How to grow a gorgeous beard: useful tips for potential beards. Beard: how to grow if it doesn't grow? Tips for guys to grow a long beard

To grow your own beard, you need to put your razor and trimmer away into the closet and wait. That, perhaps, is all that needs to be done, think most men who have never grown a beard before. The fact is that you learn a lot about caring for a growing beard and you have to solve many problems and tasks that are encountered on the way to a new image. At the time of this writing, I myself made the decision to grow a beard for the first time in my life in order to try something new.

Puzzled by the question, I studied some information on how to grow a beard and conditionally divided it into 3 parts: beard growth, definition with beard style, beard grooming. I will not single out the stage where the question is discussed: "... why do you need a beard?" Everyone answers this question himself, so there is no point in talking about the pros and cons of this solution. However, you can describe how people's attitudes change after they saw you in an unusual light, which will be reflected later in the article.

So, the first thing to do at the very beginning is to move the razor away and grow a beard with patience. In fact, patience is one of the main requirements that many beard owners refer to. A beard is not measured in centimeters, but in months or even years.

Beard growth stages

Each length has its own complexities and challenges, so let's start in order. Take your time to learn how to grow a beard quickly. Everything has its time.

One month beard

During the 2-3 weeks beard growth stage, you will notice that the beard starts to itch. Hair does not grow evenly, and in general, the beard itself looks rather untidy. The cause of an itchy beard is when the ends of the hair that have become sharp from the last shave have grown enough to curl and prick your skin. The most "itchy" place is, of course, the neck, which we constantly move. If you grow a beard in winter, the scarf can even increase this itching.

Solution ways:

  1. Have your courage and just wait. This is a temporary phenomenon and will pass in a week or two.
  2. Use a moisturizer and don't forget. Try not to use products containing alcohol, which dries out the skin and makes it worse.

As soon as the beard stops itching, there will come a time when the beard will grow here and there in irregular islands. Obviously, such a beard looks untidy. There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. If you have decided on a style of beard, and in this style a mustache or sideburns are not needed, then you can trim the beard a little and shave off unnecessary areas.
  2. If you decide to be as bearded as possible, just be patient and leave your beard untouched. Sooner or later the hair will grow back and cover the empty areas, you just have to wait.

Many do not have enough patience, and they start here and there to trim the lonely hairs around the edges, but after playing, they shave off the wrong thing. Be a man to the end, adopt a harsh, unshaven image and do not touch your beard, otherwise you can mess things up. You can use it from natural ingredients so that "islands" of hair do not appear on the beard and cheeks.

Beard 1-2 months long

When you manage to maintain control over yourself and grow a beard in one month without touching it, it is time to make it neat. To maintain the length of your beard, use small scissors. If you have recently started grooming your beard, there is a chance to shave off too much hair. It will take time to restore beard hair, so stick to the less is more approach. Cut off less hair and do not cut it too short. Use a small straight comb to straighten your beard and trim the length of your hair. A massage brush will not work, be aware.

Take care of your beard. Every time you are in the shower, rinse it with clean water and wash it with soap. For a complete care, use either regular burdock oil.

Beard 2-3 months long

For those who have waited over 2-3 months and have grown a really nice beard, the fun begins. You will begin to notice that the beard, or rather the hair on the beard, is not the same as it was before. They begin to curl, stick out in all directions, and generally have a curly appearance. Actually, many are satisfied with this. A brutal man is about you.

A two or three month old beard also needs grooming. Do not forget to rinse your beard with water daily, wash your beard with soap at least 1 time per week. It will be even better if you. If possible, apply beard oil every day.

Beard 3-6 months long

After such a long period of growing a beard, you can say that you have tremendous self-control. All difficulties are behind and it remains only to occasionally correct the borders of the beard and its shape. The only challenge is drying your beard after a shower. Many people dry their hair with a hairdryer, so you need to blow hot air around your beard from the bottom up. Thus, the beard will be more magnificent and tidier. In order not to dry your hair, do not put too high a temperature on the hairdryer and use. For styling your beard, use a wood or.

