Consultation for parents “Walk in winter” consultation on the topic. Consultation for parents "winter walks" Winter games with a child

"Clothes for walking in winter."

Dressing your child correctly means protecting him to a greater extent from colds, giving him the opportunity to move freely and feel comfortable.

Clothing helps maintain a constant temperature of a person's body, protects him from adverse environmental influences, and protects him from excessive heat loss. The clothing itself does not heat, but between it and the body, as well as in the pores of the fabric, there is air, which is a poor conductor of heat. The heat-retaining properties of clothing depend on its cut, the number of layers and the quality of the fabric from which it is made. The more air contained in it, the better the fabric retains heat. Soft, loose fabrics have a high heat-protective ability: wool, corduroy, knitwear, fleece, padding polyester. The advantage of all these fabrics is that they all have good breathability, ensuring a change in the air between the clothes and the body. These fabrics are used to make clothes intended for the cold season.

Clothing must be appropriate for the child’s age, gender, height and body proportions. It should not restrict movement, interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, digestion, irritate or injure the skin. Tight belts, high, tight collars are unacceptable. It is necessary to ensure that the elastic band of the panties or the belt of the baby’s other clothes are loose enough and are located exactly at the waist, that is, between the upper part of the hips and the lower part of the ribs. An elastic band or belt that is too tight and high will compress the child’s chest and restrict his breathing.

Winter outerwear protects children from cold, wind and moisture, therefore it must consist of at least two layers: a lower one - heat-protective and an upper - windproof, protecting against the penetration of outside air under the clothes. The constitution of winter clothing should ensure greater tightness, eliminating the entry of air through fasteners, collars, and sleeves.

It is equally harmful for children to be overheated or overcooled. The number of layers of clothing depends on the air temperature. Additionally, wind speed must be taken into account. It has been noticed that at the same negative air temperature, a person freezes the more, the higher the wind speed.

The individual characteristics of the child are of great importance. A sedentary, constantly chilly child should be dressed warmer than an active one. When dressing your child, remember that children freeze less than adults because they move more.

An interesting and useful winter walk!!!

Walking is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. It also helps to physically harden the child’s body and adapt to sudden temperature changes.

During walks, children are provided with unique conditions for all-round development; their needs for active movements, independent actions when getting to know the world around them, new vivid impressions, and free play with both natural materials and toys are fully satisfied.

The child receives many new impressions and actively assimilates

new information, communicates with other children, moves a lot and breathes fresh air. In the summer, during walks, the child receives much-needed ultraviolet radiation, and in the winter, he gets used to the cold, acquiring the necessary hardening.

If the walk is well and correctly organized, if it is of sufficient duration, children realize about 50% of the daily need for active movements in it. Reducing the time spent in the air creates a lack of movement.

In winter, walks with younger preschoolers are carried out at an air temperature of no lower than -15°, with older ones - no lower than -22°. At the same temperatures, but with strong winds, it is recommended to shorten the duration of the walk.

Even short 15-20 minute walks in unfavorable weather conditions give children emotional and physical exercise.

To ensure that children’s thermal condition is normal during a walk in winter, they must be dressed correctly. The most reliable means of protection against cold is air, and in order to better protect against low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air layer around the body. At the same time, the child’s winter clothes should be warm, but spacious enough so as not to restrict movement. There is no need to wrap up children, since overheating leads to a constant increase in heat transfer - dilation of skin vessels and increased sweating, which in case of sudden exposure to cold can actually lead to hypothermia.

To ensure that preschool children do not just stand and breathe the winter air, slowly turning into icicles, it is necessary to organize a variety of games and competitions with them. They not only lift your spirits - they improve your health, prevent colds - in this case, movement is simply necessary!

In winter, almost all games can be played during a walk, you just need to organize them so that the children do not stand in one place for a long time, but constantly move.

There are many outdoor games for winter: “Frost - Red Nose” and “Frost - Blue Nose”, “I’ll Freeze”, “Snowballs”, “King of the Hill” and others.

Children's favorite winter entertainment is sledding. But you can try to teach your baby sports games, such as skiing and skating. Using simple game exercises you can achieve a lot!

Active physical exercise improves your health and improves your mood!

Various fun activities and games with snow enrich the content of walks and captivate children, which allows them to increase the duration of walks even at low temperatures. In winter, it is very exciting to build different buildings out of snow and sculpt various figures. Get some shovels, dustpans, buckets and brooms; they will come in handy on your walks.

You can come up with many compositions from snow to use them for health benefits.

