What a year of marriage. All wedding anniversaries - what each one means and what gifts are customary to give. years - a steel wedding. What do you give for a steel wedding?

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WITH A wedding only happens once in the life of an ordinary person. At most - two or three. This joyful event stands out so much against the background of the rest of life that you want to return to it again and again.

Maybe that’s why people have come up with a way to remind themselves of this seemingly irretrievably past holiday. We are talking about the tradition of celebrating the “anniversaries” of one’s own wedding.

All these glass, wood, silver and gold weddings are an occasion to remind yourself and others that the current husband and wife were once the bride and groom. Let them be a little clumsy, let them be naive, but they didn’t know what would happen to them in some ten or twenty years.

Nostalgia for those wonderful times forces married couples to scrupulously celebrate another cast-iron or gauze date every year. These repetitions of an event that has already happened once diverge from that very first, legal, wedding, like circles from a careless diver who foolishly fell headlong into the pool.

A simple list of these circles on the water makes you think seriously:

1 year from the wedding day - chintz (gauze, cotton); 2 years married - paper wedding; 3 years - leather wedding; 4 years - linen wedding; 5 years - wooden wedding; 7 years - copper (wool) wedding; 8 years - tin wedding; 10 years - pink (tin) wedding; 11 years - steel wedding; 12 years - nickel (porcelain) wedding; 13 years - lace (woolen) wedding; 14 years - agate wedding(they give products made of ivory or agate); 15 years - crystal (glass) wedding; 20 years - porcelain wedding; 25 years - silver wedding; 30 years - pearl wedding; 35 years - coral or jade wedding; 40 years - ruby ​​wedding; 45 years - sapphire wedding; 50 years - golden wedding; 55 years - emerald wedding; 75th anniversary - diamond wedding.

As you can see, the “coolness” of these dates increases from year to year, from a chintz wedding a year after the real one to a silver one in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage, from gold (50 years of married life) to diamond (75 years of marriage). This suggests that in marriage, as in the army, the status of fighters (that is, spouses) increases depending on the time during which they were able to endure the hardships and deprivations of service... that is, marriage.

Some leave the race (divorce) even at the stage of a paper or wooden anniversary, without ever moving from newlywed spouses to more significant categories.
Many couples live to see the happy opportunity to celebrate a silver or, say, ruby ​​wedding. This is already a solid achievement, which speaks of high moral and everyday qualities and a good supply of patience.

And those few who managed to survive in a protracted marriage of 50 or even 75 years are awarded the highest award. Recognition of their considerable merits and outstanding longevity is reflected in the names of the promotions due to them, or, in other words, “weddings” - gold, emerald or diamond. True, spouses are not always happy with their reward.

According to the rank and age of the marriage, the value of the gifts given to the newlyweds increases from anniversary to anniversary. If the first real wedding is not distinguished by a special variety of gifts, then all subsequent ones allow the guests and the celebrants themselves to fully demonstrate their imagination and practical acumen.

So, wedding anniversaries:

The first anniversary of family life is a chintz wedding. In the old days, chintz was valued for its thinness and lightness, while at the same time being considered an everyday and inexpensive material. So the young family has not yet gained strength, but the romance in the relationship has already begun to be replaced by everyday life.

2 years after the wedding, a paper wedding is celebrated. The union is still considered not very strong, and family relationships are compared to paper that is easily torn. According to tradition, spouses must write declarations of love to each other on beautiful postcard or colorful notepaper.

Three years life together- This is a leather wedding. A family that has successfully overcome the “paper” period is considered to be quite strong. Husband and wife feel each other through their skin.

Four years - linen or rope wedding. Sometimes on the day of her celebration, a married couple was seated on adjacent chairs and tied tightly. If they could not get out, their union was considered strong and long-term.

First (5 year) anniversary married life are called wooden wedding. In her honor, it is recommended to plant a tree, which was considered a symbol of a strong family hearth. As a rule, by this time the family had started own home and furniture, a child was already growing up in it.

Six years - cast iron wedding. The family union is already acquiring the strength of metal. However, cast iron is quite fragile and can break under a strong impact. But the next date is celebrated in six months and is called zinc.

