The belly began to grow. Why the belly grows: physiological and pathological reasons. What drinks cause belly fat?

At present, it is considered beautiful to have an athletic thin figure with a toned tummy, but not everyone follows fashion trends is an easy task. Everyone's metabolism, daily routine, living conditions and other factors that affect health and appearance are different for everyone, which means that some people can quickly get rid of an emerging tummy, while others have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of waist fat for years. And as the years go by, the situation only gets worse. At the same time, it is not always obvious why women's belly grows with age.

Problem Identification

Not always a problem actually exists. Before looking for the causes and treatment of a large belly in women, determine whether it is really as huge as it seems to you. Critical is the waist for a woman more than 80 cm, for men - 94 cm. If your parameters are more than indicated, the first step is to visit an endocrinologist.

But values ​​such as 80 and 94 cm are not universal for everyone. The type of figure, and hence the indicators that can be considered normal, depend on the height of a person and the volume of his hips. To check if your waist is fat, divide it by your hip circumference. If the result is more than 0.8, you really have small deviations from the norm that should be removed.

For example, if you are 81 cm (waist) by 98 cm (hips), divide 81 by 98 to get a value of 0.83. This figure is great for you., while for your husband such a value would be normal. For men, a waist-to-hip ratio of less than 1 is considered optimal.

Also, unexpected belly growth may be related to pregnancy. Sometimes a woman may not know that she is a future mother until her belly grows. The pregnant woman does not have toxicosis, menstrual cycle is not interrupted, so such a thought may not come to mind for a long time. Sometimes you will find out about this situation when you are 7 months old, so no matter how stupid this situation may seem to you, just in case, take a test.

Why does the belly grow

In women after 30, the stomach often begins to bulge, although this problem can affect a girl long before reaching this age. There can be many reasons why a woman's belly grows. It is up to them how to eliminate imperfections..

Unfortunately, modern conditions work and leisure lead to a sedentary lifestyle. stress at work, home life and many small annoyances push many people to "seize" their problems. This way of dealing with stress is dictated by the physiological processes in the body. When eating tasty and sweet, but harmful foods, serotonin is produced, which allows the body to relax. But this will inevitably affect appearance in the waist area.

Moreover, if before reaching the age of 25 even chocolates and buns eaten at night often go unnoticed by the figure, or the fat accumulated from them is quickly dumped, then after 30 the metabolism slows down noticeably. A person notices that he is starting to get fat for no apparent reason, And getting rid of fat accumulations is becoming more and more difficult..

The first thing people do after discovering such a problem in themselves is usually to go on a strict diet. Although how many materials have already been devoted to the negative impact of excessive food restrictions on health and appearance. Often this method helps to get rid of the problem only for a short time, until the person returns to his usual diet. And even then, the stressed body will try to stock up on as large reserves of fat as possible in order to be ready for a possible new hunger strike.

A much more gentle and correct method is the transition to proper nutrition, thanks to which you do not have to experience a constant feeling of hunger, and the work of the digestive tract is getting better.

One of the conditions for such a diet is the rejection of late dinner and food before bedtime. And this does not mean that you need to adhere to the notorious rule "do not eat after six." This method is not suitable for everyone, because everyone has their own mode labor activity and recreation, there are people who work at night. So, in order not to face the problem of a growing belly, you need to have dinner with light meals and completely refuse food 2 hours before bedtime. This will not only prevent fat deposits, but also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which also needs time to rest.

Lack of physical activity

Muscle work can not only get rid of the problem of excessive body fat, but also prevent it. Unfortunately, very few people take care of their health through exercise. But everyone knows about their benefits from school years. IN Gym not everyone walks, constant lack of sleep makes it impossible to even think about getting up earlier to do morning exercises, and on the way to work and home, people use elevators, escalators, and cars as often as possible.

It would seem that it’s easier to walk to work or get out of public transport one stop early and go the rest of the way. But all this requires the expenditure of time, which in the middle of the daily fuss is not so much for each of us.

People with small children or pets are more likely to force themselves to move. The baby needs long walks in the air, during which the mother can easily walk a decent distance with a stroller at an average pace. In addition, sometimes it has to be raised to overcome stairs or high curbs. And this can already be considered weight-bearing exercises.

