How to grow a beard: step by step instructions. How to grow a beard at home: tips and tricks How much to grow a beard to make a shape

Ulysses Grant, Ernest Hemingway, Dr. Cornell West ... the list is endless. All these men had one thing in common - a beard. If you are reading this article, you probably also have a beard. After reading this article, you will learn how to grow and care for your beard properly. Don't be afraid to go against the prevailing stereotypes and grow a beard.


Part 1

How to grow a beard

    Shave regularly until the facial hair grows back evenly. The worst way to grow a beard is to simply stop shaving, or not at all. If you don't follow this advice, your face will show off a runny, unkempt and uneven beard that will look very unsightly. If your facial hair isn't growing evenly, keep shaving regularly and be patient.

    To speed up facial hair growth, you first need to increase your testosterone levels. If you're currently going through puberty, or it's already over and your facial hair hasn't started to grow, there are a few simple things you can do to boost your testosterone levels. Of course, you should not expect quick results, but they will certainly be.

    • Physical exercises. Exercising several times a week can help increase your testosterone levels. Warm up for three minutes, then alternate exercises: 30 seconds - intense exercise, 90 seconds - moderate exercise. Do seven reps.
    • Increase your vitamin D levels in your body. You can either take supplements of this vitamin or spend more time in the sun.
    • According to some recently published research, the herb ashwagandha stimulates testosterone production in men. Moreover, this herb is one of the best known adaptogens. You can take the herb as a supplement.
  1. Take good care of your face. If you want to grow a beard, you need to take proper care of your facial skin. Treat skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, or dry skin before growing a beard. Consult a dermatologist if you have similar concerns.

    • See a dermatologist while you shave daily. The dermatologist will prescribe the appropriate medication for you. Take your medication and take a month off before you start growing a beard.
    • Keep your face well hydrated. This will help strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Use natural skin care products to keep your skin healthy.
  2. Start off by shaving. Just like an artist starts painting a painting from a blank canvas, start growing a beard from a clean face. Shave off all facial hair. This will promote even hair growth.

    • Consider if you should shave at a hairdresser. Clean-shaven skin will help you start the growing process from scratch.
    • After shaving your face, do nothing for about four weeks, just wash your face and care for your skin.
  3. Be prepared for itchy skin at the beginning of hair growth. Unfortunately, many people give up their beards because they cannot withstand the unpleasant itch. You will experience itching for about four weeks before you get used to it.

    • Use a moisturizer or natural beard oil. These remedies can help relieve itching and dry skin. You can reduce itching and make growing your beard more enjoyable. This will be discussed in the third section of this article.
  4. Be patient. Each person's hair grows at a different rate, so it will take someone less time to grow a beard, while for some it can be a whole challenge. Therefore, please be patient and wait - the result will not be long in coming.

    • For some men, beards grow back in two to three weeks, while others have to wait several months to see results.
  5. Grow a beard any time of the year. Contrary to popular belief that it is better to grow a beard in winter, many begin this process in the summer and are happy with the results. In fact, the beard protects against UV rays and can cool the skin in hot weather by absorbing sweat. However, itching is more difficult in hot weather.

    • Plus, having a beard can benefit your health. For example, dust particles will be deposited on the beard, which can help prevent asthma attacks and upper respiratory infections. Moreover, the beard is able to protect the face from cold weather and wind.

    Part 2

    Beard styling
    1. Use a trimmer to trim your beard every 5-10 days. After the beard has grown to the desired length, start trimming it to shape it. Most men get their beards trimmed about once every two weeks or so, depending on the rate of hair growth and the shape of the beard.

      Use a trimmer. While you can use scissors to make your beard shorter, an electric trimmer or hair clipper is your best bet. The main difference between the trimmer and the machine is its size.

      • Use a trimmer for a short beard or for the first few months. Also, if you have a thick beard, get the right trimmer.
      • When using the trimmer for the first time, many make the same mistake by shaving too much. Before using the trimmer, carefully study how it works.
    2. Choose a shape that suits your face type. There are many shapes of beards, but your choice will depend primarily on your face type and personal preference. If you feel like a particular beard shape is right for you, try experimenting. If you have full cheeks, then the beard should be shorter around the edges. If you have a narrow face, you can grow your beard a little longer to visually make your face look wider.

      • Decide on the line on your cheek. Decide how high your beard will start at cheek level. Many people leave the natural line of the beginning of the beard, but if that line reaches your cheekbones, then you should shave off the top.
    3. If possible, get a trimmer that has a switch to change the length of your hair. In addition, most modern devices are equipped with replaceable attachments. They provide an even haircut, and also give you a choice of hair length - no one wants to cut too much. This allows you to cut your hair straight along the cheeks, neck and chin.

      Experiment. If you want to become the owner of an unusual beard shape, you can choose one that suits your preferences. Try one of the following styles:

Full information on the topic "how to grow a beard from scratch" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

But upon reaching a length of a couple of centimeters, hair growth slows down. Therefore, for men who want to grow a beard, the question arises - how to shave correctly so that a beard grows.

