Cleansing Care. How to cleanse your skin: stages and mistakes. Cleansing Recipes

Proper skin cleansing is the basis of its health and beauty. No matter how we admire the masking effects of modern cosmetics, makeup looks best on clean and healthy skin.

In addition, even the most expensive cream will not have the desired effect if the skin is dirty, with rashes or signs of fatigue. Let's look at how to cleanse your face from makeup to preserve its youth and freshness.

How to clean your skin every day

During the day, our skin is exposed to many influences. These are city dust, air, cosmetics and even dirty hands. Atmospheric particles and dirt penetrate the skin and provoke inflammation, irritation, dryness, wrinkles, dullness and skin diseases.

In most cases, skin problems can be avoided if you follow the basic rules of makeup remover.

Rule number 1.   You need to clean your skin every morning and evening. This should become a habit, the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate. Clean skin is better restored, breathes and perceives the nourishing and moisturizing ingredients of the cream.

Rule number 2.   Selecting cleansing cosmetics individually for your skin. What suits a girlfriend or is extolled in advertising will not always suit you. Knowing your skin type and routine testing will help you decide. If a cosmetic product causes dryness, burning, or other unpleasant symptoms, feel free to refuse it and change it to a more suitable one for your skin.

Rule number 3.   Typically, in urban environments, the quality of tap water is poor. It is not only impossible to drink, but also to wash yourself with such water is also undesirable. It is better to use filtered, boiled or mineral water.

Rule number 4.   Water should be at room temperature. Hot water expands the pores and causes redness. In summer it is permissible to use cool water, and in winter - warm.

Rule number 5.   Do not overdo it during cleaning procedures. Carefully apply cosmetics on the massage lines of the face. Do not rub or stretch the skin.

How to cleanse your skin: the main steps

Beauticians call nightly skin cleansing an obligatory routine for a modern woman. But just washing your face does not mean cleansing your face. This beauty procedure consists of several steps that will help you effectively and efficiently. properly cleanse your face from makeup at home.

7 stages of facial cleansing from makeup:

    Use a cotton pad and lotion to remove lipstick or lip gloss.

    Use a special eye make-up remover. It is created for the delicate skin of the eyelids and effectively removes makeup residues. It also needs to be applied to a cotton pad, hold in front of your eyes for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the mascara from the base of the eyelashes to their tips.

    Wash off any remaining make-up and bacteria from all over your face with foam, gel or milk. Do not forget: do not stretch the skin, do a light massage and use warm water.

    Gently pat your face with a towel.

    Now gently wipe your face with tonic, lotion or micellar water. They nourish, moisturize the skin and prepare for applying the cream.

    The final step is to apply a face cream, best with SPF (UV protection). You can read more about the dangers of UV radiation in the article on photoaging.

    Scrubbing can be done once or twice a week for deeper cleansing of the skin. The mask can be applied only after washing and scrub. Remember to apply a nourishing cream.

Facial skin cleansing: daily use products

How to cleanse your face daily is another important point in the matter of skin care. Beauticians advise choosing cosmetics based on the features and needs of your skin. However, in the shops the choice is so great that in all this variety it is easy to get confused.

To do this, there are universal tips that you can rely on when choosing facial cleansers:

    for normal skin, mousse, foam or milk for makeup removal is suitable;

    oily and combination skin are best suited for washing or gel;

    cleaning wipes are best used as an express method and not be abused. They cannot replace a full nightly procedure;

    do not use regular soap to cleanse your skin. It dries the skin too much and causes premature aging.

The main thing about cleansing the face and removing makeup

A competent approach to cleansing the face from makeup is your concern for your health and appearance. Do not neglect this simple beauty procedure that will help your skin glow. For her you will need:

    some time;

    suitable product for your skin;

    warm water and sponges;

    tonic and face cream.

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Deep facial cleansing - maximum cleansing of the skin from various impurities

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Secrets of the magical transformation of the skin with. She is both a medicine and a cosmetic.

Home Cleansing

Home cleansing of the face is less traumatic, it is superficial, does not affect the deeper layers, it can be done in the summer. But the results will please only those who adhered to the instructions for this procedure and were able to ensure its complete sterility even at home.

Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules can lead to infection under the skin, and this is already fraught with serious health consequences.

Each stage of home facial cleansing should be carried out carefully, thoroughly and extremely carefully.

