How to use a paraffin bath at home. Paraffin nourishing cream. Pre-application cream

Every person wants to be beautiful and desirable, especially for the beautiful half of humanity. Girls and women care not only about their health, but also about their external beauty. In order to look attractive, it is important to keep an eye on everything, including the skin of the hands and feet, which are sometimes simply forgotten. Paraffin therapy is a wonderful option for care and giving the skin tenderness and firmness, therefore it is important to know about all the intricacies of the procedure and be able to carry it out.

What it is?

The benefits of paraffin therapy have been known for a long time and have been successfully practiced by many people, because the effect has been proven in practice. Paraffin can be applied to different parts of the body - this is the scalp, face, neck and other parts of the body. It is necessary to apply the composition in liquid form, having previously melted it, and using layers, applications or baths. In order to better understand what paraffin therapy is, you need to understand the principles of its effect on the body.

The use of paraffin has a mechanical and thermal effect on the integument of the human body. When the substance begins to harden, it shrinks in size by about 10%, acquiring elasticity and exerting a compressive effect on the tissue. This effect allows more active penetration of heat into the integument, which reduces the lumen of the superficial vessels, and this, in turn, accelerates blood flow along with lymph flow.

This procedure helps to get rid of harmful substances and toxins that accumulate in the body.

Due to the effect of heat, the skin surface is slightly heated, which makes it possible to increase the intercellular space, open pores and soften the stratum corneum. The peculiarity of the procedure is that there is no loss of moisture due to the complete isolation of the area where the reaction takes place, and this leads to the fact that water balance the skin does not change and the person does not feel dryness and discomfort at the end of the process.

It is important to carry out paraffin therapy correctly, using a medical white purified compositionin which there are no impurities. To make it liquid, you need to place the substance on water bath and bring to a boil. ...

If all the paraffin wax cannot be used at once, you can reuse it, but it is important to sterilize it before reuse.

Paraffin therapy has a positive effect on the human body due to:

  • the process of expanding the walls of the capillaries;
  • increased metabolic process in the area where the procedure is carried out;
  • it helps to remove metabolic products from the skin.

In addition, the effect of paraffin has such an effect as:

  • softness, moisturizing of the skin;
  • cleaning pores;
  • getting rid of edematous processes;
  • lifting and tightening the skin;
  • providing nails with nutrients;
  • withdrawal of exchange products;
  • fast healing process and assistance in restoring damaged skin areas;
  • reduction of inflammation and pain in chronic conditions.

Hand paraffin therapy is a common procedure used by many women.Hands in women age the fastest, the skin becomes dry and their appearance already at 30 is far from what it was in youth. Thanks to the use of paraffin, it is possible to achieve softening of the skin, increasing their elasticity and a slight lifting effect. If you start using the product immediately after the first signs of rough skin appear, you can correct the situation and keep your hands beautiful for many years, and your skin young and elastic.

You can also take foot baths to reduce the number of dead skin cells, especially in the heel and big toe. This procedure is pleasant and has nice results use, allowing for several applications to get rid of coarse areas and prevent them from reappearing.

It is not difficult to use paraffin, and the benefits from it are quite large, therefore it is worth taking a closer look at this method, examining all the advantages and disadvantages and trying to experience its miraculous effect on yourself.

Benefit and harm

Paraffin therapy is cosmetic procedure skin care product that has excellent results.

Due to the characteristics of the human body, there are people who are undesirable to use it for a number of reasons:

  • intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • inflammation in acute form;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of sunburn;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • damage to the skin after paraffin therapy;
  • abscesses, rashes, open wounds, or inflammation;
  • acute eczema;
  • the presence of hypertrichosis in girls;
  • rosacea.

If we talk about species diversity, then there are only two options for the procedure that can be used for hand care - these are cold and hot.