You can style your beard in different ways, but a lot depends on your genetics. To understand which style is right for you, you need to see how big your beard can be in six months. Only then, having turned to a specialist (in large hairdressing salons, there are specialists in beard trimming - barbers or barbers), choose your style.

10 types of beards, mustaches and sideburns

For a general overview, there are 10 classic types of beards, mustaches and sideburns.

How to care for your beard

Each person has his own genetics, therefore, someone can grow a beard without problems, while someone does not have the opportunity to grow a 2-month beard. If you want to know how to quickly grow a huge beard to be proud of, here are some simple tips.

With the right lifestyle, ideal diet and no stress, you can expect good and fast beard growth. Remember the rumors that the more you shave your beard, the faster it will grow? It is a myth.

Of course, not everyone succeeds in leading a correct lifestyle, so various vitamins and supplements come to the rescue. Recommendations include multi vitamins, biotin (vitamin H) and fish oil. All this will allow hair and nails to grow faster. You can also recommend B vitamins and magnesium.

How people react to your beard

If you first decided to grow a beard, then you need to realize that you are now the object of increased attention. People will pay attention to you, especially those who saw you 3-4 months ago without a beard, but suddenly something like that.

First of all, you need to find support from people close to you. If people love and appreciate you, they will gradually get used to your new image and style. If suddenly friends or close people do not share your choice, you should prove yourself as a person and insist on your own. Try to argue your decision, as a rule, it works.

Next on the list are colleagues at work with whom you come across 5 times a week. Depending on the place where you work and the position you hold, there may be different difficulties, however, if you have at least a little authority, then there should be no problems. Stay on your own and show courage. You have decided you are growing a beard. People will be imbued with your confidence and will accept your choice.

One thing to understand is that you are not a carrot to please everyone. Try to ignore the words of people who do not share your decision to grow a beard and follow your course.

After a while, you will be recognized by your business card - beard! It's an interesting feeling when a lot of attention is paid to your style and beard-shaped look. From time to time they will even ask to be photographed for memory, since you are an extraordinary and interesting person.


Growing a beard is a wonderful life experience for a man to have in his life. If you manage not to shave for a long time, especially if you do not like to shave 2-3 times a week, then growing a beard will even be a joy to you! After all, growing a beard is a great opportunity to diversify your life. I wish you the best of luck and hope that changing your look with a beard will make you a little happier. All the best and grow beards forward!

How to choose a beard? Popular types of beards - video

She was a symbol of power and masculinity. This fact confirms the presence of it among the great emperors, kings, presidents, and many show business stars whom we see on the TV screen. Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp and other successful stellar men delight and admire the weak half of humanity with their careless stubble and brutal stylish beard. Our domestic celebrities, such as the well-known Black Star Mafia, are not inferior to foreign stars. Its founder is the bearded Timati. Facial hair is now considered a fashion and style icon.

That is why most of the stronger sex dream of having a stylish masculine beard on their face. "How to grow if it doesn't grow?" - a question immediately arises for many guys at the age of 18, or even 15-16 years. Of course, it's not a good idea to aim for thick facial hair too early. The appearance of a boy in a composition with a beard looks ridiculous and ridiculous. But if he understands, looking in the mirror, that it's time, then there are some tips on this matter.

First step

So the guy wants him to have a beard. How to grow if it doesn't grow? Note that the growing process is a very long and requires special attention. Therefore, you need to be patient.
If a young man has firmly decided on this matter, then the question immediately arises: "How much to grow a beard?" Wait at least a month without shaving or trimming the stubble. Even if it seems that the face has begun to look terrible with fragile weak hairs, do not touch them. Despite the condemnation of loved ones, persuasion to shave everything off, ridicule of others that does not suit you, you should not pay attention to this. Because after all that is to be done, men and young guys with a clean shaven chin will be jealous of your new look.

Stage two - trimming

After a successful biding of time, you can already see a small result: the natural hairline appears. You can safely start trimming. It is advisable to do this for the first time in a hairdressing salon. Since if you do it yourself, there is a risk of shaving something wrong and wrong. Subsequent beard trims can be done at home using the trimmer.
But often facial hair stops growing or begins to grow unevenly.