  1. Everything that the skin will come into contact with must be sterilized. Do not use an old, rusty container in which you previously washed dishes for steam baths. Everything must be clean and sterile.
  2. Stock up on medicinal herbs that are useful for a steam bath. You can use a pharmacy chamomile, which has anti-inflammatory properties. One tablespoon of raw materials (it can be dry or fresh grass) is poured with a glass of boiling water and for 10 minutes it is on low heat. Then the prepared broth is poured into a wide container with boiling water. One glass of broth - for 1-2 liters of water.
  3. Pull hair at the crown, bend over a bowl of hot water and cover yourself with a terry towel. Extreme care must be taken at this stage and keep your head above the water at a sufficient distance to avoid burns.   As you cool, you can tilt your face lower. The time allocated to this stage of cleaning is from 5 to 10 minutes. Steamed skin and wide open pores will allow you to eliminate pollution faster and more painlessly.
  4. After that, a cleanser is applied to the skin. It can be a scrub or a special mask. They can be store and home - it depends on the personal preferences of everyone. If the products are used for the first time, they must first be tested for allergy. To do this, it is enough to apply a little scrub or mask on the delicate and sensitive skin of the wrist (or the inner fold of the elbow). In the absence of reaction (redness and itching), we can assume that the test was positive and the product can be used to clean the face completely safe.
  5. The scrub is applied in a circular motion and carefully, but gently rubbed into the skin, which is massaged with the product for 3-4 minutes. After that, you need to wash and apply your favorite mask for 10 minutes. After washing it off, you need to soothe the skin with a cream that matches its type.
  6. You can not get carried away with this procedure, since it is traumatic. Once a week for problematic, very contaminated skin will be enough. If facial cleansing is carried out regularly, the procedure can be repeated every 2-3 weeks.

As for cleansing scrubs and peeling masks, it should be noted the high efficiency and safety of natural products, which are easy to prepare independently from your own supplies of cosmetic bags and a refrigerator.

Cleansing Recipes

The composition of home peeling products should include abrasive (solid) particles that actively clean the pores, entraining all kinds of foreign particles from the pores. There are a lot of recipes. It is possible to use both a scrub and a home-made mask in one procedure. The effect will exceed all expectations.

  • Oatmeal scrub

Grind natural oatmeal in a coffee maker. Dilute one tablespoon of the resulting Hercules flour with water at room temperature (or slightly warm) to make a slurry that would not drain from the face.

  • Cosmetic clay masks

Cosmetic clay is famous for its cleansing properties. The main thing is to choose the right color of clay for the type of skin (white for oily and problematic, blue and red for fading, green for dry and flaky, pink for normal, yellow for tired, black and gray for any type). It is necessary to dilute one tablespoon of the selected powder with water until a thick slurry is formed.

  • Flour masks

Dilute one tablespoon of wheat or flour with water to the desired consistency.

  • Swedish mask

Beat three teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese with a mixer, mix with one teaspoon of natural, slightly warmed honey.

  • Gelatin mask

Grind two tablets (crush to powder), mix with two teaspoons of gelatin powder. Pour four teaspoons of milk at room temperature. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Preheat for 15 seconds in the microwave, cool.

  • Rice scrub

Mix one tablespoon of chopped rice grains with the same amount of liquid honey and lemon juice (or its pulp).

  • Cabbage mask

Mix one tablespoon of chopped sauerkraut with a teaspoon of room temperature milk and the same amount of chopped oatmeal.

  • Bean Scrub

Pass the boiled beans through a strainer, dilute one tablespoon of the resulting puree with the same amount of lemon juice, add two teaspoons of olive oil.

Home scrubs and cleansing masks can save the face from various rashes caused by subcutaneous inflammation. If you regularly cleanse your pores of impurities, the condition of the skin will improve significantly: it will bloom with youth and beauty, eliminating unnecessary complexes and worries about appearance.

Beauty and natural radiance of the skin of the face and body are simply impossible and unattainable with improper or irregular care. It is important to cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin with accurate intervals to maintain freshness and youth for a long time. Any girl who prefers to take care of herself will confirm the fact that high-quality, suitable type cosmetics can perfectly maintain the natural health of the skin of the face and body.

Professional cosmetics can solve numerous problems with acne, early facial or age wrinkles. A truly high-quality and effective line of cosmetics affects the condition of the skin as well as possible, so girls who need intensive care use all kinds of creams, masks, gels and serums with periodic regularity.

Needless to say, staged skin care for body and hair. The basic principles are basic cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. Moreover, skin cleansing allows you to maximize the quality of the absence of keratinized cells and microparticles on the surface of the skin. This is especially important when the skin is of the oily type and needs high-quality cleaning using chemical peels.

The so-called alginate masks not only clean the contents of the pores, but also have an antiseptic effect. Restoration of the skin after the harmful effects of direct sunlight, as well as urban dust and low-quality cosmetics is quite possible if you use an alginate mask. You can purchase them both in specialized stores of large shopping centers of the city, or make an order as part of an online store convenient for Internet users.

In addition to cleansing, the skin also needs intensive hydration, which is best done in the morning. You can apply special creams and foundation for makeup using serums, gels and lotions. They simultaneously moisturize and improve elasticity. Therefore, such products have the best effect on aging skin. Young skin, in turn, also requires intensive hydration and nutrition, but it is important to take into account the proportions of substances that increase skin elasticity.

