Spring holidays in dhow. Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios. Pictures of great Russian artists about spring

The arrival of spring is always perceived as a long-awaited and significant event, worthy to celebrate it in a special way. We offer one of options how to celebrate the arrival of spring in 2020 kindergarten or elementary school.

Scenario of the Holiday of the arrival of spring for children

It may begin with the speech of the presenters who read poetry:

- The snow is melting, streams are running,
In the window it blew in the spring ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage.

- Clear sky azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter.
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

- Look out the window:
It is filled with light.
Everyone squints from the sun
After all, spring is on the street!

Scenario for celebrating the coming of spring for children

Then, the facilitators invite the children to call Spring-Red together.
- Let's say: "Spring, Spring, wake up from sleep!"

The children call her and she appears in the hall.
- I am spring-red,
I wake the earth from sleep
I fill the kidneys with juice
I grow flowers in the meadows,
I drive ice from the rivers,
I make the sunrise early.
Everywhere, in the field and in the forest,
I bring joy to people.

What kind of music is heard on the street?
It's spring singing in the yard again.
Bird trills whistled
And the drops rang
The whole street is full of bright music.

Open doors wider.
Wake up birds, beasts:
The evil winter has receded.
We forgot about the cold
We don't need steel at all
Cold and mute silence
winter cold and mute silence.

Then the action of the Holiday of the Arrival of Spring will continue with the fact that the guys will talk about weather signs, indicating the onset of this time of year:

  • I saw a starling - know that spring is at the porch.
  • In April, clear nights end with frosts.
  • May decorates the forests, summer awaits for a visit.

Spring supports the guys:
-Many signs are associated with birds. So, if the ducks arriving from the winter hut are well-fed, the spring promises to be cold and protracted. The woodpecker, which begins to knock loudly in March, also predicts a long spring.

After that, the facilitators turn to the children:
- In the spring, birds return from warmer climes. These are starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows and others. Birds should not be offended, because they are of great benefit to the forest.

Then the facilitators ask:
Guys, how else do we know that spring has come?

Children read poems about spring:

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream rings
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the evening gets warmer
So, spring has come to us!

Spring invites children to have fun:
“Come, honest people!”
Get into a round dance.
To make it more fun
Call your friends.

The hosts also invite the children to join the general dance:
- Stomp - top, clap - clap,
Jump and jump, jump and jump.
Leg - one, leg - two!
This is how the kids dance.
Sit down - get up, sit down - get up
And they weren't tired at all.

By this day, you can organize an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts dedicated to spring, and after the dance program, summarize its results and award the winners.

Spring matinee in the 1st junior group.


Spring has come - Freckles,

cheerful guest,

water, wind,

Herbal, sunny.

Rain in the window -

Children. Knock-knock-knock!

Leading. Grass at the threshold -

Children. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Leading. A stream in the ditches -

Children. Zhur, zhur, zhur!


The days have become nice

Here we know, survived

Until spring, until freckles,

To a cheerful guest!

The song "Cap - drip!"


The song "Steam"

Spring appears.

Spring: Hello children!


Let's all say hello guys to Spring.

Spring, and our guys know how to dance, look. Let's guys show spring our dance.

Dance "Squat"


"Who beats all night on the roof

yes it knocks.

Children - RAIN



Leading. Spring, and our guys want to show one more dance"Where are our pens?"


Take a treat!
Distribution of treats
Spring is leaving.

Leading. Our holiday is over.

We met the red spring

The children leave the room.


Scenario matinee 2 junior group.

Leading: Dear children, dear guests!

We congratulate you on the holiday of Spring.

We wish you happiness, kindness and a peaceful sky above your head.

Gөrlәp shaulap yaҙ kilde.

Be һeҙҙe baryғyҙҙyla yaҙ bayramy menәn ҡotlaybyҙ.

Eshegeҙҙe unyshtar telәybeҙ”

Children read poetry.

Song "Yaҙ kilde"

Leading: The snow has melted, streams are ringing,

Nightingales sang songs.

The earth is awake and blooming

And Spring is coming to visit us.

The Fox and the Wolf appear.

Fox and Wolf (talking to each other)

Fox. It's good that we hid Spring!

Wolf . But now we are the masters in the forest, we do what we want. You can safely eat a hare and no one will interfere with us.

Fox. And then, as it happens, Spring will come, the Mishka will wake up - clumsy, and changes its order here, don’t do it, don’t touch it, So you walk and are afraid.

Fox and Wolf go.

Leading: Guys, did you hear what Wolf and Fox said? They hid Spring, so she will not come to us. What to do?

The sun appears.

Sun. Hello guys, hello dear guests! I looked into your window, I look at you so beautifully and festively. And what kind of holiday do you have?

Leading: You know, Sunny, we gathered today to meet the red Spring,

And the Wolf and the Fox hid Spring. This means that Spring will not come. And we learned so many songs and poems and prepared a dance.

Sun. Don't worry, we'll figure something out.

Leading : Sunny, we will sing poems and a song to you.


Children read poetry.

The song "The sun has a friend"

Sun. I know who will help you!

Host: Who!

Sun. Petya Cockerel from a neighboring yard. He sings loudly and wakes up the bear.

And the Bear will restore order in the forest and deal with the Wolf and the Fox.

Leading : Thank you Sunshine for your help.

The sun is leaving.

Leading : Guys, let's dance while the Sun calls the Cockerel.

Dance "Birch"

Cockerel comes in.

Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! Hello guys.

Leading : Hello Cockerel!

Cockerel. Sunshine told me that Fox and Wolf won't let Spring go. This is true?

Leading : Yes Cockerel! The Fox and the Wolf want to be masters in the forest, and they don’t want Spring to come, because the Bear will wake up and not let them be the bosses.

Help us wake up Bear. Only you cockerel with your vociferous voice will wake him up.

Leading : I will only help you, but first I want to play with you.

A game

Cockerel. Thank you! What fun they played! And now I will help you. There, beyond the clearing, I saw a bear's lair. Let's go wake up Mishka!

Children walk in a circle one after another, stop. The rooster cries.

Mishka appears from behind the screen. He stretches.