Dog owners are forced to walk their pets at least once a day. And not every dog ​​is satisfied with the simple management of their needs and a quick return to a boring house. She needs to run, explore the territory, which means that the owner will have to move.

Lack of physical activity has a detrimental effect on the position of internal organs. Weak muscles are unable to support and protect them properly, and this threatens with omission of organs, which not only looks ugly because of the belly that threatens to become huge, but can also lead to to unpleasant diseases.

permanent sitting position leads to stress on the spine, due to which the posture is disturbed, and the organs again move forward, which causes an increase in the abdomen. This problem cannot be solved by switching to proper nutrition alone. But the sudden desire to load oneself with physical work should not be fanatically reinforced. Muscles that were abruptly given an exorbitant load, and then also abruptly abandoned to exercise them due to lack of time, will suffer from uneven overloads. The body will experience a stressful situation, which can lead to weight gain instead of getting rid of it.

But even well-chosen uniform physical exercise are not always a panacea. Unfortunately, there are situations in which the stomach bulges from an emerging disease. And this requires completely different measures from a person.

Health problems

First of all, health problems can be indicated by the fact that the stomach began to noticeably increase, while extra centimeters are not added anywhere else. Such a process can be a symptom of the metabolic syndrome - a pathology that leads to impaired sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, while the blood contains a significant amount of it.

Insulin slows down the breakdown of adipose tissue, a fat belly and sides grow, and the body can generally be brought to diseases such as:

  • diabetes mellitus due to the indigestibility of glucose, which is contained in the blood, but is not able to participate in the formation of cells;
  • hypertension due to high sodium content, which increases the level of absorption of adrenaline;
  • cardiovascular diseases associated with increased level blood cholesterol;
  • cholelithiasis, formed by fatty layers in the abdomen.

The saddest thing about all these diseases is that the drugs that are prescribed by doctors to combat the disease often tend to slow down the process of splitting fats, which means that the problem seems to loop in itself.

Fat layers under the skin are often deposited in women after 40 years. Their cause may be problems with gynecology, and the approaching menopause, and simply an imbalance in hormones. The body begins to lose muscle mass, in return for which the amount of fat on the abdomen, sides, buttocks and other parts of the body rapidly increases.

Bad habits

Lack of concern for one's own health may well be the reason why the stomach suddenly decided to grow. When the body is poisoned daily by its owner, its work deteriorates and slows down, and this manifests itself in appearance. Habits that can lead to extra pounds include:

  • smoking, which slows down metabolism and causes the body to store fat in the abdomen;
  • the use of alcohol, which is digested first, and the rest of the products from which nutrients could be obtained are sent to fat reserves;
  • overeating, in which the body cannot cope with big amount incoming food and sends it to the waist, hips or legs.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that a sharp rejection of some bad habits, such as smoking, threatens with even greater weight gain. A person wants to smoke, but since he decided not to do this, he has to replace the bad habit with some other action, for example, eating sweets. To avoid such trouble, of course, it would be best not to start acquiring bad habits, but if this has already happened, consciously abandon them and try not to replace them with others.

Preventive measures

Ways to deal with excess weight directly depend on the reasons for its appearance. But to avoid the difficult test of bringing yourself back to normal, you can simply try not to allow the growth of body fat. To do this, you need to make it a habit to follow the rules below.

Thus, if you notice that the stomach has increased, especially when it happens for no apparent reason, it is simply necessary to pay due attention to the problem. If you are sure that you eat right and give yourself enough exercise, be sure to visit a doctor. A therapist, endocrinologist or gynecologist will certainly help to find out the causes of an enlarged abdomen and give recommendations on solving the problem. Remember that normal body weight and a proportional figure are needed not only for beauty, but also for health.

Attention, only TODAY!

A big belly adorns only pregnant women. For the rest, an increased waist indicates a malfunction in the body.

Conditions leading to growth of the abdominal region

Three groups of causes of a large belly in women can be distinguished, and treatment (or correction) is carried out after their determination.

These groups are due to:

  • wrong way of life;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of internal organs.

The most common causes of abdominal enlargement belong to the first group. Modern woman, busy work and household chores, it is difficult to fit several meals and workouts in the gym into your schedule.

