Pickup for girls - pickup rules for girls. How to beat Casanova: pickup rules for men Fast pickup girls

How to make multivariate relationships with any man without any problems? First of all, learn some of the rules and principles of a pickup truck.

For those who are not burdened with dreams of a prince who knocks on the door himself and those who are not obsessed with the principles of modesty, the concept of a female pickup truck has been around for many years. From the male, it differs in that the girls do not get acquainted with men. They only create the conditions for the strong man of this world to show his desire to get to know each other. A female pickup is more likely not a way to make a relationship, but the creation of a multivariance of any relationship. Because the huntress, unlike the victim, always holds the psychological initiative. She always leads in a relationship, even when outwardly retains absolute inaction.

Men are intuitively attracted to being elected. However, when playing a cautious game, it is important not to make a mistake and, in inexperience, not to seem sophisticated fatal madame.

Where to pickup

For those who set themselves the task of meeting an ordinary average man, the place does not really matter. But for those whose goal is an oligarch of the highest echelon or an oligarch-light, the place is of fundamental importance. This should be the place where the potential victim does not expect an attack. A business class carriage in a train, an expensive fitness center, a premium car dealership. Here it will be easy to attract male attention due to obvious topics for discussion and the absence of a large number of competitors. What, for example, can not be said about such utopian places as night clubs, mansions on Rublevka and other places where hunters gather. And, by the way, an additional bonus of honing the skills of a pickup truck with representatives of the most wealthy stratum of society is that having successfully hired the oligarch, the girl can also successfully meet any representative with a lower fortune.


If a woman’s goal is a 100% successful pickup with the subsequent hit in a man’s heart, then appearance is of great importance. Choosing a wardrobe, we give preference to a cute image. Low hairpin, adjacent outfit, small neckline. One or a pair of expressive accessories. By the way, here’s what the famous metropolitan owner of VIP dating agency, Peter Listerman says about the appearance: “A girl must be a dream! At the first meeting with a businessman, a girl is better to dress modestly. "In her wardrobe should not be Loch colors - white, pink, red."

Eye contact

In order to start a conversation, first you need eye contact. To do this, we find the victim with our eyes, we linger on him a couple of times. And when a man notices this, we look away. But trying to attract attention, thus, it is very easy to seem a wealthy man another doll for one evening. At least that’s how he can relate to you.

A much more practical and skillful technique is a “random” collision and the subsequent “random” conversation. Of course, it is better to prepare a topic for conversation in advance, but this requires maximum observation and a broad outlook.

According to psychologist Kurt Levin, the motivation of a man is always based on the confrontation between “I'm afraid” and “I want”. After all, even if a man liked the girl, the likelihood that he would not become acquainted because of the unsuccessful experience of past relationships is very high.


For a successful pickup, a girl is best to remember a few simple rules. Until a man offers to switch to “you”, it is best to contact “You”. In conversation, rude words, obscene expressions and the like should not flicker. A great option would be to "accidentally" discover you have the same hobby. It’s good to put a couple of quotes of famous people into the conversation. But the most important thing is to listen carefully to the interlocutor. And in compliments, it is better to admire not the man’s property, but himself. Avoid the phrases: "what a cool car you have." Better emphasize how expertly he drives his car. For a successful pickup, so as not to give out our true intentions, we never specify the data on his work, wealth or places of his rest. This will give the huntress in the woman.

The list of possible topics for starting a conversation is extremely banal. According to experts from the University of Social Psychology and Humanities, these can be completely simple tricks, such as:

Handling a minor request. Please pass the napkin, close / open the window, suggest the way, address.

Wrong! For acquaintance, sometimes it’s enough to “recognize” and then apologize embarrassedly.

Ask to use the phone. For example, you urgently need to call, but your phone has run out of charge as luck would have it. By the way, you can also ask him to charge the phone of his laptop, and while the gadget is charging, it is quite possible to drink coffee and chat.

Get hooked nearby at the airport while you are "waiting for your relatives to arrive." There will be more than enough topics for conversation.

