Summary of an educational lesson with children of the senior group "winter holidays in Rus'." Russian folk holidays Folk holidays in Rus' for children

Scenario for a thematic conversation for elementary school students “Let's talk about winter folk holidays.”

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes MBOU " high school No. 9"
Description of work: I bring to your attention a thematic conversation with primary school students about winter folk holidays, which can be used as a extracurricular activities and classes for schoolchildren, and at class hours. This material will be useful to primary school teachers, teachers of after-school groups, kindergarten teachers, kindergarten teachers. health camps and sanatoriums. Thematic conversation aimed at younger students school age, possibly for preschoolers of preparatory groups.
Target: acquaintance with winter folk holidays.
- clarify children’s knowledge about winter folk holidays;
- broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren;
- develop children’s cognitive interest and creative abilities;
- cultivate respect for the history of your people, for traditions.

Progress of the event

Teacher: Good afternoon, guys and dear adults! Did you know that from Christmas to Maslenitsa itself, winter holidays were celebrated cheerfully in Rus'. What holidays do you know?
The children answer.
Teacher: The most beloved and famous folk holidays in Russia, of course, are snowy and frosty Christmas, Christmastide, Epiphany and many others.
It is no secret that all Russian national holidays, without exception, are filled with traditions, rituals and rituals.
Today we will learn about the tradition of mummers, carols, Christmas fortune-telling, as well as the tradition of celebrating holidays and much more.
Here are some winter holidays:
December 12 - (Kolyada Day)
December 25 - (Christmas)
December 31 - January 1 (New Year)
December 25 - January 6 (Christmas time)

Teacher: All modern holidays their roots go back to paganism.
For example, Kolyada Day among the ancient Slavs, it was 7 thousand years BC, it fell on the day winter solstice. According to legend, Teacher Kolyada descended from the sky, giving the idea of ​​a sacred calendar, talking about the change of day and night, and explaining how time moves.
The winter solstice marked both the beginning of a new life and the renewal of nature. Adults and children jumped over the fire, danced in circles, and boys competed in strength and ingenuity. Daylight hours were increasing, which meant spring was just around the corner.
It is even known that in the 16th century in Rus' a special ritual was associated with the day of the winter solstice. So the bell ringer of the Moscow Cathedral, who was responsible for striking the clock, came to bow to the Tsar and reported that from now on the sun had turned to summer, now the day was increasing and the night was shortening. For this good news, the king rewarded the headman with money.
At this time, another multi-day winter holiday was celebrated - Christmastide (or Carols). It began in the last days of December and ended in early January. Christmastide was accompanied by magical rituals, on the eve of Christmas carols were sung, mummers walked around the villages, festive feasts were held in every house, girls told fortunes about their betrothed.
Special songs with wishes for a rich harvest, health, peace and harmony in the family were called - carols. Indispensable participants of the Christmas holidays were, of course, mummers. They dressed up as whoever they wanted.
Teacher: solve the riddles and find out.
Sample riddles:
My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They make everyone happy.

He sucks his paw
Sleeps all winter long.
But when spring comes,
Waking up from sleep
And let's roar in the forest...
Everyone calls him...

The wedge flies curly to the south,
Not wanting to meet a blizzard.
Flying around the floor of the Earth,
They rush into the distance -...

Teacher: They dressed up as bears, cranes, parsleys and others. The mummers, within reasonable limits, were allowed everything, but only so as not to offend the owners of the house.
Perhaps one of the most important Christian holidays is Nativity. It was believed that if on Christmas happy man If he enters the house first, happiness will not leave its walls all year. Christmas was accompanied by colorful folk customs, festivities. These are Carols, and walking with a star, and the trips of mummers. It was here that paganism and Christianity coexisted peacefully with each other.
Sample CAROLS:
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Serve the pie.
Damn it,
pork leg,
A little bit of everything.
Carry it, don't shake it -
Come on, don't break it!

Go-go-go, goat,
Go-go, gray
Oh, Lyuli, Lyuli -
Go-go gray.

We are not going on our own.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli
We are leading a goat.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...

