"Where are you going": How to live when you look younger than your age. "Everyone is rude to me!" How do people who look younger than their age live, and why this is not always a plus Young and slender for their age

Even if in your soul you feel young and active, your reflection in the mirror may not always satisfy you.

However, there are a few simple tricks that can help you improve your physical health, feel more confident, and look the age you feel you are.

1. Sit up straight

“People with an even posture often appear younger, confident and happier than those who constantly slouch, raise their shoulders, or lean to one side,” says Paul D'Arezzo, MD. This will make you feel better: correct posture prevents muscle and joint pain and headaches by reducing tension in the neck.

Start doing yoga or Pilates regularly. These exercises will strengthen your abdominal, pelvic, and lower back muscles to help keep your body upright. Also, if you are a sedentary lifestyle, try to stretch every hour.

2. Lighten your eyebrows

According to experts, thick dark eyebrows make you look older, while lighter ones have the opposite effect. Eyebrow tinting will give you an open, fresh look for 4-6 weeks. It will not be superfluous to complement the image with blush.

3. Use highlighters

Get some face contour highlighters two shades lighter than your hair color. This will make them look shinier and healthier, which is a clear sign of youth, and will also help mask the changes that occur to the skin after 40 years, namely its dull and pale shade.

4. Grow long hair ... or cut it off!

If you have thick hair, a shoulder length or shorter length will make you look younger, according to experts. However, if you have fine hair, a short cut will help resist the aging process.

5. Buy a new bra

Breasts sag as we age - we all know that, but we shouldn't show it. “At the first sign of sagging, buy a push-up bra,” says bras writer Susan Natero. "This will help bring your chest line back to where it was in your younger years, which is halfway from shoulder to elbow."

6. Get a manicure

Recently, a study was conducted by British plastic surgeons, the results of which showed that nail polish and rings can distract the attention of others from such signs of aging as veins and age spots. The researchers asked people to rate the ages of the women based solely on photographs of their hands. As a result, 49% of respondents came to the conclusion that women's hands with manicure look younger, 52% said the same about jewelry.

7. Take care of your smile

A radiant smile helps you look healthy and youthful. Of course, nothing beats professional teeth whitening in a dental clinic, but if this procedure is not affordable for you, today there are many special toothpastes and whitening agents that can also return a dazzling whiteness to your smile.

These simple tips will make you look much younger, healthier and more attractive!

“I was not sold alcohol in the store today”, “They asked me for a passport when I ordered a glass of wine” - you must have often heard such phrases from friends and acquaintances. Sometimes, in response to such a story, one really wants to say: "That's right, you really look much younger", and in other cases, you just have to nod in understanding so as not to seem impolite. The phenomenon of how we tend to assess our own age and how our assessment relates to the assessment of others is of interest to both ordinary people and scientists. Before moving on to the signs of youth, let's find out what the latter think about this.

Forever Young

The problem of age perception has long been actively studied by psychologists. Scientists have even identified a special term - subjective age. They indicate the attitude of the person himself to his own age, and there are several grounds for assessment: how old do you feel, how old you look and how old do you act(this includes an assessment of one's own interests, hobbies, work, etc.). We are interested in the second point - how old we look and) in my own opinion b) in the opinion of others. In the West, research in this area began in the 1960s. Domestic psychologists took care of the problem a little later, but they are also actively developing it.

In 2013, the journal Psychological Research published the results of a study of several age groups: from 20 to 30 years old, from 40 to 50 and from 60 to 70 years old. In its course, it turned out that most respondents across all age groups tend to think they look younger than their age.If we summarize the data, it turns out that on average we think that we look 4-5 years younger than our real age. Moreover, after 25 years, the tendency to consider oneself younger is only gaining momentum.

There is one more interesting detail: when people are asked to determine the age of others from photographs, they are rarely mistaken.Often the error is less than a year, sometimes up to two years.

In world psychology, our tendency to consider ourselves younger than our calendar age is explained by the mechanism of psychological defense:a person wants to somehow cope with the problem of aging and not lose his place in a society focused on youth.

