Scenarios for Christmas. Christmas scenarios for kindergarten. From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

Winter holidays the most joyful, they are loved by everyone - from kids to old people. One of the most important days for Orthodox Christians is Christmas. On this day, matinees and performances are held in literally all educational institutions. Here is one of the Christmas holiday scenarios for children.

Participants and surroundings

The scenario requires quite a lot of preparation. The bulk of the work falls on adults, but children also have several important roles.


  • The presenter is an adult. He takes the floor when the rest of the participants do not speak.
  • Three shepherds. These could be students.
  • Angel is a child.
  • Grandmother Antonina. She is the mistress of the house.
  • Grandson.
  • Granddaughter.
  • Grandfather (adult) with a goat (it’s quite possible to dress up one of the kids in an appropriate costume).
  • Kikimora and Leshim are adults, perhaps educators or parents.

The roles played by parents or educators can be arranged so that one person has time to change clothes and play the next character. Otherwise, too many people will be needed.

Entourage and decoration of the hall

In one corner of the hall there is a Christmas tree, next to it there is a table with chairs. This is the upper room. The hostess and her grandchildren are sitting in it, talking and drinking tea. The tree is completely undecorated yet. The box with them is nearby. The hall is decorated with garlands, stars and lanterns, and there are burning candles on the table. Chairs for children and parents (they are also invited to the party) are placed a little further away. It is imperative to leave free space, since the scenario involves active games, competitions and dancing. They are included in the program to include all children. All the time, when the hostess and guests tell different stories about the holiday itself and the traditions associated with it, soft music should be played, appropriate to the situation.

Step one - introduction

Everything is ready in the hall, but the guests don’t see it yet. They enter only with the leader. First of all, the host greets the owners of the house, introduces them and the guests to each other. Grandma says that she is always glad to have guests, especially in such a beautiful evening. After all, she was just about to tell her grandchildren about what a wonderful holiday awaits them. Therefore, if there are more children, it will be even better and more interesting. Then the guests examine the decoration of the hall and sit down on the prepared chairs. Grandmother: Hello, my dear guests! It’s very good that you came today. After all, this evening is very unusual. You all probably know that tomorrow great holiday. But today is also a very important time. This evening is called Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve. And the holiday itself has such an interesting name, because it was on this day that the Savior Jesus was born. By the way, we are now keeping a calendar that starts from this time. They say it’s such and such a year from the Nativity of Christ. And this significant event took place in 5508 from the creation of the world. The first to know what had happened were three shepherds who were doing their work in the pastures near the city of Bethlehem. A real angel appeared to them to bring this news to people.

Dramatization "Shepherds"

The lights in the hall are dimmed. In the free space there are three shepherds sitting on logs around a fire. A fire can be depicted using colored paper from which flames are cut out. The presenter voices the events taking place behind the scenes. The music changes to solemn and an angel enters. A beam of light is directed at him, so it becomes clear that he is wearing white clothes. He asks the shepherds not to be afraid, because he is simply a messenger of God who brought great news. He says that today the Savior of all mankind came into the world. Grandmother: The shepherds immediately believed the messenger and, leaving all their work, went to the city to bow and pay first respects to the baby Jesus. At this time, the light becomes brighter, and the actors go to change their clothes. Grandmother: By the way, who knows why an angel came to the shepherds with such great news? After all, this is completely simple people who had no ranks, no titles, no power. Granddaughter: They were probably very kind and good, they had pure hearts. Grandson: And they also truly, sincerely believed in God. Grandmother: That's right, guys. Now listen to what I tell you about how Christmas used to be celebrated, and one very interesting story.

The legend of the Christmas tree and the collective decoration of the holiday tree

The hostess takes the floor. She tells the legend about the Christmas tree. After this, the children will learn how this tree used to be decorated.

Grandmother: Near the entrance to the cave where the holy family took refuge, three trees grew - an olive, a spruce and a palm tree. They saw a wonderful light in the cave, and this was the conversation they had. The palm tree said that she was the slenderest, and she would bring her best leaf as a gift to the baby to protect him from the sun on hot days. The olive tree said that its leaves were very fragrant, and she wanted to fill the whole cave with fragrance. And the spruce was upset because it had nothing but sharp needles and sticky resin. The olive tree and the palm tree said that she shouldn’t go and left on their own. Spruce, left alone, began to lament that she was a worthless tree; she could only give way to those more worthy. At this time, an angel was nearby, who thanked the tree for its modesty and sprinkled many bright stars on its branches. The baby, when born, did not even notice the palm tree and olive tree, but he waved his hand at the Christmas tree and smiled. This was the beginning of a tradition that we love very much - decorating the Christmas tree. After this, the grandmother says that previously it was customary to dress up not with the same toys as now, but with sweets. Once upon a time, children did not receive sweets every day. That’s why they were even tastier when taken from the tree. Painted vegetables and fruits were also used. The tree was decorated by the whole family on the last day before the holiday. Then a box of toys is taken out and all the children and adults start decorating the tree. Songs and melodies associated with the holiday are played.

Part two - guests

Tradition says that on these days people should come to visit with gifts. This was the case in all good houses.

Grandfather with a goat

There is a loud knock on the door. The hostess says the door is open. Grandfather enters with a goat. In his hands wicker basket. Grandfather: Hello, good people! Happiness and joy to you on a good holiday! It’s so good that someone else remembers the wonderful tradition of visiting each other on Christmas. So, I heard that you were having so much fun, and I also decided to turn it in for the light. And he brought his farm. My goat is good and cheerful. Come on kids, dance with her. Here the goat begins an active dance. The kids repeat her movements. After the song she runs out of the hall. Grandfather: Here, fidget! She ran away. It's time for me too. I'll just give you the gifts. He gives the basket and leaves. The grandmother begins to distribute gifts to the children. These are a variety of wooden products - spoons, balls, special sticks.


Grandmother offers several games with the objects that were in the basket.

  1. Zakidushka. Here you need to throw a small wooden ball into a cup from a certain distance.
  2. Kaleina-malechina. You need to hold the wooden stick on your elbow, knee, wrist, finger or any other part of the body for as long as possible.
  3. Winder. One child from two teams participates. Everyone has a stick and a rope. On command, they must tightly but very quickly wrap this rope around the stick.

