Applications from colors. Children's paper crafts (104 photo ideas). How to make an applique of a person or clothing

If when you hear the word applique you imagine a picture glued together from paper, then you don’t know much about this fun and beautiful view creativity. We offer you a large selection of ideas for making applique for children. Broaden your horizons and delight your child with a useful and interesting activity.

About technology

The application appeared quite a long time ago. Nomadic peoples various countries created stories using pieces of leather. They decorated their tents with images of wild animals, which is why, in the light of the hearth, they seemed to come to life and turn into a fairy-tale kingdom. From Latin the word application is translated as application. The technique consists of attaching details to the main background. There are many different types applications. Depending on the structure of the selected material, flat and volumetric crafts. Volume can be achieved by using waste material, felt, grain

Depending on the image, applications are divided into plot, decorative and subject. Scene pictures depict action, subject pictures show static objects, and decorative pictures show an ornament. The colors are divided into monochrome, black and white and color.

Almost any material can be used to create an applique - paper, cardboard, beads, fabric, natural materials, cereals, waste materials.

Moreover, not only children work in this technique; take a look at what applications are created by adult craftsmen.

This technique allows you to glue or sew details onto clothing, making it unique.

Children of any age will benefit from creating applications.

  • Children 2-3 years old will learn to distinguish colors, shapes and numbers of objects. Exercises using cutting techniques (without scissors) stimulate the nerve endings of the fingers, train finger motor skills, and develop the speech center of the brain.
  • For children 3-4 years old, the activity will help develop perseverance, because it is enough to simply captivate a little fidget with something new and interesting. Encourage him to use unusual materials, such as painted pasta. Well, stimulation of motor skills will not be superfluous.
  • Children aged 6-7 years are characterized by increased curiosity, they are interested in everything in the world, they ask millions of questions per minute. At this age, it is important to instill neatness, a sense of beauty, and the ability to interact with other children. That is why preschool institutions included in their mandatory program the presence of group appliqué classes.
  • This type of creativity will help improve logical thinking, will develop attention and train memory. Creating bright pictures will lift your spirits, and joint activities with parents will help to get closer and strengthen family ties.
  • Creating thematic plots and ornaments will help develop imagination and show creative talent. Invite your child to create a gift for February 23, and he will proudly present his dad with the fruit of his labor.

How to teach a lesson

Prepare thoroughly for the lesson. Kids will need ready-made pieces made of colored paper or cardboard and your instructions for placing them.

Speak out each action, name the color and shape of the part to be glued. If this is a subject application depicting an animal, then name the parts of its body.

Children are greatly delighted with the cut-out applique. Let the baby pick up colorful scraps and stick them on the giraffe’s body. You can make leaves on a tree and lay out various figures.

If your child still doesn't know how to use scissors, it's time to teach them using a fun lesson. Start by cutting strips, they will be suitable for making the needles of such a wonderful hedgehog.

Preschoolers should already be able to use scissors, but they find it difficult to draw even details. Therefore, you need to prepare templates that the child can trace on colored paper and cut out independently. Invite the fidget to create an unusual composition. Let him draw a picture and decorate it with various materials. Create an applique from cereals, pasta, buttons.

It is not so easy to attract younger schoolchildren to classes. Use a little trick by offering to create a craft from any unnecessary thing in his room. Rest assured, he will bring you a mountain of precious “junk” that you can give a second life to.

This rule also applies to girls. With your daughter, collect unnecessary hairpins, buttons and beads and let the little one imagine what she can do with them. Here are some useful ideas:

For 1st grade, both plot and thematic applications using various materials, geometric shapes.

For grade 4, you can cut strips from colored paper and make a picture with quilling elements.

Work with your children to create applications depicting the seasons, come up with beautiful and unusual names for them, for example, “Zimushka-Winter” or “Golden Autumn”.

If there are holidays ahead, time your activity to coincide with them. Below you will see examples of thematic applications that can be created for any holiday.

