Congratulations on the golden wedding to parents from children. Congratulations on the golden wedding to parents. Congratulations to your wife on your golden wedding

Among the numerous congratulations at a wedding celebration, wishes are often heard to live together until the golden wedding. A logical question often arises: what kind of event is this “golden” wedding, what is so special about it, why exactly this date becomes the key wish for a young couple on their wedding day.

Golden wedding is 50 years of life life together. By this time, among the respectable spouses, their love and mutual respect had become so strong that they became like the most noble metal - gold, which cannot be spoiled by anything.

A husband and wife who have lived together for half a century of long years deserve universal respect and honor. Newlyweds are often compared to sailors who set off on a long voyage across endless seas and oceans on a homemade sailboat.

A sea voyage is not always cloudless and pleasant; along the way, the family boat gets very stormy, or there is complete calm, the sails sag helplessly, and it begins to seem that there will be no movement forward towards the cherished goal.

And only a strong and united team is able to overcome all obstacles and walk its path with dignity. A married couple celebrating their half-century anniversary managed to navigate their sailboat to its intended goal without loss, preserve and create a strong family, raise children and have grandchildren. Therefore, anniversary celebrations are usually held in the family circle in an atmosphere of love and warmth.

A golden wedding serves as an excellent proof of a strong true love, and such a significant event unites the whole family.

The holiday can be held:

  • in a familiar home environment. Considering the venerable age of the married couple celebrating the anniversary, adult children and grandchildren are usually involved in organizing and holding such a celebration. Elegant decoration of the room helps to create an appropriate festive mood. Golden and red shades are perfect for a “golden” anniversary. Window curtains, tablecloths, napkins in similar color scheme create festive atmosphere. If it is not possible to replace existing window curtains, there is an excellent alternative solution - decorate ordinary tulle curtains with gold and red satin ribbons. You can tell garlands from balloons, decorate the room with fresh flowers. A home wall newspaper with congratulations to children and grandchildren, children's drawings, photographs of a married couple will remind you of family traditions and achievements. You can hang a festive poster on the wall about the date of the wedding anniversary - “50 years together”;
  • in a cafe or restaurant. If you plan to invite numerous relatives and close friends to your anniversary, it is advisable to organize the celebration in a cozy banquet hall of a cafe or restaurant. In this case, the question of organization disappears festive table and decoration of the hall. To celebrate the holiday, it is best to invite a toastmaster, who will prepare an appropriate scenario with fun competitions and entertainment;
  • organization of a full-fledged wedding celebration. To do this, the registry office can agree on a ceremonial painting in a comic form to the sound of the traditional Mendelssohn waltz and other rules for organizing the official part of the ceremony. To capture such a memorable event, the “golden newlyweds” go for a photo shoot on the most Beautiful places cities or nature. To continue the wedding, a festive feast with gifts and congratulations is organized. At the end of the holiday, guests are offered the obligatory sweet dessert - a wedding cake with the symbols of the anniversary - the numbers “50”;
  • To prevent the anniversary celebration from being boring and uninteresting, it is necessary to draw up a script for the celebration in advance. Depending on the wishes of the heroes of the day and the creative abilities of the younger generation: the children and grandchildren of the heroes of the occasion, the holiday can turn out to be cheerful, solemn or romantic.

If the heroes of the day have good feeling humor, you can create a scenario with funny competitions and comic tests.

For example:

  1. IN air balloons notes are inserted with invented funny questions from the history of the acquaintance and wedding of a married couple and are awarded to the heroes of the day. The husband and wife take turns popping the balloons and, amid cheerful laughter and applause, take out and read the notes, answering funny questions.
  2. The holiday scenario can include karaoke singing of the heroes of the occasion’s favorite compositions. After this, organize a music tournament for the title of best singer. Such entertainment will appeal not only to the “golden newlyweds”, but also to all invited guests.
  3. An interesting option is the execution funny ditties O family life anniversary The texts of the ditties can be printed out in advance and given to the participants of the holiday and thus a whole musical fun performance can be performed.
  4. As a wonderful reminder of the wonderful times of bygone youth, there will be an amateur theatrical mini-production about the story of how a respectable couple met or their wedding day.
  5. The holiday script can include watching a video with episodes from the family life of the heroes of the day, their acquaintance, their wedding day, the birth of their first child and other significant events.