Like our goat
Yes, from near Moscow.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
Yes, from near Moscow.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli
With red hair.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
With red hair
With little goats.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
Don't go, goat
Near Mikhailovka.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
Like in Mikhailovka
All residents are Sagittarius.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
They shot a goat
In the right ear.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
From the right ear
The yushka started leaking.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...
- Oh, the goat has fallen, my dear has fallen!
- How? Has the goat fallen?
- So give her some bacon. So that the goat gets up.
Our goat is here
She got up and went.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli...

The carol has arrived
It's Christmas Eve!
The carol has arrived
Open the gate.
Give me the cow
I'm oiling the head!
And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is ugly!
He'll get an octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And we live and be,
And wealth;
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

Get off the stove
Serve the rolls.
You are a good uncle!
Give me money for the passage!
If you give it away, you won’t give it away,
Will wait,
Stand at the gate!..
Golden head
Silk beard!
Give me some pie
For the sake of the holiday of Christ
At least a fresh pie
At least sour
Yes, some wheat!
Cut it thicker
Give me more!
If only you had a hundred cows
One and a half hundred bulls!
I'd milk you a bucket
All with sour cream!
(During preliminary preparation, children perform some carols).
Teacher: Kolyada- god of celebrations and peace. Kolyada is perhaps one of the most beautiful ancient Christmas rituals, accompanied at Christmas by going around houses with songs, congratulations and wishes for wealth, good health, and a good harvest.
Carols are costumed processions with a star and chants that are still held in rural areas.
The day before, children, and even adults, gathered to carol under the windows of rich peasants, called the owner in songs, repeated the name of Kolyada and asked for money, sweets, etc. Rituals were carried out in the form of fortune telling, dressing up as animals, devils and other evil spirits, practical jokes, accompanied songs and music. Kolyada is the deity of fun, so crowds of young people called him and clicked on him on New Year's holidays.

Ovsen, where are you going? Paving bridges!
Who should go? Kolyada to the sovereign!
What should he ride?
On a solar pig!
What to drive?

Teacher: Last day of Christmastide - Shchedrets, famous for its generous gifts and festive feast. The evening was popularly called generous, or rich, which is associated with the custom of preparing a rich festive table, where, unlike the Christmas evening, there were always meat dishes. The composition of the mummers is the same as on Kolyada. Carolers approached a house or a crowd of people and sang: “Generous evening! Good evening!». In carol songs, as a rule, they praised the owners, each by name, and wished them well-being in every possible way. If you entered a house, you did a symbolic sowing of grain, wishing the owners happiness, health, and a good harvest:
We sow the snow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Be born wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field in haystacks,
There are pies on the table!
Happy New Year,
With all the family!
May you be healthy
We lived for many years!

Teacher: Then the carolers began “to languish a carol” that is, begging for gifts from the owners, complaining that “we came from afar”, “the goat’s legs hurt” etc. The owners resisted and laughed it off. Then the mummers began singing shchedrovki, some containing comic threats. It was considered a great shame not to give gifts to carolers. The mummers could also send comic curses to such greedy owners:
Give them a hit on the back, Svarozhe!
Destroy them, Father Perun!
Empty bag for them, leaky pot!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Teacher: What else do you think was sung about in carols?
The children answer.
Teacher: The owner and hostess were wished for a harvest, the girl and boy were wished to get married. "Kolyada" is the god of festivities. He was depicted as a solar disk with the face of a baby, since on Christmas days “the sun turned to summer.” The cookies that the mummers were treated to were also supposed to be round (symbol of the solar disk). Folk performers sang loudly, with a tense timbre, to hear the echo.
Sample carols:
Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!
Open the chests, owners,
Take out your heels!
Let's give it a penny
To the carolers!

Teacher: Traditionally, children started round dances and carried a star on a stick or pole. When the door was opened, they first showered the owners with grain. If the owners to whom the children came showed greed, then the carol participants could also sing mischievous carols.
Sample mischievous carols:
Won't you give me the pie?
We take the cow by the horns.
If you don't give me some kvass -
We are a pig by the whisky.
Won't you give me a blink -
We are the host in the kick.
Serve, don't break,
Don't snack!
Don't give me the pie -
Let's take the cow by the horns!

