Embryo at 9 weeks ultrasound. Ninth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens, sensations, fetal development. Frequent trips to the toilet

At the ninth week, the embryonic period of the fetus ends. Approximately 7 weeks have passed since conception. Visually, the embryo becomes more and more similar to a human baby. Ultrasound examination can determine the size of the embryo. They measure about 3 cm from head to tailbone. To make it clear, a baby can be compared in size and weight to an olive or a grape. But despite the fact that the weight of the embryo is no more than 5 grams, you can easily see a person in its features.

The head is still much larger than the body. And although the neck has already been formed, the head is still pressed to the body. The embryo's arms are also disproportionate and longer than the legs. A close examination can reveal the baby's elbows, forearms and feet. The membranes between the fingers and toes are already disappearing.

At 9 weeks, the embryo begins to develop fingernails and toenails. But now they can only be recognized on the inside. A little later they will move to the required position.

If an ultrasound is performed while the embryo is awake, you will notice how it wrinkles its already formed lips. In addition, the baby can twist his face and even swallow.

The child's face is increasingly taking on human shapes. You can already notice the nostrils, the eyes of the embryo are becoming larger. But during this period of pregnancy they are covered with a special film designed to protect. Having looked closely, you can even identify developing lobes on already more prominent ears.

In order for the organs of the unborn child to develop correctly and in the right places, the body of the embryo stretches and expands. The baby's skeleton becomes denser. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the muscles of the embryo are formed unevenly, but it can move its limbs.

It is in the ninth week of pregnancy that the pituitary gland forms in the embryo, which will subsequently be responsible for the formation of growth hormone and metabolic processes.

The brain at 9 weeks of pregnancy is already divided into 2 hemispheres. Its main part, the cerebellum, begins to form. In addition, the central nervous system, nerve ganglia, as well as nerve endings located in the skull, between the vertebrae and in the spinal cord are also actively developing.

The development of the gastrointestinal system also in active form. At 9 weeks, the baby has an anus, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and liver are formed. You may notice lengthening of the intestines.

The umbilical cord of the embryo becomes stronger and longer. This week, the kidneys begin to function and the small body’s waste products are independently excreted.

At nine weeks, the embryo's lymph nodes can already produce lymphocytes. The bronchi develop, and the first rudimentary glands also appear. It is also during this period that the embryo’s thyroid gland begins to function.

Although the expectant mother will not soon be able to feel the baby’s first tremors, she can already hear the baby’s heartbeat with the help of a special device. The small organism is able to deliver blood to all vessels thanks to the heart, which beats at a speed of 120-150 beats per minute.

Although gender differences are not yet visible on ultrasound, if this baby is a boy, then testicles have already appeared, which this moment time is still in abdominal cavity. They will later descend into the scrotum.

What happens to the expectant mother in the ninth week of pregnancy?

As a result of the growth of the embryo and its active development, the woman’s condition also changes.

The size of a woman's uterus doubles. And if at the time of the delay in menstruation according to the calendar, it was the size of a fist, now the uterus becomes like a medium melon. The surrounding society is not yet able to see pregnancy, but the woman herself is already able to notice how her waist has become wider and her tummy begins to slightly increase.

In addition, a woman may experience the following changes:

  1. The skin becomes smooth thanks to hormones.
  2. Due to the high amount of prolactin in the body, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. A woman may complain of infrequent bowel movements.
  3. As a woman's uterus grows larger every day, pressure on the bladder increases and a frequent urge to urinate occurs.
  4. The breasts become very sensitive. In some cases, walking without a bra becomes painful. In addition, breast size may change. Swelling of the mammary glands and even the release of colostrum is a normal and natural process during pregnancy.
  5. In addition, the nipples may darken noticeably. Some women may already have a dark line on their abdomen at this stage.

What sensations does a woman experience in the ninth week of pregnancy?

Hormonal levels at this stage of pregnancy are still at a high level. In addition, the child consumes more and more nutrients from the mother’s body, so the woman may feel:

  1. Toxicosis. At nine weeks, the expectant mother is almost accustomed to constant nausea in the morning and knows how to reduce it as much as possible.
  2. Fatigue and general weakness due to the fact that the embryo consumes more and more amino acids necessary for it from the mother’s body.
  3. Sometimes a woman may feel a slight increase in temperature due to the fact that the amount of blood pumped by the heart increases.
  4. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience nasal congestion. It can be treated only with those drugs recommended by the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

What kind of discharge can a pregnant woman have?