Causes of slowed beard growth

First, let's look at the main factors of fast or slow hair growth:

  • Individual features of the face, low activity of hair follicles;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Lack of beneficial trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • Lack of testosterone;
  • Wrong choice of tool - electric razor or shaving machine, dangerous or safe, etc.;
  • Wrong shaving method;
  • Poor facial skin care.

These reasons either relate to mechanical effects on facial hair (shaving and grooming), or are due to the state of the body.

As for the first two points from our list - the individual characteristics of the organism and genetic predisposition, they are easy to find. First, talk to your dad or grandfather. How easy was it for them to grow a beard in their youth, in adulthood, two years ago? They may have experienced the same facial hair growth problems as you.

Remember that the activity of hair follicles is different for all people. And puberty in boys is also different. Someone has the first fluff on their face when they are 14 years old, while others have nothing to shave even at 17. For some, progress is obvious, while for others it freezes - as it was more than a year ago, it remains, no beard grows.

The next couple of reasons are the lack of testosterone hormone, vitamins and minerals in the body. The male hormone testosterone is responsible for growth, particularly facial hair. It is he who supports male libido, stimulates the development of the male organs of the reproductive system, secondary sexual characteristics. To understand what the level of testosterone is in your body, you need to consult an endocrinologist. He will prescribe tests and treat if necessary.

You can independently influence the level of testosterone. It has been proven that active physical activity, especially strength exercises, can increase the level of the hormone in the body. The production directly depends on the intensity of the exercises, their duration, rest intervals, the efforts made by the athlete, etc.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc are important for hair growth. It is also necessary to consume enough B vitamins (B2, B5, B6, B8, etc.), vitamin C and vitamin D. In pharmacies today you can find whole complexes that are aimed at strengthening hair and nails, and are even designed specifically to enhance beard growth. Vitamins E and A can be found in capsules in liquid form - they are added to hair oil. This mixture can be rubbed into the roots and can also be spread over the entire length of the hair to stimulate growth and strengthen.

Good nutrition with a varied diet that includes sources of protein and fiber is also an important factor in good growth. Get enough sleep and avoid stress.

And let's take a closer look at the last three points, which will help answer the question "how to shave properly so that a beard grows."

  • You need to shave with a tool that will not injure your skin. If it is an electric razor, the knives must be sharp. If it's a razor, the sharpness of the blade is generally the determining factor. The duller the blades, the more irritation on the face, the worse it is for beard growth. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to give preference to an electric shaver;
  • The next item is skin preparation. Wash yourself with hot water. Take a special shaving gel or foam (for a razor). Interesting: in barbershops, which became fashionable two or three years ago (men's hairdressers that offer services for styling a beard and mustache), they use a hot towel instead of washing. It is placed on the lower part of the client's face for a few minutes to cleanse the skin, soften hair and steam. After shaving, the skin should be toned to soothe and relieve irritation, and then moisturized with an aftershave cream or gel. Three or four years ago, they actively used eau de toilette and alcohol-containing lotions to treat the skin, but this trend is long in the past, because such care only dries. In between shaves, it is helpful to exfoliate the top layer of your skin with a scrub or exfoliation. This will eliminate ingrowth, the beard will grow evenly;
  • Shaving technique. See how the beard grows? It grows from top to bottom. And you should shave the stubble from top to bottom, in the direction of hair growth. Start at the cheeks - from the edge of your earlobe. The cheekbones and chin area will require a lot of effort, the hair on the cheeks is not so hard, it is easier to remove them. You can position the machine slightly at an angle to the skin, pull it slightly with your hand free from the razor. On the lower part of the chin, the stubble is shaved from the bottom up. The most problematic part, where the most cuts occur, is the mustache area, under the nose. You need to press your lip to your teeth and shave off the bristles with a razor at an angle with clear confident movements. Stock up on hot water, it will be good if you find a spray bottle and use it as a spray. Regularly wetting the bristles with hot water will make them softer and easier to remove.

Do not rush to trim your beard - hair grows unevenly on it, faster on the cheeks, slower on the chin. You risk disrupting the beard shaping by hasty action.

Try to hire professional barbers at least once. Two years ago, or three years ago, no one even thought that men would sign up for a salon for a beard care procedure and for a mustache. Nevertheless, it is very pleasant and the result is really excellent. The master will tell you how to care for your beard. Here you can also find care products and growth stimulants.

Barber will help you choose the shape of your beard and the optimal length. In addition, from the side it is better visible - whether the beard is formed and growing evenly and symmetrically, whether all unnecessary on the face has been removed.

You can enhance growth with the help of oils - burdock or castor. Also, regular brushing of the beard with fingers and a fine comb gives a good effect - it grows faster due to better blood flow to the scalp. By the way, massage of the skin with your fingertips also influences better blood circulation around the follicles. Try various masks (folk recipes) made from mustard and hot pepper, they will definitely increase beard growth.

Track your hair growth two to three years ago, a year ago. Growing a beard quickly is an art that, for a number of reasons, not everyone can master. Take good care of your skin and beard and your chances of success will increase.

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How to grow a beard: step by step instructions

The world knows a way to grow a beard without hassle and cost - long, thick and brutal. You guessed it right! You just need to drive into some remote region, where you have never heard of the magic word "Gillette", and get lost there for a year on the floor.

