Rules for the materialization of thought. Is it true that thoughts are material, and how to think properly in order to change life for the better? What desires can materialize

5 practical advice from psychologists who will teach you how to materialize your thoughts correctly. Take note!

Everyone is vying about the materiality of our thoughts: parents, psychologists, doctors, leaders, priests - yes, anyone.

Topic " How to materialize thoughts»Is in the top 10 on various sites, often having nothing to do with psychology and self-development.

It is really difficult for an amateur to understand the topic and to extract useful information among a billion extra letters.

I tried to do it for you.

How else, damn it, materialize these thoughts ?!

About a month ago in public transport I became an involuntary listener of a conversation between two friends.

One girl loudly and emotionally enough told the other that she was so tired of life failures, lack of money and love, that she decided to sign up for a two-week psychological training.

The theme “Materialize your thoughts and then they will definitely be fulfilled” passed through the red line through all 10 lessons.

“I,” says the student, “wrote down everything. For six months now I’ve been doing all the exercises every day, and things are still there. ”

A friend, of course, tried to console her, assuring that everything would work out, and I thought about the fact that I had heard and read this from people who seem to be ready, but they didn’t succeed.

I don’t know exactly what the problem is with the minibus girl (there was a bad coach or she just uses his advice incorrectly), but I think it’s rather all in one.

Bottom line: The Universe simply cannot understand what you want from it!

What prevents us from materializing our thoughts?

These men and women are not stupid, lazy, ready to learn and even try something new. But for success they always have something missing: perseverance, courage, riskiness.

Unhappy or happy people make only his thoughts, and not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.
  Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

They rarely get to the bottom of the problem and are more likely to prefer "a tit in their hands than a crane in the sky." It is this category of people who complains more often than others: “here your psychological tricks do not work! There I tried with my friend Vasya and - no success for you! ”

Especially for them, I give 3 errors that they make in the desire to materialize their thoughts.

3 errors, why can’t I materialize my thoughts?

    Wrong promise.

    Here, for example, your personal life does not add up.

    And you, instead of signaling to the Universe: “I want to meet a good guy,” you complain daily: “. This is so bad".

    The universe from your whining catches the word "lonely" and voila - your personal life continues to limp on both legs.

    Wrong mood.

    Even doctors who do not recognize anything other than science confirm: those who sincerely believe that they will get rid of the disease have much more chances to recover than pessimists.

    If you really want something, then convince yourself, first of all, that everything will be fulfilled.

    And then: “Oh, I'm such a skeptic. I believe only that I can feel.

    And why are these my thoughts not materializing? ”

    Incorrect wording.

    That's why for some reason in the store you first consider the assortment of goods, and only then go up to the saleswoman and say: “Give me a pound of shortbread cookies with condensed milk”.

    You do this because you know for sure that if you go up to the seller with babble: “I want something sweet, or maybe not very sweet, in general, I don’t know what I want,” then spend half an hour in the store and find certain death at the hands of other buyers standing in line for you.

    And the Universe should deal with your incomprehensible babble and instantly give what you need?

  We figured out the main mistakes that prevent people from achieving what they want, and now I want to teach you what to do to accurately materialize your thoughts:

    Nothing more effective than this technique has not yet been invented.

    If you have a good imagination, then pictures of the future can be drawn right in your head.

    For example, do you dream of a trip to Italy?

    Imagine this very journey daily to the smallest detail. Do not have time to look back, how will you buy the coveted tour.

    The technique of transferring your thoughts to paper works fine:, draw your dream, describe it with the words in the diary, do at least something before you start whining that the Universe does not hear you!

    Materialize your thoughts with the right phrases.

    Particles “not” are best avoided, since it is poorly perceived by the universe.

    Instead of sending: “I don’t want to get sick anymore”, higher powers will hear that you really liked to lie in bed with a sore throat.

    Correctly say: "I want to be always healthy!"

    Get away from the negative.

    If you want your evil boss to break her leg and leave you alone, even for the period of her sick leave, then the Universe may hear you.

    But the consequences will be sad not only for your leader, but also for you.

    Negativity and evil attract similar things; there is such a boomerang law!