Snow figures are also sports modules used for the development of basic types of movements: throwing at a target, climbing, jumping, etc.For throwing exercises, you can make a kangaroo or a frog so that you can hit a snowball into its open mouth. To strengthen your balance skills, you can make a crocodile or a boa constrictor. Shafts for stepping over, labyrinths, structures for climbing and crawling through, and all this can be done thanks to the snow, your imagination and your crazy hands.

And how children love to draw in the snow! Taking a stick, you can draw fancy pictures in the snow. Older children are able to come up with stories on their own, and kids like to watch or fill in the missing details (rays for the sun, strings for balls, etc.). And if you bring a bottle of tinted water in advance, the drawings will be bright and colorful!

You can make a flower bed out of snow and decorate it with multi-colored ice figures. To make colored ice figurines, you can use sand sets. Colored pieces of ice interspersed in the snow will shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow on a sunny winter day... Beautiful!

An educational and useful activity is feeding birds in winter. You can pour it into feeders or simply throw crumbs at the birds, telling your child interesting facts about the life of birds.

Winter is a time not only for fun and games, but also for clearing snow from paths and verandas. You can involve your baby in labor by giving him an appropriately sized shovel. The main thing is to set an example and do everything with pleasure and a smile on your face. Then in the future the child will be happy to help you.

Please give your child attention and time to walk with him, and you will give him the joy of communication, fun, and most importantly, your child will gain health!

Consultation for kindergarten parents “A walk in winter is great!”

Panova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of the Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.

Description of material: I bring to your attention a consultation for parents, which can be used by teachers of all age groups in kindergarten. And also help parents maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child.

Target: expanding the pedagogical horizons of parents.

Tasks: introduce parents to the activities of children during winter walks.
To increase the competence of parents in developing safe behavior skills in children when walking in the winter; to form the willingness of parents to cooperate in the development of safe behavior skills in children; help parents maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of the child.

Progress of the consultation:

Our windows are brushed white
Santa Claus painted.
He dressed the pole with snow,
The garden was covered in snow.

Shouldn't we get used to the snow?
Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?
As soon as we come out, we shout:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Let's ride and have fun!
Light sleds - take off!
Who will fly like a bird
Who will curl up right in the snow.