Kikimora and Leshy

After introducing the children to old games, the grandmother offers to dance around the Christmas tree. Everyone joins hands and dances in a circle with songs.

Suddenly loud, playful music starts playing and two more characters enter the hall - Kikimora and Leshiy. Leading: We have guests again! But who is it? Goblin: This is how we are in the forest! I am Leshy. Kikimora: Yes, yes, hello everyone. And I'm Kikimora. What, you didn’t find out? We want fun too! Leading: But Christmas is not your holiday at all. Goblin: Here we are, aren’t you happy? Kikimora: Remember what comes after Christmas, here you will have the answer. Grandmother: Of course, we are glad. We welcome all guests. Indeed, children, this wonderful holiday is followed by Christmastide. And at this time in Rus' it was very noisy and fun - fortune telling, carols and all kinds of fun. Goblin: Grandma is right. Well, were you looking forward to some fun? Kikimora: Shall we play?

Outdoor games


Everyone is invited to dance to cheerful music. From time to time the presenter says “Freeze, left hand! or “Freeze, right leg!” and so on. After these words, you can move only those parts of the body that have not yet frozen. You can even use your eyes and mouth.

Passing the ball

Two teams are needed. Children line up in two rows one after another. On command, they begin to pass the ball. The first one passes it to the one standing behind him above his head and so on until the end. When the last one receives the ball, he passes it forward between the legs of the player standing in front of him. The team that completes it first wins.

Christmas Quiz

The questions should be simple. For example, about the seasons, the twelve months, Christmas, the educational process, and the like.


Two teams that have already taken their seats (you can move the chairs a little) are given a large sheet of paper. Each one has dots pre-marked. From them, after connecting in a certain order, a drawing should be obtained that is somehow related to the holiday. The players' task is to figure out what was intended to be depicted and correctly connect the dots. Adults can also participate and help a little.

Final part

Grandmother: Well, dear guests, have you had enough of playing? Well done to everyone today. Then I ask for the Christmas table. You're in for a treat. After all, fasting ends with the appearance of the first star in the sky. After that, you could cook pancakes, pies and other goodies! Leading: Happy Merry Christmas to you! To every home of grace and goodness. The final stage is a treat. Drinks, gingerbread, sweets and pies are distributed to everyone. There may be several scenario options for children at Christmas - we invite you to watch a video with another a beautiful fairy tale, performed by students kindergarten:

Scenario for Christmas holiday for schoolchildren

Scenario for Christmas in folk style for schoolchildren. Christmas traditions, poems and songs about Christmas. Christmas holiday at school. Characters: presenter, Angel, 10 children - readers. What is needed in preparation: learn poems and Christmas songs with the children. Costumes for the script participants, music, themed decoration of the hall.

Christmas scenario for children

Christmas script for children. Christmas carols, songs, poems about Christmas. How to celebrate Christmas with children. Characters: presenter - adult, children - participants. What is needed in preparation: the star of Bethlehem, mummers' costumes for children, gifts for children for singing carols, themed decoration of the room.

Christmas celebration scenario for adults and children

Christmas celebration scenario for adults and children. Christmas concert, songs and poems about Christmas, a skit about Christmas. Celebrating Christmas at home. Characters: two presenters, performers of the scene. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the participants in the skit, souvenirs and prizes for performers of songs and poems, Christmas songs, room decoration.

Christmas script for kindergarten “Yolochka”

Scenario for Christmas for kindergarten “Herringbone”. Christmas scenario for children 3-4 years old. Poems and songs for children for Christmas. Characters: Christmas tree, Snowflakes, 1st shepherd, 2nd shepherd, Bunny, Flowers, Fire and Water. What is needed in preparation: snowflake costumes for girls, postcards - stars with wishes that children should make in advance, music, learning songs and poems, decorating the hall.

Christmas party on English language

Christmas evening in English for 8th grade students. Christmas poems and songs in English. Characters: angels (preferably 12), Santa Claus, boy Johnny, three kings, Maria, Befana, Madeleine (all roles were played by students). What is needed in preparation: songbooks for guests reading in English, sparklers, costumes, mangers, hay, animal figurines.

Script "A Christmas Play"

Scenario for Christmas. Poems about Christmas. History of the holiday Christmas. Characters: boy, grandmother, angel, Mary, reader, Joseph, innkeeper, shepherds, servant, Herod, wise men. What is needed in preparation: stage decoration, costumes for the characters, music. It is necessary to learn songs in advance for general performance.

Script for the scene “The Night Before Christmas”

The script for the scene “The Night Before Christmas” in a modern interpretation. Characters: Oksana (Sandra), Head (Mayor of Paris), Solokha (actress Solange), Her son Vakula (Vakulio, Vakuldo), Sexton (Padre), Devil (Lucifer, Diabolo), Jennifer Lopez, Kum Pana, Chub. Ukrainian girls, French and Latin American dancers, evil spirits. What is needed in preparation: you need to create an impromptu film set on stage where Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas” is filmed.

Script for the scene “The Dream Before Christmas”

Interesting scenario skits “The Dream Before Christmas”. Christmas scene for children. Characters: 3 angels, wise men, 3 shepherds, 3 wise men, grandmother, granddaughter, girl, brother, youth leader, choir director, youth choir leader, group of believing youth. What you need in preparation: a stage equipped like an apartment, angel costumes, Christmas music.

Script for the skit “Come to Me for Christmas”

Script for a funny scene “The Dream Before Christmas.” Christmas skit for adults and children. Characters: Dasha, Glasha, mother of Glasha and Masha, Kuzma, Anton and Grigory. What is needed in preparation: stage design, chairs, stage props, musical accompaniment, costumes for the characters.

Scenario "Christmas Journey" for students in grades 4 - 6

Christmas script for students in grades 4-6. Merry Christmas greetings, poems about Christmas. Characters: the presenters are a boy and a girl. 30 children dressed in costumes of the peoples of the world: Latin America, Africa, the East, England, Russia. What you need in preparation: music different countries, costumes for participants, room decoration.

Nativity of Christ - scenario for older preschoolers

Scenario for Christmas for senior schoolchildren. Christmas traditions, poems about Christmas. Christmas holiday at school. Characters: Adults: presenter, shepherd, one of the eastern sages, master and hostess. Children: shepherdesses, angels (girls), oriental wise men (boys), Herod, stars and Candles (girls). What is needed in preparation: costumes for children, room decoration, nativity scene and other holiday props, music.