Who won't give pie -
That's why a firebrand is born,
Who won't give me meat -
That's why the cat is in the window,
Blind eyes.

Give you, Lord,
One cow
Yes, and that comela,
Milked tar
I would strain it with resin.

Teacher: Everything that the owners gave to the children: money, sweets, etc., the carolers put in a bag and thanked them with songs and poems. Having collected a full bag of gifts, the carolers went home to celebrate the first Veles Day (New Year) in the family circle.
Sample poems and songs:
Good evening to good people!
Let happy holiday will!
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening,
Good health to good people!
On a generous New Year's evening
I wish you all happiness and health!

Teacher: There were even tips that were important to follow during the Christmastide period.
Here are some sample tips:
1. Be present all the time good mood, wish all people happiness, and radiate love and joy.
2. During this period, complete abundance should reign in the house: tables are richly and deliciously set, which will provide next year prosperity, rich harvest, good profit.
3. Spend more time with friends and relatives, then you will be together all year.
4. Invite as many people as possible to visit and welcome them warmly - then the world will be open to you.
5. Give and accept gifts.
6. Don’t skimp and don’t regret anything, then the Universe won’t spare anything for you.
7. Do good deeds, help other people, show charity, take care of nature - this will come back to you.
8. Do not refuse help at this time, especially for children.

Yulia Voronyanskaya


« National holidays in Rus'»

Health saving technologies:

Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Aesthetic technologies

Outdoor and sports games

Music influence technologies

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development


Introducing children to traditional culture, creating conditions for the formation of interest in the traditions and customs of their native people.



Introduce children to traditions celebrations Day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, folk signs , rituals.


Develop memory, thinking, recreating imagination (the ability to mentally imagine the times and living conditions of society in ancient times) Rus',interest in folk culture, the need for information.

Formation of communication skills with cultural heritage.


Education of moral qualities, love for native land, folk art, To folk games.

Preliminary work:

learning by heart carols, poems about folk holidays, proverbs, ditties, folk signs.

Age: preparatory children groups 5-6 years

Materials and equipment:

candle, star, straw effigy, green blanket, calendar, gifts for carolers.

1. Organizational moment.


Hello, dear guests. We are glad to see you as our guest.

"For the dear guest, the gates are wide open."

Children enter (3 people each) under Russian adv. melody. Line up in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, many guests came to us today, let’s say hello to them, like in ancient times with a bow.

2. Opening remarks.

Educator: Our ancestors loved and knew how to have fun. Russian people loved and love holidays. They loved to treat guests heartily and tasty. They talked: “Help yourself to what God sent you”, “A hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies”,

They sang songs and danced. Do you guys love holidays? And why? Which ones do you know holidays?

Children: Yes. Holidays are magical and fun. New Year, Christmas, Easter...

Educator: Well done, you know a lot holidays, which have been known since the time of our ancestors. Who do you think the ancestors are?

Children: Ancestors are those people who lived before us.

Educator: Our ancestors are Russian people, they lived on Rus' - always revered holidays, But celebrated them differently, not like us, modern people. Do you want to know how?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's take you on a trip to the past. You ask how? On a magic sleigh. Sit down, let's go back in time. Go! (Music)

It's winter on ID Rus'.

3. Conversation about Christmas.

And so, guys, you and I and our guests ended up in Ancient Rus'. Russian people have always been able to work well and have fun. Many different holidays they had and they were divided into great, medium and small. Some were celebrated annually and on the same days, others - annually, but on different dates of the month. Among these holidays people highlighted the greatest and most beloved. And so that we don’t get confused in them, let’s create our own calendar of the ancients holidays.

Educator: Tell me, what time of year does our year begin now? (Winter).Right. And our ancestors began the year in winter. And the most beloved and famous winter holiday is christmas.

Why this that's what the holiday is called? (Children's answers).

(The overhead lights turn off, candles are lit, quiet music sounds. The candle is lit. .)

