There are sores on the face. Sores on the face: how to get rid of them quickly? Video: “What will happen if acne is crushed”

The upper layer of the epidermis is most often affected by external environmental factors, and a change in temperature, pressure and mechanical stresses can cause damage to the skin of various kinds. Ulcers on the surface of the skin are most often the result of violations of certain processes in the human body, as a result of which there is a significant slowdown in the rate of restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis and its functions.

Today we will talk about the types, symptoms, causes of skin ulcers, their treatment and diets with them, consider photos of patients and share useful tips with you.

What are skin ulcers

Damage to the surface of the skin is usually restored after a certain time; however, there are a number of reasons why the recovery process slows down. At the same time, necrotic tissues, which have already lost their functions and are not involved in the life of the whole organism, disappear, and in their place the tissues form either very slowly or not at all. Such places are usually called ulcers that do not heal for a long time and cause a lot of inconvenience.

All sorts of painful human conditions that affect the functioning of any organ system or a specific organ, also affect the process of regeneration of skin cells. Due to violations in their work, there is a deterioration in the activity of the immune system, which is responsible for the recovery processes in the body, in particular, the suspension of skin regeneration.

In places where necrotic tissue has already fallen away, but new tissue has not yet formed, and ulcers form.   Their long non-healing surface worsens the appearance of the skin, becomes a "gate" that is constantly open for the rapid penetration of numerous infections into the body. Metabolic disorders also play a role in the appearance of ulcers on the skin, because thanks to it, the cells of the body get as fast as possible and their formation. And in case of any, even minor violations, certain substances enter the organs (and the skin) more slowly, not allowing to increase the rate of formation of young and healthy epidermal cells.

Their classification

Depending on the place of ulceration, the causes of the occurrence (organic disorders, the result of mechanical skin disorders, external environmental influences), as well as the consequences, these violations of the integrity of the skin can have a certain classification. In this case, the method of treatment of this pathological condition of the skin is determined by belonging to a certain species.

Based on these factors, skin ulcers can be classified as follows:

  • ulcers that have arisen due to traumatic injuriescaused by mechanical action of various kinds - electrical, mechanical,;
  • skin damage due to development of malignant and benign tumors   - their surface is often covered with ulcers (it can be,);
  • at circulatory disorders   - blood diseases, scurvy, diabetes mellitus, anemia;
  • ingestion of infections   of various origin;
  • at neurotrophic disorders   - tumors of a different nature,;
  • occurrence disorders and changes in the tissues of the walls of blood vessels   - Raynaud's disease, syphilitic aortitis, various types;
  • penetration   - ulcers in this case occur mainly in the immediate vicinity of the organs or penetrate into the cavity.

This classification allows us to understand the nature of the occurrence of ulcers on the skin, and also helps to choose the most suitable and effective methodology for its treatment.

What does an ulcer on the skin look like (photo)

How to identify signs in yourself

The formation of ulcers on the surface of the skin occurs in parallel with certain manifestations that will help to identify these disorders. The appearance of ulcers on the skin can be calculated for yourself according to the following general signs, which should pay attention to yourself - since ulcers can be considered a sign of disorders in the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the following manifestations to undergo a full examination of the body for any violations in its functioning systems and organs.

You can identify the formation of ulcers by the following signs:

  1. First of all, there is an excessive sensitivity of the skin in certain parts of the body that could have been injured before that - there can be any kind of mechanical effect;
  2. after injury, the skin loses its original appearance: the density of the skin changes, bleeding may occur, the skin gradually begins to tear and thin;
  3. as the skin peels off, a gradual build-up of new skin cells occurs, however, the regeneration process has a very low speed: in place of thinning and dead skin, the new one forms extremely slowly, forming a surface that constantly does not heal and has an increased sensitivity.

Due to the different rate of death of necrotic tissue and the formation of a new one, there is a constant restoration of the damaged place, which is modified. With timely treatment, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the skin as soon as possible, the ulcer is cleansed of purulent contents, and the rate of regeneration of damaged skin gradually becomes greater than the rate of tissue death.

About the treatment of trophic ulcers this video will tell:

Possible diseases and disorders

The appearance of such non-healing areas on the skin as an ulcer may indicate the presence of certain diseases and disorders in the functioning of internal organs.

