Baby food in jars. Vegetable smoothie. HiPP baby food - description and real reviews of parents

02.11.2014 / 867

The appearance of a little man in the family is not only a joyful event, but also the responsibility for his health, which rests with the parents. Surrounding the child with love and care, parents from the first days of his life should pay great attention to proper nutrition, because it serves as the key to the future health of the baby. Manufacturers of baby food are called upon to provide each child with balanced, diverse, quality and suitable food for his age manufacturers of baby food.

In the first months and years of a child’s life, a base is created for the development of all organs and systems, immunity is formed. The foundation laid in infancy has an effect on the health and all subsequent development of a person, and the right role is given to the right nutrition. A balanced baby food will help strengthen the child’s immunity, provide it with all the necessary substances for growth and development, energize it for games and walks in a comfortable, make it curious and fun.

The choice of baby food today is quite wide: dry milk mixes, dry cereals (milk and dairy-free), fruit and vegetable purees, canned meat, juices, tea, fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese), etc. Of course, mother’s milk is the most valuable for the baby product, but when it is not enough, dry milk mixtures come to the rescue. Manufacturers offer a wide range of infant formula from the first days of life, hypoallergenic, enriched with bifidobacteria, from goat milk, etc.

Vegetable purees are made from one type of vegetables - single-component, or from a vegetable set - multi-component. The assortment contains mashed potatoes with the addition of fish, liver, meat, semolina or rice, wheat flour and other ingredients. Fruit and berry purees can be produced in pure form or with the addition of sugar, and in their nutritional value and vitamin content are not inferior to fresh fruits. Baby food includes cereal concentrates (dry cereals), which may include special flour, milk powder, sugar, dry cereal broth, and fruit puree.

What brand to choose baby food - this question excites all mothers who go to the store for shopping. When choosing, you need to focus on the composition and reviews of parents who used this product. Do not think that the higher the price, the better the contents of the jar. Of course, manufacturers of baby food, setting prices, are primarily repelled by the cost of raw materials and production costs. But pricing also takes into account the division of goods into economy and premium class created by marketers. This means that the manufacturer focuses on the solvency of different segments of the population. And do not forget that, as always, you still pay for the prestige of the brand. Economy-class baby food is not distinguished by low quality products, but by a less wide range, cheaper packaging and the absence of a wide advertising company.

Be more attentive to the choice of food for your kids, consult with pediatricians, carefully read the composition on the product label, be interested in the opinions of other parents and remember that you can’t blindly believe in advertising, because the most important thing for you is to raise a healthy and happy child!

Theme, Russia

The Theme brand offers a wide range of healthy, balanced and tasty baby food products for babies: baby milk, sour-milk products (bio-ethers, drinking bio-yogurts, bio-curd), meat and meat and vegetable purees, juices. Sour-milk products The theme has probiotic properties, as it stimulates the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and improves the functioning of the entire digestive system of the child.

Baby food The theme was developed in collaboration with pediatricians and leading nutritionists of the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS and meets the high standards of safety and quality set by international organizations. It is made only from high quality raw materials, does not contain flavorings, artificial colors and is perfect for young children. Aseptic filling protects the subject brand products from any risk factors.

Agusha, Russia

All products of the Agusha brand, enriched with vitamins, are tasty and nutritious, are developed with the participation of nutritionists of the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS and undergo clinical trials in medical institutions of the Russian Federation. A diverse assortment includes juices, canned meat, fruit and vegetable purees, fruit drinks, dairy products - yoghurts, cream, curds, dairy products for nursing mothers and much more. For the production of products only natural ingredients are used.

FrutoNyanya, Russia

FrutoNanny is another domestic brand of baby food, which is created in close cooperation with the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS. For its manufacture only high-quality, natural raw materials are used. I’m happy with the wide range of products prepared according to excellent recipes: juices, fruit drinks, vegetable and meat purees, cereals, puddings, desserts, etc. Another argument that speaks about the benefits of products of this brand is that it does not contain GMOs and is distinguished by hypoallergenic properties.