The snow is fluffy, softer than cotton wool,
Let's shake ourselves off and run.
We are funny guys
We don't shiver from the cold.
L. Voronkova
Hello, dear parents. Today we have gathered with you to talk about walking in winter.
Interacting with your child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of his development. But for many parents, walks are simply “walking” the child, when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, and meet with peers. Despite the fact that it is frosty outside, you should not sit at home in front of the TV or computer. It is better to spend the already short winter days outside. So, it is useful to take a walk with your child in a snow-covered park or square, where it is especially beautiful at this time of year, to breathe fresh air, feed the birds, and build a snowman. If calm walks do not really attract the child, then sleds, skates and skis will come to the rescue. What does it take to make a winter walk a success? Good mood, a little imagination and... matching outfit!
So about clothes:
Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or don’t walk at all, citing the cold weather, and if they do walk, they believe that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a misconception. Children who are wrapped up get sick more often, movements themselves warm the body, and help in overheating is unnecessary, since heat exchange in the body is disrupted, as a result, such children get sick more often; a slight draft is enough for them to catch a cold.
Clothes for walking are expected to be comfortable and practical. The baby must be “packed” so that he can move actively and not freeze. There is one simple rule: count how many layers of clothing you have on, and put the same amount on your child. If he will be running outside, remove one layer, but if he sits in the stroller for most of the walk, add one layer. To keep warm, clothes should not fit tightly to the body.
The most reliable remedy against cold is air; in order to better protect a child from low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air layer around the body, clothing should be warm and loose enough. First, you need to put a T-shirt or cotton T-shirt on the child’s body, which absorbs sweat well, then a pullover or woolen sweater, loose but tight around the neck and wrists.
You should wear woolen socks and warm boots or boots with natural fur on your feet, but not tight ones, but such that the big toe can move easily inside. Fearing that the child’s ears will freeze, parents wrap his head in numerous scarves and hats, thereby causing harm; it is enough to cover the child’s neck and back of the head more tightly - this is where the greatest loss of heat occurs. Oh, and please don't forget to bring a spare pair of mittens.
Many parents believe that a child with a cold should not go out. If your baby's temperature is not elevated, walks are a must!
Keeping a sick child in an apartment for weeks is not the best solution and is a misconception for parents. In the fresh air, the runny nose seems to subside, the nose clears, and begins to breathe. It’s okay if it’s frosty, make sure that the child does not breathe through his mouth, that he is not blown by the wind, that he does not sweat. You don’t need to let him move a lot, go downhill, just walk “by the hand” at a calm pace, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.
What can you do while walking in winter?(Parents' answers)
I suggest playing the following games
One of children's favorite winter activities is making snow sculptures. This process will be more interesting and fun if you grab some items from home (carrots, buttons, scarf or broken sunglasses). Imagine how funny the snowman will be? So that he doesn't get bored, make him a girlfriend. In general, you can make anything out of snow: a bun, a turtle, a tower, a fortress.
"Accurate shooter"
We choose a goal. We make shells out of snow. Now we aim the snowball directly at the target. After each hit, we clap our hands - it worked.
"Treasure Hunters"
Invite your child to dig the snow down to the ground and see what’s underneath. And there. a small miracle - green grass. Tell your child that the snowball covered her like a blanket and she is sleeping. And if your walk takes place in the forest, find an old rotten stump and separate a piece of bark. Under it you will see sleeping insects - they have fallen asleep for the winter. But when spring comes and the sun warms them, they will wake up again.
"Extraordinary Artists"
Drawing in the snow is so beautiful! You can use your finger, a twig, a spatula, or you can use water! We need a plastic bottle with colored water and two caps. We close the bottle with one cap to make it convenient to carry. We make a hole in the second one. We change the lids while walking. The winter drawing tool is ready!
"Getting to Know the Trees"
Tell your child what types of trees there are and how they can be distinguished from each other. It is better to start your first acquaintance with birch, rowan, spruce or pine. And to remember better, play the game: “One, two, three, run to the Christmas tree (birch, rowan)! »
Try to catch snowflakes and examine them. They are very beautiful. And note that they are not at all similar to each other. What is a snowflake? It's just a frozen drop of water. Place it on your palm, it will melt and turn into a drop again. Well, isn't it magic? And at home, when evening comes, take a piece of paper and give your baby a gift - cut out a snowflake for him that doesn’t melt.
Real scouts must walk in such a way as not to leave traces behind. How to do it? It’s very simple – you just have to follow each other. It will be more interesting if the one who walks in front (for example, dad) changes the distance between steps or makes sharp turns. The more participants, the more fun it is to play.
Finders is an educational game in an unusual format. It introduces children to the world around them, develops perception, attention and visual memory. And in general, what could be better than playing outdoors?
Rules of the game. Print out the form with pictures and put it in a hard folder. Now dress warmly and go with your child for a walk around the winter, New Year's city. Your child will have to find everything that is shown in the pictures and mark the finds with a tick. Or you photograph all your finds together and make a detailed photo report at home.
Winter is a great time for walking. Walking in winter brings special joy to children, because only at this time of year can they go skiing, sledding, skating, go to the hill with their parents and play snowballs. But if you neglect the safety rules, then the walk may not bring joy, but unpleasant sensations associated with the injuries received. Therefore, in order to protect your children from danger, it is very important to know and follow the rules of safe walking.
Winter fun and safety.
Skiing is a fascinating activity; skiing on it can bring real pleasure to your child while strengthening his health. When choosing them in a store, make sure that they are easy to take off and put on. . Many kids love to ride “short ones”, which do not require a ski track, and, therefore, there are no special problems. Get out the door and go for a ride! The main thing you should not forget about is that the only thing that can make children ski is their desire. Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.
Sledding, ice-skating To go sledding, the child must be dressed warmly.
1. Before your child gets on the sled, check for any malfunctions.
2. It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.
3. Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide.
4. You need to make sure for yourself that the slide is safe, so carefully study the area before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.
5. You should not allow your child to sled while lying on his stomach; he may damage his teeth or head.
6. You can’t sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.
7. You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tow rope, the baby must be removed. Skating. Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk. Please keep the following in mind:
1. Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.
2. Don’t go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.
3. Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to ensure that the child is dressed in thick clothing.
4. Do not leave your baby a single step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.
The good thing about winter is that you don’t have to go far for fun! You just need to leave the house, breathe in the fresh frosty air and play in the snow. It always makes you laugh and lifts your spirits.
1. Children should be explained that they should not put snow and icicles in their mouth, they contain many germs that can make them sick.
2. You also need to remember to explain the rules of playing snowballs, that snowballs cannot be thrown at the face and head, and should not be thrown with force.
3. Tell them that it is dangerous to lie in the snowdrifts near the house; under the snow there may be broken glass, iron cans on which you can get hurt or tear your clothes.
4.Please remind children not to play near the road.
I would like to offer parents formulated family rules regarding daily routine, hardening, nutrition and other components of a healthy lifestyle.
Family Health Code:
1. We start every day with a smile.
2. When waking up, we don’t lie in bed, but look out the window and enjoy the beauty of the winter morning.
3. We take cold water as a friend, it gives vigor and strengthening.
4. To kindergarten, to work - on foot at a fast pace.
5. Don't forget to talk about winter.
6. Let's be generous with our smiles, never lose heart!
7. On vacation and weekends - only together!