Bear. From what made a noise here? Why wake me up early? What's happened?

Leading : Mishenka! We woke you up, because Spring should have come a long time ago.

Only the Fox and the Wolf hid her and won't let her go so that you don't wake up.

Bear. Not in order! But I need to wake up, and for this I need to do exercises.

Dance with Mishka.

Bear. Oh, how good it became after hibernation! And now it's time for me to teach the Fox and the Wolf how to manage in my absence!


The bear leaves

Leading : And we, guys, let's say the poems loudly. So that Spring hears us and finds its way to kindergarten.

Children read poetry.

The music of spring sounds, Spring enters the hall.

Spring Hello guys, hello dear guests.

I know they are waiting for me everywhere

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

My name is Spring!

Presenter: Hello dear Spring.

– We are glad to meet you. Be our guest and have fun with us.

We have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally, we have waited. We have prepared poems and songs for you, listen!

Children read poetry.

The song "Spring has come"


I came to you for a holiday

I brought you joy.

Stand, children, in a circle!

You are my friend and I am your friend

Everything danced around.

Song "Vesnyanka"

Spring: I liked the round dance.

And now, my friends,

Guess - ka, riddles.

Let's make a house for the birds

With a round small window.

Here the starling sat on a hazel tree,

We are building him ... (birdhouse)

Look guys

Cotton wool hung in the sky -

We are sailing from afar

In the blue sky... (clouds)

On a warm day from under the ice

Melt water rushes.

And makes all the birds louder

This mischievous ... (stream)

Good days are not rare

Branches bask in the sun.

And like little dots

Swollen on the branches ... (buds)

Snow and ice melt in the sun

Birds come from the south

And the bear is not up to sleep.

So, came to us ... (spring)

Spring. Well done boys !

Leading: Spring, and our guys have prepared another dance for you, look!


Yes, my friends, I'll tell you honestly.

It's very interesting with you

And play and dance.

But the time has come for us to part, we still have a lot to do in the forest, and before I leave, I want to treat you with gifts.

Spring sends presents to the presenter.

Leading. Thank you, Spring. We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers, first birds, your gifts.

Spring is leaving.

Leading. This concludes our morning session.

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say: “Goodbye, Until we meet again! »

Happy early spring

Joy, happiness, health, love

The kids go to the music.


"It's good that spring has come"

Middle group.

The children enter the room.

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our matinee dedicated to spring!

Nature has awakened again:

A field, a forest, a river woke up.

And the birds reported the news:

“Cheer everyone! Spring came!"

Guys, let's go to the spring forest by bus.

Song "Our Bus"

Leading. How much sun, how much light! Brought spring for everyone

Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom in the clearing near Spring!

Nature wakes up, washes with dew! And, of course, all the animals wake up in the spring!

Leading. We are gathered today

To start a story about spring.

We've been waiting all winter long for her,

And we are very happy with it now.

Children read poetry.

Spring is coming.

Spring. Are you talking about me?

Here I am!

I know they are waiting for me everywhere

Everyone in the world needs me...

I bring joy to people

My name is Spring!

Hello guys, hello dear guests!

I came to you for a holiday

I brought you joy.

Stand, children, in a circle!

You are my friend and I am your friend

Everything danced around.

Song "Zemelyushka - black soil"

Leading. Spring is red, and our children know poems about you.

Do you want to listen?

Spring. Certainly!

Children read poetry.

Spring. Light, warmth I bring to everyone.

And in my native forest

There is a clearing where flowers
Unprecedented beauty.

I've collected a little for you and brought it for the holiday.

Spring brings flowers to the presenter.

Baba Yaga flies in to the music, flies in a circle, stops in the center of the hall.

Baba Yaga. Did you recognize Grandma Ezhka?

Well, they didn't invite me?

I will avenge you for this!

I'll steal your bouquet!

Baba Yaga flies up to the leader, snatches out a bouquet of flowers. Spring stops her.

Spring. What you , what are you, you can't!

That's not what friends do.

Well, why did you take the flowers?

You're just ruining the holiday.

Baba Yaga. You didn't invite me

You did not call to meet spring.

You are not my friends at all.

I'll fly away with a bouquet!

Spring. But wait, Yaga, wait!

In fairy tales you are evil.

And we all know about it -

So we won't let you in.

Baba Yaga. And try to let go.

I'll try to be kind.

And like the concert

Maybe I'll return the bouquet.

Spring. Do you promise not to be naughty?

(Baba - Yaga nods, head)

Stay, so be it!

And we continue the concert

We read poems about spring.

Children read poetry.

Leading. Our children have prepared not a big song

The song "Qoshtar kila"

Leading. And now, guys and our guests, let's play a game.

The game “Yasheram yaulyk”

Spring. Look guys, how many flowers are in the meadow.

Just look, for some reason, their petals scattered. Let's collect the petals for each flower of its color.

Game "Collect a flower"

Spring. Thank you! You guys are great, you did a great job!

Leading. Our spoons are known to the whole world,

Our spoons are a Russian souvenir.

Ah, what! Ah, what!

It's beautiful and painted!

Orchestra "Spoons"

Baba Yaga. Well, well, Babka Ezhka was pleased.

So, they cheered me up! (gives flowers)

But it's time for me to go back.

Goodbye, kids!

Baba Yaga leaves

Spring . Baba Yaga corrected herself, became kind, she realized that good always triumphs over evil.

Leading. Spring is happy for the kids.

Let the sun shine brighter.

And the children have been dancing since early morning!

Children perform the dance "Friendly hands"

Spring . You greeted me kindly, welcomed me with song and dance! And now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. It's time for me to wake up the bear, otherwise he will oversleep the spring.


Leading. And it's time for us guys to go back to kindergarten.

To the song "Our Bus" the children leave the hall.


Spring entertainment in 1 junior group.


Guys, look how smart our hall is today! This is because spring has come and we have a holiday today!

Music sounds for you
Let's start the holiday now!

Spring has come - Freckles,

cheerful guest,

water, wind,

Herbal, sunny.

Rain in the window -

Children. Knock-knock-knock!