Painful conditions that can "signal" about their appearance by the formation of ulcers on the skin are as follows:

  •   - both benign and malignant;
  • disorders in the circulatory system - with the development of thrombophlebitis, arteriovenous fistulas, frequent spasms of blood vessels;
  • changes in the processes of lymph outflow - diabetes, scurvy, anemia;
  • with neurotrophic disorders - progressive paralysis and tumors;
  • the development of changes in the state of the walls of blood vessels.

The listed conditions in the absence of adequate treatment can lead to many serious complications: from infection and secondary bleeding to the transition of ulcers to malignant neoplasms. Therefore, treatment should begin at the first signs of ulcers on the skin and be comprehensive.

about how to treat ulcers on the legs, arms, body, which ointments and other medicines for healing ulcers on the skin of the face and body, choose below.

How to deal with such a symptom

Since the formation of ulcers on the skin most often should be considered a sign of a certain disease, treatment should be carried out taking into account it. Comprehensive treatment consists in eliminating external manifestations (treatment of external manifestations) and directed treatment of the underlying disease.

  • External manifestations are eliminated with the help of hygiene measures in combination with bed rest, physiotherapy, and immobilization of the limbs. The skin is cleansed of purulent discharge, for their better discharge should be applied bandages several times a day with hypertonic solutions. Such solutions perfectly “stretch” pus and contribute to faster growth of new skin cells.
  • It is important to take vitamin preparations and measures aimed at increasing the level of immunity. In this case, active treatment of the underlying disease is carried out: it is the integrated approach that allows you to get a pronounced result in the shortest possible time.
  • Surgical treatment of ulcers can be prescribed in the absence of conservative treatment results. During the operation, dead tissue is removed and the resulting defect is covered with a skin graft.

As a treatment, you can also offer proven folk methods:

  • washing the surface of the ulcer with freshly squeezed cabbage and potato juice;
  • compresses from a decoction of strawberries and juice of lilac leaves;
  • use as a wound healing agent the juice of room geranium and extract comfrey.

The listed methods will help to quickly eliminate external skin lesions; however, treatment should begin after the cause of ulcers has been established. It is the internal disease that caused the appearance of skin lesions that must be cured primarily in compliance with certain rules for the restoration of the skin.

After treatment, you should pay special attention to the level of immunity and take multivitamin preparations that protect the body from the negative effects of the environment and give it additional strength in the fight against penetrating infections.

About the alternative treatment of skin ulcers will tell the video below:

Probably everyone in his life faced a similar phenomenon - unpleasant itchy acne, spots, sores appeared on his face. They incredibly spoil the mood and simply poison our lives.

Although there is a statement that you can’t drink water from your face, we all want to look attractive and just be healthy.

Moreover, the occurrence of a sore face can tell about serious internal problems or the presence of viral diseases in the body. Actually because they are divided into two types.

  1. Arising from skin viral diseases.
  2. The consequences of malfunction or inflammatory processes of internal organs.

What can sores on the face tell?

To say that ugly sores arose on their own is to lie.

If you think carefully, you can almost always find the causes of this trouble. These may be:

Often a person knows in advance what is wrong with him. Indeed, by the time when the problem, as they say, is obvious, the disease is already progressing.

An exception can only be infectious skin diseases that arose suddenly.

Most often, sores on the face can tell about malnutrition and just about an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as about the presence of genitourinary infections or other inflammatory processes in the body.

  • above the upper lip and eyebrows can tell about problems in the heart
  • in the corners of the lips and on the forehead they will talk about the poor functioning of the intestines
  • on the chin indicate inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system
  • between the eyebrows and at the temples - about problems with the liver and the work of the gallbladder

What are the sores on the face

Of course, if unaesthetic phenomena occur on the face, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. This is especially important if dermatitis, herpes, or streptococcal infection have settled on the skin of the face. Let's take a closer look at these enemies of beauty and health.

Dermatitis can be of several types:

  • allergic
  • contact
  • eczema
  • preoral

This is a fairly serious disease, and therefore treating it yourself is not recommended.

Symptoms of all types of dermatitis are similar. It:

  • redness
  • peeling strong or weak
  • blisters separate and in groups

It's important to knowthat running dermatitis is very difficult to treat. In especially severe forms, the entire face is covered with non-healing sores.