Cold method

When using the cold method, you do not need to melt the paraffin, it already has the consistency of a cream, which makes it possible to conveniently apply it to your hands. Although there is no exposure to heat, the hands still experience the effect of a sauna, which helps to normalize water balance and soften the skin. If you use any additional beneficial ingredients under the cream, they will be absorbed faster by the skin and will begin to act more actively.

To help your skin to sweat faster, wear plastic bags or gloves on your hands. An important feature of paraffin cream is a narrow specialization. It should not be applied to the face, because the consistency is too heavy and there is a risk of clogging the pores and causing allergic reactions.

Hot method

When using the hot method, it is necessary to melt the paraffin in a bath, and treat the skin with an antiseptic. It is best to exfoliate before using paraffin so that the pores are fully prepared for the effects of the composition. In the container where the paraffin was warmed up, you need to lower your hands several times, and then put them in warm gloves, which should already be prepared. After half an hour, the paraffin is removed, and the hands are moistened with a special cream.

The hot variety is recommended for certain conditions., and cold is more often chosen by those who are sensitive to heat or do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on preparation. The difference between these techniques is that cold paraffin has room temperature, and hot is much warmer, which contributes to additional heating of the skin. The structure of cold cream-paraffin is denser than that of hot, therefore the effect is stronger and lasts a longer period.

The cold variety has the consistency of a cream, while the hot paraffin is a liquid substance that, after cooling, becomes a solid film.

The advantage of the cold version is the presence of more useful ingredients in it than in the hot one. So, in it you can find essential oil, lecithin, proteins with vitamins and more. The cold type of paraffin therapy is recommended for almost everyone, even pregnant women, it is easy to use, and the effect can be obtained almost immediately.

Execution rules

The procedure for paraffin treatment of hands in a salon is different from those methods that can be done at home. The difference lies in the principles of composition overlay. This could be:

  • Layering.Paraffin is melted at a temperature of 60 degrees and applied to the skin surface with a specialized brush. In this case, the layer is obtained from one to two millimeters. When the desired area has been treated, cover it with plastic or wax paper. The final step will be covering with a warm towel or blanket. The applied paraffin has a temperature of about 50 degrees and heats the skin well.
  • The use of baths.The hands are initially treated with a brush with paraffin, which should have a temperature of about 50 degrees, after which the hand should be wrapped in polyethylene or immersed in a bath, where the paraffin will be in a liquid state, since its temperature will be more than 60 degrees.

  • Applications with a napkin.Paraffin is applied on them in a thick layer in two passes, until the total thickness reaches half a centimeter. The next step is to put on a gauze bandage, which must be folded from at least 10 layers soaked in a solution of paraffin with a temperature of 70 degrees. The last step will be wrapping with plastic and covering your hands with a warm blanket.
  • Cuvette application.A procedure that involves pouring paraffin in a liquid state into five-centimeter cuvettes no more than 2 cm high. A film must be placed in them in advance, which is much larger in size than the mold. Its size should be the same as the area where the application will take place. As soon as the paraffin has cooled down and is soft, it is placed on the film on the desired part of the hand. The last step is to cover the area to be treated with a blanket.
  • Using a paraffin-oil mixturefor which paraffin is used, fish fat or cottonseed oil. These components are combined and brought to a temperature of one hundred degrees, after which they are poured into a spray bottle and thus applied to the surface of the skin of the hands. In the process of spraying, the composition loses up to 30 degrees of heat, without burning the skin. When the entire surface is treated, the formed layer is covered with a napkin. It must be sterile and pre-soaked in the same mixture.

Work in the salon has a clear sequence of actions that must not be violated:

  1. disinfection of hands before starting the procedure;
  2. applying a nourishing cream that has a moisturizing effect;
  3. immersion of hands in a paraffin bath for 2-3 seconds, then they are removed for the same time and immersed again;
  4. putting on polyethylene gloves;
  5. terry specialized mittens are put on over the gloves;
  6. the procedure takes about 20 minutes;
  7. after the time has elapsed, you need to remove mittens and gloves, remove the wax and dry your hands well.