Educator: Christmas is religious holiday. The word Christmas itself suggests that someone was born. The birth of a child is always good news. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The news of the birth of Jesus was carried by heavenly angels. appeared in the sky Star of Bethlehem. Christmas - holiday of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

Do you know other traditions of this holiday? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, these are gifts for relatives and friends; cards, sweets, souvenirs.

Educator: Our grandparents love this one very much holiday- Nativity. It is also called winter holidays. Christmas time - this is from the word "saint". In that the holiday was glorified, praised, glorified Christ, the New Year, the future harvest. The boys and girls dressed up animals: goat, bear, unclean force: Babu Yaga, kikimora, etc. They went home in groups, congratulations on holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

4. Perception of folklore.

Educator:(Knock on the door. Preparatory children groups sing carols).

Educator: Carolers certainly get something edible: sweets, nuts and special ritual cookies, they were called kozuli - they were always prepared in every home for this occasion. These dough figures must be eaten right there, making a wish.

Educator: So, guys, what the holiday in Rus' was celebrated in winter? What's his name celebrated?

That's how fun it is celebrated. Christmas. Let's mark winter on our calendar Christmas holiday.

Educator: What time of year comes after winter? (Spring)

5. Conversation about Maslenitsa.

Who knows which one celebrated the holiday at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring (Maslenitsa)

Maslenitsa was called broad and cheerful. (View presentation)

Maslenitsa - holiday farewell to winter and welcome to spring. Maslenitsa is so named because before Lent, Russian people ate cow’s butter, on which pancakes, pancakes, and flatbreads were fried. Damn looks like the sun. The sun is a symbol of the end of winter. Why not use them? ate: with butter, with honey. Maslenitsa was celebrated for 7 days. All days, all week people had fun, laughed, sang songs, walked, went to visit. On the last day of the week, Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness. A scarecrow made of straw (Showing the stuffed animal) they took it out into the street and burned it - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all the troubles and difficulties. While burning the effigy, people sang songs and had fun.

Do you like to have fun?

Then let's play Russian folk game"Burn, burn clearly"

Number of players: even

Additionally: No

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Players join hands and raise them up, forming "gates". The last couple passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next couple. "Burning" stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or sentenced:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest chorus shouting:

One, two, don't be a crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" tries to catch up with those running. If the players manage to grab each other's hands before one of them gets caught "burning", then they stand in front of the column, and "burning" catches again, i.e. "burning". And if "burning" catches one of the runners, then he stands with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Educator: So, guys, what the holiday in Rus' was celebrated with weights? What's his name celebrated?

Educator:And we’ll mark one more on the calendar folk holiday"Maslenitsa"

Educator: It’s getting warmer and you and I get out of the sleigh into a green clearing. What time of year has come after spring? (Summer)

7. Story about holiday"Ivana Kupala"

Educator:In the summer our ancestors honored Ivan Kupala holiday. (View presentation) Kupala is the oldest sun thanksgiving holiday, ripeness of summer and green mowing. Name holiday“Ivan Kupala” comes from the words - immerse in water.

Therefore, on this day they pour water on each other, bathe in the river, make fires, sing songs, tell fortunes, and dance in circles.

8. Round dance. So you and I will join in a round dance.

Round dance "Ivana Kupala""Cabbage

Educator: So, guys, what the holiday in Rus' was celebrated in the summer? What's his name celebrated?

Educator: We continue to compile our calendar national holidays. Summer-Ivan Kupala.

Educator. After summer comes autumn.

9. A story about autumn holidays.

In autumn on Rus' celebrated the holiday Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 14. This is very revered holiday in Rus'. After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, our intercessor and helper. IN people This day was considered the meeting of autumn and winter. They called this one Feast of the Intercession from the word“Cover”, because during this period the ground was covered with the first snow, like a blanket. Around these days, they began to heat the huts, the cattle were no longer driven out to pasture, all field and garden work was completed, and spinners and weavers began to work.

