Give as a gift for your 21st wedding anniversary. What to give for an opal anniversary (21st wedding anniversary). wedding anniversary: ​​what does opal symbolism mean?

Opal wedding - 21 years of life together. It is not for nothing that this date is named after the luxurious stone. Opal amazes with its gentle tints - and the feelings of the spouses for each other became tender and touching. This stone happens different colors, it unites different elements, patronizes people with a creative and ardent heart. So in the relationship between the heroes of the occasion, everything happens - tenderness, passion, sensitivity, and the hot ardor of the hearts. Opal needs proper care, periodically it needs to be wrapped in a damp cloth, otherwise it will become brittle and dull. In the same way, spouses must protect and respect each other’s feelings and desires, and then they will have to live together for many more dozens of precious years. Opal needs a beautiful and durable frame - just like spouses should be attentive to their family.

How to celebrate this holiday:

Opal wedding – how many years? 21 years old. Since the anniversary is not round, it is usually customary to celebrate it at home. Moreover, last year’s celebration must have been luxurious. So you can take a break from the hectic celebrations. It’s nice if the anniversary falls during the warm season and you can go out into nature with your family. Or have a nice picnic in the garden. But you can also celebrate at home. Advice: if relatives want to give the spouses the opportunity to relax, after the holiday, take the children for a while and allow the heroes of the occasion to be alone. It will be good gift to the heroes of the occasion. Let them spend the evening together - at home or in a cafe, in a romantic setting, enjoying each other's company.

How to decorate a celebration? The 21st wedding anniversary is not an anniversary date, but it is important. Opal is a delicate stone, and the holiday should be modest, but noble. Matching colors: white, blue, purple, pink and their combinations. A white celebration with colored tableware will look great (the tableware should be the same color chosen). Or a table covered with a purple tablecloth and laden with snow-white dishes. At such a celebration, both simple transparent glass and single-color porcelain will look luxurious. There should not be too much decoration on the table and in the room; we give preference to noble restraint. Small porcelain or glass candlesticks with tea candles and small neat vases with lush round bouquets - white or two-colored - will be appropriate. If there are small children in the family, it is better to refuse candles or replace them with artificial ones.

What dishes should be on the table? There are no special requirements here. The main thing is that these are the family's favorite dishes. And, of course, the table should be decorated with a custom-made cake.

Opal wedding... What to give to the heroes of the occasion? The spouses should like the gifts and remind them of a wonderful date.

What could it be:
  • Paired jewelry with opals. This could be a brooch for the “opal” bride and cufflinks for the “opal” groom.
  • Luxurious photo album with family photos.
  • Tickets to a cinema, drama theatre, concert or gem exhibition.
  • Video camera or photo camera.
  • A trip for two to the mountains.
  • Good wine in a gift bottle.
  • A set of luxury dishes.
  • Poems or song to order in a beautiful postcard.
  • Luxury set bed linen.
  • Big fluffy blanket.
  • Set of family photo frames.

Of course, it is not necessary to give each other opals. The main thing is that the gift brings joy.

A husband can give his beloved:

The 21st wedding anniversary is a wonderful date that marks the beginning of the third decade life together. Despite the impressive figure, at this time the spouses are active and full of energy, so they definitely need to celebrate a family holiday.

For those who have approached this important milestone, the following questions are relevant: what kind of wedding is celebrated in 21 years of marriage and how best to celebrate it.

21st wedding anniversary: ​​what does opal symbolism mean?

The 21st birthday of a family is usually called the opal wedding. This date is associated with the opal stone for a reason: it symbolizes stability, confidence and respect. It is believed that over such a long period of time, the spouses have studied each other perfectly, learned to avoid major quarrels and remember what pleases their other half the most.

the site will tell you about ways to congratulate your spouse and about the gifts that husband and wife present to each other on this holiday.

21 years together: how to celebrate the date of marriage

The opal wedding comes a year after the couple celebrated their porcelain wedding, which marks 20 years of marriage. As a rule, it is customary to invite guests to round dates, which means that this year the husband and wife can spend the holiday together.

All of these ways to celebrate an important date are suitable for two. However, if you like noisy feasts or family gatherings, you can gather all the people close to you for the holiday.

What to give for an opal wedding

On the 21st year of marriage, please the spouses with a surprise, because what wedding date would be complete without gifts! You can present your significant other with things with anniversary symbols and other gifts that will please your spouse. So, what do you give for an opal wedding?

After you decide on a surprise, don’t forget about

The twenty-first anniversary brought you another year closer to each other. Let's take a closer look in this article about 21 years of marriage, what kind of wedding is celebrated, what to give and how to celebrate.

The symbol of this wedding anniversary is an opal stone, which is considered one of the most beautiful jewelry stones and after which it was named opal. It comes in various colors and shades, and was also believed to protect against diseases, evil spell, but could harm people with weak character.

