Means for facing faces. Washing oily skin: what a tool will suit you. Complete Washing Cold Water

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In childhood, even girls do not want to wash in the morning and in the evening and do it only when it makes mom. Misgrim, they understand that it is one of the ways to relax and remove the tension after a long day. It can be said that skin care begins with washing, but, as it turned out, negligence in this business can harm us and cause premature aging of the skin and the appearance of acne.

We are in website They found out about the subtleties of daily washing and they were surprised to find that many of us do it wrong. In this article, our readers will find professional advice and recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Fundamental rules

  • To really clean your skin, start with hands. Thoroughly wash them with soap to remove dirt and fat, and not carry it all into your washbasin and face.
  • Many girls make one of two common mistakes: remove make-up with a special tool, but then do not wash the face, or, on the contrary, use a means for washing, without deleting cosmetics before that.
  • Tell me "no" reusable sponge: Even if you wash them every evening, they will multiply bacteria that will not make anything useful for your skin.
  • Many dermatologists are advised to wash their hands in order to lean the skin less, because microcracks and excessive friction can lead to premature wrinkles. Merind Joy, working with many Hollywood stars, recommend It is as follows: Circular massage movements apply a means for washing on moisturized skin, not strongly appreciated. Do not forget that our skin is covered with thin hairs, and circular movements will just help the agent to penetrate the pores under them.
  • For additional exfoliation experts advise Use not sponge, but disposable fabric wipes or cloths for washing dishes (in our time without difficulty you can buy cheap sets of such products). Soft movements remove the remnants of the product from the face, after which you send a towel or rag into the washing, and throw a disposable napkin.

What a means to choose

For dryskin will fit lotions and milk.

For oily and combined - Gels and foam.

For matureand sensitive- foam.

Try to find a tool consisting of which there is no alcohol, but there is glycerin and niacinamide. If your skin proposed to acne, Look for salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide. But if you have oily skin, do not use the means every day. Such skin can also be cut with cosmetics, and then it will begin to allocate even more fats, thereby aggravating the situation with acne.

Water and towel

One beauty canal shared video where the process of washing is shown in detail, which are used by many girls in Korea. The main advice sounds like this: contact your face, as if this is your child. That is, the pressure on the skin should be minimal. Here is what the gentle wash way looks like:

  • Moisten the face with water.
  • Sull the required amount of money and fooled it, but not on the face, but in your hands. If you use foam, it is not necessary to do it.
  • Very gently and gently apply the tool to the whole face.
  • Make massage motions with the maizins: they will not be able to pull great and injure the skin. In addition, the little figures will help to walk in more detail.
  • Ride the tool, but do not try your face with wet hands. Instead, pick up water into your hands and neatly, small portions, dust face.
  • Do not scrape your face with a towel. Instead, it is necessary to wipe your hands and make a little face.
  • While the face is wet, apply tonic or thermal water.

Will you forget to wash in the evenings? What kind of leather do you use?

For reading 12 min.

Acne on the face has not yet decorated anyone, so everyone is trying to find a productive means to fight acne. A large range of cosmetic preparations makes you think and a person cannot decide on the choice. Why start? What will be more effective: cream, mask or tonic? We want to recommend starting with a gel for washing. After all, it is not necessary to buy the entire store to get rid of acne. Gels for washing well helps problem skin. The main thing is to choose the right tool to suit the skin type. Decide which gel you need is a store or made independently from natural components. But before considering the variants of gels for washing, let's find out the causes of acne and what can not be done when they occur.

Why does the angry rash appear on the face?

The appearance of acne at any age can talk about different diseases. Often in age category from 12 to 18 years old are acne associated with adolescence. Spring hormones makes itself felt in the form of pimples and excessive work of sebaceous glands. But also in adolescents can not be excluded other reasons for the appearance of acne. Even at the place of their localization, we can say which organ suffers and what exactly needs to be examined.

  1. Rashes on the forehead can mean gastrointestinal diseases;
  2. On the nose - diseases of the heart and endocrine system;
  3. Cheeks - a problem with light;
  4. Chin - hormonal acne.

The reasons for the appearance of acne may be:

  • hormonal imbalance (in adolescence, with a climax, during pregnancy, with a hormonal failure);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the use of poor-quality cosmetics;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • non-compliance with hygienic standards;
  • hereditary rash;
  • overheating or supercooling of the body;
  • infection;
  • excessive tan.

If acne or black dots appeared on the face, you should take the necessary measures to prevent deterioration. But in no case cannot squeeze acne. This will lead to the spread of infection to nearby fabrics and then cure it is much more complicated. With inflamed acne, it is not necessary to absorb the skin - it will cause irritation and deterioration of the condition of the skin.

How to choose a gel for washing with acne rams?

As already mentioned earlier, it is necessary to start getting rid of acne from the gels for washing.