On a desert island, the problem is not how to properly grow a beard, but how to trim, wash and comb it. If the main thing for you is just to let go of the stubble on your face, then you can become like Robinson Crusoe and not think about anything else. For everyone else looking to create a new image of a respected and well-groomed man, this is a detailed guide on how to grow a beautiful beard and mustache from scratch, what to do if a beard grows poorly, and how to properly care for it when it finally grows up.

Please read the entire article carefully, I have laid out everything here: from what to do at each stage of growing, to choosing a haircut. It's very sad to see guys who want to look like Sean Bean in Game of Thrones and instead walk around with a broom on their face.

Step by step guide

Where to start is not quick - you need to warn immediately! - and not an easy process of growing facial hair? It is assumed that you have already firmly decided to take this step, and there is no need to explain why this is necessary at all. Therefore, it goes straight to the point.

Shape selection

It makes sense to go to a professional barber - he will select the type of beard, tank and mustache that best suits your skull shape and style. You can also download a special program from the Internet that allows you to “try on” different types of beards on your face online. You need to focus, as mentioned above, on the shape of your face and cheekbones and your image.

  1. Elongated, thin face - a lush beard will help smooth out angular features, almost any shape will do, it is better to refuse from a too long, wedge-shaped beard.
  2. Square cheekbones - and in this case, on the contrary, you need to strive for a wedge-shaped beard, then visually the face will look more proportional.
  3. Round face - A beard with a square or triangular edge is recommended. Rounded edges are contraindicated.

Tip: Please note that some firms do not welcome thick facial hair. Therefore, once again consider whether the priority is a beard like a lumberjack or a career and a good salary.

Care rules during growing

You need to start taking care of your beard from the first weeks. It is too early to cut it and wash it with shampoo. But the skin will itch when the hairs reach a length of 1.5-2 cm. You can relieve itching with moisturizing oils and lotions. From products containing alcohol, you must completely abandon. It also helps to remove scarves and collared sweaters, which additionally rub the skin.

Correct and crop

For these purposes, a special machine or trimmer is purchased. You will also need scissors, a fine-toothed comb, and possibly a straight razor. And also the skills of wielding all these tools. You still have to learn, since you need to take care of your beard regularly. But at first, you can contact the specialists and take master classes from them.

What's important to do: Trim the hairs on the sides, creating the desired shape, and free the neck in the Adam's apple and below. The emphasis is on creating volume in the chin area. The hairs under the lower lip that are growing in an unkempt clump should be immediately controlled and trimmed regularly.

We focus on the edges

This process can be started starting from 2-3 months of growing a beard, when the hairs are already long enough, they can be washed, combed and styled. It is believed that this time was enough to master the skills of using the trimmer, training on yourself, friends, brothers, lap dogs. If this does not happen, it is better to turn to a barber. Otherwise, there is a high risk of spoiling everything that grew with such difficulty.

Recommendation: The most modern trimmer models are equipped with laser and illumination. Thanks to such chips, you can easily correct the beard even in a poorly lit place, and the risk of cutting off excess is reduced to zero - you just need to focus on the laser mark.

Shading the lines

If your facial hair is naturally not very dense, then you can leave the lines on your cheeks natural, as it is. And just make sure that individual hairs do not get out of the designated limits. If the bristles grow densely and abundantly, then the cheek area needs to be freed. Otherwise, you will soon look like a member of the Arab liberation movement - do not be surprised if every now and then they ask you for documents in the subway and invite you to search in the back room. Long hairs are removed with a machine or trimmer, the rest are shaved off with a razor.

Reasons why beards don't grow

Sometimes it happens that you are doing everything right, but still the beard does not grow - at least, the one you wanted. The bristles break through with islets, grows unevenly, only on one side. Or it even crawls out and forms bald spots. What to do in this case? Right, find out why this is happening. There may be several reasons.

Health problems

All chronic diseases, metabolic disorders affect hair growth in general, not only on the face, but on the head and body too. Therefore, first of all, make an appointment with a doctor and get tested. In any case, this will only be beneficial, because we are talking about your health. You need to visit a therapist and dermatologist, you may need to consult other narrow specialists.


The question, of course, refers more generally to the state of the body, but if you are very confused by the question, then you should pay attention to stress.

From him - all the problems in life, an indisputable fact. If you are constantly stressed, overworked and sleep deprived, you have problems in your personal life, do not be surprised that the beard does not want to grow in any way. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, get rid of stress and negativity - this is a prerequisite.

How to do it? There are several ways:

  • take a vacation, rest and sleep off;
  • buy mild sedative tablets;
  • engage in meditation.

What else can you do: stop smoking cigarettes and pay attention to diet. Neither fasting nor overeating fatty and spicy foods contribute to the growth of stubble on the face. What must be in the diet is meat and fish, dairy products, nuts and herbs. It is important to play sports: during physical exertion, the metabolism is accelerated and the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for hair growth, is released.

Everything is more complicated here, because you can't really fight with genes. If none of your relatives have ever had thick hair on the head and body, then you, most likely, will not appear on their own. Need help - start with vitamin supplements and folk remedies. If you want a quick result, "Minoxidil" will help (I made a description of it below in the article). And if it doesn't work either, see your doctor. The most radical way to solve the problem is to transplant hair follicles. But it's probably easier to give up the coveted Hemingway image and be content with clean-shaven cheeks.