Christmas script for the school theater “Bethlehem Night”

Script for the scene "Bethlehem Night". Christmas scene for school. Characters: Simon, the innkeeper, Martha, his wife, Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan, Merchant, 3 shepherds. What you need in preparation: props for the stage, costumes for the characters, Christmas music, a screen in the background of the stage.

Scenario for a Christmas party in kindergarten

Interesting scenario children's matinee in kindergarten for Christmas. Christmas for kindergarten. Christmas carols and games for children. Characters: presenter, owner, barkers, Varvara, Dunya, carolers, boy and girl. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the characters, decoration of the hall, music. It will be necessary to learn songs and dances with children.

Scenario for kindergarten “Christmas time”

Scenario for Christmas for kindergarten “Christmas time”. Christmas script for children senior group. Poems and songs, riddles for children about Christmas. Characters: presenter, children - readers, owner, hostess, grandmother, animals, carolers. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the characters, decoration of the hall, music.

Carols in kindergarten - Christmas scenario

Christmas carols, poems and songs. A Christmas scenario for a kindergarten, in which mostly adults take part. Characters: adults - mummers (Goat, Bear, Crane, Baba Yaga, Gypsies, etc.) What is needed in preparation: costumes for the mummers, music, hall decoration. It is necessary to learn carols and songs with children in advance.

Christmas script "Carols of Mother Winter"

Christmas script for children. Christmas carols and songs. How to carol before Christmas. Poems for Christmas. Characters: presenter, Nikolai, Arina, hosts. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and carols, make improvised village houses, prepare costumes for carolers.

Scenario children's party"Under the Christmas Star"

Christmas script for children. Christmas poems, songs and carols. Characters: The Sorceress Snowstorm and the Sorceress Purga are the hosts of the holiday. Snowflakes, magic horses, Magpie, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Goblin, Two Forest Robbers, Gerda, The Snow Queen, Fox. Biblical characters, forest animals - dolls from a puppet theater. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the actors, music, decorations and props for the stage.

Scenario for Christmas “Christmas festivities”

Script for the Christmas scene “Christmas festivities.” Christmas scene for school. Poems about Christmas. History of the holiday Christmas. Characters: 2 readers, 2 presenters, Solokha, boy. What is needed in preparation: stage decoration, costumes for the actors, Christmas tunes.

Scenario for children “Christmas gatherings”

Christmas script for children. Poems about Christmas, Christmas songs, round dances, folk signs, carols for Christmas. Characters: two girls, a gypsy, a devil, a landlady. Carolers. What is needed in preparation: learn carols and songs, prepare costumes. Room decoration, Christmas music.

Quiz for Christmas

Christmas quizzes, Christmas riddles, Christmas history, Interesting Facts about Christmas. Games, competitions for children at Christmas. An interesting scenario for Christmas. Actors: presenter who will ask questions. What you need in preparation: apples, a bowl of water, other props for competitions, Christmas music, interior.

Christmas script for children

An interesting Christmas scenario for children. Poems about Christmas. Children about Christmas. Characters: presenter, two shepherds, two wise men, two children - readers. Characters: presenter, shepherds, angels, wise men. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the heroes, decorating the room with stars, gifts for children.

Games for children at Christmas

Fun Christmas games for kids. Riddles, competitions, quizzes, poems about Christmas. How to celebrate Christmas with children. Characters: presenter, carolers, hosts. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions and games, prizes for winners, gifts for children, costumes for heroes, music for games and competitions.

Script for the scene “A Christmas Tale”

The script for the humorous skit “A Christmas Tale.” Christmas skit for adults. Characters: Author (voice-over), he, she, Christmas, hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, pharmacist, girl Tanya, Christmas fairy. What is needed in preparation: costumes of the characters, stage design, music.

Scenario for Christmas for a group of friends “Yuletide fortune-telling”

An interesting Christmas scenario for a group of friends. Yuletide fortune-telling for Christmas. How to tell fortunes for Christmas. Fortune telling for Christmas with friends. Characters: presenter (mistress of the house). What is needed in preparation: select suitable fortune-telling and prepare the props necessary for each fortune-telling. Treats for friends, music.

The script is a parody of “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva

A funny Christmas script for those who love to sing and have fun. A parody of “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva. Characters: presenters, Alla Pugacheva, musicians. What is needed in preparation: costumes and make-up “like the stars”, musical instruments and microphones, knowledge of songs, styling the room for a stage, concert.

Target: introducing students to Russian Orthodox traditions.


1.acquaintance with the history of the origin of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ;

2. fostering a respectful attitude towards the cultural values ​​of the Russian people;

3.organization of cultural leisure for schoolchildren.

Age: 8 - 9 years old.

Duration: 1 hour.



MKOU "Secondary school No. 1" in the city of Nikolaevsk, Volgograd region.

Methodological development.

Holiday "Nativity of Christ".

Novikova Tatyana Mikhailovna,

Teacher primary classes.


Target: introducing students to Russian Orthodox traditions.


1.acquaintance with the history of the origin of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ;

2. fostering a respectful attitude towards the cultural values ​​of the Russian people;

3.organization of cultural leisure for schoolchildren.



Multimedia projector,


Presentation “The Story of the Birth of Jesus Christ”,

Animal costumes for the scene “In the Forest”,

For the game "Felt boots" - felt boots,

For the game “Catch a Snowball” - “snowballs” made of cotton wool,

For the game “Gifts of the Magi” -candy, spool of thread, thimble, chewing candy, small card, toy, Walnut, Chupa Chups candy.

Age: 8 -9 years.

Duration: 1 hour.

Stages of implementation:

1.Reading poetry.

2. Scene “In the Forest”.

3.Teacher's story accompanied by a slide show.


5. Summing up.

Main part.

Topic: “The Nativity of Christ.”

School holiday.

Summary of the holiday.

Children read poetry:

1. Under the cover of a starry night
The Russian village is dozing;
All the way, all the paths
Covered with white snow...

2. Here and there lights on the windows,
Like stars are burning;
Runs towards the fire like a snowdrift
There's a crowd of guys with the star.

3. They are knocking under the windows,
“Your Christmas” is sung.
Waits! Waits!
It is heard here and there.

4. And in a discordant children's choir
So mysteriously pure
The holy news is so gratifying
About the birth of Christ... (A. Korinfsky)

Scene "In the Forest".