Signs that you look younger than your age

So how do we know if we really look younger, or are we just happy to be fooled by looking at our own reflection in the mirror? There are several signs that can help determine this. Of course, you will hardly be able to get an accurate objective assessment using this list, but it will help you to find your way around.

1. Angle of youth

The clear line of the lower jaw and the pronounced obtuse angle that it forms from the side greatly influence the perception of the face. When the line is blurry (and it happens even in young people), the face immediately visually adds 4-5 years.

2. Invisible pores

"Imagine a time vertically: it turns out that it has the shape of the letter V," says Amy Wexler, a dermatologist in the United States. - That is, it is narrower at the base, and expands closer to the skin surface. Enlarged pores tend to visually age you. "

It is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the size of pores with the help of cosmetics, because this parameter (like almost everything in our appearance) is determined by genetics, but regular cleansing and exfoliation will help improve the situation, the doctor explains.

3. Lack of freckles on the chest and arms

Pigmentation is often a sign of age. And now we are not talking about cute freckles on a obviously young or even adolescent face, but about scattering of dark spots on the chest, shoulders and arms. According to the estimates of the same Dr. Wexler, they immediately add up to 10 years to the look.

4. Thick natural eyebrows

Recently, the role of eyebrows in facial architecture has been appreciated to the maximum - and with many it plays a cruel joke. Girls begin to finish painting a non-existent volume, width and length, being overly carried away and going beyond the boundaries of reason. Therefore, we do not suggest considering eyebrows drawn with an overly generous hand as a sign of youth. But real, thick, beautifully designed eyebrows are quite. By the way, the stars prove the validity of this rule by their example: for example, top instablogger Natalya Davydova (Aunt Motya) admitted that she had been doing an eyebrow transplant because she could not grow natural eyebrows, and this procedure instantly transformed her face.

5. Face without puffiness


Excessive puffiness is clearly not a sign of youth and freshness, and the so-called "pillow-face" immediately adds at least ten years to its owner. Recall, for example, that quite a young girl in recent photos looked like a mature woman only because, according to rumors, she was addicted to alcohol and illegal drugs. Lohan's face became too puffy for her age, the cheekbones ceased to stand out, that "corner of youth" blurred. The same trouble overtook Madonna, but for a different reason: the pop queen was carried away by fillers based on hyaluronic acid. And they, in turn, attract and accumulate around themselves the water that is already in the body. As a result, the singer received the opposite effect to the desired one: she not only did not look younger, but also visually added several years to herself.

6. Strong nails without yellowness

Hands betray age, and this thesis is not new. However, we are talking here not only about the condition of the skin on the hands, but also about the nails. An interesting study was published in the American Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery on how people perceive their nails. The respondents were asked to rate the age of several people by their hands. They were provided with two types of photographs: photographs of brushes with unpainted nails and photographs of hands with varnished nails and finger decorations. It turned out that hands with nails without varnish are perceived as older. This is most likely due to the fact that the varnish covers the yellowness, unevenness of the nail relief and other imperfections. Researchers have concluded that unkempt nails can add up to five years to your actual age.

7. Ease of movement

It's not just our appearance that affects how others perceive us. How we move plays a significant role. It is known that the movements of young people (or those who are perceived as young) are broader, more active, and more energetic. For example, young people are more likely to turn their whole body, and not just their head, when they need to look back or around. They do not save energy by intuitively trying to move more "sparingly", as is usually the case with age.

The biggest mistake many women make after 40 years is the unfortunate color scheme of the entire wardrobe. If some believe that it is time to wear only everything dark and discreet, then others suddenly stop at flashy neon colors in order to seem younger. These extremes are always old and ridiculous.

What's the best? Stylists advise to introduce bright shades in dosage and still abandon acid colors, all the more you should not combine them with each other. Clothes of light natural (beige, sky blue, lavender) and pastel colors look good. Any ensemble will refresh a piece of coral or light turquoise shades.

Choose clothing in soothing shades as a base. For example, a light-colored skirt and a sweater from a store. They create a harmonious combination that can be freshened up with a bright accessory.