Special products and scrubs

So how do you grow a thick beard? There are many recommendations for such a case. You can find special ones, but do not use improvised ones, such as burdock oil or red pepper. In this way, skin irritation or allergic reactions can be provoked. There are special beard sprays that can be purchased at cosmetic stores.

Beard: how to grow if it doesn't grow?

And for those who want not visually, but really to decorate their face with thick and tough vegetation, the following tips will help.
at home? You must first remember about cleansing the skin on the face, you need to wash your face often, use various scrubs, mousses to prevent hair from ingrowing into the skin and redness. Then the hairs themselves will grow faster. From ingrowth, it will not be superfluous to steam the area on which the hair has grown. You should also drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. The liquid improves the general condition of the skin and the natural course of life processes, healthy sleep will also improve the well-being and the growth of desired hair. Sleep should be 6-8 hours. It is also advisable to give up bad habits.

How to grow a beard at home? It is worth starting to play sports. Since physical activity activates male hormones, which are also responsible for the vegetation on the man's body.

Nutrition and vitamins for men

How to grow a beard correctly? If you want more effect, you need to take a vitamin complex, vitamins of groups B, A and E are perfect. They promote hair growth and density. Avoid stressful situations and do not overexert yourself, meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress. You should also eat well: fewer unhealthy snacks, more protein. Eggs, white poultry meat, fish, dairy products will help with this. Such food helps to strengthen building tissues and is the basis for muscle and hair growth.

Correct care

You know how to grow a beard properly, now let's talk about grooming. You need to take care of it regularly, trim the hairs on the chin and cheeks, observing the contour, trim in places where it is required. Girls are delighted with men with sloppy brutal stubble.

But this does not mean at all that you can simply overgrow a one-year-old beard and not shave at all. The effect of sloppy stubble is not so easy to create, you need a special skill. If a man is inexperienced in this matter, then you should trust a professional, go to the salon for such a haircut or trim. The type of beard can be selected in consultation with the master.

Give up the razor

Now you know how popular a beard is, how to grow it if it doesn't grow.

Each man had a desire to grow a beard, or an interest in how he would look with a beard. The growth of a beard in men is inherent in nature and gives solidity and masculinity. Want to grow a beard from scratch? I have collected the main points of the process in this article.

Have you decided to have a beard? Have a little zeal

The main thing is that you should be comfortable, therefore we initially grow a beard and carefully observe the shape, experiment and adjust the growth process. It's not enough just to hide the razor, trimmer and wait until you get overgrown. While creating a new image, on the way, you face challenges that you have to solve. But the desire to look more spectacular spurred me to come to grips with the question of how you can grow a beard, and even at home? The entire period of hair growth, which turns into long hair on the face, is divided into several stages.

First stage

Lasts about three weeks, before the appearance of a well-established stubble. During this period, itching begins in all men. The reason is the sharp ends of the hair sticking out in different directions and pricking the face and neck. But I was personally glad that facial hair began to grow, and I did not pay attention to it under inspiration. For those with sensitive skin, you can use a face cream, it soothes irritation. It becomes clear in which areas there is more dense vegetation, where it is desirable to increase growth.

What determines the growth of a guy's beard.

How long it takes to grow a beard depends on genetics and the amount of the hormone testosterone, each is different. If it grows poorly, there is a remedy for beard growth and to stimulate hair growth in general. One of the popular ones is called "Minoxidil".

On the cheeks, chin, where the bristles did not grow, the preparation is applied. I can assure you that it is effective. If it does not grow, the mesoscooter provides effective assistance. A small device with a needle roller to activate the metabolism in the skin. It is easy to start growing a beard, but not everyone can go through all the stages and achieve a good result.