The belief among the people has existed for a long time,
That on the quiet night of Christmas,
All forest animals forget enmity,
And peace comes - everything is in memory of Christ!

Leading: Look, guys, the wolf is coming.

Music for the wolf. The wolf walks in a circle, looking around sternly.

On a cold night,
A hungry wolf walks around
Raises the fur on end,
He is looking for someone to eat.


Which beautiful night, I don’t even want to eat anyone!

Leading: This is because the holiday is Christmas!

The wolf was surprised, sat down under the Christmas tree, looking at the stars. Squirrel is jumping here.

Music for Squirrel. A squirrel jumps around the Christmas tree.


Winter has come again,
But not for fun
The squirrel hides in the bins
Cones and nuts.
(notices Wolf)
Oh oh oh! Wolf!
(closes with paws)


Don't be afraid, squirrel, I won't touch you.

Leading: Holiday today - Christ was born!
Both heaven and earth - everything rejoices!

Squirrel sat down next to the Wolf, marveling at the beauty of the forest. He hears branches crunching...

(Music for the Bear. The Bear comes out, waddling.)


I sleep in a den in winter,
Under a huge pine tree.
Only when spring comes,
I wake up from sleep.
What's that noise? Why did they wake me up?


We have joy, Bear. Christ is born!

Leading: Then the Bear understood why he couldn’t sleep on such a night. Oh, who is this?

(Music for the Bunny. The Bunny jumps, confusing his tracks.)


It won't be long before trouble is in the forest,
But the hare is not a simpleton.
I can confuse my tracks:
That's it, that's it, that's it!
(sees the Wolf, gets scared)
Oh, I'm afraid!


Don't be afraid, the Wolf won't touch you. Today is a holiday - Christmas!

Leading: Listen, the star sings!
Hurry up there, there, there,
Where on the straw, among the mangers,
The one who is brighter than all was born,
Who is the most beautiful and wisest of all -
Savior of the world, king of kings!


Since ancient times, many peoples had fun holidays that they celebrated in winter. For example, the ancient Romans celebrated the holiday of Saturnalia in December, and our ancestors solemnly celebrated the day at that time winter solstice. Cheerful, noisy holidays were supposed to return warmth, light, and spring to people.

During the Christian era, ancient customs were preserved and acquired new meaning. Christ was born in the most difficult and dark time of the year, bringing light and hope to people. It is from this event that we base our chronology, because the years of our era are the years from the Nativity of Christ.

(Quiet music sounds.)

Teacher's story accompanied by a slide show.

Slide 1.

Just over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem. When I was a little girl, my grandmother told me about his birth. I remember this story well, and now I’ll tell it to you guys. (Appendix No. 1)

Slide 2.

Mary lived in the city of Nazareth. She was the bride of the carpenter Joseph.

One day an Angel appeared to Mary and said that she would give birth to a child, the Savior of the world, Jesus. His father will be God Himself.

Slide 3.

After the wedding of Joseph and Mary, they had to go on a journey.

Slide 4.

At that time, Emperor Augustus wanted to know how many people lived in his state. He ordered every resident to return to the city where he came from and take the census. The Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph went to the city of Bethlehem. The road was difficult and long. Joseph walked and led a donkey, on which Mary was sitting.

Slide 5.

They arrived in Bethlehem late in the evening. The couple wanted to spend the night in a hotel, but all the hotels and all the houses were overcrowded, because many people had gathered in the city. And only one cave on the edge of the city, where shepherds drove their cattle in bad weather, gave them shelter. That night Mary gave birth to a son, Jesus Christ. The mother swaddled the baby and placed it in a manger on straw. She had no other cradle for the child.

Children sing the Christmas carol "This is a holy night", lyrics. and music folk.( Appendix No. 2.)

Children read poetry.

1. In the manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair.

The Bull Breathed on the Baby's Face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at it, barely breathing.

2. Sparrows through the roof poles
They flocked to the manger,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
He crumpled the blanket with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was the most comfortable of all
Warm the Child sideways in the manger...

3. Subdued white goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the Child
Just a minute for me too!”
And he cried loudly
In the pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, having opened his eyes,
Suddenly the circle of animals moved apart
And with a smile full of affection,
He whispered: “Look quickly!”
(Poem by Sasha Cherny "Rozhdestvenskoe".)

The teacher continues the story, accompanied by a slide show.

Slide 6.

In a field nearby, shepherds were guarding their flock. An angel appeared to them from heaven and revealed that the Savior of the world had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds went to look for the newborn Jesus.

Slide 7.

They found Mary, Joseph and the Child lying in a manger. The shepherds bowed to the Child.

Slide 8.

When Jesus was born, a bright star lit up in the sky.

In distant countries in the East, wise men lived. They watched the sky and immediately saw a new star. The Magi realized that a great King had been born in Israel, and they went to worship Him. The star shone above them and showed the way.

Slide 9.

The Magi reached Jerusalem and asked everyone there where the newborn King of the Jews was.

Slide 10.

The cruel and treacherous King Herod became alarmed. He was afraid of losing his throne and planned to destroy Jesus. Herod pretended that he wanted to worship the Child. He asked the wise men to tell him where Jesus was if they found Him.

Slide 11.

The star stopped over the place where the baby was. The Magi entered the stable and saw Mary and her Son. They presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Then they set off on their way back.

Each of the gifts had a certain canonical meaning and served as a sign of recognition of Christ:
gold is a symbol of royal power;
incense (Lebanon) - recognition of his divinity;
myrrh - recognition of his humanity.
* Frankincense is an aromatic substance obtained from the bark of a white tree in India and Arabia. It is used for perfumes, incense, and is part of incense (church incense).
* Myrrh – precious oil, balm, used for anointing

Slide 12.

That same night, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said that he would take Mary and the baby and flee to Egypt, because King Herod wanted to destroy Jesus.

That's what Joseph and Mary did. They gathered, took little Jesus and headed to Egypt.

Slide 13.

When some time passed and the wise men did not return, Herod realized that he had been deceived.

However, time flies quickly. After some time, King Herod died.

And then God, through an angel, conveyed to Joseph and Mary that they could return to the land of Israel.

Joseph, Mary and Jesus returned home and settled in the city of Nazareth

Children read poetry.