In order to stay beautiful and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex for a long time, it is important to take care of the skin of the face, body and hair in time. That is why the benefits of professional cosmetics are simply invaluable at any age.

You firmly decided to take up your appearance, but doubt the chosen tactics? Let me give you some advice.

Why skin care

Skin is the living organ of the human body, the largest one. This is the most necessary part of our body. It serves as a protection, and an exchange apparatus, and a temperature regulator, and also performs a respiratory function, participating in gas exchange. More information about the skin and its functions ...

The skin, like a mirror, reflects everything that happens in our body. Often the changed color, flabbiness, dryness or, conversely, excessive fat content, inflammation and rashes indicate some kind of internal malfunction. In turn, skin diseases and skin defects affect the state of other organs of the body, our nervous system and psyche. The skin always gives out the bodily and mental state of a person. Not a single organ of our body is exposed to such environmental influences: frost and wind, sultry sun, a sharp change in air temperature, its pollution - all this affects the skin.

And, no matter how healthy she is by nature, problems begin to arise over time. The skin requires care and needs nourishment. Everything that we “feed” it is absorbed by our body. Therefore, it is important to nourish it with such cosmetics that will not harm the body. The ideal skin food is natural products of plant and animal origin, which contain everything you need to improve the metabolic processes in it, moisturize, tone, eliminate defects, and prevent aging. Saturating the skin, biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

  • The condition of the skin may be different depending on:
  • how bright the sun shines today
  • what kind of water did you wash
  • what did you eat for dinner
  • what season,
  • what type of skin.

There are several types of skin: normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive, problematic, aging, and each requires special care. The main criteria by which skin type is determined is the rate of sebum secretion and the skin's ability to retain moisture.

The rules of daily skin care

To make your skin look young and healthy for as long as possible, it should be given at least a few minutes a day. If you follow a few simple rules, you can successfully deal with the premature appearance of spots, wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Do you forget to apply sunscreen on your skin and are lazy to wash off your makeup at night? Do not complain that you already have wrinkles! Experts advise you not to forget about 7 simple rules that are absolutely necessary to maintain the skin in excellent condition.

Clean your face before going to bed. Take a couple of minutes to wash away dirt, grease and cosmetics from it. All this clogs and expands the pores and leads to the appearance of acne and blackheads, or, as cosmetologists say, acne.
Wash with special cosmetics. Soap dehydrates the skin, causing the sebaceous glands to work in an enhanced mode. The result is an unbalanced skin with clogged pores, covered with a dry film. For washing, use special products such as cleansing milk, cleansing gel, and special cosmetic soap.
Protect your skin from ultraviolet raysthat accelerate the aging process. Remember that winter is no exception. In the cold season, your skin also needs protection. For this, there are special creams with SPF factor.
Cream by skin type - an integral item on the toilet shelf of any woman. Properly selected, high-quality cream, applied after cleansing and toning - this is the secret to the radiance of your skin.
Moisturize your skin from the inside out.. How? Yes, very easy! In the absence of contraindications (!), It is highly recommended to drink 6 - 10 glasses of water per day. No tea, no coffee or juice, namely water.
be patient. It may take 8 weeks before you see the results of your skin care efforts. It is better to purchase new skin care products only after consultation and as directed by an experienced cosmetologist.

And finally: do not think that your skin is too sensitive to care for it. The cleansing procedures performed by the cosmetologist, in contrast to the home use of aggressive scrubs, will help you rid your face of dirt and fat, refresh it and smooth wrinkles. For sensitive skin and enlarged pores, scrubs should be avoided altogether, as you risk peeling off the protective layer from your skin. The result may be its premature aging and infection (with acne).

Abrasive scrubbing is only suitable for a specific skin type. Modern cosmetology, is ready to offer you a wide selection of procedures with which you can realize your dream of perfect skin. Do not forget to take care of your skin, and it will thank you with youth and beauty.

Cosmetic face masks at home

Spring is coming, spring is coming - and we are happy to substitute the face for the first rays of the spring sun. Winter deficiency of vitamins and sunlight inevitably affects the condition of the skin of the face, even if you carefully looked after it for a short and slushy, alas, winter. Therefore, it's time to replenish the supply of lost vitamins and make the skin supple and velvet, like a pink-cheeked baby.

Let's set a goal - a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin in three weeks. Really? Yes, it is quite! And for this we will use exclusively natural means that nature has endowed us with. Available at home, folk recipes tested by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, namely face masks based on natural ingredients.

What will help fight, the most effective remedies in a short note.

The selection of cosmetic masks is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Firstly, the choice of mask depends on the type of facial skin that can be dry, normal or oily. And also combined - a fairly common problem when the cheeks are peeling, and the forehead glistens. Secondly, in essence and in terms of their effect on the skin, masks are divided into cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, exfoliating, whitening and so on ...