Humana (Humana), Germany

The German brand Humana produces a wide range of dairy products for newborns: milk and hypoallergenic mixtures, nutrition for premature babies, dairy-free soya mixture, medical nutrition, mixtures for diarrhea, constipation, regurgitation and vomiting, as well as cereals, sour-milk products, puddings, teas. All products are created in Germany and controlled by 2 research centers. Humana brand milk mixes are made only from fresh natural milk, are as close as possible to mother's milk, correspond to the physiological needs of infants and are adapted for good absorption.

Humana owns dairy farms and agricultural enterprises, which makes it possible to control the quality of raw materials with special care. The company strictly monitors the state of animal health and the quality of feed, preventing the addition of GMO products and chemical ingredients. The products are created in close cooperation with pediatric nutritionists and pediatricians. Final testing is carried out by independent laboratories confirming the quality of children's dairy products.

Gerber (Gerber), USA

The brand belongs to the Nestle concern. The company's products are distinguished by the highest quality of raw materials, the use of advanced technologies and a wide range. Gerber brand produces juices, vegetables, meat, fruit and cereal, meat and fruit purees, milk desserts. Made from natural, carefully selected products, delicate and fragrant, without the addition of preservatives, flavorings, GMOs, flavor enhancers, colorings and stabilizers, Gerber's baby food is an ideal first lure, and will allow you to diversify your baby’s diet.

Gerber brand baby food is packed in special tempered glass jars. All products are manufactured using a special technology, in which microbes are destroyed, and the taste and nutritional value of the products are preserved. The quality of raw materials is monitored from the field or farm, and continues through to the final product.

Heinz (Heinz), USA

The Heinz brand produces cereals, mashed potatoes, soups, cookies, puddings, vermicelli, various teas, etc. The American company produces hypoallergenic products, uses only high-quality, natural raw materials without the addition of preservatives, flavorings, GMOs, flavor enhancers, colorings. Multistage quality control includes all stages of the production of baby food, including farm fields. Ecological purity of vegetables, cereals and fruits is a prerequisite.

Hipp (Hipp), Germany

The German HiPP brand produces a wide range of baby food: milk and hypoallergenic mixtures, tea drinks, juices, vegetables, meat, meat and fruit purees, cereals, cookies, etc. The main secret of the HiPP brand’s highest quality and absolute safety is environmentally friendly cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and milk. All raw materials are grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the use of GMO products and chemical ingredients only by traditional methods. Each jar of baby food Hipp undergoes 260 control checks at all stages of production.

Nestle (Nestle), Switzerland

Nestle Concern produces high-quality baby food for children of different ages: infant formula, cereals, mashed potatoes, juices, etc. The company has its own laboratories and research centers, its products are traditionally of high quality, the production of which uses proven technologies and only high-quality, natural raw materials. Nestle’s baby food is enriched with prebiotics, vitamins and minerals.


Taking into account the needs of newborns, Nestle specialists have developed NAN mixtures that allow you to properly form your baby’s immune system and keep it up to date. The NAN baby food line includes various mixtures: hypoallergenic, sour milk for the prevention of dysbiosis, special for premature babies, with digestive disorders, colic and constipation.


Nestle also offers Nestogen infant formulas enriched with a complex of prebiotics that support the normal intestinal microflora, promote comfortable digestion and prevent the development of constipation. In the manufacture of Nestogen mixtures, a complex technology is used, as a result of which the protein fractions of cow's milk radically change due to the partial or complete replacement of casein with whey protein.

Grandma’s bast basket, Russia

The Babushkino Lukoshko brand produces a wide range of products: milk formulas, various meat and vegetable purees, cereals, juices, nectars, and herbal teas. Baby food is produced at the Faustovo plant, which is equipped with the latest equipment that allows you to save all the useful and nutrients and an innovative quality control tracking system, which is the key to high quality products. Products Grandma’s Lukoshko completely natural, healthy and tasty, without the addition of preservatives, flavorings, GMOs, flavor enhancers, dyes. For their preparation, only natural raw materials imported from environmentally friendly zones are used.

Friso (Friso), Holland

Friso baby food is represented by milk mixtures and cereals, enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, has a natural composition, balanced nutritional value, taking into account the needs of children of different ages. For its manufacture, only high-quality, natural raw materials are used without the addition of preservatives, flavorings, GMOs, flavor enhancers, dyes. The composition includes prebiotic fibers that stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. The brand strictly monitors quality at all stages of production and cooperates with large clinics.