  • When you buy a tool, then look at the components components. There must be contained: vitamins, glycerin, acid, nouper, vegetable extracts, different oils, peg, chitosan, allaintoin. All these elements have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating and wound-healing effect;
  • Do not look at the price. If the drug is expensive, then this does not mean that it is effective. You can buy an inexpensive and high-quality gel. Pay attention to the manufacturer, since the gels of the same composition may differ at the price due to different firms;
  • Be sure to take into account the skin type and buy the remedy for it. Otherwise, after use, the condition of the skin only worsen. May appear: irritation, peeling, inflammatory processes will increase;
  • For confidence, contact before buying to a beautician or dermatologist. It will advise what remedy is most suitable in a particular case.

Age features of the skin

But for a positive effect, you should choose a gel for a certain type of skin and age. Since acne appears actively on oily skin, then consider the means suitable for this type of skin, but in the age category.

  • 12 - 20 years. Choose gels, as part of which are present: zinc elements, salicylic acid and triclosan. It is better if there is no alcohol in this tool, as it cuts the skin, the sebaceous glands enhance their work and the pimples appear even more. In adolescence, choose cleansing agents without adding moisturizing components to them;
  • 20 - 25 years. It is necessary to take care of the saturation of the skin by vitamins, its purification and protection against the effects of external factors. The funds should include: mitigating and anti-inflammatory components on a vegetable basis. Normalize the greatest activity: a series, Aloe, Sage, chamomile, calendula, cleanliness;
  • At the age of 25, take care of cleansing, protecting and rejuvenating effect. Fruit acid in gels can cope with this wonderful. It can be acid: apples, grapes, dairy and others.

It is not recommended to use the gel for washing more often than two times a day.

Fire Leather Washing Rules

  1. Do not wash warm or hot water. High temperatures provoke excessive selection of subcutaneous bass. Use cold or indoor water;
  2. For skin tones, spend a contrast washout once in seven days. Alternation of cold and hot water;
  3. Do not wash your face too often, as it is harmful for this type of skin;
  4. Do not use gels with granules to be touched with inflamed and purulent acne, because it will cause irritation and distribution of infection to nearby fabrics.

What are the gels for washing?

They are:

  • tonic;
  • soothing;
  • moisturizing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drinking.

Among all this large selection, with skin, prone to the formation of acne, you need to look for drugs on which it will be indicated:

  • against acne rash;
  • against greasy shine;
  • narrows pores;
  • for problem skin.

Such means are capable of cleaning, removing inflammation and irritation, force the pores, normalize the production of subcutaneous fat and eliminate the skin rashes. Especially appreciated gels with content of acids and retinoids.

Geli, which contain salicylic acid, are effective in combating acne and black dots. If the acne does not pass for a long time, then these drugs should surely try. They act as an antibacterial agent and antiseptic. Properties of such funds:

  • dry inflammation;
  • clean black dots;
  • eliminate and prevent the occurrence of acne;
  • pathogenic microorganisms kill;
  • normalizes skin balance.

But during pregnancy or dry skin, use such means is contraindicated.
The gels include this list:

  1. from acne and black points Compliment No Problem;
  2. from acne salicylic propeller;
  3. "Daily care" from Clearasil;
  4. against acne "Exfopro" from Garnier;
  5. exfoliating for washing Pure Zone from L'Oreal;
  6. cleansing Normaderm from Vichy.

Compliment No Problem.

It gives a triple effect, namely:

  • Kills bacteria over the entire surface of the skin;
  • Eliminates ache rashes, black dots and prevents the emergence of new formations;
  • The pores narrows, cleans them and matures.

Using this product, the skin acquires a healthy appearance, it becomes smooth and fresh. Colorless, with fruit aroma. The composition includes: castor oil, glycerin, salicylic acid, chamomile, tea tree oil, butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben, isobutilparaben, ethylparaben. Does not contain alcohol. Perfectly cleans the skin and destroys the pimples.

Salicylic sleeve gel (propeller)

It has anti-inflammatory action. Keratolithic and antimicrobial remedy cleans the pores well, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, invested and eliminates the rashes. Composition: salicylic acid, biosalicylate, lactulose. Thanks to these components, the gel is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Gel Cream "Daily Care" from Clearasil

It is a means of number one in the fight against problem skin. It is a cleansing, exfoliating means. Kills pathogenic microorganisms, which does not give infections to spread further. Stops and eliminates inflammatory processes, removes pimples, bold shine and black dots. Cleansing the pores actively, does not overheat the skin. But it matches it perfectly.

Gel vs Akne "Exfopro" from Garnier

Cares for oily skin. Promotes the complete destruction of acne, black dots and even traces of the Package. This is all due to the absorbent coal and salicylic acid, which are part of the tool.
The properties include:

  • elimination of acne and inflammatory processes;
  • disappearance of oily shine;
  • drying the wound;
  • cleansing skin;
  • gives softness and freshness.

But if the skin is very sensitive, then refrain from the use of this gel.

Exfoliating gel for washing PURE ZONE from L'Oreal

It has a gel consistency with particles for scrubbing. The composition is very large, but the main thing is that it includes salicylic acid. This gel is capable of:

  • pretty pores and clean them;
  • remove shine and black dots;
  • contribute to the disappearance of acne
  • deeply departed;
  • toning.