What to do if the beard doesn't grow

You passed the tests and found out that everything is fine with your health (although such a result is rare these days, there will certainly be a couple of seemingly not scary, but neglected sores). found out that genetics is also in order by interviewing relatives. It's time to move on to active actions: you need to help the beard grow faster and thicker. How to achieve this at home?

Minoxidil - if you need to quickly grow a beard

Minoxidil is a proven remedy for beard and mustache growth. This drug can be bought in pharmacies in different forms:

  • tablets and capsules for internal use;
  • foams and sprays for daily rubbing;
  • shampoos and gels for beard washing.

This tool is used very simply. The tablets are simply taken 1-2 pieces every day. Oils, sprays and shampoos are also used every day, according to the instructions. You should not exceed the dosage and frequency of use - it will not be faster, but you can earn allergies and irritation. A doctor's consultation will not hurt.

Minoxidil! this is THE MOST EFFECTIVE means. I use it myself.

Application experience described here. The report also contains a link to the store. I received the parcel before Vladivostok in 3 days. In Moscow or Novosibirsk, they will probably deliver it in a day.

The quality is high. This store is not big, it deals only with Minoxidil, so the price is "tasty" and frequent discounts slip. In general, I recommend it.

Here I described in detail how to use the drug. There are step-by-step instructions.

Here's a video from a young guy with an application report:

Vitamin therapy

The trace elements that you get from food are clearly not enough, therefore you should look for a suitable vitamin complex. The substances you need:

  • biotin or vitamin H;
  • fish oil or vitamins E and D;
  • b vitamins;
  • magnesium and calcium.

You can buy all the drugs separately and drink a handful of capsules and tablets. But it is easier and more convenient to choose one complex supplement. Here I wrote in detail about vitamins.

Folk remedies

These are various oils for hair growth and herbal decoctions. Of the oils, pay attention to the following:

Nettle, burdock root, hop cones contribute to hair growth. You can wash your beard with a decoction of herbs after washing. And the oils are rubbed 1-2 times a week, preferably at night. It is better to warm the oil before use, and wash it off a few hours after application using shampoo or soap so that the bristles are not greasy and untidy. A description of the oils is also available on the website. See this section and read all the articles in a row.

The most important thing in growing a beard and mustache is patience. Do not believe the myths that a thick and lush beard will grow back in 4 weeks - this will not happen. But in 4 months, following all the recommendations of the experts, you will achieve good results.

Not dessert video tips from gurus:

Tell me what to do - I'm 17 years old, I want to grow a beard on ALL of my face, but it grows only under the nose and slightly on the chin.

What can help? Spaaaaasite!

Well, if you do not mind a thousand or two rubles, then as the author writes - order minoxidil. Really working thing. True, I used it for baldness 🙂

Help me please!! You need a remedy to quickly grow a thick mustache and sideburns. What to do.

Everything has already been described in the article, read carefully.

If you do not want to spend money on specials. means, pay attention to oils.

Luscious, thick, uniform beard. A quick way for home use.

How to grow a beard

The fashion for a beard, which was considered missing since the XI Grushinsky Festival, is in full swing today. Have time to follow her!

Abraham Lincoln, who looks like a father at your right shoulder from the five dollar bill, didn't always look so manly. Young voter Grace Bedell asked to grow Lincoln's famous beard just weeks before he took office. “You will look much better,” Grace wrote in the letter, “since you have a very thin face. All ladies love beards, they will beg their husbands to vote for you, and you will become president. " Lincoln did indeed sit in the presidency. Therefore, if you also want to emphasize your masculinity and interest the ladies around you, start growing facial hair following our advice. Since we expect to release a solid men's accessory, and not a clump of tow, we asked the master of the barbershop Mr.KG, the champion of Moscow in hairdressing Ilya Nemkovich to tell about the secrets of nurturing a beard (a barbershop is a specialized men's hairdressing salon).

How to choose a beard

How to grow a beard

“For a start, get some stubble, don't shave for two weeks,” Ilya advises. - Then take her in an armful and go to the master. He will evaluate exactly how the hair grows and if any problems are foreseen. " And problems can arise - for example, a beard and mustache grow in clumps. “Depending on the severity of the situation,” the expert adds sadly, “we sometimes recommend that you give up growing a beard and limit yourself to stubble. There is a popular myth that the more you shave, the better and thicker your hair will grow. But this is not so. "

A period that will disappoint you. The hair is not yet grown enough to hold the desired shape, and sticks out in different directions, giving the wearer an appearance of dashing and at the same time insane. The skin underneath is itchy, but it will soon pass. Trim the beard, shaping its appearance, you need to gradually. As it grows, the hair is shortened at the sides. In addition, the beard should add weight on the chin, but not on the neck - make sure that the Adam's apple is always open (by the way, you can do this at home in front of a mirror, it is difficult to spoil something here). Ilya also recommends keeping an eye on the characteristic tuft under the lips; it is better to stop his attempts to boldly stick forward in time. Another piece of news for those who have never grown noticeable facial hair: it absorbs odors perfectly. If you don't notice, your friend will notice as soon as you give her a sausage and garlic kiss. To fight the scourge, you should buy a special mustache wax. He not only fixes the hair, but also comes in different fragrances.