After the end of the procedure, it is advisable to spend another 30 minutes in the salon so that your hands cool to ambient temperature and there is no discomfort from a sudden change in the environment.

How to do it at home?

Paraffin therapy is not a very difficult process, and you can just do it at home. The effect of the procedure is quite fast, after the first use you can notice obvious changes in better side... With the systematic use of paraffin, you can radically transform the appearance of your hands, rejuvenating them for several years.

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to have:

  • Medical paraffin. It is impossible to take candles for cosmetic events and melt them, because this can negatively affect the health of the skin, or even cause a burn. You can buy specialized paraffin in cosmetics stores, pharmacies and large supermarkets.
  • Polyethylene gloves.
  • Terry towel mittens that you can buy or sew yourself. If this is not possible, then a simple warm towel will do.
  • If there is a desire to carry out paraffin therapy of hands quite often, then you can purchase a whole set, which includes the wax itself, gloves, a bath with a heating function, where the paraffin will be melted. If this option of procedures will be carried out rarely or in the absence of a bath, you can use an ordinary small saucepan to melt the ingredients. Conveniently, after use it will be quite easy to wash it.

In order to do hand paraffin therapy correctly, it is important to perform all actions in the correct sequence.

Step-by-step instruction will look like this:

  • The first step is to take care of your nails. This process must be done prior to work using paraffin wax. Hands need to be dipped in a container of warm water to which soda has been added. The work begins with the cuticles, which are pushed back, after which the excess part is removed, and only then you need to proceed to the very trimming of the nail. Regardless of whether the nails will be coated with gel or varnish, all care procedures are carried out just before paraffin therapy.
  • As soon as the work with the nails is completed, you can do the procedure itself, for which you need to melt the paraffin. The presence of a specialized bath makes the task easier, but you can cope with the help of available tools, using a steam bath. The heating process should not be delayed, otherwise the temperature of the resulting mass will be very high. The moment the composition starts to melt, you can remove it from the stove. Paraffin melts at a temperature of 70 degrees, you do not need to bring the water to a boil.
  • If you want to make the mass more nutritious and add essential oils and other additives, then this process must be carried out simultaneously with kindling so that all components are well mixed. If you add additional substances after removing the paraffin from the fire, they may exfoliate and not be distributed over the entire surface of the hands, which means they will not bring the expected benefit.

  • The container that will need to be used under the bath must be selected of suitable sizes so that one or two hands can be dipped into it without any problems. The number of dives should be at least two or even three for each hand. The more layers of paraffin, the better the effect will be due to the longer ability to retain heat.
  • Polyethylene gloves are prepared in advance and placed next to the procedure site. It is important to open them initially so that after the baths you can immediately lower your hands in them. As soon as the gloves are on, you should immediately put on warm terry mittens or wrap your hands in a towel or blanket.
  • Once the mass has hardened, you can remove everything from your hands. Paraffin easily leaves the skin without leaving any traces on it. On the dishes where the preparations were carried out, it is best to remove the residues after the composition is completely dry, so it will be easier to clean it off. When using additives, it is best to wash the container with soap.

Hand wax bath is an excellent way to keep skin youthful and strengthen nails. That is why this procedure is so popular in beauty salons. You can also do paraffin therapy at home. The main thing is to know the rules.

Wax helps to cope with problems such as dryness, flaking, brittle nails, cracks. Paraffin applied to the skin of the hands increases its temperature by an average of a couple of degrees.

The heat causes the pores to open and the skin to sweat. However, the film formed by the wax does not allow moisture to evaporate, and it begins to be absorbed into the skin. Thus, an intensive hydration process takes place.

Heat also helps to improve the movement of blood and lymph fluid. As a result, all toxins and harmful substances come to the surface. When the paraffin begins to cool down, it seems to tighten the skin, squeezes it. And this already speaks of a leveling action.