Seven years is a copper wedding. Copper is already quite valuable, but not yet a noble or precious metal. Previously, on this anniversary, spouses were supposed to exchange copper coins, which were considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The eighth anniversary of family life is a tin wedding. It marks a renewal family relations, which have become strong and durable, like tin.

Nine years - faience wedding. At the same time, faience can be associated both with a successful union and with the beginning of a rather fragile period in a marital relationship.

The tenth anniversary of family life is pink or tin wedding. They try to invite the same guests who were present at the wedding day to celebrate this anniversary. On this day, the husband must present his wife with 11 roses: 10 red - as a sign of love and 1 white - in the hope of the next 10 happy years.

Eleven years is a steel wedding. It is believed that the family union has already acquired the strength of steel. But the next date is usually celebrated only after a year and a half. It is called the nickel wedding.

Although the number 13 is considered unlucky, the 13th anniversary of marriage is associated with love and harmony in relationships. It is not for nothing that it has a beautiful and romantic name - a lily of the valley or lace wedding.

Starting from 14 years of marriage, some anniversaries are given the name of gemstones. The first of the “precious” dates is the agate wedding.

Fifteen years of family life - a glass wedding. At this time, the relationship between spouses becomes pure and transparent, like glass. The 18th anniversary is just as pure and beautiful - a turquoise wedding.

20 families – porcelain wedding. A happy union at this time is as beautiful, harmonious and mysterious as real Chinese porcelain. This is followed by opal (21 years), bronze (22 years), (23 years) and satin (24 years) weddings.

One of the most solemn dates in family life is the silver wedding - the 25th anniversary. Spouses traditionally exchange for it silver rings, which can be worn as an addition to wedding bands over the next year.

Between the silver wedding and the 30th anniversary of married life, the jade wedding (26 years), mahogany wedding (27 years), nickel (28 years) and velvet (29 years) weddings are celebrated.

If the spouses have lived together for 30 years, their union has already turned into a real treasure. That’s why they celebrate at this time. Following her are celebrated dark (31 years), copper (32 years), stone (33 years), amber (34 years), coral (35 years), muslin (37 years), aluminum (37.5 years), mercury ( 38 years old) and crepe (39 years old) weddings.

The fortieth anniversary of family life is called the ruby ​​wedding. The red color of ruby ​​is a symbol of love and fire. Ruby is one of the most durable stones, and such a long-term union cannot be destroyed by anything.

Particularly important is the golden anniversary - 50 years of marriage. A husband and wife who managed to maintain their family hearth, exchange new wedding rings, and give the old ones to their grandchildren.

The golden wedding is preceded by topaz (44 years), sapphire (45 years), lavender (46 years), cashmere (47 years), amethyst (48 years) and cedar (49 years).

The next, 55th anniversary, is called the emerald wedding. Several more wonderful dates follow. 60 years of marriage is a platinum or diamond wedding, 65 years is an iron wedding, and 67.5 years is a stone wedding. The seventieth anniversary of marriage is a blessed wedding, the 75th anniversary is a crown wedding, the 80th anniversary is an oak wedding.

A century of marriage is a red wedding. True, only one family had a chance to celebrate such an anniversary - the long-lived Ageevs.

There are so many obstacles on the way to family life. One of the most difficult stages of a family is the first year of married life. Unfortunately, not many couples reach their first calico anniversary.

Respect and listen to the opinion of your significant other, try to jointly make decisions that are meaningful to you.

For many young families, the first year of married life is very difficult. Most of them disintegrate before crossing the one-year threshold. There can be many reasons for the breakup of young families. Gradually, romance is being replaced by dull everyday life with a bunch of everyday problems. To my regret, I know many sad examples of married couples breaking up at the very peak of their life together. These are examples from the lives of my friends and classmates. In the first months of family life, there follows a time of discovery of new, and sometimes unexpected, character traits and qualities of a partner.

