Types of female characters test. What kind of relationship are you: a plus, a zero or a minus woman? Level of desires, sex and pleasure

This article will talk about how you, lovely girls, influence your men. After all, you undoubtedly influence, since you are endowed with very strong energy, the importance of which is most often underestimated.

Have you ever wondered why with one girl/woman a man stops earning money, becomes lack of initiative, does not take care of himself, becomes rude, and, having found a new relationship with another girl, he becomes to a certain extent successful, courteous, caring and energetic? What happens that changes it radically?

Since ancient times, a woman knew that she could endow a man with strength: it was no coincidence that when accompanying her husband on a hike, she gave him a talisman she made with her own hands, prayed for his well-being, and believed in his return. This is her powerful energy, which built a favorable course of events.

So, all women can be divided into three groups: plus-size woman And .

Zero Woman neutral in its influence. She just is. With her, nothing changes in a man’s life: no worse, no better. Everything goes quite smoothly, and many men are satisfied with such relationships.

Such a woman is like an observer from afar. She is just a listener in a man's life - no advice, no sympathy, no words of support. She presents her behavior as if it gives her the opportunity to figure everything out on her own.

Only a man feels cold in the company of such a woman. She knows that he won’t take inspiration from her, she won’t give him the energy to “run up the hill.” Most often, the zero woman attracts men who go with the flow. They don’t need mega victories, so they are happy with such a woman.

Plus-size woman. First of all, she is a feminine woman. She is strong in a feminine way: friendly, smiling, with a developed sense of gratitude to a man, able to notice his efforts and give him compliments.
Such a girl never takes on male functions, but knows how to ask a man for help. In addition, she highlights his peculiarity in a man, his advantages among others and voices this to him. With such a girl, a man wants to be strong and omnipotent. From her love for life, from her ability to admire and give love, a man receives the energy he needs to move forward.

Naturally, this girl takes care of herself, always looks great, resolves any conflict situation in a calm tone and with love, she accepts a man for who he is, does not try to remake him for herself, she allows him to make decisions and make mistakes.

In case of failure, she knows how to choose words that inspire and inspire a man so that he is ready to challenge any circumstances and go to win.

Next to such a girl, a man goes up, next to her his business goes uphill, with her he becomes stronger in spirit and more successful. It is clear that such a girl is excellent, she knows how to relax a man.

Thanks to the above, a man becomes a better person. And why all? It's all about hormones. A woman can influence the level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood. It is the plus woman who provokes a surge of this hormone, and therefore the strength to move and win appears.

As one popular psychologist says, testosterone is the hormone of kings. This is the hormone of leaders and winners. The more of it in a man’s blood, the more successful he becomes. It's simple.

If you often scold a man for making mistakes, if you meet him upon returning home with a sour face or hand him garbage bag so that he can bear it (he’s still wearing shoes), if you don’t believe in his abilities and don’t trust him, you make decisions yourself and do a man’s work (moving furniture at home, hammering nails), take poor care of yourself - you are thereby depriving a man of his strength, This causes testosterone levels to drop, and as a result, failures and financial difficulties are attracted to it. Both you and your man suffer from this.

It is much easier to change your habits - not to get irritated, but to show flexibility and take any situation in a positive direction. Both will benefit from this. This is called high spirituality.

Try to develop this skill - the result will please you, and the relationship will become stronger: you are late, and he drove past the turn - say that you spoke to him, and you should have turned earlier; he bought it instead of a certain one washing powder powder from a different brand - don’t get annoyed, but say that this is a reason to try something new. It's not difficult! The world will not collapse because of this! On the contrary, it will be filled with happy people.

You can’t imagine how important it is for a man to know that they believe in him, how important it is to see your joy and gratitude when he reaches certain heights and gives you gifts, how precious it is for a man when you can motivate him. Who says words of gratitude to him? Nobody, only you! So give him this “oxygen”!