There is another insidious enemy - streptococcal infection. Sores on the face resulting from infection with this bacterium are small red vesicles inside which there is pus.

This infection is very contagious and extremely dangerous, because it can penetrate the bloodstream, and then infects all internal organs, including the brain. If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

And finally, herpes familiar to all. These sores on the face are sometimes called a common cold or fever. In fact, this is a very dangerous viral disease. It should be noted that the herpes virus lives in the body of 95% of the world's population.

The body of a healthy person seems to agree with the virus. He behaves quietly, and for this he receives the substances he needs. It becomes like a part of the body.

However, when the immune system is weakened, it shows its vile essence, forming ugly, itchy and weeping ulcers on the skin. In some cases, they can be accompanied by severe pain.

During the active phase of the development of a viral infection, a sick person can transmit the disease to another.

The most unpleasant thing is that getting rid of the herpes virus is completely virtually impossible. All drugs are aimed at weakening its influence and strengthening immunity.

There are other, not so dangerous sores on the face, such as acne or their consequences. In this case, a beautician can help.

Individual acne and group rashes most often appear in adolescence against the background of the formation of the hormonal system. They arise due to excessive production of subcutaneous fat and clogging of pores and hair follicles with it.

Such rashes are treated with special anti-inflammatory and drying agents. Most often it turns out to cope with the problem at home.

What to do if there are sores on the face

As mentioned above, in the event of the appearance of dermatitis, herpes and streptococcal infection, you must immediately seek medical help.

It is categorically not recommended to treat these ailments on your own. Here you need an active comprehensive drug treatment. Otherwise, the disease can progress and affect new areas of the skin.

However, if it is impossible for one reason or another to get qualified medical help from a doctor, you can try to cure sores on your face using known folk methods ..

The most common recipe is a mask of equal parts of garlic and honey.

The mixture should be infused for two days, after which it is necessary to lubricate damaged areas of the skin several times a day.

The mask is used with extreme caution on dry sensitive skin.

Perfectly treats sores on the face with fresh aloe juice.

They can lubricate the affected areas, and in the case of single ulcers, a piece of freshly cut aloe is applied to the sore with flesh and fixed with a band-aid. This should be done regularly until the end of the inflammatory process.

In no case should you neglect your health and expect that everything will go away on its own.

Very often, the appearance of spots and ulcers on the face is a consequence of serious internal disorders. The exact cause of the disease can only be seen by a doctor.


Scabs (scabs) are most often formed when, after damage, the skin creates a hard shell to protect the damaged area and prevent further infection or injury. The scab is a hard crust. says that “peels are the result of new skin growing on damaged skin when it tries to heal.” They can occur on the face, chest or in any other place where the skin is damaged. During the healing process, the scab may itch or irritate a little. They are usually unsightly and lead to embarrassment, especially when they are visible, for example, on the face.


There are many reasons that can lead to the formation of crusts, as the face is prone to many problems, such as acne and other skin diseases. They can range from simple injuries to serious skin conditions or dangerous, veiled health conditions.

Acne or Acne

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is a skin condition where sebum produced by the sebaceous glands blocks hair follicles. This problem is very common during puberty, when intense hormonal changes are observed. Acne usually leads to the formation of crusts on damaged skin. Their cause is not precisely defined, but experts believe that the main reason is an increase in the level of androgen hormone. Acne can cause scabs of skin anywhere in the body, including the face. Types of acne that can cause crusting include pustules, whiteheads, acne, papules, nodules, and cysts. They usually cause wounds or damage that scabs can form during the healing phase. There are many medications that a dermatologist can recommend for treatment, including a skin cream, as well as other procedures.


Conditions that can cause a person to scratch their skin can also trigger this problem. Permanent scratches damage the skin tissue or even cause bleeding. When the wound begins to heal, crusts may form. Factors or conditions that can lead to chronic scratches include persistent itching from lesions or rashes on the face. They can be caused by infections, dryness, allergic reactions, skin conditions, etc. When the skin on the face itches, you can try using light natural remedies to relieve itching. Damage can lead to serious infections or very painful ulcers, and therefore a large number of crusts.


Psoriasis is a skin condition in which the body's immune system attacks healthy skin cells. According to, with psoriasis, "cells multiply 10 times faster than usual." The reasons why this happens are not clear, but some medical experts associate it with other autoimmune diseases.