    Do not control the fate of others.

    You can materialize only your own thoughts.

    The universe will remain deaf to calls: "I want my husband to find a well-paid job," "I want my mother to win the lottery."

    Instead of for others, it’s better to teach your loved ones how to materialize your thoughts correctly.

    Dream about the real.

    Tales of Cinderellas, who became princesses, are certainly charming and more than one generation of girls will grow on them.

    That's just become princesses
      units, and to become rich and successful - can be any representative of the fair sex who has made every effort.

    You can meditate on a three-story villa in Spain, but start your dream by buying a one-room apartment in your city.

about how to properly materialize your thoughts,

so that they are fulfilled, not harmed!

Learning and acting!

I sincerely hope that after today's text, you will never again replenish the category of people who endlessly aching: “ How to materialize thoughts?!».

A similar technique really works.

You will succeed too, just any business needs to be done correctly.

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The saying that “all our thoughts materialize” is not empty words, but a fact proved by scientists and psychologists, which they directly connect with the law of attraction.

If you think about it, then each of us, thinking about something, soon noticed that the idea "came to life" in life. For example, a woman who dreamed of seeing the sights of Venice soon went to Italy ... or dreaming of the attention of a certain man, noticed that he really began to show her signs of attention.

If you look at the power of thought on the other hand, it turns out that we bring all troubles, problems and ordinary troubles into our lives: complaining about poverty, we won’t get out of debt; complaining not of failure in his personal life, we remain lonely; thinking about poor health, we constantly “catch” sores and viruses, etc.

Of course, all this can be attributed to ordinary coincidences, but ... By studying the human subconscious, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts are a kind of magnet that attracts the desired and makes it real.

Based on this, many psychologists have seriously begun to develop methods, having mastered that, most people achieve the desired in the shortest possible time: they become more successful, more financially secure, make career progress and create happy families. How does this happen? A long wording comes down to a simple conclusion: to become more successful, it is enough to learn how to think and desire correctly!

How to materialize your thoughts:

Wish carefully!

Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires, correctly formulated, will certainly come true. True, not immediately. Probably, many girls had to notice such a pattern: you dream of a guy, inconsolably pour tears into a pillow, to no avail try to draw attention to your chill. Time passes, the girl forgets about her hobby, and here you get: the once adored passion appears on the horizon.

And all because (and this is proved by the research of scientists!) Because, according to the law of attraction, we ourselves attract into our life everything that we ultimately have in it. That is, the unconsciously desired sooner or later becomes valid. This applies to almost all areas of life: health, career, affluence, relationships with the opposite sex.

Remember our thoughts are our desires

Our subconscious mind is inextricably linked with the Universe, which fixes our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. Therein lies the greatest danger. While a woman laments that she is alone, the Universe accepts the complaint for ... desire, and materializes the thought. As a result, years go by, fans change, but the woman is still lonely ... Because with the help of gravity, SAMA pulled loneliness into her life, and she cannot or does not want to start thinking differently. After all, it is not so easy to eradicate the habit of thinking about bad things - for most of us it is easier to complain about fate and complain that life does not work out.

And we get a vicious circle: we complain - the Universe fixes “complaints” as “desires” - “desires” are fulfilled - we complain even more ... The same can be said about our fears. Not for nothing they say that what happens to us is what we are most afraid of.

1. The saying that “All Our Thoughts Materialize” is not empty words, but a fact proved by scientists and psychologists, which they directly connect with the law of attraction.

2. if you think about it, then each of us, thinking about something, soon noticed that the idea "came to life" in life. For example, a woman, dreaming of the attention of a certain man, noticed that he really began to show her signs of attention.

3. if you look at the power of thought on the other hand, it turns out that we bring all troubles, problems and ordinary troubles into our lives: complaining about poverty, we won’t get out of debt; complaining not of failure in his personal life, we remain lonely; thinking about poor health, we constantly “catch” sores and viruses, etc.

4. Of course, all this can be attributed to ordinary coincidences, but. Studying the human subconscious, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts are a kind of magnet that attracts the desired and makes it real.