We all influence each other, and if we caused someone mental pain, that person will unconsciously take revenge, causing pain to another, and so on along the chain. It’s better to make people happier - let them continue to give happiness. And to men, dear girls, give them a sense of significance and importance in your life. Give him recognition (gratitude), acceptance (he is who he is, and you do not change him), complicity (everything that concerns his life is important to you) and empathy (you share his victories and defeats, you are always there).

— study with the magazine. Develop relationships harmoniously - it's easy!

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Are you a crazy adventurer, ready to go off on adventures at any moment? Or, on the contrary, are you a loving, subtle and dreamy person?

Or maybe you are a real femme fatale, who makes men lose their heads? A simple test will help you determine who you are deep down and who you are in life.

Take this interesting test by answering 10 simple questions, and find out what type of woman you are.

Question #1:

Are you in love with someone (infatuated with someone)?

A- No, but I have a boyfriend;

B- Probably not;

C-On this moment No;

D- Yes, definitely.


Question #2:

How would you describe yourself?

A- Definitely naughty and a little spoiled;

B- A little harsh and extravagant, loving adventure;

C- Absolutely normal;

D- Elegant and feminine.


Question #3:

Have you ever been arrested or detained?

A- A couple of times, rarely;

B- Constantly;

C- No or for a minor violation;

D- Never! I'm a good girl!


Question #4:

Do you have many friends?

A- Yes, I have many friends;

B- I have several girlfriends;

C- I hardly have a couple of friends;

D- I have no friends at all.


Question #5:

What kind of music do you like?

A- Pop/jazz;

B- Classical/country style;

C- Rock/metal;

D- Hip-hop/rap.


Question #6:

How much makeup do you usually wear?

A- Exactly enough to easily highlight your advantages;

B- I hardly use cosmetics;

C- My face is clean without makeup;

D- I apply a lot of makeup in a thick layer.


Question No. 7:

If you really upset someone, what would you do?

A- I will try to disappear from the sight of the offended person;

B- I will apologize again and again;

C- I’ll try to laugh it off and cheer up the person I offended;

D- I will try to put myself in the shoes of the offended person and look at the situation through his eyes.


Question No. 8:

What do you prefer?

A- School, university, courses;

B- Shops, shopping;

C- Sports, training;

D- Soft toys.


Question #9:

What do you buy with great pleasure?

C- Toys;

D- Cosmetics.


Question No. 10:

What feeling do you experience most often?

A- Happiness, satisfaction;

B- Loneliness, depression;

C- Anxiety, fear, anger;

D- Confidence, excitement, excitement.


Now add up your scores and read what matches your result.

From 100 to 170 points:


More than anything else, you worry about how you look. You always like to do things your way. It takes you forever to get ready, because you never leave the house without makeup, combing your hair and dressing hastily.

Your shoes should strictly match the chosen outfit, and there should be at least 10 handbags.

You hate sports and any kind of physical activity, so you always find excuses not to go to the gym.

From 180 to 250 points:


Are you an average girl who likes what most people like? normal girls, women your age.

Sometimes you don’t mind being naughty, playing pranks and even getting dirty, but when necessary, you put on your best clothes. beautiful dress, put on luxurious stilettos, tint your eyelashes and turn into a beautiful lady.

From 260 to 320 points:

Type - REBEL

You always act in your own way, only the way you want, even if your actions threaten you with serious problems.

You definitely stand out among your friends and girlfriends. People around you know you as a naughty and mischievous rebel. However, you are who you are and you like your chosen lifestyle. Nothing can stop you from being yourself. After all, you are so comfortable in your image.

From 330 to 400 points:


You are a completely crazy person. Madness is in your blood. You often like to do crazy things. You're probably the type of woman who just hates the color pink.

Cute dresses with frills and lace are completely not your thing. Do you prefer to be active? free time, do you like sports.