At misuse opal could bring discord to a family, but if you constantly wear it and take care of it, then you can attract love and happiness. You can also compare the relationship between spouses, which over 21 years have acquired various shades of the trials they have experienced, and if you do not take care of them, you can lose them.

The meaning of the number 21

In astrology: means self-destruction, endurance and jealousy. Characterized by self-interest, the ability to influence other people and subjugate them to one’s will.

In magic: considered a lucky number, it promises success and career advancement.

In life: means leadership and activity, brings good luck, suitable for making important decisions. People born on this number have a strong will.


We have learned what is celebrated after 21 years of marriage, now let’s talk about traditions. According to tradition, on this day the husband was supposed to give his wife a piece of jewelry with an opal. The wife had to wear it as often as possible and keep it clean, because opal is not one of those stones that can be put in a box and forgotten, it requires attention, and in return will bring happiness and love to the spouses.

How to meet

Usually after the twentieth anniversary celebration, this significant date The spouses celebrate at home with their family. The wife wears any piece of opal jewelry. The interior and clothing can be selected in different colors and preferably in combination with each other. After all, the color scheme of opal is so diverse, so feel free to choose multi-colored colors and shades in your clothes and table settings.

What to give for 21 years of marriage

Gift from guests: you can give various products where this stone will be present; a souvenir from the tree of happiness with opal leaves will also look very beautiful in the interior of the spouses. But if you don’t want to give gifts from this stone, then you can choose any multi-colored gifts, or simply with an image of opal: vases, paintings, bedding sets, souvenirs, dishes, etc.

A gift for the wife: here, of course, any piece of opal jewelry will do, especially since the choice in color scheme very big.

Gift for your husband: you can pick up some opal product, but if you think such a gift is not quite suitable for your husband, then give what you have long wanted to give (the color does not matter), just wrap the gift in multi-colored wrapping paper.

21 years is not a round date, but no less important. So what holiday awaits you at 21 and what kind of wedding is it? Every year family life personified by some material or stone. Usually silver and golden wedding couples are celebrated on a special scale. But what about the twenty-first wedding anniversary? Here everything is purely individual. For some this date is very significant, for others it is not. Unfortunately, not every marriage can last that long. Therefore, it is still necessary to celebrate this significant date.

Wedding name

12 months after the 20th wedding anniversary, the twenty-first wedding anniversary arrives. 21 years of marriage, what kind of wedding, you ask? And this anniversary is named after a stone called opal.

Opal is expensive, but at the same time very beautiful and elegant semiprecious stone. It comes in all sorts of colors and shades, ranging from crisp white to deep blue. Opal can also be transparent. This stone will look great in any precious jewelry, both in a pendant and in a ring.

A talisman made of white opal stone will help people who are creative. A black stone will serve as a talisman for those people whose zodiac sign is Scorpio. The fiery color of such a stone will protect its owner from all kinds of disasters. Indians believe that opal protects children from illness and makes them even happier.

The stone has unique properties, but it also brings with it a number of negative phenomena, such as misfortune, discord and illness. But, nevertheless, opal is not so terrible if it falls into the hands of a couple. You just need to take a little care of it, namely: wipe it from dust with a napkin, which must first be soaked in oil. Then the stone will lose its negative properties and bring joy and prosperity to the family.

  • The number 21 signifies harmony and unity that reigns between spouses.
  • In Jewish culture, this number signifies wisdom.
  • One of the sacred numbers (odd).

Traditions and rituals

21 years old. What is a wedding without traditions and rituals? One of the ancient rituals that has survived to this day is associated with the opal stone. To perform such a ceremony, the night before the celebration, the couple must wrap the opal in cloth and throw it into the bottom of a glass decanter. Then fill it with water and add a teaspoon of sugar. And in the morning, the spouses together need to water all the living plants in the house with this water.

The second rite is associated with gold jewelry. The couple should collect all their gold jewelry that they do not wear, or those that for some reason are broken or do not have a pair, take them to a jeweler and order rings with an opal stone from this scrap from the workshop. Thus, the stone will take away all the bad things that have accumulated in the couple’s family life over 21 years.

How to mark

After a magnificent anniversary, this time it is necessary to devote more time to each other. There are many options for how to celebrate your twenty-first anniversary.

Alternatively, you can spend time together in a chic restaurant. Pamper yourself with delicious and delicious dishes, remember all the years you have lived together. Think about plans for the future. And just enjoy each other.

If your budget is not too big, then you can go to the theater or cinema. Choose a genre that you both like. And in such a romantic and relaxed atmosphere, spend your significant date. You can also walk through the places where you walked when you met, where you first kissed. Create an evening of memories.

If you want to celebrate this date with your whole family or friends, then you can consider the option of an outdoor picnic, weather permitting. If not, then as an option, book a cafe or restaurant; it won’t take much of your time and won’t add any hassle. And if you love to cook and are very hospitable, then you can organize a celebration at home, prepare a festive dinner, invite people close to you and have a good time with them.