1. The songs about Christ are not all sung,
This is not the last verse about Him,
And His radiant covenants
They shall not be extinguished among the sons of men.

He, like us, walked under the starry sky
And I talked to people more than once,
He is now both children and adults
Understands. Understands us.

2. On this holiday again we will celebrate:
There was our Savior and Friend in the world,
To give happiness to adults and children,
Save from sin and eternal torment.

Those who have not yet lived much in the world,
Also those who have lived many days -
Sing, brothers, sisters! Sing children!
This is a holiday for adults and children! (S. Nadson)


Christmas is bright joyful holiday! We decorate the Christmas tree, decorate its top with a sparkling star, and light the lanterns. And now we’ll play and find out “What doesn’t happen on a Christmas tree?”

The game is played: “What doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree?”

I will name different objects to you if you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say: “Yes.”

If I name something that doesn’t happen on the Christmas tree, I have to restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake.

So the holiday has come,
Everyone decorated the Christmas tree.

Who, guys, will confirm -
Hanging on its branches:

Is the asterisk the top?
A loud cracker?
Petenka - parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
A ball of cobwebs?
Old shoes?

Chocolate bars?
Horses and horses?
Bunnies made from cotton wool?

Red lanterns?
Bread crumbs?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Colin's pants?
Tasty candy?
Latest newspapers?...

The game is played: "Felt boots".

Felt boots are placed in front of the Christmas tree big size. Two children are playing. At a signal, they run around the tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the Christmas tree faster and puts on felt boots.

The game is played: "Catch the snowball."
Several couples participate. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of “snowballs” (made of cotton wool). At a signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The first couple to finish the game and score wins large quantity“snowballs”.

In memory of the gifts that the Magi brought to the newborn Jesus, people still give each other gifts at Christmas.

Game "Gifts of the Magi"

Examples of items:
spools of thread;
chewing candy;
small postcard;

candy "chupa chups";

Children are offered a bag with various items. Examples of items are provided in the supplementary materials. Children take turns putting their hand into the bag, choosing an object and trying to figure out what it is by touch. If the child guesses correctly, he takes this item as a prize.

All participants in the scenario line up on the stage, holding lit candles.
Everyone sings the song “We are little candles” (music by E. Kaverina).

The Nativity of Christ happened once in the Bethlehem cave; the Nativity of Christ takes place in human hearts all the time, bringing joy, peace, and happiness.


1. Gradova E.G.Scenario school holiday"Nativity"

2. Lugovskaya Yu.P. Children's parties at school, summer camp and at home. “We challenge boredom.” Publisher: Phoenix, 2002.

3. Mattelmäki, V. and B. Arapovich. Children's Bible. 13th edition, expanded. Publisher: Bible Translation Institute, Stockholm,
1990 .

4. Moroz V.V. "Big children's encyclopedia of New Year and Christmas celebrations." Publisher: OlmaMediaGroup, 2006.

5. Nadson S.Ya. Complete collection of poems Publishing house L.: Sov. writer, 1962.

6. Sasha Cherny. Poems.
Publishing house "Soviet Writer", Leningrad, 1960.

7. Saint Macarius of Korinsky. Philokalia. Publishing house "Siberian benediction", 2010.

8. Shalaeva G.P. New Year and Christmas. Publisher: M.: Astrel-SLOVO, 2009


Appendix No. 1.

Presentation slides “The Story of the Birth of Jesus Christ.

Appendix No. 2.

Christmas carol "This night is holy"

(folk words and music)

This night is holy
This night of salvation
Announced to the whole world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.

On this holy night
The shepherds did not sleep
A bright angel flew to them
From the heavenly bright distance.

Great fear took over
Those children of the desert.
He told them: "Oh, don't be afraid -
There is joy in the whole world now.

Now God has become incarnate
For people's salvation;
You go and have a look
To great humility."

From the heights of heaven
Suddenly there was singing:
“Glory, glory to God in the highest,
there is good will on earth!”

Appendix No. 3.

Song "We are little candles" (music by E. Kaverina).

And on this wonderful evening
God gives us honor.
Burn, carrying around the world
Christmas message.

So rejoice with us
And have fun everyone:
Christ - Savior of the world
Born on earth.

Christmas miracle
Again God brought us
So let it be in every heart
Christ is born.

We are little candles
We don’t get tired of shining.
And together with our light
We bring joy to you.

Chorus: Light, Light, Light, Light appeared to us. (2 times)

“Christmas gatherings” - history, traditions and customs of the Christian holiday

Christmas in primary school. Scenario for younger children school age

Churepkina Valentina Petrovna, teacher at the Regional Children's Sanatorium for Tuberculosis Patients, Berezovsky, Barzas, Kemerovo Region.

The whole family this evening
Let's gather around the table.
Mom will say:
Maybe candles
Let's light it up for the holiday?
Let's turn off the electricity
We'll do without him.
And we will solemnly decorate
Community dinner on Christmas Day.
Let the cheerful fire jump
Over a raspberry candle,
And the candlestick quietly cries
Stearic tear. P. Sinyavsky
Description: The event is dedicated to the Orthodox calendar holiday “The Nativity of Christ”. Children's age is 6-10 years. This material will be useful to primary school teachers, educators preschool institutions, as well as children and parents who are interested in and honor age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Target: appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions and values ​​of one’s people.
give children information about Orthodox holiday“The Nativity of Christ”: history and traditions;
to form cognitive needs and interests, activity;
enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment;
give children the pleasure of becoming a direct participant in the wonderful holiday of Christmas;
educate and develop in children age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Preliminary work: memorizing poems, carols; selection of musical repertoire; the day before, invite the creative group to cut out paper beautiful snowflakes and decorate the class (group) with a round dance of snowflakes; Assignment for children to take home: cut out figures of heroes from biblical stories (figures of Mary, the Magi, shepherds, animals surrounding the baby’s manger, angels) or make them from cardboard and paper.
Material: computer; Christmas tree; Star of Bethlehem; snowflakes cut out of paper; figurines of heroes of biblical stories made of cardboard and paper; sweets and baked goods prepared by the children together with their parents for the holiday; a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets.
Progress: Plays "A Christmas Carol"
Teacher: Hello, dear guys. I greet you and our dear guests on the Orthodox holiday “The Nativity of Christ.”
Christmas is a holiday in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the night of January 6-7.