Bebi (Baby), Slovenia

Bebi brand baby foods include infant formula, cereals, teas and cookies. Bebi porridges are designed for babies from 4 months, have a delicate taste and a delicate aroma of fruits, are made from environmentally friendly ingredients on modern equipment, combine vitamins and minerals. All products are under strict quality control at all stages of production, and comply with strict dietary and medical requirements.

Nanny (Nanny), New Zealand

Nanny - This milk formula is made from goat milk and is intended for children with intolerance to cow's milk and soy proteins. It is made in New Zealand from fresh goat milk according to a special technology that allows preserving its biological value. Nanny can be used both as a substitute for breast milk, and for the preparation of various dairy dishes: cereals, cocktails, desserts, cottage cheese and sour-milk products.

Really useful and better suited for the baby? This article will help you understand this issue and make a choice.

Similar foods are recommended for children. from 6 months   - It is an indispensable source of protein and iron. Many international brands produce mashed meat, but Russian brands are able to compete with them.

Meat puree for babies   The best?


- This Russian company has long won the trust of mothers. Hypoallergenic baby puree for babies does not contain anything superfluous, only useful substances. However, for viscosity, the manufacturer adds rice flour or starch, depending on the meat. The cost of the jar varies from 40 to 60 rubles.


  • Natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Children eat with pleasure.


    • Inconvenient for use canning metal packaging;
    • Liquid consistency.


Russia is a high-quality brand that parents are also happy to buy for children. It contains cereals to increase the consistency viscosity, chicken fat, milk powder and salt. The addition of salt is the only and main drawback, and therefore pediatricians advise giving such a product only from 9.5 months. A jar of 100 grams costs about 40 rubles.


  • The product tastes good, even children who refuse meat eat;
  • Suitable for quick cooking soup for the baby.


    • The presence of salt.

"Grandma’s basket"


  • Delicate mashed potatoes that children eat with pleasure;
  • As a thickener use rice, which is better absorbed than other thickeners.


  • The presence of salt, the use is allowed from 8 months.

NOTE: The brand "Grandmother's basket" became the winner in the research program "Test purchase."


  • Switzerland - the company is one of the leading leaders in the baby food market. The cost of a jar of 80 grams is from 57 to 75 rubles.


  • It has the optimal composition for the first acquaintance with meat.


  • High price, small jar volume

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Since 2010, Rospotrebnadzor has finished deliveries to Russia of this brand of meat puree from chicken and turkey, produced in the United States. The reason for this is the processing of poultry carcasses with chlorinated water, which is harmful to health.



  • Children eat with pleasure;
  • High quality;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Increased starch content
  • Too viscous consistency.



  • Ideal for the first acquaintance with meat products;
  • Lack of salt and preservatives.


  • High price.

Good Baby puree is a real helper for mom. A balanced composition, naturalness of the ingredients guarantee a healthy diet for the baby. What kind of meat puree is best for a child is up to you, leaning and analyzing the pros and cons described above.

Video plot from the program control purchase on this topic

ON A NOTE: This product is introduced into the diet only after vegetables, i.e. after reaching the age of 6 months. Start by giving hypoallergenic meats first - turkey, rabbit, lamb.

Useful video

In this video you can see what kind of meat puree mom bloggers choose

In contact with

Gerber (Gerber)

Gerber baby food first appeared in 1927, and after 80 years the brand was bought by Nestle. Today, Gerber is one of the leading and best manufacturers of baby food. Known for its fruit, vegetable and meat purees, suitable for the first feeding, and for acquaintance of a grown up baby with new dishes. The product range is constantly growing, its quality is trusted all over the world.

Domestic brand of baby food. Known since 1999. The first product was applesauce, now under the brand name Grandmother's basket they produce herbal teas, dry milk mixes and cereals, vegetable and meat purees. The products of Grandma’s basket were repeatedly marked by the quality mark of the Russian National Program “The Best for Children”.

Frutonyanya is a domestic producer of baby food. It has established itself with high quality products and affordable prices. For a long time, the main products were fruit and vegetable purees, now the assortment has replenished with dairy products - liquid cereals, milk and milk desserts. All recipes are developed with the participation of the Institute of Nutrition RAMS.