Violations in the work of the organs of the endocrine system(thyroid gland, pancreas, ovaries, pituitary gland, etc.) lead to disruption of metabolic processes. Their correction is impossible without medicines.

The third group of conditions is latent, and sometimes an enlarged abdomen is their only symptom. The aesthetic problem is attributed to immoderation in eating and physical inactivity, masking the disease.

Improper diet and lack of movement

Each unused calorie is carefully stored by the body in the fat depots of the hips, buttocks and abdomen. Especially a lot of calories are found in carbohydrate and fatty foods:

  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • sweet drinks.

If the size of the waist grows, you need to count incoming and outgoing calories for several days. The difference in favor of what is eaten requires a revision of the nutrition system.

In the risk zone, the owner of the "apple" figure, in which the slightest weight gain leads to the deposition of fat under the breast and below.

With a lack of physical activity, posture worsens, muscle tone weakens, and excess weight appears. Well-developed muscles expend energy even at rest, preventing the deposition of fat. Strong press supports internal organs in place.

To correct the waist line, you need:

  • cardio contributing to the rapid weight loss of the whole body;
  • power training that increase the volume of muscle tissue, forming a natural corset.

Stress and short sleep

Stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which:

  • increases the amount of energy;
  • affects metabolism, making glucose more available;
  • reduces insulin production.

With prolonged stress, the amount of cortisol does not fall. Energy stores in the muscles are depleted. To reduce the level of the stress hormone, a person instinctively eats sweets. More sugar - more fat, which is deposited on the abdominal muscles, pushing them forward.

To deal with stress, you need:

  • drink clean water;
  • walk;
  • do yoga and aerobics;
  • visit a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Sleeping less than 8 hours a night does not produce enough melatonin, a substance that lowers blood glucose levels. Melatonin and cortisol are linked: The sleep hormone "turns off" the stress hormone.

Lack of sleep leads to the accumulation of body fat.

Sleep deprivation causes less melatonin and more cortisol, which contributes to overeating during the day.

Endocrine disorders

Malfunctions in the work of the glands lead to metabolic disorders, slowing it down or speeding it up. In the first case, there is an intense deposition of fat evenly throughout the body or in certain places, depending on the type of figure.

The listed diseases and problems are diagnosed by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist based on the results of blood tests, ultrasound and examination, after which hormone therapy is performed.

Hormonal drugs are selected by the doctor individually for each patient, they have contraindications, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Diseases of the internal organs

This group of diseases is characterized by other manifestations, but in the initial stages, a protruding abdomen may be the only symptom.

  1. irritable bowel syndrome. Chronic illness affecting the large intestine and manifested by bloating, spasms, increased gas formation. Requires dietary adjustments and fiber intake.
  2. Stones in the gallbladder. Increments disrupt the outflow of bile, which affects the gastrointestinal tract, making it difficult to digest food. The accumulation of gases due to indigestion causes bloating.
  3. Ascites. accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity stretches its walls. Ascites is caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, or other organs. dropsy requires medical care, as the amount of fluid increases over time, making it difficult for the heart and lungs to work.
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver. It is caused by prolonged intake of toxins into the body, in particular alcohol. In this case, the stomach protrudes forward, the limbs lose weight.

Diseases caused by neoplasms

Tumors are dangerous because they do not manifest themselves at the first stage of growth. And only over time they, one way or another, affect the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

  • Subserous fibrous tumor of the uterus. It grows on the outer wall in the abdominal cavity. Due to the enlarged uterus, the woman looks like she is in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • ovarian cancer. The tumor calls for the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, inflating its walls.
  • Uterine cancer(endometrial cancer). The circumference of the waist increases both due to the growth of the tumor, and due to pressure and stretching of the intestinal loops that protrude forward.
  • Rectal cancer. Accompanied by non-permanent swelling.
If the waist circumference increases and the body weight decreases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Women who spend precious time thinking about why trousers do not fit at the waist, although a month ago they were great, risk their lives.

Ways to reduce the size of the abdomen

The main causes and treatments for these conditions are summarized below.