Showing touching home video chronicles puts guests in a romantic and even sentimental mood, and the “golden newlyweds” will have to wipe a tear from their eyes more than once, so after watching it, it’s better to immediately move on to the festive banquet and fun competitions.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

Even if the spouses have been married for 50 long years, this does not mean that at this age there is no need to give each other gifts. On the contrary, the cherished wishes and dreams of your other halves have long been known, and you really want to please your faithful loved ones with an amazing gift for a long life together, true love and everyday care.

When choosing a gift, the emphasis is on the symbol of the anniversary - gold, a noble and beautiful precious metal. The following gift ideas would be great:

  • traditional Jewelry. A husband can give his wife gold earrings, a ring, as in the photo, or a chain with a pendant. The husband will be delighted with a gold ring or bracelet. You can organize an exchange of new wedding rings, and put your original ones in storage in order to later pass them on by inheritance;
  • You can give your wife a luxurious bouquet made up of your favorite flowers. It is allowed to use golden pollen and satin ribbons golden hue. Interesting solution– an extraordinary bouquet of sweets in bright golden wrappers, any woman will be happy with such a gift, because everyone knows that the fair half of humanity loves chocolate confectionery delicacies;
  • a man will definitely like a gift that matches his hobbies and tastes. A convenient spinning rod for fishing, a home set of tools, a chic wristwatch, a newfangled tablet - such gifts are quite appropriate for a wedding present for a wife on an anniversary celebration.

Living together for fifty years often makes spouses a little similar to each other, the same habits, common views and interests appear. Therefore, choosing a gift for your other half is not at all difficult.

Giving gifts and seeing how sincerely happy a person is is even much more pleasant than receiving presents.

How to congratulate spouses for children, grandchildren, relatives - tips

The “golden wedding” event is considered important not only for the celebrants, but also for their family: children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives. They prepare for the golden anniversary in advance and carefully select gifts that can bring joy to the “newlyweds”. It can be:

  1. Gold jewelry wedding rings. Within 50 years from the date of their marriage, age-related changes and the thickness of the fingers changes, and therefore the rings often become small and do not fit on the finger. New rings are presented to the celebrants in a solemn ceremony, and according to tradition, the married couple exchanges them and takes the words of the traditional wedding oath.
  2. A wonderful gift for a couple of anniversaries would be a comfortable trip on a cruise ship or a foreign tour to a relaxing family hotel. An elderly couple would be happy to go on vacation to a good sanatorium, where they can also improve their health.
  3. Relatives can give gifts made independently and with their own hands. Making a box with homemade decor in the form of golden painted symbols married life: wedding rings, a pair of swans or doves - serves as an excellent idea for wedding gift from the younger generation, grandson and granddaughter.
  4. House shoes made of gold brocade in oriental style, decorated with sewing and beads, will long remind the celebrants of the beauty family holiday golden wedding

At a family wedding celebration, I would like to congratulate the anniversaries with warm, sincere words coming from the heart. Instead of poetry, you can compose a touching congratulation in prose; you can write it on a large poster and hang it in a prominent place in the anniversary celebration room.


Exist traditional gifts to the celebrants of the golden wedding:

You can present a family album or photo book with the inscription on the title page “Our Golden Wedding” with congratulations from all participants in the celebration and family photographs different periods life of a married couple.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

Congratulations on the golden wedding to the anniversaries can be composed in poetic form. Let it be an unprofessional poem or a poetic ballad.

The kind and warm words of simple independent poems will delight the married couple and will cause well-deserved enthusiastic applause from all wedding participants. Another option is touching congratulations in prose:

The most important thing in congratulatory texts is sincerity, warmth and joy.

Original and practical gifts

The best gifts for a golden wedding will be items that help maintain health.

Various medical devices for home preventive and therapeutic procedures, modern blood pressure monitors, portable massagers, heating pads, ionizers and humidifiers, orthopedic pillows and mattresses will help an elderly couple of respectable age remain vigorous and cheerful longer. For tea lovers, you can give modern electric kettles or samovars.

A small plasma TV, which can be placed in the kitchen or bedroom of the celebrants, will delight the celebrants good films and your favorite TV shows.

As original gifts perfect fit:

  1. Modern electronic audiobooks.
  2. T-shirts with prints of photographs of heroes of the day.
  3. Live butterflies.
  4. Personalized box of sweets or chocolate.

Or you can make a video greeting like this:

You can come up with a lot of original ones or vice versa practical gifts and gifts that the “golden newlyweds” will definitely like. So which gift is better, practical or original?