Undoubtedly, it is worth remembering that any cosmetic baths, including wax ones, have their own contraindications, such as skin inflammation, eczema, allergic reactions, cuts, wounds and diabetes. There is no need to be afraid of burns, since paraffin has low thermal conductivity, that is, it gives off heat in small portions.

To carry out this procedure at home, you must purchase cosmetic hand wax either at a pharmacy or in a beauty salon. By the way, it already contains various emollients and azulene, a substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can also add essential oils for a more enjoyable treatment. How much paraffin is required? For one time, 2-3 kg of paraffin will be enough. It is not worth saving by leaving the used wax until the next time, because he has already given his hands all the most valuable and took toxins.

The procedure requires a specialized bath with a heating element that will help to melt the wax, as well as plastic gloves or bags, terry or woolen mittens.

If it is not possible to buy a bath, you can melt the paraffin in any other container, the main thing is that it is enameled and water does not get into the mixture, otherwise you can get burned.

Procedure for the procedure

Melt the wax in a water bath. It should be drowned at a temperature of no more than 50-55 degrees Celsius. If desired, you can add essential oils.

Before immersion, ensure that the paraffin has cooled down to the right temperatureotherwise you can get severely burned. If all is well, you should lower your hands in the bath for 2 minutes, remove for 15 seconds and lower again. This procedure must be repeated at least 5 times.

To keep warm, you need to wear mittens over the bags.

All. Now you can rest for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, you should remove gloves, bags and remove wax from your hands.

Pens should be pampered with wax trays no more than once a week. This is enough to maintain beauty and youth. After all, it is the hands that show the true age of a woman.

To make your manicure even more beautiful, you can make your own nail wax. To get a small jar of miracle funds you will need:

- 3 grams of beeswax;

- any oils (almond, olive, apricot kernel, grape, wheat, etc.)

- essential oils (optional).

The cooking process is simple. Finely grated wax must be mixed with vegetable oils and melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally. As soon as the mixture has become homogeneous, it must be removed from the bath and allowed to cool slightly. Only then can essential oils be added (it is better to use natural ones).

The finished mixture must be poured into a jar and placed in a cold place for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to apply this cold hand wax regularly, you can even do this procedure several times a day. You need to rub in gently massaging the skin.

So, in order to have beautiful and good hands, nail wax is simply irreplaceable. To spend many salon procedures at home it is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand and learn all the subtleties.

Very often, exposure to unfavorable weather conditions, constant contact with heated water and various cleaning agents during home cleaning or washing dishes noticeably worsen the condition of the skin and the health of the nail plates. Paraffin therapy for hands and nails will help not only strengthen the nails, return your hands to a great appearance, but also consolidate the healing effect before the next procedure.

Paraffin therapy is a cosmetic procedure using paraffin, essential oils, salts and some other components to take care of the skin of the hands at home and strengthen weak nails. The impact of the components that make up the cosmetic paraffin promotes the early elimination of dryness, redness and flaking, and also returns the skin of the hands to smoothness, elasticity and velvety.

Paraffin masks saturate the nail plates with useful substances and improve the condition of brittle, exfoliating, damaged after frequent nail extension. In addition, the regular use of paraffin masks during the cold season of the winter season improves the protective functions of the skin of the hands, preventing the appearance of cracks in the cold. Cosmetic paraffin perfectly restores and nourishes the skin, has a rejuvenating effect and accelerates the removal of toxins from the deep layers of the skin of the hands.

It is important to note that for paraffin therapy, only a special cosmetic paraffin, which is used in beauty salons for spa treatments. You can buy it at a beauty and health beauty store. The paraffin from which candles are made is absolutely not suitable for making homemade masks and hand baths. The composition of cosmetic paraffin may include various fragrances that enhance one or another therapeutic effect for nails and skin of the hands. We recommend that you pay attention to products with ingredients such as rosehip oil, tea rose extract, shea butter, vitamin E.