Very often, young people try to build their family according to the example and likeness of their parents, adopting the parental “model” of the family, so to speak. Often a young wife compares her husband to her father, and a husband compares his wife's behavior to his mother. I came across an example where spouses found out who was the boss in their family, and the family model of their parents was also used. At the same time, for some, one of the parents dominated more than the other. Children try to build their family following the example of their parents, relying on their experience and good memories, without paying any attention to the mistakes made by their parents. Also, one of the young spouses does not even think about whether this model of behavior will be acceptable for his other half?

Plan your family budget.

These days there are not as many wealthy families as it might seem at first glance. After the wedding, newlyweds easily part with large sums of money. They easily and without thinking spend money on expensive, sometimes unnecessary things. The newlyweds continue to live by inertia, without planning their family budget, as a result of which financial difficulties arise, and the search begins for the culprit of wasting savings.

Don't try to change each other.

Trying to change each other usually doesn't lead to anything good. After all, before you decided to live with a person permanently, were you satisfied with everything about him? So why change your loved one after the wedding? Firstly, it is impossible to change a person. And secondly, it can negatively affect your marriage as a whole.

Dear newlyweds! Do not forget that family means certain obligations. Each family has its own secret to a long family life. Underneath the foundation of a strong and happy marriage there is a daily compromise between spouses. By sacrificing their own selves, partners adapt to each other throughout their married life.

People say that a wedding is the beginning of a new life. And it's hard to argue with that. But, alas, not only joy and happiness await the family in their new life. Difficulties and adversities are always nearby, however, and it is easier to experience them together than alone. And so - together rejoicing in happiness and overcoming difficulties together, the family hardens, gets on its feet, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren appear... And on this difficult path of life, little “stops” will be very useful, reminiscent of how it all began, igniting youthful the passion in the eyes of husband and wife. That is probably why people have become accustomed to celebrate wedding anniversaries every year, and in some years twice.

Wedding anniversary- an excellent reason to refresh your relationship, look from the height of the next step at the journey of life and, holding hands, continue to walk through life together. This is important family celebration, and it must be noted. We are not talking about a noisy banquet or a fun party - on this day you can arrange a holiday for two. Even a simple conversation, a touch, a gentle kiss and a modest gift will highlight this day from the gray of everyday life and paint it in bright, festive colors. As it should be every year on the day of the creation of a new family.

Usually the wedding anniversary is celebrated, as far as possible, with guests. Having received an invitation to a family holiday, first of all you need to decide what to give and how to congratulate. Various kitchen utensils, dishes, souvenirs, home appliances, and various useful things for the home (like a lamp) are perfect as “traditional” gifts.

It is quite possible to approach the gift issue creatively and present something special to the celebrants of the day, with humor or a hint. For example, baby onesies or a cradle, handcuffs (together and forever?), a police bowler hat, a police cap, shoulder straps, toy weapons, targets, games, puzzles, etc. Moreover, any of these gifts can be summed up original idea and give not just a thing, but a thing with meaning.

It would be appropriate for any of the wedding anniversaries described below. symbolic gift, dedicated to the anniversary. TO chintz wedding, for example - products made of chintz, for cast iron - dishes and kitchen utensils, for copper - a copper figurine, etc.

Don't give too much expensive gifts- This is the prerogative of immediate relatives. But, if finances allow, you can pamper the celebrants with something from jewelry. Such a gift will be both memorable and valuable.

And, of course, the most universal gift- money. In general, recently the tendency to give money plus a small, but cute and funny gift has become increasingly noticeable. By giving money, you show how you value the owners of the house and respect their choice, without imposing your tastes. By adding something funny to the envelope with money, preferably even made with your own hands or modified “to match the original,” you thereby express Special attention to the owners, you show that you didn’t just “pay off” them, but wasted your time. Believe me, it will be appreciated.

Well, below is a list of wedding anniversaries, indicating in how many years which anniversary is celebrated. This list will help you quickly navigate wedding anniversaries and choose a congratulation and gift.