New Year and Christmas crafts:

For best dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

For Victory Day:

For Russia Day:

Video on the topic of the article

In this section of the article you will find video tutorials from which you can get ideas for conducting a fun appliqué lesson with your child.

Application made of colored paper using the mosaic technique “Fruits” for children junior group. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Chebotareva Alexandra, pupil of the 2nd junior group.
Supervisor: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 2nd junior group.
Purpose: The craft is intended to decorate a corner of nature, an exhibition on the theme “Fruits”.

Description of work: This master class is intended for children of primary preschool age, teachers, and parents.
Target: Create an application using the mosaic technique.
- Develop the creative abilities of preschool children, fine motor skills hands;
- cultivate accuracy in working with glue and paper;
- improve the ability to carefully glue mosaics onto paper;
Our garden
Our autumn garden is beautiful.

It contains plums and grapes.
On the branches like toys
And apples and pears.
And by night the chill blows,
And the yellow leaf rustles at my feet.
We will collect the fruits in the morning
And we'll call all our neighbors.
And let's wave to the sun,
"Thank you, autumn!" - let's say. (U. Rashid.)
For work we will need:
Ready-made applique with the image of fruit, glue, scissors, colored paper: yellow, red, light green and dark green.

Fruit pattern

1. The teacher cuts colored paper into small squares 1 by 1 cm.

2. The child spreads glue on the leaves of the fruit and sticks dark green squares on them. Then he colors the tails of the fruits with a brown pencil.

3. Let's start with the apple. The child gradually smears it with glue and sticks red squares on it, trying not to go beyond the outline.

4.The apple is ready, it turned out neat. For the banana we need yellow paper. The teacher spreads glue bottom part fruit, and the child glues pieces of colored paper.

5. The teacher helps the child work carefully and not go beyond the outline of the drawing. The teacher spreads glue on the middle of the banana. And the child continues to glue the squares of the yellow mosaic.

6. All that remains is to glue the top part of the fruit. The teacher smears it with glue and the child glues squares of paper, trying to glue them as much as possible closer friend to friend. The banana is ready.

7. The last fruit left is a pear. The teacher smears glue on the top of the pear, and the child glues a mosaic of light green paper.

8. We also coat the middle of the pear with glue, the child, trying not to go beyond the outline, glues squares of paper.

9. The teacher smears glue on the bottom of the pear, and the child continues to glue the light green mosaic.

10. Our fruits are ready. The work can be decorated with a border yellow color. To do this, the teacher cuts out strips 1 cm wide and sticks them along the edges of the work.
11.You can decorate a corner of nature with this picture.

Plot appliqué is one of the most favorite activities of children aged 3-4 years. By doing this, children learn about the world, begin to learn, and master various geometric shapes. From childhood, they begin to receive satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create something beautiful. The application for children 3-4 years old together with their parents gives a lot of positivity and brings a huge amount of positive emotions into their lives.

Application at 3 and 4 years old

Practicing this creative technique can interest a child as early as 2 years old. While he doesn’t know how to use scissors correctly, he can handle the tear-off technique just fine. The child can tear off pieces of colored paper with his hands and glue them to the base in a chaotic manner. The picture can be rain, fly agaric, strawberry applique. According to technology ready-made template the baby may try to glue it small pieces colored paper.

You can start doing appliqué seriously as early as 3 years old. It is worth teaching your child to use scissors in his work. A child can begin to develop his creative potential with simple tasks. From the very beginning, the child needs to explain concepts such as: the shape of an object, colors and the plot as a whole.

The very first applications may consist of ready-made pictures cut out from magazines or unnecessary old textbooks.

For example, boys could be asked to glue on a cutout of a bus. He will take great pleasure in cutting out squares from colored paper that will serve as windows and gluing them on himself. Ready-made compositions help the child quickly understand the process of creating a picture.

From the very beginning of learning, the baby must be taught to be neat. Explain to him that after working with glue you need to wipe your hands with a napkin, hold workplace in order and clean up after yourself.