5. Based on this, many psychologists have seriously begun to develop methods, having mastered that, most people achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time: they become more successful, more financially secure, make career progress and create happy families. How does this happen? A long wording comes down to a simple conclusion: to become more successful, it is enough to learn how to think and desire correctly!

Wish carefully!
Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires, correctly formulated, will certainly come true. True, not immediately. Probably, many girls had to notice such a pattern: you dream of a guy, inconsolably pour tears into a pillow, to no avail try to draw attention to your chill. Time passes, the girl forgets about her hobby, and here you get: the once adored passion appears on the horizon.

And all because (and this is proved by the research of scientists), that, according to the law of attraction, we ourselves attract into our life everything that we ultimately have in it. That is, the unconsciously desired sooner or later becomes valid. This applies to almost all areas of life: health, career, affluence, relationships with the opposite sex.

Remember, our thoughts are our desires.
Our subconscious mind is inextricably linked with the universe, which captures our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. Therein lies the greatest danger. While a woman laments that she is single, the universe accepts the complaint for. Desire, and materializes the thought. As a result, years go by, fans change, but the woman is still lonely. Because with the help of gravity, she herself pulled loneliness into her life, and she cannot or does not want to start thinking differently. After all, it is not so easy to eradicate the habit of thinking about bad things - for most of us it is easier to complain about fate and complain that life does not work out.

And we get a vicious circle: we complain - the universe fixes “Complaints” as “desires” - “desires” are fulfilled - we complain even more. The same can be said of our fears. Not for nothing they say that what happens to us is what we are most afraid of.

Think correctly!
The above raises the question: how to learn to think correctly - in such a way as to change fate for the better and bring the desired benefits into your life?
The answer is simple: you need to learn how to properly formulate your desires! And before that, it will not hurt to get rid of old, negative thoughts that we are used to living with. They need to be thrown away, like old trash, to review the past, to determine a happy future, and from now on think only positively about it! Our own beliefs, painted in black, are the key to the same hopeless life with a lot of problems and lack of bright prospects. It's time to change!

Visualize your desires!
This is the most effective and efficient method for materializing one’s own thoughts. For the desired fulfillment, you need to understand and clearly imagine what you want, and think through all the details.

How thoughts materialize.

Please, first of all, listen to the instructions that the fact that our thoughts are capable of materializing is widely known. And since our mind naturally has both positive and negative components, and this, accordingly, affects the nature of our thoughts, if the materialization of thoughts is successful (and we hope that this will be the case for everyone), we automatically attract the negative side of the issue .

And this requires a comprehensive understanding, since many perceive spirituality as an exceptionally positive outlook on the world. This is not bad, but it is not a complete picture. It requires a reflection of both positive and negative. And the negative is not something bad or wrong. It has equal value. If you delve deeply and truly into it, you can create with your mind, with only one power of thought.

If you want a more holistic approach, then please focus solely on your heart. Our heart is primary in relation to the mind, and therefore it is cleaner and, most importantly, is in Oneness. And this Oneness represents the Essence of the Universe and the Creation itself. In this case, you should better study Materialization from the heart.

This article in the original version only shows the version of the mind. You can create the desired experience. Your mind has enough energy to materialize your desires.

Until you yourself begin to act in the direction of your desire, everything in your life will remain at the same level. It is important every day to allocate time for your goal, to present the final result. It is not necessary to devote a lot of time to this, the main thing is to make sure that emotions are positive, vivid, make you want to act.

Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is possible only when inside you make the final decision to overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious. Those who believe that the dream itself will fall into the hands and that for this special effort is not necessary are far from mistaken. We hasten to disappoint you: a dream does not like lazy people! Is thought material? Of course! But your participation in this is of paramount importance.

There are three main ways to make positive thoughts materialize. For positive thinking to take on special weight, you need to learn one of the techniques and follow it.

First technique: affirmations. Affirmation is a word or phrase that you constantly repeat to yourself. As we already said, introducing positive thoughts is a very difficult process that takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. Support this with self-confidence to save time. If you cannot believe that you can change your thoughts, then the process of creating positive programs and attitudes will become very long. Free yourself, cleanse yourself, become a white sheet.