Vichy Cleansing Gel

Created for daily care. The composition has also salicylic acid and thermal water. It is very effective in relation to acne.

  • instantly removes fat shine;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tones;
  • mildly cleans the skin of contaminants.

All these tools are in their composition salicylic acid. Therefore, used for fatty skin. Use them for normal and dry contraindicated.

Salicylic acid gels

There is also many more gels for washing, which can be used when problems with acne. This list includes:

  1. PURE EFFECT from Nivea;
  2. Avene Cleanance from Pierre Fabre;
  3. Sebo Gel Nettoyant Purifiant from Arnaud;
  4. Planeta Organica phyto-gel;
  5. Effaclar from La Roche-Posay;
  6. Pureness from Shiseido.

Cream Gel Pure Effect from Nivea

May come not only for normal, but also for oily, problem skin. As part of the extracts of magnolia, which reveal the pores and remove all pollution from them. Prevents the appearance of acne rash, eliminates the glossy shine, matures and moisturizes the skin.

Avene Cleanance.

This is a gently cleansing gel for washing with therapeutic properties. Removes black dots and pimples, eliminates fatty from skin. The manufacturer is France. The composition has: thermal water, pumpkin extract, zinc gluconate, avten, glycerol, cleansing base. The gel soothes irritation, relieves inflammation, disinfects the skin and kills microbes. It also tones and refreshes the skin. Allergic is very rarely observed when using this fund.

Sebo Gel Nettoant Purifiant from Arnaud

Effectively copes with problem skin. Acne and comedones disappear, since the tool pulls out the entire contents of the pore, carefully cleans. The skin becomes matte and well-groomed.

Planeta Organica.

The phyto-gel for washing arrived at us directly shipped from Japan. The composition is very rich, here include:

  1. Extracts: Tolls, White Tea, Margoz, Icelandic Moss, Assai Berries, Cardamom, Angeliki, Sage, Turmeric, Violets and Mountain Orchid Petals and Others;
  2. Oils: Pink Rhodians, Calendula, Fennel, Evening, Mirut, Rice Bran;
  3. Vitamins: E, P, C, B5;
  4. Aloe Vera gel.

It has a lot of properties:

  • feeds;
  • softens;
  • protects;
  • cleans;
  • exfoliates;
  • removes irritation and inflammation;
  • eliminates acne and comedones.

This gel is an effective means against angry rash and excessively oily skin.

Effaclar from La Roche-Posay

It is an expensive means, but very effective against acne, comedones and black dots. So that there is no acne, you should use Effaclar to use EFFACLAR. Feedback on this drug positive, which inspires confidence.
The thermal water is based on the gel, the composition does not contain:

  • alcohol;
  • parabens;
  • dyes;
  • soap.

In order not to be acne, use this drug twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Run needed with plenty of water.

  • has a cleansing property;
  • eliminates fat shine;
  • pulls out the contents of pores;
  • eliminates acne rash, comedones;
  • tones.

Pureness from Shiseido.

This is a light foam gel with granules.

  • gives skin ease and freshness;
  • tones and cleans;
  • cleans and narrows pores;
  • reduces the fatty skin;
  • dry pimples;
  • removes inflammation;
  • destroys microbes.

All presented tools can easily help fight acne. But what if there is no money to buy a cosmetic? But it is necessary to get rid of acne, and soap wash it all the time harmful.

Preparing means for washing at home

We offer to prepare means for washing at home yourself. This will not only save money, but also adds confidence that only natural components are present in the medium that is used.
For oily skin, use oils or beams from the presented herbs and plants:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • plantain;
  • aloe;
  • calendula;
  • a series;
  • jojoba;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • fir;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
  • oak bark;
  • st. John's wort;
  • sagebrush;
  • eucalyptus;
  • carnation and others.

In addition to plant extracts, it is advisable to add honey, lemon juice, acid, milk, etc.


Such tools help restore the skin. Get rid of acne, comedones, black dots and oily shine.

Honey lotion for washing

It will help to remove acne, remove inflammation. It will feed and purify the fatty skin.

  1. pour into a mug 200 ml of boiled room water;
  2. add 10 ml of liquid bee honey;
  3. we mix with 6 drops of lavender essential oil;
  4. all ingredients are mixed and the composition is ready for washing.

Broth on herbs for washing

This tool has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Heats pimples and eliminates irritation.

  1. in the bank mix the yarrow, St. John's wort and sage of 10 g;
  2. pour cool boiling water and insist for 2 hours;
  3. focus and use.

Fire Leather Wash

Eliminate the fat shine and relocate from problem skin.

  1. in large capacitance, mix the plantain, mint and chamomile in 20 g;
  2. poured cool boiling water and insist for an hour;
  3. fit and add 5 g of potato starch;
  4. wash your face twice a day.

All presented means for washing perfectly cope with the problematic skin of the face. Even if the rashes do not pass for a long time, you do not need to despair, continue to apply the tool, as it should take some time that the result is visible. Choose what you liked most. Do not forget to test an allergic reaction and, most importantly, do not get carried away with washing. Frequent use will only adversely affect the skin.