Take care of your children, strengthen them, remember that walks at any time of the year are always good and beneficial for the health of your children and yourself!

Target : continue to introduce children to the diversity of natural phenomena; To acquaint children with the life of plants and animals in winter (external conditions have a great influence on it: cold, snow and snow with rain, wind, short days)



Consultation for parents “Walk in winter”

Educator: M. V. Artemyeva

Target : continue to introduce children to the diversity of natural phenomena; To acquaint children with the life of plants and animals in winter (external conditions have a great influence on it: cold, snow and snow with rain, wind, short days)
Educational: consolidate with children knowledge about the winter season, signs of winter.
Developmental: develop the ability to observe winter signs and natural phenomena and compare them with other signs and phenomena, see the beauty of nature in winter, develop motor qualities and skills in children.
Educational: cultivate a love of nature, evoke positive emotions, create a joyful mood
When going for a walk with their child or children, parents should be prepared for many questions and actions from their children. The peculiar weather in winter leaves its mark on walking behavior. Standing in one place for a long time or playing sedentary games for long periods of time will lead to children starting to freeze. While walking, you should play outdoor games with your children. For example: “Snowballs”, “Chanterelles”.
During the walk, children should pay attention to seasonal changes in nature, comparing them with natural phenomena in autumn, summer, and spring. At this time of year, nature seems to freeze, rest, in order to “wake up” in the spring with new forces and delight us with lush greenery, the chirping of birds and rustling in the grass. You can show coniferous trees and explain to children why they are green and why they have not shed their needles.
Nature is beautiful and austere in winter. Silence. Only occasional knocks and crackling noises can be heard from afar. The colors predominate from pure white to blue-violet. You can't hear the birds. Only rare croaking is heard here and there. Footprints are visible in the snow. You can try to distinguish them. Play a game you made up on the fly with your kids. For example, ask your child to draw a bird's footprint with a stick. It will be both interesting and educational. You can also talk about the birds that stayed for the winter. Walking along a snowy path, try to notice the beauty of the snow cover and its shine in the sun. It should be noted that in winter you will not see insects because the cold is destructive for them.
It will be educational for children to learn about the signs and phenomena of nature in winter. Tell the children about what, where and how frost forms.
Frost occurs more often in fog, weak winds, and low temperatures. In cold air, moisture is in the form of small crystals. Having touched an object, the crystals linger on it, as if attached. Invisible to the human eye, ice crystals appear in a fluffy fringe on thin tree branches as if straight from frost, which is why these fluffy needles were called hoarfrost (from frost). It will be very good if you see it on the branches and examine them. When touched, it melts and disappears.
When talking about winter, one cannot fail to mention the blizzard.
A blizzard is a snowfall accompanied by strong winds. Dry, fluffy snow is easily transported by the wind. It happens that even without snowfall, a strong wind picks up clouds of snowflakes from the ground, swirls them around, and you don’t understand whether it’s snow from above or from the ground. If there is a strong snowstorm and snow and the wind is such that you can’t go outside, then this is a real snow storm. In different places it is called differently: blizzard, blizzard. Through the snow cover during the day, as in a thick fog, nothing is visible.
When snow flies in the wind it is called a blizzard.
Walking in the field
Not a horse.
Flying free
Not a bird.
Answer: Blizzard
Looking at the sky, we notice that the clouds have changed.
The clouds descend lower, becoming heavy and gray with overflowing moisture. They are not light and compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts. Snow falling from the clouds covers everything around with a thick blanket, creating conditions that help plants and small animals survive the harsh cold.
Bel, but not sugar,
No legs, but he goes.
Answer: Snow
The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it. You can walk along the path and listen to the crunch of snow under your shoes. When there is no wind, snow falls quietly to the ground, it is especially beautiful to watch when snow flakes or large snowflakes fly from the sky. You can even look at each one and admire their beauty.
What kind of star is this?
On the coat and on the scarf -
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?
Answer: Snowflakes
A frequent companion of winter weather is icy conditions. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow and rain before severe frost can form it. And thin ice forms on the puddles.
Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window.