Ask for advice when buying. This reason will work perfectly as a car dealership, in an elite boutique, where you “choose a dad’s tie”, or in a store of elite alcohol or gourmet cheeses.

"We have met?" This phrase will work well if you have already made eye contact with the victim and after a few hot looks, you can come up and say: “I see, you appeared behind me. Have we met before? ” This is a very good way to create the impression that a man was the real initiator of the meeting.

If within 3 days the man did not hear a call, then you can safely call him. But for a conversation, a convincing occasion is absolutely necessary. No “let's have some coffee,” or “I'd like to see again.”

And remember that the joke is that “a man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to marry can beat him in this ”is by no means a joke.

Of course, every woman wants to swim in compliments and not lack male attention. However, unfortunately, not everyone can boast a natural gift of seduction. Pickup, the art of seduction, will help to achieve success with the opposite sex. Previously, only men were interested in secret techniques, and now the fair sex also wants to know how to achieve their goal on a love front.

What is all this for?

A female pickup is pursuing its goals. If men, as a rule, want to meet a girl and drag her to bed as soon as possible, then beautiful ladies have different aspirations. So, it is important for women to understand the following:

The answers to all these questions contains a female pickup. The tips below will help you become a true expert in seduction.

The basics

What to strive for?

Women's pickup involves polishing certain qualities that primarily attract men. Among them are the following:

Some lucky ones have been awarded the very nature of the ability to attract male attention. However, not everyone can take advantage of innate qualities. This is exactly what a female pickup teaches. Tips for seduction are important not only to memorize, but also to effectively apply.

Secrets of Success

Elena Gamayun. "Women's pickup"

In collaboration with Alisa Andreeva, Elena Gamayun released a peculiar pickup code. The publication has unprecedented popularity because it contains practical advice based on ten years of experience in studying the sphere of seduction. “Women's Pickup” is a book describing proven methods of dating, allowing you to understand the psychology of men and revealing the secrets of how to attract a worthy chosen one.

Elena Gamayun reveals ways to succeed on a first date. The first secret: a woman does not have time to make an impression. Everything is decided by the first minutes, and sometimes even seconds of acquaintance. The second secret: a lot is determined on the first date. It is at this - the initial - stage that a man decides in which direction relations will develop. And if you seem, for example, to be affordable, you should not count on a serious romance.


Different life situations will help you understand if your chosen one is a worthy person. One option is a generosity test. This in no way implies thoughtless devastation. But, as a rule, a very greedy person just does not give up even a hundred rubles. Go to the cafe. When paying the bill, carefully observe how the man manages the money. A scandal due to incorrectly counted change or a thorough check of the account should make you think.

If something in the behavior of a man is alarming you, do not waste time in vain. Cherish your do not give it to an unreliable person. In the event that it is wasted, irritability, hysteria and tearfulness will not keep you waiting.

Interference within us

Elena Gamayun claims that many women have settings that program for loneliness. Her unique development is a female pickup truck, the tricks of which will make it possible to remove installed barriers. So, what prevents us from being happy and loved?

  • “A rich man is certainly dishonorable. Money is one evil! A man in a good car? Like a gangster! ” Get rid of such thoughts. Successful businessmen are hardworking, responsible and smart people.
  • "You can’t get to know one first." Excessive modesty is a dead end, but do not confuse courage with obsession.
  • "I'm not beautiful". Love yourself with all the flaws. Believe me, most of your shortcomings are noticed only by you!
  • "Time is running out, I would marry quickly." At least the fact that a woman is responsible to future children for what kind of dad they will have to protect you from rash acts. Focus on personal happiness, not the opinions of others.


Remember: the main thing in any business is constancy. Work on yourself, you will succeed!

Many modern men just do not know how to get to know each other. This is not an unfounded statement, but a fact established on the basis of information from various sites, forums, social networks on the Internet. Young people, hiding under nicknames and avatars, openly write about this. Some of the guys who really care about this problem go into a pickup truck. What is it about? This can be found in this article.