Do you want you to have a healthy, fresh and shiny face skin? Wash every day. However, do it in the right way so as not to harm the skin, thereby causing its inflammation and irritation. If your skin is prone to acne and dry, find out how to care for her.


Wash every day

Wash warm water. Spag hair upstairs and breathe warm water. The use of hot or cold water can cause irritation, and warm water gently takes care of your skin, without causing redness and irritation.

  • You can apply water on your face with hands or use a towel moistened with water.
  • Skin Moisturizing Before using Washing Means will simplify this process. In addition, you do not have to use too much means for washing.

Apply a washbasin or soap with delicate, circular motions. Use a very little tool that is suitable for your skin type. Remember that for washing you do not need a lot of soap or wash equipment. Apply it on the skin of the face with circular motions. Mass the face of the face for a minute.

The exfoliation is the most important stage in the daily skin care. Exfoliation is a deep purification that frees the surface of the skin from damaged particles and opens the pores. Perform this procedure once a few days, and your face skin will look fresh and shining. Using the face or towel scrub, sweete the skin with circular movements, paying special attention to the most dry or bold places on the face.

  • However, remember that everything is good in moderation. Too frequent exfoliation procedure can irritate the skin. Make the exfoliation only a few times a week, avoid excessive pressure on the skin. In the days when there is no need to make exfoliation, just skip this step when you wash.
  • You can prepare your own face scrub using what you have at hand. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of sugar sand and 1 teaspoon of water or milk.
  • Rock the foam water and blot face dry. Use warm water to rinse the face. Make sure you wash off the entire foam. Use the towel to get into the face of dry. Do not try much hard, it annoys the skin and stimulates the appearance of wrinkles.

    Use the face tonic. If you want your skin look smooth and smooth, use a face tonic. Apply a cotton tonic, paying special attention to the places where the pores are expanded.

    Finish the whole process using moisturizing cream. Select a moisturizing cream that matches your skin type. Moisturizing cream helps protect the skin and retains it young and shining.

    • If you wash before bedtime, use the night moisturizing cream.
    • If you go out, use a moisturizing cream with a sunscreen factor, desirable with SPF 15 and higher.

    Wash the face whose skin is prone to acne

    Wash twice a day. You can do it in the morning and in the evening. Were in the morning, you refresh the skin of the face and clean it from bacteria. Wreaty in the evening, you remove sweat, dirt and cosmetics from the skin. However, do not worry more often than two times, since frequent washness dries the skin of the face.

    Use a washbasin that matches the skin type prone to acne. Ordinary wash products can only aggravate the problem. Chemicals, alcohol and oils can irritate the skin and clog the pores even more. Select a tool that will help you solve your problem.

    Do not spend exfoliating procedures. Many people suffering from acne make such a mistake. The use of scrub can only aggravate the problem and cause even greater inflammation. If your skin has acne, she needs special care. Even if you spend exfoliating procedures, use the means that will not cause even greater skin harm.

    • Instead of a face scrub, use a washcloth that swell the face with circular movements.
    • Never use the brush if your skin is prone to acne.
  • Do not make hot water. Hot water can cause skin irritation, become red and inflamed. So wash away only cool water. In addition, avoid breaking the face, as it may aggravate the problem.

    Mildly blot face. If your skin is prone to acne, do not use a terry towel. Buy a soft towel, which are just blocked the skin. Erase the towel as often as possible, so as not to make pathogenic bacteria.

    Use moisturizer. If your skin is prone to acne, it leads to a rapid clogging of pores. Pick up cream that can be used for your skin type. If you decide to use an oil-based moisturizing cream, you can check it on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Apply cream and wait a few days, evaluate the result. Now you can decide, use this cream or not.

    • Aloe soothes irritated skin and gives it a healthy shine.
    • If your skin is very fat, do not use the moisturizing cream at all, or apply it only to those places where the skin is dry.

    Wash dry skin

    Wash out once a day. If you have very dry skin, wash up no more times a day. Do it in the evening before bedtime to wash cosmetics from the skin of the face. In the morning, just rinse the face with warm water or wipe the wet cloth. After that, apply a moisturizing cream.

  • Use gentle soap or oil as a wash tool. Pick the appropriate means for washing so that your skin does not even dry. For your skin type, dry skin or oil is suitable.

    • If you use oil, just wet your face with water and apply oil on it (almond, olive, jojoba, coconut and so on). Use the napkin to wipe the face with circular motions, then rinse the oil with warm water.
    • If you decide to use the tool that purchased in the store, note that it should not include Laurilsulfate or laureate sulfate. Sulfates strongly dried the skin.
  • Immediately about important: it is not worthwhile more often a day - excessive cleansing destroys the protective barrier of the skin.

    If earlier with dry skin it is strictly forbidden to be washed with water - only with micellar composition, special lotions or milk, today even dry skin is allowed to be saved, and special oils allowed for fatty.

    When choosing funds, perhaps the most important thing is their hypoallergenicity, since the number of girls with sensitive skin grows every year. Especially among residents of megacities.

    Wash more often than two times a day - excessive cleansing destroys the protective barrier of the skin. © iStock.