Heinz (Heinz)

A popular American brand, known since 1869. One of the recognized experts in the field of baby food. Known for its dry mixes, cereals, mashed potatoes and cookies, juices, vermicelli and much more are also on the list of products. All Heinz products are enriched with minerals and vitamins for the health and growth of babies.

German company specializing in the production of infant formula and baby formula. In the first place puts the environmental friendliness of the products used. Known for its hypoallergenic foods and foods for children with anemia. The range of Hipp products is very large, the company does not tire of offering parents new tastes.

Vitacare nanny (nanny)

Manufacturer of goat milk powders. Nanny's products are recommended for parents of allergic children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. The company was founded in the UK about a quarter of a century ago, now its plants are not only in Europe, but also in Australia and New Zealand. In Russia, the exclusive distributor of Nanny's mixes is Bibicol.

Nutricia (Nutria)

A Dutch company specializing in the production of dry infant formula and cereals for children. It was founded at the end of the XIX century. Now the company owns 21 baby food production plants, including in Russia. Nutricia specialists are constantly working to improve the formula of their product, enriching it with useful minerals and vitamins.

Beech Nut

American manufacturer of baby food, on the market for about 120 years, the most popular products are fruit and vegetable canned purees. Beech Nut focuses on the naturalness of the product and its hypoallergenicity, for example, in meat purees, only dietary meat is used. The company does not use GMOs, its slogan is "We do not produce baby food, we prepare food for children."

The Russian manufacturer, which appeared on the domestic market in 2001. Food provider for free dairy cuisines. The assortment of goods is very wide - from dry milk mixtures to canned mashed potatoes and baby cookies. In the manufacture of products, it works closely with specialists of the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS and the Union of Pediatricians of the Russian Federation.

The brand is owned by Unimilk. The brand appeared on the Russian market in 1998. Tyoma specializes in the production of food for children from 0 to 2 years. It offers a diverse selection of products - mixes, juices, teas, mashed potatoes and fermented milk products. The company complies with environmental standards for the production of baby food.

You can also see the program “Test purchase”. They also determined the best baby food producer.

Test purchase of baby food Video

The baby is a small, very fragile, vulnerable and susceptible creature to the most insignificant changes for the adult eye. That is why caring mothers are trying to do everything in their best way for their baby.

It is extremely careful to choose food for the baby.

This statement applies to food for the baby, especially the first feeding. According to the rules, it starts with a one-component vegetable puree. Since children, like their parents, are all completely different, the issue of baby food for babies can be solved in two ways:

  • Self-cooking for the baby;
  • Canned vegetable puree.

Arguments for mashed potatoes

Cooking by ourselves may be better, but only when there is a firm belief that products, in particular vegetables, do not contain elements that adversely affect a growing and actively developing children's body. Yes, it’s still quite burdensome to grow vegetables recommended for the first baby food (cauliflower, broccoli) on your plot or balcony. It is much easier and more reliable to use canned baby vegetable puree.

Are you sure that the vegetables used for homemade puree are completely safe for crumbs.

Canned because its formulation is being developed by nutrition experts specifically for the little inhabitants of our green Planet. Scientists and nutritionists take into account a huge number of factors that affect not only the proper physical "maturation" of the infant, but also its mental, somatic and other important functions.

The most selected products go to the ingredients in baby puree.

A brief overview of the most famous, high-quality and trustworthy brands of baby vegetable puree is presented below.

Popular domestic brands

"Frutonyanya" - a brand, time-tested.

"Frutonyanya"- the most famous, sought after, competitive domestic brand. The company produces a huge range of products for the smallest kids and older children. Baby vegetable puree for the beginning of feeding is presented in 4 variations (broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots) - all this is a monocomponent food containing only the vegetable and water. For those who have mastered the first dish of karapuziks in their life, the company offers 6 variants of different vegetable mixes that also do not have by-products (salt, starch). Care is being taken Frutonyani   and in the method of packaging each child’s food supply: in addition to the sealed lid, which is closed at the factory under pressure, the company has provided additional protection in the form of a dense polyethylene, environmentally friendly film from falling into the jar of dirt under the lid. Conveniently, the film shows the division in grams (25, 50 and 75).