How it all began

Uninitiated people might think that we are talking about such a little car with a small body. In our case, a pickup truck is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to effectively “shoot” girls.

The doctrine originated in the United States at the end of the last century, and therefore received this name. Around the same time, seduction masters began giving pickup lessons for the guys.

In Russia, one of the gurus is Philip Bogachev, who simply used the information of foreigners, slightly adapting it to our reality.

There are a large number of people who wrote pick-up books. There are foreign authors and domestic. Each of them has their own view on dating and seducing women. But many similar thoughts are also outlined.

Literature can easily be found on the Internet. It is possible to read online, buy and download a book. Different prices. It all depends on the online store and the specific book. You can get literature for free if you dig deep in your search.

We formulate the basic principles on which the art of seduction is based.

Pickup Base

So, what is the basis of the doctrine:

  1. A man should think not only about how to seduce a girl, but first of all about himself, his condition. Success in business can be achieved only by a person who: looks good, confident, calm, has a good job and interesting hobbies. Therefore, at first, as many masters believe, you need to take care of yourself, “pump” your inner state. Women seek male males, not uncertain losers.
  2. Much attention is paid to "openers" or "templates." This is a set of phrases with the help of which a young man can start a dialogue with a girl, interest her and, perhaps, charm. The use of their own blanks, rather than those described in pickup books, is encouraged. Some authors urge the use of "openers", which in meaning are an expression of great interest in the personality of the lady. Other gurus say that the “template” should be “neutral,” the guy initially has no right to mention the girl’s high significance for him.
  3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming - NLP. Virtually any pickup manual, one way or another, relates to psychological techniques. The authors of seduction books do not disdain techniques that can charm a girl by touching her subconscious. At first glance, the use of NLP may seem quackery. However, it is not. If you delve deeper into the essence of the issue, you can understand that it is possible to fall in love with someone with the help of cunning manipulations.
  4. Serious attention is paid to non-verbal things. For example, in pickup schools they learn to recognize how much a girl is disposed to communicate by her gestures, movements, facial expressions. Learning to understand body language is very important. After all, such signals appeal to the human subconscious. At pickup courses intended for men, it is often emphasized that you can fall in love with a girl if you "adapt" to her: you need to repeat the interlocutor's poses and to some extent copy her behavior. A lot of attention in teaching beginner pick-ups is paid to touch. A lady needs to be touched to take possession of her. At first - carefully, as if by chance. A little later - "intentionally." As a result, as the gurus promise, it will come to intimate caresses.

Of course, within the framework of a short article, it is difficult to set forth all methods of dating and seduction. But the above talks about extremely important points.

On the whole, as a teaching, you can give a pickup such a characteristic - this is a kind of art of seduction, the essence of which is as follows:

  1. "Pumping" a man himself. As a result of passing, for example, trainings, guys get rid of fears, gain confidence in communicating with girls, learn to make their life more interesting and eventful.
  2. Learning the secrets of female, and sometimes universal, psychology. Firstly, in order to understand what girls want and what they are guided by, performing certain actions. Secondly, to predict the behavior of ladies in different situations. Thirdly, so that you can apply tricks associated with weaknesses in the psyche. Example: "routine". These are a variety of funny stories that you can and should tell the girl you met. It is very convenient to fill in the pauses that arise. Moreover, the use of routines is such a psychological thing that allows you to interest a lady and develop love in her. The internet is full of good stories.
  3. Gaining experience of easy and easy communication. Indeed, practicing in a pickup truck, young people gain the ability to talk with anyone on any topic without any problems.

For some free guys it’s valuable and useful. However, not all men approve of a pickup truck. Often his opponents are also girls.

Why is a pickup bad?

The male argument is actually only one: a pickup truck is, first of all, the doctrine of seduction. The vast majority of those who have mastered this skill use different tricks and “tricks” in order to get the girl to bed at most after the third date. It seems that a pikaper is a seducer who is only interested in sex.  Some young people want a long, serious relationship.