Why the belly grows: age

Over time, the breakdown of fats in our body changes, the metabolic rate decreases - age-related changes apply to both men and women. In addition, women experience menopause. If the stomach began to grow sharply after 50, first of all, you should contact an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. During menopause, levels of estrogen and progesterone production decrease, and testosterone levels fall. Such shifts provoke weight gain in the abdomen. The good news is that this can be dealt with.

Why the stomach grows: irritable bowel syndrome

Intestinal dysfunction also leads to an increase in the abdomen.. This disease is accompanied by bloating, constipation, diarrhea. Intestinal dysfunction does not indicate serious diseases, but only that the digestive tract system is not working properly. Improve nutrition, eliminate harmful foods, eat more useful products and don't forget about water balance. Irritable bowel syndrome can be reduced by eliminating cereals, oatmeal, muesli, cereal bars from the diet. Eat more probiotics, dairy products.

Why the belly grows: flatulence

If you notice yourself increased gas formation, most likely you have flatulence - this can cause the stomach to grow. Limit your intake of legumes, grains, cabbage, broccoli, apples, prunes. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. If gas formation has become regular, seek medical attention.

Why the belly grows: gluten intolerance and enteropathy

Symptoms of entereropathy include fatigue, weight loss, and abdominal pain and enlargement. Gluten intolerance occurs when eating pasta, bread, pastries, sauces, etc. Celiac disease is a type of food allergy that is caused by insufficient digestion of grain proteins.

Why the belly grows: hormonal fluctuations and ovarian cancer

In women, hormonal fluctuations are observed during the premenstrual period or during early stages pregnancy. Intestinal peristalsis slows down, it takes more time to digest food, and the risk of constipation and bloating increases. A proper diet and a light walk in the fresh air will help disperse discomfort. Try to drink more fluids and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Frequent bloating, pain in the lower part may indicate an oncological disease of the reproductive system, in particular, ovarian cancer. Because of the inexpressive symptoms, ovarian cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage. If you notice an unreasonable increase in the abdomen, constantly feel heaviness and bloating, pain when eating and urinating - consult a doctor.

Why the belly grows: the wrong training program

Get rid of excess fat - cardio training. WITH silt workouts promote mass gain and more fat burning. The golden mean is the balance between the first and second. Spend 250 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise and 125 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. If you pump the press in the hope of reducing the waist, but do not adhere to a diet and eat everything in a row, the muscles will begin to grow under the fat, which will lead to an increase in the waist.

Why the belly grows: the wrong diet

An unhealthy diet, a beer belly in men, fat folds on the waist of women - all these are the reasons for an increase in the abdomen. The good news is that this is the most harmless reason and quite natural, and most importantly, everything is very easily corrected. Eliminate foods rich in refined grains (white bread, crackers, chips, sodas, desserts, etc., alcohol, beer) from your diet. The best food for a slim body is protein. Eat low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, eggs, vegetables.

Why the belly grows: stress

Stress provokes the release of the hormone cortisol into the blood, which leads to an increase in appetite, and as a result, weight gain. Stress fat is deposited in the lower abdomen, and creates something that looks like a roller. A stressful tummy can also be in thin people. The only way out is to relax and completely reboot.

Gone are the memories of the time when the presence of a large solid belly was an indicator of the age and well-being of a person. Today, it is not difficult to see a young man with a protruding "labor callus".

Unfortunately, many of them do not even think that the growing waist not only does not decorate the figure, but often signals problems in the body. To avoid negative consequences for health, it is important to find out the cause of the growth of the abdomen and not be too lazy to deal with it “like a man”.

Causes of an increase in the abdomen, not associated with diseases

Grow a sign of solidity and life experience in enough young age easily. Today, a man does not have to run hundreds of kilometers in search of food, drag a dead mammoth home, fight enemies for women and his territory.

The functions of the male body, designed to perform serious physical exertion, do not find their application in the life of a modern representative of the stronger sex. The result of an insufficiently active lifestyle, combined with improper or excessively plentiful nutrition, is the growth of the abdomen.

Improper nutrition

Overeating, snacking at work, greasy street food to quickly satisfy hunger give the body so much energy that it does not have time to fully use it. As a result, excess calories are stored as fat.