Naturally, different types of skin need their own care. If you have dry skin, then you need to abandon soap and alcohol-containing lotions, limit or refuse the use of scrubs and peels. For oily skin, care tips will be exactly the opposite, and if you are the owner of combination skin, then care for it becomes even more difficult. Nevertheless, there are universal tips that suit almost everyone. The stress that our face experiences in winter affects everyone the same way - the skin of the face becomes drier and more irritated, in the spring it requires enhanced hydration and nutrition. Let’s try to give her both.

As you know, facial skin care is based on three pillars - cleansing, nutrition and hydration. And if you want your skin to look and feel the best possible way, not one of these three components can be neglected.

Skin cleansing

Beauticians have long come to the conclusion that in the morning wash with chlorinated tap water it is better to prefer rubbing the face with pieces of cosmetic ice. It is said that Empress Catherine II acted in this way, until old age, she had smooth skin and a fresh complexion.

The mechanism of the effect of ice on the skin is as follows - at the beginning of the procedure, a short-term narrowing of the surface vessels of the skin and expansion of the deeper ones occurs, due to this an increased blood flow is ensured. At the end of contact with ice, the surface vessels expand, the capillaries are filled with blood, the skin begins to “breathe”. As a result - increased cellular metabolic processes, smoothing wrinkles and the appearance of a natural blush.

Therefore, we will begin our mini-program for improving complexion with the preparation of cosmetic ice, which at home will not be difficult. It is most effective to make it not from plain water, but from decoctions of herbs. The most noticeable effect is the decoction of chamomile; decoctions of mint, string, yarrow, sage, linden blossom or a combination of them also work perfectly.

Take a tablespoon of grass or a mixture of herbs, brew it in a thermos with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, cool, strain and fill in ice molds. It is best to take drinking water or at least filtered water, it is even better if it is mineral water without gas. Use cosmetic ice preferably within a week.

Nourishing Face Masks

After cleansing, it is necessary to feed our skin with vitamins and other goodies. For this, in addition to the use of nourishing creams for the skin, it is very good to use special nourishing face masks. We will prepare them ourselves, based on tasty and healthy products, and we will apply them three times a week. To grind and mix the components that make up the mask, we recommend using a blender.

Perhaps one of the most effective masks for sensitive and flaky skin are nourishing masks based on egg yolk. The yolk contains many skin-friendly substances such as lecithin, cholesterol, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D and others.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 yolk with 1 tablespoon. olive oil and add a little lemon juice. Another option is 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. mix olive oil with 1 tsp. honey. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, will help restore impaired fat metabolism, make the skin more elastic.

If your skin is hypersensitive, reddened or weathered, a potato mask will help. Potato gruel has been used since ancient times to treat burns, eczema. Mix boiled potatoes with milk and yolk, and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. After such a mask, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and tender, wrinkles disappear.

Yeast masks well tone and soften the skin. A three-week course of such masks will give an excellent result. Dilute 20 g of yeast with warm milk to the consistency of sour cream, wait for the first bubbles to appear and apply on the face for 15 minutes.

Moisturizing face masks

To moisturize and soften dry skin, a mask of oats has worked well: cook 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal in milk until a thick slurry is obtained, cool, add 1 teaspoon of honey. The mask should be applied to the face warm and kept for about 20 minutes.

It will remove the irritation and moisturize the skin with a curd mask. To prepare it, take 2 tsp. fresh cottage cheese and mix with 1 tsp. honey. If the curd is dry, add a little cream. To further refresh your complexion, add 1 tablespoon to this mask. freshly squeezed carrot juice.

It should be noted that the border between nourishing and moisturizing masks is rather arbitrary. Masks made of fruits and vegetables are quite universal: the same mask can be called a rejuvenating mask, and a mask for wrinkles, and cleansing, and nourishing. Such natural masks have a complex effect, and give a consistently excellent result.

The use of fruits and vegetables as part of masks helps to fortify and refresh dry and tired skin, improve its appearance and give it elasticity. There are a lot of such masks, so here are just a few of them, the most effective:

Carrot mask. Chop 2 medium-sized carrots, or grate, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil or sour cream;

Apple mask. Finely grate one or two green apples, add whipped protein;

Cucumber mask. Grate medium cucumber, add 1 tsp. cream and a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice;

Banana mask. Knead a banana, add 1 tsp. cream.

This is only a small fraction of the masks based on natural ingredients that you can safely cook at home, and with their help to prolong the youth of your skin for a long time. It’s enough to recall honey and strawberry masks, peach, apricot, blackcurrant, sauerkraut mask or a mask based on green tea ...

