Advance calendar for the new year. Advent calendar - what is it? How to make it yourself? The history of the origin of the advent calendar

The Catholic tradition of creating advent calendars for children on the eve of Christmas has long spread throughout the world. And although “Advent” refers to the period of time before Catholic Christmas, which requires fasting, mothers in many countries around the world prepare such miracle calendars for New Year holidays, their children’s birthdays and any other expected celebrations.

The history of the advent calendar

The first advent calendar appeared in Germany in the 19th century. There is a legend that a child constantly asked his mother questions about when Christmas would finally come. And at that moment, when she got tired of answering them, she came up with and made a calendar out of cardboard, which had small windows. The basic rule was that you could only open one of them per day. There was a small cookie behind the window. Thus, the boy was able to calculate for himself how many days were left before the holiday.

Subsequently, this child began to produce the first advent calendars, but instead of brittle cookies, they began to hide small chocolates in them. They began to be sold first in Austria and Switzerland, and then spread throughout the world. On this moment advent calendars have different shapes and lie with the volume side down, therefore, the window, the children do not know what exactly they will get. There are bells, gifts, snowmen, Christmas trees and other attributes of winter and holidays.

Why do you need an advent calendar?

The Advent calendar helps even the youngest children better understand how much time is left until the long-awaited holiday. Opening the window, they see how many chocolates have already been eaten and how many are left behind the closed shutters. Some children are so fascinated by this that they gradually begin to learn to count. For adults, invention is an opportunity to give good mood and magic for the child and to plunge into childhood themselves.

Also, such calendars provide an opportunity to develop creative abilities, since you can make them yourself. Over time, the canonical appearance in the form of a cardboard box with windows faded into the background, and numbered boots and decorations on homemade Christmas trees became widespread. Gifts can also be inedible, as long as they are small. This activity helps the child expand his imagination, improve hand motor skills, and develop the skill of perseverance. At the same time, he can do everything preparatory work, and adults directly hide surprises - one a day or all at once.

Advent calendar (from the Latin adventus - arrival) is a special calendar that is traditionally used in some European countries, in order to visually count down the time remaining until Christmas.

As a rule, an advent calendar is a postcard or cardboard house with opening windows, where each cell contains candy, a note with wishes (in religious families - with excerpts from Scripture) or small gifts. Also, such calendars can be in the form of bags, bags, handbags or bundles hung on a ribbon.

The classic Advent calendar consists of 24 days, counting from December 1 to December 24, when Christmas is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar used by the Catholic Church.

A home advent calendar does not have to cover a full month. So, for the youngest children, who are not very patient, it can be made shorter - for example, for two weeks, or even a week! This will create an atmosphere of celebration and magic in the house, and at the same time will not tire the baby with waiting.

This calendar helps children feel the passage of time and get their first idea of ​​counting.

Today, an Advent calendar can be purchased along with other Christmas paraphernalia in stores or made independently.

The history of the origin of the advent calendar

The calendar was invented at the end of the 19th century in Germany. And it couldn’t have happened without a child-why. Frau Lang was simply tormented by her son Gerhard, who asked his mother every day when Christmas would come?! She couldn't resist and made him a calendar out of cardboard with windows - according to the number of days before Christmas. Gerhard could only open one window a day, and a small cookie was hidden behind it. So he saw for himself how many cookies still needed to be eaten before the main holiday, how many days were left.

As an adult, Gerhard Lang took a job in a printing house in Munich, and in 1908 his company first introduced an advent calendar with 24 multi-colored pictures that could be attached to a cardboard base.

Gerhard then modified his calendars to include small doors that could hide sweets or passages of Scripture. It was this version of waiting calendars that became a commercial success.

In the 30s, the Reichhold & Lang printing house closed, but until then Lang managed to create about 30 designs for his advent calendars.

Types of advent calendars

Advent calendars consist of objects that represent containers for advent surprises. There can be very different options for such containers.

Paper cones

Cones are glued from paper, which can then be hung on a string with the pointed nose down, or simply arranged, hiding gifts under them.

If the child is very curious and wants to look into the “house” early, then you can turn the cones into cute candies so that the child does not find the surprise ahead of time.


This option is suitable for an advent calendar if you do not plan to place bulky items. Notes with wishes, tickets to the theater or cinema, all kinds of certificates and all sorts of little things in bulk - a wonderful filling for them.


If you're short on time, you can make Advent cards quickly and easily. Of course, you won’t be able to put a surprise in it, but you can write a task, indicate a surprise event, or encrypt the location of the gift.