This disease can attack any area of \u200b\u200bthe body, including the scalp, legs, chest, back, face and others. It causes irritation and itching, and can also be very painful, especially when the skin breaks and bleeds as a result of the lesion. A sensation of itching can lead to damage, which contributes to the formation of scabs. Psoriasis lesions, on the other hand, also form crusts during the healing process.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

  Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

This is a common skin disease that often begins before the child turns 1 year old and with age, in most cases, leaves, but not always. The main symptoms of eczema are dryness, redness and itching, cracks and then crusts can also form.

There are many factors that can affect eczema, such as dryness, irritants, allergies, and infections. It provokes many lesions on which scabs form when they heal.

Autoimmune disorder

The American Autoimmune Disease Association (AARDA) says these disorders develop when the immune system, which protects the body from disease, decides that healthy cells are foreign and try to kill them. Depending on the type of autoimmune disorder a person suffers from, it can lead to unusual growth or functioning of the organ. There are many types of such diseases, and many of them have similar symptoms, which complicates the diagnosis. Common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, pernicious anemia, vitiligo, celiac disease, scleroderma, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimoto's disease, and psoriasis.

Again, the exact cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but may depend on the following factors:

  • Bacteria or viral infections
  • Drugs
  • Chemical irritants
  • Ecological irritants.

They can cause itching or lesions that cause crusting.

Maxillofacial trauma


This type of injury is defined as any damage to the face, upper jaw bone, lower jaw, cheeks, nose or forehead. A common cause of their occurrence is penetrating wounds, car accidents, violence, sports injuries or injuries. Symptoms include swelling, bruising, or bleeding. Other effects may include missing teeth, double vision and deformities. When bruises or wounds heal, scabs form.

Bacterial infections

  Impetigo - one of the bacterial infections that causes crusts for a long time

There is a wide range of bacterial infections that can lead to an itchy rash on the face. They can be caused by various types of bacteria. Irritation from them will cause scratches and, therefore, scarring. They can also cause serious skin damage. Common bacterial infections that contribute to this problem include:

  • Folliculitis
  • Ritter's disease (scalded skin syndrome) in infants
  • Toxic shock syndrome
  • Phlegmon
  • Impetigo is a bacterial infectious disease of the surface layers of the skin that occurs most often in children aged 2-6 years or athletes involved in contact sports (they become infected from each other).
  • Scarlet fever.

Dry skin

According to, "itching is one of the most common symptoms of dry skin." Dryness is a lack of water in the surface layer of the skin. It can cause severe itching. This skin condition is more common in older people. Dry skin can cause complications such as rash, eczema, and bacterial infections. It can also lead to its cracking and destruction, and then to the formation of crusts. The condition is always mild, but can be very serious, especially when it comes to bacterial infections. The most effective remedies include corticosteroids, lotions, and anti-scar creams. In cases of bacterial infections, antibiotics may be used.

Allergic reactions

This is an abnormal way the body reacts to a foreign substance. They can be certain foods, medicines, plants, dust, pollen, insect bites, and some pets. Allergies have many symptoms, but the most important of them in this case is a red, itchy rash that can lead to wounds and scabs. The best treatment for this condition is antihistamines.

Other reasons

Other less common or indirect causes of this problem include the following: lupus, HIV, stress and anxiety, and cancer.

In general, in addition to injuries, anything that causes itching, rash, and damage can lead to this problem. The most important thing is the correct diagnosis, which will determine the underlying underlying causes and the correct treatment.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that accompany this problem are numerous and usually depend on the underlying causes, which also determines their severity. Crusts can have different colors: white, black, brown, yellow and red. In severe infections, yellow or green pus is often observed.

  • Pus and discharge
  • Redness, warmth, or swelling
  • Bleeding or bruising
  • Burning
  • Crust formation
  • Seal
  • Tingling sensation.

Sometimes the causes of crusting can be caused by a serious illness, in which case the symptoms can be life threatening, although this rarely happens. Such dangerous symptoms include a change in the level of consciousness, redness around the crust, rapid breathing, high fever and others. These symptoms need emergency medical attention.


Treatment is determined based on the age, medical history and severity of the symptoms. Healing facial damage also depends on whether the crust is bleeding or not.