Fat accumulations are first deposited in the greater omentum located in the lower abdomen, then cover all the internal organs and penetrate under the skin, causing an increase in the volume of the abdomen and waist.

The quality and diet also plays an important role in causing the problem of excess weight. Fast food stuffed with trans fats, products with chemical "garbage", flour products and sugary drinks rich in carbohydrates provide the body with excess body fat.

Eating on the go is not perceived by the brain as something serious, the result is a lack of satiety and the need for additional calories.

Beer and alcohol abuse

The object of pride of some men - the "beer" tummy - deserves special attention. Belly enlargement from beer and alcoholic beverages occurs mainly due to fatty snacks consumed with them.

Sausages, sausages, dried or dried fish, snacks - contain a lot of calories, retain water in the body, which leads to the appearance of fat.

Men with a hereditary predisposition to obesity are especially prone to becoming owners of a large belly. Scientists have confirmed the presence of an obesity gene in the human genome, so the same diet can be displayed differently on gourmet figures and men's health.

Insufficient motor activity

The powerful muscles of the abdominal and back reliably protect the gastrointestinal tract of men from external influences and do not allow the intestines to stretch. But if a man eats a lot and at the same time moves little, the muscles lose their tone, become thinner and weaken.

The walls of the intestines and stomach with regular consumption of large amounts of food are stretched, but the abdominal muscles are no longer able to support them. Losing its protective corset, the abdomen begins to increase in size, giving the body an unattractive shape.

After 50 years of lack motor activity disrupts all major life support systems. Many years of "sedentary" work, table games of cards or dominoes, instead of a morning run, and elementary laziness "reward" a man with physical inactivity, which in turn leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis and obesity.

The supply of oxygen to the blood becomes insufficient, the breakdown of fats is slow and incomplete, so older people often suffer from obesity. Heart attacks, shortness of breath and snoring are also a consequence of an increase in the amount of fat in the abdominal region, which begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and changes the position of the heart.

Age-related slowdown in metabolism

The physiological changes that occur in the body of a man after 40 years slow down the overall metabolism and change the hormonal background. Rapid weight gain is favored by gradually decreasing levels of testosterone, which controls fat deposits and burns them.

Availability overweight only exacerbates the problem. Adipose tissue in men is able to change the ratio of male and female hormones in the body, reducing the amount of testosterone and provoking obesity. female type(increase mammary glands, fat on the thighs and sides).

Bad habits and stress

Bad habits, such as smoking, excessive consumption of beer and alcoholic beverages, also lead to changes in the hormonal background. Nicotine, tobacco tar and alcohol, entering the body, lead to a decrease in the male hormone - testosterone and, accordingly, to the problem of excess weight and a large belly.

The liver of lovers of strong drinks is constantly busy processing alcohol, so this organ simply does not have time to break down fats obtained from food.


Mental overload, gambling, many hours of computer “shooter games” that replace a good sleep are often accompanied by strong emotions that put the body into a state of stress.

To resist a stressful situation, the active production of the "stress" hormone - cortisol - helps the body. It plays a dual role: it helps to cope with stress and promotes the deposition of stressed fat and weight gain.

Swallowing air and flatulence

Inflate the stomach and processes such as flatulence and aerophagia. With flatulence, bloating occurs due to the accumulation of digestive gases in the intestines, as a result of the use of certain foods (legumes, sauerkraut, pastries, carbonated drinks).

With aerophagy - due to the ingestion of air into the stomach, swallowed during a hasty meal, accompanied by conversations.

Posture disorders

The protruding belly thin man, may be the result of a curvature of the spine in the thoracic (kyphosis) or lumbar (lordosis) sections. Incorrect load distribution stretches the muscles on the back and at the same time deforms the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, allowing the abdomen to protrude forward unhindered.

When does a big belly become a symptom of an illness?

What to do when the belly grows in men who lead active image life, watching healthy eating and do not abuse bad habits? In this case, we can only talk about some kind of disease.

Seeing a doctor will help diagnose the disease and begin timely and effective treatment.

The reasons for an increase in the size of the abdomen can be:

To remove the fat layer from the waist will help the obligatory observance of four conditions:

  1. Visit to the doctor.
  2. Proper nutrition.
  3. Physical activity.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.