This holiday is such a reverent and, alas, infrequent celebration that the very phrase “fiftieth anniversary of marriage” evokes genuine respect for spouses who managed to overcome life’s obstacles and storms of family troubles.

To give birth and raise children, to wait for grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, to maintain the warmth of relationships, love and, perhaps, something more, incomprehensible to many of us, is the greatest of feats in married life.

How to make a celebration, what congratulations on the golden wedding to use? You need to work on this very carefully and thoughtfully. Children should make sure that their parents are able to deservedly celebrate such an important date in their life together as a golden wedding.

Who should be entrusted with organizing where to celebrate the anniversary?

Children have a unique opportunity to thank their mom and dad by organizing a worthy celebration of probably one of the most touching, but, alas, rare dates today. Considering that the age of the spouses at the time of the celebration is very advanced, after all, it is no less than 70 years, the celebration for many reasons can be organized at home.

Elderly people may be embarrassed about certain aspects, and renting a restaurant in this case is not the right decision.

The ideal option is to invite old friends, close relatives, and all family members to the house where the spouses live.

If there is only one child in the family of the celebrants, the question of who will organize the celebration for the parents automatically disappears. Although these do not necessarily have to be children, grandchildren are quite suitable option for such a case. The organizer will have to work hard to prepare the entire program of congratulations and celebrations: you need to create an atmosphere of complete harmony of several generations that appeared thanks to the heroes of the occasion.

50th wedding anniversary: ​​how to organize a celebration

Everything is relatively clear with the choice of location and number of guests, but many nuances need to be taken into account when organizing the holiday. It will be great if people who were present at their parents’ wedding are invited to the celebration; perhaps they will be able to remember something interesting and funny.

  • We need to start by ensuring that everyone present at the anniversary understands that there is a real holiday in this house. It is necessary to create the appropriate atmosphere: the room should be decorated in the best traditions suitable for this celebration.
  • When setting the table, you need to remember that the serving elements must correspond to the date: golden-colored dishes and other items, basic traditional tones.

  • You need to take proper care of the musical accompaniment. Contemporary youth pop music will be inappropriate, while works of more early period will return mom and dad to their youth.

Customs and traditions when celebrating a golden wedding

The tradition of exchanging new wedding rings on the 50th wedding anniversary, while the old ones are passed on to grandchildren or great-grandchildren as family heirlooms, looks touching and beautiful. You can use a wedding march as musical accompaniment.

At this moment, it is customary to give gifts to spouses and congratulate them on their anniversary. Everyone participates in this performance, and congratulations from children, friends, and grandchildren would be appropriate.

  • On the day of the golden wedding, it is customary for parents to give their daughter a hand-knitted shawl, which she should put on her mother’s shoulders; a warm blanket is suitable for dad. It is desirable that the threads used for knitting have a golden hue. When presenting a gift, the daughter should thank mom and dad for always being there. Gratitude can be expressed in your own words, the main thing is that it is said sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.
  • Congratulations on your golden wedding from relatives and friends can come in a wide variety of forms. For example, funny and cool, but not crossing the permitted line funny congratulations in poetic form. You can make a solemn speech to the heroes of the day in your own words.

And further
One beautiful tradition that not all married couples can afford for health reasons is the dance of the newlyweds. You need to take care in advance about choosing a slow composition for parents, which will give them the opportunity to remember best years youth spent together.

It must be remembered that, perhaps, this will be their last dance together in their lives, so children should show maximum attention at this reverent moment. Spouses should be in the center of the circle that their children, grandchildren, relatives and other guests create for them. At the end of the dance, the couple is showered with a “golden shower” of foil, and it is then that the ceremony of exchanging wedding rings can take place.

What and from whom congratulations should be heard at the anniversary celebration

Since celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary is a family celebration in relatively narrow circle, congratulations to parents (and grandparents or friends) should be divided into categories:

  • From my son.
  • From my daughter.
  • Congratulations from grandchildren (and great-grandchildren, if any).
  • Congratulations from relatives and family friends.

Congratulations on the golden wedding should be planned in advance by the organizers. Their various forms can be used, the main thing is that they are appropriate and do not cross the line of what is permitted in the health resort:

  1. Solemn congratulations in prose.
  2. Comic congratulations. Cool.
  3. Congratulations to parents from their daughter on their golden wedding day.
  4. Health resorts in verses specially composed for this occasion.
  5. Songs.