On Russian holiday The Intercession has long been associated with the beginning of winter and dedicated to it sayings: “On Pokrov the earth is covered with snow and covered with frost”, “On Pokrov it’s autumn before lunch, and after lunch it’s winter-winter”

On October 14, the autumn fairs of Pokrovsk began, cheerful, plentiful, bright. Here you could see everything with which the earth thanked people for their hard work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. Showed off their skills craftsmen

On Pokrov, the harmonica played in the villages until the morning, and boys and girls walked along the streets in a crowd and sang cheerful, daring ditties.

10. Ditties.

Our children also sing them with pleasure. (Ditties)

Educator: So, guys, what the holiday in Rus' was celebrated in the fall? What's his name celebrated?

Educator:This is where our calendar ends. Autumn- holiday of the Intercession. And it's time for us to say goodbye. And the calendar holidays we will definitely add new ones holidays, which we will get to know further on classes. Goodbye.


Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational and methodological manual. –

2nd ed., revised. T add. – St. Petersburg: Childhood – Press, 2002.

Karpenko M. T. Collection of riddles. M.: Education, 2986.

Summary of GCD on FCCM using ICT

Topic: “Folk holidays in Rus'”

for children of the preparatory group


To introduce children to Russian traditions, to develop an interest in folk culture through familiarization with Russian folk holidays.



Introduce children to the traditions of celebrating famous Russian holidays.


Develop cognitive activity, memory, thinking and imagination. Develop an interest in folk culture.

Develop children's coherent speech.


Bring up moral qualities, instill a love for Russian customs and folk games.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations, learning by heart carols, chants, poems about national holidays, proverbs, folk signs.

Materials and equipment:multimedia presentation, multimedia projector, tape recorder, disk with Russian folk melodies, model of Bethlehem stars, colored paper for each child, a glue stick for each child, a hat with a picture of the sun, a bell.

GCD move:

A teacher in a Russian folk sarafan invites children to join a group to a Russian folk melody.

Educator: - Hello, dear guests!(Children say hello).

Please join us here soon!

Come, honest people!

Move, hurry up -

The holiday calls everyone here!

Guys, do you like holidays?(Yes)

What holidays do you know?(Children's answers)

Educator: Well done, you know many holidays that were celebrated by our ancestors.Holidays in Rus'always loved because the people knew how to work, and knew how to have fun.

Do you want to knowHow did the holidays appear, how were they celebrated before?(Yes)

Educator: - I have a magic bell that will take us back to the past.

Ring the magic bell,

Take us back to the past.


Educator: - Guys, we found ourselves in Ancient Rus'. A lot of different holidays they had.

Guess the riddle about the first holiday you and I will attend.(Slide)

In the middle of winter -

Big celebration.

Great holiday -...(Christmas)

Why is this holiday called that?(Children's answers).

(Slide) Educator: - Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. The news of the birth of Jesus was carried by heavenly angels. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky.(Slide) Since it markedNativity She is also called the “star of Christmas.”(Slide) Previously on Christmas Dayboys and girls went home, congratulated them on the holiday, andfixed on a stick big star made of gilded paper, decorated with a lantern, paper garlands, and sometimes a Christmas icon.(Showing and viewing the star model)

Educator: - Let us also make a little Christmas star for you.(Children make stars as shown by the teacher)

Educator: - Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers loved this holiday very much - the Nativity of Christ. It was also called winter holidays. Christmastide comes from the word “holy”. On this holiday they glorified, praised, glorified Christ, the New Year, the future harvest, and wished the best with special songs - carols. Let's sing one carol:

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!

Give it to me, don't break it,

But in general, come on!

(Slide) Educator:-Christmas is celebrated by the whole family, and children take an active part in the celebration. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony. Do you know other traditions of this holiday?(Children's answers)

Educator: - That's right, these are gifts for relatives and friends; cards, sweets, souvenirs.

Educator: - To get to the next national holiday, guess the riddle:

(Slide) It is celebrated in the spring

This holiday is groovy,

Everyone attends the fair
And they treat you to pancakes.(Maslenitsa)

(Slide) Educator: - Maslenitsa is ancient Slavic holiday, which symbolizes farewell to winter and joyful anticipation of spring. The folk festival lasts a week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. On the last day of the week, Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness.