Instead of shopping, you will always choose an extreme walk somewhere in the mountains or go on an adventure somewhere with equally crazy friends. You're more likely to be found rock climbing than shopping for heels or frilly dresses.

The David Kibbey Type Test can be found on many websites. However, in some places it is supplemented by translators' comments in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from the text of Kibbey himself. I'm still for the original. Therefore, the text written by David Kibbey (full and without adverb) is in normal font, and my own comments are in italics.

And, of course, the photographs were selected by me, so they are not the ultimate truth. But still, if you have difficulties with typing, I recommend taking photos (it’s always safer to see yourself from the outside) and comparing them with the proposed samples.

Bone structure

Vertical line(not height, but how tall you appear to others):

a. Elongated (people always think I’m taller than I really am).

Angelina Jolie's height is only 169 cm, but it seems that she is much taller.

b. Relatively elongated (sometimes people think I’m taller, but only slightly).

c. Average (usually people guess my height correctly or are not surprised when I say it).

d. Short (usually people think I’m a little shorter than I actually am, but the curves of my figure are more noticeable than my height).

Attention! What’s more important is how your height appears from the outside, since in our country people always pay more attention to curves (if they exist, of course) :)

e. Petite (it’s obvious to everyone that I’m short).

It seems that Selena Gomez is shorter than Lindsay Lohan, but in fact these actresses have the same height - 165 cm.

Shoulder Shape:

a. Narrow and sharp.

b. Wide and blunt.

c. Symmetrical and even. Think twice!

d. Sloping and pointed.

e. Sloping and rounded.

1 – a(Winona Ryder); 2 –b(Elle Macpherson); 3 –c(Grace Kelly); 4 -d(Natalya Vodyanova); 5 -e(Salma Hayek)

Arms and legs:

a. Elongated and narrow.

b. Elongated and wide.

1-2 – a (Amal Alamuddin); 3-4 –b(Cindy Crawford)

c. Middle length, proportional to height and upper body. Think twice!

d. Small and short.

e. Small, very short in relation to height and upper body.

1 – with (Brigitte Bardot); 2 –d(Kim Kardashian); 3 –e(Hayden Panettiere)

Hands and feet:

a. Long and narrow.

b. Large and wide.

1 – a(Amal Alamuddin); 2 –b(Maria Sharapova)

c. Medium: neither long nor short, neither large nor small. Think twice!

d. Small, narrow, graceful.

e. Small and slightly wide.

1 – c(Catherine Deneuve); 2 –d(Jada Pinkett Smith); 3 –e(Kim Kardashian)

Body type ( soft fabrics)


a. Elongated, thin, wiry.

b. Wide, tends to be muscular.

c. Symmetrical, proportional. Have you selected this item? And again: think twice. Common mistake– consider yourself symmetrical. But, in fact, this is quite rare. And the Pure Classic type can generally be considered, if not extinct, then listed in the “Red Book”.

d. Proportional, a hint of an hourglass.

e. Very soft, with lush curves, a real “hourglass”.

1-a (Anya Rubik); 2 –b(Maria Sharapova); 3 –c(Marion Cotillard); 4-d(Halle Berry); 5 -e(Kelly Brooke)

Chest/upper body:

a. Flat, toned (I never seem to gain weight in this part of my body, even when I'm seriously overweight).

b. Wide (I get slightly fatter in this part of my body when I'm overweight).

c. Medium, proportional to the waist and hips.

1 – a (Keira Knightley); 2 –b(Maria Sharapova); 3 –c(Grace Kelly)

d. Round, well shaped and prominent at the waist (my upper body is somewhat short and when I gain weight it tends to accumulate in this area).

e. Very noticeable, lush (it doesn’t matter whether I’m slim or plump, my breasts are always noticeable).

1- d(Scarlett Johansson), 2 –e(Kim Kardashian)


a. Elongated, boyishly conical (the situation does not change even with excess weight).

b. Elongated, but in the absence of excess weight it is straight, and when it is present it is lost.

c. Moderate, not very pronounced.