Congratulations from children should be filled with warmth and love for their parents, who gave birth, raised them, were always there and were help and support in difficult moments.

Gifts are prepared in advance for parents from their daughter and son, which should be presented at a specially selected solemn moment. Your speech expressing love and respect does not have to be peppered with pretentious phrases. When presenting a gift, you can thank mom and dad in your own words for what they did for their children.

Examples of poetic congratulations for the 50th wedding anniversary

Option #1

Golden wedding is a joyful date,

You guys are young in soul and heart!

Remembering your youth, don’t be sad

And brush away the tears that run involuntarily.

Let everything in your house shine with light,

Your house in this world will become a full cup.

May your health be strong and warm,

Joy - only bright! Happiness is real!

Option No. 2

I would like to wish health to the spouses,

So that, as before, we take care of each other,

So that happiness shines brightly in your eyes,

Life gave its gifts more often.

You have come a long way and have not lost your way!

The joy did not disappear, the dreams came true.

With a sweet, kind waltz your life will spin!

Option No. 3 - congratulations on the 50th anniversary in prose

Dear and respected spouses! You have walked hand in hand for so many years and carried love and loyalty through 50 happy and slightly sad years. Your children have grown up, and your grandchildren are already delighting you with their first successes.

Let everything that happened in your life only multiply from this day on, acquire a golden cut and make you happy every minute. We wish you a boundless sea of ​​kindness and attention, boundless care of loved ones and longevity.

Gifts for the golden wedding

In preparing for the celebration of such a rare anniversary in these days, you need to treat the celebrants with all responsibility and respect.

List of mandatory events at a golden wedding

Arranging such grand celebration, the following points must be included in its program:

As you prepare to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary, never forget about the feat your parents accomplished for their children. Not everyone can boast of the fact that their parents are celebrating their golden wedding.

Maximum effort is needed to diversify the celebration: funny and cool health resorts should be heard everywhere, celebrants should always be in the center of everyone's attention.

Musical gift for a golden wedding - video

It is not necessary to say congratulations in poetic phrases and saturate them with pompous formulations. Words of respect, love and pride can be conveyed in prose, in your own way. Old people are wise, polished phrases will not tell them anything, while ordinary simple words, spoken with all your heart, will be much more important and pleasant for them.

A continuation of the holiday can be a gift from children in the form of a trip to a holiday home. But this is possible if the heroes of the day have relatively good health. Old people would benefit from a change of scenery, the opportunity to relax outside the walls of their home; they will appreciate the attention and warm attitude of children.

Are your family members celebrating their golden marriage anniversary? The relationship between the spouses, who have lived together for half a century, has become like precious metal; it is not for nothing that this wedding is called golden. And, of course, people whose life together is marked by the wonderful number 50 are worthy warm congratulations with a golden wedding from your children and grandchildren.

Congratulations on your golden wedding to your grandparents

Grandparents, happy golden wedding!
We congratulate you - peace and goodness to you!
We wish you happiness and good health,
Let only tears roll from happiness.
You are the head of the family, we can’t live without you,
We love, honor, and remember you always.
May the angels and the earth itself protect you,
Happy holiday, dear ones, happiness forever!

The temples have long been dusted with gray hair,
And childhood has passed, and youth has passed,
And the children have grown up, and the grandchildren are already adults,
And autumn has long approached the threshold.
But you are protected by your bright love,
What goes with you through life for half a century.
So be as loving to each other as possible,
And let your feeling bloom more and more brightly!
On your golden wedding day, we wish you
May you live for another five decades,
And we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We love you, our grandparents!

Brought together into one fate-road
Half a century of life where you are next to each other all the time.
It’s no longer just you – husband and wife,
And mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother.
And the earth won't have enough gold,
To evaluate all your assets:
The love that has been carried through the years,
And a new creation of the tree of life.
So let it be your golden anniversary
Fate will present priceless gifts:
Strength, vigor, health for a hundred years,
And endless moments of happiness!

How to congratulate parents on their golden wedding from their children and grandchildren?

Traditionally, for a golden wedding, spouses are given new gold rings. You can present the celebrants with a gold medal with a commemorative engraving, their photo in a beautiful gold frame, or a family portrait commissioned from the artist. An excellent addition to such gifts would be sincere words Congratulations on your golden wedding addressed to your grandparents.

