Funny happy valentines day for friends. Funny, cheerful and humorous poems for Valentine's Day. Funny greetings on Valentine's Day

It happens even on holidays
(Cupid tried)
Men don't notice
Your long marathon
Through the snowdrifts and in stiletto heels!
If only he liked it!
And she herself is a skinny sprat,
I don’t understand how you live!
On this holiday, hold on, friend,
You won't be able to stand in heels.
And when the blizzard comes,
Then you will fly into a snowdrift!

I know exactly what you want...
Dry lips, and you breathe hotly.
On Valentine's Day, maybe at night,
Gut your big gift.
And nervously your hands will find to the touch
What will deprive willpower clearly:
Among linen, other trinkets
A box of your favorite chocolates!

I have a dissatisfied face:
Don’t dare come closer - I’ll kill you!
I will curse Valentine forever
For your unfortunate fate.
They didn’t send postcards for the holiday,
Even the simplest congratulations!
Dandelions and daisies
Or a flower dried from summer!

On Valentine's Day to my woman
I want to wish you patience
After all, many days await me,
When you want to run away.
If you can show patience -
Then a reward awaits you in everything,
I will always love you,
Know that you will be lucky with me!

I tore it from the poster stand
Heart-shaped poster for you;
I picked the flowers in the flowerbed -
The mayor will probably be happy:
After all, cretins like me
There are a million in our city...
Happy Valentine's Day -
I've been in love with you for a long time!..

Because you are loved by me
And although I'm not a sex machine
(Hurry up her cabin)
I'm not a complete idiot -
The embodiment of love!
Look out the window quickly
The path of love leads us
Put me in a basket
We still have a long way to go.
The night is as black as our cat
And at the very threshold
Love me a little
Until five or six.

Only unearthly happiness
I wish my beloved
I promise a sea of ​​passion,
Happy Valentine's Day!
On my knees before you
I'll surprise you with a gift,
So as not to suffer from doubts,
I'll give myself to you!

On a frosty Valentine's Day
Girlfriend, be as beautiful as a picture
Be sure to become rich like a banker
Behave like a commander among your friends!
I wish you excellent health,
High, rapid career,
Beloved near the soul,
And life is absolutely amazing!

Valentine's Day
Can't happen without love!
Like jelly without gelatin,
Like nightingales without summer!
Can't happen without postcards
No hearts or flowers.
Without trusting smiles,
SMS and calls.

On Valentine's Day I wish you
Don't stare at other girls
Just watching me go,
From wonderful love to smolder.
So that in your eyes the image is bright
My beauty has settled
To give me cool gifts,
May every dream come true!

Fed up with cupids
Arrows are thrown in all directions.
Put up hard barriers:
They will never bring us together.
Only I don't get discouraged
There's just a lump in my throat.
We'll be together anyway
I'll kill Cupid.
I'm in a fit of revenge
I'll shoot you straight with an arrow!

Valentine's Day
It has arrived, and happiness abides!
Instantly ripe for intimacy
Everyone who is married is single.
I'm ready and you're ready
Feel different places
Well, who doesn’t honor the saint,
That means there is no cross on it!
You and I are not to blame
That they stumbled upon the bed.
Holy day and holy place,
So it won’t be empty!

Let the pieces of ice melt on your heart
From a fun Valentine!
It's not difficult to love everyone.
So, from today
Love dogs and cats
And neighbors and passers-by,
And a little, at least a little,
Well, a little bit - me!

I'm full of thorns
Just thorns
But you keep saying it anyway.
I'm supposed to be the best.
You are not my best.
After all, I don’t know others.
You are the reason for my love.
Happy Valentine's Day.

Meet Valentin -
Catholic saints.
On this day one cattle
Doesn't bring flowers to his wife.
Rowdy and alcoholic
Foul-mouthed and brawler
On this day I am completely Catholic,
At least pack it for the Vatican!
He will hug his wife with his paw,
He forgot what he was like.
So, probably the Pope
I didn’t like my Roman mother!

Here the holiday has come,
We've been waiting for him so much!?!
I'm walking and full of strength,
All like this with flowers.
Superman, three minutes to go,
Goes to superwoman.
To get some rest.
Today is a great day!

Missed a love blow?
Got a powerful knockout?
Then hurry up and go shopping
Look at beautiful shop windows.
Better yet, invite me to visit
Pour boiling water into a glass,
Brew sweet tea quickly,
And read me your poem:
You're as delicious as a steak!
Tempting as passionate sex!
With a twist like a delicious cupcake!
I always want this reflex!