The Boy God was born in a manger
Among donkeys, lambs.
And I was illuminated by a star
Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,
Looking into the Baby's eyes:
“He came with goodness and faith,
With compassion and affection!”

And the puppy is a couch potato
I peeked from the kennel,
How the Magi came from the East,
They brought their gifts.

"Holiday Traditions"

Teacher: Since then, on January 6, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, Christmas Eve begins.

In the old days, the father brought hay into the house to lay it on the table (because little Jesus was laid on the hay!) and put a pot of kutya in it - the most important dish on this holiday.
On Christmas Eve, children always brought kutya to their godparents, and they eagerly awaited their little godchildren and treated them to all sorts of things.

"The Legend of the Christmas Tree"

Teacher: Traditionally, the main holiday attribute is the Christmas tree. The first toys were apples, nuts and various sweets. Later, the Christmas tree began to be decorated with shiny toys, light bulbs, and candles. At the top there must certainly be the Star of Bethlehem, indicating the birthplace of Jesus Christ (the children help the teacher install the star).
Teacher: Guys, on the eve of the holiday we made figurines of heroes from biblical stories. I suggest you update the outfit of our New Year tree.
The teacher and the children decorate the Christmas tree with figures of characters from biblical stories made of cardboard and paper.

At the same time, the teacher tells the children a fairy tale about a Christmas tree, the meaning of which is that when Jesus created many trees, he began to decorate them. He decorated the apple tree with poured apples, the plum tree with blue cream, and the rowan tree with poured red berries. . . The trees approached Christ one by one, and he decorated them, only one modest tree remained on the sidelines and was embarrassed to approach God. Then Jesus, seeing this tree, approached it himself and said that for her modesty, 2 times a year this tree would be decorated with the most beautiful toys, shiny balls and sparkling garlands. That is why twice a year - on New Year and Christmas, the Christmas tree becomes the most beautiful tree in the world.

"Christmas Nativity Scene"

Teacher: An integral tradition of celebrating the Nativity of Christ are nativity scenes. The Nativity scene is a kind of puppet theater that our ancestors showed at Christmas. Christmas plays were performed using homemade dolls attached to sticks. The subjects of the nativity scenes were associated with the birth of Christ.

“We went caroling”

Teacher: An equally interesting custom is caroling. On Christmas night, young people walked around the courtyards, singing carols, wishing their owners well, health and prosperity. And they certainly gave them sweets and hard coins.
Preparations for the rounds began several days in advance. Costumes and masks were prepared in advance. The traditional characters of the mummers were a wolf, a goat, and Baba Yaga. Usually the singers walked with a large homemade star made of paper, it symbolized the star that rose over Bethlehem when Christ was born.

Teacher: I suggest you guys support this glorious tradition, especially since it is not at all difficult to do. Of course, if you go into every apartment without warning in a well-dressed crowd, then most likely they will simply not open the door for you. That's why better than people, to whom you plan to come to sing carols, notify them in advance. This can be done verbally, or you can simply post a notice at the entrance to the entrance.
Now the guys will present us some traditional carols.
The phonogram of a Russian folk melody sounds.
Children come out dressed as traditional characters: wolf, goat, hares, bears, Baba Yaga, goat and others, as well as in costumes with elements of Russian folk costume (colored scarf or kokoshniks, sundress, etc.), holding a large homemade a star made of paper, a box and traditional caroling begins.
All together in chorus:
We will sing carols
And glorify Christ for you.
Open the chests
Take out the snouts.

1st child:
An angel came down from heaven to us,
And he said: "Christ is born"
All together in chorus:
We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you all.

2nd child (addresses the leader):
Carols, carols, carols,
I'm alone with my father,
Short skin
Give me a pie, mistress!

3rd child:

Give us some candy
Maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

4th child:
I'm a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Congratulations on the holiday,
I wish you good health.

5th child (addresses the guests):
Come on, auntie, give it to me,
You, little swan, give it to me!
Give me some pie
As wide as a mitten,
Don't lose the filling -
Give me the whole pie!

6th child:
A little boy
Sat down on a glass
The glass is fragile,
Give me a ruble.

7th child:
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck.

8th child:
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb.

9th child:
Give me a dumpling,
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.

10th child:
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!
All their efforts are rewarded with sweets, coins and small souvenirs.

Game "Primerzli"

Adults also take part in the game to make the game even more fun. The essence of this game is as follows: on small pieces of paper they write parts of the body: forehead, nose, ear, hand, etc. All the pieces of paper are put into a bag. The participants in the game take turns taking out pieces of paper and “freezing” each other with the body parts indicated on the piece of paper. It turns out to be a very funny chain.

"Yuletide fortune-telling"

Teacher: And another traditional Christmas entertainment is fortune telling. As a rule, young unmarried girls do fortune telling. The most surprising thing is that according to church laws, fortune telling is a great sin, but on Christmastide, fortune telling is allowed. In general, fortune telling is a dangerous game; there is always a risk of encountering evil spirits. During Christmas time, the risk is much less: “Christ was born, and all the evil spirits have their tail between their legs, spinning around uselessly, and cannot harm...”
Teacher: There is also a belief that wishes made on Christmas night will definitely come true. You just need to remember that wishes must be good, then they will definitely come true.
Teacher: Christmas is a holiday of gifts. In memory of the gifts of the Magi to the newborn Jesus, people give each other gifts at Christmas.

Game "Gifts of the Magi"

Everyone present takes turns putting their hand into a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and trying to guess what kind of item is in their hand; After this, the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this item for himself.
Teacher:“Gifts of the Magi” is an ancient game, and Christmas gifts, packed in several layers, await us under the Christmas tree. wrapping paper(takes one of them).

Scenario for a children's Christmas party "The Light of Christmas" for children 5-10 years old

Antsiferova Olga Vasilievna, teacher of the highest quarter. category, MKDOU kindergarten 17, Revda city, Sverdlovsk region.
The script for the Christmas holiday for children aged 4 - 10 years old describes in detail a theatrical musical performance that reveals the events of Christmas, presents a game program for children that answers the question “What should I give to the birthday boy on Christmas?”, and also the appendix presents the phonogram of the skit, the phonogram of a children's disco . This development will be of interest to those who organize holidays, entertainment for children, as well as managers theater groups, Sunday school teachers, etc.