Everyday affirmations are a loyal assistant of a universal type. Phrases like “I am a happy person”, “luck is always with me”, “I will achieve my goals” will change your worldview for the better. This is a good choice for those who are constantly experiencing mood problems.

There are affirmations of love, of success. This is a special case, which requires already prepared and solid soil underfoot. When you feel that you have become happier and brighter, go to this level. Start telling yourself that you will find your love, create a family, open a business, earn a lot of money and so on.

When you repeat something every day as often as possible, you are like driving a nail into a tree. It will take a lot of time, but it will be worth it. Repeat positive phrases to be as close to happiness as possible. This will increase your energy, good luck, and also materialize what you dream about. This will create certain images in your head.

The second technique: meditation. Meditation is an immersion in one’s consciousness. First, you relax, then adjust your own energy as you need. This method will help to achieve what you want, but it will take some time to learn how to meditate. Any method is very time-consuming, in meditation can seriously help you save time if you know how to quickly sink into consciousness. One way or another, but you can learn this if you really want to change your life.

There is meditation on love, on attracting good luck, on attracting wealth. There are a huge number of them, so you can always find something useful for yourself. Meditation "Labyrinth", for example, will help you solve some important problem and make a choice. A small minus, if one can call it that, is the need for constant meditation. Once you will not give anything. First you have to work hard to learn how to meditate. Then everything will go like clockwork.

The third technique: visualization and positive thinking. Visualization is a bit of a precast method. You need to strain your mind to present the end result of your activity. Live with this picture. If you want to get promoted at work, then imagine how the boss approaches you and says that you have been promoted. Think through every detail. Support your thoughts with positive, and just know that everything will be the way you want.

Many well-known athletes and businessmen say that their success was born in their head because they saw their future. They just knew that everything would come, as they wanted it. In addition, forget about calm. Welcome and peace are the best friends of visualization.

Use all three methods to improve your life. Materializing thoughts is a difficult process that can never be completed if you have doubts. Do not let them break to the surface - let them sit somewhere inside you, without interfering with creating a new Universe around them. After a while, you will see that every day starts well, and the mood is always on top. This will be the first evidence that you are on the right track.

The book of desires. This technique consists in the fact that a person starts a notebook and periodically writes into it what he currently most wants. Moreover, thoughts need to be stated in such a way as if the desired is already happening. It is very good to support the inscriptions with appropriate pictures or photographs.

Wish Cards. This technique involves sticking on whatman found newspaper clippings, as well as photographs that symbolize a dream. An indispensable condition of this technique is that the sheet of paper should hang in a conspicuous place. Soon the desire will certainly come true.
100 days. For this technique, you need to purchase a thick notebook and, leaving 100 pages, at the last describe your desire in the present tense. Every day, on a new page, it is necessary to describe what actions were taken to achieve its goal.
Glass of water. It is a fairly simple technique. To do this, you need to write down your desire on a piece of paper in the evening and put a glass of water on it. During the ritual you need to rub your hands, imagining an energy clot, and then "distribute" it at the top of the glass. After that, you should drink water and mentally visualize your dream.
10 wishes. It is necessary to write ten of your desires on a piece of paper and re-read them several times a day.

Video How our thoughts materialize

The topic “How to materialize thoughts” is included in the top 10 on various sites, often having nothing to do with psychology and self-development.

It is really difficult for an amateur to understand the topic and to extract useful information among a billion extra letters. I tried to do it for you.

How else to materialize these thoughts ?!

About a month ago in public transport I became an involuntary listener of a conversation between two friends.

One girl loudly and emotionally enough told the other that she was so tired of life failures, lack of money and love, that she decided to sign up for a two-week psychological training.

The theme “Materialize your thoughts and then they will definitely be fulfilled” passed through the red line through all 10 lessons.

“I,” says the student, “wrote down everything. For six months now I’ve been doing all the exercises every day, and things are still there. ”

A friend, of course, tried to console her, assuring that everything would work out, and I thought about the fact that I had heard and read similar things from people who seemed to be ready to change their lives, but they couldn’t do anything.