10 years- Pink, rose wedding, rose day

11 years- Steel or coral

12 years- Nickel

12,5 year - Nickel wedding (celebrated as half a quarter of a century and called by the name of the previous anniversary)

13 years- Lily of the Valley

14 years- Agate or lead

15 years- Crystal, or, in other words, glass wedding

16 years- Sapphire, symbol of the 16th anniversary - topaz

17 years- Pink (the name is the same as the wedding decade)

18 years- Turquoise wedding

19 years- Garnet, or krypton

20 years- Porcelain

21 years old- Opal wedding

22- Bronze

23 years old- Beryl

24 years- Satin

25 years- Silver wedding. One of the most significant anniversaries in family life. A quarter of a century together is worthy of respect!

26 years- Jade

27 years- Mahogany wedding

28 years- Orchid Day

29 years- Velvet

30 years- Pearl wedding

31 year- Sunny, or coffee, wedding

32 years- Automotive, or a day of drive

33 years- Strawberry

34 years- Amber

35 years- Platinum (or linen) wedding

36 years- Bone China Day (fragile day)

37 years- Muslin wedding

37.5 years- Aluminum wedding

38 years- Beryl

39 years- Lace

40 years- Ruby wedding

41 years old- Earth

42 years- Mother of pearl

43 years- Flannel

44 years old- Topaz

45 years- Sapphire wedding

46 years old- Lavender

47 years old- Cashmere

48 years old- Amethyst

49 years old- Cedar

50 years- Golden wedding. Perhaps the most famous and most iconic wedding anniversary. It is believed that if spouses celebrate golden wedding, then them family life can serve as an example for others.

55 years- Emerald wedding

60 years- Diamond

65 years old- Blue Sapphire Day

67.5 years- Stone

70 years old- Grace wedding, day of grace

75 years old- Crown wedding, on this day angels hold crowns over the spouses

80 years old- Oak wedding

85 years old- Wine Day

90 years old- Granite wedding

95 years old- Ruby, diamond

100 years- Red wedding.

From the first to the tenth anniversary

They are also called differently and carry a deep symbolic meaning. When it comes to what to give, then, as in the case of wedding anniversaries, they give things made from the material that this year is named after. There are also universal gifts, for example, household items, jewelry. They also often choose a gift photo session for a wedding anniversary. Here are the wedding dates for the first decade of marriage:

As you can see, wedding anniversaries and their names are completely different and are called by names that speak for themselves.

What types of wedding anniversaries are there?

Round anniversaries of marriage always inspire respect and represent another reason for joy. To hold such events, you need to remember that all wedding styles can start from their name. In all cases, items made from materials whose names are given to the holiday are suitable as gifts. But what kind of weddings are there, except for the golden one?

From 15 to 30 years

The fifteenth anniversary of the wedding is called the “glass” wedding. This date symbolizes clarity and transparency in the family.

The twentieth year of marriage is called a “porcelain” wedding, and folk wisdom says that there are two options for the origin of the name, which immediately hint at what needs to be given:

Twenty-fifth anniversary - silver wedding. A quarter of a century together is worth as much as this precious metal, which is resistant to rust and deterioration, and which only grows in price over the years.

The thirtieth anniversary is called pearl wedding. Three decades together can be compared to this precious stone, which acquires its shape and value thanks to the water, which mercilessly polishes it in both calm and storm.

From 35 to 50 years

The thirty-fifth anniversary is called the coral anniversary. How these beautiful things grow from small formations sea ​​minerals, and by this time great love and mutual understanding is born between husband and wife.

The fortieth anniversary is called the ruby ​​anniversary. This blood-colored gem symbolizes the incredible intimacy in marriage and the almost blood relationship between husband and wife.

The forty-fifth anniversary is a sapphire wedding. She bears the name of another gemstone, which brings happiness and also gives health and strength.

The fiftieth anniversary is popularly called the golden wedding. This is an honorable and significant date, which speaks of boundless loyalty and love for each other. Therefore, congratulations on your golden wedding should also be special.

After the golden wedding comes the emerald wedding (55 years), followed by the diamond wedding (60 years) and other significant dates that speak of fantastic love and mutual understanding. There are very rare cases when people live together for a whole century. This event has its own name: the red wedding. In our fairy tales, this color always denotes beauty and good quality (for example, “a beautiful maiden”). Therefore, a hundred years of married life is a real fairy tale.