All kinds of boxes look great as an advent calendar. First of all, they are convenient because they allow you to hide gifts. different sizes, both small sweet surprises and larger items.

In order to create such an advent calendar, it is not at all necessary to have big boxes. You can successfully use matchboxes.

This calendar can easily fit small candies, cookies, marshmallows and other sweets, jewelry for girls, stationery items, and big surprises can be hidden in another place by putting a pointer in the box on how to find it. Moreover, such treasure hunts for children are much more exciting than having a ready-made surprise.

The boxes can be decorated, for example by making houses out of them or even a whole city with numbered houses. Surround your houses with snow (cotton wool, padding polyester), plant snow-covered trees and let a snowman or Santa Claus or any other heroes travel through the streets of a fairy tale New Year's city, at the end of which he will certainly be waiting Christmas tree with gifts. During the game, you can come up with various stories that happen to your hero, involve your baby in this, and the month before the new year will be remembered by him as the most magical month of the year.

Socks and mittens

Cute colorful socks, stockings and mittens can also make a great base for a calendar. Number them and hang them by a window, on a wall, by the fireplace or under a bookshelf. Even a big surprise can fit into a long Advent stocking.


One of the most simple ways organize an advent calendar. Of course, it is desirable that the base on which the packages will be hung be festive and original, but you can hang the packages on an ordinary bookshelf, after all. The lack of a base can be compensated for by cute clothespins and elegant wrapping paper.

Paper bags with clothespins

An elementary way to create a calendar. Beautiful or decorated bags, cute clothespins - and your Advent is ready!

Cute ready-made containers

For example, cans, paper cups, buckets. This is another quick and easy way to make an advent calendar. Foreign stores often sell special small buckets in which it is convenient to put various gifts. A little decor, and an ordinary nondescript container turns into a wonderful New Year's attribute. You can buy several packages of paper cups, decorate them, fill them with prepared gifts and make lids, for example from foil. One or two evenings, and you have a wonderful advent calendar ready.

Filling out an advent calendar for children

The content for the advent calendar can be divided into 4 types:

  1. sweets
  2. gifts
  3. event gift (note)
  4. creative task (note)


  • candies
  • marshmallows
  • paste
  • cookie
  • tangerines
  • kinder surprises
  • chocolates or chocolate figures
  • marmalade


  • small toys
  • part of a large prefabricated set (for example, a construction set, a set of furniture)
  • stickers
  • puzzles
  • books
  • felt-tip pens
  • pencils
  • paints and brushes
  • plasticine
  • play dough
  • molds for cutting out figures on dough
  • Christmas decorations
  • do-it-yourself preparations


  • slide ride
  • viewing New Year's cartoons
  • a walk to the movies
  • pillow fight
  • skiing or skating
  • going to a New Year's performance
  • trip to winter forest
  • snow party with friends
  • New Year's photo shoot
  • construction of snow caves
  • snowball fight
  • making a snowman with the whole family
  • "a day of wallowing in snowdrifts"
  • "Orange Cake Day"
  • "sledding day"

Creative task:

  • draw a picture on a New Year theme
  • make a card for grandma
  • decorate your apartment for the holidays
  • cut out snowflakes and stick them on
  • decorate a Christmas tree
  • make snowmen (on the street or at home from plasticine/salt dough)
  • make simple Christmas tree decorations ( salty dough, paper garlands)
  • draw frosty patterns on glass with toothpaste
  • learn New Year's poem or a song, etc.
  • invent or guess New Year's riddle
  • play with toys in New Year's story
  • come up with a New Year's performance
  • write a letter to Santa Claus
  • conduct creative experiments with ice
  • create ice decorations from colored water
  • decorate a Christmas tree or trees in the yard
  • feed the birds
  • let in bubble in the cold
  • make an applique with a deer, snowman or Santa Claus
  • do a good deed, help someone
  • pack gifts
  • bake gingerbread with mom
  • write a list of all the good things about the past year
  • find the treasure using the treasure map (“treasure map” is attached - draw a floor plan of the apartment and mark the location of the gift with a cross)
  • surprise from a special “New Year's bag”

Advent calendars for adults

  • Cosmetics
  • Nail polish
  • Sets for men
  • Edible
  • Decorations
  • Unusual

The smell of pine, tangerines, cheerful lights in every home - all this reminds us of winter holidays, which are already very close. If in post-Soviet countries they celebrate on a larger scale New Year, then in European - Christmas. It is worth noting that Europeans begin to “celebrate” in advance - a full 24 days before Christmas. Or rather, not to celebrate, but to eagerly count down the days of the main event of the year. And a special Advent calendar helps them with this.