    Forms for washing

      It will be useful if you or combined skin and you are pleasant to this texture. Eliminating pollution, remove the fat shine, matting and slightly narrowing the pores. Special soft gels are suitable and the owners of dry skin.

      Mousse (Penka)

      It copes well with pollution and greasy shine, does not dehydrate and does not contain a significant amount of surfactant. With fat and combined skin, the foam with acids will help (activates the cellular updates). With dry - with moisturizing components, such as glycerin.

      Milk (cosmetic cream)

      Best choice for dry skin. Moisturizes and softens, relieves irritation.

      Hydrophilic oil

      Suitable for all skin types. When contacting with water turns into a pleasant emulsion, removes makeup and contamination. Keeps the integrity of the lipid layer of the skin, does not provoke the production of excess sebum.

    Today, even dry skin is allowed to be saved, and for fatty - allowable to use special oils. © iStock.

      Micellar water

      Its efficiency is provided with micelles - special molecules from the discharge of non-aggressive surfactants. This tool is universally and suitable for any type of skin. In addition, some brands, for example, La Roche-Posay are released for different skin types.

      For washing is permissible, but undesirable. High alkalinity (the pH of a conventional solid soap is 9-11) disrupts the natural PN-balance of the skin (pH of dry skin - from 3 to 4.6; normal - from 4.7 to 5.7; oily - from 5.8 to 7 ). However, now the so-called synthesis appeared. These are synthetic soaps of liquid or solid consistency with PN 5.5. They clean the fat and combined skin, relieve inflammation. But they also do not use the Sinida constantly to not overheat the epidermis.

      Cream and balsam

      The foaming agents that often include oils and vegetable extracts. Recommended for dry and leather dryness. If there are drizzling components in the list of ingredients (eucalyptus extract or oil,), then for oily skin, cream or balm is also suitable.

    Rating of the best means for washing

    We share considerations about the best, according to the editorial board of the site, the means for cleansing. And again insist: you need to choose them only by type of skin and depending on the problems you want to solve.

    For oily and combined skin

    Cleansing gel against fatty glitter Purefect Skin Anti-Shine Purifying Cleansing Gel, Biotherm

    Means with zinc, laminarial extract and flushes pollution and refreshes the skin. Sushing pores, removes excess semum.

    Cleansing foaming gel Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay

    The formula based on thermal water with seborgugulating component (zinc pidolat) is ideal for oily skin, prone to acne. Removes contamination and excess of sebum, serves as imperfection prophylaxis.

    Gel Scrab Mask 3-in-1 "Pure Leather", Garnier

    The means for fatty and combined skin with salicylic acid, zinc, eucalyptus extract and abrasive particles is suitable for washing, exfoliation, deep cleansing. Reduces black dots, reduces imperfections, matures.

    For dry skin

    Soft Cleans Gentle Cleanser, Skinseuticals

    Thanks to orange oil and delicately cleanses even sensitive skin, gives a feeling of purity and comfort.

    Cleansing milk for dry skin Galatée Confort, Lancôme

    A gentle agent with almond oil and uterine milk cleans, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, strengthens the protective barrier.

    Cleansing Gel Skin Oxygen Depolluting Cleanser, Biotherm

    The gel with melting texture and formula, which contains chlorella extract, carefully removes the contamination without overwhelming the skin.

    For normal skin

    Hydrophilic oil "Global Recovery" Ultime8, Shu Uemura

    Mixing with water, butter becomes an emulsion that needs to be gently distributed by a cotton disk or hands, and then washed off. As part of - 8 vegetable oils and extracts for moisturizing and skin softening.

    Micellar water biphasna, L "Oréal Paris

    The tool enriched with natural oils is gently, but effectively cleanses and moisturizes the skin of any type, not leaving the fatty shine and the sensation of the tightness. Before use, you must shake the bottle to mix the aqueous and oil phases.

    This material is subjective, not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

    Proper care is the key to the beauty and youth of the skin. Using special tools from adolescent age, you can prevent the appearance of acne, early wrinkle education, keep the water balance. Skin health directly depends on its cleansing. Previously, it was just washing with ordinary water with soap. But this departure often led to dry skin, impaired its lipid balance. Today manufacturers offer a huge selection of means for washing for every taste and wallet.

    Gel is the most common type. It not only cleans from various contaminants, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Unlike soap, the remedy does not cross the skin. Thanks to a balanced composition, selected specifically for a specific type, it moisturizes and nourishes. Often includes vegetable extracts, oils and special drugs.

    When choosing a gel, you must consider the following points: age and your skin type. The smell and consistency also have an important meaning. Easy unobtrusive fragrance indicates the absence of perfumeful fonders. The texture of the medium density will be well foaming and not spread when washing.

    Products of popular brands guarantee safe and careful cleansing. Before buying a gel, an unknown brand should be explored to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions. Expertology experts amounted to the rating of the best means for problem, dry, oily and sensitive skin, as well as universal and cleansing gels, given the reviews of ordinary buyers.