All Frutonyani products are tested, approved and recommended for the nutrition of young infants by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The price for one 100 gram jar of vegetable puree does not exceed 28 rubles.

Larisa shares her baby’s feeding experience « Frutonyany »:

“Almost every mom tastes canned food, which gives her young child. At the same time, her personal opinion boils down to the fact that it is impossible to have this incomprehensible substance of greenish or not at all credible color. So I thought so, until my girlfriends (also young mothers) advised me to try vegetables from Frutonyani. Busting doubts, I bought one jar per sample. Expectations, both mine and the little ones, were fully justified: the smell and taste were delicious, so the daughter ate the whole jar at once and very quickly. Now we are only sitting on the Frutonyan. ”

Economical option

"Grandma’s basket"   - The most affordable, but no less high-quality Russian brand. The company's line of one-component vegetable purees consists of:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pumpkins

This is an excellent selection, with the exception of the last vegetable on the list, for children on IV and having allergic problems. A jar of vegetable puree with a volume of 100 grams can be purchased   from 23 rubles.

"Grandma’s basket" has won the trust of many mothers.

The assortment of fruit one-component treats for the smallest children is quite diverse. In addition to water and, in fact, the vegetable or fruit itself, nothing can be found in mashed potatoes.

Special treat

The company offers the older kids an extremely rare cod, pink salmon and salmon puree on sale from other manufacturers.

Violetta talks about her impressions of the “Grandmother's basket” vegetable puree:

“With a scheduled visit to the pediatrician, the latter recommended me to start feeding complementary foods to my son. The doctor offered a choice of 2 brands: “Gerber” and “Grandma’s basket”. I did not find a one-component “Gerber” in the store, so I bought a “basket”, especially since I heard quite a lot of flattering about this brand.

I will say that the product pleased me with consistency, both quantity and price. I really liked that the lid is easy to open. What confused - the smell is not one of the most pleasant, but the child swallows on both cheeks, without any whims. We’ve been eating for half a month - everything is wonderful! I advise! "

Popular and sought after

"Topic"   - a domestic brand that has gained popularity among many mothers and fathers (although Hungarian production can also be found). Under the brand "Topic"   mainly dairy products are produced, but manufacturers and children, who are just beginning to get acquainted with the vast world of new taste sensations, did not ignore it. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrot, cauliflower, broccoli - this is the assortment for the first feeding. Mashed potatoes contain only vegetables and water. Price Scale Begins from 28 rubles   for a 130 gram jar.

Mashed potatoes "Darkness" is not far behind in popularity from other brands.

Hope shares her acquaintance with this brand:

“We really liked it, and the fact that it is liquid is a confirmation of what is written on the package“ zucchini and water ”. Other manufacturers often add all sorts of thickeners. My opinion: thickeners have no place in baby food. Everything should be natural! ”

Famous Imported Brands

"Gerber"   - its manufacturer is the Swiss company Nestle. At the first stage of complementary foods, the company offers 4 types of one-component vegetable puree and 2 fruit purees. In the composition of vegetable puree you can find only 2 components:

Jars contain 80 grams of product. The company specializes not only in the production of baby food. Nestle produces a huge assortment of gastronomic products from infant formula to chocolate. Nestlé has been confidently holding its leadership positions in the global market for more than 140 years. An 80 gram jar costs a little more than the popular brands described above. About 35 rubles   have to pay for it in the store.

  The driver must observe extreme safety on the road, especially if a small child is in the car. In order for the baby to feel comfortable and safe, care must be taken about the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility.

Each mother has a question: "How much should a child gain weight in the first year of life?" On you will find summary tables where the norm of weight gain in infants is completely painted.

Are the quality and price comparable?

Hipp - A German brand of baby food products competing with Nestle. Known worldwide for a time span of more than 100 years. As a first feeding, the company recommends vegetables grown by organic farming (without the use of artificial fertilizers). Hipp offers young infants:

  • Cauliflower
  • Carrot;
  • Potatoes;
  • Squash;
  • Parsnip;
  • Broccoli.

Long existence in the market speaks for itself.