“What is it and how does it work?” - you ask. Today we will talk about just this.

How the advent calendar came to be

Christmas calendar or advent calendar (from German. Adventskalender) consists of 24 cells with small gifts. Every day they open one window and take out a small gift from it. Usually such a calendar is made for children, but there are other copies with a deeper meaning that are intended for adults. But first things first.


The first Advent calendars appeared in the 19th century. So, it was customary to draw 24 sticks on the wall or door of the house, and wash one every day, starting from December 1st. Some families hung one sacred-themed picture a day on a wooden board, thereby bringing closer the feeling of the holiday.

Whatever form is used, the function of any advent calendar is the same - to count down the time until Christmas.

The tradition of modern advent calendars for children is associated with the name of the Munich printing house owner - Gerhard Lang. In 1903, the first advent calendar appeared on the markets, which looked like two separate sheets: pictures had to be cut out on one and pasted on the second. Every day the children cut out and glued one image.


Until the 1930s, Lang delighted German families every year with such symbolic calendars. The creator himself said that he owes this idea to his mother. Every year, from December 1st to December 24th, she sewed one cookie onto a cardboard sheet, and little Gerhard enjoyed these pre-Christmas delicacies. A little later, Lang created a “chocolate” advent calendar. After 1920, calendars became common with windows that opened and each one contained a small Christmas image.

In the 1930s, the Reichhold&Lang publishing house closed, but before that time Gerhard Lang managed to create about thirty various types children's advent calendars.

Advent calendars now

For children

The classic modern Advent calendar looks like a rectangular canvas with 24 closed windows, each of which contains sweets, chocolate figures or small toys. Factory calendars with windows filled with chocolate are also common. The first such copy went on sale in 1958.

Nowadays they are very popular homemade advent calendars, which simply amaze with their diversity. To make them you can use various materials: cardboard, wood, felt and even metal.

Below, see a selection of interesting Christmas calendars for children.

Wooden Advent calendar

The classic version is an advent calendar in the form of pockets

Using scrap materials to make an Advent calendar

You can also use empty matchboxes to create an Advent calendar.

An advent calendar made from mittens will fill your home with a magical holiday atmosphere

Stylish and modern - advent calendar made from metal buckets

An advent calendar made from small bags is a great option if you have very little time.

An advent calendar made from boots will help you decorate your Christmas and New Year's interiors

A few more ideas for unusual Advent calendars

For adults

There are options for adults. For example, you can divide the candle into 24 equal parts and put marks. Every day the candle is lit and burns until the flame “eats” the mark.

Religious families make calendars with religious scenes. Usually on Christmas day (German) Heiligaben), i.e. On December 24th, a picture opens that depicts the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Virtual calendars

Technological progress has not spared advent calendars. For those who spend most of their time at the computer, there is a special offer - a virtual Advent calendar.

For example, there are versions when the user is asked to listen to one Christmas story a day every day. And one Swiss service sends out Christmas-themed SMS messages every day from December 1st to December 24th.

What to put as a surprise

As already mentioned, it is traditional to fill the windows with sweets, chocolate and small toys. However, some parents are more inventive - they cook for their children intangible surprises. For example, on a beautiful piece of paper they write a fairy tale that they will read to the child, or what dish they will cook together today, or they make a list of good deeds for their child.


Some do charity work and teach their children to do this good work. For example, you can write as a task that the child choose one of his toys, which the parents will give to Orphanage. After all, what could be better than giving a holiday to orphans?

You can also contribute to the development of your child through the Advent calendar. We offer this option: buy a set of toys united by one theme. Thus, the game will become more and more exciting every day.

For child collector you can put relevant items in the windows, for example, cars, stamps, postcards, etc. This will significantly expand his collection.


  • The largest Advent calendar is located in Leipzig: its area is 857 sq.m., and the windows measure 2x3 m.
  • In German-speaking countries there are buildings designed in the shape of an Advent calendar.
  • In many areas of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, people create “living” Advent calendars in their homes.
  • The Advent calendar is remembered in literary works, such as Buddenbrooks (1869) by Thomas Mann.