Target: to introduce children of preschool and primary school age to spiritual and moral values, through introducing them to the events of history - the Nativity of Christ.
1. To develop educational interest in the history of one of the holidays - the Nativity of Christ, through a theatrical production.
2. Foster a desire for kindness, love for one’s neighbor, hard work, obedience, and politeness.
3. Develop the skills of friendly communication, attention, patience, diligence, and contribute to the development of a feeling of joyful anticipation of the holiday. Develop a feeling of joy in connection with this event.
Required materials: costumes - Mary, Joseph, 3-4 shepherds, 3 wise men, 2 stars, angel Gabriel, angel girl, 3-4 extras; hall decoration – big star, canvas veil of three colors (white, blue, dark blue), nativity scene, manger, animals (sheep, donkey, etc.); materials for game program– a large box-suit “Gift”, the words “kindness and love”, “obedience”, “hard work”, “joy”, cardboard hearts as a gift, on which the same words are written, prizes for games and competitions, 3 newspaper baskets balls, 2 large balls; phonogram of the theatrical production "The Light of Christmas", children's disco, gifts for children, bells, masks.
Celebration progress:
The costumed heroes of the play greet guests and invitees and wish them a Merry Christmas. In the hall, two animators get to know the children and play small games for acquaintance and emancipation, such as “The wind blows on this, that ...”, “Molecules”, “Hippodrome”, “We came to the theater”, etc.

Presenter 3: Good evening, dear guests! Boys and girls! We are glad to celebrate with you one of the brightest holidays - Christmas. The old word "Christmas" means "birth." Whose birth are we celebrating? Who was born on this day? To the sound of bells we begin this fun party... (To the music of the bells, artists with bells in their hands come out across the entire hall)
Happy bright Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open the doors wider
On this day we say
About the birth of Christ.
On this day they cannot be silent
Our children's lips.
And hearts want to praise,
Without stopping for a moment.
Glorify God with us!
Don't be silent - He is great.
(The star girls collect bells and the musical Christmas production “The Light of Christmas” begins, soundtrack)
Beginning: Dance of the Dolls. (Performers five people).
Dialogue between mother and daughter.
Daughter. Mom, there is snow all around, winter, beauty everywhere.
And everything in the shop windows is beautifully decorated.
Like waiting for a miracle, a secret meeting awaits.
They say about Christmas. Mom, tell me everything.
Who is Jesus Christ? The One who brought us the holiday.
Tell me, please, I want to know about it. (2 times)

Mother. You are my baby daughter, on this fabulous night
I'll tell you everything about the great Christmas.
This mystery is great. God put it in our hearts
This sacred holiday is celebrated throughout the Universe.
Sit more comfortably in a chair. I will narrate. (2 times)

Maria comes out, sits down and embroiders on a hoop...

Mother. The sixth month had already passed, and the angel Gabriel was sent.
God sent him to Nazareth to tell Mary.

It turns out that Archangel Gabriel...

Angel Gabriel: Mary, most pure virgin, do not be afraid and reveal the good news.
I was sent from God to tell you that you have received grace from Him.
A great one will be born in your womb, great glory will be upon Him.
The child will be called Jesus forever, and He will be clothed with the strength of the Lord.

Maria: But how can this happen to me?
After all, I don’t know my husband, I’m still a girl.

Angel Gabriel: Listen to me, I answer you: you will be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit in your sleep.
And the power of the Most High will be with you, and you will bring the Son of God into the world.
To your dear relatives, Elizabeth, the one who was considered barren in the world,
In his old age, the Lord gave him a son and showed him great power in glory.

Maria: Let it be done to me according to your word; I want to be obedient to the Lord.
Servant of the Lord forever. May your words come true.

Joseph appears at his mother’s words and together with Mary they go to Bethlehem...
- Stars and angels come out and dance...

Mother: Maria and her husband began to get ready to register in Bethlehem.
There was a census of people there, Maria and her husband went there.
And on the way, the time came for her to give birth. Maria and her husband looked for a house for a long time,
Where I could get rid of the burden. The road led them to the hotel.
There was no place for them in the hotel. The baby had to be born in a barn.
And she wrapped her Son in swaddling clothes. And it filled her with joy.
She took the baby in her arms and named Him Jesus.

At this time, the shepherds come out, sit around the fire, warm themselves
Mother: And in that country there were shepherds in the field. During the night watch the herd was guarded.
Their fires quickly burn out, and the shepherds rest here.
In the coolness of the wind, the darkness of the night, where everything is enveloped in beauty,
Where a scattering of stars twinkles marvelously, only a herd of them grazes peacefully.

A bright light is lit, angels appear and proclaim gladness. news.(3 angels)
Mother: But suddenly everything was illuminated with light, and the glory of the Lord appeared.
And the angel stood before them, and fear fell on the shepherds.
An angel and a few others are dancing nearby...

Angel: Get up from your knees, don't be afraid of me.
Great joy came to the people.
Today the Savior Jesus Christ has been born. He brought salvation to people on earth.
Here, I will show you a sign on how to find it. You must come to the city of David.
You will find a baby, he is lying in a stable.
The one worthy of all glory will sit on the throne.

Dance of the shepherds...
Shepherds: Let us go to the Child in Bethlehem, as the angel spoke of Him.
Let's see what happened there, what the Lord told us about.
God will not leave us on the way, he will show us where to go.
We want to know about the miracle and will tell everyone about it.
Get up quickly and let’s go, we’ll sing to God on the way
We will glorify the Lord with a song about the power of His wonderful works.
We will exalt You forever and ever.
Forever and ever, my God, my king. 4 times.

The shepherds sit on the right side of the nativity scene and wait for the words of their mother’s song
Stars come out with lanterns, Dance of the stars...
Mother: My baby, you are not sleeping yet.
Then listen, what happened next.
The baby was found by shepherds.
And they all bowed low.

Shepherds bow to the infant Christ...

Mother: Let's not tell everyone everything
About what they themselves saw.
And all the people marveled at the miracle
and glorified God everywhere.
And then it went like this:
Magi from the east emerge from behind the stage, following a star.
Mother: The star was taken as a sign
Wise Magi from the East,
They followed her for a long time.
And suddenly the star stood in place,
Where was the baby and mother together?
And the wise men entered their house
And they brought glory to God.

They present gifts and bow...