I don’t know exactly what the problem is with the minibus girl (there was a bad coach or she just uses his advice incorrectly), but I think it’s rather all in one.

Psychologists, authors of articles sometimes do not quite accurately form tips on how to materialize their thoughts, and readers, not wanting to get to the bottom of the matter, simply customize them for themselves. Bottom line: The Universe simply cannot understand what you want from it!

What prevents us from materializing our thoughts?

Unhappy or happy people make only his thoughts, and not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

These men and women are not stupid, lazy, ready to learn and even try something new. But for success they always have something missing: perseverance, courage, riskiness. They rarely get to the bottom of the problem and are more likely to prefer "a tit in their hands than a crane in the sky." It is this category of people who complains more often than others: “here your psychological tricks do not work! There I tried with my friend Vasya and - no success for you! ”

Especially for them, I give 3 errors that they make in the desire to materialize their thoughts.

3 errors, why can’t I materialize my thoughts?

Wrong promise.

Here, for example, your personal life does not add up. And you, instead of signaling the Universe: “I want to meet a good guy,” you complain daily: “I am alone. This is so bad".

The universe from your whining catches the word "lonely" and voila - your personal life continues to limp on both legs.

Wrong mood.

Even doctors who do not recognize anything other than science confirm: those who sincerely believe that they will get rid of the disease have much more chances to recover than pessimists.

If you really want something, then convince yourself, first of all, that everything will be fulfilled. And then: “Oh, I'm such a skeptic. I believe only that I can feel. And why are these my thoughts not materializing? ”

Incorrect wording.

That's why for some reason in the store you first consider the assortment of goods, and only then go up to the saleswoman and say: “Give me a pound of shortbread cookies with condensed milk”. You do this because you know for sure that if you go up to the seller with babble: “I want something sweet, or maybe not very sweet, in general, I don’t know what I want,” then spend half an hour in the store and find certain death at the hands of other buyers standing in line for you.

And the Universe should deal with your incomprehensible babble and instantly give what you need?

5 practical tips on how to materialize your thoughts

We figured out the main mistakes that prevent people from achieving what they want, and now I want to teach you what to do to accurately materialize your thoughts:

Visualize desires.

Nothing more effective than this technique has not yet been invented. If you have a good imagination, then pictures of the future can be drawn right in your head.

For example, do you dream of a trip to Italy? Imagine this very journey daily to the smallest detail. Do not have time to look back, how will you buy the coveted tour.

The technique of transferring your thoughts to paper works perfectly: make a collage of desires, draw your dream, describe it with the words in the diary, do at least something before you start whining that the Universe does not hear you!

Materialize your thoughts with the right phrases.

Particles “not” are best avoided, since it is poorly perceived by the universe. Instead of sending: “I don’t want to get sick anymore”, higher powers will hear that you really liked to lie in bed with a sore throat.

Correctly say: "I want to be always healthy!"

Get away from the negative.

If you want your evil boss to break her leg and leave you alone, even for the period of her sick leave, then the Universe may hear you. But the consequences will be sad not only for your leader, but also for you. Negativity and evil attract similar things; there is such a boomerang law!

Do not control the fate of others.

You can materialize only your own thoughts.

The universe will remain deaf to calls: "I want my husband to find a well-paid job," "I want my mother to win the lottery."

Instead of making wishes for others, it’s better to teach your loved ones how to materialize your thoughts correctly.

It will be interesting for you:

Dream about the real.

Tales of Cinderellas, who became princesses, are certainly charming and more than one generation of girls will grow on them. But only few become princesses, and any representative of the fair sex who has made every effort can become rich and successful.

You can meditate on a three-story villa in Spain, but start your dream by buying a one-room apartment in your city.

There is such a thing - the law of cause and effect. The law says: any circumstance in our life entails a certain result, and, conversely, any result was achieved due to a certain circumstance. Everything is natural, there are no accidents.

The effect of the law is best understood using a specific example. We simulate the situation. Today you had a bad day: you were late for work because you overslept. We slept because we went to bed late and went to bed late because our best friend had a birthday yesterday. Well, a friend’s birthday was just yesterday, because once upon a time his mother successfully guessed. Each phenomenon in this plot is easily divided into cause and effect:

  1. the reason is a friend’s birthday, the consequence is that he’s late
  2. reason - went to bed late; consequence - overslept;
  3. reason - overslept, consequence - late for work.