The first trimester is characterized by the formation of discharge. It is important to distinguish normal from pathology in order to minimize possible risks:

  1. Leucorrhoea is a discharge that has neither color nor pungent odor. At this stage in a woman they can be quite abundant. But this is considered the norm and does not cause any problems for both the expectant mother and the baby.
  2. Brown discharge indicates a possible detachment. After detecting blood, it is necessary to immediately contact medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Bloody discharge indicates an incipient miscarriage. To prevent pregnancy loss, you must immediately call ambulance and go to the hospital for conservation. As a rule, at this time doctors put it on storage not in maternity hospital, and to the hospital for the gynecological department. Also, bleeding may indicate a disruption in the production of hormones. This is characterized by the fact that the discharge presumably appears at the moment when, according to the calendar, a woman should begin her period. In this case, treatment should also be prescribed as soon as possible.
  4. Yellow, white, and foul-smelling discharge indicates a possible illness. If treatment is not started promptly, the embryo may suffer critically from infection.

What examinations should be performed at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

A woman at this stage should already register with the antenatal clinic. Very soon she will have to undergo one of the most important tests - screening. And now the obstetrician-gynecologist will have to enter the following indicators into the pregnant woman’s card:

  1. Woman's height and weight (measured every month).
  2. Arterial pressure.
  3. Abdominal volume.
  4. Heartbeat.
  5. General body temperature.
  6. vaginal smear for oncocytology and flora.

In addition, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Blood for viruses (AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis).
  2. General blood and urine analysis.
  3. Stool analysis.
  4. Blood type and Rh factor
  5. Blood chemistry
  6. Tests for antibodies to herpes simplex, rubella, ureaplasma, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus.

9 obstetric week pregnancy is approximately 7 weeks from conception. It is still impossible to determine the exact duration of pregnancy, because ovulation in each woman can occur in different days cycle. If a woman is pregnant for the first time and is 9 weeks pregnant, she still does not quite understand what is happening to her body, how it is changing and whether everything is okay with the baby.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus is actively growing, occupying the entire pelvic area. From its current size until birth, it will increase almost 500 times, but for now it can be compared to a small grapefruit. In some women, the belly is still practically invisible at 9 weeks of pregnancy, while in others some outlines can already be seen. This depends on the size of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the fetus itself. If the expectant mother has not yet contacted the antenatal clinic, now is the time to do so. It is very important to be observed by a gynecologist in order to identify all existing chronic diseases. You may need additional consultations with specialized specialists - ENT, dentist, ophthalmologist and others.

The size of the fruit at this stage can be compared with the parameters of an average grape, approximately 1 inch. Weight, as a rule, is about 28 g, however, due to the active formation of legs and arms, the baby will very soon begin to grow and gain weight. The baby's face becomes visible more clearly, the genitals are almost formed, but it is still difficult to determine the sex of the child. Closer to the 20th week of pregnancy, it will become clear exactly who lives in mom’s tummy. Being in the 9th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother wants to know with great interest what is happening with her baby.

The mother can see what the baby looks like in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 9 weeks is still the first trimester, in the image of an ultrasound machine. An ultrasound scan at 9 weeks of pregnancy is possible and even necessary. This procedure in many cases makes it possible to identify visible defects in the development of the fetus, determine multiple pregnancies, and so on.

The picture below shows the 9th week of pregnancy and a photo of the fetus.

An ultrasound shows the fetal sac, inside of which there is an embryo. Since the baby can already swim in amniotic fluid, then in this picture he turned his back to the anterior wall of the uterus. The placenta delivers useful and nutritious substances to the baby. The skeletal system is strengthened, and the child can already slightly bend his small elbows. The head is rounded, but still pressed to the chest. The development of the brain occurs, in which by this time 2 hemispheres have already been formed.

9th week of pregnancy. First actions

The beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy is the 9th week. A decent period during which the active phase of formation of the main organs, circulatory and motor systems of the embryo occurs.

If you are in the 9th week of pregnancy and have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then you need to do this now, at least in order to be sure of the good health of your baby. The attending doctor who will be caring for your pregnancy will prescribe the necessary tests. This includes a general urine and blood test for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B. The gynecologist will take a smear to determine the flora in the vagina, and you will be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

It is very important to get tested for cytomegalovirus, rubella, and toxoplasmosis. These seemingly harmless infections for a healthy person can become a serious obstacle to the normal development of the baby. A pregnant woman should avoid contact with sick people, even if it is a common cold.

Feelings in the 9th week of pregnancy

Specialist obstetricians and gynecologists know that the 9th week of pregnancy, like the entire 1st trimester, is a very important and turning point when it is necessary to know exactly what is happening to a woman during this period and what sensations are characteristic and what is the reason for visiting a doctor.

The weight of a woman in labor changes, mostly women gain weight, but with intense toxicosis, a reverse reaction can occur - a decrease in body weight. After the unpleasant symptoms pass, the weight begins to increase again.