Second phase

For the perseverance and diligence shown, growing a beard moves to the next stage. It starts from about 1 month to 3 months. "Hair" has grown and is taking shape. We must be prepared for surprised looks and moral attack from close people. In my case, I received a dose of criticism, and my wife jokingly threatened at night, while sleeping, to spoil my efforts. But there were people who respected the decision, their support was inspiring. Especially when the son looked and said with admiration that when he grows up, he will also grow a beard. I admit that this was the best motivation for me.

Stage features

A feature of this period is careful maintenance and adjustment. It is advisable to purchase a trimmer, cutting scissors and a comb. I prefer a metal comb, a wooden one will do too. A trimmer is a handy thing, although some bearded men prefer scissors. According to experts, scissors do not ruffle the ends of the hair as well. But this does not affect the appearance. In my case, and it often happens, the shock of thickets curled up, especially on the cheeks, with hairs sticking out in different directions. We grow steadily further, you can shorten the sides and add volume on the chin. At the end of the period, you will have a short, pretty beard on your face.

At the second stage of growing a beard at home, in order to thoroughly learn how to choose the right "face haircut" for me, I decided to visit a barbershop. This is a special establishment with experts in men's hairstyles and styles. The master for the first time professionally corrected the chaos on the face, made a couple of practical advice on care and recommended using a balm. If the beard cannot be styled, use a special wax. After washing, I was helped by an ordinary hair styling gel, which more or less straightened the hairs. I would like to warn you that if you yourself want to trim the length of the hairs, cut off a little carefully so as not to spoil it.

But if the beard does not grow, as you want, you need to consult with specialists and try various additional methods. No need to give up, the problem can be solved. Learn why men have facial hair growth and what folk remedies are. They turn out to be quite effective and there is information about this on our website. An effective way to use oils and massage.

Do not dare to have a beard, grow a mustache. How to grow a mustache is easier to figure out than growing a beard and caring for it. The mustache will also add originality and diversify the appearance.

Final stage

After 3 months, within half a year, the beard in its basic form reaches its optimal variant.

You can be commended for your endurance and commitment to being original. When you go through the period of the first difficulties, and you manage to grow a beautiful beard, care and correction remain the main tasks to maintain this beauty. The beard will look well-groomed and respectable with daily bathing and brushing. Growing a beard provides you with a kind of natural filter through which air passes and dust accumulates, so cleanliness is important. I use regular shampoo. For the beauty of the appearance of the beard, palm or burdock oils are used.

How to make a beard grow?

What makes a beard grow more efficiently in the stronger sex? Even if the hair did not appear at all, but really want to, it is recommended to use methods that stimulate beard growth. The appearance of your hair depends on the health of your skin and the body as a whole. Here's what to do:


Hair not growing? Pay attention to the foods you eat. They have a direct effect on hair growth. To grow a beard, it is worth studying the rules of nutrition. For example, caffeine suppresses male hormones by increasing blood estrogen. Beard growth does not come from beer. In everyday life, there is a misconception that it allegedly stimulates the growth of hairiness.

Physical Education.

Sports will help you grow a beard more effectively. Why doesn't a beard grow as it should for those who constantly lie on the couch? Because the hormonal background of the male body and the quality of hair growth throughout the body are directly interconnected. Testosterone, which is produced during exercise, stimulates growth.

Nourishing masks.

The answer to the question of why a beard grows poorly is a lack of vitamins and nutrients. They are especially useful for a beard that grows poorly and slowly. It is desirable to accompany it with a light massage.

If growing poorly, practice having sex regularly. This changes the amount of testosterone in the blood. And if a man does not grow a beard as it should, then even the feeling of imminent closeness of sexual intercourse contributes to the growth of a beard and mustache.

How to grow a beard? From time immemorial, a beard has been an integral attribute of a man's face, symbolizing strength and masculinity.

In contact with

In Russia, she adorned every married man and was a sign of a certain social status. Having a beardless face was considered the height of indecency. That is why the reforms of Peter the Great's times concerning shaving facial hair met with stubborn resistance from both the nobility and the common people.

Nowadays, the beard is no longer associated with belonging to any class and has only a decorative purpose. In some cases (if the owner of the beard stopped at choosing its especially original configuration), it can testify to his original nature.