Material for classes

Children of any age simply adore this type of creativity. The variety of materials from which applications can be made is enormous.

Each painting made using this technique can become a masterpiece, especially if it is done by a child. At every stage of their development, children choose different material for your crafts.

Material for work:

Today there are a lot of different materials and ideas that can be used in applications. When we talk about activities with children aged 3-4 years, we mean paper applique for kids. It will be easier for them to work with paper. Parents and teachers usually choose a variety of subjects for their work. Those that children enjoy doing.

Subjects for children's work:

  • holiday;
  • nature and animals;
  • favorite toys;
  • cartoon characters.

The main thing in the work is to choose the right plot, which the child will be especially willing to carry out. In addition, parents need to know exactly how to choose the material and conduct the lesson correctly.

Colored paper

The choice in favor of this material is quite justified. Its diversity allows the child’s imagination and thinking to develop.


  • paper always attracts the baby with its brightness and variety of colors;
  • it can take on any shape, different textures;
  • she is easy to work with. A child can easily fold a piece of paper, cut it out and glue it;
  • safe and environmentally friendly material.

Crafts made from colored paper help children develop thinking, analyze geometric shapes and textures of materials, and compare different objects.

Rules for preparing for creative activities

In order for your child to enjoy the activity, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors that may upset him during the activity. To prevent this from happening, you should follow some rules.

9 rules for parents and teachers:

If you follow these simple rules, the baby will be interested and in the next lessons he will show interest and begin to fantasize on his own.

If the baby is not in the mood for this moment, you shouldn’t force him to do it by force. You just need to wait until he himself wants to engage in creativity. If he is tired, you need to postpone the lesson and finish the picture later, when he himself expresses the desire.

Child development

Paper applications for 3-year-old children not only bring joy, but thanks to the activities, children at this age acquire their first skills. At the age of 4, while continuing to practice appliqué, children develop faster and gain more and more skills in composing one large picture from several small parts.

Skills acquired by children at an early age:

An interesting activity always brings adults and children together, and collaboration can make them even happier.

Original ideas

There are several appliqué techniques for 4-year-old children; you can print out samples of them yourself. Some of them are most suitable for children 3-4 years old.

Application ideas:

Children of 3 years old, of course, do not need to start immediately with complex paintings. You should start learning gradually, so it is best to take colored paper or napkins as a material. Each time, you can complicate the task and add more complex and varied materials to the paper application.

After each lesson, do not forget to praise your child. Each time this will increase his self-esteem and creativity. The older the baby gets, the more interested he will become in making something with his own hands.

After practicing appliqué, as a rule, the child has a desire to engage in creativity in other directions. IN preschool age You can try to interest your child in this type of creativity such as quilling. Perhaps after a simple application he will have a desire to perform more complex tasks.

Attention, TODAY only!

Every mother and father tries to choose an exciting activity for their child that will not only occupy him for a while, but will also have a beneficial effect on the all-round development of the baby, will force the child to improve creative thinking, think, fantasize, and learn to concentrate.

Applications made from colored paper are an excellent option for your child’s useful pastime. Older children can engage in this creative activity on their own; children as young as one year old will create their first works together with their parents.

The role of applications in child development

Paper applique implies step-by-step creation pictures by gluing elements of different shapes and colors onto a cardboard or paper base. After watching various photos paper applications for children, you will understand what this type of activity is and what kind of finished work you can get at the end of the process.

The paper applique technology is quite simple. The child himself, or with the help of his parents, nanny, teacher, must come up with what kind of picture he would like to depict, prepare the tools necessary for creative process, make patterns of elements, one by one cut out small parts from paper sheets that will be needed to recreate the intended image and sequentially glue them onto the selected base.

So what is the benefit of such an activity?

Application creation process:

  • develops perseverance;
  • improves fine motor skills;
  • allows you to remember and distinguish colors and shapes;
  • teaches independence;
  • instills neatness;
  • teaches patience;
  • forms creative and imaginative thinking, etc.