1 – a (Keira Knightley); 2 –b(Gisele Bundchen); 3-c(Kate Moss)

d. Very thin compared to the chest and hips.

e. Softly defined, but somewhat wide.

1 – d(Kim Kardashian); 2-e(Vanessa Hudgens)

Hip line:

a. Tapered, straight, boyishly narrow (however, I noticeably gain weight in this area when I'm overweight).

b. Straight, slightly tapered and slightly wide (extra weight always seems to end up on my hips).

c. Medium, proportional bust and waist.

d. Rounded, pronounced against the background of the waist.

e. Extremely soft and round, no matter what my weight.

1 – a(Evangeline Lilly); 2 –b(Reese Witherspoon); 3 –c(Marion Cotillard); 4 -d(Beyoncé); 5th (Princess Beatrice)

Arms (elbow to shoulder) and legs (knee to hip):

In the title of the subsection, Kibby clearly indicates that we are talking about soft tissues, but if you look at the points, you can see that they are not the only ones.

a. Long, toned and sinewy.

b. Elongated, with a tendency towards muscularity.

c. Moderate size, not too soft, but not too stringy/muscular.

d. Soft, slightly short.

e. Very soft, wide and fleshy, slightly short.

1 – a(Amal Alamuddin); 2 –b(Kate Middleton); 3 –c(Jennifer Lawrence); 4 -d(Salma Hayek); 5 -e(America Ferrera)

Bone structure of the face


a. Sharp: Either very sharp, very prominent, or very square.

b. Wide or rounded, slightly too big.

c. Medium size, symmetrical: not wide, not sharp, not round. Be careful not to overestimate your symmetry.

1 – a (Amal Alamuddin); 2- b (Maria Sharapova); 3 – c (Grace Kelly)

d. Graceful, slightly pointed or slightly narrow.

e. Round or slightly wide.

1- d (Jennifer Lopez); 2 – e (Marilyn Monroe)

a. Sharp or protruding.

b. Wide or blunt.

c. Medium size, symmetrical, not too big and not too round.

1 – a (Tilda Swinton); 2 – b (Jennifer Aniston); 3 – c (Grace Kelly)

d. Graceful, narrow, pointed.

e. Round: Softly expands without becoming large.

1 – d(Sharon Stone); 2 –e (Marilyn Monroe)


a. Tall, protruding.

b. Wide.

c. Symmetrical, medium size.

1 – a (Tilda Swinton); 2 – b (Maria Sharapova); 3 – c (Catherine Deneuve)

d. Graceful, narrow, slightly rounded.

e. Round, softly expanding “apple cheeks”.

1 – d(Rihanna); 2 –e (Hayden Panettiere)

Facial features

Eye shape:

a. Narrow, close-set, straight or almond-shaped.

b. Narrow, straight, wide set. Few people are ready to admit that their eyes are narrow, and during typing many are terribly offended by such an assumption. But it’s still better to face the truth, especially since narrow eyes they can just as well be beautiful.

c. Evenly spaced, symmetrical, medium in size.

1 – a (Lauren Vickers); 2 – b (Kate Moss); 3 – c (Marion Cotillard)

d. Round, set relatively close, perhaps slightly almond shape or the outer corners of the eyes may be slightly raised.

e. Very round and very large.

1 – d (Audrey Hepburn), 2 – e (Christina Ricci)

Lip shape:

a. Straight, narrow, sometimes such women are called “thin-lipped”.

b. Straight, firm, slightly wide but not full.

c. Medium size, uniform in shape, not very straight and not very full.

1 – a (Tilda Swinton); 2 – b (Cate Blanchett); 3 – c (Marion Cotillard)

d. Full and round.

e. Very full, very round and very juicy. Of course, lips like Jolie's are rare, but they should definitely be larger than Selena Gomez's.