The girls have a little more complaints:

  1. Pickupers are only interested in sex.
  2. Often advocated neglect of the ladies.
  3. Psychological tricks are applied, girls are being manipulated.

What can be objected in response?

Firstly, a pickup truck gives tools not so much for pulling a woman into bed, but for a man to become a real alpha male: strong, interesting and successful. The dream of any girl. Naturally, with this I want sex.

But if the young man himself is looking for a companion for a long time, pickup skills can only help in this, and not interfere. If this is only a tool, how it will be used depends on the individual.

As for the manipulation and disrespect for women, Gregory Madison wrote about this even during the emergence and formation of a pickup truck. He gives an example of boxing in his book: if an opponent fights according to the rules, you need to refuse finger punches in the eye and other dishonest tricks. When the enemy himself decided to use dirty moves, he thereby unties his hands and you.

It should be noted that girls do not always act honestly. For example, they make scandals, refuse to get acquainted even when they themselves want it, etc. Naturally, men are looking for instructions that give them the opportunity to "see through" a lady.

Ladies themselves come up with difficulties for men with whom they are trying to build a relationship to make sure that a young man is worthy to get a girl. Pickupers have long discovered this and come up with their own ways of fighting.

Do not forget that only in training courses for pickups now you can learn:

  • have romantic evenings;
  • give gifts to a girl;
  • defend oneself against attempts to recapture a lady;
  • every day to fall in love with her more and more.

That is, a pickup truck is not magic where girls are charmed by conspiracies. This is an art in which, by increasing the quality of communication, guys fall in love with girls. Pickupers are perhaps the most fun and romantic men. They care better than others.

Pickup varieties

Of course, each practitioner of "Casanova" uses in his work the most liked methods of dating and seduction of one or more authors. Someone pays more attention to unusual "openers", looking for the most effective. Someone is trying to achieve high class in the field of NLP. But now we will talk a little about something else.

A pickup truck is developed, taking into account the circumstances of life.

For example, in the 90s of the last century there were no social networks, Skype, YouTube and dating sites. Of course, Madison in his book could not consider the issue of seduction on the Internet. Now a whole direction has been formed connected with the virtual world.

Pickup network

There is an opinion that you should not get acquainted with girls on the Internet. Gurus advise newcomers to take to the streets more often and look for women there. Correspondence is supposedly a waste of time.

Although many people choose to ignore such advice simply because there are a lot of interesting girls on the net who you can meet.

  • come up with original first phrases;
  • develop tactics for obtaining phone numbers, then to make a call;
  • think about how not to get into ignore.

In a word, they are developing pick-up methods on the network. It should be noted that all this cannot be limited only to virtual communication. You need to be able to timely take the conversation from the Internet into reality. In addition, on a date, you will also need to interest the lady.

Internet pickup acts as a complement to the standard. In general, it doesn’t matter if you walk along the streets with a partner trying to make an appointment. Or sit on a dating site to dial phone numbers and call girls later.

Female pickup

Ladies also learned to "catch" the boys. On the network you can find many videos on the topic. Of course, a female pickup is different from a male one: girls, as a rule, are looking for a guy for a long relationship. Ladies do not disappear immediately after sex. This is the main distinguishing feature. But the list goes on:

  • girls are not recommended to take a “partner” into the field;
  • lessons are learned mainly after reading books, as there are few trainings for ladies;
  • own description of methods.

There are not so many female pickup followers, because ladies mostly prefer to sit and wait for the prince rather than being active.

It is likely that with changes in society, pickups, like teachings, will have new methods and directions.  But he himself will not disappear anywhere, because at all times people want to get acquainted and communicate.

Thus, a pickup is undoubtedly needed by not very confident people who want to find their soul mate or just a partner for sex. The most important thing is practice. If you remain a theorist in a pickup truck, you will, as before, live in company with a bunch of complexes.

We hope that this article has generated interest in this teaching and will encourage you to familiarize yourself with the issue in more detail, using books or attending special trainings.