Visit doctor

Sharp weight gain in the peritoneum is a good reason to visit a doctor, even if the man does not have any accompanying symptoms.

Testing and a medical examination will help to diagnose and cure the disease in a timely manner, or make sure that nothing threatens health, and the increase in the volume of the abdomen was only due to a wrong lifestyle. (In this case, changing the diet and exercising will help fight excess body fat.)

Proper nutrition and water regime

The diet should include frequent meals (at least 5 times a day) in small portions so that the caloric deficit of the diet is 400-500 calories. This will start the metabolic process and reduce the volume of the stomach.

The next, gradual steps towards a beautiful, masculine figure will be:

  • refusal of beer, alcoholic drinks and harmful products (sweets, chips, fast foods, flour products, pastries, salty and smoked);
  • the constant presence of fruits, vegetables, herbs and cereals on the table;
  • inclusion in the menu of the main building material for muscles - protein (low-fat meat and fish, eggs, dairy products);
  • preference for healthy sources of fats - nuts, seafood, vegetable oil;
  • drinking at least two liters of water per day;
  • obligatory breakfast and the last meal no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Exercise and quit bad habits

Physical activity contributes to weight loss at any age. What to do to quickly and effectively remove a large ugly belly? Do not make the main mistake that leads to the disappointment of many men: to pay attention only to strength exercises.

Push-ups, rocking the press, dumbbells, of course, will tone the muscles, but they simply will not be visible under the layer of fat. Stop and remove subcutaneous and internal fat will help cardio or aerobic exercises that saturate the cardiovascular system with oxygen.

Fat burns under the influence of oxygen, so the duration of the workout should be at least 40 minutes and include running, swimming, active games, jumping rope or cycling, and it is advisable to do all this in the fresh air.

Constancy and regularity will give noticeable results in a month. And the rejection of habits that are harmful to the body will accelerate all the processes launched in the struggle for a flat stomach and will have a positive effect on overall well-being.

A beautiful male body is an indicator of health. To make it fit and strong means to ensure attractiveness, comfort in movements and protection from many ailments!

Video: how to remove a man's belly?

Why does the belly grow in men? This question is far from being a joke. The timely found answer to it carries the possibility of getting rid of serious health problems.

It is necessary to be aware that the growth of a large belly is an alarming signal of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Two scenarios

Owner big size Waist can, of course, chuckle about the "labor callus" or proudly joke that this "reservoir" is intended "for beer." But even positive humor will not save him from the future (or already existing) negative consequences of the state of the body, which this largest size is a reflection of.

A man with a big belly has only two options.

The first is that sooner or later he will start “working for a pharmacy”, marveling at the abundance of sores that come from nowhere.

Secondly, he begins to take care of himself seriously and systematically, bringing the body into a state of natural balance. As a result, he gets health and gets rid of the “belly”.

Two aspects of the belly growth problem

A person who decides to build a life according to the first option does not need recommendations. Everyone has the right to choose.

Having chosen the option of restoring health, it is necessary to begin with a serious study of the causes of imbalance in the body. The first step will be to ask the question: why does the belly grow in men?

The problem of belly growth in men has two aspects. The first is exclusively medical.

The second aspect, which tends to flow into the first, is a wrong, unhealthy lifestyle. It includes three key reasons leading to violations of the functional characteristics of the body of a man, a reflection of which is, among other things, big belly.

The first reason is lack of physical activity.

The human body is a perfectly arranged, balanced system designed to exist in a regime of significant physical exertion.

A man at all times has been a breadwinner, a builder, a protector. All systems of his body are designed to perform these functions. IN modern world the role of physical activity is significantly reduced, but the man's body remains the same.

Men's digestive system best suited for extracting maximum energy from a minimum of food. The large gastrointestinal tract of a man is protected from all sides and supported by powerful abdominal and back muscles.

Developed muscles reliably protect the intestines from external influences and, in turn, do not allow its walls to stretch. But, as a result of insufficient physical activity, the abdominal muscles weaken and become thinner. The walls of the intestine, under the influence of not decreasing, and sometimes increasing amounts of food, stretch. The belly is growing.