    Rating of the best gels for washing

    Nomination a place Name of product price
    Best cleansing gels for washing 1 2 165 ₽.
    2 1 135 ₽
    3 290 ₽
    Best gels for kneading skin 1 673 ₽.
    2 885 ₽.
    3 1 600 ₽.
    Best Hakes for Washing For Dry Skin 1 1 222 ₽.
    2 642 ₽.
    3 420
    Best gels for oily skin 1 1 343 ₽.
    2 960 ₽.
    3 590 ₽.
    Best gels for washing for sensitive skin 1 990 ₽.
    2 896 ₽.
    3 270 ₽.
    The best universal gels for washing 1 4 760 ₽.
    2 1 590 ₽.
    3 1 100 ₽
    4 509 ₽.

    Best cleansing gels for washing

    Cleansing gels for washing should perform the main task - remove dust, dirt, laborer discharge, makeup. They include useful additives that are mild and, at the same time, effectively affect the skin, improve its condition, maintain a healthy view for many years. Using the correctly selected tool, you can see a positive result in a short time.

    The French brand began the release of cosmetics for professional departure in 1958. Unique formulas created on the basis of plant components and essential oils, give the skin beauty and health at any age, guarantee efficient purification, nutrition and moisturizing.

    The natural ingredients included in the washbasin, delicately affect the skin, remove all kinds of contaminants, even resistant makeup. The two-phase structure is transformed from the gel to the oil, restores the hydrolyphid balance, gives the radiance. Darphin washing gel is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive.

    According to consumers, it makes the waterproof cosmetics as efficiently as possible. Name the minimum consumption for one application. The skin after using smooth and silky, well moistened and strengthened.


      maximum cleansing;

      economical flow;

      for all skin types;

      natural composition;


    • high price.

    Gel for washing the grade Clarins takes a worthy place in the ranking, thanks to its quality and efficiency. The company for the production of professional leaving facilities was founded in 1954 in France, and today it is a recognized leader whose products are used women and men around the world.

    Gel Eclat Du Jour is designed for all skin types, including those prone to allergies. The composition does not contain parabens, soap, alcohol, sulfates, which guarantees delicate and soft cleansing. The tool neutralizes the rigidity of water causing dryness, deeply moistens, creates a barrier from the effects of negative factors.

    Castor oil has an antibacterial effect, prevents the occurrence of inflammation. The tool is perfect for young skin, prone to acne. Consumers mark fast cleansing and moisturizing.


      safe composition;

      minimum flow;


      deep purification;


    • not detected.

    The company was created almost half a century ago and named after the most beautiful lake in Finland. All tools are designed on the basis of healing northern plants, differ in high quality, make the skin healthy and shining.

    Matt Touch has a highly efficient action, removes a resistant makeup, surplus sweat and subcutaneous balancing, regulates their education, prevents the appearance of comedones and acne. The composition does not include alcohol, soap, artificial fragrances, parabens and formaldehyde. After use, the fat shine is eliminated, the skin becomes smooth and matte.

    According to the reviews with a gentle cream texture, optimally suitable for combined skin, adjusts the water-fat balance. After use, black dots are brighten, inflammation and redness are reduced, a healthy look is returned.


      plant components;

      affordable price;

      gives mattness;

      maximum cleansing;


    • not detected.

    Best gels for kneading skin

    Problem skin more than other types requires enhanced care. Special tools are capable not only to clean from any contamination, but also prevent new inflammation, reduce redness. The main criterion when choosing gels for washing is the composition. It must be absolutely safe, do not contain synthetic additives that negatively affect the condition of the skin. In our rating, we included 3 funds that have the most effective effect.

    French leaving cosmetics is created on the basis of thermal waters, absolutely safe for health, many tools have a healing effect. The gel for washing is suitable for all skin types, including those prone to irritation. It effectively removes dust, dirt, remnants of laborer discharge and makeup.

    The light texture of the gel is well foaming, deeply penetrates into the pores, it is easily flushed, does not push and does not overheat. After applying, the skin is purified, soft, smooth. The composition includes salicylic acid, known for its antibacterial properties.

    With regular use, you can achieve a positive result in a short time. Problem skin is well moistened, the greasy shine disappears, inflammation is stopped, the appearance of new formations is prevented.


      effectively removes pollution;

      regulates water balance;

      natural components in the composition;


    • not detected.

    The French company creates cosmetics under the strict control of dermatologists and ophthalmologists. It is based on the thermal water of La Roche-Posay, known for its healing effect. All products are hypoallergenic, do not contain artificial additives, suitable for people with sensitive skin.

    Gel for washes gently removes all kinds of contaminants, eliminates the greasy shine, cleanses the pores, controls the water-fat balance. Zinc and glycosyl pidolat are an antibacterial effect, prevent inflammation education.

    According to reviews, the daily use of the gel in the morning and in the evening makes the skin less sensitive to negative impacts. It becomes smooth, smooth, disappears acne rash. The minimum flow per wash allows you to use the tool for a long time.



      for all skin types;

      without smell;

      high anti-inflammatory effect;

      maximum cleansing;


    • not detected.