How to choose from “your” mask from this variety? The answer is simple - try and try again! Do not be afraid to experiment - apply different masks and watch how your skin reacts to them. Give her the opportunity to choose, and she herself will choose the most suitable and thank you with elasticity and a healthy glow. The main thing is to observe moderation, do not make more than 3 masks per week. And remember that you should not apply a mask to the skin around the eyes - if you want, you can put cucumber circles on your closed eyelids or use special “ice glasses”.

And in the event that you have problematic skin that is bothering you, it will be right to consult a cosmetologist who will offer an individual skin care that is suitable for you. And do not forget to take care of the skin “from the inside” - masks are not omnipotent and are unlikely to give the expected effect if you are deficient in amino acids and vitamins obtained from nutrition.

Skin biorhythms can be used for beauty

Knowledge of biorhythms will significantly increase the effective skin care procedures. Biorhythms have a huge impact on the skin, whose condition can noticeably change depending on the time of day. Hence, in order for skin care to bear maximum benefits, it should be carried out just at a time when the skin is ready for this. Let's find out what skin care and what time you need to carry out.

5-7 in the morning From 5 to 7 in the morning. The skin only wakes up, and at this time it is undergoing a process of strengthening the natural protective barrier for the coming day, so the ability of the skin to absorb any substances from the outside decreases. It is not difficult to conclude that this morning watch is absolutely not suitable for the use of masks and creams, whose active components simply can not break through the protective barriers of the skin. Therefore, it makes sense to limit yourself to a tonic contrast shower, which will invigorate your skin.
7-8 in the morning The period between the 7th and 8th hours - at this time the circulatory system begins to work actively, which fills the skin cells with active substances. Apply day cream.
8-10 in the morning The period from 8 to 10 am is characterized by increased pressure in the vascular system, as a result of which the walls of the vessels narrow. This makes the vessels very sensitive to all kinds of negative influences. For example, morning coffee with a cigarette will cause much more significant damage to the beauty of your skin than coffee and smoking in the middle of the day. But this time is perfect for doing makeup.
10-12 hours of the day The next time period is from 10 a.m. to noon. Right now, the sebaceous glands begin to work in full force, which leads to the appearance of a greasy shine, which manifests itself most clearly in the forehead and nose. It's time to powder these areas or, even better, use matting cosmetics with the effect of regulating sebaceous secretions.
13-17 hours of the day From 13 to 17 hours of the day, the skin begins to gradually lose its freshness and beauty. The fact is that at this time the pressure in the vessels drops and, as a result, the skin tone is significantly reduced. The skin looks withered, faded, wrinkles are more distinct. That is why, during this time period, the skin desperately needs rest. Ideally, she is recommended for a healthy afternoon nap. However, working women are unlikely to benefit from this recommendation. But they can give their skin a breath of oxygen: take a lunch break and take a walk in the fresh air.
17-20 hours From 17 to 20, the skin “revives” again and eagerly responds to cosmetic procedures. This is a good time for facial massage, spa treatments, face masks.
20-22 hours After 20 and up to 22 hours - the time when the skin is preparing for sleep. There is a natural cleansing, which peeling will greatly help. It is at this time that you need to apply a night cream, because later the skin simply simply closes most of the pores and the effectiveness of the cream will be minimal.

We take care of ourselves consistently and comprehensively

“A woman’s neck and arms give out her age” is a well-known phrase, I would add eyes to her, or rather the condition of the skin around the eyes. The skin of these zones is similar in structure, it does not have sebaceous glands, and cannot independently form a natural, lipid barrier that protects these zones from the harmful effects of external factors leading to premature aging of the skin.

  • Environmental factors include:
  • Household chemicals,
  • Decorative cosmetics,
  • Weather factors
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Improper care or
  • Lack of care.

From my experience I know that most women who constantly care for their skin do not pay attention to these areas (neck, arms, skin around the eyes), for various reasons. Someone believes that it is enough to maintain a healthy, beautiful, well-groomed face skin. Someone thinks that it is enough to protect the skin around the eyes with sunglasses, and hands with gloves. I assure you that this is not enough to protect these very sensitive areas from pollution and wilting.

Basic care for these areas is more important than for everyone else. Basic care is cleansing, toning, moisturizing, restoring and nourishing. Proper, regular and consistent care will make your skin healthy and beautiful, and a number of drugs for active therapy will smooth and fill the microrelief (small wrinkles).

Active therapy drugs include: serums, ampoule concentrates and preparations containing acids. Speaking of proper and consistent care, I mean the sequence of applying cosmetics.

For example, in your arsenal of delicate area care products there are the following preparations: biozone serum, lotus hyaluronic acid serum and intensive eye cream for the eye care line, which means the sequence of care (what, why) will be the following:

In such a way!