The amount of blood increases and adipose tissue accumulates. Thus, the mother’s body prepares to feed the baby with milk.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may experience symptoms of anemia due to uneven growth of red blood cells with increasing blood volumes. In this case, the woman is prescribed additional iron intake in food. These may be vitamin-mineral complexes, or may be approved products with sufficient iron content. It is strictly forbidden to cause anemia, since this disease can lead not only to increased fatigue and weakness of the woman, but also to the death of the fetus.
Some pregnant women may experience dry skin and hair in the 9th week of the 1st trimester. This is due to the fact that the child needs a large amount of water, and therefore the mother should drink more liquid and eat juicy fruits.
Since the baby is in dire need of calcium during its development, it is important for a pregnant woman to take care of sensitive teeth, which will lack this mineral.

Main signs of the 9th week of pregnancy

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels more confident and calm. The pregnancy period for a woman is not only pleasant with expectations of the appearance of the future baby - what it will be like, who it will look like, what color of eyes and hair it will have. Besides everything, this is also a very responsible and difficult period. The 9th week of pregnancy brings new sensations to the expectant mother.

There are several main signs of pregnancy at this stage:

  • For some women, the first toxicosis has already passed, for others it is just beginning. The expectant mother may suffer from dizziness, morning sickness and even vomiting, and sensitivity to various odors increases. Appetite may completely disappear;
  • the mammary glands increase in size, the nipples become sensitive to any touch. Now is the time to think about a new comfortable bra. It is desirable that it have wide straps, comfortable cups made of natural fabric;
  • viscous and transparent discharge at 9 weeks of pregnancy is acceptable;
  • a woman may feel a slight heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Fetal development at 9 weeks of pregnancy

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the development of the embryo continues actively, it looks more and more like a little person:

  1. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus is about 2.3 mm.
  2. The weight of the embryo is approximately 5 g.
  3. The part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating movement, the cerebellum, begins to form.
  4. The organ that produces hormones, the pituitary gland, is fully formed.
  5. The lymphatic system is actively developing.
  6. It is still impossible to determine the sex of the baby, but the genitals are already developing. In boys, germ cells are laid down, which will later develop into sperm, and in girls, the ovaries “populate” big amount first eggs.
  7. The umbilical cord is formed between the mother's placenta and the fetal body. These are 3 vessels - 1 large, delivering to the fetus oxygenated blood, and 2 small ones that remove oxygen-free blood and metabolic products.
  8. Beginning to form internal organs– liver and kidneys. After some time, they will already be functioning, but for now they begin to produce the first blood of the unborn baby.
  9. With the help of ultra-sensitive modern equipment, the first brain impulses of the fetus can be detected. The baby's first reflexes begin to appear.
  10. During this period, the formation of the nose (nasal fossa and folds), lips, tongue, and ears occurs.
  11. The baby's upper limbs (arms) continue to lengthen. Between the fingers, which still look like small tubercles, grooves begin to appear. You can see thumb. Toe plates form on the baby’s lower extremities (legs). The baby makes the first movements with his arms and legs.

Chorionic presentation in the 9th week of pregnancy

Chorion in medical terms represents the placenta in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and is responsible for the production of hormones. In simple words The placenta is a child’s place that is connected to the fetus by the umbilical cord and, thus, the child is connected to the mother’s body. The state of presentation is determined using an ultrasound machine. This is when the baby's place is located less than 6 centimeters from the internal os of the uterus. This undesirable position of the chorion can provoke the following consequences:

  • miscarriage or C-section during childbirth;
  • placental abruption and severe bleeding. This condition is extremely dangerous for the life of a pregnant woman and a child, who may experience hypoxia and die.

A number of preventive measures will help to avoid the unpleasant state of chorion presentation in the 9th week of pregnancy:

  1. You should visit your doctor regularly and frequently to be examined and rule out this disease. Previously performed curettages and abortions can provoke presentation. Uterine fibroids and polyps can also cause this disease. Women over 35 years of age and older are at risk.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. Compliance with precautions will prevent the disease and avoid it. Doctors recommend that women at risk avoid sexual contact with their husbands and undergo regular ultrasound examinations.