What to gift

What celebration takes place without gifts and pleasant surprises? 21 years of marriage was no exception. A gift for such an event should be taken very seriously and choose something that your significant other will really like.. Or, if you are a guest, then directly to the couple. For your 21st wedding anniversary, a gift could be something from this list:
  • Spouses can give each other identical opal jewelry.
  • Gifts that a couple needs for their home. For example: a lamp, a set, a bedding set or some kind of interior element.
  • A week's holiday on the sea coast.
  • A photo of the couple covers the entire wall.
  • Organize a trip to the SPA for two.
  • You can give any flowers on this day, as they will not affect the marriage in any way.
  • Do something with your own hands or make a video greeting.
By the time of the opal wedding, a lot had been accomplished and accomplished: the children had become adults, the family income was stable, everything was calm and quiet. 21 years old married life- this is a holiday, quite personal and intimate, so perhaps it’s still worth spending it without strangers, just you and your significant other.

Use this moment to once again remind each other of your feelings, rekindle your love even more, and also refresh your relationship. Remember - this is your date together. Give your significant other unforgettable emotions on this day and good mood. Make sure that this day remains in your common memories for a long time.

21 years - what kind of wedding is this in a symbolic sense? What is the best gift to give to your life partner?

Twenty-one is the most sacred of all odd numbers that exist.

And the 21st wedding anniversary symbolizes the achievement of perfection, unity and the inviolability of a harmonious union. Therefore, it is important to consider what to give spouses in honor of them. family holiday. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary (21 years of marriage) require a special approach to presenting common truths about wisdom, love and patience in marriage (for example, when you are asked to give a toast).

Congratulations on an opal wedding should focus the attention of guests on the couple reaching that level of family life when a lot has already been passed, but the spouses managed to maintain love and remain devoted to each other, so now it is important to celebrate their joint triumph.

Wedding symbolism

21st wedding anniversary (opal wedding) - reaching the peak of development. The colossal efforts made by the spouses to strengthen the relationship have now been crowned with success. Achieving a goal brings a feeling of pride.

Opal wedding - 21 years on the path to the perfection of the union.

But this is not the end of a relationship, but the beginning of a new family life after celebrating a triumph.

The symbol of the anniversary is the many-sided opal

One life cycle of their marriage is over, and now the two of them will set off on a new journey, but with a baggage of knowledge and experience from past mistakes. An opal wedding is a solemn day when the couple should enjoy what both spouses have worked on, and it is also an occasion to think about future prospects.

Opals are a symbol of family holidays. Opal represents empathy and the ability to be compassionate. The couple had already learned to put themselves in their partner's shoes, which allowed them to save their marriage.

Opal is considered a symbol of impermanence. But this feature must be considered as the ability to modify (flexibility), and not as immaturity and uncertainty. The twenty-first anniversary of marriage is accompanied by worldly wisdom.

What to gift?

Wives are puzzled as to how best to congratulate their beloved men on their anniversary.

Please your dear husband with expensive gifts

It is worth considering several gift options for men:

  1. You have been married for many years, so a bottle of aged cognac would be a good gift.
  2. If you have a decent amount of money, then congratulate your husband by giving him a gold ring with opal. The ring should be worn on the index finger.
  3. If the spouse is a sentimental person, then the best gift will become a family photo album. Works a lot? Give a photo together in frame.
  4. An engraved watch - gratitude for the years spent together.

Gifts for wife

Twenty years earlier, men had no difficulty choosing a gift for their wife. Since opals are a symbol of the wedding, a woman will be extremely grateful to the man who gave her, for example, a ring with this stone.

Surprise your better half with exquisite jewelry

Let's look at what else you can give your wife:

  1. Instead of a ring, you can present your wife with a necklace, bracelet or chain with a pendant.
  2. A luxurious jewelry set will be an unforgettable gift.
  3. Give your wife a trip to some exotic places. Or organize a hike in the mountains, which is a symbolic excursion (reaching a mountain peak in love).
  4. You can prepare dinner by candlelight by decorating the kitchen with flowers and colorful balloons. Perhaps you both want to spend this day alone. For more information on what to give for your anniversary, watch this video:

The main thing is to make sure that your gift will be desired by your spouse.

Gifts from children

Twenty-one years of marriage is not a common celebration. Therefore, children also sometimes do not know what gifts for an opal wedding will be relevant for their parents.

Some gift ideas to consider:

  1. Create a collage: collect photos that show still young parents. Following a certain periodization of their family life, recreate the brightest moments in your parents’ memory.
  2. Develop scenarios wedding ceremonies. Let the parents feel again the already forgotten thrill a moment before entering into an official marriage.
  3. You can please them with dinner at a restaurant: book a table by paying for your order from the menu. To learn how to organize an anniversary, watch this video:

An opal wedding carries a charge of passion and peace at the same time. On their anniversary, the couple has earned the right to simply enjoy the holiday without emotional stress and incredible actions. 21 years is the result, when the very fact that husband and wife are still together is already a reason to thank each other for the experience and happiness together.