Leading. Grass at the threshold -

Children. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Leading. A stream in the ditches -

Children. Zhur, zhur, zhur!


The days have become nice

Here we know, survived

Until spring, until freckles,

To a cheerful guest!

The song "Cap - drip!"

Leading. Spring is a wonderful time of the year. Everything comes alive, sings, blooms ...

Come on guys, let's all go to the spring forest by train, where there are a lot of fabulous miracles.

Everyone lined up behind me like a train, let's go, don't lag behind.

The song "Steam"

Spring appears.

Spring: Hello children!

I have been in the forest for a long time, I bring joy and warmth.

Brighter, sun, shine! The grass grows greener!

Song, brook, sing to us! Everyone will make friends with Spring!

Leading. Hello Spring! We are glad to welcome you.

Let's all say hello to Spring.

Spring, and our guys know how to dance, look. Let's guys show spring our fun dance.

Dance "Vesnyanka"

Spring . Thanks guys! And I want to guess a riddle for you, if you guess it, you will play with me.

"Who beats all night on the roof

yes it knocks.

And strums, and sings, lulls? »

Children - RAIN


- Spring rain is never superfluous.

Let's play.


Leading. Spring, and our guys want to show one more dance.

Oh, how beautiful it is in our hall!

How many flowers!
Guys, hurry up

Yes, collect flowers.



Why is the sun shining brightly from heaven today?

Why do birds sing songs on the branches?

Why are the animals in the forest now not up to sleep?

Because, because spring has come to visit us!

Guys! Get up quick everyone
Start the dance with spring

Dance "Squat"

Thank you guys for dancing, for the song.
I was both fun and interesting.
I congratulate you all on the holiday of spring,
I wish you Sun, Warmth and Light!
Take a treat!
Distribution of treats
Spring is leaving.

Leading. Our holiday is over.

We met the red spring
Yes, how our holiday passed, they did not notice.
Well, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten!

The children leave the room.


Scenario of spring entertainment "Vesnyanka".


We are gathered today in the hall,

So about spring start the story,

We've been waiting all winter long

And we are very happy with it now.

Today we meet spring here

And with a bow we invite

Anyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

Children recite poetry.


A brook murmured in a ravine,
Birds flew in from the south
The sun is warming in the morning -
Came to visit us.... (Spring)
Guys, today we have gathered with you in the hall to sing, dance, have fun. It's spring outside now! The birds are flying, the first flowers are appearing. Guys, let's call Spring - red for our holiday, sing a song about her.

SONG: "Spring is Coming"


What a wonderful time of the year spring

There are three in nature. spring :- spring of light - March, water spring - April,

green grass spring - May.

Music sounds.

Hello my friends. Hear you call me? Here I am - Spring - red, I came to visit you again.

Leading: Hello, Spring - red, of course, we called you. Be a guest at our holiday, have fun with us.
For you, Spring is red, the guys learned poetry. Do you want to listen?

Children read poetry.
The song "Yaz kile"


Thanks guys! You made me happy.

Leading: The sun looks out the window, shines into our room,

We clap our hands, we are very happy for the sun.

Spring: The sun is red, show yourself, my friend, the sun, appear!

To the music of "The sun is shining for everyone," the Sun enters.

Leading: Hello Sunshine!

Sun: Hello, hello, hello everyone!

I rejoice in the long-awaited spring!

I will give affection and warmth to everyone,

I want to make everyone in the hall light.

Girls help!

Here, take my rays and come out to the dance.

"Ribbon Dance"

Leading: The rays were collected, they were given to the Sun!

The sound of rain is heard.

Leading: Behind the window who is naughty?
Children: Knock, knock, knock! (tap fists)
Leading: Who is knocking on the glass?
Children: Knock, knock, knock! (children tap their fists)
Host: Maybe it's a mouse?

Leading: Maybe kids?
Children: No, no, no! (shake head negatively)
Leading: Maybe raindrops?
Children: Yes, yes, yes!

(perform movements, as if splashing water droplets
from fingers)

Guys, clouds appeared in our sky. The sun was closed. Where should you hide from the rain? Yes, under an umbrella.
The game "Sun and rain"(with music and the sound of rain)
Let's call the sun again
And let's go for a walk again.

How many puddles left after the rain. To keep the boots from getting wet, you need to jump over them. (children jump over puddles of cloth)
(sound recording - bird sounds)

Spring: Guys, my friend is the sun. And the sun also has friends. Who are they?

Leading: We, about the friends of the sun, know the song.

The song "The sun has friends"

Leading: Oh what a wonderful day

The forest has awakened, and the meadow!

Everything danced around!

You guys come out

Show the dance to the spring and the sun

Dance: "Bashkir Polka"

Leading: It's good when everyone has a friend around.

Spring has a Sun. And when it shines, everything blooms in spring.

They wake up together, make friends, do not swear.

We will tell our friends: “Thank you!” That they came to us for the holiday,

And clap your hands adults and kids!


You welcomed us well

Song, dance welcomed!

Now it's time for us to go to the fields and forests.
We are waiting for urgent business!

Host: Thank you, Spring . We are glad to meet you, your sun, blue sky, flowers, first birds, your gifts

Spring and the sun are leaving

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm, cheerful laughter

For smiles, understanding - This is our great success!

With a cheerful drop, with the last snowstorm,

Happy early holiday spring

Congratulations, we sincerely wish you

Joy, happiness, health, love!

The kids are leaving



"Spring Journey"

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

The birds sang merrily, and the drops are not up to sleep,

This means that a multi-colored spring is knocking on us.

So again, tender grass will turn green in the field,

Warm air will blow - it's spring coming to us.

Children read poetry.

The song "Oh, kunelle yaz kile"

Leading. Well done boys! How well you sang.

It seems that quite recently we had a holiday of mothers, we met spring. And now, outside the window, the second month of spring is April - the month of the sun and sonorous birds.

Leading: - Children, I invite you to go to a smalltravel and seehow forest dwellers welcome spring. Want to?

Then go!