The role of applications in the development of a child is undoubtedly great. They contribute to the multifaceted and diverse development of the child.

Here are some simple paper applique templates that may be useful for first lessons and introducing kids to the concept of appliqué.

Examples of applications

We will try to make a presentation of some of the easiest paper applications with which you can begin the process of learning this business.

Ice cream

To create such an application you need to prepare:

  • cardboard or paper base;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper of various shades.

To begin with, on colored pieces of paper you need to sketch the main elements of the future picture: a separate cone and separate ice cream balls. Afterwards, using scissors, you need to cut out these parts. At the next stage, you need to glue the small elements in a strict sequence: the horn is attached to the base first, then, one by one, the popsicle balls.

After completing the steps, the resulting picture can be decorated with additional details: a cherry, chocolate chips (which also need to be cut out of paper).

Using such a simple algorithm of actions, you can make applications of different types: a plate of fruit, a fish, a bunny, and a house.

Volume applique

This version is a little more complicated, but the result is worth it. Let's look at how to make an unusually beautiful volumetric flower from paper. To create it, you will need the materials indicated above, the only clarification is that the colored paper should be as thin as possible.

From the base you need to cut out the shape of a flower, this could be, for example, a rose bud or a chamomile inflorescence. After, from paper different colors you need to cut a lot of small pieces and crumple them with your fingers.

Volumetric winter applications made of paper look very beautiful and believable, which will be a wonderful gift for grandparents. New Year's holidays. On a cardboard base you can depict a Christmas tree decorated multi-colored balls, and use crumpled pieces of white paper to recreate a snowfall or set up a snowman.

There are a huge variety of options for applications created from colored paper, so the child will not get bored with this activity; every day he will discover something new and interesting, while improving imaginative and creative thinking, quick wits, perseverance, discipline and intelligence.

Photos of paper applications

Paper gives enormous scope for creativity, especially when there is free time and great desire. It is best to make three-dimensional applications with children, they will find it interesting. In addition, such an activity will be useful for the child, it will help him develop thinking, and perseverance and fine motor skills will also develop during the work.

The benefits of three-dimensional application for a child have been confirmed by many psychologists; with its help, the child begins to think three-dimensionally. In the future, this occupation may develop into the profession of an architect or builder. The little man also learns to decorate the space beautifully, which affects his taste. It's not without reason kindergarten always includes classes on creating three-dimensional applications in her program.

Try decorating the walls of your child’s room with voluminous appliqué, it will look cute and will lift the spirits of the people around you. Knowing various techniques for creating three-dimensional appliqué, you can create a masterpiece and give it to your loved ones on their holiday.

Arm yourself with paper, glue, scissors, a ruler and start creating! You can really create some great creations out of these things.

What is the secret of the art of paper applique

At first, people simply pasted pictures onto cardboard, it was beautiful, but they wanted something more. Then the craftsmen began to create more voluminous things, each time improving their work. It turned out that simple colored paper is a huge world, from it you can create entire masterpieces of design ideas - from simple greeting cards to huge decorative elements.

Techniques for creating bouage appliqués

There are many techniques for creating volumetric applications.

Trimming, quilling, and origami are the most popular ones. Having mastered them, you can make truly magnificent things that will decorate any interior. You can also use any available means - eggshells, cereals to add volume - it will look original.

Simple technique

To begin with, you can try to master simple technique. Try to draw a tree with your child. To do this, draw a sketch on a piece of paper. Then you will need to prepare all required material and start the creation process.

The crown of the tree can be an uneven circle of colored paper. The leaves for the crown are cut out separately from another sheet of colored paper. Can cut out a figurine of a bird that you can sit on a tree. Cut out the bird also from colored paper, but choose a different color. The bird should contrast with the tree. The bird can also be folded from paper using the origami technique.

Glue on the crown, tree trunk, don’t forget about the leaves and the bird. The tree trunk can not be glued, but attached to the drawing. You will get the simplest volumetric applique. But what pleasure will it give to the child, having made it, he will be proud of himself.