Answer: Ice
If there are severe, prolonged frosts in winter, they freeze even the deepest bodies of water, which freeze deeply. You can observe the possibility of a smooth surface of ice on a river or pond.
Frost is a dangerous natural phenomenon. They can be installed for a long time. And hunger is not so dangerous for animals as severe frosts. Animals have adapted to winter by hibernating or hiding in burrows.
I visited the hut -
I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river -
The bridge covered the entire river.
Answer: Frost.
Another indispensable attribute of winter is an icicle - a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from its own weight and crumbles when it hits the ground. Pay attention to the danger from falling and licking icicles. You can ask a riddle:
Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring.
Answer: Icicle
Read poems about winter to your children and try to learn small ones:
A little white snow was falling
Straight onto the path.
Now we'll go for a walk,
Along the path with mom.
We love you, winter girl
Your frost and ice.
And the snow is fluffy on the branches,
And a sled and a skating rink.
It will be interesting for children to guess winter riddles:
Who knows the true sign,
The sun is high, which means summer.
And if it’s cold, blizzard, darkness
And the sun is low, then...
Answer: Winter
I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
And my name is.
Answer: Winter
If possible, take a sled for a walk. And then an ordinary walk will turn into a sleigh ride.
We stood all summer
Winter was expected.
The time has come -
We rushed down the mountain.
Answer: Sledge
Carefully examine the trees and shrubs in the area. It will be useful to tell children about how plants and animals endure winter.
It may be that you will meet some of the animals and birds. Pay attention to them too. How do they cope with the cold winter season? What do they eat and where do they live? Stock up on a bag of bread crumbs and grains in advance. For children, feeding birds and animals will not only be a fun activity, but will also instill a positive attitude towards nature.
It will be interesting for children to find out how winter can be called differently.
Winter is popularly called: Winter. Zimka, Zimochka, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail, Zimishcha (stern, long, Gray-haired Enchantress.
It will be interesting for children to guess winter riddles:
Who knows the true sign,
The sun is high, which means summer.
And if it’s cold, blizzard, darkness
And the sun is low, then...
Answer: Winter
I have a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses,
And my name is.
Answer: Winter
You can also remember the signs of winter.
If the snow falls evenly in winter, it is thicker this spring; lies in beds, puffs up - this one less often. Large frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - for the harvest. Crows and jackdaws land at midday with their noses towards the warmth. In winter there are a lot of large icicles - for a vegetable harvest. A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw. A cat on the stove - to the cold; a cat on the floor means warmth. If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer. A snowstorm during the day foreshadows frost at night. A snowy winter portends good grass growth. In winter, the bullfinch sings in the snow, blizzard and slush. In winter it is dry and cold - in summer it is dry and hot. Large snow flakes mean there will be a thaw. The stars shine strongly in winter - it means frost. The ice has turned black, the forest is noisy - wait for the thaw. Sparrows chirp in unison - to the warmth. There will be frost at night and no snow will fall during the day. If there are blizzards in winter, there is bad weather in summer. The ice is cracking a lot - it will be frosty. Winter is snowy - summer is rainy. If there is frost in winter, there is dew in summer. Frost is a harbinger of snow. Winter is frosty - summer is hot.
I would like to draw the attention of parents to encourage physical activity during the entire walk. Winter is the time for snowmen and snow towns. Build a snowman or build a snow town or a snow slide.
They rolled a ball in the yard,
He's wearing an old hat.
The nose was attached, and instantly
It turned out...
Answer: Snowman
Children will enjoy a little exercise in the fresh air.
One is a hand, two is a hand.
We are making a snowman.
Three-four, three-four,
Let's draw the mouth wider.
Five - let's find a carrot for the nose
Let's find coals for the eyes.
Six - let's put on our hat askew,
Let him laugh with us.
The game “Snowballs” can be organized by inviting more children. It will be interesting for children to play the game “Freeze”.
Game "Freeze"
We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
Shaking our heads
We raise our hands
Then we lower them
We shake hands
And we run around.
One, two, three, the snowballs freeze!
Children will especially like the fact that you yourself will play with them. While receiving a charge of vivacity and a great mood. Children will remember those minutes of playful play for a long time. And finally, a little advice: Spend time with your children more often, they need you so much!