    Our rating includes a gel for washing the famous brand Clinique, which was created specifically for the care of problem skin. It has the same therapeutic effect as medical preparations for acne treat. The skin after use becomes clean, well-groomed, acquires a healthy look.

    The unique formula allows deep to penetrate into the pores and remove contamination. Antibacterial components prevent the spread of inflammation microorganisms. With the help of absorbent fat ingredients, its development is controlled, the silateral shine is eliminated.

    Gel foams well, minimally spent. Positive feedbacks talk about its high efficiency. With regular use of imperfection of the skin disappear, the appearance of new problem areas is prevented.


      therapeutic effect;

      control of the production of subcutaneous fat;

      antibacterial action;

      deep and soft cleansing;


    • not detected.

    Best Hakes for Washing For Dry Skin

    Dry skin delivers discomfort and discomfort to their owners. She is characterized by dehydration, peeling, itching, the feeling of grinding. Manufacturers create special product line for this type, in which moisturizing and soothing components are necessarily present. By choosing the choice in favor of an effective agent, you can achieve excellent results in a short time.

    La Roche-Posay (miceller cleansing gel)

    The second tool of the popular French brand, included in the rating, was developed taking into account the peculiarities of dry, dehydrated skin. The composition does not include parabens, sulfates and other chemical additives. Gel is recommended for use by the International Union of Dermatologists.

    Micelles remove pollution and resistant makeup. Specially selected components provide maximum tolerability. The hyaluronic acid derivative promotes regeneration, deeply penetrates the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it. Ksanthina's complex soothes, makes it smooth, elastic and elastic.

    According to the reviews after use, the skin receives instant moistening, the effect of struts and irritation disappears. Many users mark the cost-effective consumption and duration of using one package.


      delicate cleansing;

      intensive moisturizing;


      restoration of hydrolyphid balance;


    • not detected.

    Avene Nutritious Cleansing Gel with Cold Cream

    Nourishing gel for washing is designed specifically for very dry and atopic skin. It is also recommended for use after cosmetic procedures and dermatological treatment. The tool consists of a soft detergent, no soap, alcohol and other annoying components.

    A specially developed formula helps to gently affect the skin and remove all kinds of contaminants, including persistent makeup. Thermal water has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces irritation, eliminates peeling and itching.

    The bee wax forms a protective film that impedes the loss of moisture and penetration of dirt and dust. Glycerin has a softening effect. With regular use, the hydrolyphid balance is restored, discomfort, dryness and flattering disappear.


      safe composition;

      soothing action;

      instant moisturizing;

      therapeutic effect;


    • not detected.

    Nonicare - Intensive Moisturizing and Care 25+

    All brand cosmetics are produced based on the Noni fruit juice, which contains in a high concentration of the useful substances necessary for nutrition and restoration of dry skin. In the composition of the gel included in the rating, there are no synthetic components, it has an eco labeling.

    A unique complex of vegetable ingredients gently purifies from makeup and dirt, penetrating deep into the skin, does not disturb its pH, protects against the effects of hard water. Chamomile has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Olive and avocado oils moisturize and contribute to recovery.

    Extracts of bitter orange and grapefruit toned, prevent the appearance of pigmentation and black dots. Aloe vera extract soothes irritated skin. Gel for washing has a well-foam texture and a pleasant herbal aroma.


      Eco product;

      maximum moisturizing;

      antibacterial action;

      effective removal of contamination;


    • not detected.

    Best gels for oily skin

    For oily leaks are characterized by greasy shine, extended pores, intensive formation of acne and black dots. All this gives a lot of trouble with the owners of this type. Incorrectly selected means, rigid water, the negative impact of surrounding factors can aggravate the situation and further lead to more serious problems. We chose 3 tools that will help the skin to stay healthy and well-kept for a long time.

    The French gel for washing with marine extracts is created with the individual characteristics characteristic of the fatty skin. It does not contain parabens, mineral oils and ingredients of animal origin. Morning seeds are rich in iron, calcium, vitamins A, B, C, E, amino acids. They purify and refresh, give mattness.

    Gel regulates the production of subcutaneous fat, restores the hydrolyphid balance. It clarifies and levels the tone, localizes distressed places and prevents their new occurrence. Acting as an antioxidant, it derives toxins and other harmful substances.

    Light gel texture is well foaming, deeply penetrates into the pores, wash off any pollution and remnants of cosmetics. The minimum consumption for one application guarantees a comfortable dispenser cover.


      safe components;

      convenient packaging;

      effective cleansing;

      fast restoration of water balance;


    • high price.

    Vichy Purete Thermale - Refreshing Cleansing Gel

    Another product Vichy entered our rating, thanks to high estimates of specialists and exclusively positive customer reviews. Purete Thermale removes all kinds of contaminants, copes even with very resistant makeup. It does not contain alcohol, parabens, artificial fragrances and dyes, is a hypoallergenic agent that has passed strict dermatological control.

    Thermal water strengthens, restores and soothes. Amilit delicately cleans. Special additives soften rigid water, protect against the negative effects of substances included in its composition. After a single application, a positive result is noticeable: Fat shine disappears, leather smooth, matte.