No wonder they called it gold
Your wedding: you didn’t let us down.
They lived together for five decades.
Is this visible from the bride?
And the groom? Hero and daredevil!
Was a fighter and still is a fighter.
With your wedding you proved:
There is no place in life for melancholy and sadness.
It's more joyful to live with faith in miracles
And create, love, be happy.
So live with faith for a long time!
Your wisdom has so much meaning for us:
Your example of how to live is a lesson for us.
May God extend your time together!

Fifty is a long time,
There were different years.
So many joys and worries
Experienced in this life!
It's very difficult to save
Carry love through the years.
You managed to win
All misfortunes and hardships.
Your life is in business,
You did a great job.
The glow of happiness in your arms -
Your rings are gold.
Let them be covered with gray hair
Your curls are like resin,
Only with heart and soul
You are still young as before!

Beautiful poems for grandparents for their golden wedding

Do you want to please your relatives who are celebrating their golden anniversary? Design a poster or wall newspaper for this holiday, including family photographs and beautiful poems from children and grandchildren on the occasion of the golden wedding celebration.

They flew by like a flock of birds,
Strings of fast-winged days...
This is an anniversary of the highest standard!
Accept my sincere congratulations!
The two of you have lived together for half a century!
And may in all the remaining years
Happy will be yours cozy home!

Congratulations, dear ones, on your golden anniversary,
With the fact that your golden union is strong, durable, indestructible,
With the fact that you have acquired together values ​​​​more valuable than gold,
And a big family is growing - children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren!

We sincerely wish you not to know sadness and adversity,
Let peace, tranquility and grace reign in your home.
In a vigorous body, with a strong spirit, you live happily ever after
And be sure to invite me to the crown anniversary!

You've seen a lot
You've experienced a lot
I have something to tell my grandchildren
At least sit down and write a novel.
You won’t find a more beautiful family, -
The youth will announce loudly.
You set the best example
Thank you for living.
And with you the world is much more beautiful,
You are our family's guardians.
Let your health not let you down,
And grandchildren often surprise.
And they remember your wonderful feat,
How useful experience will be in the future.
After all, this anniversary is rare,
Live to see the gold of wonderful days!

Congratulations in verse from children and grandchildren on the 50th wedding anniversary

Congratulations and best wishes at a golden wedding celebration may sound like wedding table. Raise a toast to your grandparents and read poetry.

Today is your golden wedding,
She is like a symbol of fidelity and love!
And your big family congratulates you,
The basis for which is you!

And let your happiness not fade away,
You continue to believe and love!
And let your grandchildren set you as an example,
How to live happily ever after!

Happy golden wedding, dear grandfather!
Congratulations, dear, with all my heart!
You have been the head of the family for half a century.
Happiness and health! God bless you!
Let sadness not touch your kind eyes!
Smile, I ask, for me now!
Don’t be sad, my dear, live joyfully!
Confess your love to grandma again!

Wedding, golden wedding!
Eh, all the relatives are walking!
This anniversary date
We've waited a long time, friends!
So many years have not been lived in vain -
There is a good home, family,
Love, joy and peace, -
In general, happiness with your head!
So you need gifts
And give words of love.
And to a storm of applause
We declare you the best couple!

Congratulations to grandparents on their golden wedding in your own words in prose

Dear and beloved grandparents! Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary! I wish you continued true happiness together! Such a marriage is a huge amount of work and your mutual desire for a wonderful life together. You managed to create a real strong family! I wish you health, joy and prosperity!

Happy golden wedding day! Half a century ago, you swore to each other to be together forever and turned out to be true to your word. Ardent passion gave way to everyday bustle, life threw you various surprises and challenges, but you divided everything in half, helped each other when your strength ran out, and moved forward again. Not only memories make you happy - looking at your children and grandchildren, hearing their laughter, it’s as if you yourself are becoming younger! And may the fire of love in your eyes not go out, your family supports you in difficult moments, and new years bring you only joy and positive moments.

Dear anniversaries! People say: “Where there is peace and harmony, there will be God's grace", "Love and advice - and there is no need for anything." These words are about you, because only selected families live to see the golden wedding. May your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren bring you joy for many years to come! Live long and happily, always be healthy!

I want to wish my parents
Good health now,
To understand each other more often -
You are together every day and hour,
May all good things come
I wish you happiness with all my heart!
You are fifty years old this year!
Wonderful golden holiday!