Walking with children in winter.

How beautiful it is in winter! Soft fluffy snow, all the trees stand in silver, light frost bites the rosy cheeks of our children. I would like to talk to you about winter walks with children.

Quite often in kindergarten we hear the following question from parents: “Maybe you shouldn’t go outside - it’s cold, they’ll catch a cold.” Remember a simple rule: any weather is good for children, and a daily walk is necessary. Another thing is how frequent and long walks are needed in winter?

Walking time according to age.

Doctors recommend that two to four year old children walk in the fresh air every day for up to four hours. Even in fifteen-degree frost, fresh air is beneficial. If such a regime is unacceptable for you for some reason, the minimum duration of walks should be twice a day for half an hour. This will be enough to maintain the baby's immunity.


For children 2-3 years old, the permissible temperature for walking is -15 degrees. Children tolerate the cold better if they are fed before a walk - food rich in carbohydrates and fats provides special warmth. If a child is cold outside, you need to change him into warm, dry underwear after a walk.

How to dress a baby.

In order for a walk to bring only joy, you need to know how to dress your child according to the weather. The most important rule is not to wrap your child up too much when getting ready for a walk in winter. Excessively warm clothes will only lead to the child immediately sweating and then freezing. To understand during a walk whether you have dressed your baby correctly, touch his neck - if it is hot and sweaty, he is hot.When overheated, the child’s body’s defenses are reduced, and there is a risk of getting snot, cough and fever at the slightest draft.And therefore, the cause of colds is often not hypothermia, but excessive clothing in which the baby sweats. Children's clothing for walking should be light, comfortable and not restrict movement. A perfectly dressed child is a child dressed in as many layers of clothing as you.

An approximate set of clothing should consist of:

  • cotton linen,
  • pullover or turtleneck with long sleeves,
  • woolen sweaters ,
  • windproof and waterproof overalls.

Pay special attention to the quality of your child’s shoes. It is advisable that winter shoes be made from natural materials, one or two sizes larger, so that the child can wear woolen socks. Of course, your baby’s winter kit must include warm mittens, a hat and a scarf. Moreover, you should not cover the child’s nose and mouth with a scarf, mistakenly thinking that this way the child will not freeze,the mouth and nose should be open.The scarf does not protect against frost at all; moreover, it instantly gets wet from breathing and becomes cold.

Should I go for a walk if my child is sick?

Many parents believe that a child with a cold should not go out. If your baby's temperature is not elevated, walks are a must!

Keeping a sick child in an apartment for weeks is a misconception for parents.Only when going for a walk is it better to limit yourself to passive sledding orwalk “by the hand” at a calm pace, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.It’s better to avoid outdoor games for now. If your baby doesn’t want to go for a walk because he doesn’t feel well or the temperature outside is harsher, take a walk on the balcony to ventilate the rooms.

Winter games with a child.

Just crunching your feet in the snow and breathing in the frosty air - is that really a walk? You can and even need to organize something fun and exciting for the kids. Snowball fights, snowman building, slide and sledding. What about sand molds? Yes, they can come in handy too. Take an ordinary bucket with you for a walk and make a real snow fortress with your baby. You can also arrange a tournament for accuracy.

Snow sculptures. You can make not only snowmen from snow. Bears and bunnies, dogs and cats are also great from the white sticky mass. Don’t forget to bring pine cones, acorns, nuts and other items for your walk that will help bring your sculptures to life.

Feeding the birds . Make bird feeders at home from a milk carton or shoebox. Hang them near your home and you will always have something for your child to do during a winter walk. Kids really enjoy feeding the birds and watching them peck at the bread crumbs.

Footprints in the snow . Footprints remain on clean snow. You can make real paintings out of them. First, trample a circle with your baby, then “rays” from it - you get the sun. You can “trample down” flowers and trees. At the same time, your feet will warm up.

Games with sticks. Give your child a stick with which he can measure the snowdrifts. “The stick drowned in a snowdrift because it was small. But try this (long one). But this one didn’t sink because it’s long!” And from several branches you can make a fence near a tree or a garden. Don’t forget to note: “This tree is small, and this one is tall.”

Fresh air is essential for a growing body, so don’t neglect the colorful frosty days and enjoy combining business with pleasure!

Consultation for parents

"Walking with children in winter."

Performed by Petrova Valentina Viktorovna,

teacher MBDOU Kindergarten No. 13


Nadezhda Afoshina
Consultation for parents “Winter walks with a child”

Winter walks with a child. Safety. Entertainment.