Diet of a woman at 9 weeks of pregnancy

The 9th week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth of the baby. The formation of internal organs, blood and skeletal systems occurs. The fetus receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements from the mother. Therefore, in order for a woman’s body not to become depleted, she definitely needs to eat well and properly, eating foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, multicarotene, vitamin C. It is also important that a woman’s diet contains foods containing calcium, magnesium and especially folic acid. There are several recommendations for the diet of the expectant mother at 9 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. One of the main rules is not to overeat, eat small portions 4-5 times a day.
  2. The expectant mother's breakfast should be complete. This could be milk porridge, muesli with milk, durum wheat bread, fruit, weak tea with lemon.
  3. Lunch may consist of light first courses, a vegetable salad with a side dish, a fish or meat dish, fruit or herbal tea.
  4. A good afternoon snack could be fruit, yogurt, juice, a sandwich with lean meat or hard cheese.
  5. Dinner should be light, low-fat dishes - boiled meat or steamed fish with vegetables. Also a great dinner would be some milk product– kefir or yogurt with a bun, homemade cottage cheese with fruit.
  6. Expectant mothers are not recommended to eat fatty meats, spicy pizza, raw eggs, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, smoked fish, and all spicy and fried foods.
  7. Under no circumstances should you eat stale or expired foods; this can lead to food poisoning, which is very dangerous for the expectant mother.
  8. All fruits and vegetables that you plan to eat raw must be thoroughly washed with running water.
  9. It is not advisable to introduce exotic fruits into your diet that you have not tried before pregnancy. They may cause an allergic reaction.
  10. Be careful with seafood. They can only be present in your diet if you are completely confident in their quality.
  11. Don't overuse coffee. Drink this drink only in the first half of the day, adding milk to it.
  12. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet, and release gases from mineral water.
  13. Practice good hygiene and always wash your hands before preparing food and before eating it.
  14. Limit your consumption of sugar, flour and confectionery products. This can lead to rapid weight gain not only for the mother, but also for the baby.
  15. Try to slightly under-salt your dishes and avoid saltiness. They cause thirst, which leads to large fluid intake, which in turn can cause swelling. But you shouldn’t completely give up salt.
  16. Today in pharmacies there are many multivitamins and dietary supplements for pregnant women. Do not take them without first consulting your gynecologist. All vitamin supplements can not only be beneficial, but also harmful.

  1. Many women are afraid to have sex during pregnancy. Intimate life on early stages is not prohibited, but only in the absence of contraindications, which may include blood or brown discharge, increased tone uterus and other threats of abortion. In any case, the expectant mother needs to consult with her gynecologist in order to exclude all contraindications and not deprive herself intimate life because of imaginary fears.
  2. Pregnancy causes slight vaginal discharge. It is normal if the color of the discharge is white or yellowish, but there will be no pain. In the case when the discharge Brown If your stomach or lower back hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. By the beginning of the 9th week, the baby’s kidneys complete their formation and begin to function. This circumstance puts a strain on the kidneys of a pregnant woman. In this case, it is necessary to regularly measure blood pressure, limit fluid intake at night and salt.
  4. Do not deny yourself walks, but alcohol should be completely excluded. Avoid stress that negatively affects the development and health of the child.
  5. Protect your baby from exposure to tobacco smoke. The fact is that this poison blocks the access of oxygen to the child, thereby causing an increased heartbeat of the small organism. Smoking and being a passive smoker is prohibited, as this can provoke not only a decrease in the child’s body weight, but also sudden infant death syndrome.
  6. If at week 9 you are still experiencing recurring headaches caused by high or low blood pressure, hormonal changes or stress, then special compresses will help get rid of them, which will help you avoid taking medicines. Apply a cold or warm compress to your head to help relieve pain. In addition, a cool shower also helps dilate blood vessels.
  7. While you are in an “interesting” position, you should forget about intense physical activity. But you shouldn’t overdo it; by doing intense training, you can provoke ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
  8. It is recommended to use the most useful component for pregnant women - Vitamin E. Thanks to this vitamin, the body of a pregnant woman is cleansed and the immune system is strengthened. And in the 9th week of pregnancy, vitamin E takes part in the formation of the placenta, the organ responsible for delivering nutrients from mother to baby.

9th week of pregnancy. Video

Time flies quickly, and now the 9th week of pregnancy has arrived. This is an important week, just like all the previous and subsequent ones. It is important to monitor your well-being; if unpleasant symptoms appear: bleeding, discharge, pain, consult a doctor immediately.

The obstetric 9th week of pregnancy occurs at the beginning of changes in physiological processes in the female body: a surge of hormones, mood swings, the first manifestations of toxicosis. The baby continues to develop all systems and organs.

How does pregnancy manifest?

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus begins to increase in size, the stomach begins to take on a new and already quite noticeable shape. The same thing happens with the breasts, they begin to fill up and become heavier.

Week 9 is the final week in the second month of the first trimester. The new organism grows and the placenta has to adapt to its needs.

What does the fetus look like at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

The fetus at 9 weeks of gestation is tiny, weighing only 2-3g and 3cm in length when measured in sitting position from the tailbone to the crown.

The embryo is comparable to a “grape” placed in a tennis ball. It is still miniature in size, but already has human outlines. The head is disproportionate, but sufficiently formed. There is also a neck, forearm, and elbows. There are feet, but they are enlarged.

This is what happens to the fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. degeneration of the tail into the tailbone;
  2. spine lengthening;
  3. acquisition of typical features by a person;
  4. mouth lengthening;
  5. formation of lip folds;
  6. delineation of the nostrils;
  7. enlarging the eyes, covering them with a protective film;
  8. manifestations of relief on the ears;
  9. lobe formation;
  10. wrinkling and curving of the lips to allow swallowing movements;
  11. lengthening and expansion of the body to accommodate all internal organs;
  12. compaction of the cartilage tissue of the skeleton;
  13. the formation of still uneven muscle tissue, but spontaneous movement of arms and legs is already possible;
  14. formation of the cerebellum;
  15. the structure of the brain, all systems, nerve ganglia, cranial and spinal nerves;
  16. development of the gastrointestinal system;
  17. formation of the liver, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, anal duct;
  18. intestinal lengthening;
  19. laying the adrenal glands of the middle layer;
  20. lengthening, strengthening of the umbilical cord;
  21. the work of the thyroid gland and kidneys, the excretion of waste products by the baby occurs independently;
  22. development of the bronchi;
  23. the appearance of rudimentary mammary glands;
  24. formation of lymph nodes for the ability to secrete immune bodies into the blood.
  25. The blood vessels are already sufficiently formed and the heart is developed, providing them with blood. It makes up to 150 beats per minute.

How does mom feel?

At this time, mother and baby develop a special bond. It is believed that the expectant mother feels the desires of the child. This is precisely what explains the new, hitherto unusual hobbies, for example, eating previously unloved strawberry jam or wearing funny clothes.

During an ultrasound, the mother can already hear the heartbeat of her baby, but it will be possible to detect differences in gender characteristics only after 5-6 weeks. All these are still instinctive feelings. Let's look at what happens to the mother at 9 weeks of pregnancy. The sensations, one might say, are not constant:

  • This mainly concerns food, for example, the idea of ​​eating sweet cottage cheese mixed with pasta sprinkled with black pepper seems quite normal for a pregnant mother;
  • Clothes begin to become small. But, of course, diet is contraindicated during this period, so you will have to buy things for everyday use bigger size, freer. Nothing should interfere with the growth of the abdomen and tighten it;
  • Stomach ache. Many mothers complain about stretching in the abdomen at 9 weeks of pregnancy, and this is natural. The pain is observed on the side, often radiating to the back. But if it hurts with contractions, then we can assume that the uterus is in good shape. In this case, the woman needs to immediately visit her doctor;
  • Discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is normal - whitish, transparent, odorless leucorrhoea (like raw egg white). Even with their abundant release there is nothing terrible. This happens when increased progesterone is concentrated in order to protect the embryo from contracting an accidental infection. Read more about this in the article: First weeks of pregnancy: discharge >>>

Of course, leucorrhoea should not cause discomfort, itching, burning, or redness. The liquid, watery consistency normally comes off odorless.

Important! If curdled, bubbly, brown discharge appears at the 9th week of pregnancy, of a suspicious shade (yellow or green), an infection may develop, the treatment of which should also be immediate. You need to visit a gynecologist and have a smear test.

  • The growth of the uterus begins to compress the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent;
  • Hormone levels increase. Thus, progesterone slows down bowel function. Constipation and difficulty going to the toilet appear;
  • At the 9th week of pregnancy, your breasts may hurt, your mammary glands will noticeably swell, your nipples will darken, and colostrum may leak; Read more about colostrum during pregnancy >>>
  • The expectant mother often feels sleepy, feels tired and dizzy;

Attention! If bloody or brown discharge appears from the vagina, you urgently need to see a doctor. There is a possible risk of miscarriage.

  • If at 9 weeks of pregnancy your stomach feels tight, this can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy and uterine growth. The ligaments stretch and cause discomfort. You should be alerted by a constant, dull, aching pain in the lower abdomen. If spotting appears, these are symptoms of uterine tone and a possible threat of miscarriage. Visit a doctor immediately; Read useful information in the article: During pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls >>>
  • The temperature at the 9th week of pregnancy may increase slightly and be 37.1-37.3 degrees, provided that you feel well. If signs of a cold are added to the temperature: nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat - this is not the norm and you need to start treatment compatible with pregnancy; How can ARVI be dangerous in early pregnancy?>>>

At the first manifestations of a cold, it is recommended to drink warm milk with honey or figs, rinse your nose with Rotokan, salt, and soda. Drinking cranberry and lingonberry juice is beneficial.

  • Nutrition. Despite toxicosis at 9 weeks of pregnancy, the diet should be quite varied. The baby already needs a full supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into the mother’s body;

But you shouldn’t get carried away with sweets. It is better to replace sugar with dried fruits, eat boiled low-fat varieties of meat. Eating fish and beef should be regular. But it’s better to avoid dubious overseas delicacies. Food should be fresh, healthy and include fruits and vegetables in the diet.

  • At week 9 there should be a complete elimination of alcohol. The baby is being formed and fed by the mother. Alcohol penetrates the placenta exactly as prescribed, and even a small dose can be fatal for the fetus. In addition, you should not take drops containing alcohol. This negatively affects the baby;
  • Sex. The belly is not yet noticeable and sex at 9 weeks of pregnancy is not contraindicated. Most often, sexual desire increases and in the absence of a threat of miscarriage, sex is completely permitted.

Ultrasound - what does it show?

Routine observation and ultrasound examination are carried out according to indications. You have every right refuse these examinations if you do not consider them necessary and do not want once again disturb the baby.

Based on the test results, the doctor will determine the condition of the fetus and uterus, predict the course of pregnancy for the next months, and give valuable instructions for the expectant mother.

Deviations from the norm at 9 weeks

At this stage there is a high risk of miscarriage. If your stomach hurts at 9 weeks of pregnancy, pain like contractions, cramps, yellow (green) discharge with unpleasant smell, then spontaneous miscarriage is quite possible against the background of a developing infection. You should contact a doctor immediately. Most likely, the doctor will suggest that the woman go to hospital for conservation.

If the Rh factor is different in the mother and child, a conflict may arise and the production of antibodies to the embryo may occur. The condition is also fraught with miscarriage, development of anemia or jaundice in the baby, and disruption of the thyroid gland due to a lack of progesterone. A woman needs to be tested and examined so that the doctor can take the next correct measures.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

  1. Mom’s appetite is unstable, sometimes it appears, sometimes it disappears completely. But, for full growth and development, the supply of nutrients to the baby must be constant;
  2. Prescribing a diet for this period is not indicated, and the diet should be rich in all the substances necessary for the fetus. You cannot do without taking nuts, grains, and iron-containing foods in order to increase your overall tone. You can learn more about the diet of an expectant mother from the course Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>
  3. Folic acid is very important for women and fetuses. A sufficient amount of it will protect the fetus from the development of various defects. Asparagus, carrots, liver, beans, apricots are saturated with acid;
  4. But flour and sweet foods can lead to constipation, coffee and carbonated drinks can increase the load on the kidneys. Find out useful information in the article: Nutrition in early pregnancy >>>
  5. To avoid infection of a pregnant woman with listeriosis (intestinal infection), it is unacceptable to eat poorly cooked meat, raw milk, eggs, unwashed fruits and vegetables. Vomiting and nausea may cause fetal harm. Read the current article: Vomiting during pregnancy >>>

At week 9, mom begins to experience some difficulties. Below are recommendations for relieving the condition, which will be very helpful:

  • Walks in the fresh air are required;
  • Performing special exercises for pregnant women, but only after consulting a doctor;
  • Wearing seamless underwear that does not cause skin irritation;
  • Using cosmetics rich in vitamins E and A;
  • To improve well-being and relaxation, short relaxation sessions are useful in early pregnancy to improve the connection between mother and baby, eliminate anxiety, fear and stress.
  1. take alcohol or medications without a doctor’s permission;
  2. smoke;
  3. engage in heavy physical labor.
  • Any negative effect on the fetus is harmful already at the 9th week of pregnancy, so self-medication is unacceptable. At the slightest deviation from the norm, or the appearance of unpleasant or suspicious symptoms, it is important to immediately consult a doctor;
  • A woman's body is vulnerable. Hormonal levels, as well as the immune system, are unstable. Of course, a cold in the off-season is acceptable; no one is immune. But you shouldn’t resort to medications right away;

To alleviate the condition, warm drinking of milk, tea with figs or butter is allowed. It is useful to drink compotes, fruit drinks, herbal and berry infusions from rose hips.

  • Leaving the first unpleasant calls unattended is unacceptable at this time. All sorts of problems in the body can negatively affect the baby’s health in the future;
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle and monitoring your condition every week of pregnancy is extremely important for a woman. All tests must be completed in a timely manner; perhaps the baby needs vitamins, and if there is a lack of them, the infection quickly begins to develop;
  • At week 9, the pregnant woman should already be registered with a gynecologist. It is mandatory to undergo an initial series of blood and urine tests; your doctor will prescribe them for you. An examination by an ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist, or therapist is no less important;
  • In addition, to determine the Rh factor, the baby’s father will be asked to donate blood from a vein and also undergo fluorography. All tests are important for monitoring fetal development, prescribing subsequent recommendations or treatment, and predicting the course of pregnancy in the future.

At week 9, the first stretch marks on the abdomen may already appear, and the expectant mother can use a special cream or olive oil.

What else is contraindicated for a pregnant woman at this stage?

  1. lift weights;
  2. take the load with one hand. You need to squat down and grab it with both hands. However, it is best to avoid such situations altogether. Do not neglect the help of passers-by, let them help you carry heavy bags;
  3. visit the sauna, solarium, take hot baths;
  4. Climbing ladders can be dangerous. It is better to delegate work that requires climbing stairs to another family member;
  5. watch a horror film, bloody detective stories;
  6. to allow violent and rough sexual intercourse, only a calm and gentle regime is needed.

At the eighth week, the baby developed a small tail, but now it is falling off. The back straightens, the neck muscles relax, so the head drops. The brain develops and the size of the head increases significantly. Due to the fact that the cerebellum is formed, the motor system begins to function better, the child can move his arms and legs at will. The adrenal glands appear and produce the hormone adrenaline.

The body nourishes the child with useful substances, so the woman’s skin becomes thinner, and her hair weakens and becomes thin and dry. Breast sensitivity increases, dizziness appears and fatigue increases. Over time, the vessels dilate, you can see the vascular network, but it is not as pronounced as in last weeks pregnancy. But still - at this stage it may appear varicose veins veins, so avoid physical activity. Wear comfortable clothes made of pleasant material, buy new underwear that will not rub your chest.

The outlines of the face become more expressive, the eyes become larger, but are covered with a protective film. The child moves more often, but mainly with his hands, because Bottom part the body develops more slowly. The baby receives nutrients through the placenta.

Products containing vitamin C will help strengthen blood vessels. Buy a vitamin complex with a high content of vitamin P and C, for example, ascorutin.

Fetal development

The third month of pregnancy has begun. The fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 22-30 mm tall and weighs only 2 grams. During this period, the embryo has almost straightened out, and very soon its tail will atrophy. It looks like a pea pod. By this period, the fetus’s brain is already relatively well developed, and its lungs and intestines have begun to form. The development process does not stop for a second.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to notify the mother of its emerging needs, transmitting special signals with its tiny brain to the mother's body. This manifests itself in a change in a woman’s taste preferences.

In the ninth week, the cerebellum begins to form - this is the part of the brain responsible for coordinating movements. The pituitary gland is forming and will produce the first hormones. The formation of the middle layer of the adrenal glands occurs, which subsequently produces the hormone adrenaline. The lymph nodes also develop intensively, the mammary glands are formed, and the genital organs begin to form. But it is not yet possible to determine the sex; you will have to wait until 18-20 weeks. The heart is already beating, the nervous system has also begun to work, but their improvement is still ongoing.

During this period, intervertebral, spinal and cranial nerves are formed. The forearms and shoulders stand out, the limbs are already moving and can even bend, continuing to grow and improve. Fingers are emerging on the hands, the feet are also growing, the rudiments of marigolds appear, which are still located on the inside - on the palms and soles. The baby’s body gradually begins to acquire muscles, and the bones become stronger. The head is still large in relation to the body. By this time, the face began to take shape. You can easily distinguish the ears, nose, mouth, and the neck begins to be visible. The child already knows how to swallow and wrinkle his lips.

Another achievement is the emergence of the ability to urinate. The embryo began to excrete waste products into your body through the umbilical cord. Therefore, the load on your kidneys will increase all the time. The umbilical cord became even denser and longer, and the placenta began to function.

Photos of bellies at 9 weeks

Feelings and changes at 9 weeks

The woman feels the changes in the child very well. You may notice frequent urination, this is due to the fact that the kidneys are already working for two, and the growing uterus is already putting pressure on the bladder. There may be interruptions in appetite, sometimes it is absent at all, sometimes it appears with double force. Quirky taste preferences affect not only relatives, but also the mother herself. The terrible drowsiness has not yet passed. There is a constant feeling of fatigue, dizziness may occur, and even fainting may occur. Mood swings and anxiety often occur in the 9th week. The flood of hormones that occurs in the first trimester creates chaos. You may laugh or cry, without knowing why.

You began to gain weight, which means that your body has begun to store fat for breastfeeding. Because of this, you need to start thinking about changing your wardrobe. The clothing you choose during pregnancy should be more functional than aesthetic. You need to give up clothes that restrict movement, press in some places, give up synthetic materials that prevent the skin from breathing freely and cause increased sweating. The underwear should not press either. The bras you buy should be slightly larger than the ones you've worn before. It is necessary to take into account that the mammary glands have already begun to increase in size. Bras should support your breasts, and not restrict them, thereby disrupting the normal development of the mammary glands.