A little later, according to the company, you can try corn and pumpkin. “Hipp” sometimes adds rice flour to some one-piece meals. The minimum price for a jar of   80 grams - 45 rubles, and for 125 grams - from 60 rubles.

Natalia says:

“It matters to me what is written on the jar in the composition because my baby’s chair is irregular. Lure began to establish digestion. I would not take with rice or any other flour because it strengthens the intestines of babies. The producer adds flour to make the mashed potatoes thicker. From this it can be inferred that it was originally liquid. And why? Because they save on ingredients. ”

Expensive is not always good

Mark "Semper"   represents Sweden. The company offers vegetable products enriched with vitamins, minerals and vegetable oils:

  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini with potatoes;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Zucchini with potatoes - wonderful options for the first hypoallergenic feeding.

Safe lure guaranteed with Semper.

Preservatives and all kinds of flavorings, however, as well as other unnecessary components, except rice flour, do not contain mashed potatoes. Price for one A 125 gram jar starts at 55 rubles.

  The problem of sleepless nights at the parents will help to solve. This design allows you to rock the baby without getting out of bed. You save energy in order to wake up in the morning cheerful and in a good mood.

Diathesis is bright red spots that appear on the cheeks of a child. A variety of different reasons can trigger a red rash. We will talk more about them in.

European standards

Company Heinz   based in the USA. Production and supplies to various countries are established in Italy. The kit for the first feeding manufacturer offers a standard. You can see cornmeal in the composition of vegetable purees. As the manufacturer “for consistency” explains. Serving in   80 grams can be bought for at least 36 rubles.

So tasty, that doesn’t come off!

Tastier means and healthier?

"Bebivita" - One of the brightest German representatives of baby food. The Germans offer the smallest citizens of our country to start acquaintance with new food with:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Broccoli;
  • Zucchini;
  • Carrots.

Bebivita confirms the stereotype of German quality.

In addition to water and the vegetables themselves, the composition of the puree includes:

  • Corn oil is a recognized source of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Coarse rice flour.

Alena about extreme cases of using Bebivita vegetable puree:

“We tried the broccoli from the series“ to start feeding. ” "Bebivita" is not the best option for canned food, but, nevertheless, at least some option. My advice: if there is such an opportunity - to feed the child with another brand of mashed potatoes, then it is better to use it. "Bebivita" is an extreme case when there are no other variations, for example, on the road. "

h2\u003e Who is suitable for

"Nutricia"   - A Dutch company that produces a fairly impressive list of products for babies and adults. "Nutricia"   known in the world for more than 110 years. It has several branches in Russia. For the first feeding produces jars with:

  • Broccoli;
  • Carrots;
  • Cauliflower.

Mashed "Nutricia" goes with a bang!

A little later, you can try zucchini with cauliflower. As part of the vegetable puree, you can notice wheat starch or rice flour. 125 grams of mashed vegetables cost about 43 rubles.

Alla talks about getting to know the company's products:

“First I bought cauliflower and broccoli from Grandma’s onion basket - it turned out economically. Started with a “basket” because they had already tried an apple and a pear from them. My child liked everything. However, the mashed vegetables that I bought are terrible. The kid refused to eat them. With "Nutricia," both cabbage was eaten with a bang, although they have apple juice. "

Quality is the main thing!

Company Bellact   - The only representative of baby food from Belarus. For babies, the manufacturer offers a list of mashed vegetables that is usual for the first feeding. There is no flour and starch in these jars. The price of a 100 gram jar is very economical: from 25 rubles.

Quality and excellent taste in one jar.

Your child is your everything. Carefully and joyfully perceive every moment spent with him. Choose only healthy can food for your kids!

Canned baby vegetable puree - mother's assistant in any situation.

How to feed your baby? Of course, the most delicious and healthy. The work of our body depends entirely on what we feed it on. Therefore, it is so important to choose the highest quality products that will give the body useful substances and energy. , to feed already or too early, when to introduce meat and in what form - all these issues concern every mom. To facilitate the choice of food for your baby and highlight the most important issues this article will help.