There is always a struggle between I Want and Afraid. Even if a man really liked you, it is possible that he had a bad dating experience. Help overcome his fear - hint that you are ready to get to know him.

The main difference between a male pickup truck and a female one: girls do not get to know the guys they like, they only create the conditions for the man himself to show a desire to get to know each other. With the help of hints, you make it clear to the guy that you are ready to get to know him.

The main thing is to attract the attention of Men. For this:

Catch his eyes, smile.Exchange views. Take a look at him from time to time. Hold your gaze.

Show yourself.Play with your hair, gently rub jewelry around your neck, along your bends. Correct your hair, tilt your head back slightly.

Be confused. You seem embarrassed by your thoughts ... Ideally, if you know how to blush slightly - it's charming. Tilt your head to the side, lower your eyes.

Easy thought. When you understand that he is already on the hook, look away to the side in a slight thoughtfulness. Your playfulness has been replaced by reverie or seriousness: try, guess!

Let the pasha moveandi will be sensual, and the posture relaxed.Gently play with a pen, fork, glass without looking at the chosen one. Let his imagination connect.

Show that you are bored.If you look too busy, you don't want to be distracted. Show that you are free and a little bored.

If he is interested - hold your eyes. Take a look towards the restroom and, on the way there, give it another look. It is likely that you will come across “by accident” near the exit.

The second, more direct approach in a pickup truck is to talk to him first.He will require a little more courage from you, but learn to treat the process of dating as a game. As if you are playing with a bow with a kitten.

Passing by, just say “Hello!”. TOby chance.

Make some simple compliment(he should not be about his physical merits or wear a sexual connotation). For example: “Great tie” + the most charming smile from your arsenal of dizzy smiles.

Request. If you are in a restaurant, ask for a napkin, menu, close the window. If you liked someone on the street, ask for a hint on the road, help in something.

Recognize yourself and immediately charmingly apologize.Acting data will be required, but if you consider that all women are a bit of an actress, then I think that it will not be difficult.

Call a friend.Ask to use the phone. You need to urgently call or write an SMS, and your phone has run out of battery - this is bad luck!

  Sit down to him in transport or at the airport, as if by accident.And then notice him and give him a warm smile.

“This is my first time here,” “I know no one here”- good phrases to meet at some event.

Ask for advice when buying.Choosing a tie for dad, brother, wine for a party, cheese for wine (it all depends on the specialization of the trading establishment where the arrow of Amur overtook you).

"We have met?"Wait until he is left alone, go up to him and ask, “I see, you have been watching me all evening. We have met?"

So, you hinted to him that “on the contrary, these eyes are not opposed!” Further, the initiative should completely fall into the hands of men. He should have a lasting impression that He was the initiator of the meeting! And if you exchanged phones - do not call him first. Believe me, if a man wants to continue dating, he will definitely call you in the next three days. Well, if he doesn’t call, then he missed his chance! The world is big and there are many men! One of the main laws of philosophy says: sooner or later quantitative indicators turn into qualitative ones! Fate helps the brave!

Tip-exercise "Shooting eyes"

In front of the mirror, practice smiling in different ways, be sad, portray seduction, surprise, joy, interest, intrigue, etc. Look at which smile seems most attractive to you, which expression is the cutest - remember and use it on occasion. This is your arsenal.


Until you make a final decision, you will be tormented by doubts, you will always remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will not allow you to work effectively. But at the moment when you decide to devote yourself completely to your work, Providence is on your side. Things are starting to happen that could not have happened under other circumstances ... Whatever you are capable of, whatever you dream of, start to do this. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Make up your mind! Johann Goethe


Do you believe in love at first sight?

No, he answers.

Then look at me again, ”she asks.

A girl marries a millionaire. Her friend asks:

Is this probably love at first sight?

At first glance, you can’t say that he is a millionaire.

A man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to marry can beat him in this.