Our whole life consists of a very long causal chain of events. You do not need to be Sherlock to realize how elementary everything is here. Knowledge of the laws of nature is sewn into a person along with the rest of the factory settings. But in the real world, not everything is as simple and elementary as on paper.

It turns out that in order for some kind of dream to turn into reality, for starters you just need to imagine it. It is not enough just to acknowledge the existence of a specific goal - it should be put into concrete words and forms. First of all, it is necessary to clearly formulate (at least for oneself) what exactly the soul strives for. Moreover, this should be the desire of this particular person, coming from his heart, and not the whim of someone from his environment. Foreign dreams introduced from outside during incarnation, as a rule, do not bring the slightest joy.

In addition to the specific wording of desire (and without any “maybe” or “it would be nice”), it would not be a sin to fix it on paper, for example, in a personal diary, or simply say it loudly or even shout. In this way, a person will announce to the outside world - and to himself personally - about the seriousness of his own intentions and his determination.

Another element of materialization is the mental representation of the object of desires or some kind of event that a person aspires to. Visualize in your mind the dream should be as detailed as possible, with the maximum depiction of small elements. It is necessary to connect the majority of the senses to the creation of such an image, feeling all the smells and sounds associated with the dream, seeing an image full of life. In a word, not just imagining, but mentally being there, in this picture of happiness.

Having thus presented the material embodiment of one's own desire, one must then let it go. In other words, higher powers should be connected to its execution. For example, a corresponding prayer (which should generally be done regularly) will help the believer in this.

Goal factors

However, no sophisticated psychological practices will be effective without the creation of appropriate conditions under which desire will be easier to realize. First of all, clear actions are important. A person can do materialization and visualization as much as he wants, but if he does not take concrete steps to achieve his cherished goals, they will most likely remain in the world of dreams without going into reality.

In each case, the action plan will be different. For example, if a person dreams of moving to another state, he should not even start by purchasing tickets, obtaining visas or finding housing and work where he wants to emigrate. It will be later, when the target gets closer. It is better to first attend to the study of the language and customs of the peoples of the country of your dreams. Anyone who wants to get a prestigious car, first you need to get at least the right. Without driving skills, any kind of car would be useless.

In addition, to the person’s hand in the materialization of a dream is his own willingness to take what he wants into his life. He should begin to think as if the goal has already been achieved, increasingly presenting a similar outcome, and in all details. He should prepare as much as possible (including acquiring the necessary skills) for the situation, role, place where he longs to be.

Meanwhile, it may happen that any attempt to realize a specific dream will be broken into all kinds of obstacles. Here, it will be important for anyone to clearly realize: do all these obstacles arise as tests before achieving a goal, or do they mean that higher forces do not contribute at all to the fulfillment of a desire? Sometimes nothing comes of it for one reason - a person really does not need what he dreams of. This event, object, place or role is not from his life, alien to him. Maybe you should take on another dream?

Please, first of all, listen to the instructions,  that the fact that our thoughts are capable of materializing is widely known. And since our mind naturally has both positive and negative components, and this, accordingly, affects the nature of our thoughts, if the materialization of thoughts is successful (and we hope that this will be the case for everyone), we automatically attract the negative side of the issue .

And this requires a comprehensive understanding, since many perceive spirituality as an exceptionally positive outlook on the world. This is not bad, but it is not a complete picture. It requires a reflection of both positive and negative. And the negative is not something bad or wrong. It has equal value. If you delve deeply and truly into it, you can create with your mind, with only one power of thought.

If you want a more holistic approach, then please focus solely on your heart. Our heart is primary in relation to the mind, and therefore it is cleaner and, most importantly, is in Oneness. And this Oneness represents the Essence of the Universe and the Creation itself. In this case, you should better study Materialization from the heart.

This article in the original version only shows the version of the mind. You can create the desired experience. Your mind has enough energy to materialize your desires.