Sometimes, I hear this phrase: "Nonsense, nothing helps." I can only agree that nature cannot be fooled, time cannot be stopped and hormonal changes cannot be avoided, and everything else is possible and real. Think, maybe you messed up something with your departure?

Skillful makeup will emphasize the most expressive facial features and help hide minor imperfections, but performs only masking functions. And in order to always look great, you need to know how to care for your skin, so that it has a healthy flowering look and without makeup.

When choosing funds for daily skin care, it is necessary to consider its type. Earlier, I talked about ways to independently determine the type of skin. The simplest of them is visual.

Normal skin is smooth, soft and supple. All processes in it are properly balanced, so there are practically no problems with such skin. Only one minus - is extremely rare.

A distinctive feature of combination skin are oily areas in the forehead, nose, and chin. Other parts of the face may have normal or even dry skin, prone to peeling.

Oily skin to the touch is quite dense, with enlarged pores, which, due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, often become clogged and cause inflammatory processes on the face. The advantage of oily skin is that its natural protection is stronger than that of other types, and premature aging does not threaten it.

Dry skin is thin, pores on it are almost invisible, but due to lack of moisture and nutrition it quickly loses its tone and fades. Sensitive to external influences, prone to irritation and peeling.

1. Cleansing

By morning skin cleansing, we remove excess moisture and sebaceous secretions accumulated overnight, and prepare it for applying makeup. It also interferes with the functioning of bacteria. In the evening, you should definitely cleanse your face from makeup, dust and dirt that settles on the skin throughout the day. Only after that you can use a night cream, then the benefit from it will be maximum.

Only owners of normal skin can afford to wash themselves with soap, but not more than twice a week. The alkali contained in ordinary soap leads to a violation of the acidity and natural fat protection of the skin. It is better to use cosmetic milk and gel, which thoroughly dissolve greasy deposits and makeup particles, gently cleansing the face.

Any means are applied with gentle movements in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery, along the lines of least stretching of the skin. After washing, a wet face should not be rubbed strongly, it is enough to pat it dry with a towel with a slight pressure.

2. Toning

Immediately after the first stage, the face is treated with tonic or lotion. Many people believe that the use of tonic agents is necessary only for oily skin. This opinion is also erroneous, as is the fact that alcohol must be present in the tonic. Regardless of the type of skin, toning with a non-alcoholic product is an obligatory step in daily skin care, which performs the following tasks:

- relieves inflammation;

- improves skin elasticity and saturates it additionally with moisture;

- restores acidity after using cleansers, removes their excess;

- narrows the pores and prepares the skin for the next step.

3. Moisturizing and protecting the skin

A daily moisturizer is applied to cleansed skin after wiping it with a tonic. By the way, it is necessary to moisturize not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté. Means for daily use are light in consistency and leave a thin film that protects the skin from external factors throughout the day. The cream should correspond to the type of skin, as well as the season, because at different times of the year the skin is exposed to different external influences. If your day cream does not contain UV filters, pick a high-quality sunscreen and apply it additionally.

4. Nutrition

Nourishing cream is applied after evening washing and toning the skin, but no later than one to two hours before going to bed. If by this time the product is not completely absorbed, the residues are removed with a soft cloth. Never use a night cream to care for the area around the eyes. Conventional face creams are not suitable for this delicate and sensitive area. But for the neck and décolleté such nutrition will be just right.

5. Masks

Cosmetic masks are a great addition to basic skin care. They should be done regularly, but not daily. Typically, such procedures are carried out once or twice a week, depending on the problem being solved and the composition of the mask. By their action, they can be: nutritious, moisturizing, fortifying, regenerating, etc. Masks should also be selected based on the characteristics of the skin. During the procedure, the face should not be stressed, it is better at this time to put aside all things, lie down and relax. Talk, smile is not worth it.

6. Peeling

Deeply cleanses the pores and the upper layer of the epidermis, helps to improve metabolic processes and cell regeneration. With intense acne, scrub can not be used, as with any skin diseases, as well as with vessels close to each other. Exfoliation of dry skin should be done 1 time in 7-10 days, oily or mixed - once or twice a week. After peeling, it is not recommended to go outside for three hours.

Now you know how to properly care for your skin with cosmetics. Of course, to preserve the beauty and freshness of the face, full relaxation, lack of stress and an active lifestyle are also extremely important. Love yourself and be young and beautiful!

How to cleanse the skin?

The main rule for successful facial cleansing is choosing the right product for your skin type. The following types exist: normal, oily, sensitive, combination and dry. In no case should you use a cleanser for dry skin for oily skin, and vice versa.

Often, manufacturers of facial cleansers recommend removing them from the skin with cotton pads or napkins. This is wrong, no matter how soft the drug is, it is advisable to rinse it off with water at room temperature.

Many cosmetologists call vegetable oils the most universal means for cleansing. It is most often recommended to use unrefined olive oil, preferably first extraction. You can also use other fatty oils, such as black cumin oil, tamanu (Alexandrian laurel) or Aloe macerate.