"Comic children's congratulations Happy Valentine's Day"

I'm talking about Valentine's Day,
I just found out yesterday.
I thought for a long time, all evening
And all night I wrote to you:
We've been with you for four years,
We go to the same kindergarten together,
We play in the same group
And we draw at the table.
We'll go to school together
Let's graduate from college together
Will you become my bride
And we'll get married later.
It will be great together!

"Funny Happy Valentine's Day greetings"

One two Three,
Four five,
I'm going to look for you.
Do you want to hide?
Do you want it or not?
I bring you a bouquet
And when I find it,
I'll give you a big kiss!

You're already ruining my life,
My best years.
You don't let me sleep at night,
You excite my days.
I would like to drive you away in the neck.
Yes, I'm afraid that I won't be able to.
I'll forgive you everything, you bastard.
Happy Valentine's Day.

"Comic congratulations Happy Valentine's Day"

I don't want to be lonely.
Where are you, darling? Help out!
You are with me in the deep night
Have some coffee or tea!
To make your friend jealous
They choked on sausage.
Kiss, ready hands
And cherish your image!
Come for a second,
Give me a Valentine's card.
I promise I won't
Eternal demand love!

"Cool congratulations Happy Valentine's Day"

Previously it was only the eighth of March,
Women's Day - paid off, hello!
And now February has brought excitement,
If you don’t congratulate, you’ll get an answer on the 23rd.
Not to sit and drink with friends,
Neither crawl home in a hurry,
If you want to play tricks, you need Masya,
To get congratulations, go on the hunt.

It's winter and cold outside...
How can I prove it, my dear?
That I need you too much
To warm your body?
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm waiting for you, I can't wait,
Otherwise I'll cool down
And I’ll turn into an icicle!
I won't stop calling you,
I love you so much
What can I get out of the ground?
I'll even put you in chains!

Came again in all its glory
Saint Valya's Day.
What is not a reason for everyone
Did they give it to everyone?
I only need you -
Consider me a romantic.
I bring you flowers
Tied in a bow.
You won't let loose
Climbing knot.
And inside is my soul,
Like a herring in the belly!

I wish you on Valentine's Day,
You should meet fewer cretins,
To live easily, without knowing troubles
Red caviar for lunch.
And I want to say about love,
Never meet goats in your life.
And to meet the prince on horseback,
And so that there is prosperity in the family!

I’ll smile, and you’ll smile at me too,
And goosebumps
The mood will go away
For me you are like a vision,
Like a miracle, like a dream
Like the beauty of the sky
My beloved angel
My beautiful moth!
Fish, bunny, turtle,
Dear little bug!
I'm sending you a Valentine's card,
I almost love you!

On Valentine's Day
I want to tell you,
What's more beautiful than a maiden?
I won't be able to meet you again.
You are cute, slim, smart,
Constant and true
And you cook deliciously
You dumplings with cabbage!
In general, I'm yours forever
Body, heart and soul.

Love is according to GOST
"Attraction of souls and bodies."
It's not easy to admit it -
I'm already sweating.
The gods divided us
Seven hundred centuries ago...
Don't you see the analogies?
So open your eyes!!!
After all, we are two halves,
And if it weren't for God,
We would be paraspinal
Double-bellied octopus!

Love for all ages,
As the wise classic said.
So let Cupid be nimble among us
It flutters without sparing its wings.
So let's meet him
Hearts, to put it beautifully, -
Let him cripple them with arrows.
Maybe it’s not in vain, maybe it’s not in vain.

Where can I find a spouse?
So that not a single friend
Didn't envy me
And stayed away?
And they adore you so much
They'll give you Valentine's cards.
Just know, I’ll tear them up anyway.
You are the husband! And only mine.

You are like an epidemic, you immediately fall off your feet,
All you have to do is stand on my threshold.
Hallucinations began to appear before me again,
Valentines are circling, right above your head.
I'm terribly sick, just disabled,
The heart is no longer in the chest - it’s pounding in the head.
You, unfortunate one, have suffered troubles,
But I’m ready, my dear, to suffer like this for a hundred years.

You are more valuable than anyone else in the world,
Both more beautiful and younger.
There are no ones worthy for you,
Except, perhaps, me.
Our union is Valentin himself,
Apparently he connected.
Now we have to go for the rest of our lives
Along the path of love.
What else did I want to say?
I only want to sleep with me.
And looking at your butt,
I give you a poem.