Meet, this is your beard. Now it is freely spread over the lower part of the face, and you can run your fingers into it when you pretend to think. There is a possibility that its color will differ from the color of the hair on the head, and in this case, dyeing services are even provided. But Ilya Nemkovich recommends taking it as it is.

The beard must be bathed and combed daily. Regular shampoo is suitable for washing, but you should not use soap: the skin of your face will not like it, it will answer you with dryness and flaking. To improve the appearance, oils are used - burdock or palm. Here, however, there is a nuance: a special oil for a beard costs about 800 rubles, and in a pharmacy they ask thirty for a bottle of burdock oil. The latter is concentrated, before applying to the hair, it is diluted with water in a ratio of about one to five. The oil can also be rubbed into the skin of the face to improve its tone. But more often than twice a week, the procedure should not be carried out, otherwise the pores will become clogged and the hair follicles will howl from lack of oxygen.

* - Note by Phacochoerus'a Funtik:

“Do you want to take part in contests for bearded men, but you have problems with hairiness? There is a special procedure - mesotherapy, which awakens the hair follicles on the face. This is a medical procedure - it is useless to ask for it in hairdressers and barbershops "

"The cut from the scissors," our consultant Ilya shares his experience, "turns out to be smooth, while the machine ruffles the tip of the hair." But it doesn't affect the look of the beard. Therefore, in order to maintain the shape of the vegetation on the chin yourself, feel free to buy a trimmer with different attachments. However, at first, until you fill your hand, be careful: it is easy to ruin a beard by making uneven borders or shaving off what you have grown for so long.

Beard breeders are happy to start talking about grooming for their beloved pets. Pay attention to Borodist beard oil (800 rubles per 30 ml), hand-made mustache wax Mr Bear Family (800 rubles per bottle), Black & White Pomade grease, whose recipe has not changed for almost a hundred years (550 rubles. , one can is enough for 3-4 months).

Growing a beard is a very responsible business. This can be a small test for a man and a process of self-discovery. Before you grow a beard, make sure you are ready for it. Shaving has become commonplace for men, but not everyone can grow a beard. Since growing a beard requires, above all, courage and determination. This is a very important step, which not every young man will agree to.

Naturally, not every man can afford to let go of a gorgeous beard. If you have luxurious facial hair, it's worth experimenting a bit. The result can seem so amazing that you will want to wear a beard all the time. The main thing to remember is that this is your image and everything depends only on you. If you do not like this type of beard, then you can shave it off, but on the other hand, you will know how to grow a beautiful beard.

Every man grows a beard for many reasons, some let it go in order to please his companion, and someone in order to emphasize his image and look more respectable.

Hair growth depends on genetics, but if you can't wait to get an attractive beard, you can use masks for hair growth, as well as drink vitamins, while not shaving or trimming them.

Basic rules for growing a beard

1. Proper nutritionHair is 78% protein (keratin), which is made up of amino acids, and 15% water, so you need to make sure that your diet has enough "building material" for a growing beard. Add animal proteins to your diet. Also, drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
2. VitaminsIt is necessary to take vitamin complexes containing biotin, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, fish oil.
3. Good sleepFor better absorption of all essential amino acids and vitamins from food
4. Do not shave or trim your beard for about 1 monthIf you want to grow a beautiful beard, you have to be patient. It is necessary to start shaping it - to cut, trim, it is necessary at least in a month. You will have to endure itching, careless appearance. It is difficult, but keep in mind the end goal - a well-groomed thick beard!
5. Brush your beardBy combing, you will stimulate beard hair growth as well as improve its appearance
6. Use growth stimulantsIf the beard does not grow or does it unevenly, then use various stimulants for growing: minoxidil.

If you want to have a decent, attractive look, you need to know how to grow a beard correctly.

  1. Cleanse your face just once a week. To do this, you can apply a scrub to help remove dead cells on your face by stimulating hair growth.
  2. Remember to keep your vegetation clean. Wash your face with warm water and soap in the morning and evening. This hygiene also promotes small hair growth.
  3. If you find ingrown hairs, remove them, as your beard will not grow evenly.
  4. Relieve stress quickly. The beard grows best when relaxed. You can do some exercises that improve blood circulation, and this in turn promotes the growth of your beard.
  5. As much as you want to trim your beard, in no case do it if you want to grow a gorgeous beard. You should start taking care of your beard at least six weeks later. By shaving your beard, you only reduce hair growth, not vice versa.
  6. Since vegetation does not grow at the same rate, you will have to endure itching and irritation. Therefore, apply hydrocortisone cream to your face to relieve inflammation.
  7. Be very patient and get on with the task at hand. You can speed up the process of beard growth, but genetics will play a big role. You can look at your relatives' beards and see what awaits you.

To grow a beard at 17, you just need to take care of it regularly and, if necessary, take vitamins.

Remember, the main thing is not to give up! How much to grow a beard is up to you. Follow fashion trends, because maybe you will find something that suits you. We hope that the above methods will help you grow a chic beard that will complement your image.