Please note that the cotton pad must be moistened first, then put a little oil on it. The epidermis needs to be cleaned only along massage lines so as not to stretch the skin. Cotton pads change until they are clean. After such cleaning, it is not necessary to rinse your face with water.

Morning cleansing

During night sleep, intense metabolic processes occur in our skin. All products of nightlife (sweat, sebum, dead cells) in the morning must be removed from the face. Simple washing with water in this case is ineffective.

If you use ready-made cosmetics for skin cleansing, choose them strictly according to your type. You can also apply home remedies.

For dry skin types, olive oil is best. After applying it, your face will shine with freshness.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the cleansing of oily and combination skin with clay. Put a jar of dry clay on a shelf in the bathroom. Before washing, pour half a teaspoon of dry clay into the palm of your hand. Under a thin stream of warm water, bring the consistency of clay to a state of liquid sour cream, then rub it between your palms and apply on the face. Leave this mask on your face while brushing your teeth, then rinse it off with warm water. After a very short period of time, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result: pimples and inflammations will gradually disappear, the pores will narrow, the skin tone will even out.

Evening cleansing

The task of evening skin cleansing is to remove makeup, dirt, dust, dead epidermal cells and sebum from its surface.

The first stage of evening cleansing is the removal of eye makeup. Around the eyes, the skin is very thin, dry and delicate. Therefore, you need to use special tools to clean this area of \u200b\u200bthe face, preferably liquid - lotions and two-phase. Moisten a cotton pad first, then attach it to the eye for a few seconds. During this time, the product will dissolve mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner or pencil. If you do not use waterproof mascara, you can use natural oil from the previously listed to remove eye makeup.

It is very important not to rub, not to stretch the skin in the eye area. The dermis of the ocular region has practically no subcutaneous fat, so its fibers can quickly lose elasticity, which leads to premature wrinkles around the eyes. Cleansing procedures in this area should include only light soaking and patting movements. Another rule: movements during eye cleansing should be directed along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and along the lower eyelid - from the outer corner to the inner.

The second stage is cleansing the skin of the entire face. For this, you can use a finished cosmetic product or natural oil. Washing clay in the evening is better not to do.

Facial cleansing with scrubs

It is not necessary to limit yourself to regular morning and evening skin cleansing. Beauticians recommend periodic deep cleansing of the skin using scrubs. It should be borne in mind that owners of oily and combination skin can perform such procedures twice a week, but for women with dry and sensitive skin no more than 1 time in two weeks.

As a result of skin scrubbing, keratinized epidermal cells are exfoliated, contaminants from the pores are removed, metabolic processes and skin nutrition are activated. Due to this, oxygen penetrates into skin cells more easily, blood microcirculation improves. The skin of the face acquires smoothness, a beautiful even color, wrinkles appear on it less often.

You can buy a ready-made scrub for your skin type. And you can independently prepare such a tool at home. A scrub usually consists of a base and abrasive particles. As a basis for scrub for dry skin, take the flesh of a banana, peach or olive oil, homemade sour cream. For oily skin, a good foundation is currant or apple puree, grape seed oil. Grinded oat flakes or semolina can be abrasive particles for dry skin, and coffee grounds, fine salt, or ground rice for oily skin.

Follow the advice of specialists on the correct cleansing of the skin. Carry out the procedures regularly and in accordance with all the rules, and your skin will thank you with a wonderful color and even tone.

The first step is cleansing

How to choose the right skin care procedures and where to start?

Initially, you need to worry about cleansing the skin. In order to wash away dirt and greasy secretions from the surface of the skin per day, it is recommended to use water with a cleanser (foam or soap for washing). An excellent option would be to use softer water, which can be obtained by boiling and adding borax to it.

Cleansing lotions and tonics well soften, tone and disinfect skin. For cleansing, you can use preparations that contain glycolic, salicylic or lactic acids, natural oils, extracts of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or aloe.

In addition to washing, it is advised to clean the skin at a deeper level, namely to exfoliate old cells. To do this, after washing, treat your skin with a scrub or make gentle peeling, which is recommended to be applied only to wet skin.

Strong creams with abrasive particles are purchased in a specialized store or are made independently at home. In the process of preparing home remedies for cleansing, it is recommended to use only high-quality products. You can use such basic ingredients as:

  • Brown sugar
  • Ground almonds
  • Bran
  • Ground nutshell
  • Coffee of various grinding
  • Oatmeal.

A home cleanser is considered one of the most effective methods of improving the condition of the skin, because it consists only of natural ingredients. For auxiliary components, natural oils are often used, such as: hazelnut oil, sweet almond, olive or sunflower oil.