Both local and oral antibiotics can be used to treat crusts due to bacterial infections. All antibiotics are available by prescription. Drugs, especially oral ones, can in some cases have very serious side effects that can worsen the situation. Much attention should be paid to skin care during antibiotic treatment.


All skin rashes or lesions resulting from an allergic reaction can be effectively stopped or alleviated with antihistamines. Alternatively, it is necessary to identify allergens and try to avoid them.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is also well suited for the treatment of scabs, more precisely for their removal. It may be available in the form of a lotion. This is a very effective remedy for many skin rashes and lesions.


Immunosuppressants are drugs used to suppress or limit the strength of the body's immune system. They can be used to treat autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. These drugs are used for all autoimmune diseases, as well as for organ transplantation. They include:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Calcineurin Inhibitors
  • MTOR Inhibitors
  • Biological products
  • Monoclonal antibodies.

Always consult a doctor before starting treatment. In addition to the above medications, the doctor may also prescribe stronger drugs, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Folk remedies

There are many effective natural remedies that can be used to relieve symptoms. But it is important, before applying them, to make sure that the crusts do not bleed.

  Tea tree oil is an excellent home remedy for quick and effective healing. It has antiseptic properties that prevent the development of the fungus and the penetration of bacteria into wounds and cuts.

  1. Put a little oil on a cotton ball to moisten it well
  2. Apply it to the affected area
  3. Do not apply pressure so as not to injure the crusts and cause bleeding
  4. Use this tool twice a day.

This natural ingredient has antiseptic properties, but in fact it is a wonderful antibiotic that usually helps to heal the skin after injuries.

  1. Before using honey, it is necessary to wash the entire face and, in particular, the skin around the crusts
  2. Dry skin and apply honey on scabs
  3. You can wrap the peels using dressings to absorb the discharge
  4. Use once a day until healing.

It must be remembered that the scabs will heal faster if you keep them dry and clean.

This is the king among herbs that can treat a wide range of skin conditions. Aloe is able to heal wounds and injuries, helps soothe the skin, relieve itching and heal scars due to scratches.

  1. Apply fresh aloe gel to the problem area
  2. Leave for about 2 hours or you can bedtime and leave overnight

Aloe vera can lighten scars and any dark areas on the face. If there is no improvement after using the product, you should visit a dermatologist.

Baking soda

This is a common home remedy for all types of skin diseases. Crusts on the face can be treated using a paste of baking soda and water. This product has antiseptic and antifungal properties that allow it to be used in various skin conditions. Soda accelerates scab removal by tightening them. The procedure for using soda looks like this:

Warm compress

Another ideal remedy is a warm compress. According to, "It has been reported that warm compresses can help remove acne crusts during the night, although there is no way to verify this." Compress moisturizes, softens and weakens scabs.

  1. Moisten a clean cloth or washcloth in warm water (not hot)
  2. Attach to problem area
  3. This procedure should be repeated twice a day for 5 minutes at each site.

A warm compress also speeds up blood circulation to the surface of the skin, therefore, improves the healing of damaged skin tissue.


Even with great desire and the presence of itching, it is not worth removing the crusts, as this can lead to secondary infections and only worsen the condition.

Diagnosis of this problem should be carried out by a qualified medical professional.

Non-healing sore on the skin, what is it?

It may be basal cell carcinoma. It looks like a burgundy, reddish or pink sore on the skin, which sometimes peels or hurts. The sore does not heal from the usual treatment and increases with time. A rounded formation with a reddish tinge, sometimes a depression is present in the center. This sore refers to cancer.

As an oncologist, I am treated by patients with facial skin, trunk, and limb formations.

So what is basal cell carcinoma?

Facial basal cell carcinoma - a tumor arising from the basal layer of the skin. This disease is cancer. It differs from tumor cancer:

  • Slow growth
  • Lack of metastases.
  • Why is it dangerous?
If the patient for a long time does not pay attention to a non-healing wound, it can capture more cells of healthy skin, destroying it. The function of the skin is impaired.

Malignant cells cannot protect the body from the negative effects of the external environment.

How is basal cell carcinoma?

The patient does not even suspect that he is sick. There is redness, unevenness of the skin, most often of the face. They pick out the crust, lubricate with all kinds of creams and ointments. But changes are not happening. Basalioma begins to capture more and more tissues. If you do not touch it, then its growth is slow. But, if injured, rapid growth begins, ulcers form, with bleeding and suppuration.