May you both have many years to come
And wrinkles appeared on my face,
And my hair is already shiny,
Like snow, gray cobwebs.
But the years are not terrible for you,
You don't want a different life.
So always be young
Celebrating the golden wedding.

I wish my parents happiness
You've been together for 50 years,
With your true love
You said there are no obstacles,
When two loving hearts
Unite into one!
We wish you to warm yourself in love,
May your soul be warm!

Lived joyfully, carefree,
Like children, you walked into eternity,
Holding hands, laughing.
We want to be like you
Life is easy, beautiful, friendly,
To be needed by someone.
Dear father and mother,
I want to hug you now!
There is no more beautiful moment -
Unity in love.
Happy birthday
Happy 50th family birthday!

You are our dear parents,
Please accept our congratulations!
Today you are so beautiful
As, indeed, every day and every hour!
Let fifty become a special number,
Which will lead you further,
May wonderful times come!
Happiness awaits you around the corners!

Today is fifty years since you two were together
And even if not everything in life was smooth.
We, your children, take you as an example
Reliability, peace and order.
We wish you many years of happiness,
Love, health and well-being
Let the sun come in the morning
To your warm home, where it’s never boring.

We are proud of our mother and father,
Thanks to you we live so happily,
They are an excellent example for us,
Both at work and in personal life.
Dear parents, please accept my congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
They brought a golden wedding on the wings of a bird,
You have achieved a lot in life.

You have been together for 50 happy years,
AND better than a couple definitely not in the world,
The fact that the heads are gray is not a problem,
But your soul is always young.
Dear parents, congratulations on your golden wedding,
We sincerely wish you long and happy years,
May luck accompany you
May a good angel protect you from harm.

Fifty happy years
Your marriage radiates light!
Here comes the golden wedding!
I congratulate you on this!
Golden relationship
The love that bound you
And the family became the basis!

Dates like this are not celebrated often.
But since I came, it’s time to celebrate this day,
We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,
And with it - health, vigor, goodness!
So be protected by fate in future!
On your golden wedding day
We wish you love and peace,
Souls eternally young!

May you both have many years to come
And wrinkles appeared on my face,
And my hair is already shiny,
Like snow, gray cobwebs.
But the years are not terrible for you,
You don't want a different life.
So always be young
Celebrating the golden wedding.

Almost none of the guests, as practice shows, choose jokes and cool congratulations for the golden wedding. For younger people they are much more appropriate than for a couple who is celebrating their golden wedding.

The poems are suitable for self-confident people who have a special sense of tact and artistry and know that this is not the first time they have performed in front of so many people, and they will cope with the task.

Also, you should not give preference to big and pretentious statements. They are the ones who can cause some irritation to most people who came to celebrate the gala evening.

The best option would be a short but sincere wish, not filled with standard banal phrases. If necessary, you can slightly change the one you like best.

They proved that the power of true love is limitless and it

Golden wedding - a grand anniversary!
One day this is a happy day
Connected two loving people.
Today I congratulate you
Our whole friendly family came.
And wish you love and happiness,
Comfort in the house and warmth,
Hospitable family hearth!

You need to take proper care of the musical accompaniment. Contemporary teen pop music will be out of place, while earlier pieces will take Mom and Dad back to their youth.

At this moment, it is customary to give gifts to spouses and congratulate them on their anniversary. Everyone participates in this performance, and congratulations from children, friends, and grandchildren would be appropriate.

Dear and respected spouses! You have walked hand in hand for so many years and carried love and loyalty through 50 happy and slightly sad years.

Golden wedding (50 years)
Golden wedding day
Hearty congratulations
And we wish you together
Health and love!
May happiness and peace
They don't leave your home!
Now the grandchildren are growing up -
You are alive in your descendants!
And the years passed
Take a good look:
After all, in joy and sorrow -
You were always there!
Walking so boldly into the distance,
Beyond the millennium
With hope and perseverance
Live to be a century old!
Flying with joy
We can't take our eyes off the two:
After all, a wedding is “golden”
Beloved, here you are!
You, son-in-law, are to blame for this -
I was able to charm my heart...
Once again under the aisle with my wife
You are young again!
There is no simpler wish for a son-in-law:
Don't forget about your mother-in-law!!!