Maslenitsa was called broad and cheerful. Let's remember the slogan:

Come out people

Stand at the gate

Invoke spring

Seeing off the winter.

Spring, spring is red,

Come, spring, with joy!

(Slide) Let's put together a mosaic depicting Maslenitsa.(Children collect)

(Slide)Educator:What else did you do on Maslenitsa?(Children's answers)

The pancake is a symbol of the sun, and the sun represents health, longevity, wealth and regenerating life: spring will come, everything will begin to grow.

A scarecrow made of straw(Slide) they took it out into the street and burned it - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all the troubles and difficulties.

While burning the effigy, people sang songs, had fun, and played.

Do you want to play?(Yes)

Educator: “Then let’s play a Russian folk game.” Golden Gate"

Target: improve easy running, develop agility.

Progress of the game:

The participants of the game are divided into those who stand in a circle, raising their clasped hands. And those who run through these gates in a chain (or one at a time).

Those standing sing:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The “gate” closes and “catch” the one who remained in it. Those who find themselves inside the circle join hands with those forming the circle, increasing the “gate”.

(Slide) Educator:- Guess the riddle:

Spring comes
Everyone is waiting for her
Easter cakes are baked in houses,
They sing good songs!(Easter)


Educator: - Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days.On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive service takes place. Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, pysanky and krashanki -painted eggs(Slide) . Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people.

Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!”

Let's remember Easter signs.

On Easter the sky is clear and the sun is shining -... (to a good harvest and a red summer.)

You can’t throw or pour outside the window on Easter -...(Christ walks under the windows)

Educator: - Well done, guys! (Slide) What national holiday are we at now?(Children's answers) (Slide)

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is celebrated in the summer, on the night of July 6-7. Kupala rituals performed on this night are very different. This includes weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, fortune telling, dousing with water, and night festivities around the Kupala bonfire. First, they danced around the fire (this is an ancient symbol of the sun), sang songs, and then girls and boys, holding hands, jumped over the fire. Let's join you in a round dance.

Game with the Sun.

In the center of the circle is the “Sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus: “Shine, sun, brighter - Summer will be hotter, And winter will be warmer, And spring will be sweeter.” Children dance in circle dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - “The sun is catching up with the children.

Game “Folk Holidays” Goal: Find out the Russian folk holiday.

Watching a film about national holidays.

Educator: - Guys, it’s time for us to return home.

Ring the magic bell

Currently move us.

Educator: - Did you guys enjoy your trip to Russian folk holidays? What do you remember and find most interesting?(Children's answers)

The Russian people have long created their own customs, traditions, and holidays. They have changed over the centuries, but people's need for holidays get together, rejoice, have fun.

Twelfth holiday Orthodox calendar, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, on the tenth day of Ascension. Other names for the Trinity are the day of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost, the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and honors the Holy Trinity. The event described in the New Testament book “The Acts of the Holy Apostles” has a direct connection with the doctrine of the Trinity - one of the main tenets of the Christian faith. According to this teaching, God exists in three unmerged and inseparable persons: the Father - the beginningless principle, the Son - the logos and the Holy Spirit - the life-giving principle.

Holy Week


Seventh the last week before Easter, lasting 6 days, starting on Monday and ending on Saturday before Easter Sunday. The meaning of the holiday is preparation for Easter. Traditions during the holiday: cleaning the house, obligatory bathing, remembering ancestors, setting up a swing, painting eggs, baking Easter cakes. According to popular beliefs, colored eggs have magical power for example, if you put the shell on the fire, the smoke from this egg can heal a person from night blindness; they also believe that such an egg can heal a bad tooth. Signs for this holiday: if you heat a stove with aspen wood on Maundy Thursday, then sorcerers will come to ask for ash; parsley sown on Good Friday gives a double harvest.

Popular name for the holiday Transfiguration of the Lord among the Eastern Slavs, celebrated on August 19, and even before this holiday it is forbidden to eat apples and various dishes made from apples, but on the holiday it is necessary to do the opposite - pick as many apples as possible and consecrate them. The purpose of the holiday is the blessing of apples, seeing off the sun at sunset with songs. Apple Spa has another name - the first autumn, that is, the meeting of autumn. According to tradition, you first treat all your relatives and friends with apples, then orphans and the poor, as a remembrance of your ancestors who have fallen asleep in eternal sleep, and only then eat the apples yourself. In the evening, after the holiday, everyone went out onto the field to celebrate the sunset together with songs, and with it the summer.