Many of us grew up on supplements from jars and sachets. This does not mean that they are worse than freshly prepared ones - the quality control of baby food is very strict. However, our mothers and grandmothers often mashed themselves using a strainer or gauze. What is good about baby food in jars? This is both ease of use, speed and freshness guarantee. Before proceeding rated baby food in jars, we learn how to give mashed potatoes and the secrets of its use by babies.

Age.   Whatever the basis of mashed potatoes - zucchini or beef, remember that the most important thing is to choose a product in accordance with the age of the baby. It is not recommended to introduce supplementary foods (which puree just refers to) earlier than 6 months. However, the pediatrician may give you a recommendation to introduce supplementary feeding earlier. Remember that everything is individual.

Number.   Start giving new products gradually. Let it be zucchini or broccoli first. The first serving is only 1/3 teaspoon. Next, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs. There are rashes, redness on the cheeks or diarrhea - cancel the product and report the symptoms to the pediatrician. If all is well - increase the portion by 2 times. You gave, for example, squash mashed potatoes for a week and the baby transferred it perfectly? You can try a new product. It doesn’t matter if you give it separately or mix it with the previous one. So, gradually, you will introduce all the complementary foods.

Consistency.   Baby puree ratingbelow will show you what mothers prefer to buy and why. But before choosing, make sure that the consistency is suitable for your crumbs. For example, coarse mashed potatoes should be given at an older age, and homogenized mashed potatoes are suitable for "beginners". Remember that mashed potatoes, which are coarsely chopped, can additionally add meat broth and some spices (mainly herbs).

Composition. What is the perfect puree? A composition in which only water and a vegetable (for example, carrots) may seem boring to you, but such a product is just right for the first feeding. It has no stabilizers and preservatives, which means that this complementary foods is as natural and healthy as possible.

How to give.   Remember one important rule: try everything you give your child to eat first. This will save the baby from a lot of problems. Also, check the expiration date before purchasing.

Remember that it does not contain additional ingredients, has a natural color, a slight smell and a gentle, slightly pronounced taste. It always has the date of manufacture, manufacturer, composition and shelf life.

Vegetables, berries, fruits - what are mashed potatoes for children

Now let's figure out what they are doing mashed potatoes   for children’snutrition. The lower the mashed potatoes is on the list, the older it is suitable.

From vegetables.   This is the best option for the first feeding. You can give it in addition to breast milk and not be afraid for an allergy. Usually vegetable purees cause it in very rare cases. First, let's crumbs try mashed potatoes from green vegetables (zucchini) and lightly colored foods. Leave the potatoes at a later time, as well as the cabbage, which can cause gas formation.

Of fruits.   Such baby pureereally like kids. Enter them when the baby has tried all the vegetable purees and he has no negative reaction to them. First, buy a mono product that consists only of plums, apples, pears or apricots. Next, you can enter multicomponent fruit mixes and overseas fruit puree, for example, banana.

From the berries.   Remember that almost all berries cause allergies. Currants can be considered less allergenic. Try to give it to the baby, but not earlier than 7 months. If there are no negative reactions of the body, give gooseberry puree a try and only after all the berries raspberry or strawberry puree is introduced.

From meat.   When is it worth switching to meat mixes? Only if vegetable, fruit and berry purees are introduced. Sometimes on sale you can find baby puree from onebeef and veal. They are best for exploring meat.

Later, two-component ones should be introduced - veal with poultry, beef with vegetables and so on. Study the composition before buying - if several components are included in the puree, make sure that they have already been introduced into the complementary foods before and the baby did not have an allergic reaction to them. Typically, such multicomponent products are administered no earlier than 9 months.

From fish.   Mashed pollock, hake, cod and other fish varieties are best introduced at the very end. Remember, for allergic children, fish is given strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

The ten most respected mashed potatoes for kids (independent investigation)

What is the best baby puree?

So, what is the best baby puree? We will try to figure it out and select only selected high-quality products.

First place - “Frutonyanya”

Advantages:   so it opens baby puree ratingdomestic producer. This winner of the Control Procurement program is famous for its highest quality. The manufacturer produces not only mashed potatoes, but also juices, cereals, products for night feeding. All products that are part of baby food of this brand are of environmental origin. If you look at customer reviews, you will not find a single case of allergies. Therefore, this manufacturer can really boast that it makes

Average juice price:   20 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   90 rubles.