For paraffin therapy sessions, melted paraffin is usually used, which is filled with a bath to completely immerse the hands. However, there are some contraindications for using such procedures at home (presence of neoplasms on the skin of the hands, open wounds, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, allergies). In this case, hot baths can be replaced with a special paraffin cream that does not need to be melted. Cold paraffin therapy for nails and hand skin is no less effective than hot paraffin therapy and does not have the above contraindications.


It is not necessary to buy a special bath for this procedure. At home, you can use an enamel or ceramic container large enough to completely immerse your hands. But if you decide to buy a paraffin therapy bath so that it is convenient to maintain the desired temperature, then pay attention to the following criteria:

If you plan to perform procedures only for hands, then it is quite enough to purchase a bath for 2 kg of melted paraffin. But hot paraffin therapy is also great for home care of marigolds and skin of the legs (especially if corns with calluses constantly appear on your feet, and cracks begin to appear on your heels). In this case, choose a container with a larger volume: 3-4 kg;

Spillage protection.
Now on sale there are very convenient trays with specially shaped edges, through which heated paraffin practically does not spill. They are not much more expensive than analogues, and the advantage is obvious;

Built-in thermostat.
Perhaps this is the most important function for which it is generally worth buying such a unit. The built-in thermostat allows you to select a suitable temperature for the contents of the container and constantly maintain it throughout the entire session;

Heating rate.
In order to completely melt a few kilograms of paraffin and heat to the desired temperature, you have to wait more than an hour. Although at this time you can calmly go about your business - the process does not require close attention. And some modern models of paraffin baths heat the contents in just 30-40 minutes;

Ease of cleaning.
An important criterion for those women who already have little free time. We advise you to pay attention to the models with a special mesh on the bottom and a Teflon coating.


This step-by-step guide will help you get it right the first time.

Necessary accessories:

▪ A special tray or ceramic container for 2-3 liters of melted paraffin wax;

▪ Cosmetic paraffin;

▪ Food film (thin plastic bags can be used);

▪ Scrub (can be made from coffee beans or oatmeal);

▪ A large thick towel (or mittens);

▪ Nourishing and protective hand creams.

Step by step instructions with photo:

Melt and heat the paraffin wax.
If a special bath is used, load paraffin into it, set the required heating temperature on the thermostat. We melt the paraffin in a ceramic container in a water bath. At first, the pieces will melt and turn into a liquid consistency. Then we need to wait for the temperature to rise to 40 ° C. Make sure that no water gets into the molten paraffin!

Peeling with a scrub.
While the paraffin is heated to the desired temperature, apply the scrub to the skin of the hands and massage in a circular motion. It is enough to perform massage for 4-5 minutes, stimulating blood microcirculation and exfoliating the layer of keratinized skin cells. Then wash your hands thoroughly with soft water and soap (it is advisable that the soap contains glycerin);

Apply the cream.
Apply a cosmetic cream with nourishing and moisturizing properties with massaging movements. Instead of a cream, it is preferable to use a thermal lotion with hyaluronic acid and collagen in the composition;

We put our hands in the bath.
We immerse our hands in heated paraffin for 10 seconds, then take them out and wait until the paraffin hardens slightly and turns into a crust. We carry out 5-6 such dives;

Wrap with cling film.
After the final immersion of the hands in the bath, wait until the paraffin hardens again on the skin. We wrap our hands with cling film or put on cellophane gloves;

We put on mittens.
We put on thermal sleeves on top of the cling film or wrap our hands with a towel;

We clean our hands from paraffin.
After about 20-25 minutes, remove the mittens, remove the film towards the fingers from the wrist;

We moisturize the skin of the hands.
Rub a moisturizing cream into the skin of the hands with massage movements, treat the cuticle and periungual area with softening oil. It is also useful to apply almond or sea buckthorn oil to the nails to strengthen the nail plates;

We clean the bath.
If you use a special bath, then disconnect the device from the mains. Cosmetic paraffin is usually changed after 35-40 sessions. Before loading a new portion of the product, you must thoroughly rinse and disinfect the container of the device.