Slavic folk holiday complex, celebrated from January 6 to January 19. Christmas time is oversaturated with various magical rituals, fortune telling, signs, customs and prohibitions. The purpose of the holiday: folk festivities, caroling, sowing, mummering, erotic games, ritual outrages of youth, fortune telling for the betrothed, visiting, rituals for well-being and fertility. Holiday sayings: on Christmastide, wolves get married, from Christmas to Epiphany it is a sin to hunt animals and birds - misfortune will happen to the hunter. According to popular beliefs, the presence of spirits among living people, invisible to the ordinary eye, made it possible to look into one’s future, which explains the numerous forms of Christmas fortune-telling.

Epiphany Christmas Eve


This holiday of the Orthodox Church is one of the twelve. On this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist (Baptist) in the Jordan River is remembered and the Great Blessing of Water is performed. It is also a preparation evening before a major Orthodox holiday called Epiphany or Epiphany. Epiphany water is tasted on an empty stomach, a spoonful at a time, a little at a time. Orthodox Christians keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. In addition, a drop of shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take ordinary, unconsecrated water and add a drop of Epiphany water to it, and it will all be sanctified.

People's Orthodox holiday, celebrated on July 8. Holiday traditions: swim without looking back, because... It was believed that on this day the last mermaids leave the shores into the depths of the reservoirs and fall asleep. After the Kupala games, betrothed couples were determined, and this day patronized family and love, in addition, in the old days, weddings were held from this day until Peter the Great. The first mowing is the day of all evil spirits such as witches, mermaids, werewolves and many others. Celebrated on July 8 (June 25, old style). Peter and Fevronia are Orthodox patrons of family and marriage. According to the calendar of East Slavic folk holidays, which correlates with the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of the first mowing. It was believed that on this day the last mermaids leave the shores into the depths of the reservoirs, so it was already safe to swim. IN Russian Federation Since 2008, July 8 has been celebrated as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Sayings: there are forty hot days ahead, after Ivan there is no need for zhupan, if it rains on this day, there will be a good harvest of honey, pigs and mice eat hay - to bad mowing.

A traditional holiday among the Eastern and Southern Slavs, celebrated on August 2. The traditions of the holiday include: collective meals, slaughter of a bull or ram. The holiday has pagan roots, since at first it was the holiday of the thunder god Perun, but with the adoption of Christianity among the Slavs, instead of the image of Perun, the image of Elijah the prophet arose, which is where the name of the holiday actually comes from. Sayings at the holiday: Ilya keeps thunderstorms, Ilya holds and brings down rain with a word, Ilya gives bread, not swords against Ilya, but he burns heaps with heavenly fire. From Ilya's day, according to folk legends, bad weather began, and it was also forbidden to swim.

Palm Week


Passion Week. Main folk rituals weeks are associated with willow and fall on Saturday and Sunday. There is a legend associated with this week, which says that the willow was once a woman, and she had so many children that the woman argued with Mother Earth herself that she was more fertile than the Earth. Mother Earth got angry and turned the woman into a willow. There is a belief on this holiday that a consecrated willow can stop a summer thunderstorm, and thrown into a flame can help in a fire. Holiday traditions: blessing of the willow, beating with willow branches, calls for spring.

A traditional holiday of pagan origin among Slavic peoples, associated with winter solstice. Date of celebration - on the night from January 6 to January 7. The meaning of the holiday is the turning of the sun from winter to summer. Celebration - caroling, mummering, Christmas games, fortune telling, family meals. According to popular belief, Mother Earth could only open up because of a lie, a false oath, or perjury.