    Antibacterial components prevent the reproduction of bacteria, thereby preventing the emergence of new inflammation.


      removes persistent contamination;

      anti-inflammatory action;

      hypoallergenic agent;

      regulates the production of sebum;


    • not detected.

    Levrana Gel for washing "Tea Tree" (hydrophilic oil)

    The Russian brand produces safe cosmetics, which consists of natural ingredients. In its production, only plant extracts and oils are used. There are no animal products in it. Gel is designed for daily fatty skin.

    The tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antioxidant effect. It is effectively fighting with acne, relieves swelling and redness. Means with a light aroma of mint gives a feeling of freshness for the whole day.

    The creamy texture is well foaming and turns into an air milk when contacting the skin. After regular use, the silent shine disappears, the face looks healthy and well-groomed. According to reviews, high efficiency and optimal value make a means popular among buyers.


      natural composition;

      affordable price;

      nice smell;

      deep purification;


    • not detected.

    Best gels for washing for sensitive skin

    Sensitive skin reacts to any, even the most minor stimulus. Instantly redness occurs, and sometimes more serious complications accompanied by allergic diseases. In such cases, strict medical control and the right choice of care products are needed. In our rating, we included gels for washing, which are recommended for the use of dermatologists and passed strict testing in production.


    The gel for washing is designed for sensitive skin, including children and prone to allergies. It is soft and carefully cleans, does not violate the natural pH indicator. The gel does not contain parabens, sulfates, dyes and other chemicals.

    The plant complex is suitable for skin care with seborrheic dermatitis, prevents the formation of fungal infections. The absence of smell is a very important criterion for sensitive people.

    Sensibio DS + restores and controls the hydrolyphid balance, forms a protective barrier from any negative effects. It greatly improves the condition of the skin, prevents the appearance of itching, peeling and redness. Dense consistency foams well and washed off, leaves the feeling of lightness and freshness. Users mark a comfortable package with a lid flip top.


      vegetable composition;

      affordable cost;

      lack of smell;

      therapeutic action;


    • not detected.

    La Roche Posay is a recognized leader in the production of professional cosmetics that pass the strictest dermatological control. They do not contain soap, alcohol, sulfates and fragrances. Suitable for people with allergic skin diseases.

    Basic active ingredients: thermal water, panthenol and niacinamide. They soothe and protect, restore the hydrolyphid balance, eliminate the feeling of discomfort. County ceramic contributes to the preservation of the natural level of moisture.

    Buyers note a high therapeutic effect. After the first application, peeling, itching and redness is eliminated. With regular use, the sensitivity threshold is reduced, the protective barrier prevents the negative effects of aggressive factors.


      soft cleansing;

      restores water-fat balance;

      soothing effect;

      therapeutic effect;


    • not detected.

    L "Oreal Skin Expert (Cleansing Gel Absolute Tenderness)

    Gel for washing the famous brand, we were not incorporated into the rating. High efficiency and low price made it popular among the mass consumer. The gel does not contain alcohol and parabens, carefully affecting, removes the remnants of dust, dirt, stable makeup.

    The light texture when interacting with water turns into a gentle, air foam, which penetrates deeply, does not dry, does not have an irritant effect on sensitive skin, but, on the contrary, due to the extract of jasmine and roses, soothes and softens. Glycerin and Shea oil have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

    According to customer reviews, a large amount of packaging and minimum disposable consumption make a means economical, which becomes another important criterion in favor of its acquisition.


      delicate cleansing;

      budget cost;

      intensive nutrition;

      safe composition;


    • not detected.

    The best universal gels for washing

    Universal tools are designed to purify all skin types and are suitable for all ages. They are designed to effectively remove dirt, burned particles, excessive secretions, as well as decorative cosmetics. Such gels can enjoy all family members, they are indispensable with long-range trains and travel. We present 4 best tools that have been satisfied with real users and who are highly appreciated by experts.

    The gel for washing the American brand became popular thanks to its high cleansing abilities and a well-balanced composition, which gently removes pollution, peeling and irritation, does not affect the natural pH indicator, controls the water-fat balance.

    Active components: Lavender oil, green tea and ginko biloba. They give the skin radiance, prevent the occurrence of the effect of struts and dryness. A special caring formula feeds, eliminates the appearance of black dots. Antioxidants slow down the premature aging of the skin.

    The bottle with a lid-dispenser controls consumption for one application. The gel when interacting with water is well foaming and quickly flushes, does not leave the fatty film and the sensation of stickiness. After use, the skin is clean, healthy and shining.


      balanced composition;

      convenient application;

      professional care;

      intensive cleansing;


    • high price.

    Ahava Refreshing Cleansing Gel

    The following, is included in the rating, the means is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. It does not contain parabens, sulfates and other chemicals, its safety confirms numerous dermatological tests. The unique formula helps to remove all kinds of contaminants, including persistent makeup.

    The balanced complex based on the Minerals of the Dead Sea contains potassium, magnesium and calcium, which contribute to the natural restoration of the skin, control the hydrolyphid balance, prevent the loss of moisture.