Guys, how are we going to the forest? (By bus)

The song "Our bus is blue"

Sounds of nature. Expose two stumps, two phones -

Leading. Rumor has passed through the forest,
That spring has already arrived.
Here the magpie flies
She probably knows.
- Magpie is flying. Stands in the center of the hall, flaps its wings -
Magpie. I chirped about spring
Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.
If there was a phone here.
Oh look, here he is (picks up the phone)
I'll wake up Mishka first,
I’ll tell him about spring (calling, the bear is sleeping)
Our Mishutka fell asleep,
Waking him up is not a joke (ringing).
Hello, hello, Magpie is calling.
Bear. What happened, white-faced?
Magpie. There is no winter, spring has come.
She is walking through the forest.
Bear. That's how the news came.
You say spring has come?
I sucked my paw for six months,
And now to collect honey.
Magpie. I need to hurry up, call Kuma the Fox. (Calling)
-Lisa runs to the phone-
Magpie. Hello, hello, Magpie is calling.
Fox. What happened, Belobok?
Magpie. Lisonka, spring has come,
She's walking through the forest!
Fox. Oh, Magpie, how glad I am!
No better news.
Enough to freeze in a dark mink,
I sit down to warm myself on a hillock.
Magpie. Now I will find the Hare,
I will give him joy.
Hello, hello, Magpie is calling.
Hare. What happened, Belobok?
Magpie. There is no winter, spring has come.
She is walking through the forest.
Hare. I will run through the woods
I'll tell you here and there
That spring has come to our forest ..

Hare . (Speaks loudly)

Hey funny guys

Come out to dance, meet the red spring.

Magpie. Wake up, people, animals,
Open windows, doors,
Spring-Red is coming to us,
Light and joy will bring

Round dance "We went to the meadow"

Spring comes to the music.

Spring. Hello my friends,
Here I am, Spring-Red!
The sun shines brighter, warms our earth,
To quickly open the kidneys,
For flowers to grow
For the birds to fly, they sang their songs!


Spring, come into your own!

Let the grass be green
Let the streams ring everywhere
Let the songs ring out!

Round dance "Zemelyushka - chernozem".

Spring. How glad I am to sing and dance with you,
Dance, games, flowers to celebrate the holiday!
Do you know poems about spring?

Leading. We know a lot of poems
Who is ready to read poetry?

Children read poetry.


- The sun warmed up , a stream ran from the mountain -

He slept in a big white snowdrift all winter until spring.

And now he ran to the kindergarten to please the children.

Spill over the meadow, do not go anywhere friend.

Do you guys want to jump across the stream?

(A blue ribbon or fabric is spread on the floor, the children jump over it one after another

GAME "Brook"

Leading: Guys, look what beautiful flowers!

Only for some reason the petals scattered all over the clearing. Let's pick a flower.

Game "Collect a flower"

Spring. Well done boys. Everything was assembled correctly.

Guys, you like flowers. (Yes)

And now, let's choose a flower for ourselves and stand around the flower.

(While the music is playing, the children are having fun in the clearing, as the music stops, the children run to their flower)

The game "Who will find his flower faster"

Spring: - I invite you, friends,

To the green meadow.

Dance you friends

It's not for nothing that I came to you

Dance "Bim, Bam, Bom)

Spring: - Yes, my friends, I'll tell you honestly.

It's very interesting with you.

I did not come to visit in vain,

She brought gifts to everyone.

Spring treats children with sweets to the music.

Spring: - It's time to say goodbye to you, children,

And hurry to distant lands.

I am very

loved you

We will meet again and again.



Here comes the end of ourtrip to the spring forest.

It's time for us to head back.

Don't forget a spring walk with friends!

Joy, good luck and spring warmth to all!

A bird trill sounds (intro to the song "Spring drops") March 22, 2017

Scenario of the holiday "Meeting of spring."

The song-round dance "Vesnyanka" sounds

caregiver : Today, March 22, is an unusual day, the day of the arrival of birds. People used to say this about the day:

When the water overflows, When the forest turns green, When the birds arrive, Then spring comes.

By folk calendar March 22 was called Magpies, it was believed that on this day winter ends and spring begins. The Russian people believed that on this day forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is the lark. They used to say that for the winter, larks did not fly away to warm lands, but turned into mice, waiting out the cold in a warm mouse hole. And as soon as the sun warmed the earth, they took on their former form and flew out into the light of God, welcoming spring with jubilant singing. According to signs, it was from this time that “when the magpie begins to build a nest and puts forty sticks in it, and forty different birds return from the south,” spring comes.

The song "Sunny drops" is performed by pupils of preparatory groups

Educator: Let's guess riddles and remember what birds come to us from warm lands?

caregiver : If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream rings.

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep

If the wind gets warmer

So, spring has come to us!

Children: (average gr.)

1st - Where are you, sun, wake up!

2nd - Where are you, starling, come back!

3rd - Winter is tired of snowing,

4th - Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!

5th - Mother Spring is coming, open the gate!

6th - And after him and April - opened the window and the door!

7th - And when the May-sun came to the tower, invite!

Leading :

Let's open the golden gates for Spring-Red. This will help the spring to double its strength, and overcome the winter. But even though “winter scares the spring, but it melts itself,” even if it is often cold in spring, spring will still win, and we will help it with this.

they are rebuilt in a “BROKET”, they enter in a chain through the gate of two scarves (music “Vesnyanka”)

General call:

We stretched out our hands and looked at the sun -raise their hands up

Give us the sun of warmth so that the power is -moving palms towards you

The sun, the sun, the red bucket.

Rise high, shine far ...

To dark forests, to damp pine forests...

To the river, to the fields, to the blue seas...

To the green garden and to all honest people!

In costumes of birds arriving in the spring with birds on sticks, children run into the hall and flap their wings, shout in unison - children of the senior gr.

1: Arina

We fly, we fly, we fly

We flap our wings.

We want to come soon

To our dear groves.

(They fly loose.)

2: Nastya

We're flying from far away

The birds are tired.

Let's sit by the stream

And let's drink some water.

(They drink water.)

3: barbarian

Here he is, here he is native land,

Sweet side.

We flew home

And they sang loudly.

All birds : Spring has come, red has come!

(raise the birds up and down.)

Dance "Balalaika", music by T. Morozov - Spanish. st.gr.