We hope that this article will allow you to become better acquainted with the culture of other countries and make the holiday for your children even more fabulous and magical. We wish you happy winter holidays :)

There are many beautiful New Year and pre-Christmas traditions. One of them is the advent calendar. What it is? This is something unusual in the usual expectation of a miracle. Children, for whom waiting is an unbearable test, are especially happy to see him.

The history of the advent calendar

The first Advent calendars (prototypes of the Advent calendar) appeared in Germany. Lutheran families, in preparation for Christmas, began to celebrate each day with some small action. In some families, they paid attention to the faces of saints and hung their images one by one on the wall (adding one drawing every day). In others, they did it even simpler: they drew crosses, sticks or zeroes with chalk on the wall. The children got involved in the magic process and erased one drawing every day. There were religious families where the whole process was associated with a candle. 24 divisions were applied to a large candle, the candle was lit every day, and Christmas stories were told while one division melted. Then the candle was extinguished and waited for the next evening.

Every advent calendar has a common feature. What is this? The total number of all items (crosses, divisions, images) was unchanged - always 24. This is explained by the fact that from December 1 to the Nativity of Christ there are 24 days. After all, Catholics have a holiday on December 25, and the Advent calendar was invented by Catholics. The waiting calendar most often looks like a craft house or multi-colored postcards based on the number of days until Christmas.

First publisher of the advent calendar

The first to think of publishing an advent calendar was German entrepreneur Gerhard Lang. He himself remembered that, as a child, he constantly pestered his mother with questions about the coming of Christmas. And the main question was: “When?” Frau Lang was a smart, busy woman and doted on her son. She came up with original craft so that the questions disappear forever. The woman cut out 24 small windows on a cardboard box. She explained to Gerhard that he could open only one window once a day. Behind every door loving mother I cooked it for my son sweet gift- cookie. The boy liked the game. He received the sweets and stopped pestering his mother with questions. Everything became clear without them: there are as many days until Christmas as there are unopened windows left. At the same time, the boy mastered counting.

When Gerhard became an adult, he got a job as a worker in a printing house. Later he himself became the owner of a printing house and a serious entrepreneur. In 1908, Mr. Lang released the first non-handmade advent calendar. It was simple: 24 Christmas-themed designs that were attached to a cardboard base. The idea appealed to many parents. The printing house offered consumers an improved calendar with opening windows. Hidden behind the shutters were quotes from the Bible, images of saints, or small tasks for children. Children and their parents liked calendars with windows more. Over the course of several years, 30 were released different types. Then the printing house closed. In the 40s, it was forbidden to publish advent calendars: there was a shortage of paper in the warring country.

Revival and spread around the world

In the late 40s, Stuttgart activist Richard Selmer took up the challenge of reviving the production of Advent calendars. He is credited with resurrecting the tradition of mass-producing advent calendars for children. In the 50s, a new type of such products appeared. In them, behind the shutters in the windows, sweets were hidden, chocolates so beloved by children (not like the fragile cookies from Gerhard Lang’s childhood).

The tradition has taken root not only in Germany or other Catholic countries. At first it “registered” in neighboring Austria and Switzerland, and later received recognition in all countries of the world. IN Orthodox world New Year's advent calendar has been distributed. In general, the word "Advent" is translated as "coming, waiting." Children can look forward to more than just New Year or Christmas. They are waiting for their birthday, the arrival of their beloved grandmother or the date of departure to the sea. Each expected event can be brightened up with a game by offering your child an advent calendar. It may include more than the accepted 24 days and extend for a month. Or it could become shorter and turn into a ten-day game or a week-long event.

Making a calendar with your own hands

To create a unique advent calendar with your own hands, you will need to decide on several points.

  1. Who is this calendar for?
  2. What do you want to achieve: decorate your home, keep your child occupied, teach counting, collect a set of toys, develop creative thinking?
  3. What will you fill your calendar with: toys, candy, tasks to complete together?

Then you should choose general form products: a poster, a sewn/knitted design, a product made from boxes, or simply surprises hanging on hooks. Gifts can be placed in pockets, socks, buckets, bags, cups or other containers. Everyone chooses based on their capabilities and abilities.

Tasks for children

Nowadays, creative, one-of-a-kind advent calendars are becoming increasingly popular. It’s not that difficult to make such a thing with your own hands (we’ll help you decide further on tasks that will engage your child). The main thing is imagination, a little creativity and, of course, the desire to please your baby. The tasks don't have to be difficult. Here is a sample list:

  • cut out a snowflake from paper;
  • make a garland from paper strips;
  • make a snowman or Santa Claus from plasticine;
  • make a card for grandparents;
  • learn a poem;
  • decorate the window;
  • decorate the Christmas tree;
  • draw a festive picture;
  • freeze colored figures from water to decorate the playground.