What does the sore on the skin look like?

Most often:

  • Skin lesion with a dense and uniform film
  • Spherical shape (half ball shape)
  • Along the edges of the thickening
  • In the center of the hollow
  • Clear boundaries
  • In the center is a dense film with small scales
Why do sores appear on my head?

The disease occurs when:

  • Abuse of the sun
  • Elderly (skin aging)
  • Immunity Impaired
  • Cosmetic radiation exposure
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Harmful working conditions (tobacco tar, oil products)
  • Residents of hot countries.
  • How to treat sores similar to basal cell carcinoma?
Most often, two treatment methods are used:

The first option is surgical removal with small sizes up to two centimeters, removal on an outpatient basis is possible. The operation is performed under local anesthesia excision by radio frequency method. Further treatment consists of dynamic observation.

The second treatment option is radiotherapy. This treatment is carried out at the Oncology Center. For treatment in RKOD, it is necessary to examine the OAC, OAM, second-hand analysis, etc. (as for the operation). Procedures daily from 15 to 17 sessions.

Thus, do not start your neoplasms. See your oncologist on time. This will save your time, money and restore your health!

What is the difference between basal cell carcinoma and melanoma?

Melanoma, like basal cell carcinoma, is a tumor that appears on human skin. As mentioned earlier, the most important difference is that basal cell carcinoma does not metastasize, and melanoma has a malignant nature, in which metastases form very quickly, therefore it is considered the most dangerous form of skin cancer. But, at the same time, melanoma is considered the most serious disease, develops faster, locally more extensive, and almost incurable (except in very rare cases).

In order to notice progressive melanoma, it is necessary to conduct regular careful self-monitoring of all formations on the skin. If you have moles on your body, spots of various etiologies - you need to pay close attention to the change in color, size and texture of the formation. This is especially true for people who often sunbathe in the sun, having moles and freckles. Oncologists say that melanoma usually appears in young people and, according to statistics, these are more often young women.

Melanoma is an insidious tumor! Metastases can appear even from the formation of microscopic dimensions. It is difficult to diagnose in such a small time interval. The disease grows from cells that form skin pigments (tanning, birthmark, ephelids (freckles).

What does melanoma look like? And how to notice her?

  • Rugged tuberous contour of a mole
  • The existing mole has sharply increased in size, or a new one has appeared
  • Uneven color of the formation, the appearance on the edges of the red inflamed rim (usually pigment and birthmarks have the same color)
  • Blood and / or itching may appear.
It's important to know! Birthmark in normal condition: does not change color, size and structure, has clear rounded contours and does not bring any discomfort. This also applies to age spots.

According to an oncologist, melanoma in men has localization on the back, in women - on the leg (in particular, on the lower leg).

Melanoma occurs if often and for a long time be in the sun, especially for people with fair skin, and especially people with age spots and birthmarks on the body. It is strongly recommended that people with such skin features do not sunbathe in open sunlight. While in the open air in the shade in the morning or evening hours (summer), a person receives enough ultraviolet and vitamin D for normal life.

An effective treatment for melanoma is the timely detection of education and immediate surgical removal.

As with basiloma, if you suspect a melanoma, you should immediately consult an oncologist, since, as already mentioned, the disease progresses rapidly.

Sores on the face are not only an aesthetic problem. Sometimes they indicate a serious disease requiring emergency treatment.

Why there are sores on the face: possible causes

The causes of the rash are divided into two types: those caused by skin diseases; appeared due to malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs.

An unhealthy lifestyle can be a trigger. The abuse of harmful food, alcohol, smoking - all this negatively affects the appearance of the face.

Any malfunction in the body can lead to acne, acne, ulcers on the face and body. Most often, this happens due to diseases of the digestive system, circulatory and genital.

Skin diseases occur against the backdrop of ignoring the rules of hygiene and due to infection from the carrier of the infection.

What are the sores on the face?

The main skin diseases:

  1. Dermatitis: allergic, oral, contact, atopic (eczema);
  2. Herpes;
  3. Acne;
  4. Streptococcal infection - streptoderma.

Sores on the face with dermatitis

Dermatitis is a serious disease accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and prone to progression.

Varieties of dermatitis have similar symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of blisters / bubbles.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you should contact a dermatologist, otherwise the inflammatory process will spread to healthy tissues.

Manifestations of herpes on the face: how to get rid of them?

Herpes simplex and the causative agent of shingles may appear on the face. They occur with diseases of the hematopoietic system, decreased immunity, hypothermia / draft, stress, and also after close contact with a person who has an exacerbation of herpes infection.

Herpes simplex mainly affects the lips, especially in the corners. The severe course of the disease is accompanied by the spread of sores on the oral mucosa and healthy skin.

Herpetic eruptions are watery vesicles with transparent contents. Around them, the skin turns red, forming a rim. Such sores itch and hurt.

Herpes zoster looks similar to herpes simplex, but the vesicles are larger. Over time, they burst, ulcers and crusts form.

They are localized along the facial nerve. This type of disease is characterized by severe soreness, which remains even after the disappearance of sores.

It is always impossible to get rid of herpes. The disease is transferred to the stage of remission. It becomes harmless and non-contagious. With the influence of negative factors, sores appear again.

Treatment and prevention of sores in herpes include:

  1. Correction of lifestyle, nutrition;
  2. Drying with antiseptics: iodine, fucorcin, brilliant green, alcohol until crusted;
  3. Moisturizing the crust with cream, petroleum jelly;
  4. Treatment of sores with antiviral ointments: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Valtrex, oxolin;
  5. Oral antiviral administration (Zovirax, Gerpevir, etc.);
  6. Reception of homeopathic remedies: Yengistol, Anaferon;
  7. Reception of interferons: Laferon, Viferon;
  8. The use of immunomodulators: Imunofan, vitamin C, funds with echinacea.

It is forbidden to squeeze out bubbles that itch. This will lead to the spread of rashes.

How to cure acne?

Acne is a red pimple. Acne affects people of all ages. More prone to its appearance is oily skin, the pores of which are constantly clogged with sebum. In clogged pores, bacteria multiply, causing inflammation - eel. Also, the latter in the initial stages of development have the form of black dots.

With a mild course of the disease, you can try to fight it yourself with the help of folk recipes:

  1. Lemon. With a slice of citrus, the face is treated pointwise. After applying sunscreen, as lemon enhances skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  2. Masks for the whole face of raw grated potatoes;
  3. Toothpaste. It is applied pointwise;
  4. Frozen decoctions of chamomile, calendula, series. Wipe the entire face with cubes;
  5. Tea tree oil is applied dotted in its pure form;
  6. Aspirin quickly relieves redness. The tablet is crushed, water is added, bringing to a state of slurry. Apply dot twice a week.

From pharmaceuticals, you can use such drugs as Skinoren, Adapalen, Heparsulfur-GF. Acne can be masked by tonal means, unlike other types of rash.


This infectious disease provokes streptococcus. It is activated under the influence of overwork, stress, vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, poor hygiene.

Streptoderma can occur after an insect bite, scratches.

The infection develops rapidly and is contagious: it is transmitted through household items to which the patient has touched. Symptoms of streptoderma: bubbles appear on the face, filled with fluid, converted into ulcers; the skin is peeling; body temperature rises; general malaise is observed, appetite disappears; sores on the face itch, burn, pigment spots remain in their place.

In the initial stages of development, the disease is similar to chicken pox. It progresses quickly.

You can get rid of streptococcus in a complex, using local and systemic drugs. Visits to public places due to contagious disease are excluded.

Local therapy - treatment of sores with drying agents. These will relieve burning and itching. With an increase in temperature, heavy drinking is indicated. You can not swim, since a humid environment is favorable for the spread of infection.

Lotions with a solution of tannin, resorcinol or boric acid are made on sores. Antibiotic powders will help overcome itching and burning. Ichthyol and salicylic ointment can be used. Accelerate the drying process of sores by using spotted iodine.

Sores can be lubricated with 5% hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green twice a day. Bubbles and the skin around them are also treated with infusion of calendula and clover (2 tbsp. L. Mixture of a glass of boiling water).

Bubbles and erosion that oozes can be treated with yarrow broth. To cook it, you need to pour 1 tbsp. l herbs 200 ml of boiling water, stand in a water bath for a quarter of an hour and strain.

Healing occurs quickly - within a week. In advanced cases, it takes more time. If the patient's condition is serious, it is required to place him in a hospital of a skin and venereologic dispensary.