Mastering complex techniques

In fact, even the most complex technique can be mastered even by Small child, so don't be afraid to do fancy things. To fluff, you just need to glue a few small pieces of paper. Parts can be crushed, compressed, flattened, etc.

Try the trimming technique, which involves rolling small tubes of small pieces of paper into a square shape. Using a straight rod or toothpick, you need to form bundles. The squares are crumpled around a sharp object and glued to a large sheet of paper. A pattern is formed from several such convolutions. The rod should hold until the bundle is firmly glued.

It must be said that such an activity requires perseverance, but helps to relax the nervous system. Many packages can be prepared in advance, then all that remains is to glue them to the drawing. They will look great and create a three-dimensional image.

What can be done using the quilling technique

Mastering the quilling technique will be a little more difficult. But it's worth it because you can make some really attractive appliques with it. First you will need to make blanks from double-sided colored paper.

For this you will need sewing needles, patterns, nail scissors, board. The needle is stuck into the board; colored paper will need to be wrapped around it. Patterns help to give an even shape. Each petal must be secured with a needle so that they do not unfold. One needle is attached at the bottom to keep the shape sharp, the other in the middle and the third at the top. When the sheet is ready, it needs to be attached in place with glue.

With the help of quilling, we can present the objects around us in a non-standard way. Create paper applications with your own hands and make cards, panels, decor and many other things out of them if you want to surprise people.

The little ones can be encouraged to make appliqués using the tear-off method, when the material is glued by tearing it off. This activity is quite useful for young children, as it develops fine motor skills and promotes speech development. For older children, you can make the task more difficult and ask them to cut along a pre-drawn contour.

Paper flowers in a pot

Such flowers are an excellent means of decoration. holiday card, especially on the holiday of March 8th. First you need to form a pot where you will place multi-layer flowers. The stems of the flowers are glued to the pot or you can place it on a sheet of paper where they are drawn.

Next you will need to craft the flowers. Take a piece of polystyrene foam as the middle, but you can also use a simple piece of paper, which you need to crumple first. Then cut out petals from colored paper and stick it around the center. Show your imagination and take and decorate voluminous paper applications with your own hands using ribbons, beads and other available materials.

If you want to make voluminous paper flowers with your own hands, then corrugated paper will help you. Flowers from corrugated paper will look big and airy. You should make petals of different sizes - small, medium, large, and then the flower will look more attractive. The lower edges of the petals should have a cut. They are folded overlapping and then bent outward. By gluing the petals to the base, you get a flower. Any kind of flowers can be made this way.

If you want to make chamomile, then you will need a white sheet that is cut into strips. By folding the strip and gluing the edges, you will get a beautiful petal. Glue the edges of the petals to the yellow center made from three layers of paper. Even a small child can make a chamomile.

And if you want to make paper flowers more complicated, then try making a chrysanthemum from paper cones. To make a cone, you need to cut out a 5 by 5 cm square from paper and then roll it into a cone. It is better to coat the ends of the paper with glue so that they are firmly attached. When you have at least 40 pieces of cones, you can assemble a three-dimensional flower from them. A paper rose is also made.

You can make templates and flower schemes in advance and use them to create a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

Making a dove

You can easily decorate the space of your apartment using voluminous applications. Try making cute doves and they will be a decoration for your dinner party or theme party. The dove figures must first be cut out; the stencil will help you do this correctly.

Next, bend along the lines so that you get a dove figurine. The bird's tail should rise up when you bend the structure over the back. Bend your head and beak. If a child finds it difficult to complete this task, then it is worth helping him with this. The wings are attached to the dove separately. They must first be made and then bent in the same way as the rest of the parts.

You can create a huge number of crafts from paper that will decorate your room. If you find it difficult to study, then use step by step wizard class that you can easily find on the Internet. By working together with children, you help them develop better. And this activity will help you get rid of the stress that accompanies our lives everywhere. With a little perseverance, you will be able to make a wonderful gift for your loved ones!