How to start the process of growing a beard

If the decision to let go of the beard is made, you need to set yourself up for the fact that the process of growing it will take a lot of time and at the first stage will be associated with a number of inconveniences.

How to grow a beard?

  • The first step is complete refusal to shave.

You will have to forget about the existence of the razor for at least a month (or better, one and a half). After waiting this time, they establish exactly what type of facial hair a man has.

The fact is that the hair on the faces of different men grows differently: for some, the growing process ends with the appearance of a thick and luxurious beard, for others the hair grows in clumps, and the attempts of others do not end with any result.

Some adolescents have a beard at the age of 16, and some do not grow even at 40. This is due to genetics. Having learned what type of vegetation nature has endowed him with, a man can choose the appropriate shape of a beard, but this is still to be discussed.

  • Letting go of the beard, no way do not rush to adjust its shape, even if a man dreams of a small beard. By accidentally removing excess hairs, he risks nullifying all his efforts. Better to show some truly Nordic resilience and wait for your facial hair to reach a certain length.
  • After that, you can start choosing the shape of the future beard and outline the line of the neck.

How to choose a beard shape?

Choosing a beard depending on your face shape

How to determine the lower limit of beard growth?

In order for the beard to adorn its owner, and not to give him the wild look of an aborigine overgrown with shaggy hair, it is necessary to define a line that it should not cross.

The most acceptable option is the lower border, which runs just above the Adam's apple.

How to accelerate beard growth?

How to quickly grow a beautiful beard?

  • Proper nutrition - the key to successful growth of any hair, including those that are part of the beard. Fatty fish, chicken and beef are valuable sources of natural proteins (of which hair is primarily made up).
  • Saturated fats from eggs, nuts and fish are very important for a lush beard, as their presence in the diet increases the level of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Including spinach and kale greens in your daily diet to help convert female estrogens will also keep your testosterone levels healthy.

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally - Tips Video:

Calcium, an essential ingredient in all dairy products, is essential for healthy hair, so you can eat as much as you want.

  • The use of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements (like biotin) is an excellent stimulator of hair growth. Vitamin supplements, including the content of beta-carotene, a complex of B vitamins, nettle and flaxseed oil, are no less effective.

Fish oil and a number of trace elements (zinc, phosphorus and selenium) are excellent hair growth accelerators. When purchasing vitamin supplements, you need to pay attention to the presence of these substances in their composition. Stimulants of rapid hair growth are vitamins A and E included in the formulation of the drug Aevit.

When caring for your beard, it is advisable to use a special shampoo to wash it that stimulates hair growth. The basis of such stimulation is the action of vitamin supplements included in its formulation and beneficially affecting the condition of the hair follicles and hair structure.

  • Using nourishing masks will help strengthen the hair roots. After adding a small amount of mustard powder to a simple shampoo for washing hair, soak the beard with the resulting composition and keep it for about half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with warm water. A mustard oil mask can be used for men with very sensitive skin. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of mustard powder. After mixing the components, the mixture is applied to the beard for twenty minutes.

Beard growth mask - video:

  • Burdock oil is an excellent hair growth accelerator and skin moisturizer.... After adding a few drops of vitamins A and E to it, rub the healing composition into the beard and keep it for at least 40 minutes. After completing the procedure, thoroughly rinse the hair with plenty of warm water and shampoo. Since the oil does not wash off well, you will have to rinse your beard several times.

Many guys are looking for articles on how to grow a thick beard if it is sparse, growing in an uneven mass, spoiling the image of a young man. After all, it is the bristles that make a real man out of a little boy, giving the face brutality, sexuality. The hair of the chin area, according to doctors, is considered one of the male secondary signs of puberty.

Bristles not only provide representatives of the stronger sex with a representative appearance, it also protects the skin from harmful environmental factors. In order to release uniform vegetation, you need to know the main reasons why hair growth slows down.