We cleanse the skin of the hands.
Before the procedure, it will not hurt to do an edged or unedged manicure, to properly polish the nails with a buff. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then perform mechanical exfoliation with a scrub suitable for your skin. There is no need to wash your hands after peeling.

Apply moisturizer.
To accelerate the penetration of active substances of paraffin into the layers of the skin, it is useful to rub a moisturizer into the skin before the procedure (the most suitable moisturizer is usually sold in a set with a paraffin cream)

Apply paraffin cream.
Now we take a spatula or a wide wooden stick and apply wax cream on the hands in an even layer. Then we put on cellophane gloves or wrap them with cling film.

We remove the residual paraffin.
After 20 minutes, you can remove the cellophane and wipe your hands with a non-woven cloth. The remains of paraffin can be rubbed into the skin of the hands in a circular motion. It remains to apply sea buckthorn oil to the nails to restore the structure of the plates and rub a softening, healing agent into the cuticle.

It is enough to do this procedure once a week.


Unlike paraffin therapy, thissPA manicure option is intended solely to improve the condition of nails ... This procedure does not take much time and for a session it is enough to use 300-400 grams of cosmetic paraffin, since we will only lower the fingertips into the container. Paraffin manicure will make the nail plates stronger and more elastic, and will also help to quickly get rid of dryness, cracks, small cuts on the periungual skin and in the cuticle area.

Procedure steps:

With a glass nail file we give the free edge of each nail the desired shape, we grind the nail plates with a fine file and then polish with a buff;

We correct the stratum corneum of the cuticle with a pusher or remove it with a remover, cleaning the nails from the remnants with an orange stick. Massage the nourishing cream into the periungual skin and cuticle, apply a thin layer on the nail plate;

In a ceramic container with preheated paraffin, we lower the fingertips for a few seconds, take it out and wait until a hardened crust appears on the fingers. We repeat the same action 7-8 more times;

We take out the fingertips from the container for the last time and hold the paraffin-like shell on them for about 10 minutes. Then you can remove this case from all fingers;

Take a nourishing, moisturizing cosmetic cream and massage into the periungual skin.


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Paraffin is used not only for making candles, it is still quite popular in medicine and cosmetology. Thus, paraffin therapy is used in the treatment of the spine, skin diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, as well as for the care of hands and feet.

The uniqueness of cosmetic paraffin is that it has a high heat capacity: a heated product is capable of giving off its heat for a long time. And, as you know, when the temperature of the skin rises, the metabolic processes occurring in the cells of the tissue are significantly improved, blood circulation is accelerated and the water balance is normalized. In addition, after the first paraffin therapy procedures, the skin becomes soft and velvety, and such problems as microcracks, irritation and peeling disappear. When frozen, paraffin squeezes the skin (makes it immobile), resulting in fewer wrinkles. Therefore, the additional benefits of paraffin therapy include wrinkle smoothing.

For the care of hands and feet, paraffin baths are used. If such a procedure is performed in a beauty salon, as a rule, it consists of several stages:

  1. steaming the skin
  2. peeling
  3. applying a revitalizing serum to the skin and massage
  4. paraffin therapy

At the first stage, the skin of the hands or feet is steamed: for this, a warm bath is made, into the water of which a little sea \u200b\u200bsalt or a few drops of aromatic oils. After that, exfoliation is performed. This procedure is the application of a special salt scrub to the skin, which contains essential oils. As a result, the skin is freed from keratinized particles and is saturated with useful biologically active components.

At the next stage, the cleansed skin is covered with nourishing oil or a regenerating serum, after which a ten-minute relaxing massage is performed. After the nutrient mixture is absorbed into the skin, hands or feet are immersed in a paraffin bath heated to 41 ° C. Then they put on thin rubber gloves on the hands (the legs are wrapped in foil). After 20-25 minutes the gloves (or film) are removed and you enjoy an amazing result - radiant and moisturized skin.