Poetry Vanya, Nastya are reading - senior group

Riddles are set by pupils of preparatory groups,

read sayings and proverbs


Spring has long been celebrated in Rus'. They organized festivities - they led round dances, they called out Spring - red. In every house they sculpted such birds from dough (shows) - larks, baked them. Those who did not have dough sculpted them from clay, made them from rags and paper. In the old days, people believed that spring comes because birds bring it from distant lands. The birds were handed out to the children, and with a cry and ringing laughter, they ran to call for the larks, and with them the spring. To do this, baked larks were planted on long sticks and ran out with them to the hillocks, or the birds were planted on poles, wattle sticks, etc., and, huddled together, loudly shouted:

Children: children read poetry 2 junior groups





Spring is red


Winter is cold

Take away!




Swallow birds!

They flew to us!

Spring is clear

Spring red

Bring us!


We are sick of winter

I ate bread and hay

Handles - legs pricked,

Died the cattle.




Winter is on you

And we are summer!

Sleigh on you

And we have a cart!


Come to us, Spring,

With joy,

With great mercy to us!

With grainy rye

With viburnum - raspberries,

With black currant

With pears, with apples,

With every garden

With azure flowers

With grass-ant!

6. _________________________

Go round dance

Cheer honest people!

On earth open to the sun

In honor of the cheerful, eminent,

In a ringing song not forgotten

Our Mother Spring.

Sounds Ukrainian. nar. round dance song "Oh, water runs in a stream"

2 ml. gr., cf. gr.

Performed by Valeria (preparatory group, preparatory class MBUDO "Nikolaev Children's Art School") will perform a piano piece

r.n.p. "On the Green Meadow"

Scene "In the forest" (Magpie appears)

Magpie (Sofya) : I chirped about spring, oh, I'm tired, tired

If there was a telephone here ... Oh, look, here it is!(Magpie flies to the phone) I’ll wake up the bear first, I’ll tell him about spring.(The phone is ringing, the bear is sleeping) Our bear fell asleep, it's not a joke to wake him up.(Magpie rings the phone again)

Bear(Dima) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! Calling forty!

Bear : What happened, white-sided?


Bear : That's how the news brought. You say spring has come?

I sucked my paw for half a year, and now I would have to collect honey!(Bear leaves)

Magpie: I need to hurry up, call the kum-fox.(Magpie calls on the phone)

Fox(Dasha) : Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Calling forty!

Fox : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : There is no winter, spring has come, she is walking through the forest.

Fox : Oh, how glad I am for spring! Winter bored us, tortured us with frost.(The fox leaves)

Magpie: Now I'm looking for a rabbit. I'll tell him the news. (Magpie calls on the phone)

Hare (Nikita) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! Forty calls.

Hare : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : No winter, spring has come. She is walking through the forest.

Hare : I'll run through the forests, I'll tell you here and there,

That spring has come to us in the forest - and all the animals are not up to sleep. (Hare runs away)

Magpie : I will tell the whole world that there is no more winter!

Look, here is spring, it is coming along the earth!

(to the musical accompaniment of the song “Spring round dance - they called Spring, they were waiting for summer” Spring appears)

Leading : You guys don't get bored, meet the red spring

Spring: I'll drive away the snow and the cold, I'll bring heat from the south

Streams will run around, rays of the sun will splash

Brighter you beams shine and warm the land

Children : Hello, Freckle - Spring! With what, Spring, did you come to us?

You are spring, spring is red, what did you bring with you?

Spring : I came to visit the kids and brought them as a gift

Golden ray of sun, blue flower in the field

The sonorous song of the stream, in the grove - the trills of the nightingale.

I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows.

Brought for the Christmas tree, new needles

For aspens and birches, fresh leaves, a whole cartload.



Here the winter is over!

Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first

Good people smiled!

2. __________________

The streams rang

Flowers are blooming.

Rejoice, spring has come!


We got up early today

We can't sleep tonight

They say the starlings are back

They say spring has come.

4. _____________________

We've been waiting for spring for a long time

And you wander somewhere

It won't come without you

Sunny summer.

5. _________________

golden ray of sunshine

Looked into our kindergarten

Very good in spring

All the guys are talking.

6. _________________

Give us sun and warmth

For the apple tree to bloom

To make the grass green

To make the bird sing loudly

All : So that we grow faster From spring joy

Spring: Get it together, kids! Is waiting for you fun game!

Burner game.

Spring: Have fun! It's time to say goodbye. I need to get down to work: dress the fields and forests in a green outfit, warm all the forest animals with their warmth, and check whether all the birds have returned from warm countries.

Children read poetry.

Staged "The Case" Spanish prep.gr.

This incident was in April

The birds have come from the south.

The snow is melting, andsparrow. - Maksim

Kicked out of housing.

Get out, you bastard -

whistled to himstarling Danila

No way, my apartment

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here blizzards and frost.

Endured patiently.

And now, under this roof

I'm preparing a nest for the family

And I won’t touch, even kill me! -

The sparrow chirped.

Don't be stubborn! I inherit

This house has been inherited since childhood.

Fly out. My beak is sharp

And not that...

But here in the yard...

With birdhousesMisha came out, -Sasha

Quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Tie it tight right there

And kindly said:

I, my friends, am heartily glad,

Protect the garden together.

Only Misha down with tears,

sparrow remote,

IN new house moved

And reconciled with a neighbor.

Spring signs - tell prep. gr.

The song "SPRING IS GOING" is playing. preparatory groups

Educator: In spring, migratory birds began to return from warm lands, it was believed that it was they who, on their wings, brought spring.

Wanting to hurry them up, the housewives baked figurines of birds with wings and eyes from dough. They were distributed to all family members. It was necessary to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird from the dough, say:


my mothers,

Fly to me

Bring to me

Spring, red spring.

Educator: We sang and danced. And we called spring. Guests are waiting for food. Why don't they carry them!

Bring in ready-made larks

Thank you all for your attention!

You guys for your efforts!

Our low bow to all of you!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

We'll see you later!