Today, many people already know what a male pickup is (thanks to various media or the Internet), but what a female pickup is, many are interested. Another question is even more interested - how to learn a female pickup truck, what is needed for this.

In itself, such a thing as a pickup truck arose in the West. It means nothing more than “take off” or “take advantage”, and initially the idea of \u200b\u200ba pickup truck came from the calculation of “take off a woman for sex at night”. This later the concept of pickup expanded. Now it already includes not only flirting followed by a joint “overnight”, but also the coveted engagement ring on the finger, along with the Mendelssohn march.

How can a woman behave so that a man who is so liked not only draws attention to her, but also wants to continue acquaintance? How can a woman charm a man?

Pickup lessons for women

There are several pickup rules for women for this:

1. A stunning pickup appearance. We must learn to emphasize in ourselves every “highlight” and hide the flaws of our appearance. To do this, you need to use makeup, clothes, hair, a peculiar aroma. But here it is important not to overdo it. Too frank an outfit seems seductive only in the first minutes of acquaintance, then it can cause bewilderment and expose a woman in an unsightly role of confused.

When looking at you, a man should always have a place for seductive fantasies and a little understatement. But if the dress hides a lot, and even the hair is loose - it is always an association with femininity, secret, intrigue. Such a female pickup truck for seducing men should play a role.

2. Behavior that can cause friendliness and understanding. It is imperative to work on your posture and gait. The elusive grace always attracts men's looks. But it is better to avoid closed poses, only lightness, smoothness and self-confidence.

You can smile at a man, look him in the eye, slightly bow his head to the side, as if inviting to a conversation. But when talking, it is best to use the mirror effect.

To do this, it is easy, as if unconsciously, to repeat his movements and manners, gently touching him when talking with his hand. But here the main thing is not to overdo it so that he does not think that you are simply teasing him! In no case should a female pick-up woman give herself out.

3. Learn how to communicate with a man. A conversation with a man should be easy, so don’t be smart and “crush him with your intellect”. Try to be not only cute, but also friendly. The interlocutor must be carefully listened, an approving smile, but he should not dump all the information about himself at once.

Every woman should have an elusive mystery and a little bit of secrecy. If he immediately finds out everything about you, then he will not be interested! The halo of mystery that envelops a woman will make the man again look for a meeting with you, in order to solve this riddle. It’s better not to sit in front of your interlocutor, but to sit side by side, a little half-turn.

The peculiar methods of a female pickup in the form of "sexual" signs work well - rarely and slowly run your hand through your hair, stroke your neck or wrists. Such "stroking" is very exciting! And you can not touch on topics such as former partners, children or previous marriages - something very easy, understandable to both.

4. Femininity in a female pickup is above all. And here we are not only talking about appearance, although this is very important. Grace in manners of behavior, beautiful speech (no obscene words or unpleasant words), a little languor in look and movements.

The intonation of the voice in the process of a female pickup should be soft, laughter - the murmur of a stream, and not a peal of thunder. The tone should be lowered at times, as well as sometimes quieter, so that the partner tried to listen to every word. The quieter a person speaks, the more closely they listen to him!

Before you decide to go in for a female pickup, it is best to get rid of all the habits that are more characteristic of men - do not smoke, do not drink drinks in one gulp, do not interrupt the conversation with the interlocutor when calling on a mobile phone. Having such habits, you are more likely to become “his boyfriend” for him than a welcome woman.

5. Calmness and patience in a female pickup truck is the most important weapon. Keeping all this while talking with a man you like is quite difficult - blood rushes to your face, nerves are so naughty that you can’t connect two words. But you need to work very hard on yourself so that these “enemies” do not appear during your communication.

A pikapersha woman needs to do everything clearly, even in cold blood, to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant redness of her cheeks when talking. To do this, you need to rehearse several “on duty” phrases in front of the mirror in order to literally memorize them by heart, and with them your manners.

With this approach, “pronouncing” these phrases will entail memorized manners or movements, and this will save you from embarrassment at the very beginning of the conversation. But when this very conversation begins, it will become much calmer and easier to communicate further.