1 – d(Selena Gomez); 2 –e (Angelina Jolie)


a. Tight and unrefined even with excess weight.

b. Quite fit, but becomes plump as they gain weight.

c. Medium, soft, but not plump.

1 – a (Amal Alamuddin); 2 – b (Jennifer Aniston); 3 – c (Rachel Weisz)

d. Soft and plump, can become extremely thick if overweight.

e. Very soft, very full, very round even at minimal weight.

1 – d(Hayden Panettiere during weight gain); 2 –e(Marilyn Monroe V normal weight)

Hair :

a. With an extremely fine texture (soft-silky), both straight and slightly curly.

b. Highly textured (rough, heavy, thick and straight or wavy/curly).

1 – a(Kristen Stewart); 2 –b(Sarah Jessica Parker)

c. With a medium texture, slightly wavy or with a very slight hint of wave.

d. Moderately thick, with a slight wave, wavy or curly.

e. Extremely thick, very wavy or curly (with a soft surface).

1 – c (Katie Holmes), 2 – d (Hayden Panettiere); 3 – e (Shakira)

Your type:

paragraph A, then your appearance is controlled by extreme, sharp Yang. You are Dramatic.

If most of the answers come from paragraph e, then your appearance is controlled by extreme, soft Yin. You are a romantic person.

If most of the answers come from paragraph With, then Yin and Yang in your appearance are balanced. You are a Classic.

If most of the answers come from paragraph b, then your appearance is controlled by soft Yang. You are a Natural.

If the answers are divided between points a and e, then your appearance is a combination of opposites. You are Gamin.

If most of the answers come from paragraph A(bone structure), plus a number of answers from point e(soft tissues and/or facial features), then your appearance is controlled by a strong Yang with a strong hint of Yin. You are a Gentle Dramatist.

If most of the answers come from paragraph e and/or itemd(soft tissue and facial features), plus a number of responses from point A(bone structure), then your appearance is ruled by soft Yin with a slight hint of Yang. You are a Theatrical Romantic.

If most of the answers come from point c(soft tissue and facial features), plus some answers from point a and/or b(bone structure), then your appearance is balanced, with a slight advantage of Yang. You are a Dramatic Classic.

If most of the answers come from point c point d and/or e(soft tissues and facial features), then your appearance is balanced, with a slight preponderance of Yin. You are a Soft Classic.

If most of the answers come from point b, plus some answers from point A, then your appearance is controlled by strong Yang (but bones with blunt edges). You are a Bright Natural.

Please note that the bone structure will be extremely strongly yang influenced, while the soft tissue and facial features will be moderately yang influenced.

If most of the answers come from paragraphb(bone structure), plus a few answers from point d and/or e(soft tissues and facial features), then your appearance is controlled by soft Yang with a hint of Yin. You are a Soft Natural.

pointsa and e, point b, then your appearance is a combination of opposites plus with a slight advantage of Yang. You are Bright Gamin.

Please note that the bone structure of the body and face, as well as soft tissues, should be under the influence of Yang, while facial features and height should be under the influence of Yin.

If your answers are almost equally divided between pointsa and e, and also you have some answers from point d, then your appearance is a combination of opposites with a slight predominance of Yin. You are a Soft Gamin.

Please note that the bone structure should be under the influence of Yang, while the soft tissue should be under the influence of Yin. At the same time, facial features are under the extreme influence of Yin.

What woman doesn't want to know secrets? happy relationship with a man and live in harmony with your chosen one, yourself and the world? Do they exist?

Psychologist from St. Petersburg Vadim Kurkin is sure that there are secrets, and everyone can master the art of happy relationships. To do this, you need to learn about some laws of psychology.

Vadim Kurkin sees his mission as improving the psychological literacy of women and making them happy.

Source: iStock

His course on happy relationships has become the most popular - for its simplicity and benefits.