Winter walks always bring great joy to children. In the fall, many children begin to look forward to the snow so they can go sledding, slide down a slide on an ice slide, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time darkens the joy of children and parents very common injuries. Protect yourself from unpleasant consequences winter walks will help simple and, seemingly self-evident rules.


Overall, skiing is the least safe activity winter walks. However, please note, maybe the slide you are going to ride on is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to eliminate all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in an area of ​​the city where there is no traffic.


Unlike skiing, skating still involves a certain risk.

Need to keep in mind following:

Skate on specially equipped skating rinks; skating on open water is dangerous.

Don't go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people skating there. The risk of serious injury in this case is extremely high.

Falls cannot be ruled out, so try to child was dressed in thick clothes.

Do not leave your baby even one step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.

Sledding, ice skating

For for sledding, the child must be dressed warmly.

Before child sits on a sled, check if there are any malfunctions.

It is not advisable to sled down the hill; it is better to go on ice skates.

Explain child in advance that on the hill you need to maintain discipline and consistency.

You need to make sure that the slide is safe for yourself, so check the area carefully before riding. The slope should not go onto the roadway, and it is better to ride kids down small, gentle snow slides, and in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

Cannot be allowed child sledding Lying on his stomach can damage his teeth or head.

You can't sled while standing! It is dangerous to tie sleds to each other.

You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a towing rope, then the baby needs to be taken out. It should be noted that sleds travel slowly on a road with little snow and patches of asphalt, so be especially vigilant.

Games around the house"

Do not allow children to play near the road. Teach children not to run into the roadway.

It is undesirable to lie around and play in snowdrifts, which are located, for example, under the windows of houses or near the entrance. And, of course, don’t let them jump into a snowdrift from a height. It is unknown what furry hides in him snowball: anything can be under the freshly fallen snow whatever: broken bottles, stones, or wire, there may be trash there that someone didn’t take to the trash can - whatever!

Explain to children that they should not put snow, ice crusts, icicles: They contain a lot of invisible dirt and germs that can cause illness.

When playing snowballs, tell to kid that you can’t throw yourself in the face, and in general you shouldn’t throw it with force! And don't let kids build deep snow tunnels that could collapse!

What a fun way to spend the winter a walk with a child?

We sculpt from snow

Snow is a wonderful material for creativity, especially when it is a little damp. Therefore, if you plan to sculpt sculptures, be sure to take with you replacement mittens or gloves for child and yourself.

Remember the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden? Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had no children. So they decided to make a Snow Maiden out of snow. A wonderful Russian fairy tale, and most importantly, almost magical for winter. When you go for a walk, take gouache, brushes and napkins with you, and the material for modeling will already be waiting for you.

Kolobok is probably the easiest character to sculpt. Roll up a snow globe, lightly press it on all sides, draw eyes and a mouth on it with paints - the bun is ready.

Make whatever you want out of snow to kid. The basis for all figures remains the same - a snow globe. By connecting balls in different ways, you can sculpt a bunny, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and if you make several balls, you can build a fortress.

A very fun game for the whole family in winter. There is only one rule - don’t throw ice at each other!

You can throw snowballs at a target, organize competitions to see who is further or who is taller.

The rules can be complicated: for example, throw only with your left hand or always on one leg, jumping, or keeping one arm extended back, etc.


“Ah-ah! This is a trace from Crocomot!

Or is it Begedil?

These are the words of a song from a cartoon "Masha and the Bear", where a nimble girl Masha haunts a smart and kind bear and persuades him to teach her to read footprints in the snow.

To kid It’s very interesting to look at the footprints in the snow. These can be traces of birds, dogs, people, tracks from a stroller, tracks left by skis or sleds. You can invent your own fairy-tale characters and draw their footprints in the snow.

You can play the game "Trace after trace". First, an adult walks through the snow, taking smaller steps; behind him, stepping on the footprint he just made, he moves child. Then he starts driving child, and the adult follows in his footsteps.

Angel. Imprint in the snow

Another fun thing that has come down to us from the past is the footprint of an angel in the snow. Allow me to kid lie in the freshly fallen snow. Put a hood on his head to prevent snow from getting inside his collar, and help him lie on his back in a clean snowdrift. Then you need to clap your arms and legs in the snow, as if you were already flying. Then help carefully stand up for the child, so as not to destroy its imprint on the snow. This imprint is the imprint of an angel. And the baby, covered with snow, will also now resemble an angel or a snowman.