Help yourself, dear guests, and may Spring come to you soon. Guys, let's say together to the guests:


Children enter the hall to the song "Spring", sit on the chairs. #1

Look out the window:

It is filled with light!

Everyone squints from the sun.

After all, spring is on the street!

The birds chirp merrily, the squirrel changed its gray coat to a red one, the fox moves from the old hole to the new one, the bear got up and left the den, the Crow bathes in the first puddle ...

What a wonderful time of the year - spring.

There are three springs in nature:

Spring of light - March,

Spring of water - April,

Spring green grass - May.

(3 children come out in costumes of the spring months.) No. 2

March. For spring to come again

We need to call her.

April. And we are tired of winter

And she ate all the bread.

May. Winter, winter, go beyond the seas!

Spring, spring, wake up!

Guys, get acquainted, these are the spring months. Do you know what their names are?

Children. ………

And they came to us to meet Spring, to call the birds. And the weather is perfect for that today.

So let's all call together Spring - the beauty. Let's shout:

Spring, Spring, wake up!

(All the children are screaming. Kikimora Bolotnaya enters) No. 3


Who called me? Who called me?

We called Spring, not you. Who are you?


I am Kikimora Bolotnaya. Why do you need spring? I can quite pass for her.

What can you do?

Kikimora (thinks, bends her fingers).

I can call out loud. Ay! Ay! I can beat pots! Muddy the water. Lure people into the forest. And steal children. (Approaches one of the children, scares.)

Uh, no! This will not work! We'll have to drive this Kikimora away.

Kikimora (weeping).

Don't want! No need!

Fine. Then we'll do this: we'll play a game together, and then we'll see what to do with you.

(The game “Flies - does not fly” is being held.)


Oh oh! How smart are you all!

(There is a knock on the door, the postman child enters) #4

postman child

Telegram, telegram!

I'm running straight to you from the post office.

At the urgent telegram

The address is very accurate: the village of Barsovo, the kindergarten "Ryabinka".

Thanks postman. (He wants to take the telegram, but does not have time, at this time Kikimora snatches the telegram from the hands of the postman.)


And I won't give you a telegram.

Let's get it here! We'll read the telegram, find out who it's from! (Is reading.)

To make your life more fun

To laugh and dance

We need to call the birds soon

And me, to meet Spring!

I want to invite you

Hang out in the meadow

So that later we remember

How they played with me here

To find a clearing

Gotta cross the bridge

And then through the swamp

And then, who cares

Step over the handle

Here you will find me.

Good luck, brave friends!

I'm looking forward to you! SPRING-RED


Oh oh! With Spring jokes are bad! It's time for me to get out. (Runs away.)

As soon as we started talking about spring, and spring itself calls us to visit. But in order to reach it, all obstacles must be overcome. Let's hit the road

(Children pass obstacles, cheerful music sounds.) No. 5

And here is the bridge. (They walk across the bridge.)

And here is the stream that needs to be jumped over (jump over).

Here are the bumps, you need to go through them and not fall, otherwise you will get your feet wet in the swamp.

Here we come. What a beautiful meadow. And where is Spring - red?

Let's call her.

(Spring appears in the clearing.) №6

I, Spring - Red

I wake the Earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice.

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest,

I bring joy to people.

(Children dance "Vesnyanka".) No. 7

The children take their seats.

Hello guys! I am very glad that you have accepted my invitation. She came to the meadow to visit me, listen to my stories, play, have fun.

Guys, do you know signs well? Let's check.

Signs of spring: (for children)

1 child.

March will come - a drip - and winter will cry.

2 child.

I saw a starling - know that spring is at the porch.

3 child.

May decorates the forests, summer awaits for a visit.

4 child.

April starts with snow and ends with greenery.

5 child.

In April, clear nights end with frosts.

And when I was walking towards you, I heard in the forest how wintering birds were talking with migratory birds. Very interesting conversation...

Staged. #8

Hello little bird

Hello, good titmouse!

Hello, woodpecker, our friend,

Hello dove and bullfinch!

Tell the birds

Where have you been

Tell the birds

What have you seen?

Hot countries have hot summers.

No winter, no snow.

Elephants roam there - giants,

Monkeys scream all day long.

Lianas curl under the trees,

There are coconuts and bananas.

Did you live well

Far from home?

Who were you friends with?

In countries unfamiliar.

We missed the village

By the ringing stream

Through the birdhouse, through the trees,

In a neighbor - a sparrow.

Would you dance for us

We have been waiting for you very, very much!

To make it more interesting

We are dancing with you. (A dance is performed at the choice of a specialist.)

I am a titmouse, a bird is small.

I turn to you friends!

Children, don't destroy the nests!

Don't touch the birdhouse!

Don't take eggs from nests

Take care of us, friends!

(A child sitting in a mass of children gets up and speaks.)

We will not ruin

Bird nests.

Let the bird songs chime

To the delight of all the children

How do animals welcome spring?

Come on guys, let's ask them to tell.

(Magpie flies, circled around, stops in the center.) No. 9

I am a cheerful Magpie, I am a White-sided Magpie!

I heard the news in the forest, I carry it on my tail!

I will tell the whole world that winter is long gone!

(Calls.) Mishka-Mishka, get up!

(The Bear comes out of the house.) No. 10

What happened, Belobok?

No winter, spring has come!

Without care and anxiety

The bear was sleeping in his lair!

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up

Hears - caplet, that's the trouble!

He got out and sees - a puddle!

The snow is melting, spring has come!

Hooray! I sucked my paw for half a year, and now we are hiring honey!

(The bear sits on a bench.)

Bunnies! Zainki!

(Three bunnies run out from behind the Christmas tree.) №11

Hares (in chorus):

What happened, Belobok?

No winter, spring has come!

Hares (in chorus):

Hooray! It's time to change our coat!

1st Bunny:

In winter we were white!

2nd Bunny:

And in the summer we will be gray!

3rd Bunny.

The animals in the forest trembled in winter,

They had nowhere to go!

Fox! Foxy!

Fox: (running out from behind the Christmas tree): No. 12

What happened, Belobok?

No winter, spring has come!

So, it's time to sing songs!

Animals dance with joy

So much sunshine in April!