Experts identify the following factors that negatively affect the active development of bristles. The most common of them are:

  1. Before growing a beard if it is sparse, a man should think about his daily diet, and in fact full development of bristles depends on nutrition... With food, useful substances enter the body that are simply necessary to maintain the active work of the follicles.
  2. Delayed puberty... Puberty is crucial in the formation of the hairline. Therefore, when the vegetation is too sparse, perhaps a hormonal imbalance has occurred in your body, which has caused the uneven development of hairs
    asti chin, mustache. Hormone therapy, which will be prescribed by a specialized endocrinologist, will help to solve this problem.
  3. Excess weight. An overweight young man can easily grow a beard on his face when he loses excess body fat. It is obesity that often causes the uneven development of the bristles, so you need to strictly monitor your figure.
  4. Improper shave... Even such a simple factor as a shaving procedure can cause the vegetation of the cheek area to stop developing. When a young man uses a dull razor, does not use special shaving products, the structure of the hairs is disturbed, therefore, the bristles grow slowly and unevenly.

The listed reasons most often affect the development of the hairline, interfering with its uniform growth. That is why men should know all the intricacies of caring for their vegetation in order to avoid the appearance of bald patches on the face.

How to make your beard grow evenly

In order to effectively build a beard on your face, it is recommended to take good care of your skin. Thanks to proper care, the hairs will grow with renewed vigor around the entire perimeter of the face. A man must devote some time to his vegetation every day, during which the necessary manipulations and masks will be carried out, activating the work of the follicles. There are many ways to stimulate hair growth. The following guidelines will help those guys who dream of becoming the owners of thick, beautiful, uniform stubble.

An effective preparation for beard growth, recommended by doctors of the highest category. It stimulates the synthesis of the protein beta-catenin in the cells of the follicle. The hair growth phase (anagen) is lengthened, the resting phase (catagen) is faster. The hair follicle grows in size and produces longer and thicker hair.

You can't rush nature

Men with a thin layer of hair on the cheek area only dream of acquiring dense, uniform vegetation. But few people know that it is quite easy to make a dream come true; you need to wait a while until the hairs completely cover the desired perimeter of the skin. To solve the problem of how to grow a beard if it is rare, experts recommend abandoning shaving procedures for a whole month.

At first, the growth of the bristles, the guy may think that the vegetation is developing unevenly, in shreds. However, over time, the hairs begin to germinate, it becomes longer, slowly growing follicles germinate in those places that did not grow before that time. After a month, the bald patches will be hidden, as the bristles will grow in an even layer.

Trim your regrown beard

After a month, when the hairs grow back to the desired size, about one centimeter, it is recommended to equalize them to the same length using scissors or a trimmer. After that, it is necessary to constantly maintain the resulting shape, because the hair grows diversely, some faster, others slower, which looks uneven. To evenly grow a beard on his face, a man needs to regularly trim the growing hairs with a trimmer or electric shaver. Then the bristles will grow uniform, giving their owner a special masculinity.

Proper nutrition

A man should monitor his diet, because exactly what we eat affects the work of the follicles. Insufficient intake of useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development of bristles in the male body can slow down the growth of hairs. In order for the hairline to develop fully, it is recommended to consume foods containing vitamins of groups A, C, B, E, biotin, calcium, folic acid.

These components are found in eggs, dairy products, cereals, beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Watch your diet, then you don't have to think about how to grow a beard if it does not grow well on your cheeks.

Growing a beard with traditional medicine

In order for the hair to accelerate its growth, become thicker, more uniform, it is necessary to provide the skin with a certain care with the help of nourishing masks from natural ingredients, lotions from herbs and special peels. It is recommended to exfoliate the mustache, chin, and cheeks area weekly with a self-prepared scrub.

To make a scrub, you will need ground coffee beans and aftershave lotion. Mix a little lotion with coffee, apply the mixture to problem skin, rub the mixture with light massage movements. Peeling the skin improves blood circulation, which stimulates the awakening of the hair follicles.

The opinion of traditional medicine on how to grow a thick beard if it is rare is very peculiar. First of all, you need to apply special nourishing masks that will help you find a solution. Skin nutrition plays an important role in the development of the hairline; burdock oil does an excellent job with this task.