Mother-in-law and father-in-law
You are golden, mother-in-law and father-in-law -
You've been living together for fifty years,
And “grandmothers” with “grandfather” instead
Young bride and groom!
There was everything in your destiny -
Life bent and beat mercilessly,
Hurricanes happened, shoals...
You managed to save love!
So you still live together
Two hundred years of health and happiness
All to the joy of the family and children!
We will celebrate your wedding century!!!

And that distant alley,
And youth, which is even sweeter
Through the past years,
Let them be a song
And joy,
And the best reward,
In which your life is true
May she be forever young!

Congratulations to parents on their golden wedding

A golden wedding is coming,
And, carefully leafing through the years,
Do you remember what happened
What illuminated and attracted.
And it doesn't bother you at all
Snow of gray hair and a flock of grandchildren,
And the old feeling caresses,
And again my soul is light.
God bless you!
Keep, cherish.

Congratulations on the golden wedding poems

Yes... the years don’t even pass - they fly...
How long has it been since the groom gave flowers to the bride?..
And now it’s not twenty - fifty
Godkov live together as one family!
We wish you no fancy ideas:
Share salt, honey and bed for another hundred years,
And so that grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children
Love and life united too!!!

Cool congratulations on your golden wedding

For half a century we always walked together,
And love helped you in everything,
Like a guiding star
Home in the big
And in the smallest way.
Congratulations on your day
So happy
With such a wonderful date,
With rare and doubly beautiful
Divom -
A real golden wedding!

Golden wedding greetings

Only a select few get to live to see the golden wedding, and it was not for nothing that the great Providence chose the heroes of the occasion for this role,
golden jubilees.
Let's ask ourselves: when do people live to see their golden wedding? In the case when they have a heart of gold and a golden mind. These qualities and
determined their chosenness.
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary.
May God bless you for many years to come and happy life surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Let our glasses clink cheerfully and amicably, and we exclaim: Long live our dear “golden newlyweds”!

Congratulations to parents on their golden wedding

You have been ripe for half a century
Along life's steep roads,
Everyone shared: joy and sorrow,
Heat and cold, pain and spring smoke.
May for all the remaining years
Your cozy home will be warm.
Good luck to you,
Love of high shoots,
Long life, sunny in everything!

Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary

You all become whiter,
But age makes a man!
A huge anniversary is coming:
You have been married for half a century!
Forget about the pharmacy scam,
Become angrier in lovemaking:
Not half, but a century
From the wedding - a rounder date!
Live many more years
(We bow to you!),
Bringing comfort, peace and light
Through times and generations!!!

Congratulations to parents on their golden wedding

Golden wedding! This is class!
Hooray for grandparents!
Young, slim, and near you
The children grow up squealing.
The knot of affairs, as before, remains unfinished,
And from restlessness - grace:
Feed all the granddaughters and grandsons,
Give them a great start in life!
Grandma, teach me to read, play;
Master, walk, sing with us, grandfather...
If you went to heaven during your lifetime,
There is no end to love and happiness!!!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - 50 years

You have walked together for half a century,
Giving people work and thought,
The best impulses of man
Intertwined with your destiny.

Songs of congratulations on the golden wedding

You live without crawling - flying
We've been together for decades.
It’s not for nothing that they call that wedding “golden”:
She is the golden dawn over the world!
Illuminating your children and grandchildren
With warmth and light, having drunk life to the dregs,
You don’t need a different fate at all:
Let it be repeated three times again - one!
Live without knowing troubles, without getting sick,
Love yourself and everyone dearly
Until the centenary wedding anniversary...
And there: more-more-more-more!!!

Comic congratulations on your golden wedding

Twenty five and twenty five -
Golden miracle.
How nice it is to congratulate
Two happy people.
How nice it is to update
The rings are gold.
And of course, repeat:
Peace to you, dear ones!
And, of course, warmth,
And all the best - health,
So that life will always be
Full of love!

Wedding anniversary 50 years congratulations

The bird brought happiness
Good news to your home,
It's time to celebrate
Golden wedding.
Half a century has passed
You are close in life,
But you remained faithful
Feelings are like rewards:
Your fire of love has not gone out
Even in misfortune
Because in your family
Happiness settled in.
Sometimes love could
Replace the taste of bread -
And saved me from hunger,
As if he wasn't there.
Gave me more strength
Survive adversity.
And the hearth of the family did not freeze
And in the bad years.
On the path of great love -
A significant milestone.
They came to the golden wedding,
Having walked half a century.