6. Before you go on a female pickup, leave your girlfriend better at home. Not many women know that the best rival becomes the main rival in finding and attracting the attention of men.

Yes, yes, it is that very best friend who will give you a stunning new dress for the party, and makeup, if it helps, will always help with advice. She, out of a desire to help you, can provide that very “bear service” that will nullify all your efforts.

It’s best to pretend to be “unburdened by loneliness” - you are alone at a table leafing through pages of an interesting book or browsing the Internet for news. Any man will peck on that woman who is not looking for anyone, but simply spends time at her pleasure.

7. Your look should not be invocative. If you simply beckon a man with a look and constantly turn your attention to him, he may find you available. You need to look straight into your eyes once, smile, then turn your gaze to the side. Let the man have a “hunter instinct” - not you chose him, but he you! Then your chances of attracting his attention will increase rapidly.

Sometimes in a female pickup truck such a combination “hunter - victim” is especially good if in the same company with you there is one (or even several) men you know. We talked with the man you needed, then they apologized cute to him and explained that you need to step back for a couple of minutes in order to say a few words to your acquaintance.

Just do not try to immediately explain in the pickup process that this is just your colleague or housemate - let him suffer from questions. Give him a charming riddle in your face! Believe me, while you are talking with your friend, he will not look away from you. After all, all men are terrible owners!

8. Do not become a "yoke on the neck." Even if you have already made a little contact, do not try to “stick” to a potential boyfriend. It’s better to communicate with everyone a little, but sometimes give him a little more attention than the rest.

For example, in a general conversation, turn to him specifically with a question, or ask him to express his opinion. Obsessive women just terrify men! Therefore, you should not be imposed on him from the very first meeting, it can (and most often it happens!) Become the last for you.

9. The rule of three dates of this pickup. When a book about the first men's pickup appeared in the last century, it clearly described (for men, of course) how this pickup should be carried out.

The first meeting is attracting attention, the second meeting is a date in a romantic style, but without sex, but the third meeting already implies sex. But these are the rules specifically for men - there a pickup implies only a high-quality “pick-up”, no more.

For women, the purpose of a pickup truck is completely different - just like the “right” man, and there already life will show whether he is for her or not. Therefore, here the “rule of three dates” looks a little different: the first date is also aimed at attracting attention, but the second is more surprising for its potential boyfriend.

For example, to schedule the next meeting in a theater, in a circus, in any interesting place, but without a subsequent trip to a restaurant (cafe, bar), and even without seeing you home. We can say that you urgently need to go to a friend (mom, sister). The third meeting can already take place in a restaurant (cafe, bar) and here it can already hold you, but only until the entrance! Not to bed or to your home, but only to yours!

10. Keep your distance while pickup. After the three dates mentioned above, you need to take a little time out! But to do it in such a way as not to offend the potential suitor, otherwise your whole idea will fail. You can come up with a good reason why you cannot meet in the coming week (no more). Only reason should be thought up beautiful.

For example, telling him that you are leaving for relatives, and staying at home at the same time, will not do at all. After all, he already knows where you live and can simply come under your house in the hope of a meeting. And here you go from work or from the store!

In his eyes you will begin to look like a liar, and this is for men, like a knife in the heart. It’s better to either really go to relatives, or beg for a business trip, or come up with some other reason. By the way, telling him that you are sick is also not worth it - you have the wrong relationship! This can ruin everything.

11. Love yourself, then he will notice you. In order to attract attention with the help of a female pickup truck of the man you like, you first need to like yourself! If you have an uncertain look, awkward movements, any man will quickly understand this, and such women are not interesting. But if you yourself feel like a queen, if you have the right self-esteem - then for him you will appear in the role of this queen.

Love yourself, begin to engage in yourself, your new image - and then no man will stand up to you! And then you will need only one thing - to keep it and become the only one. After that, the treasured engagement ring will definitely be on your finger! Pickup for women you no longer need!