Obsessive print

A large cage of all colors of the rainbow, a too-contrasting wide stripe, a combination of several active prints at once - all this reminds of Petrushka's children's costume. A birdie dress or a pineapple T-shirt is also best left for teens looking for themselves.

What's the best? In summer, blouses and dresses with a delicate floral pattern, models with pinstripes, small peas or with ethnic motives are good.

A great option - light blouses with small floral patterns from a boutique of exclusive designer clothing.

Complex styles

Ruffles, ruffles, bows, flounces, sequins and other decorative elements look good only in small quantities. If they are in excess, then they turn the image into a screaming one, and the woman into a peacock. In addition, the decor adds unnecessary volume and distracts attention from the person as a whole.

What's the best? Austere lines, simple silhouettes and a classic cut will highlight the dignity of your figure and help you shed a few years.

Ripped jeans

Firstly, ripped jeans are already out of fashion, and secondly, unnecessary scuffs, embroidery, appliqués and other decorative elements are appropriate only up to 40 years old. If you are older (and your age is easily guessed), then it will seem to others that you acquired such a pair during your youth and continue to wear it to this day.

What's the best? Bootcut jeans, models with straight or slightly tapered legs and a medium or high rise will be relevant. The main thing is not to be too conspicuous.

Sneakers for any occasion

It cannot be categorically said that after a certain age sneakers should be thrown away and never worn again, but if you want to look slimmer (and therefore younger), then you should find an alternative to them. Especially when it comes to jeans or denim overalls - in a duet with sneakers, they create the image of a daring teenager.

What's the best? Pumps or loafers look more elegant.

For example, take a look at the models from the store. Shoes made of genuine leather are practical, comfortable for long walks and are suitable for a casual look.

Printed tights

You should not go to extremes and experiment with printed models, this is unnecessary.

What's the best? Black tight tights are a must-have item in every woman's wardrobe. Complete with matching shoes, they stretch the silhouette, make the legs look graceful and emphasize the smooth natural curves. The case when even a skirt or dress to mid-thigh looks elegant and stylish.

Artsy bag

A bag is, if you choose it correctly. After 30, you should not go to work with a backpack, if it is not a stylish leather model, and after 40 years it is better to refuse large bags with inscriptions and an abundance of decorative elements.

What's the best? The secret lies in compact, rigid bags, possibly with leather inserts in several shades. And picking up a bag to match the color of your shoes has long been bad form.

You are free to choose the color you like! In the huge assortment of the store, you will definitely find a model of the right size, style and color.

An abundance of jewelry

Baubles and other jewelry in countless numbers are good for the self-expression of schoolgirls, but you should not keep the habit of "putting on all the best at once" in adulthood. Decorations in sets, several bright elements on the neck or on one arm at once are too much if you are not going to a theme party.

What's the best? It is enough to put on a watch and one large bracelet to impress. If the top of the ensemble is a neutral shade, you can complement it with a necklace. If you are in doubt if you have too many details, then it is better to decorate only one area: either the neck and ears, or the wrists and fingers.

Small earrings in a discreet style will be an excellent option in this case. We advise you to try on gold earrings with diamond inserts

Now that the beauty industry is promoting eternal youth, many women are ready to go to extreme measures, just not to look their age. For compliments, we are ready to accept words that we look 5-10 years younger. But is it really worth deceiving age and your own body at all? In this article, we'll look at how to look younger than your age without resorting to radical methods.

How to look younger than your age without surgery

Do you know what the WHO refers to as human youth from 18 to 44? At the same time, the beauty industry has been recording women as old women from the age of thirty, offering radical methods of rejuvenation: from relatively safe fillers to thread braces and surgeries. Needless to say, this pleasure costs a lot of money, and instead of good, sometimes it only brings harm? Therefore, now many women are increasingly refusing to deceive their own biological clock. Moreover, you can look great at thirty, and fifty, and seventy years. Moreover - without resorting to operations. It all depends on the mood, quality and lifestyle!