Vadim Kurkin also runs a magazine about relationships and life. On his blog, he generously shares his knowledge as a successful man who knows what he's talking about.

“As a psychologist, I not only work in my specialty, but have established myself in the profession. The topics of self-esteem and the secrets of happy relationships are my main directions,” says Vadim Kurkin.

Source: Vadim Kurkin / Facebook

The psychology of relationships is often of interest to women, so Growth Phase recorded his special lecture.

In the given female types everyone will be able to recognize themselves and try to answer the question: do I like my life and what to do about it?

The Tale of a Girl Who Lives Later

Vadim Kurkin first tells his students of the “Secrets of Happy Relationships” course a motivating tale. Isn't this a familiar story to everyone?

Once upon a time there was a girl who dreamed of a good life. She knew that happiness would come someday later. And now she needs to go to school and do homework.

Then, when I go to college, I will have the most wonderful life in the world! But now I need to prepare for exams, the girl thought.

Source: iStock

She entered university and was overwhelmed by routine and all sorts of disappointments. And what was she thinking about? I’ll get a job and then I’ll live! Then, when I make a career... I will have a lot of happiness!

Well, now I will do routine and unenjoyable activities.

The girl started working, got married, gave birth to two children... Then it will become easier for me, the woman thought. Then, when my husband starts earning more, we can go on a trip...

Retirement has arrived. In front of the TV, the woman dreamed that someday later... The end of the fairy tale.

5 relationship levels

According to Vadim Kurkin, our relationship as a couple and with the world is a house with five floors. And the quality of our life depends on whether order is brought to each of them.

1. Security level

The first floor includes meeting our basic needs. This includes more than just the physical needs of eating and sleeping. This means a roof over your head and money for education for children.

“Ideally, a man provides a woman’s security. The normal female position is to live for pleasure,” says the author of the marathon.

In a harmonious relationship in a couple, the woman does not think about the base. She wakes up in the morning with a smile and thinks: wow, what new will this day bring me? She thinks about the future and the future, but with joy, absolutely without tension.

What to do if there is no man yet? If a woman knows how to live relaxed, without tension, the role of a man takes on the world around her. The world feels your condition, and it wants to please you!

2. Level of desires, sex and pleasure

If the first level, the “center,” is closed, the woman gains access to her desires. Otherwise, all the energy will be spent on safety, the tension in the “base” will not allow new energy to manifest itself.

With a closed level of security, desires appear freely and spontaneously.

Source: iStock

Here it is important to learn to distinguish your true “wants” from those imposed. It also matters whether a woman knows how to broadcast her desires to the world without shame and false modesty.

“A man can feel like a hero who enjoys satisfying her. If there is no partner, but you know how to freely want, connected with your desires, the world itself will begin to throw up opportunities,” continues Vadim Kurkin.

3. Money level

The flow of money into our lives grows in proportion to our needs. With the third level pumped up, the necessary finances come either before the desire or need arises, or at the same time.

But never after! With a closed level of money, there is no need to frantically search for finance.

Kurkin argues that our well-being does not depend either on the political situation or on evil authorities.

What does this level mean in the context of male-female relationships? A woman who knows the secrets of handling finances knows how to influence her husband’s income and motivate him.

He must want to become a breadwinner and a hero, climb the career ladder in order to set ambitious financial goals for himself!

According to Kurkin, it happens that one man is “rushing”, while others are still unlucky. And the only difference is in what state these people and their women are in.

4. Level of love and emotional involvement

Vadim Kurkin believes that love should only be mutual. It should make our chosen ones strong.

It happens that a woman loves a man, but he only becomes weaker with her. “You already love him so much, he received so much from you that he has no need to become a hero,” says the presenter.

It is important for such women to learn not only to give, but also to receive. The coach believes that love between a man and a woman is like a child. It is born, grows, evolves and only becomes deeper over time.

5. Level of intuition and sensitivity

At this level, a woman connects with her inner nature. If there is tension at the basic level of survival, intuition is not available.