Valentine's Day is death to the wallet!
Souvenirs and paintings, diamonds, pearls -
Those who have enough to buy everything!
From gifts comes a real snowfall!
And I only wish you to love the prince,
So that, without knowing any hassle with him, you can live wonderfully.
So that life is beautiful, unusual and easy,
So that your loved one spends without sparing your wallet!

I’m sending a Valentine’s card, catch it,
Enjoy and love
Meet good love,
Let the blood boil with passion,
So that in any bad weather,
So that she goes into fire and into water,
Over the fields and over the potholes,
Through the swamps, through the snags
I ran after you
She flew, she jumped,
To be full of joy,
It cost her life!

Cupid has arrows at the ready,
And I don’t argue with his talent,
He will pierce everyone around with love,
Happiness will suddenly sparkle in the world!
This Valentine's Day
I'll tell you as much as I can,
That I’ll go with you even to the hut,
Even if he is not ours!
Even if you weave a ring out of grass,
I will carry it proudly!
At least give me a castle out of sand,
I can still enter it!

[in prose]

Funny congratulations Happy Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine went hunting -
You know it's his job
So that love becomes your concern too,
He will willingly shoot an arrow into your heart.

And you can’t dodge that arrow,
You can never escape fate!
And you will certainly find your love,
And then you will become stupid and immediately understand.

Valentine's Day is death to the wallet!
Souvenirs and paintings, diamonds, pearls -
Those who have enough to buy everything!
From gifts comes a real snowfall!

And I only wish you to love the prince,
So that, without knowing any hassle with him, you can live wonderfully.
So that life is beautiful, unusual and easy,
So that your loved one spends without sparing your wallet!

Cupid has arrows at the ready,
And I don’t argue with his talent,
He will pierce everyone around with love,
Happiness will suddenly sparkle in the world!
This Valentine's Day
I'll tell you as much as I can,
That I will go with you even to the hut,
Even if he is not ours!
Even if you weave a ring out of grass,
I will carry it proudly!
At least give me a castle out of sand,
I can still enter it!

On Valentine's Day
Depressing picture:
Naked on the balcony at night
You're freezing there without pantaloons.

My husband didn't come home on time
And I almost found you!
Eh, why should his boss
Released earlier on holiday?!

Honey, congratulations anyway
And I give you the panties:
Get dressed quickly
And run to your wife quickly!

The heart is beating fast, fast,
And a smile from ear to ear,
Happy Valentine's Day my pussy
I am your faithful, sweet cat!
I purr in your ear,
About my love to you.
You were my girlfriend.
Became the main thing in fate!

The chubby cupids took their bows
Their sly little eyes look around.
Small hands shoot right at the target,
There are so many victims of love around – here, and here, and there.
But we are all happy who was hit by the arrows.
What is our life without passion, sex and love?
Happy Valentine's Day, sunshine, you warmed me up,
I want to fall into your arms again!

If you fall into a trap in a dense forest,
If at night a red, arrogant cockroach scares you,
If in a dark alley someone asks for a light,
If your vile colleague informs the boss,
If a dove very accurately saddens your appearance,
Don't be afraid, don't worry, don't be angry, my dear!
I love you so much that I will never leave you!
I will heal, wash, cut! Happy Valentine's Day!

Hearts cut from paper
Hands, as always, crooked,
I will come to you at every step
Remembering your name;
I'll stock up on chocolate at the stall -
Have a romantic dinner...
But in order to be close in life,
We don't need Valentine at all...

For Valentine's Day on our website: and

Friends, Happy Valentine's Day! I wish each of you to know true love. Forget about loneliness and sadness. Open your soul to new sensations, impressions and events. Stop being afraid of change. Everyone in this world has their own personal happiness. I want everyone to find it and feel it to the fullest. We wish you all love, harmony, reciprocity, honesty - for many years to come!

On Valentine's Day
Let life become like a raspberry -
Sweet moments to you, friends,
Delights and compliments to everyone.
Let happiness float into your hands,
Let the world of fairy tales come to life.
It will give you the feeling -
Flying above the ground, boy.
Nearby forever, forever,
To a loved one.
To make it fun and not boring
You have lived your life,
Everything was fine.
Know - I remember you, I love you!

Dear friends! Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you all and wish you sincerity in friendship, fidelity in love, respect in relationships, and clarity in feelings. May the great saint, like a guardian angel, protect your relationships, protect your families and family ties!