The desire to quickly grow a full-fledged beard is one of the most important steps in the process of growing up for each of the men. The presence of facial hair can not only change the image, making the owner of the beard much more brutal, but also visually correct the shape of the skull, hiding the "unwanted" facial details, focusing on the beard.

It is also important that having a beard means giving up the daily scrubbing of the face with a sharp razor - which, in the end, makes the skin rougher and accelerates the formation of deep wrinkles. In fact, growing a beard allows the skin to maintain its natural balance completely without the use of any creams. Fitseven wrote about others earlier.

Despite the seeming ease of the task (if you want to grow facial hair - just don't shave), often the beard does not want to grow "correctly" at all, and the hair begins to curl or grow in clumps. In order to become the owner of a full and thick beard, and not just an incomprehensible pile of facial hair, you need to learn how to properly care for this beard.

How to grow a beard from scratch: instructions

The classic “old-fashioned” method of growing a beard is simple - just don't shave for 3-4 weeks. However, this method is more suitable for those men who have already grown a beard and imagine how they look with it. It is difficult for beginners (and especially teenagers) to get used to the chaotically growing hair on the face. The method of growing a beard with a special trimmer is suitable for them.

  • 1 week - stop shaving completely
  • Week 2 - Trim the stubble twice with a 5mm trimmer
  • 3 weeks - trim the mustache with scissors and set the trimmer to 8-10 mm
  • Week 4 - Maintain your beard shape by gently trimming the borders

Remember also that the choice of the shape of the beard that suits you depends on a number of physical features of the face - from the width of the cheekbones to the height of the forehead. Below you will find a guide to popular beard types, including the Hollywood beard - the kind you see most often in movies.

Studies show that the rate of hair growth on the beard (just like on the whole body) is set primarily genetically. In other words, taking any vitamins or dietary supplements is not able to make hair grow faster. However, on the other hand, a lack of certain elements in the diet can negatively affect both testosterone levels in general and the rate of beard growth in particular, and hair thickness.

Other than that, strength training for muscle growth and a high-protein diet definitely affect both hormone levels in men and how fast a beard grows.

Vitamins for fast beard growth:

  • - improves hair quality
  • - key building material of cells
  • - affect testosterone levels
  • Biotin - May Accelerate Hair Growth Rate

Beard care rules

In most cases, washing your beard with regular hair shampoo every time you shower is sufficient. However, if your facial hair is stubbornly curled and curled, or becomes excessively dry, then both special products for the care of your beard - for example, and regular combing with a comb with wide serifs can help you.

Among other things, pay attention to shaping the beard with the aforementioned trimmer. The shape of the beard that suits your face depends both on the structure of the skull and on how unevenly the hair grows - for example, if the vegetation on the cheeks persists, you can easily hide it.

Which beard to choose for blondes?

For owners of oval faces (Ryan Gosling), a beard will add massiveness to the chin area. Any shape will work, allowing you to experiment - from the classic round beard to the square one with a well-defined bottom border.

It is usually more difficult for blondes to grow a beard than for brunettes (blonde hair grows more slowly) - but it is easier for them to maintain the final result. The main challenge is setting the hairline on the cheeks. First, the upper part of the cheeks is shaved with a razor (2-3 cm below the cheekbones), then the cheeks are trimmed with a trimmer to a length of 3-5 mm, after which the lower border of the beard is formed.

The lower hairline plays a special role - it is important both not to let the beard grow into chest hair, and not to shave it too high, which can create a "tense" facial expression. Ideally, stick to a line on your neck about 2-2.5 cm above the Adam's apple (also called the Adam's apple).

Beard for brunettes

For a triangular face (Ryan Reynoldos), a square, horseshoe or round beard is suitable. Vegetation on the cheeks will visually lengthen the face, focusing on the eyes and making them larger (important for those who wear glasses with minus diopters).

If wide and thick "natural" beards are suitable for blondes, then brunettes with coarse hair need to be careful to ensure that the beard does not grow to the sides, losing its shape and giving its owner a sloppy look. The simplest solution is to regularly trim your facial hair with a trimmer.

The upper line of beard growth on the cheeks can either be left natural (if the hair does not grow too abundantly), or lowered a little lower, forming the so-called "Hollywood beard". The main characteristic of this beard is the combination of the general impression of carelessness with carefully trimmed contours.

Hollywood beard

In the case of an oblong skull (Jake Gyllenhaal), a beard will help visually expand the face. A rounded horseshoe beard or sideburns will do. At the same time, thin goatee beards or various goatee options are strongly discouraged.

The most successful choice for brunettes with an oblong type of face is the aforementioned "Hollywood beard" - a massive mustache and dense vegetation on the chin will visually enlarge the jaw, giving the face a brutal look. The height of the upper hairline is the middle of the cheeks, the height of the lower line is just above the Adam's apple. Separately, we note that the Hollywood beard also requires on the head.

In fact, such a beard is the most popular among various film actors, as well as among athletes and football players. The reason is simple - after the beard grows back, you hardly need to care for it, just trimming it with a trimmer. This allows you to significantly reduce the time of daily morning routines, giving up daily shaving.

