DIY hair clips with photo workshops. How to make kansashi petals with your own hands: a master class for beginners Hair clips from ribbons for a girl of 3 years

Bright rubber bands for hair using the tsumami kanzashi technique. Workshop with step by step photos.

  Shabanova Marina Gennadievna, primary school teacher, MBOU Sarasinskaya secondary school, village Sarasa, Altai region, Altai Territory
Material Description:this material will be useful to teachers, teachers of additional education, parents. Work can be done with children of middle and senior school age. Handmade jewelry is exclusive and very popular. The mount can be made universal and applied to the rim or hairpin, clip. The execution of the petal is very simple and does not require prior skills in working with ribbons.
Appointment:dIY gift, decoration.
Goal:   improving skills in the tsumami kanzashi technique.
Educational:to form skills in the manufacture of jewelry using the kanzashi technique.
Developing:develop attention, creativity and aesthetic taste, fine motor skills and eye.
Educational:   to cultivate a careful attitude to work.

For work, we need the following materials and tools:
  - satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide green + one color at your discretion;
  - Soutache / thin satin ribbon;
  - green felt;
  - elastic for hair - 2 pieces;
  - the middle for the flower - 2 pieces;
  - caps / caps for jewelry;
  - lighter (candle);
  - scissors;
  - tweezers, clamp;
  - awl;
  - thermal gun;
  - ruler.

Rules for labor protection when working with scissors:
  1. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.
  2. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened tools.
  3. Put the scissors with the rings towards you, and the closed blades away from you.
  4. Do not leave cutting tools open.
  5. Watch for blade movements while cutting.
  6. Pass the scissors with the rings forward, holding the ends closed.
  7. Do not play with cutting tools, do not bring to face.
  8. When working with scissors, do not walk around the office. Work at the table.
  9. Use these tools only for their intended purpose.

Rules for labor protection when working with a candle and matches, a lighter:
  1. Remove loose hair.
2. Do not bend low over the flame of a candle or match.
  3. The candle should be in a glass or tin container.
  4. Do not throw burnt matches into the urn, but put them in glass, tin dishes.

Rules for labor protection when working with a thermal gun:
  1. Do not leave unattended.
  2. When working, put the thermal gun on a stand, and not put it on its side.
  3. Work only with a working tool.
  4. Do not touch the tip of the gun and touch the hot glue.
  5. At the end of work, turn it off.

So, let's begin!
  We will prepare the required number of pieces of satin ribbon. Green is a must, choose a flower based on your preference.

  We add all segments according to one scheme. The petal is very simple to perform, does not require additional work with scissors. For the sample we take a green piece of satin ribbon.
  Fold a piece of tape at a right angle exactly in the middle.

  Turn in half, connecting the points AA and BB. You get such a blank.
Experienced craftswomen skip this stage, but I solder the edge over the fire so that with further work the edges "do not disperse."

  Now double up on the long side exactly in the middle with a “slide” facing up.

  Each side must be bent up. (The top is the wrong side.)
  Edge solder over the fire.

We straighten, we get such a petal. View from the front and back side.

Similarly, we make the petals of a colored ribbon.
  Six pieces of pieces of satin ribbon 7cm.

  Four pieces of pieces of satin ribbon 6cm.

  Glue together 8 green petals with hot glue.

  The view from the wrong side.

  Glue together 6 colored petals with hot glue.

  Now you need to arm yourself with an awl and slightly expand the very small holes at the bead caps, as they are designed to work with fishing line / wire.

  It takes two pieces of soutache each 7cm. In order to make it easier to pass the soutache through the hole, I put a little hot glue on the tip and rolled it between my fingers. It turned out a sharp tip, which easily passed through the opening of the cap.

  The tip of the suture is glued between two petals from segments of a satin ribbon, 6 cm each with hotmelt adhesive.

  Glue the hat to the petals. We need two such details.

  We apply hot melt adhesive on the back of the colored blank of 6 petals and connect it to the green blank.

  On the back of the green workpiece we fasten sections of the soutache with pendants.

For attaching the elastic, we need the actual elastic, a felt patch with a diameter of 3 cm and a piece of satin ribbon with a width of 1 cm and a length of 4-5 cm. In the middle of the felt patch, make a hole with an awl. A piece of tape at the edges, pre-melt on fire.

  Throw a piece of satin ribbon over the hair elastic. Pass both ends of the tape through the hole of the felt patch. Glue the edges of the tape to the base with hot melt adhesive.

  Apply hot melt adhesive to the inside of the mount.

  Glue the flower blank onto the mounting base.

  Glue the middle of the flower.

  So the new decoration is ready. A couple of bright rubber bands for hair.

In yellow.

  In orange color. Variation when folding the petal - not a slide, but a hollow. The variation in the suspension is one petal in the cap. And the variation in the mount is universal.