Insufficient physical activity entails disturbances in the work of all major body systems. The heart suffers, forced to bear the additional burden of pumping blood, which was previously taken over by the muscles. The respiratory system gradually degrades, the hormonal background changes.

All deviations in the body of a man accumulate and one day there is a transition from quantity to quality. The male body begins to work in hypodynamia mode. That's why men's belly grows.

The second reason is malnutrition

In youth, the body of a man is like a new car. Everything is debugged, everything is polished, everything is clean. Fuel is burned almost completely, all waste is almost completely disposed of, and if it remains, then there is so little of it.

But over time, more and more waste from low-quality fuel accumulates, systems become clogged, engine efficiency decreases, power drops, structural parts wear out. The car breaks down.

A man is not a car, but the wear and tear tendencies are the same. At first, the male body easily “processes” any food, all the “extracted” energy is spent on active physical movements and growth.

Over time, the growth of the body slows down and stops. Physical activity is reduced, energy from food is extracted in excess. Excess energy is stored as fat.

At first, the body “invests” fat accumulations in a special compartment - an omentum located inside the abdomen, from below. Gradually, the intestines begin to grow fat, then the internal organs. Further, fat begins to accumulate under the skin, in the abdomen and lower back.

After some time, the harmless "investment" of fat turns into a new quality - obesity.

The consequences of obesity can be not only unpleasant for the male body, but deadly.

Decreased metabolism. The work of the liver, heart, lungs is disturbed. The endocrine system suffers. The hormonal background is changing. And what is the most offensive for men, very often the result of obesity is a decrease or cessation of sexual activity.

Malnutrition is expressed not only in the excessive amount of food consumed, but also in its quality. Of considerable importance is the combination of products, the time for eating and, oddly enough, the emotional background during the meal.

The presence of a huge amount of chemical "garbage" in modern foods leads to unintended deposits in the intestines.

The consumption of large volumes of various mixed foods (proteins-carbohydrates) causes fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines, leading to the release of gases that inflate the intestinal loops. This, in turn, leads to stretching of its walls and the accumulation of poorly digested food residues on these walls.

A negative state during meals also contributes to inadequate digestion and assimilation of food.

Thus, malnutrition leads to both obesity and intestinal slagging. The belly appears. Big.

Reason three - bad habits

A large belly in men grows after the so-called bad habits.

Tobacco smoking, excessive use of alcohol in any of its manifestations, all sorts of gambling hobbies that contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and lead to stress, excessive love for sweet, fatty and other unhealthy "goodies", addiction to night meals - all these are the habits that contribute to rapid imbalance of the body. What causes a big belly in men.

It is believed that smoking promotes weight loss and reduction of the abdomen. Such a statement is a myth, and does not correspond to reality. Each to varying degrees, but in all men, without exception, as a result of smoking, the effect on the body of nicotine and tobacco tar leads to a decrease in the level of testosterone, the male hormone. And this provokes obesity in the medical aspect.

Similar hormonal changes the male body also produces alcohol. Especially "different" in this regard hopelessly loved by men beer. Beer contains hormones similar to those of women. Entering the male body in large numbers They disrupt the hormonal background. Subsequently, the muscles loosen, the fat layer increases, the stomach grows.

Gambling, computer games, all sorts of “sedentary” hobbies such as dominoes or cards lead, first of all, to hypodynamia. But these habits have another component that leads to metabolic disorders - stress.

Constant stress after winning or losing, strong emotions against the background of low physical mobility provoke men to smoke, plentiful "jamming" and "drinking". They wash down stress with the same beer or alcohol, plus a "snacked" "snack". Then they wonder why a big belly and undermined health appear.

Medical aspect of belly growth

If a man leads a normal lifestyle, does not overeat, consumes “healthy” foods and is not stressed, and his stomach grows and fat accumulates, then the person is definitely sick. Need to see a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an examination and treatment, if necessary.

Three whales of men's health

What to do if a big belly has grown? One out of two. Or continue to die or fight for yourself. In the second case, you need to tune in to long-term work on yourself. Man's health is based on three pillars: physical activity, proper nutrition and the fight against bad habits.

A man who “saddles” these three whales does not face a big belly, nor does old age.