Some children may enjoy advent calendar activity events, such as these:

  • a walk to the movies;
  • visiting the New Year's performance;
  • skating together on an ice slide;
  • festive visit to a cafe;
  • communication with animals in the zoo.

Surprise for a child

In order to interest the baby, you need to prepare a surprise treat for him. It could be:

  • "Kinder Surprise" (toy and chocolate at the same time);
  • prefabricated parts of something large (a set of furniture, a model of a ship, a family of cartoon characters);
  • themed stickers;
  • sets for creativity (figures for modeling from dough or plasticine, felt-tip pens, paints and a sketchbook).

It all depends on the hobbies of a particular child or on the desire of the parents to develop certain qualities in him.

What does an advent calendar look like?

So, you wanted to make an advent calendar for your child. We have already discussed what this is. It remains to be seen what it might be. Here is a limitless flight of fantasy. This can be a stretched rope, and bags or buckets, socks or little bags hang on it. You can make a small Christmas tree for your child, which he will decorate with one toy every day. It must be taken out of a secluded place.

A good option for an advent calendar is a structure made from matchboxes. Each of them slides out, and a small prize-gift is hidden there. It will not be difficult for needlewomen to knit or sew bags for sweets or beautiful pockets for souvenirs. Of course, you can simplify everything to the first prototypes of the Advent calendar and draw crosses with chalk. Let the child wash them one by one and watch how time passes, bringing the long-awaited holiday closer. It is important to consider one point: the younger the child, the shorter the waiting calendar should be. Otherwise, the baby will simply get tired of waiting and lose interest.

Memories from childhood

New is good and long forgotten old. The Advent calendar, as we know it today, became widespread in Russia quite recently. And in the distant childhood of many parents in Russian schools and kindergartens they did something similar. Remember decorating a painted Christmas tree with garlands of decorated balls. Each child decorated their own garland. The number of balls corresponded to the number of days remaining until the New Year. Isn't this a real advent calendar? What else could it be? Moreover, such expectation competitions could be timed not only for the New Year. It could be a bouquet for mother on the Eighth of March or a gift to grandfather-great-grandfather on Victory Day.

Modern gadgets and advent calendar

The modern use of various gadgets forced us to invent tasks for the advent calendar for children on the computer. An animated Christmas tree is installed on the desktop of a computer or laptop. On it, like on an improvised calendar, the number of days remaining until the expected date, for example Christmas or New Year, is counted down. Advent gadgets offer several types of Christmas trees. You can choose the tree you like, decorate your desktop with it, and set the countdown to the final point. For children, when opening one element of the garland, a task appears. Children briefly have access to the desired computer, complete a task and receive a surprise.

Summary: Advent calendar, what is it? What types of advent calendars are there? How to use the advent calendar. How to make an advent calendar for children with your own hands. New Year's Eve Calendar.

Many will agree with us that the anticipation of the holiday is an even more pleasant and exciting time, often much more magical and enchanting than the holiday itself. Main holiday For all children and adults, this is, of course, the New Year. Many people begin preparing for it in the fall, especially those who have children. Lately, the so-called calendars for waiting for the New Year or, as they are also called in a foreign manner, advent calendars. The essence of the advent calendar is that the countdown to the New Year is carried out day by day. Moreover, every day the child finds some small and pleasant surprise in the advent calendar, as well as a task or leisure idea for the current day. For example, an offer to watch some New Year's cartoon or read some New Year's-winter fairy tale, sing a song about the New Year or guess riddles. There are tons of task ideas for the advent calendar! Waiting for the New Year becomes very interesting and fun! Depending on the age of the child, the waiting calendar can be designed for a different number of days: than younger child, the fewer days.

If you don’t have free time to make a New Year’s Eve calendar with your own hands, then you can buy a ready-made Advent calendar. For example, you can buy a ready-made advent calendar in Ikea stores. The publishing house "MYTH" has released a printed version of the New Year's waiting calendar. Fun tasks and ideas on how to prepare for the New Year await you.

If you have free time and desire, you can easily make an advent calendar with your own hands. You can make a New Year's Eve calendar from anything! You will be convinced of this by reading our article and carefully viewing the photos. We'll start our review with the most simple options advent calendars. Even mothers who are not handmade can make such waiting calendars, and they will bring a lot of joy to their children.

