind a cloud
And he appeared again.
Let me have a glass of vodka
Raise your health!

Let's drink to the health of our host and his family, so that the worst disease he would know about would be the pregnancy of his beloved wife.

When humanity was just getting back on its feet, people believed that after
At death, a person is held accountable to the gods for all his deeds. Let's go
Let's take a sip of wine so that we don't appear at that trial longer,
and when they appeared, they did not blush with shame! Health and happiness to all of us!

Dacha is zero. A car with a garage is zero. The apartment is zero. Money is also zero. Health is a unit. So let's drink so that you have a one with all zeros!

Let's drink to..... being a BISON! That is, healthy, confident, cheerful and joyful!

There is no doubt that business people are the pillars of society, ensuring its vitality, its prosperity and its sustainability. For the health of business people - businessmen and businesswomen!

Some people shine, some people warm, and some people both shine and warm. This is our dear... Let's drink to his health. For his soul, broad, responsive, and generous in Russian!

One woman, no longer young, tried vodka for the first time.
“It’s strange,” she was amazed, “this drink reminds me of a medicine... which my husband has been taking regularly in recent years!”
So let's fill our glasses with medicine and drink to your health!

On the street, two men are talking peacefully. Suddenly one of them says:
- Can I hide behind you? Our doctor is coming there, and I don’t want to catch his eye!
- And what happened? - asks the second.
- I'm ashamed! I have not been sick for ten years!
Cheers! And let us be ashamed in front of doctors!

For health and good luck
I raise my glass
to make the world sweeter, brighter
and you beamed with happiness!
For health and good luck
I'm making this toast
to be more enthusiastic, richer
there was a spirit, your friend, and a wallet!

I want to propose a toast, so to speak, a shocking passage to N., who evokes my admiration... He is moderately loyal, oppositional, constructive, ladies' man, sociable, easy to follow... sorry, I seem to have gone too far with the grammar... and beyond measure everything else. For his precious health!