7 steps towards youth

Time cannot be fooled, and sooner or later the skin will begin to wrinkle, the hair will turn gray, and the weight will be deposited even after a mug of your favorite coffee. How to enjoy life and at the same time like yourself in the mirror? In fact, this does not require anything supernatural.

Water balance... It is necessary to maintain a water-salt balance at any age, but after forty years it is especially important. Firstly, excess weight often begins to appear due to swelling. Secondly, you can get rid of it in just a couple of days. To do this, you need to take diuretics: either brew fresh herbs, or drink special capsules. Caution: Excessive use of diuretics leads to seizures! Therefore, they should be drunk no more than twice a day and no longer than for three days. In addition, before taking diuretics, you need to consult with your doctor: for example, women with hypotension risk dropping their blood pressure much below normal.

Correct attitude... Oddly enough, some plastic surgeons quite seriously argue that you can improve your appearance simply by evoking pleasant memories or tune in to positive impressions. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position in a quiet and calm place, close your eyes and imagine all the pleasant things that once happened to you. Focus on the memory by inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Drive the feeling of love and delight through yourself, enjoy it. A daily session of this meditation will help you tune in to youth. And people who act like young and feel much younger. You shouldn't think about your own age: there is still a whole life ahead, full of new impressions and discoveries!

Eliminate puffiness... Years of lack of sleep, constant stress, poor nutrition - all this affects the fact that real bags form under the eyes. You can get rid of them without any operations. First, it is worth sleeping on your back or on your side, on a high pillow. Second, avoid excessive drinking at night. Third, use cold compresses. Or use hyaluronic patches that will help you quickly get rid of bags and bruises.

Get rid of deep wrinkles... Of course, nothing serious can be done with deep age-related changes in the skin without radical intervention, but you can still significantly smooth out wrinkles. To do this, you need to learn to relax: the wrinkles between the eyebrows and the lips are formed due to the facial expressions we have when we are angry or focused. A reflexogenic foot massage will help relax the body: simply massage the point next to the bump under the big toe. Moisturizing masks and special serums, for example, Herbalife anti-aging products, will also help get rid of wrinkles.

Have sex... Is there sex after menopause? Of course yes! Moreover, at this age, a woman is still able to become pregnant, although the chances are much lower. So you shouldn't forget about contraception. In general, regular sex promotes the production of hormones that help to rejuvenate the body and keep it in good shape.

Find an energy source... With age, our body begins to tire faster. Eleutherococcus extract, mate tea and regular walks will help him return youth and energy. By the way, it is always better to walk by different routes: it will also have a beneficial effect on the brain, creating new neural connections.

Watch yourself. A hunched back, skewed shoulders, an unsteady gait - all this betrays age with a head. So you have to regularly monitor your own posture.

You can paint over the gray hair, or you can wear the new hair color with pride. You can dress the way you like it: clothes have no age. And most importantly - do not pay attention to evil tongues around: a woman with age becomes no worse than she was in her youth. This is a time of prosperity, not withering. In addition, the children have grown up, and you can finally devote all your time to your own hobbies and travel to interesting places. In general, in order not to look your age, you just need to be yourself and refuse to evaluate your own appearance. And also - get rid of bad habits and switch to a healthy lifestyle, which will not only help you look better, but also strengthen your health. And special care lines from Herbalife will help keep the skin toned.

  • Anti-aging serum. The composition contains natural ingredients and vitamin and mineral supplements, which can reduce the visible signs of aging. Suitable for all skin types, noticeable results usually appear within a week after regular use.
  • Renewing night cream. Provides the skin with the necessary hydration and nutrition, helps fight age-related changes.
  • Gel with a lifting effect. Designed specifically for delicate eye skin: helps to relieve puffiness, bags and dark circles.

You can maintain youthfulness not only with the help of care products. For example, "ExtraKal" will strengthen bone tissue, "Tang Kuai" is designed specifically for women, mobilizes the body's defenses and relieves muscle spasms, and herbal drinks help maintain tone throughout the day.

October 22, 2019, 11:00 2019-10-22