The ideal picture is this: you become a sensitive woman who is able to sense herself and the world, opportunities and prospects for a couple, family.

“Then you are a special woman. Intuition seems to move you forward, and consciousness and mind help. This is the top floor of the relationship, the cherry on the cake,” sums up the coach.

5 female scenarios

Why does our house with five floors not stand firmly on the ground, but regularly shakes and is filled with tension at one level or another? Vadim Kurkin believes that it’s all about our life scenario. What it is?

This is an unconscious life plan - a decision that a child makes unconsciously in childhood under the influence of his parents.

Source: iStock

How does this happen? For example, a girl sees that her dad is talking aggressively to her mom. And she makes an unconscious decision - all men are evil. What will be the girl's scenario? Don't trust men!

At the same time, she will attract evil and aggressive men into her life.

Even if trials appear on our way, fate prepares a reward for us for them.

Another thing is the script. Its only function is to preserve itself and make us function at the survival level. If we live according to a script, we cannot access our true destiny.

The psychologist identifies five female scenario types to which certain male types are drawn.

1. Thoughtful woman

She is strong-willed and internally very strong. This is a locomotive woman who loves to be in the front row. This woman is prone to analysis, she is careful, slow and likes to stick to her usual routine.

She always finishes what she starts, but it is difficult for her to make decisions. Because of this, it is extremely difficult for such a woman to change anything in life, for example, to leave unloved job, which has not brought any joy for 10 years.

It is important for her to reach the end in everything, so she gets emotionally stuck at the stage of the struggle of motives, as if she is sitting on two chairs. She quickly gets tired of people.

Source: iStock

But when getting close to someone, it quickly becomes dependent - people begin to use it.

In a relationship with a man, she can be described as a soft, understanding woman. She will not force her partner to do anything - everything herself! And the man next to her ceases to be active.

This woman attracts weak men. And the strong themselves become weak next to her. Its script function is to grow its partner. But as soon as he gets to his feet, she breaks up with him. Her script is to not accept the results.

Source: iStock

She knows how to promote, but does not know how to receive and take. In this woman's scenario, there is no permission to live in luxury and pleasure.

As soon as a relaxed and prosperous period looms in her world, she will feel shame and fear. She is embarrassed to live better than others! And she unconsciously merges her successes so as not to experience these feelings.

2. Woman with a sparkle

She seems strong to those around her, but this is just appearance. Inside, she can barely hold on because of accumulated fears, pain and disappointments.

This is an incredibly emotional woman! She is cheerful, bright, jokes a lot, easily adapts to new things and suffers from constant mood swings.

He makes decisions quickly and on emotions. Did you like the team? Got a job. Did you dislike it? Two months later I fell out of love and left. There is constant news around this woman.

Source: iStock

In her script there is no way to follow through, and because of this she does not get the desired result. But others enjoy the fruits of her labors!

She finds loneliness difficult. In relationships with men, she gets drunk, there are many fans around her, but relationships with just one do not work out. Sometimes she attracts strong men, with character.

But what's going on? She resists restrictions, resists his power. She constantly needs emotions, and she gets them through conflicts.

Source: iStock

The partner feels “out of balance”, and the successful man leaves her.

In relationships, she quickly gets bored with routine, she wants an eternal holiday and news. She is thrown from side to side. And by the age of 35, it is completely exhausted.

3. Woman leader

Such a woman loves order and justice in everything, and is incredibly demanding of both herself and others. She controls those around her. And then she wonders why they resist her “doing good?”

Recognition and respect are important to her, but she forcibly invades the lives of others, so she does not get what she wants. She doesn’t feel her boundaries, and therefore other people don’t feel them either.

She is quarrelsome and conflicted. It is important for her to always remain right! But in a relationship with a man, this is a dead end. Her way of expressing love is criticism. She constantly re-educates her loved ones and gives unsolicited advice.