Overweight girls in a coat. Coat for overweight women (55 photos of the best models)

Coats can be called an integral attribute in the wardrobe of every modern woman. Not one fashion show is complete without presentations of new coat models, but all, because it is a coat, and no other outerwear, emphasizes the grace and elegance of a woman.
  This fashionable and comfortable wardrobe detail may not change much from year to year, but there are still changes. For example, the 2019 season dictates the following for women with a magnificent figure: a coat in a classic style, without unnecessary jewelry with a minimum number of buttons, or with buttons, but not catchy, not standing out from the fabric. Simply put, in this season, strict, classic minimalist coats will be fashionable.

Oversized coat - no-error choice

Firstly, do not save, a quality thing cannot be cheap. Secondly - buy a stylish coat of large sizes so that it pleases you all season and attracts attention. Thirdly, pay attention to the style and color, it should suit you, only in this case you will look elegant and stylish in it. But choose the material to your liking, there are no indications here.
  Unlike standard-sized coats, coats for a full figure are sewn more loose, extended to the bottom, with flared sleeves, with unusual flowing drapery, and small buttons, so the design of a full coat allows you to hide the flaws of the figure and make it attractive.

Where to buy a coat for a full figure

In our store to buy a coat for obese women, looking through the catalog and looking at photos of models. We present only current and fashionable models of this season, so that every woman with a magnificent figure finds for herself what she was looking for, especially since our size grid from 50-70 sizes allows us to simplify the choice and make life easier even for the most fastidious fashionista.

Secrets of an Elegant Choice for Custodian Forms

The impeccable Coco Chanel has repeatedly said that the beauty of a woman depends on herself. The main thing is to elegantly present your advantages in the frame of correctly selected clothes and accessories, and then no one will replace the shortcomings. It is with this approach that one should be guided in choosing a coat for obese women! It doesn’t matter if you are going to lose a few pounds in the near future or are you completely satisfied with your forms (and why not? They are so delicious!). The weights and volumes of us girls may change periodically. But we always want to look amazing! So, it is important how exactly this season you will look in a new, fashionable, perfectly sitting coat.

Here are 7 female secrets how to buy a coat for a full figure.

1. Freedom of movement!

  The most important thing is not to appear in your coat as a "wrapped bun." It should sit freely, not restrict movements. It is better to choose a coat taking into account a sweater or jacket. Pay attention to how comfortable the cut is, whether you can freely move your hands. The optimal length of the sleeve is three to four centimeters from the wrist. Look how this burgundy coat looks like: a good example of a successful model!

2. Fabric matters   Since magnificent forms add volume to the figure, coat fabric comes to the fore: if it is too dense, the coat will immediately add a couple of sizes to you visually. But I don’t want to freeze either! Therefore, choose a coat of soft, warm and light fabrics: cashmere, alpaca.

3. Do not forget about growth   Elongated coats look good on tall girls, and if you are short, pay attention to models knee-length or a little lower. Here's a nice option for a girl of average height: a dark blue coat of alpaca knee-length.

4. Drop stereotypes   Do not give in to stereotypes and look for a poncho coat or a black coat with a belt under the chest: these models just emphasize excess weight. A win-win option - laconic classics or slightly flared models. Look how luxurious this sand-colored coat is. And what a soft cloth! Perhaps this is what you were looking for?

5. Single or double breasted? It is important! Never choose a model with two rows of buttons. One row of buttons visually makes the figure slimmer. Using this visual trick, you can afford a lot. Even a short coat, which usually girls with curvaceous forms, sigh, bypass. And here is an example: a shortened single-breasted coat, sitting freely on the figure. Complement your trousers and boots to match your look.

6. Use diagonals   Visual tricks are our everything! The verticals and graceful diagonals can surprisingly affect the perception of outerwear (but horizontal accents should be avoided). Try on this cashmere model with a diagonal accent!

7. Avoid excesses   What should be avoided, possessing magnificent forms - this is an excess of decoration. A coat with many decorative elements, especially in the lower zone, visually enlarges the figure. Therefore, look at the laconic models with accents at the top: these details will attract attention to the bust and distract from the hips and waist. For example, this coat has an elegant accent with an asymmetrical collar.

However, the main principle of choosing a perfectly fitting coat is to measure, measure and measure! Therefore, it's time to head to the Cashmere Moscow stores, where all these examples and many other models are already waiting for you.

Measure, evaluate, admire yourself and choose!

Tatyana Kigim,
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Fashion 2019.
Stylist Tips:

secrets of stylists

Coats can be called an integral attribute in the wardrobe of every modern woman. Not one fashion show is complete without presentations of new coat models, but all, because it is a coat, and no other outerwear, emphasizes the grace and elegance of a woman.
  This fashionable and comfortable wardrobe detail may not change much from year to year, but there are still changes. For example, the 2019 season dictates the following for women with a magnificent figure: a coat in a classic style, without unnecessary jewelry with a minimum number of buttons, or with buttons, but not catchy, not standing out from the fabric. Simply put, in this season, strict, classic minimalist coats will be fashionable.

Oversized coat - no-error choice

Firstly, do not save, a quality thing cannot be cheap. Secondly - buy a stylish coat of large sizes so that it pleases you all season and attracts attention. Thirdly, pay attention to the style and color, it should suit you, only in this case you will look elegant and stylish in it. But choose the material to your liking, there are no indications here.
  Unlike standard-sized coats, coats for a full figure are sewn more loose, extended to the bottom, with flared sleeves, with unusual flowing drapery, and small buttons, so the design of a full coat allows you to hide the flaws of the figure and make it attractive.

Where to buy a coat for a full figure

In our store to buy a coat for obese women, looking through the catalog and looking at photos of models. We present only current and fashionable models of this season, so that every woman with a magnificent figure finds for herself what she was looking for, especially since our size grid from 50-70 sizes allows us to simplify the choice and make life easier even for the most fastidious fashionista.

Extra pounds are rarely the pride of a lady. Fortunately, modern designers take care of clients by creating outerwear for them, designed to decorate mouth-watering shapes. Overcoat is perfect if you want to be feminine and elegant.

Which coat is suitable for a full girl?


Do not make a fatal mistake, dressing up in an immense and shapeless hoodie. Moreover, there are many successful coats for full girls, allowing you to feel attractive and arouse interest in the opposite sex:

  • You need to abandon models with voluminous decorating details, patch pockets, lapels that visually fill you even more.
  • With considerable weight and short stature, elongated coats should be avoided. Suitable length to the knees or middle of the thigh.
  • Pay attention to the material of outerwear. Wool and tweed warm well and look great. A full-body coat made of waterproof fabric and with a filler keeps it warm, but can add volume. Fur products are chic, but you need to give preference to products from short-haired fur.

Overcoat 2017


Well-fed ladies are often difficult to choose a suitable model. You can emphasize your individuality if you choose a coat for full girls 2017, taking into account the peculiarities of the figure:

  • Models with a slightly narrowed hem are ideal for ladies whose breast size exceeds the size of the hips.
  • Lush hips will hide the feminine style of the trapezoid.
  • The presence of a stomach and heavy hips will hide a flirty A-silhouette, expanding from the chest or waist.
  • Full arms or shoulders will be balanced by a free cut of a bat. Other girls are recommended to choose products with a narrow sleeve with a length of 2-3 cm below the wrist.
  • If breasts are an outstanding part of your body, get a single breasted coat with minimal decor in this area.
  • The lack of a waist should not be reinforced with models with a belt.

Overcoat 2017


2017 is rich in a variety of colors and styles. Finding a great model taking into account fashion trends and excess weight is not difficult:

  • The silhouette of the cocoon, characterized by soft narrowing from the bottom to the knee-length, will beautifully and feminine outline the outline without highlighting problem areas.
  • The oversize cut that is relevant in the current season, creating a deceptive effect of removing from someone else's shoulder, is characterized by a free fit. As a result of this, the forms are not squeezed by a tight tissue, but seem slimmer.
  • Fans of elegant style will like a coat in the style of Chanel. The minimalism of the finish (there are no patch pockets and collars) will make your image delicate and restrained.
  • Fashionable coats for overweight women should not be exclusively dark colors.
  • Pastel shades of gray or beige do not always weigh down, especially if the model is a simple cut.
  • Those who are attracted to saturated colors should replenish their wardrobe with outerwear in blue, purple or turquoise.
  • Brunettes traditionally go red things, girls with red hair - mustard or green.

Poncho coat for overweight women


An interesting style, reminiscent of a cape with an opening for the head, is a very practical thing that can easily hide the folds on the stomach and hips, voluminous arms and shoulders, at the same time it will not pinch the body. This overcoat is suitable for the full season and the cold season: it is sewn from a variety of fabrics and materials - wool, fur, leather, knitwear. Full coat models can be with or without sleeves, with an asymmetric or symmetrical cut, multicolor or monochrome. It is important that the length is not lower than the hip, and the lower accompaniment is narrow.

Trapeze coat for overweight women


Flared cut, starting from the line of the shoulders or waist, can be called ideal for girls who are overweight in the hips and abdomen. Beautiful elegant style inspired by the 60s of the last century. Such a stylish coat for overweight women is universal:

  • It suits both young ladies and wise beauties.
  • Although the trapezoidal model is appropriate in the classical style, it can be used for romantic images and casual bows.
  • Combine coats for chic full women with straight or skinny pants, jeans, a pencil skirt or a sheath dress.

Cocoon coat for overweight women


The cocoon coat was presented to the public back in 1957 and immediately won the hearts of the most capricious fashionistas with an interesting voluminous silhouette, lowered shoulders and a neatly concise design. You can hardly find patch pockets, a heavy collar or a hood. The main highlight is a slightly narrowed bottom, which makes the clothes look like a butterfly cocoon, inside of which a real beauty is hiding.

A cocoon coat for those who are full in the classic version, not burdened with unnecessary details, is suitable for ladies with a figure like "pear" or "apple". It is important that the bottom is as narrow as possible, then the problem areas will be reliably hidden. For short ladies, knee-length and above models are suitable. The cut goes well with affordable jeans and a sophisticated dress.

Oversized coat for overweight


A free style, involving the wearing of things as if one size larger, can exist in the wardrobe of fashionistas with curvaceous shapes. The non-tight, slightly enveloping figure silhouette will hide your true size, allowing you to feel attractive and not burdened with extra pounds. Again, an oversized coat on overweight women is harmonious if:

  • it does not aggravate the finish, adding volume;
  • it is not adorned with large patterns and drawings;
  • it is selected in dark or pastel colors.

Short coats for overweight women


Long outerwear is a great disguise for an imperfect figure. But the bold beauties with extra pounds do not like to hide under layers of clothing forever. Short styles of coats for full can be present in the wardrobe and quite legally, subject to several conditions:

  • The length to the hips is suitable for girls who are not distinguished by a heavy "bottom", but who need to "cover" the tummy or bulky shoulders.
  • Short models are ideal for beauties of small stature, although tall ladies can also be present in the wardrobe.
  • The shortened length can be combined with short sleeves, the current trend of the season.

Boho style coats at full


It is believed that only traditional business, classic and romantic styles are ideally suited to the “little donuts”. It's hard to argue with that! But what if there is a desire for an unusual, extraordinary, knocking out of the usual framework? Then it’s worth trying to diversify your own image with a bright coat for beautiful full boho ladies, which defies any fashionable canons.

Although in reality it is not so simple, since boho embodies everything that is not recommended for overweight girls - layering, complexity, bright colorful colors and large patterns. A sensible compromise may be a women's coat for those who are full in muted shades and with draperies in those places where you have obvious problem areas.

Knitted coats for overweight women


Knitwear, both cozy and warm, is currently leading the fashion hit parade. A knitted coat for the full in the correct execution is a great chance to adjust the figure and appear before the court of others in an extremely stylish, unique way. Smooth, soft silhouette lines are ideal to help create a feminine, romantic look.

At the same time, it is not always easy to choose models of coats for obese women that will well hide flaws and emphasize your strengths:

  • Volume knitting is not your horse, large patterns in the form of braids, bundles will only add volume. However, single relief elements in a vertical design will not spoil the impression of a magnificent figure.
  • The styles of coats for full described above (oversize, cocoon or cardigan) are ideal as coats for full.
  • Such decorative elements as a hood, flared sleeves or a belt will distract from problem areas.
  • With all its attractiveness, jacquard patterns, unfortunately, can increase your volumes.

Long coats for overweight women


The elongated model, when the floor is lowered below the knee line, can hardly be called universal because of a number of reasons: it should be worn under heels and only for tall women. In any other cases, a long coat for overweight ladies is inappropriate and looks unsuccessful. Ladies who do not have a waist can choose products without a belt, for example, a trapezoid or a cocoon, so as not to aggravate the situation. In other cases, the design of this zone is shown, as, for example, in the fashionable style of the trench coat.

Coats for little overweight women


The so-called Petite Plus size needs a special approach when choosing clothes, including coats for overweight ones. A few rules will help you make the right choice:

  • If we talk about the length, then you immediately need to abandon the maxi, giving preference to shortened products or medium length.
  • Fitted models have a place to be, but if you need to hide kilograms in the abdomen or hips, choose a flared or three-dimensional model.
  • Try to stretch the silhouette using heels under beautiful coats for fat women.

Which coat did you like the most?Looking forward to your comments!

Extra pounds are rarely the pride of a lady. Fortunately, modern designers take care of clients by creating outerwear for them, designed to decorate mouth-watering shapes. Overcoat is perfect if you want to be feminine and elegant.

Which coat is suitable for a full girl?

Do not make a fatal mistake, dressing up in an immense and shapeless hoodie. Moreover, there are many successful coats for full girls, allowing you to feel and arouse interest in the opposite sex:

  1. You need to abandon models with voluminous decorating details, patch pockets, lapels that visually fill you even more.
  2. With considerable weight and short stature, elongated coats should be avoided. Suitable length to the knees or middle of the thigh.
  3. Pay attention to the material of outerwear. Wool and tweed warm well and look great. A full-body coat made of waterproof fabric and with a filler keeps it warm, but can add volume. Fur products are chic, but you need to give preference to products from short-haired fur.

Stylish coats for fat girls

Overcoat 2017

Well-fed ladies are often difficult to choose a suitable model. You can emphasize your own if you choose a coat for full girls 2017, taking into account the peculiarities of the figure:

  1. Models with a slightly narrowed hem are ideal for ladies whose breast size exceeds the size of the hips.
  2. Lush hips will hide the feminine style of the trapezoid.
  3. The presence of a stomach and heavy hips will hide a flirty A-silhouette, expanding from the chest or waist.
  4. Full arms or shoulders will be balanced by a free cut of a bat. Other girls are recommended to choose products with a narrow sleeve with a length of 2-3 cm below the wrist.
  5. If breasts are an outstanding part of your body, get a single breasted coat with minimal decor in this area.
  6. The lack of a waist should not be reinforced with models with a belt.

Overcoat 2017

Fashionable coats for overweight women

2017 is rich in a variety of colors and styles. Finding a great model taking into account fashion trends and excess weight is not difficult:

  1. The silhouette of the cocoon, characterized by soft narrowing from the bottom to the knee-length, will beautifully and feminine outline the outline without highlighting problem areas.
  2. The oversize cut that is relevant in the current season, creating a deceptive effect of removing from someone else's shoulder, is characterized by a free fit. As a result of this, the forms are not squeezed by a tight tissue, but seem slimmer.
  3. Fans of elegant style will love it. The minimalism of the finish (there are no patch pockets and collars) will make your image delicate and restrained.

Fashionable coats for overweight women should not be exclusively dark colors. Pastel shades of gray or beige do not always weigh down, especially if the model is a simple cut. Those who are attracted to saturated colors should replenish their wardrobe with outerwear in blue, purple or turquoise. Brunettes traditionally go red things, girls with red hair - mustard or green.

Poncho coat for overweight women

An interesting style, reminiscent of a cape with an opening for the head, is a very practical thing that can easily hide the folds on the stomach and hips, voluminous arms and shoulders, at the same time it will not pinch the body. This overcoat is suitable for the full season and the cold season: it is sewn from and materials - wool, fur, leather, knitwear. Full coat models can be with or without sleeves, with an asymmetric or symmetrical cut, multicolor or monochrome. It is important that the length is not lower than the hip, and the lower accompaniment is narrow.

Flared cut, starting from the line of the shoulders or waist, can be called ideal for girls who are overweight in the hips and abdomen. Beautiful elegant style inspired by the 60s of the last century. Such a stylish coat for overweight women is universal:

  1. It suits both young ladies and wise beauties.
  2. Although the trapezoidal model is appropriate in the classical style, it can be used for romantic images and casual bows.
  3. Combine coats for chic full women with straight or skinny pants, jeans, a pencil skirt or a sheath dress.

Trapeze coat for overweight women

Cocoon coat for overweight women

The cocoon coat was presented to the public back in 1957 and immediately won the hearts of the most capricious fashionistas with an interesting voluminous silhouette, lowered shoulders and a neatly concise design. You can hardly find patch pockets, a heavy collar or a hood. The main highlight is a slightly narrowed bottom, which makes the clothes look like a butterfly cocoon, inside of which a real beauty is hiding.

A cocoon coat for those who are full in the classic version, not burdened with unnecessary details, is suitable for ladies with or “apple”. It is important that the bottom is as narrow as possible, then the problem areas will be reliably hidden. For short ladies, knee-length and above models are suitable. The cut goes well with affordable jeans and a sophisticated dress.

Oversized coat for overweight

A free style, involving the wearing of things as if one size larger, can exist in the wardrobe of fashionistas with curvaceous shapes. The non-tight, slightly enveloping figure silhouette will hide your true size, allowing you to feel attractive and not burdened with extra pounds. Again, an oversized coat on overweight women is harmonious if:

  • it does not aggravate the finish, adding volume;
  • it is not adorned with large patterns and drawings;
  • it is selected in dark or pastel colors.

Short coats for overweight women

Long outerwear is a great disguise for an imperfect figure. But the bold beauties with extra pounds do not like to hide under layers of clothing forever. Short styles of coats for full can be present in the wardrobe and quite legally, subject to several conditions:

  1. The length to the hips is suitable for girls who are not distinguished by a heavy "bottom", but who need to "cover" the tummy or bulky shoulders.
  2. Short models are ideal for beauties of small stature, although tall ladies can also be present in the wardrobe.
  3. The shortened length can be combined with short sleeves, the current trend of the season.

Boho style coats at full

It is believed that only traditional business, classic and romantic styles are ideally suited to the “little donuts”. It's hard to argue with that! But what if there is a desire for an unusual, extraordinary, knocking out of the usual framework? Then it’s worth trying to diversify your own image with a bright coat for beautiful full boho ladies, which defies any fashionable canons.

Although in reality it is not so simple, since boho embodies everything that is not recommended for overweight girls - layering, complexity, bright colorful colors and large patterns. A sensible compromise may be a women's coat for those who are full in muted shades and with draperies in those places where you have obvious problem areas.

Full boho style coat

Knitwear, both cozy and warm, is currently leading the fashion hit parade. A knitted coat for the full in the correct execution is a great chance to adjust the figure and appear before the court of others in an extremely stylish, unique way. Smooth, soft silhouette lines are ideal to help create a feminine, romantic look.

At the same time, it is not always easy to choose models of coats for obese women that will well hide flaws and emphasize your strengths:

  1. Volume knitting is not your horse, large patterns in the form of braids, bundles will only add volume. However, single relief elements in a vertical design will not spoil the impression of a magnificent figure.
  2. The styles of coats for full described above (oversize, cocoon or cardigan) are ideal as coats for full.
  3. Such decorative elements as a hood, flared sleeves or a belt will distract from problem areas.
  4. With all its attractiveness, jacquard patterns, unfortunately, can increase your volumes.

Knitted coats for overweight women

The elongated model, when the floor is lowered below the knee line, can hardly be called universal because of a number of reasons: it should be worn under heels and only for tall women. In any other cases, a long coat for overweight ladies is inappropriate and looks unsuccessful. Ladies who do not have a waist can choose products without a belt, for example, a trapezoid or a cocoon, so as not to aggravate the situation. In other cases, the design of this zone is shown, as, for example, in a fashionable style.

Long coats for overweight women

The so-called Petite Plus size needs a special approach when choosing clothes, including coats for overweight ones. A few rules will help you make the right choice:

  1. If we talk about the length, then you immediately need to abandon the maxi, giving preference to shortened products or medium length.
  2. Fitted models have a place to be, but if you need to hide kilograms in the abdomen or hips, choose a flared or three-dimensional model.
  3. Try to stretch the silhouette using heels under beautiful coats for fat women.

Coats for little overweight women