Slavic traditional holiday celebrated during the week before Lent. The purpose of the holiday is to say goodbye to winter. Traditions: baking pancakes, visiting, having feasts, sledding and sledding, dressing up, burning or burying an effigy of Maslenitsa. Celebrated from Meat Saturday to Forgiveness Sunday. The fertility of people in the popular consciousness was inextricably linked with the fertility of the land and the fertility of livestock; the third side of Maslenitsa - the funeral - is connected with the stimulation of fertility.



The oldest Christian holiday, main holiday liturgical year. Established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, which occurs no earlier than the conventional day vernal equinox March 21. Traditions: blessing of colored eggs and Easter cakes, welcome kissing. Most Easter traditions originate in worship. The scope of Easter folk festivals associated with breaking the fast after Great Lent, a time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, were transferred to the celebration of Easter. At the end of the 19th century, it became a tradition in Russia to send Easter open letters with colorful drawings to those relatives and friends with whom you cannot share Christ on Easter as the main holiday.

Holiday of the Eastern Slavs, which starts September 14. The essence of the holiday is a celebration of the approach of autumn: the day before summer ended and the beginning New Year. On this day, rituals are performed: housewarming, sitting, lighting a fire, tonsure ceremony, funeral of flies, the legend of sparrows. Semyonov's day is considered happy, so it is advised to celebrate housewarming. Signs: Semyon sees off summer, brings on Indian summer; on Semyon - the last thunderstorm; On Semyon, the grain crops were not harvested - they were considered lost; if geese fly away on Semyon-day, wait for early winter.

Clean Monday


The first day of Fedorov's Week and Lent. On this day, everyone forgives each other and begins the day with a clear conscience and a pure soul. This is a day of very strict fasting as well as on subsequent days. The name of the holiday comes from the desire to spend the first day of Lent clean. On this holiday, during the first Lenten Great Compline, they begin to read the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and other prayers of repentance. At the end of the 19th century, most of the oil revelers, despite strict fasting, “rinsed their mouths” or got drunk on this day. Since this is a day of fasting, all that can be eaten or drunk on this day is: some black bread with salt and water or unsweetened tea. The prayer of Ephraim the Syrian “Lord and Master of my life” will continue to be offered on all days of Great Lent.

One of the holidays of the Eastern Slavs, celebrated on October 14. The meaning of the holiday is the final onset of autumn; on this day the meeting of Autumn and Winter used to be celebrated. People say that from Pokrov, goblin stop wandering through the forests (they are also called forest masters). On the eve of this holiday, young village girls burn their old straw beds, and old women burn their old bast shoes, worn out throughout the summer. Russian people, celebrating days dedicated to the Mother of God, expected help from Her.

Orthodox holiday, celebrated on August 14. The essence of the holiday is the small blessing of water. The traditions of the holiday are the beginning of the collection of honey, its consecration and the “widow's help” meal. The holiday is celebrated in honor of the Origin of the trees of the Holy Cross at the end of the 14th century. The meaning of the holiday is the first day of the Dormition Lent. The honey savior is also called the “Savior on the Water”, this is because of the small consecration of water. According to tradition, it was on this day in Rus' that new wells were blessed and old ones were cleaned. This holiday is called “Honey Spas” because on this day the beehives are usually filled to capacity and beekeepers go to collect the honey harvest.

Summer holiday of pagan origin, celebrated from July 6 to 7. The holiday is associated with summer solstice. Traditions: burning fires and jumping over them, dancing in circles, weaving wreaths, collecting herbs. The holiday begins the night before. The name of the holiday comes from the name of John the Baptist (the epithet of John is translated as “bather, immerser”). The main feature of Ivan Kupala is the cleansing bonfires; in order to be cleansed of the evil spirits inside a person, he would have to jump over these bonfires.

Red hill


Spring holiday among the Eastern Slavs, which celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Celebrations on this day include: spring maiden round dances, a meal with scrambled eggs, and youth games. The Red Hill symbolizes the full arrival of spring; this is the holiday that celebrates this time of year. In addition to the fact that Red Hill symbolizes the arrival of spring, the holiday also symbolizes the meeting of boys and girls, because spring is the beginning of a new life for all nature. At the Krasnaya Gorka holiday there is one proverb that says: “Whoever gets married on Krasnaya Gorka will never get divorced.”