For example, an advent calendar made from socks looks very cozy and homely. It is better to choose thick socks for this DIY waiting calendar. Wool or terry colored socks work well.

Socks can be replaced with mittens. This advent calendar looks really good too!

A great idea is to make an advent calendar out of ordinary ones. cardboard boxes. Boxes can be selected in different sizes; they do not have to be the same.

You can also very simply and quickly make a New Year's calendar from paper bags.

If your dad or grandfather has at least a little knowledge of tools, then ask them to make a Christmas tree like this from wooden boards. You can hang socks and paper bags on it, or even just packages with gifts and notes.

Oh, by the way, about the packages... A rather wise decision is to design the Advent calendar in the form of all kinds of packages. Making them is very simple, all you need is New Year's wrapping paper and beautiful ribbons/laces/strings.

In fact, even without beautiful wrapping paper And New Year's packaging you can get by. For example, you can wrap gifts with notes in regular craft paper. And if you hang such bundles with clothespins, it will turn out great! A stylish and fashionable DIY Advent calendar is ready!

Lack of time in the pre-New Year bustle is not a hindrance for creative mothers. How do you like this homemade New Year's calendar from plastic cups? Cheap and cheerful, and most importantly... fast!

The cardboard cups in the photo below are designed to look like Santa's reindeer. Original idea!

You can also make an advent calendar from small gift bags. Tie colored strings or ribbons to the bags and hang them on a hanger, for example.

It’s better to disguise the hanger by drawing a winter-New Year’s landscape on cardboard and sticking it on it.

Mothers who know how to sew can sew many, many small bags and use them to make a very cute and cute New Year's calendar. Children will associate such bags with Santa Claus's bag.

It is appropriate to secure the bags with clothespins or ribbons (strings).

You can also make an advent calendar from paper bags.

And even matchboxes! Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to add any gifts and sweets to such a miniature waiting calendar, but notes indicating the places where these pleasant gifts are hidden will fit in matchboxes.

You can simply put matchboxes in a beautiful box or vase, or you can make something like this out of them Christmas tree, For example.

We have already told you about how to make an Advent calendar with your own hands from ordinary cardboard boxes. Now something more interesting awaits you than simple boxes. By this link you can download templates of beautiful boxes, there are 28 of them in total. If you print these templates on a color printer, carefully cut them out and glue them together, then from them you will be able to put together such a mega-super-amazing New Year's waiting calendar. It’s possible to make it in one evening, but just imagine how much joy it will bring to the child!

Separately, we would like to talk here about Advent calendars, which you can make with your own hands from cardboard rolls from toilet paper. You just need to stock up on these rolls in advance, as you will need a lot of them. Let's start with the most simple calendars waiting for the New Year. For example, if you press the side walls inward at both ends of cardboard rolls, you will get boxes like this. Fill them with all kinds of sweets, small gifts and notes with tasks, decorate the outside beautifully, and your DIY advent calendar is ready.

If you wrap each cardboard roll in colored corrugated paper, then you can make a lot of these candy boxes. Glue the “candies” onto a cardboard ring, you will get a wonderful waiting calendar, reminiscent of appearance New Year's wreath.

Our review article on advent calendars is coming to an end. To conclude, we would like to give here examples of several more interesting, in our opinion, calendars for waiting for the New Year, which you can easily make with your own hands.

It’s easy to make a New Year’s train from Tetra Pak cardboard bags that will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

It's easy and quick to make a New Year's calendar from a muffin tin.

By this link You can download cute circles with the image of Santa Claus. Print them out, cut them out, and glue them onto a muffin tin. You will get this advent calendar.

If you are a handicraft mom and know how to sew well, then you can try sewing a New Year's calendar with pockets. This or

here's the one with the New Year's tree.

An Advent calendar can not only be sewn, but also baked. For example, from gingerbread dough. And draw numbers on New Year's gingerbread cookies and patterns with icing. Any child will love the idea of ​​eating a delicious gingerbread every day in anticipation of the New Year.

And finally, a New Year's calendar in the form of the head of Father Frost (or Santa) with a long beard. Line the beard into strips of equal width along a ruler and number them. Every day, together with your baby, cut one strip from the beard.

You can also seal the days on the calendar with Santa Claus with cotton balls.

We really hope that you found something interesting and useful for yourself on our website. We wish you magical holidays, Happy New Year to you!

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko