How to keep the skin around the eyes young and beautiful - secret ways. Skin care around the eyes - how to do it right

The skin of the face, especially in the areas around the eyes, in youth has an attractive appearance and healthy condition, and in order to avoid deterioration of the situation, it is recommended to start caring for it from a young age. There is every possible finished cosmetics and home masks around the eyes after 20 years, which we will talk about in detail today. At the age of 20-25 years, collagen and elastin in the skin are not destroyed by external factors and the face looks fresh. During these years, microscopic wrinkles begin to form, which will definitely appear in the future.

How do masks affect young skin?

Special home masks around the eyes up to 25 years old allow you to deal with such common defects and disorders as inflammation, acne and clogged pores. Often, a greasy sheen and redness form on the face, and you can get rid of all this with the help of anti-inflammatory, drying and antimicrobial agents.

Care for young skin should be competent and careful, so you need to use eye masks after 25 years of age wisely. These funds should be directed to the fight against existing defects and quality nutrition, and not to the elimination of violations caused by age-related changes in organism. Thus, masks around the eyes at 20-25 years old should be aimed at solving a number of problems:

  • high-quality nutrition of epidermal cells with the necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • moisturizing the epidermis, especially in summer;
  • cleansing and elimination of black dots;
  • elimination of unpleasant oily sheen.

From youth, the skin is exposed to negative environmental influences, from which it must be protected with the help of cosmetics.

Refreshing treatment for the skin around the eyes in 20-25+

For a mixture for the eyelids after 20-25 years, a homemade lotion is suitable. It is necessary to brew two tablespoons of herbal tea (melissa, mint, sage) in 100 g of boiling water. In addition, add 2-3 tablets of glucose, after grinding them, and after cooling the liquid, 5 drops of glycerin and one crushed activated charcoal tablet. After filtering the liquid, soak cotton pads in it and apply to closed eyes for 10-15 minutes. The product can be stored for up to 10 days in the refrigerator, and it is recommended to perform the procedure up to three times a week.

Cucumber moisturizing for the skin around the eyes after 25

This mask around the eyes in 20-25+ is prepared on the basis of cucumber, which tones and moisturizes the skin. To create a product, you need to peel one medium vegetable, mash it with a fork or grind it with a blender, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and mix. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and apply for 15 minutes.

The remains of the product should be washed off with warm water or wiped with fresh cotton pads. The main thing is not to use overripe cucumbers with yellowed skin.

Toning eye mask

A powerful tonic effect creates a mask for wrinkles around the eyes after 25 based on dill. It contains vitamins and mineral salts, and greens are considered a natural antioxidant. Dill contains a lot of organic acids that renew the skin, and there is also tocopherol with beta-carotene, which ensures the youthfulness of the epidermis.

To create the composition, chop a bunch of dill and pour boiling water over it (you should get a liquid mixture), and then sweat for about 20 minutes in a water bath and cool. Place the prepared slurry on cotton pads and apply to problem areas for 10 minutes.

Mask for elasticity of the skin around the eyes

Based olive oil a good mask is being prepared around the eyes after 20-25 years, which tones and improves elasticity. To prepare the simplest remedy for the care of delicate areas on the face, you need to warm up the vegetable oil a little and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. In the resulting nutrient fluid, moisten cotton pads and apply them to closed eyes for 15-20 minutes, and then wipe the skin with clean discs.

Until the age of 25, a woman has the appearance that nature gave her, and after 25 - the one she deserves. And due to stress, lack of sleep and lack of care, she often deserves the first wrinkles, “fallen” eyelids and bags under her eyes. In this guide, you will find answers to frequently asked questions and help you choose the best eye cream for you. All about how to properly care for the skin around the eyes so that it does not become flabby and dry at the age of 25, read further on the site.

Features of the skin around the eyes after 25

The skin area around the eyes is like a litmus test, it is the first to react to negative lifestyle factors, age-related changes. This is primarily due to the fact that the skin in this area is very thin, only 0.5 mm, and under it there is practically no fat layer, no blood and lymphatic vessels, and no support fibers, which are collagen and elastin.

Therefore, it is so unprotected and sensitive, and even works almost continuously - the eye blinks about 24 thousand times a day. On the eyelids and the rest of the skin around the eyes, most ladies daily apply makeup of a very different quality, from which the skin also suffers.

But still, at this age, the body has sufficient regenerative functions, so with proper care, you can delay the process of withering for many, many years. Well-groomed skin after 25 years "stands on three pillars" - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

How to cleanse the skin around the eyes after 25

At this age, it is no longer desirable to wash with ordinary soap, it dries the skin. It is better to purchase a two-phase eye makeup remover. These two immiscible liquids contain make-up remover oils plus soothe and soothe irritations.

Cosmetic cream and milk with herbal extracts and vitamins will also cope with cleansing.

When washing makeup, do not press too hard and do not pull off thin skin. It is good to remove makeup in this way: squeeze the product onto cotton pads, put them on your eyelids and wait 30 seconds. Then, with gentle movements, erase the make-up from top to bottom.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids after 25 years

There are almost no pores and sebaceous glands around the eyes, so it is difficult for ordinary creams to penetrate the epidermal layer of the skin. Therefore, you need to choose funds designed specifically for this zone. They have a special structure and, thanks to the intensive components that make up the composition, moisturize and nourish the skin.


The gel is very easy to apply and leaves no residue and is quickly absorbed by the skin as it contains almost no fat. Thus, it is ideal as a base for morning eye makeup. Cosmetologists advise resorting to gels that increase blood circulation, relieve swelling, moisturize the skin well and prevent the first wrinkles.

When choosing, pay attention to gels with chitosan, vitamins and plant extracts - chamomile, mint, aloe, nettle, green tea, calendula. If the gel or cream has a high content of lanolin and fat, this is fraught with swelling and redness of the skin.

Useful life hack - keep the gels in the refrigerator. After a stormy night, say “thank you” to the cold gel when it reduces puffiness under the eyes. Thanks to its cooling effect, the eye gel is especially suitable for dark circles.


Girls with dry skin are more suitable for special creams. They make up for the lack of moisture and fat, which dry skin always lacks. For nutrition, creams with natural oils are suitable - avocado, rosehip, shea, and with extracts of royal jelly, ginseng, lecithin.


The consistency of lotions is more liquid than that of an eye cream, due to which they are better absorbed and do an excellent job of moisturizing, giving the skin freshness and smoothness, nourishing it. Rely on lotions with flower extracts, vitamins E, A, C.


Serum (serum, serum) contains highly concentrated active ingredients, it has practically no fats and oils and a watery texture. Due to its consistency, it is very quickly and completely absorbed by the skin, and also allows subsequent make-up.

Compared to other eye care products, the price of an eye serum is much higher, but at the age of 25, one application per week is enough.

Need to buy only cosmetical tools suitable for your skin type and change them every 3-4 months so that the skin does not have time to adapt to them and allergies do not develop.

  • If your face is very dry and sensitive, a light textured eye gel is for you.
  • When combined or oily skin use an eye serum more often, which has a mostly watery texture.
  • If the skin is normal, both light gels and regular eye creams will do.

The best cream for the skin around the eyes after 25: rating 2018

This rating is based on analyzes of the compositions and customer reviews of the world-famous IHerb store. They sell certified natural cosmetics, you can be sure that skin care products are made up of exclusively herbal ingredients.

  • 1st place : Now Foods, 2 in 1 Corrective Eye Cream (30 ml) >>>

Vitamin K and mulberry extract in the composition reduce dark circles under the eyes, while the patented bio-complex naturally masks signs of fatigue in the eye area, and also contributes to a cheerful and radiant look.

  • 2nd place : Derma E, Hyaluronic Acid & Pycnogenol Moisturizing Eye Cream (14 g) >>>

Contains moisturizing hyaluronic acid, which has a smoothing effect and helps protect the skin of the eyelids from premature aging. Green tea and vitamins A, C and E visibly improve the elasticity of the eye area.

  • 3rd place : DeVita, Revitalizing & Lifting Eye Cream (30 ml) >>>

Easy nutritious cream for the skin around the eyes, reduces the appearance of swelling and wrinkles, optimal for dry skin.

  • 4th place : Weleda, Revitalizing Eye Cream (10 ml) >>>

With rosehip extract. For all skin types. Helps to smooth out small and fine wrinkles of the delicate skin around the eyes, reduces puffiness and dark circles. Does not leave a greasy film.

  • 5th place : Andalou Naturals, Revitalizing Sensitive Eye Contouring Gel (18 ml) >>>

Refreshes, restores, regenerates. For delicate and dry skin, has a texture that is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue.

  • 6th place : Aveeno Eye Cream (14g) >>>

Nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes, making it younger and giving them healthy look. Contains a complex with blackcurrant, which reduces the severity of wrinkles, removes swelling under the eyes.

  • 7th place : Kiss My Face, Revitalizing Eye Cream (14 ml) >>>

Smoothes wrinkles and nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes. Natural and organic oils moisturize and rejuvenate the eye area, suitable for all skin types.

How is the eye cream applied correctly?

Apply a few drops of cream around the eye area, spread them lightly, and then “beat” them into the skin with the pads of your fingers with light patting movements with slight pressure. Rubbing would cause the thin skin in the sensitive eye area to stretch and cause early wrinkles.

On the contrary, light palpation with eye cream stimulates blood circulation. This allows the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. Thus, the cream is absorbed faster and the optimal effect is better achieved.

Be sure to step back at least half a centimeter from the edge of the eyelids - if the cream gets on the mucous membrane, you risk literally washing yourself with tears.

Since the skin regenerates overnight, it is ideal if you apply the cream before bed. In this way, the skin is supplied with all the important nutrients it needs to renew itself. Apply the cream not immediately before bedtime, but a couple of hours before it.

How to tone the skin around the eyes if you are 25?

The easiest way to tone the area around the eyes is to apply ice cubes. Moreover, you can not limit yourself to ice from ordinary water, but freeze fruit juices, herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, green tea), mineral water.

The old "grandmother's method" tones the eyelids - apply cucumber circles for 10 minutes. Green tea compresses are also suitable. It is enough to soak cotton swabs with liquid and hold on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. It's simple folk ways perfectly remove swelling and swelling.

Ready-made tonics and lotions should not contain alcohol.

Salon skin care around the eyes after 25

Occasionally, you can visit a beautician and carry out chemical peels eye area, professional masks, fashionable today mesotherapy. Very good results helps to achieve Spanish massage - a special facial technique that relieves fatigue and reduces age-related changes.

Anti-aging products for the skin of the eyelids

A common mistake 25-year-old girls and a little older - noticing a wrinkle in the corner of their eyes, they panic and run for anti-wrinkle cream. And anti-age creams are designed for a much older age and contain shock doses of collagen, lipids and lifting components. The temporary effect will be good, but with such an imaginary help you will accustom the skin to be lazy, and it may well produce collagen on its own.

Wrinkles and fatigue around the eyes appear if you do not protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, wear tinted glasses, add a twist to your summer style by wearing beautiful hats, and use sunscreen - a protection factor of 10.

Physical education to strengthen the skin of the eyelids after 25 years

In order not to resort to an eyelid lift in 10-15 years, make it a rule with young age periodically perform simple exercises:

  1. Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling, open your mouth wide. Blink intensely for 30 seconds.
  2. Place your index fingers on the outer edges of the skin around the eyes. Lightly holding the skin with your fingers, try to lift your eyelids very high and fix them for 5 seconds.
  3. Tilt your head back, while lowering your eyelids as low as possible. Relax after 5 seconds.

Did you ask? We answer!

  • Will regular day cream harm the skin around the eyes?

Eyelids are always ophthalmologically tested, but conventional day creams are not. Therefore, it is undesirable to care for the area around the eyes with non-specialized creams. Their dense structure can negatively affect the thin skin around the eyes.

Regular sunscreens will work, but only light textures, such as lotions.

  • Will there be harm from short-term use of anti-age cream?

If you spread this cream on the skin several times, there will be no harm. Just choose a cream with an age mark closest to your age. But in no case should you smear such creams all the time - the skin gets used to extraneous action and stops producing its own collagen.

When you turn 25 is a wonderful age. You already understand people, you know how to enjoy life, you are young and beautiful. And if you start taking care of the skin around the eyes in time, then radiant eyes will look at the world without the slightest wrinkles and fatigue.

Proper skin care around the eyes after 20 is far from a luxury, but a necessity. The site is sure of this. Today we will talk about why the skin in this area needs care and what factors young skin does not like.

Every day she is exposed to a serious load. After all, we all watch TV or movies using a laptop, work at a computer, bury our noses in a smartphone when we “rest” from work or study. And so on. If you went for a walk and forgot to put on your glasses, this is a “signal” for your eyes to squint. As well as if you, for example, have poor vision and do not make sure to correct your vision with contact lenses or glasses.

In general, there are many factors, and there is no need to think that if you are still young, then it is still too early to take care of, especially the eye area.

It's never too early! And it's not too late.

Let's start a series of articles about eyelid care. Today the material will be of interest to those who are 20-25 years old. It is at this age that the first ones can be noticed, sometimes only emerging, and sometimes all the skin is dotted with them, and this causes concern.

The eyelids may swell. If the cause does not lie in health problems, then it can be explained by other factors. Work on a laptop or with papers. Someone is engaged in freelancing and will argue: “I sometimes don’t open my laptop at all, and I conduct all projects from a smartphone.” This is also a risk factor. After 2-3 hours of hard work, the whites of the eyes may turn red and the eyelids may swell.

Mistakes of youth

Often, caring for young skin of the face and around the eyes up to 25 years old can be compared to walking through a minefield. Unwittingly, girls and young women make one mistake after another, although they think that they are benefiting their skin:

  • Creams and masks, originally intended for the face, are used on the skin of the eyelids. Why is it harmful? They may contain components that irritate the eyes, tighten and dry, stretch thin delicate skin.
  • Choose fat-based products. These do not allow cells to breathe. Fluid accumulates, swelling under the eyes, bags may occur. And the skin itself gets oily sheen.
  • Also remember that care is wrong - this is not always just a rejection of the cream, but also its incorrect application.

We already had an article on our website on how to properly apply skin care products on the eyelids, everything is described in more detail there. By the way, it will be interesting for girls at any age, and not just twenty.

Do not rub the cream into the eyelids. Can be easily driven in or applied with a patting motion - remember.

  • And among the most banal for this age is sleep in cosmetics. No matter how tired you are, you should still go to the bathroom and remove your makeup. It is better if, in addition to the usual washing gel, you use micellar water.

How to care?

And take care of it correctly, competently, so as not to harm. You can often hear that if you start using certain products early, then the skin will age earlier.

I do not want to say that this is nonsense, because there is some truth in this. There should be correct care for young skin around the eyes at the age of 20. In particular, the site site draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to use products with an anti-aging effect.

Although the first thing some people think of when they see wrinkles or hints of them, or maybe dark circles or bags under the eyes, you need to smear something, apply it here, and then it will pass. No, it won't work like that.

Often the skin, including in the eye area, reflects internal processes. Yes, cream, home treatments are good, but only as one of the elements of a complex system.

Setting up nutrition

At 20 - 25 years old, many people eat not at all as they should. Today I didn’t have time to cook breakfast and ran to work or school hungry, had a sandwich for lunch, ate too much for dinner. While young and there are no serious problems with the figure, it is not so noticeable how the wrong food affects the appearance.

And yet, skin care around the eyes after the age of 20 must begin with proper nutrition. Include cereals and cereals in your diet, lean on fruits and vegetables.

Gymnastics: we flipped, we flipped

It is necessary to perform exercises that help restore blood circulation, do gymnastics for the eyes.

Does the skin need cream?

Skin care around the eyes up to 25, of course, should not be based on the use of creams and masks, but this does not mean that such products are prohibited.

On the contrary, you can use a line of products suitable for the eyes. Choose those that will have a light texture and do not include hormonal components.

While the skin is young, you can take care of it at home using simple recipes with available products, oils, etc.

But from the age of 25, you need to pay close attention to creams, because. the first wrinkles appear.

natural remedies

In order to give the skin a fresh look, you can use masks with oils, potatoes, aloe, parsley, cucumber in the composition. By the way, they will be relevant for the skin at any age.

You can find many recipes on this site!

Decorative cosmetics

Separately, I would like to pay attention to the choice of cosmetics. After 20 years, many actively continue to experiment with appearance and look for their image. Remember that cheap cosmetics not only save the lion's share of the budget, but can also cause a negative reaction: the eyelids will turn red, swollen or covered with a rash. And it is not always possible to immediately determine that this is precisely a reaction to cosmetics.

Try not to make up a lot and strongly, even if the profession does not allow. For example, if you work as a model, then at least on days when there are no shootings, provide skin protection.

Even for those who do not have serious problems with the skin of the eyelids, it is still worthwhile to establish proper care. It is necessary to take care of everything - not only dress and honor - from a young age!

Everyone knows that the first signs of aging in a woman appear around the eyes, because in this area the thinnest layer of the epidermis and almost no sebaceous glands and muscles, due to which the skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. That is why the skin around the eyes needs regular, thorough, and most importantly, proper care.

Care of the skin around the eyes, namely constant hydration, must be started as early as possible. Since the skin of the eyelids is constantly mobile (facial expressions, blinking), with the exception of sleep, stretching of the skin and the first wrinkles with insufficient moisture can appear quite quickly. From the age of 20-25, the skin needs special care, which includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. It is necessary to carefully choose skin care products for the eyelids. In addition, until the age of 25-30 it is better to refrain from using anti-aging skin care products around the eyes, of course, unless the skin is in a “deplorable” condition. It is best to use light, moisturizing gels and creams in care. In addition, various natural oils that are effective. They can be purchased at any pharmacy at an inexpensive price. When choosing skin care products around the eyes, be sure to pay attention to their composition. It is very good if the products contain vitamins A and E. In addition, when choosing various products for skin care around the eyes, one must not only forget about the type of skin, but also take into account age. For example, when choosing skin care products around the eyes after 40 years, it is best to give preference to products that promote cell renewal and restoration, as well as the production of collagen and elastin, thereby helping to restore skin elasticity and firmness. For young skin, cosmetics that include extracts of fruits and plants, as well as vegetable oils. Special attention it is necessary to give cosmetics from the occurrence of mimic wrinkles. These products are most often temporary, but discontinuing them can usually worsen the condition of the skin. The reason lies in the fact that the effect of cosmetics from mimic wrinkles is mainly aimed at weakening muscle contractions, which contributes to a slow supply of blood to tissues. As a result, we have a lack of nutrition of skin cells around the eyes, loose skin, on which wrinkles appear even more.

And now let's look directly at the main stages of skin care around the eyes.

Cleansing is an important, regular and mandatory procedure. To remove eye makeup, a special cosmetic milk is usually used. Today, the cosmetics industry offers the latest eye make-up removers, which are two liquids that do not mix with each other: the upper liquid contains ultra-light oils that perfectly remove waterproof makeup, the lower liquid contains soothing plant extracts, is used to remove "normal » cosmetics and irritations. Apply greasy creams and products based on oils for eye make-up removal is possible only in the case of using waterproof cosmetics. For those who wear contact lenses, fatty products Not recommended for removing eye make-up. For this purpose, it is better to use a fat-free eye makeup remover and abandon waterproof mascara in favor of the usual one.

Rules for removing makeup from the eyes.
First you need to remove the mascara. To do this, apply an eye makeup remover to cotton swabs, apply to the eyes for 2-3 minutes, and then gently remove the remaining makeup. Mascara must be removed along the lash line - from the roots to the tips. The rest of the makeup is also removed with a cotton swab and the selected special means, and cleansing must be carried out along the massage lines. The swab must be carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and then in the opposite direction. It is very important not to rub or stretch the skin. In addition, it is not recommended to rub the makeup remover into the skin so that it does not absorb into it. It is better to remove cosmetics and impurities with a light patting of the skin. It is strictly forbidden to remove makeup from the skin around the eyes with hot or very cold water, or, even worse, with soap. This can cause huge damage to your skin, which will not be so easy to repair.

Hydration and nutrition.
Special lotions, gels and creams are used to moisturize and nourish the skin around the eyes. These products, unlike conventional skin care products, do not contain various oils that, when applied, spread and can get into the eyes, thereby causing irritation. Such funds must be approved by ophthalmologists. The use of creams is more suitable for dry skin, as they replenish the supply of fats that are so lacking in the area around the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles that can be caused by a lack of moisture, and also make the skin smooth and supple. It is better not to apply creams on the upper eyelids and on the area directly under the eyes, as various fats and oils contained in them can get into the eye, which is very harmful. Be sure to read the composition of the purchased funds. The presence of a substance such as lanolin in creams must be avoided, since this substance can cause redness and irritation of the eyes when applied.

It is very important to correctly apply skin care products around the eyes, since improper application of even the most effective and expensive product can have the opposite effect: wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes will not take long. It is strictly forbidden to smear the cream on the skin of the eyelids. It is recommended to apply an eye cream ring finger, since it is the most "non-working". Drops of cream must be applied with light, circular, barely perceptible movements along the massage lines around the eyes. In addition, you can do light tapping with your fingertips, but this is the case if you have circles under the eyes. This method of application contributes to the effective penetration of the cream, prevents stretching of the skin, stimulates blood circulation. Eye cream should be applied from the outer corner to the inner, and not vice versa, as many of us do.

Lotions are lighter in composition than creams, so they are absorbed faster. They also help to smooth wrinkles, make the skin smooth and shiny. Gels for the skin around the eyes are the most effective and useful, especially in cases of hypersensitivity of the eyes, a tendency to swelling, and wearing contact lenses. Products such as gels for the skin around the eyes can also be applied to the eyelids. In order to avoid any allergic reactions, as well as conjunctivitis, it is necessary to periodically change skin care products around the eyes, namely once every four months.

The use of lotions, gels and tonics based on plant extracts soothes and refreshes the skin. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in one of these cotton products and apply to the eyes for 5-10 minutes. The skin around the eyes requires a different attitude, especially if there are any problems. Frozen ice cubes made from a decoction of calendula, chamomile, mint, parsley or lime blossom, or plain drinking water, have a good tonic effect. It is very good every day in the morning after washing to drive an ice cube over the skin around the eyes for several minutes, and then let the skin dry on its own. Cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics based on plant extracts toning and moisturizing the skin twice a day, in the morning and in the evening after cleansing the skin. It is very useful for the skin of the eyelids, especially after 30 years, to make various nourishing, refreshing and tonic masks that help smooth wrinkles, eliminate age spots and edema.

Tonic cucumber mask. To do this, you can use cucumber juice 1 tsp. and 1 tsp. dry milk. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the eyelids for 10 minutes, then removed with a damp swab. In addition, it is useful to apply cucumber slices on the skin of the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

It is very useful to use various oils to moisturize the skin, such as: jojoba oil, castor oil or olive oil. Apply the oil to the skin around the eyes in a clockwise direction.

Refreshing mask: 2 teaspoons of dry dill, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Moisten cotton swabs with plenty of water and, squeezing them slightly, apply to the eyes for 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask: mix 1.5 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice with 1 yolk. Then dissolve 2 tbsp. infant formula in a small amount of water and combine with tomato-yolk mixture. Apply to the skin around the eyes.

Mask for tired eyes: it is useful to nourish the eyes with grape juice, for which you just need to cut a grape and run a half on the skin around the eyes.

natural mask for dry skin around the eyes: mix 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey, apply the resulting mixture on the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Everyone knows the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. Poor sleep, worries and many other factors are reflected in our eyes. Here are some tips on what to do when dark circles under the eyes or puffiness appear after sleep. For the morning cleansing procedure, you can use a special cooling eye gel based on plant extracts. This gel is applied in a small amount on the upper and lower eyelids for a few minutes, and then you can start makeup. The most common remedy for puffy eyes can be considered the use of cold black tea bags. To do this, you need to brew bags hot water, cool and put on the eyelids for a few minutes. After that, you need to apply a thin layer of cream on the area around the eyes and be sure to do physical exercise, you can even run, because tea lotions, combined with sweating and physical activity, quickly help to eliminate edema. In addition, in pharmacies you can buy special eye masks, which are made of plastic and filled with gel. They must be stored in the refrigerator. Such masks, if necessary, are applied for several minutes on closed eyes. You can also prepare a herbal mask at home. To do this, it is necessary to pass the parsley roots through a meat grinder, apply the mixture to the eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. In any case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for consultations to make sure that your kidneys are in order.

To hide dark circles under the eyes, there are special concealers called concealers. These funds have a fairly light and delicate texture, although their ability to hide imperfections is much higher than any foundation. Before applying concealers, it is recommended to use a lifting cream, which will smooth fine wrinkles and increase skin tone. Be sure to allow the cream to absorb so that the skin looks smoother. A means that masks dark circles under the eyes should be applied only to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "bruise". The final touch will be powdering the area of ​​​​the lower and upper eyelids.

Bags under the eyes.
Bags under the eyes are also a common problem in the eye area. What you need to do to prevent their occurrence:

  • it is necessary to sleep so that the head is slightly above the level of the body;
  • don't use too much oily creams for the skin around the eyes, since they only contribute to an increase in puffiness;
  • do not abuse beer and other alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods, as all this leads to the accumulation of fluid, and, consequently, swelling.
In the fight against bags under the eyes, contrast compresses from a decoction of sage help: this requires 1 hour. l. sage herbs pour half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain and divide into two portions - hot and cold. Make two gauze pads and alternately apply cold and hot compresses to your eyes for 10 minutes. This procedure must be done within a month before bedtime. In addition to sage, chamomile or dill are suitable for this compress. You can use a mask of raw grated potatoes: the mixture is laid out on gauze, applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a week. In addition, a special massage (lymphatic drainage) gives a significant improvement, which is best done by a specialist cosmetologist. Bags under the eyes can be disguised foundation, which must be applied in a very thin layer, which should be slightly darker than your natural skin tone.

Irritation and inflammation.
Eye baths are very good for inflammation of the eyes. A convenient small dish (cuvette) must be filled with a soft liquid eye cream, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, carefully applied to open eye and rotate the eyeball until it is wet. In addition, you can use eye drops, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, some drops contain substances that constrict blood vessels, so they are not recommended for long-term use. Redness of the eyes can be removed with infusion of chamomile or linden. This requires 1 tsp. dry flowers pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain.

Small wrinkles around the eyes.
To prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to use special cosmetics that affect the production of collagen; at bright sunshine, especially in summer periods, must be worn Sunglasses to avoid frequent blinking and squinting. In addition, it is very important to regularly massage the area around the eyes with oils (olive, almond), which prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles: apply a few drops of oil with your fingertips to the area around the eyes and with light circular and massaging movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer . After that, close your eyes, put your bent fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes. Under tension, simultaneously raise your eyebrows.

Masks from the "mesh" around the eyes.
Infusion of fresh birch leaves: Pour 1 glass of birch leaves with 1 glass of cold water and insist for 8 hours, strain. Use as a compress. Melt 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix with 1 tbsp. wheat flour and whipped protein. When the mask dries, wash it off with warm water.

Wrinkles can be masked with products containing ultra-fine powder particles that reflect light, thereby making wrinkles less visible. Bio-hyaluronic acid and malt oil strengthen the skin and make it more elastic. This type of product should be applied in the morning with light patting movements before applying makeup.

Organization proper care for the skin around the eyes, as well as eliminating the causes (smoking, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue) that can lead to the above problems will contribute to a beautiful elastic skin without any wrinkles and unpleasant defects.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around the eyes is an indicator of how much a woman loves herself and how much time she devotes to caring for her appearance. After all, it is around the eyes that the skin is thinner and more delicate, which means it is most susceptible to age-related changes, it is in this zone that the very first ones appear. Therefore, it requires special, increased attention to itself and careful systematic care. With the help of our tips and tricks, you will soon learn how to properly care for the delicate skin around the eyes and provide complete care even at home.

It is very important to understand that the structure of the skin around the eyes is significantly different from the structure of the skin of the face as a whole. Firstly, because it is much thinner, and secondly, it is practically not provided with subcutaneous fat. There are no sebaceous glands in this zone, therefore, it is less elastic and more prone to stretching. In addition, the skin around the eyes most sensitively reacts to the state of the body as a whole. Our wrong daily routine, unbalanced diet, insufficient fluid intake, and lack of proper care affect it not in the best way. As a result, the skin loses its tone, becomes lethargic, "bruises" under the eyes and puffiness appear. In addition, our facial expressions, without which, however, our life is unthinkable, also provokes the appearance of wrinkles. That is why in order to nullify the influence of all negative factors and keep the skin around the eyes young for longer, full daily care is necessary.

Of course, before the age of 25-30, you should not be too fanatical about this. During this period, it will be enough to moisturize the skin well and make it a rule to never leave makeup on at night. Now let's talk about the stages and procedures that make up the correct and complete care for the skin around the eyes. If you look, the process of skin care in this area consists of cleansing, moisturizing And toning.

Cleansing the skin around the eyes

The basis of care is a thorough and at the same time gentle cleansing, which must be carried out up to 25 years. It is best to use a special cosmetic milk to remove makeup. Moreover, the modern cosmetology industry is constantly improving this tool, and today it is possible to remove cosmetic residues not only without harming the skin, but also taking care of it. There are special two-phase liquids for removing waterproof mascara and light gels that are the best fit for contact lens owners. In addition, many natural vegetable oils also do an excellent job of cleansing the skin.

All these products must be used strictly in accordance with the needs of your skin. It must be cleaned very carefully, with light movements without pressure, to avoid irritation and stretching of the skin.

Hydration and nutrition

In order to maintain the balance of moisture and saturate the skin around the eyes with nutrients, you need to use products designed specifically for this area. Special creams have a completely different structure, due to which they are able to better penetrate the thinner skin of the eyelids, where the pores are not so wide. In addition, gels and creams designed specifically for the care of this area contain special components that not only promote more intense hydration, but also prevent skin irritation.

But be careful - special purchased cosmetics for skin care around the eyes should be of high quality (it is better not to save on this), otherwise it is better to prepare cosmetics yourself at home.


Unlike creams and eye gels, the lotion has a lighter texture. It moisturizes and perfectly tones the skin without overloading it, and it is also quickly absorbed, which makes it ideal for use during the daytime and especially during the hot season. Thanks to lotions, the skin becomes elastic and toned, shallow wrinkles disappear. mimic wrinkles. Particularly gentle and at the same time no less effective care special gels are provided behind the area around the eyes. They have a lighter texture than creams and are suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

In general, it is advisable to alternate different skin care products around the eyes, this can prevent allergic reactions and even inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. So, the cream "under the eyes" should be changed at least once every 3-4 months. Such funds should be selected, first of all, based on the characteristics of the type of skin and its age characteristics. For example, after the age of 30, the skin needs more intense hydration and constant nutrition - this can be provided by creams with a high content of extracts from medicinal herbs and fruits, as well as natural vegetable oils. While after 45 years the skin becomes less elastic and renews more slowly, in this case it makes sense to use age-related cosmetics with a high content of collagen molecules and various complexes that can make even deep wrinkles less noticeable. But it is also very important to choose a quality product that will help the skin fight age-related changes, enhancing its natural functions, and not vice versa, aggressively influence the work of epidermal cells, which will only worsen the situation in the future.

It is also important not only to choose good cream, but also correctly applied so that instead of benefit, it does not harm the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes and does not get the opposite effect. First of all, you need to remember that you need to apply the cream with your fingertips with light tapping movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one in order to stretch thin skin less. In addition, such tapping is a wonderful massage, improves blood circulation and, therefore, improves skin tone.

Also, you do not need to apply a regular face cream to the area around the eyes, as the skin there is very sensitive and can even become inflamed. Moreover, conventional cream does not pass ophthalmological tests, and its effect on the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye is difficult to predict. At the same time, a regular sunscreen for the face with an appropriate UV filter is quite suitable for application to the delicate skin of the eyelids, as long as it provides a reliable degree of protection from sunlight and does not cause an allergic reaction.

For the care of the skin around the eyes, especially in adulthood, it is recommended to use tonic products based on natural herbs, which provide the skin with complete cleansing, relieve irritation and increase its elasticity. Wiping the skin around the eyes with an ice cube from herbal decoction is especially effective; it is recommended to carry out such a procedure daily in the morning.

Homemade masks and other cosmetic products for comprehensive care

Various masks are also of great importance in caring for the skin around the eyes. They nourish the skin with essential beneficial trace elements, saturate the deeper layers of the epidermis with moisture, make dark circles less noticeable and reduce puffiness. This procedure should be carried out at least once every seven days. At home, you can prepare a lot of all kinds of masks exclusively from natural products that will be no less effective than expensive drugs from well-known brands.

Perhaps the most affordable and common tonic is an ordinary fresh cucumber, the only thing is that for these purposes it is advisable to take a slightly overripe cucumber. It must be cut into rather thin rings and placed on the skin of the eyelids. You can also mix equal amounts of cucumber juice and milk, moisten cotton pads with this mixture and keep under your eyes for a quarter of an hour.

You can also prepare a tonic infusion of dill. To do this, 30 g of dill is poured into 100 g of hot boiled water and insist about 20 minutes. Then moisten a cotton pad with infusion and apply on the eyelids for 20 minutes. After this procedure, the skin looks much fresher. Similarly, you can use a decoction of parsley leaves, with the only difference being that it needs to be kept for a quarter of an hour. steam bath. A cotton napkin is applied several times for one to two minutes, constantly wetting it in a decoction. After this procedure, it is necessary to wash with cold water and apply a light moisturizer designed for the skin in the eye area.

Well moisturize and nourish the skin, and also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, natural vegetable oils, especially castor, as well as oil from the fruits of the olive tree and jojoba.

If you mix 50 grams of tomato juice, raw egg yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of infant formula in a little water, you will get an excellent nourishing mask for the skin around the eyes. If the skin is very dry, then it is better to add honey to the yolk and apply this mixture for 10 minutes.

It is also useful to lubricate the skin under the eyes with freshly squeezed grape juice. Suitable for these purposes and the juice of any berries - strawberries, watermelons, raspberries or mountain ash, it perfectly tones the skin and saturates it with nutrients.

Not only nourishing, but also a calming effect has a mask of crushed oatmeal. To do this, they need to be mixed with a small amount of warm milk and left for 20 minutes. Then wrap this gruel in gauze napkin and put under the eyes for half an hour. The mask of oatmeal and honey moisturizes well, it can even smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you need to mix equal amounts of honey and steeply brewed tea, and then add crushed flakes until a mushy mass is formed. The mask should be on the skin of the eyelids for 20 minutes.

You can soften the skin around the eyes and remove minor wrinkles with the help of a Spanish mask. The way to prepare it is to rub the freshly boiled beans through a sieve and add a few drops of lemon juice and a little olive oil to it. Such a mask is applied for 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to conduct a contrast washing procedure (first with hot and then with cold water).

As you can see, taking care of the skin around the eyes is not such a burdensome task. Devoting this procedure no more than 10 minutes a day, you will provide yourself with a beautiful appearance for many years. The main thing is to do it systematically and avoid common mistakes. Also, do not approach the care of the skin around the eyes too fanatically.

First of all, use only high-quality decorative cosmetics and do not forget to remove them before going to bed. Also, do not save on eyelid cream and choose it strictly according to your age and skin type. If possible, use only natural cosmetics and at least four times a month make nourishing masks.

All these simple procedures can give excellent results, you just need to make a little effort, and you will always look great.

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Zohra 2013-09-18 11:59:06

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