Average price of mashed potatoes:33 rubles.

Second Place - Gerber

Advantages:   this product came in second in ranking baby pureesthanks to its impeccable quality, confirmed by Greenpeace. All products that are in crushed form fall into jars with the emblem of a peanut, are of ecological origin. It will be easy for mothers to deal with what to give the child first. You will find both single-component products and full-fledged cereals with vegetables and meat.

Average juice price:   60 rubles.

Average price of mashed potatoes:60 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   70 rubles.

Third place - “Grandma’s basket”

Advantages:   this domestic manufacturer was in rankingfor a reason. All products of this brand are manufactured under the constant supervision of RAMS (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Such baby food is tasty and inexpensive, it completely lacks GMOs and preservatives. However, kids may not like mashed potatoes because of their special flavor. But puree with prunes is truly a real treat. The producer, in addition to juices, cereals and mashed potatoes, also produces teas. However, for some, the product may seem sour or, conversely, sweetened.

Average juice price:   30 rubles.

Average price of mashed potatoes:30 rubles.

Fourth Place - Theme

Advantages:besides baby pureesthe manufacturer also produces drinks and dairy products. Can not but rejoice value for money. In this brand you can find products for older children, as well as for those babies who are not yet two years old. Curds, milk, kefir - all these children eat with pleasure, but the taste palette is not as diverse as we would like.

Average juice price:   16 rubles.

Average price of mashed potatoes:30 rubles.

Dairy:   35 rubles.

Fifth place - “

Advantages:how wonderful is this swedish brand that we found in ranking? You will not find such a variety of products almost anywhere - more than 100 items! And among them there is surely something interesting for little gourmets - for example, lasagna with vegetables and even moussaka! As studies have shown, not a single product of this brand contains GMOs, so you can easily pick up for the baby the best babynutrition -   mashed potatoesporridge or juice.

Average juice price:   80 rubles.

Average price of mashed potatoes:60 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   130 rubles.

Sixth place - "Humana"

Advantages:what is the best baby pureefor children with poor digestion or allergies? This manufacturer provides you with such products. German technology speaks for itself - it is a quality tested by time, and the taste palette will allow you to choose not only healthy, but also delicious product. Natural gifts that are part of mashed potatoes and cereals of this brand do not cause any allergies or other manifestations of incompatibility with the body. Here you will also find milk formula and teas.

Average price of mashed potatoes:70 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   150 rubles.

Seventh place - "Heinz"

Advantages:can this brand be called the bestmanufacturer baby puree? Rather yes than no. It provides food from selected, environmentally friendly products. Manufacturer - USA in cooperation with Russia. You can give soups, cereals, pudding crumbs without problems, they do not cause complaints from this brand. However sweet   baby pureeand cookies may contain more sugar than necessary.

Average price of mashed potatoes:37 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   100 rubles.

Eighth place - "Agusha"

Advantages:why this brand got into rating of the best baby purees? The fact is that she collected the largest number of positive reviews from mothers. It provides not only cereals and mashed potatoes, but also milk formula, curds and other products enriched with vitamins. This manufacturer is controlled by RAMS and confirms its high quality with many certificates.

Average price of mashed potatoes:   35 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   85 rubles.

Ninth Place - Hipp

Advantages:these products are also subject to strict quality control, like the rest. She ended up in ranking baby pureesfor a reason. Not only raw materials are controlled, but also the soil, as well as water for irrigation. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the safety of Hipp cereals and mashed potatoes. The only negative is the insufficiently expressed taste of mashed meat.

Average price of mashed potatoes:   60 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   140 rubles.

Tenth place - Nutricia

Advantages:it is not surprising that this brand was in our ranking. Juices, mashed potatoes, nectars - all this will certainly appeal to the growing gourmets. There are no gluten or preservatives in the product; it is subdivided into age categories and meets all quality standards. Manufacturer - Russia together with the Netherlands.

Average price of mashed potatoes:   40 rubles.

The average price of porridge:   150 rubles.

Using the data rated baby food in jars, you can choose products for the baby not only in taste, but also in price. However, do not forget, whatever brands are in ranking baby purees, only your baby’s reaction will tell you that you bought the best product.