Hello friends!

For a long time, my hobby was for me a source of income, almost all of my jewelry was found to be the owner.
  Unfortunately, I did not manage to photograph all my work, but despite this, I still accumulated a lot of photos that I will share today.
  I want to say right away that over the years, the quality of photos has also constantly changed, so please do not be surprised at different photos)

Perhaps I’ll start with one of my very first works, I photographed her on 11.03. 2012 more than 6 years ago it turns out.

Initially, I planned to make jewelry only for myself and my daughter, but unexpectedly for me orders immediately rained down. Although at that time I did not have experience and skill, and now I look at my first works with a smirk, because they were crooked and oblique and served for a relatively short time. However, thanks to orders, my experience and enthusiasm began to grow, and as a result, I began to make jewelry for sale and they scattered like hot cakes.
  Of course, the first photos, like the first works, left much to be desired, but gradually the quality grew with experience, but I want to say that the growth has not stopped yet and I constantly try to improve my knowledge and skill, only now I am developing not in one narrow direction, but in different ones.

And this is a relatively new work, although it is also already about 2 years old, but compared with the first there is a significant difference in everything.

Such a flower is easy enough to make again, when there is experience, but beginners will also cope, the only thing will take more time.

How to do:

For such a magnificent flower, you need a tape of 0.9 cm wide, I can’t say for sure by the meter that I did not calculate.
  Just cut a lot, a lot of segments of 4.5 cm.

The approximate quantity is more than 100 pieces. I did not count the exact amount either, because I did it until the moment when there were no large gaps and would be similar in the arrangement of the petals to a real flower. But the same thing will not work.
  The size of the flower and the number of petals will also depend on the diameter of the base on which the petals will be glued.
  For the base, I usually take a circle of felt, the diameter, as I said, can be different. I have a diameter of 2.5 cm.

To make the petal, the tape is bent in half and the angle at an angle is cut.

Then the corner is sealed with fire.

The lower edges of the tape are bent and scorched.

And the finished petal, or rather the petals are glued with glue the moment “crystal” to the felt base in a circle. The first circle of petals is glued going to the base 3-4 mm, then the subsequent circles of the petals are superimposed as if in a checkerboard pattern, layer by layer, to the very end.

Such gorgeous flowers are obtained from these petals.

back side

A similar idea of \u200b\u200ba flower with rounded petals only.

And you can also do it with a contrasting center or with a smooth transition to a different color, in general, you have an idea for experimenting.

By the same principle, it is possible to make petals out of a 2.5 cm wide ribbon.

Such flowers are also very similar in principle of assembly, only the tips of the petals here do not solder together, but are scorched by fire and twisted a little with your fingers.

I used to make the same flowers from a ribbon 5 cm wide.

Although the principle of creation is the same for everyone, the flowers are still different.

And so the flower looks on the hair

Lush flower with sharp petals.

And these petals are probably the simplest, a piece of tape simply folds in half, the length of the piece can be different depending on what volume and splendor you need a flower. The width of the tape is 0.5 cm. The length is from 6 to 10 cm, but it can be more or less. I thought it was 9 cm.

Kanzashi from a tape of 2.5 cm wide.
  How to make simple flowers from ribbons.

Another very easy way to make flowers out of 2.5 cm wide ribbon.
  This method is a great option for beginners, showed it to her daughter, she sits now and makes such flowers)

How to do:

One petal will need a square of 2.5 * 2.5 cm ribbon.

For a flower in 2 layers, 10 petals are needed.

Folds the petal in half

And the corners are cropped

lighter everything evenly scorched

Petals gather on a string of 5 pieces.

The thread is pulled together and locked into a ring.

One layer sticks to another

The middle is decorated at will, I made this one for a set with Mickey's bows.

The flower was attached to the barrette with a piece of tape, smeared with glue Moment Crystal.

You can also make such simple petals, such beautiful poppies.

Well, or rose hips

Or snowdrops

Simple and multi-layered kanzashi.
  Kanzashi with sharp, round and other types of petals.

Now we move on to the part which, in my opinion, is a bit more complicated to manufacture. Even the simplest single petals need to be done very carefully, they must be the same, and this requires a certain skill.
  If in lush flowers it is allowed that the petals are not perfectly even, but somewhere even with a different bend, then here you need to try to ensure that all the petals are one to one. And this unfortunately does not always work.

Detailed master class

i already described, I will not repeat, see the previous article.
  And here are some ideas for inspiration.

From sharp petals you can make not only flowers, but also such funny butterflies

Kansashi Round Petals Master Class

How to do:

To make such a petal, you need a square from a ribbon.
  You can make both large and small petals.
  I have a square 5 * 5 cm, but you can also 4 * 4 or 2.5 * 2.5.
  It all depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you want to do.
  I often combine large and small petals into one flower, and also combine with other types of petals.
  Below you can see it in the finished work.
  In the meantime, back to the round petal.

The edges of the tape I usually always singe, so that it is more convenient to work with the tape. Then I turn the square into a triangle.

The next step is to bend 2 angles on both sides to the bottom third.

Then the edge of the corners is cut off and sealed with fire.

From the bottom, too much is cut off and sealed.

We spread the middle of the fingers a little and our entire petal is ready.

Such interesting flowers are obtained using round petals and not only ...

Kanzash's fan petals step by step

Another type of petal I call a fan, perhaps it has a different name. My technique is different from what I saw on the Internet right now. It’s just that when I started doing master classes there weren’t enough and I didn’t find such a petal, so I learned to do it myself, mainly from photos of finished works.

Therefore, now I am sharing my way.

how to do:

For such a petal, you also need a square. I have 5 * 5 cm.
  I singe the edges with a lighter.

Fold in a triangle

Then one corner is bent and thereby the first fold is laid

We fold the resulting fold back and fold it forward again, so the second and subsequent folds are laid.
In general, you should get 4 folds.

The ends are trimmed and scorched.

But most often I make jewelry combining different types of petals together.

And finally, a couple of ideas of bombing bows, they look in the hairstyles they just fire !!!

When I started writing this article, I thought all my work and all my ideas fit in one article, but I was mistaken!
  I did a titanic work to bring it all together, but there were still a lot of work that, as it turned out, could not be put in one article.

But this is an occasion to write a new one and probably not even one.
  For example, I have plans to write an article about beautiful roses from ribbons in different techniques.

Do not forget to bookmark the article so that you can return to ideas again.

But for now I have everything!

Join our group in contact so as not to miss new master classes

Hello dear friends! Recently in my kindergarten my daughter had an autumn morning party. I decided to give her a beautiful hairstyle, and to decorate the hairstyle I needed small kanzashi hairpins.

Since our holiday was dedicated to autumn, I chose the colors for the little kanzashi hairpins: orange, yellow, green.

Today I will step by step tell and show you how to make such a hairstyle. I ask you to forgive me in advance for extraneous noise in the video tutorial))), this washing machine just switched to spin mode))), I try to do several things at once, while my son is sleeping, I need to have time, so I have to do several things at once .

Tools and materials that we need today to create small hairpins from ribbons:

  • 2.5 cm wide ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Candle
  • White felt
  • Click clack pins
  • Ruler
  • Glue gun
  • White plastic center for flowers (you can use white beads)
  • Small rubber bands in case you want to make rubber bands kanzashi.

Little Kanzashi Hairpins

First of all, as usual, we need to prepare a tape. For the flowers we are going to make, we need to cut the ribbon into pieces 6 cm long. For one small kanzashi hair clip we need 6 such pieces.

Now we need to make chopped ribbon and petals of future flowers. To do this, fold the tape in the middle so that an equilateral triangle is obtained.

It is certainly difficult to explain in words, of course, so I took a photo, it will be clear on it how to fold the ribbon correctly, and in the end you will definitely find my master class on creating small kanzashi hair clips.

After all the petals for the kanzashi hair clips are ready, we can begin to assemble the flowers. If you want to make several hairpins at once, like mine, I recommend that you first make all the petals for them, and then just start assembling.

The assembly of this kanzashi flower is very simple, we glue the side of the petal with glue, apply the other to it and glue 6 petals together. I made colorful flowers, alternating the petals, it also turns out beautifully.

Now you need to glue the middle to the resulting flower. In order to keep the middle well on our little kanzashi flower, we cut out a circle from felt, which in diameter will correspond to the middle or be slightly smaller than it.

Glue the circle of felt to the middle with hot glue, and then we smear the middle itself and glue it directly to.

Now it remains to glue the flower in the clip-clack hairpin itself. Cut a piece of felt 1 cm wide 3 cm long and glue on the tip of the hairpin. To this felt base we glue the flower itself.

Instead of a hairpin, you can use an elastic band, you need to select it of the appropriate size. The flower is small and the gum is the same.

You can choose the color of the gum to match the color of your kanzashi flower, I used a white rubber band to show you and in general I often use white ones, they are universal.

To gum, use the same piece of felt, thread it through the gum, apply hot glue and apply to the flower.

This is how we made small kanzashi hairpins and a little kanzashi rubber band with you, who really need kanzashi with elastic.

Little Kanzashi hair clips video master class

Now I want to tell how to make a beautiful “basket” hairstyle with these small kanzashi hairpins. I shot a short video especially for you, because as you don’t show the steps in the photo, but still better than the video of the lesson nothing has been invented, not counting the live teaching, of course).

But I still took a photo).

This hairstyle is done on long or medium length hair. I show the sequence of creating hairstyles on my daughter. If your daughter is still small and restless, then the hairstyle may not work, because not all young children can sit quietly for 15-20 minutes.