How to make paraffin baths at home

To carry out this cosmetic procedure at home, you will need a special bath for warming up the paraffin (it can be replaced with ordinary enameled dishes with a high side, for example, a bowl) and the waxy substance itself.

For paraffin therapy, a cosmetic waxy substance without impurities can be used, or paraffin with all kinds of additives. For example, “orange” paraffin is rich in vitamins of groups B, C and K, as well as bioflavonoids, therefore it perfectly tones the skin, moisturizes and strengthens it. And the "honey" waxy substance is replete with microelements, therefore paraffin therapy with its use has a regenerating and soothing effect, and also facilitates exfoliation and improves blood circulation.

Take 2-3 kg of paraffin and melt it. While the waxy substance is warming up, the skin is prepared for the upcoming procedure. To do this, an exfoliating mask is applied to the hands (or legs), held for 3-5 minutes, then washed off and covered with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. Then they wait until the cosmetic applied to the skin is absorbed. If necessary, remove excess cream with a cotton napkin. Then the hands or feet are immersed in the wax mass for 5–7 seconds, after which they are removed for 10–13 seconds and again immersed in a paraffin bath. This procedure is repeated 7–8 times. As a result, the skin of the hands or feet should be covered with a thick paraffin layer.

The container in which the paraffin is melted must be absolutely dry, otherwise water droplets caught in this cosmetic product will cause skin burns

To narrow the pores, use an infusion of calendula, for the preparation of which they take:

  • 100 ml of water
  • 20 g calendula flowers

Raw materials are poured with freshly boiled water and infused until the medicinal mixture cools down to room temperature. After the infusion is filtered, diluted with 2 liters of warm water and the hands or feet are lowered into it for 3-5 minutes. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to dry skin.

Recently, such a cosmetic procedure as paraffin hand baths has gained popularity. Women who have had a chance to try them highly appreciate the effect. After just one application, the skin becomes much smoother and softer, and after a course of ten sessions, the handles visually look 5-10 years younger.

This is very important because the hands are usually the first to tell the woman's age. The reason is that they have to endure a variety of tests: heat, cold, exposure to chemicals during washing and dishwashing. Unfortunately, not all ladies properly care for and protect their hands, so the skin on the hands becomes wrinkled, dry, peeling and tightness appear, and the nails become brittle.

Paraffin baths successfully solve these problems, but salon procedures are not affordable for everyone. Fortunately, you can do paraffin hand baths at home, and they will be just as beneficial. The main thing is to understand how paraffin works and know the technology of the procedure.

How paraffin works on the skin of the hands

The magical effect of paraffin is due to its low heat transfer. It does not burn, because it gives off heat gradually, little by little. At the same time, with gradual cooling, it itself rather quickly re-acquires a rather dense texture, "sealing" the heat inside.

Handles sweat when covered with paraffin; moisture and toxins are released along with sweat. However, moisture is reabsorbed into the skin, but toxins, the molecules of which are much heavier, remain on the surface. After removing the "paraffin gloves", the skin remains moisturized and free of toxins, which are removed along with the spent paraffin.

Gradually cooling and tightening, "paraffin gloves" smooth out wrinkles on the skin, making the skin smoother. By giving warmth to the skin, paraffin opens pores and improves blood circulation. During this time, all nutrients work as efficiently as possible. Therefore, before putting on the paraffin, it makes sense to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

Paraffin also has a beneficial effect on nails, as if "gluing" the exfoliating nail plate. Thus, paraffin baths help to improve the condition of the skin of the hands, even if they are used without the use of additional agents, but to obtain a greater effect from the procedures, it is advisable to use a cream, which can be made at home. Below is one of the options for its preparation.