Bird feeders

We have already said that in child we need to cultivate love and compassion for all living things. One such activity is feeding birds.

Explain to kid, why people feed birds in winter. Do it with child feeder and hang it on a tree.

Feeder out of the box. Take an empty juice or milk carton and cut a hole just above the bottom. It is better to make 2 or 3 entrances for birds of different sizes. Since some birds prefer large holes, while others prefer small ones, make two holes on top of the box and insert a rope or thick wire through them - this is a handle. Then you will use this handle to hang the feeder on a tree.

Add food. This could be oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat bread crumbs, millet, dried berries, pieces of fruit and even unsalted lard. But remember: rye bread and citrus fruit peels should not be given to birds, it is dangerous to their health.

On walk Hang the feeder on a tree branch. On each walk check your feeder by adding food and brushing off snow.

After lunch, sweep the bread crumbs into a bag for the birds, this will help raise child a sense of thrift and care.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle. A bird feeder can also be made from a plastic bottle. It's better to take a five-liter bottle. Just like in a box, holes are cut out in it, but it is better to cover their edges with electrical tape so that the birds do not injure their paws.

In the spring, remove the feeder; it will no longer be needed. Next winter you may come up with a more interesting way to make a feeder.

Cognitive walks

With the onset of winter, everything changed beyond recognition. The green forest was covered with a white fur coat, the river was hidden under the ice, the butterflies had disappeared somewhere and even some birds had long since moved to warmer climes. For an adult, all these changes are obvious and understandable. And for a child? What does he know about the life of nature in winter?

Lesnaya walk

Of course, the most interesting thing is to look for signs of winter in a real forest. It seems that life has stopped here. Where have all the flying, running, jumping insects gone, of which there were a great many here in the summer? Let child will try to answer this question himself. And then invite him to find insects that have fallen asleep for the winter. If you notice an old rotten stump, remove a piece of its bark. Whomever you meet there: all kinds of beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, flies. They do not move and seem to be numb from the cold. If you take one insect, place it on a baby’s mitten and warm it with warm breath, it will immediately come to life and move. Yes and in the spring: the sun will warm up - and all the butterflies and midges will crawl out of their winter shelters.

Any the child knows that a plastic shovel with a long handle is an incredibly necessary and useful thing if there is snow outside. And if by the time of the forest walks the snow has already fallen, it will be interesting to see how the plants feel under the snow. Dig up the snow with a shovel, warm up the old fallen leaves and - lo and behold! It turns out that real living grass is green under the snow. Surely the baby will be interested to know why it doesn’t freeze. Tell your little one that snow is a warm blanket for plants. Under a thick layer of snow, many plants feel great until spring.

You can also take a walk to the pond, see with your own eyes that rivers and lakes freeze in the winter. Tell me child about that How river plants, fish and river animals overwinter. Many algae, insects, and small crustaceans freeze into the ice, but do not die. In the spring they will warm up and come to life. And in winter the fish sink to the very bottom. The river freezes above, and below, near the bottom, a small layer of unfrozen water remains. The stronger the frost, the smaller this layer is. But there are still enough fish.

Don’t forget to read books with your child that are relevant to the topic at home. Especially a lot of autumn winter stories can be found in V. Bianchi. These are “Titmouse Calendar”, “Where Crayfish Winter”, “Hare, Kosach, Bear and Santa Claus”, “Following the Footsteps”, etc. And if suitable cartoons are found in your home video library, they are also worth watching together.

Observation calendar

This very phrase "observation calendar", often cause shudders in adults. I immediately remember school natural history lessons and the tedious need to note daily air temperature, precipitation, wind direction... But for kids, believe me, this is a most exciting activity, and also useful. With its help, the baby will be able to consolidate all the knowledge that he received during your wonderful walks.

Making such a calendar is not difficult. Take a large sheet of paper and draw it into squares according to the number of days in the month. The squares should be quite large. We write the name of the month large at the top. If you can find pictures in old books and magazines that are suitable for a given time of year, let child They will be cut out and pasted in the margins of the calendar. Now every day we will sign another square: date and day of the week, and in addition, depict in the box what you see fit. You can watch the weather and draw a certain symbol: sun, cloud, snowflake, etc. You can learn to determine the temperature using a thermometer. You can draw everything you see on walk: a titmouse, a crow, a mountain ash, a dog of a certain breed, footprints in the snow, etc. Or you can celebrate significant events in advance (birthday, going to the circus, theater, etc., and then count how many days are left before them.

Fun and safe walks!