Pain and discharge at 9 weeks

Pain that may occur at week 9 can most often be associated with a threat of miscarriage. We are not talking about weak, but about strong, contraction-like pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. As a result, blood discharge that is brownish or red may appear. This pain and discharge can lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is urgent to take measures to maintain the pregnancy. Go to bed and call an ambulance, and if possible, have your family take you to the hospital. Bleeding must be considered any blood discharge, in any quantity. Remember that you no longer have your period in the 9th week of pregnancy, although there is such a thing in medicine as “fetal ablution” - a condition when menstrual flow continues despite the development of pregnancy in the body. But in this case, it is unlikely that you would have already found out about your pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen can also be associated with the intestines, in which case consult a doctor, they usually prescribe No-shpa tablets, there is nothing to worry about. Bleeding can also be caused by cervical erosion or some other neoplasm. In this case, there should be no pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the back or sacrum area can be caused by compression of the uterus on the sciatic nerve. If the pain is severe and intensifies, then your doctor may prescribe you to wear a bandage.

In addition to bloody discharge, there is also leucorrhoea. Discharge that often changes its character. In the first trimester they are abundant and mucous, which is normal. From the second trimester, the discharge becomes thinner. Leucorrhoea may be whitish or transparent in color. There should be no smell coming from them and they do not cause discomfort. Their color should not change. If the leucorrhoea smells strongly, has a different color or consistency, then this should be a reason to go to the doctor to take a smear to determine the infection.

Ultrasound photo at 9 weeks

Ultrasound at 9 weeks

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound so that you can determine the gestational age more accurately, as well as to see the condition of the uterus and baby. Based on the ultrasound data, the doctor will be able to tell further prognoses.

An ultrasound at this time will show how your baby’s heart beats; now it makes approximately 130-150 beats per minute. He will evaluate the mobility of the fetus, although the mother will feel these movements a little later, but the child is already moving his legs and arms.


A temperature can indicate either an infection or a cold. If a cough, runny nose, or sore throat appears with an increase in temperature, these are clear signs of a cold or flu. Self-medication is now strictly prohibited for you; you must go to the hospital. Before this, you can alleviate the condition by drinking warm milk with butter or figs. It is better to avoid honey, as it is an allergenic product. Also rinse your nose and gargle. Lingonberry and cranberry juices are very tasty and healthy; they also lower the temperature. At high temperature You can take Paracetamol; pregnant women should not drink Analgin. Bed rest is required!


It is known that a child at each stage of development needs a certain composition of substances. If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman’s nutrition remains the same as before. Then in the 9th week, the diet should already be varied and contain all the nutrients and beneficial substances: vitamins, microelements, fats, proteins, carbohydrates. In this case, foods that are harmful to the child should be excluded. Do not drink too much tea and natural brewed coffee, especially strong ones. Because these drinks have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. You need to start limiting the amount of liquid you drink now. The habit of drinking a lot and often will most likely lead to the formation of edema. Coffee or tea can be successfully replaced with compote, fruit drink, tinctures of berries and herbs, and rose hips.

Alcohol, as well as smoking, are completely excluded. The baby is completely dependent on you; he eats everything that comes to him from your body. Alcohol reaches the baby in the same amount as the mother took it, passing through the placenta. Therefore, even the smallest doses can cause enormous harm to your baby’s health.

If you constantly feel tired and want to sleep, then you need to increase the amount of iron and protein in your menu. Eat fresh vegetables and, of course, fruits every day. Choosing only those that are in season and homemade. Try to eat less sweets or replace them healthy products– for example, dried fruits. Avoid foods rich in fat, such as lard, fatty meat, mayonnaise... It is not recommended to eat a lot of meat, it is better to replace it with fish.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

If everything is fine with you, there are no complications, you feel great, then you can enjoy intimacy to the fullest. Your tummy doesn’t bother you at all yet, since it’s almost not noticeable yet. And during this period of pregnancy, women’s libido always jumps very noticeably, so it’s a sin not to take advantage of it.


After you have learned the news that you are pregnant and the doctor has confirmed this, you need to contact the antenatal clinic and register. Besides what you should lead now healthy image life, you also need to monitor your health. So as not to miss the signals that your body gives you. After all, it may be that your child lacks some vitamins or is attacked by an infection. In order to prevent this, the main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and get tested on time.

When you first register, you will have to undergo a series of tests: a general blood test, a urine test, donate blood for coagulation, to determine your blood type and Rh factor, also for sexually transmitted diseases, as well as antibodies to hepatitis. You will definitely need to take a vaginal smear and stool test. It will also be necessary to undergo an examination by a number of specialists, such as an ophthalmologist, dentist, cardiologist and therapist. Dad will also have to take part in this process. He will need to donate blood from a vein to determine the Rh factor and undergo fluorography. Based on the test results, your doctor may prescribe additional hormone tests. These tests help assess how the child is developing and give a prognosis of how the pregnancy will proceed.

Helpful information

Try to walk more time and be on the move. Also wear a comfortable bra that supports your breasts.