In order not to injure the skin, you must follow some rules:

  • For the procedure, use only cosmetic paraffin and no other. It is clean and contains no harmful additives. It will not work to reduce the cost of the procedure by using paraffin candles - at best, the skin is saturated with harmful substances, at worst, a burn will occur.
  • Keep in mind that there are contraindications to the use of paraffin - this is the period of pregnancy, angina pectoris, any damage to the skin (cut, burn, pustules, eczema, etc.).
  • For a better effect and to prevent harmful substances from entering the skin, hands are thoroughly cleaned before starting the procedure. It is best to use a scrub for this. If there is no store scrub at home, then you can make a homemade one, the recipe for which will be given below. You can also treat your skin with salicylic acid or rubbing alcohol.
  • When heating paraffin in a water bath (and it can only be melted in this way), make sure that not a drop of water gets into it. The container in which it is located must also be completely dry. If moisture gets into the paraffin, it can cause burns.
  • The temperature of the paraffin into which the hands are dipped should be in the range of 40-45 degrees. You can check with a thermometer.
  • If the procedure is performed for the first time, it is recommended to dip only one finger in paraffin for a minute at first, and only in the absence of negative reactions (burning, itching, pain), the entire brush can be lowered into the bath.

Pre-treatment hand scrub

  • oatmeal - dessert spoon;
  • powdered milk - dessert spoon;
  • salt (sea salt is better, but ordinary table salt is also suitable) - half a teaspoon;
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the oatmeal into flour.
  • Mix all ingredients.

Massage the mixture onto damp hand skin. Massage for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Dry your hands with a soft cloth.

Paraffin nourishing cream

  • wax - a teaspoon;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil - a teaspoon;
  • olive oil - a teaspoon,
  • "Aevit" (a mixture of vitamins A and E) - one capsule.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the wax in a water bath.
  • Mix oils and heat in a water bath.
  • Use a needle to pierce a capsule with vitamins and squeeze its contents into the oil mixture, mix.
  • Mix everything with the melted wax.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the skin of the hands and rubbed into the nail plates before dipping the hands into paraffin. Has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Eliminates dryness and flaking, smoothes and reduces wrinkles, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, has a rejuvenating effect.

How to make paraffin baths at home

Paraffin baths can be made at home in two ways. In the first case, gloves are put on the hands and only after that they are dipped in paraffin. In the second case, gloves are worn over paraffin wax. The second option is more effective, moreover, the first method does not allow paraffin to "repair" the nail plate. Therefore, it is proposed to opt for the more popular and effective second option.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  • Melt the paraffin wax in a steam bath. Do not forget that the container must be dry - the ingress of water into the paraffin is unacceptable.
  • Wash your hands well, scrub your skin, dry thoroughly with a soft cloth, if desired, treat your hands with a disinfectant.
  • Pour the paraffin into a container that is comfortable to dip your hands into. Make sure the paraffin wax is at the right temperature.
  • Apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream to your hands, prepared according to the above recipe is also suitable.
  • Dip your hands in paraffin, wait a minute, take your hands out of the paraffin for 15-20 seconds, dip your hands in paraffin again for a minute. These steps must be repeated at least 5 times.
  • Wear loose cellophane gloves or regular plastic breakfast bags. Put on mittens on top. If bags were used, then instead of mittens, you will have to use towels with which you need to wrap your brushes. In this case, you cannot do without an assistant.
  • Leave the paraffin on your hands for 20-30 minutes.
  • Remove towel and gloves, remove paraffin wax. In the event that a nourishing or moisturizing cream was used, it is not at all difficult to do this - "paraffin gloves" will be removed in the same way as ordinary ones.
  • Throw away the used paraffin, as it has already absorbed toxic substances and is still not suitable for reuse.
  • Pat your hands dry with a napkin, apply a nourishing cream.
  • For two hours, do not go outside and do not do any housework with your hands - do not wash, do not wash dishes, do not clean up.
  • Repeat the procedure a week later. The recommended course duration is 7-10 sessions with an interval of one to two weeks. In winter, procedures are required more often, in summer - less often.

Where to get cosmetic paraffin

Cosmetic paraffin wax can be purchased at some pharmacies or ordered from an online store. For one procedure, a half-kilogram package will be enough.