Happy Valentine's Day.
Be happy, friends.
I want it to shine
You are always a star of love.

You keep your love
From insults and petty quarrels,
Jealousy won't do any harm
Fight back envy.

Know what is most important in the world
Only the truth of love.
And always believe each other,
And you give a holiday.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on Valentine's Day! I wish you great love for the rest of your life, so that passion, affection and tenderness from your loved one will warm your soul. May happiness smile on you and family well-being. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

On Valentine's Day
I wish you a lot of positive things.
Love so that it lasts forever,
So that a river of passions flows.

Dark nights without sleep,
And around to the head.
Let every day and every hour
There is a fire burning in your hearts.

Happy Valentine's Day to you friends,
Be happy always.
Congratulate each other
And give love.

Let her come into your home
And settle there in it.
You always keep it
And take care of each other.

Happy Valentine's Day, my dear friends. Love, inspire each other, believe in your dreams, strive for the best, achieve success, burn with the fire of passion and shine with the light of beauty. Mutual understanding in relationships, fidelity, harmony and sweet sensations.

Congratulations on the wonderful feeling that inspires you! And you can and should confess it again on Valentine’s Day! Love, be in seventh heaven with happiness, do reckless things, perform feats in the name of Love! In a word - live and enjoy the life that you yourself fill with love!

You, beloved friends,
Today I congratulate you.
On Valentine's Day I say,
I love you most of all.

Be joyful, loved,
Adored, happy.
Let the prankster Valentin,
Everyone will give you intimacy.

To my beloved husband, friend, friend, Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, my precious friend!
May your destiny know no difficulties and blizzards!
I wish that love never ends in life,
So that happiness rushes on your heels!

I’m in a hurry to send a Valentine now,
On this day, of course, I wish you
To find love - it is more valuable than treasure,
And wealth, my friend, believe me, there is no need for others.

Let her come so unexpectedly,
Suddenly you suddenly have no time to sleep,
You will lose your appetite and peace,
But you are unlikely to want a different fate.

They say there is no friendship between a man and a woman. You and I are a happy exception. On this holiday, I would like to wish that the doves of love bring you on their wings something completely exceptional on the love front, but completely consistent with your taste and desires.

May this day in you, my friend,
Cupid's arrow will hit
And among a thousand friends -
Let him find his heart,
And passion will explode like a fountain,
And you will be drunk with love.

On Valentine's Day
Funny picture:
Cats, birds, people -
They are looking for a couple, sending hearts!

Even the grandfather-neighbor
I have a secret for the grandmothers.
Come on, don't lag behind,
Celebrate Valentine's Day!

May Cupid meet you today with his arrow, and may his shot be well-aimed and hit your heart, so that you fall in love with the most beautiful girl, but let Cupid not forget to strike her heart with an arrow of love for you.

Have a bright Valentine's day
Brings a basket full of happiness,
Cash fills all pockets,
Well, in love - reciprocity promises!

Happy Valentine's Day,
My dear friend, my dear.
Let the troubles pass by,
And conflicts are also a side.

Let your beloved surround you with care,
And he never gets on his nerves.
Let it end on a happy note
The day is yours every and always.

You're a great guy and good friend, but I can’t talk to you about everything. That's why I asked Saint Valentine to find for you a smart, funny, beautiful and kind girl, whom you will love with all your heart, and I will have a wonderful girlfriend!

Friend, on Valentine's Day
I wish to meet the ideal,
Exclaim: “You are unique,
I’ve been looking for you for so long!”

Valentine's Day is wonderful
May love find you
And with your magic song
It will take you far away for happiness!

Let it give you the mood
Carefree for you,
So that every moment
It was joyful in fate!

May you certainly have many warm and sincere words, hot and passionate kisses, a whole carload of wonderful valentines from lovely girls.

Let brunettes and blondes
Like nymphs they beckon you to paradise,
And they send valentines with love,
And you, my friend, choose...

You're a good guy, what's there to argue about?
You have captivated women's hearts more than once,
And the young ladies drowned as if in the sea,
In the arms and abyss of tender eyes...

On Valentine's Day I sincerely wish
So that fires flare up in the heart of feelings,
My dear friend, love is alive,
When you find it, keep it carefully.

On the day when Valentine's servants - Cupids and Cupids regularly do their work on earth, you, my friend, simply must fall in love and, if it is too early to get married, then it is high time for you to declare your love. So I wish to find the most worthy of the worthy.

Alina Ogonyok