First, comb your hair well. We divide them into two parts, starting from the middle of the head, we tilt the separated part forward onto the forehead.

Approximately from the middle of the head we take a lock of hair and begin to weave an ordinary braid, picking up locks only on the right side, weaving in a circle, for this the child should sit on a chair, and as you weave, you walk around it.

I think that from my video tutorial, incomprehensible moments will be clarified to you, in fact it’s not difficult at all, you only need to try once and you will understand that the seemingly complicated hairstyle is not so difficult.

If you want the basket to get bigger and have more braids in a circle, then grab a little bit of hair on the right side.

When there is no hair left to pick up on the right, we braid a simple pigtail and thread it through the rest of the braids, you can fix it with an invisible or rubber band.

I immediately used the little kanshazi hairpins, pinned them in a circle, and I got such a wonderful basket of autumn flowers. And now, to whom something was not clear from the photo, you can watch the video lesson.

How to braid a basket of videos

God bless you!

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

Such wonderful hair clips with kanzashi flowers look elegant and noble at the same time. The product ideally combines white and dark blue satin ribbon, as well as gold in the form of brocade. An unusual ensemble is complemented by a transparent crystal in the form of a center inserted into a water lily hug. The given hair clips quite pretend to become an adornment for a young schoolgirl, because there is nothing bright in them, and the blue and white gamma echoes a strict school uniform. To complete the proposed pair of accessories for an elegant hairstyle, prepare the accessories listed below and follow the kanzashi lesson. In it, I want to introduce kanzashi for beginners, a step-by-step photo lesson.

For one hairpin we need:

  1. On 7 segments of a satin ribbon of dark blue and white colors, golden brocade - a square shape 5 * 5 cm;
  2. On 7 pieces of a satin ribbon of white color and golden brocade - a square form 4 * 4 cm;
  3. Golden pitcher hugger - 1 copy;
  4. Semi-bead crystal transparent - 1 instance with a diameter of 1 cm;
  5. Felt basis of white color with a diameter of 4 cm - 1 circle;
  6. A piece of streychevy oblique inline - about 4 cm long;
  7. Metal clip 5.5 cm.

To make the same elegant hairpins, you need to simulate two varieties of sharp kanzashi petals: double and triple. Double parts will be made of ribbon and brocade in the form of squares with a side of 4 cm, triple parts will be made of ribbon and brocade in the form of squares with a side of 5 cm. Craftswomen making floral accessories from satin and other types of fabric also always need scissors, a ruler, a lighter , thread with a needle and glue gun.

Kanzashi decoration in steps

1. Take the squares of the three varieties of larger size 5 cm. Each of the 7 pieces must be modeled with others to get three-layer sharp kanzash petals. After cutting the tape, be sure to burn the slices to remove sticking out threads.

2. Bend each square so that you get a quarter of the original part - a triangle folded four times.

3. Assemble a multi-layer “sandwich”: put a golden triangle on the blue triangle, and white on the golden one. From a multilayer workpiece, model a beautiful rounded petal with a sharp tip. To do this, use your fingers to close the sharp corners in the resulting structure so that the blue layer remains outside and the white layer inside. While holding the workpiece in this position, carefully cut the closed corners and singe, while pressing down so that the atlas sticks together. Cut off the lower part, giving a more gentle shape.

4. Perform 7 blue-golden-white petals according to the presented procedure. Fasten the flower to the thread. And such a product can already claim to become an elegant hair clip. But in this case, additional fragments will be performed.

5. Prepare the white satin and golden brocade squares of the ribbon with a side of 4 cm. Singe the edges.

6. Bend squares of this size in the same way to four-layer triangles. Then combine the white ribbon and gold, leaving a white layer outside.

7. Close the ends, attach, singeing and cutting off all the excess, desired shape. In this case, a two-layer petal will be made.

8. Make 7 parts for decoration.

9. Glue a rich crystal to the previously made main flower by inserting it into the water lily.

10. Prepare 7 smaller petals for added decor.

11. Glue the obtained white-gold parts into the recesses, complementing the three-layer fragments of the central flower.

12. When the beautiful kanzashi product is ready, you need to turn it into a hair clip. A great way is to make the base removable. Cut a felt circle, cut two slots at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. Cut a piece of white inlay (thick elastic), then stretch the ends of the elastic into the slots. Glue the ends from the inside. Turning the circle on the other side, you will see that you have obtained a convenient loop in which you can insert a clip or hoop.

13. Glue felt with elastic to the back of the flower.

14. Pull the top of the clip under the tape.

If you need to perform the second hairpin, prepare another portion of the fittings and repeat all the steps. Any novice master can do all the work, I presented a step-by-step master class, here we got such an elegant hairpin, I present the photo below. It can be an original gift for a girl, it can be used for any occasion, for example, kanzashi on the last call.