Animals have fun, imitation of movements. #13

Baba Yaga flies on a broom, the animals run away. #14

Baba Yaga.

We danced! Now I will collect smiles from your faces, you will cry! I will call the evil Cloud, she will show you

(Whistle.) #15

Cloud enters smoothly. #16

This light is my fierce enemy!

I will let darkness and gloom in!

I don't like to live in the world

Yes, and I will not let you be friends!

Run out "rays" with colored ribbons, perform a dance.

At the end of the music, the Sun comes out. #17


I am the radiant sun

I bring warmth and light

I return smiles to you

And I give joy to everyone!

Sounds music Vivaldi "Spring". Children-rays, spinning in a dance, push Baba Yaga and Cloud out of the hall.

The sun is shining and laughing

And it's raining on the ground!

Rain, rain! Water it!

There will be loaf of bread!


The sun does not frown

Doesn't take his eyes off you

Because the sun

Like you!

Thank you, Sun!

We met spring, guys,

They danced and played.

We had fun in the spring

And she stayed with us!

Spring, and the guys want to tell you poems about you, they were waiting for you

Tell me, I'll be happy to listen.

Spring comes gradually:

In the fields the snow melts inaudibly,

Escape from ice captivity

The waters of the rivers are secretly prepared.

Already at night not those frosts,

And now the starling is flying

To your house on a birch trunk ...

Spring came. Winter is over!

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream rings.

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the evening gets warmer

So, spring has come to us!

Leading. The background is musical. #18

Here the winter is over. Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first kind people smiled.

The streams are running, the flowers are blooming.

1 child

We got up early today, we have no time for sleep today.

They say the starlings are back! They say it's spring!

2 child

We are waiting for spring a long time ago, and you wander somewhere.

Sunny summer will not come without you.

3 child

A golden ray of sunshine looked into our kindergarten.

"Very nice in spring!" - all the guys say.

Children sing a song about spring "Spring drops" No. 19

spring drops

What kind of music is heard on the street

It's spring singing in the yard again

Bird trills whistled and drops rang

The whole street is full of bright music

Open doors wider

Wake up birds, beasts

The evil winter retreated - winter - a - a

We forgot about the cold

We don't need steel at all

Cold and mute silence

Winter cold and mute silence

What kind of music do I hear outside the window

Everything melted, what was a winter dream

And the sound of icicles dripped loudly like a spring waterfall

Laughed, sounded all around

This music is like spring water

With her we will never be bored

There's a melody everywhere I'll sing along with it

I will remember this music forever.

Snowdrop peeked out

In the semi-darkness of the forest,

little scout,

sent in the spring.

(Flowers run out into the clearing.)

1st Flower.

How much sun, how much light

Brought Spring for everyone!

2nd Flower.

In the meadow near spring

Flowers are blooming

Unparalleled beauty!

3rd Flower.

Nature wakes up

Washed with dew!

4th Flower.

And of course all the animals

Wake up in the spring!

And the flowers, and the flowers,

Fragrant and delicate.

Bees, bees, fly

And find your flower.

Dance "Flowers and bees"

You made me happy, how cheerful you are, and how you know how to dance, and how to sing songs, and what good poems you told. I had fun with you.

It's good to walk in the spring -

And meet Spring-Red.

Thank you, spring, for inviting us to her meadow. And now it's time for us to return to our kindergarten.

I look forward to visiting you again.

Goodbye Spring. (They say goodbye. Children return to kindergarten.) (Teacher No. 5.)

List of used literature:

1. Kartushina M. Yu. Scenarios of recreational activities for children aged 5–6 years. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 128 p. (Together with children.)

2. "Music Director" No. 8, 2011; Publishing house "Education of a preschooler"; Chief editor T.B. Koryabin.

3. N. Lukonina, L. Chadova "A holiday in kindergarten for children from 2 to 4 years old"; 5th edition - M.Iris-press, 2007.

4. "Holidays in kindergarten" Mikhailova M.A., Academy of Development Academy and Co., 1998 (series "Kindergarten: day by day").

Used materials and Internet resources:

Noise and sound effects:



music by M. Eremeeva, S. Merzlyakova




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 22 - kindergarten of the combined type "World of Childhood"

Scenario spring holiday"Hello sweet spring!" in senior and preparatory groups

Compiled by:

Tula - 2014

To the cheerful music, 2 children of the older group run in.

1 child: Hello, guests!

2 children: Hello!

1 child: We invite everyone to the holiday. The kids are ready for it. We meet friends with smiles and wish everyone well.

2 children: Well, it's time to call the guys, the holiday needs to start. Hey, hurry up here and hurry to the holiday!

(Children go and build)

3 children: Spring has come, Spring is Red!

Everything has awakened from sleep.

4 children: Everything comes to life, look here and there.

Nature is happy with leaves, flowers.

The earth puts on spring clothes,

Spring gathers children for the holiday.

5 children: Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

With its azure alive

He blinds my eyes!

6 children: Spring! Spring! How high

On the wings of the wind

caressing the sunbeams,

Clouds are flying.

(Song "Spring" general)

7 children: At our holiday

Let's sing and dance

Let's talk about how spring comes to us.

Vedas: Dear guests! Here comes the spring. What a wonderful word - spring. It rings with a cheerful drop, breathes the freshness of forest snowdrops, young foliage. The window flung open, and the aroma of wild flowers poured into the hall with streams of warm air. Birds chirped, sunshine sparkled. IN white dress, strewn with leaves, in a round dance of sunbeams, Spring is striding towards us.

(Screen, music, pictures)

Yes, spring is a wonderful time of the year!

Spring is red!

Spring is red!

Guys, let's call together.

Spring is red!

Spring is red!

Come soon. Bring guests!

(Music sounds and Spring enters with stoneflies)

Spring: Hello, here I am!

Hello spring to you, friends!

It's me - Spring - red

Came here to visit!

Young and green

Given to everyone for joy.

Vedas: Hello, dear spring!

Tell us what you complained about.

Spring: And I came to you:

With melting snows

With little streams

With the spring sun

With a ringing bird song.

1 child: Spring, spring, you are the morning of the year ...