Mother: The baby grew and became stronger
And filled with wisdom from God.
AND God's grace was on Him.
And the angel rejoiced in the sky.

Daughter: Oh, mom, I saw this too,
When I imagined everything in my dreams.
Heroes suddenly appeared to me.
Everything is like in life, not in a dream.
Now I know why
We celebrate Christmas.
Christ was born on this day
And he brought us salvation.

Spinning, jumping, rejoicing with mom...

Daughter: Come on, mom, let's celebrate quickly
And glorify God on this holiday!
Hallelujah! Happy holiday!

The song Aleluya sounds...

All participants go on stage and kneel around the Infant Christ, stretching out their hands to Him... A star shines above everyone with a flashlight...

Presenter 1: I liked the show so much, I learned what Christmas is!
Presenter 2: Turns out it's someone's birthday? Whose? Riddles for children:
We celebrate this great Triumph, the Holiday is called Christ... (Christmas)
An angel of God came from God to the virgin... (Gabriel)
An angel brought news to Mary that she would be born...(Christ)
Where our Savior was born - You all know the place. Well, just name it. This is the city...(Bethlehem)
In the cave, in the manger, lying on the hay, you will see the Saint... (baby)
Joseph was obedient, I’m not afraid to say, He named the baby God... (Jesus)
Who was not happy about the Baby? Soldiers were sent to beat the children. A godless king ruled the world. It was cruel... (Herod)
They were the first to find Him in the cave...(the shepherds)
In joy they prayed to God And the shepherds bowed low to Christ... (bowed)
The Magi arrived at the Baby's birthday party. Did you bring money as a gift? No? And what? You tell me.
How did the Magi find the King? Showed the way... (star)
At Christmas, both celebration and mystery emanate from everywhere, and the heart skips a beat in anticipation of... (a miracle)
Presenter 2: On this birthday, everyone usually gives gifts to the birthday boy!
Oh, how I would like to be in Bethlehem,
See Jesus in the feeding trough in the stable.
But what should I give him on his birthday?
But what will I bring Him as a gift?
What should I give to Jesus? Guys, what would you give Him? (Children's answers)
Presenter 1: Look guys, how big and beautiful gift I cooked for Jesus! I put my toys there, a tangerine, my favorite hairpin, what else is missing?! (The gift comes to life, several movements to the music) My gift is alive, it is real!
Present: Hello all the guys, I want to tell you children that there is something that can especially please Jesus.
Presenters: What is this?
Present: These are our hearts! That's the good thing about them! (twisted and looked at the heart)
Presenter 1: Gift, I don't understand what you're talking about.
Present: We'll play now, everything will become clear. Are you kids ready to play? (children's answers). The first one, for example, kindness and love(he takes out the word and gives it to the girls, they stick it on the box).
Presenter 1: Exactly, how could I not have guessed it right away? And I know the right game...
The game “Dobrishki” (two large balls are thrown into the hall. To the music, children throw the ball to each other, on whom the ball landed, those children say into the microphone what good deeds they can do or have already done; or carry out the tasks of the presenters - shake hands with neighbors, shout the phrase “Being kind is cool!”, etc.).
Presenter 2: Everything is clear, it is very important to do good deeds and love everyone around you. The game is played “I love everyone, everyone, and especially those...” The leader says the words of the game and names those whom he especially loves, for example, “...those who brushed their teeth today, those who are wearing white socks, those who like to study, etc. ." Those who were named get up from their seats and wave their hands and say the phrase “It’s me, it’s me.” Prize for the most active child.
Present: Amazing! There is something else that pleases Jesus. And this hard work(pastes the inscription on the box). It is very important in life not to be lazy. Even Jesus himself helped his earthly father Joseph in carpentry.
Presenter 1: Raise your hand who is lazy here. There are no such! Tell us how you work, what kind of work you do? (children talk into the microphone).
Game competition “We want to work once, we want to work twice, we want to work three times, start working quickly.” 3-4 people are called onto the stage, according to the words written above, the children wave their hands, as in the game “The sea is agitated once.”, and then everyone depicts how he works. The audience's task is to guess what each of the children is showing. If the audience guesses right, the daredevil gets a prize.
Game "Collect garbage". 3 - 4 children are called onto the stage, they are given a basket in their hands. “Garbage” (a crumpled newspaper wrapped in tape) is heard in the hall. On command, children from the audience throw garbage onto the stage from their seats. Participants must collect as much garbage as quickly and as possible. Whoever has the most wins and gets a prize.
Presenter 2: Oh, I remembered one more thing good quality. Maybe the children themselves have already guessed? (children's answers). This obedience(pastes the inscription on the box).
Gift: What a great fellow you are! Is it always easy to obey? Who is important to listen to? Why is it that sometimes some children fail to obey their parents?
Presenter 2: I remembered one wonderful game “Dad said...” When the presenter says “dad said,” the task must be completed; if the phrase “dad said” is not said, the presenter’s task does not need to be completed. A game of attentiveness.
The game “One, two, three...” A prize is placed on a chair. 2 players are called. They stand with their backs to each other, hands up. On command “three”, you must be the first to grab the object. Whoever is first takes it.
Present: Do you think Jesus likes it when people are depressed, never, never smile, but whine all the time and are dissatisfied with something? (children's answers)
Presenter 1: I think He won't like it at all...
Present: Then what quality would please Jesus?
Presenter 1: Joy(pastes the inscription on the box) Do you know how to rejoice? Show me how you can smile, and how can you laugh? Who can laugh the loudest? (to a soundtrack of laughter).
Present: I have small gifts so that you can always remember what pleases God. Who remembers what a person should be like? His heart? Together with the children I repeat all the qualities that are written on the “gift” box. Heart gifts are distributed.
Presenter 2: It's nice to be happy. Our holiday continues.
Presenter 1: Get around so you can continue to have fun, dance, clap and jump on this wonderful day of Christmas.
There will be a disco (phonogram)
Animators come out (two stars, the presenters themselves, angels) and hold a children's disco to the prepared soundtrack. In the middle of the disco, any life-size doll appears (for joy), before the last song - they throw it into the hall balloons(a lot of). At the last song, children are asked to stand behind the main character in a column and go through the “star gate of the star” (2 girls connect a cloth) in order to receive a Christmas gift.
Presenter 3: Merry Christmas!