Wide face beard

For owners of a large face (Justin Timberlake), a beard will visually lengthen the shape of the skull, giving the face an aristocratic appearance. A goatee, a temple-length beard or a trapezoidal one will do. The mustache will look good, but the sideburns are better off.

Among other things, both the width of the skull and the general proportions of the body affect the choice of the appropriate type of beard. For example, short men are advised to wear a small, bulky beard, while tall and large men are recommended to wear a fairly lush beard. A large beard and short stature will make you look like a gnome.

The length of hair on a wide face also depends on a number of factors - it is better for blondes and redheads to limit themselves to a relatively short beard and neat stubble on their cheeks, while brunettes can afford to let go of a full-fledged beard. Either way, before you start shaping your beard, try to grow it and understand what you are dealing with.


The most important step in growing a “right” beard is not to interfere with its growth for the first three to four weeks and avoid the temptation to shave it off or trim it with a trimmer. Only after this time has passed you, accustomed to seeing your new face in the mirror, will be able to adequately choose the type of beard or mustache that suits you.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


A beard is a symbol of masculinity and power. Many men want to know how to grow a beard at home and what to do if the beard is not growing. It is not surprising, because the image of a man due to the beard looks more brutal, masculine and individual.

Many people want to decorate their look with this decoration and try to speed up the growth of the beard. At the same time, those in the know consider the issue of speedy growing of a beard wrong, since this approach is fraught with regression. They do not recommend rushing nature, but only stimulating it through folk and pharmaceutical remedies.

For a luxurious beard to appear on your face, you will need to wait a little. Let's talk about the correct growth of facial hair.

Why a beard doesn't grow

Many want to have a thick beautiful beard, but not every man boasts thick facial hair. The answer to the question why a beard does not grow is of interest not only to young people, but also to some mature men. Let's consider the main reasons for this "anomaly".

  • Genetics ... If there are no men with a thick beard in the family, the probability that it will appear among the younger generation is minimal.
  • Age ... The moment of the appearance of facial hair is individual for each man. In one person, active growth of bristles begins at the age of 15, and in another - after 20. This is a natural phenomenon.
  • Endocrine Disorders ... Testosterone is responsible for the growth of facial hair. Often, humble vegetation signals endocrine disruption.
  • Ethnicity ... The presence of facial hair is not typical for men of some ethnic groups. These are Eskimos and Chukchi.
  • Oncological diseases, vitamin deficiency ... Health problems often lead to hair loss, slowing or completely stopping hair growth.

Some causes cannot be eliminated. It is about nationality, heredity and age. Even so, you can get a beard through hormonal drugs or hair transplant surgery. Some men are rescued by traditional medicine. If the problem is caused by an illness, the solution comes down to treatment.

What to do if the beard doesn't grow

The era of smooth-faced men is behind. Today, representatives of the stronger sex prefer a slightly rude and daring look, the beard is considered an integral part of it. If you decide to join the league of bearded men, you need lush and well-groomed facial hair. How to solve the problem at home will be discussed in this part of the material.

  • Nutrition ... A balanced diet is considered the most easily accessible and uncomplicated way. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They will provide the body with vitamin C and pectin. Protein food is also useful, supplemented by plenty of drink. Minimize the consumption of sweets and convenience foods.
  • Proper skin care ... The growth rate and thickness of facial hair depends on the condition of the skin. For example, redness or flaking slows down the appearance of stubble. Moisturize your skin regularly and replenish with vitamins. Visit a beautician or do your own facials. Regular steam treatment will also speed up beard growth. Go to the sauna more often.
  • Life without stress ... Stressful situations inhibit the growth of facial hair, make it fragile and brittle. Strengthen your spirit with sports and breathing exercises. A sound sleep will help cope with stress. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is enough for the body to relax and recover.
  • Hormonal balance ... A common cause of lack of facial hair is a lack of testosterone. Only a doctor can solve hormonal problems. At home, it is possible to slightly increase the level of the hormone. This will help sports and high sexual activity.
  • Fighting bad habits ... The fact that the effect of nicotine and alcohol on the body is negative cannot be argued. Nicotine does not affect the hair follicles, but it impairs the functioning of the circulatory system, which has a bad effect on the nutrition of the hair follicles. At the same time, alcohol reduces hair regeneration and promotes hair loss. If you are dreaming of a beautiful beard, stop drinking and give up cigarettes.

As you can see, the solution to the problem comes down to a healthy lifestyle in an environment protected from stress and depression. In addition, this approach ensures complete recovery of the body.

How to grow a beard for a teenager and an adult man

The first acquaintance of guys with facial hair occurs at the age of 14-16. Hair grows unevenly, and attempts to get a beautiful beard often end in failure. It's not all the fault of improper care or genetic abnormalities, but a young age.

Doctors say that the preparation of the male body for this decoration is fully completed by 20 years after the end of the transition period. By this time, the level of hormones that affect the growth of vegetation have stabilized.

Even if, due to heredity, hair on visible parts of the body grows actively, I do not recommend growing a beard or mustache at the age of 15. Agree, the appearance of a child does not fit well with dense facial hair, and the image looks more like a caricature than a real man. Therefore, before you accelerate the growth of the beard, think. I advise you to wait until fully ripe.