It is recommended to rub this component into the skin daily, preheating it in a water bath to room temperature. The heated oil has a nourishing effect on the follicles, due to which they activate, wake up and begin to germinate in problem areas. To achieve a greater effect, you can add a little pepper tincture, which will have a significant rush of blood to the skin. Such a nourishing mask begins to work after a month of regular use.

Before growing a beard, if it is not there, it is necessary to use lotions from chamomile broth every other day. Chamomile has long been considered an excellent hair growth stimulator. Therefore, those men who dream of becoming the owners of a uniform hairline should use chamomile as a stimulant.

The preparation of the broth is quite easy, you need to purchase chamomile flowers at the pharmacy and fill them with boiling water. Then you should cool the resulting broth, wet cotton pads with it, wipe problem areas twice a day.

Frequent use of this method improves the functioning of the bulbs, allows hairs to germinate where they have not grown before.

Medical treatments to stimulate beard growth

In addition to traditional methods, there are many medical articles that will help you grow a beard quickly and inexpensively. One of them talks about the benefits of a drug such as aspirin.

It has been proven that the use of eighty milligrams of aspirin daily strengthens the heart muscle, due to which the blood flow becomes stronger, the follicles activate their work, starting to germinate in all places.

This dosage is safe. It is recommended to use blood thinners, which are commonly used to dispose of blood clots. But it is necessary to approach this treatment with extreme caution, you cannot start taking aspirin without consulting your doctor.

Testosterone therapy is sometimes used to achieve the best results. When a young person comes to a doctor with the question of how to grow a beard if it is sparse and grows too slowly, the doctor often prescribes artificial methods for producing testosterone. This treatment consists in taking special medications that increase the level of androgens in a man.

The main thing to remember is that too much testosterone can worsen hair growth as well as a lack of it.

Therefore, before hormonal treatment, you should consult a doctor. Testosterone is often given by injection; this method of administration does not cause much harm to the liver. Therapy lasts from two months to two years, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the referring man.

Plastic surgery is the most radical solution to the problem. When a man's beard grows unevenly, he does not know how to grow a thick beard in a homogeneous mass, plastic surgery will come to his aid. Surgeons have learned how to transplant hair follicles from the back of the head to problem skin areas that suffer from poorly developed vegetation. This operation is quick and has no side effects. The only thing that can be is slight redness in the area with transplanted follicles, which goes away very quickly. Treatment often lasts about two years, depending on the genetic makeup of the individual.

Regrown beard care

When the desired vegetation has finally reached the desired size, it is necessary to give the bristles a shape that will express the man's personality. There are many forms that give a masculine look a special chic and style.

You already know how to grow a beard if it is not there, now you need to figure out how to care for it. Experienced hairdressers who understand fashion trends will help you create a beautiful shape. Therefore, entrust your cheek area hair to a specialist who knows his business. After shaping the vegetation, you can maintain it with a trimmer at home. She also needs care. It is recommended to always keep the bristles clean, otherwise the hairs will get dirty and ruin your appearance. Rinse the vegetation thoroughly with cool water, then the accumulation of sebum will not pollute it.

Use a regular shampoo and conditioner. These tools will help save you from such problems:

  • the appearance of dandruff in the bristles;
  • itching;
  • greasy appearance;

The hairline requires the same care as the hair on the head. It is not enough to know what will help to grow a beard quickly, efficiently, evenly; you also need to figure out which products are suitable for taking care of it. You can use the same shampoo with which you wash your hair. The effect will be good, and the result is soft, clean bristles, evenly spaced along the entire perimeter of the cheeks, chin, mustache.

The listed recommendations will help to easily release uniform vegetation. A man who wants to become the owner of thick bristles needs to follow all the instructions regularly, otherwise the hairs will be poorly nourished, which can take a long time to stimulate hair growth. To always be in the spotlight, to attract rapturous female looks, a young man must remember how to grow a thick beard if it is sparse, and what means help to cope with such an unpleasant slow growth.