We greet you with a ringing song.

(Song "Freckles")

Spring: Well done! How well you sing!

Vedas: Spring, and we have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. Here, listen.

Reb.: Spring time has come,

It's time to bloom

And so the mood

Everyone has spring!

(Dance with flowers under "Waltz")

Spring: Oh, well done guys! Sing, dance, play. Read more poetry to me.

Reb.: But we can’t sit still,

We love to have fun.

We are not too lazy to dance and sing.

We would dance all day.

(Dance "Pairy" Latvian melody)

Reb.: Brooks flow into puddles,

Forget about the winter cold.

Sparrows, starlings, tits.

Early in the morning at five sharp

The rain came out for a walk.

Let's sing about the rain now

We will sing about spring.

(Song "Spring Rain" music by V. Molodtsov)

Spring: What good fellows!

How well they sang!

Guys, I love to play

Songs to sing and dance.

Well, boys, come out,

Let me have fun.

Boy: I am a daring fellow,

I play on spoons, I call the guys.

Guys, come out, cheer up the guests.

(Ensemble of spoon players to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka")

Spring: Well done! You made me laugh, you made me laugh. Yes, and I will not remain in debt.

My forest animals

Submit your toys.

I got a whole bag of them

Come on, help me, my friend!

(They take out a heavy bag)

Here the squirrels gave me bumps so that you can play with them here.

(Attraction "Who will quickly pick up cones in the basket with a blindfold")

Spring: And hedgehogs brought these apples.

(Attraction "Who will collect more apples")

Spring: Thank you guys

that they were invited to visit.

We sang, we had fun

Everyone here was happy.

And now it's time for me

Goodbye, kids.

And in parting, I will give you gifts.

(Gives gifts to the presenter and leaves)

Vedas: Thank you, Spring for the gifts. Goodbye, see you again.

Vedas: Oh, listen, someone is calling us. Who could it be. Here, here, here we are.

(A girl runs in - "Sunny Bunny")

Vedas: Hello! Who are you?

solar Bunny: Hello! I am a sunbeam. I came running to you for a holiday. I really wanted to see him.

Vedas: Hello, Sunny Bunny! We are very glad to see you. Tell me, bunny, has spring already come to all lands?

Bunny: Yes!

The birds are already singing

In all ends of the earth.

In the forest, the beast does not sleep,

All nests are woven.

Vedas: Yes, what interesting life in the forest in spring. What else have you seen?

Bunny: I jumped along the branches in a fairy forest, I saw a very sad Baba Yaga.

Vedas: Grandmother Yaga!

Bunny: Yes!

Vedas: With a character like hers, it is very difficult to find friends. Guys, I feel a little sorry for Grandmother Yaga. Spring is raging all around, and Baba Yaga is bored and sad. Maybe we'll go to her in the woods.

Bunny: But this is not a simple forest, but a magical one.

Vedas: Magical?

Bunny: Cartoons live in that forest, animashkas are heroes of different films.

Vedas: Oh, how interesting. Really guys? Now we definitely need to visit the forest. Do you know the way there?

Bunny: I know!

Vedas: Then lead us.

(Go to the magical forest)

Vedas: Guys, listen, someone groans.

(Baba Yaga sits in a hut, but groans)

B. Ya .: Oh, and the old woman is bored,

To live alone in such a wilderness.

When there are only frogs around,

Yes, thick reeds.

That would be nice

If someone came

To Baba Yaga, the bone leg!

Vedas: Hello, Baba Yaga! Doesn't answer. Guys, let's sing to Baba Yaga.

Children: Grandmother Yozhka, bone leg,

She fell off the stove and broke her leg.

And then he says: "My leg hurts"

(Baba Yaga looks out of the window with interest and sees the children)

B.Ya.: Ah, it's you, why did you come? Go away!

Vedas: Hello, Baba Yaga. We have come to visit you. Amuse you. After all, spring is on the street. Let's play.

(The game "Grandma Yozhka")

(Baba Yaga runs out of the hut and disperses the children with a whisk. The children run to the chairs. They play 2-3 times).

Baba Yaga: Wow, I love you!

Vedas: Our guys do not offend you, but play with you.

B.Ya.: Ah, they are playing! This is good! I love to play! (He puts his hands on his sides, wait, wait, how did you get into our fairy forest?)

Vedas: Guys, tell us who brought us here?

B. Ya.: Oh, what's the matter? This is a sunbeam. It happens everywhere, knows a lot.

Vedas: Oh, and who is it squeaking?

B. Ya .: Yes, this is a little mouse - Mickey Mouse. He came to me for wheat grains.

(Mickey Mouse runs in)

Mouse: Have pity on me, little ones.

Give me some grain.

Gnawing sweet grains

Yes, I will go to a merry dance.

B. Ya .: (treats a mouse)

Oh, you little prankster, help yourself.

Mouse: (stroking his belly) How delicious. And now you can dance.

B. Ya .: And you guys, help him!

(Modern dance "Mickey Mouse")

B.Ya.: Oh, where are the guys? Ah, I get it, they are. Here I am for you, you little bastards. (tries to scare)

Vedas: Baba Yaga, these are not mice, but guys. We wanted to have fun and amuse you.

B.Ya.: Pah-pah-pah! So I don't have mice.

Vedas: Baba Yaga, do you like to sing songs?

B. Ya .: But how! I'm the best songbird in the forest!

Vedas: Our guys also like to sing songs.

B. Ya .: So you will amuse me with a song.

(chastushki to a Russian folk melody)

B. Ya .: Oh yes, well done! It’s good for me to sing songs with you, play games, but I also need to do things!

Vedas: What kind of business can the fabulous Baba Yaga have?

B. Ya .: But how! And a lot of housework, guys.

And thank you for the fun.

Here, take a treat

sweet candies

Eat up kids!

(treats sweets, waffles, cookies)

Vedas: Thank you, Baba Yaga, for the treat. Don't worry, we'll be back for you.

Vedas: Well, well, we guys met Spring, we had fun with Spring,

But it's time to say goodbye, we all need to return.

This concludes our holiday dedicated to Spring. See you soon!