For mature men, things are different here and the lack of facial hair is often a problem. It is to them that I recommend studying the material that describes the technique of growing a beard using folk and pharmaceutical remedies at home.

Folk remedies

In humans, the hair follicle system works in different ways. Lack of hormones often leads to impaired hair growth on the scalp and face. Fortunately, there are folk remedies that stimulate hair growth. Consider the time-honored options that use oils and natural ingredients.

  1. Burr oil ... Improves hair growth, stimulates blood circulation and has a positive effect on complexion. Apply the oil to your face, wait 15 minutes and wash off using soap. Apply burdock oil three times a week.
  2. Castor oil ... Saturates hair follicles with keratin, which accelerates hair growth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine it with burdock oil. Apply daily.
  3. Tar soap ... There are many useful properties that contribute to the growth of a beard, and the main advantage is its low cost. The disadvantage is an unpleasant odor. Tar soap is also recommended for treating the skin with frostbite and insect bites.
  4. Brandy mask ... The product, consisting of natural ingredients, accelerates the growth of the beard in the problem area and significantly improves the condition of the beard. To prepare a spoonful of thistle oil, mix with five drops of tocopherol and a small spoonful of brandy.
  5. Mustard mask ... As in the case with the previous version of the mask, it is prepared from natural ingredients. Mix equal amounts of honey, kefir and mustard powder and apply on your face.

Vitamin complexes paired with folk remedies provide an amazing result, but only if there is no stress. I have already said that stress negatively affects human health and slows down hair growth and hair loss.

Medical supplies

Representatives of the stronger sex are trying in all possible ways to grow dense vegetation on their faces. Not surprisingly, a mustache and a luxurious beard are on the list of the best natural jewelry. And while some men do not have problems with beard growth, others stimulate the growth of vegetation with the help of medications. What does medicine offer?

  1. Finasteride ... Produced in tablets, the product stimulates the growth of hair on the scalp, but some men use it to solve the problem with a thin beard. The drug is considered one of the best because it increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the density of the hair. Prescription medicine for sale. It is taken once a day at the time specified by the doctor.
  2. Minoxidil ... Another popular medicine used by men. Available in oral and external form. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation in the hair follicles. The principle of action is similar to male hormones androgens. It is used as an external agent or taken internally.
  3. Hormone therapy ... No less effective than the drugs considered. Testosterone injections can help solve many male problems. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor only after a preliminary examination and testing.

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If you plan to accelerate the growth of a beard with pharmaceutical preparations, be sure to consult your doctor before using. He will select the best medicine and determine the dosage.

Perhaps the doctor will find a solution to the problem without the use of medications, which only plays into the hands of health.

How to speed up beard growth with Minoxidil

For men who dream of a thick and uniform beard, I recommend taking a closer look at Minoxidil. Regular use will help you get a chic beard.

Minoxidil was first used to combat hair loss. Later they began to use it to activate the growth of stubble on the face. The result was excellent. Minoxidil is considered the most effective remedy, as evidenced by numerous reviews of men who have tested the drug in practice.

The effect of using Minoxidil appears after 4 months with daily use. If you do not follow the instructions, the result appears later.

The drug provides a vasodilator effect, as a result, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers improves, which improves the nutrition of the hair follicles. Long-term use triggers the hair development process. As a result, the beard grows more intensively.

Instructions for use and contraindications

Minoxidil is designed to combat hair loss, but it is also great for accelerating beard growth. Sold in the form of tablets or solutions with different concentrations of the active substance.

The drug in tablets is used in the treatment of arterial hypertension. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage are determined by the doctor. As for the solution, it is applied externally twice a day in the morning and evening. The product is applied to the problem area, gently rubbing with the dispenser tip. It is allowed to wash after complete drying of the solution. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of the action and individual tolerance.

Often, skin irritation or redness appears at the point of application of the drug. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If side effects appear, including swelling of the extremities, dizziness, decreased pressure, a rapid increase in body weight, stop taking.

According to reviews, a 5% drug is more effective than a 2% analogue, but an increased concentration of the active substance in Minoxidil increases the likelihood of side effects. More concentrated solutions are also sold, in which the active substance accounts for up to 15% of the volume.

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Minoxidil's analogs

Pharmacology offers other drugs that are similar in composition and principle of action to Minoxidil. Nobody has done much research on their use. Therefore, there is no information on direct action and side effects. Let's consider analogs.

  • Aminexil ... The creation of the L'Oreal company in chemical composition strongly resembles Minoxidil, but is characterized by a less pronounced stimulating property. Used for mild baldness.
  • Nanoxidil ... The creator and owner of the patent is the American firm DS Laboratories. It is used to combat hair loss if the patient has an intolerance to Minoxidil.
  • Minoxidine ... By the principle of action and composition, it practically does not differ from Minoxidil. In other countries, they are released under different names. In Ukraine it is MinoX, and in Italy it is Revivexil.

And this is an incomplete list of analogues. There are a large number of medicines, choosing the right one is problematic. It will be better if you see a doctor. After the examination and questioning, he will diagnose and determine the best course of treatment that will provide a quick result.