To create a natural scrub at home, you need to mix one of the main ingredients with readily soluble oil at the rate of 1/3 cup of oil per 1 cup of scrubbing component.

It is not advisable to use scrubs and peels for those women whose blood vessels are located on the surface of the skin (couperosis of the skin of the face). In this case, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

The second stage - toning

After the cleansing process, without fail, it is recommended to tone and soothe the skin. Tonics and lotions are able to nourish the skin with water, as well as narrow the pores and make it dull.

Homemade tonic cosmetics can cope with such aesthetic problems as age spots, freckles, peeling, and eliminate excessive greasy shine. It is worth remembering that most purchased products contain alcohol, which can dry out the delicate skin around the eyes or even cause peeling. In this case, it is recommended to make a tonic on your own. For this, components such as:

  • For oily skin:   lemon juice, grapefruit, raspberries, aloe, sage, St. John's wort, nettle, wormwood, chamomile
  • For dry skin:   milk, vegetable and essential oils, elderberry, rose petals, chamomile, mint leaves
  • For normal skin:   egg yolk, cucumbers, cream.

All home-made lotions and tonics are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day. If infusions are made on alcohol, then they can be stored for about two weeks.

Thanks to correctly selected components, you can get rid of inflammation, acne and quickly tighten pores. Daily skin care should be a tradition for every woman who wants to preserve the beauty and health of her skin.

The third stage - moisturizing

Moisturizing is one of the important procedures in daily skin care. With a lack of moisture in the epidermis, flabbiness, deep wrinkles appear and former elasticity is lost. At this stage, it is advised to use moisturizers such as nourishing face masks, thanks to which many shortcomings can be eliminated, namely:

  • Dry skin
  • Gray tint
  • Feeling of tightness
  • Flabbiness.

How to effectively moisturize the skin at home?

Preparing yourself a good mask that can nourish your skin and establish the work of the sebaceous glands is quite simple. To do this, it is recommended to use ingredients such as: fresh cucumbers, aloe (see recipes for aloe masks), grapefruit, as well as tomatoes and chamomile flowers, which are steamed with boiling water.

Sometimes moisturizing cosmetics for skin care at home can be based on the use of cottage cheese or sour cream (for example, masks from sour cream and honey). All of the above products have moisturizing properties, reduce peeling and protect the skin from moisture evaporation, but at the same time allow the skin to breathe.

The fourth stage - nutrition

After the skin of the face is cleaned and moisturized, cosmetologists advise to nourish it with useful elements with the help of nutritious day or night creams. Today you can buy a lot of products that are enriched with collagen, hyaluronic acid, fruit acids, elastin and many useful vitamins. Thanks to nutrition, you can maintain a healthy appearance and skin color, prevent its aging and early withering.

Most often, areas of the face, such as:

  • Corners of the eyes
  • Forehead
  • Corners of the lips.

Beauticians advise women of all ages to nourish the skin daily, while carefully removing excess creams and masks with a napkin.

Vitamin creams are fairly easy to make at home. The main components for them are products such as oils (castor, coconut and palm), cream, potatoes, honey, carrots, egg yolk (this is the recipe), cabbage (such masks). The ingredients are crushed to a mushy mass and even mixed with each other, depending on what effect you want to get. If necessary, water or glycerin is added to the mask.

Fifth Stage - Protection

Proper facial skin care must necessarily include its protection, especially on sunny or frosty and windy days (see how to protect your face from frost).

Before going out, cosmetologists advise applying a protective product in the form of a cream to the skin. A great way to protect your face from negative impact is to apply:

  • In hot and sunny weather   - sunscreen with SPF factor
  • In cold and frosty weather   - cream with vitamins E, K, D
  • In windy weather   - cream with herbal extracts, almond and olive oil, honey.

Protective cosmetics can be purchased at pharmacies, shops, and even in beauty salons. Regardless of the season and weather, one must not forget about caring masks and creams, which prevent the deterioration of the skin structure and its appearance. It is recommended to worry about the onset of cold weather or hot weather. Protective masks and creams can be prepared at home, the main ingredients for which are: banana, milk, sour cream, calendula.

Sixth stage - massage

Also, do not forget about the massage, which is recommended to be given a few minutes a day. With this simple method, women not only look after their faces, but also increase skin tone in the neck and chin.

Relaxing self-massage can be done with your fingers, a roller or electric massager. Thanks to this therapy, blood circulation in the dermis improves, due to which the cells receive all the necessary nutrients from the inside. In addition, daily massage at home is considered truly effective and able to eliminate fine facial wrinkles, giving a healthy complexion. Therefore, look at how to do facial massage along massage lines.

Both women and men need to remember that proper skin care is necessary at any age. It is possible to maintain health and a radiant appearance not only with the help of expensive creams and serums, but also thanks to natural cosmetic products, prepared with your own hands at home.

Other rules for cleansing the skin

  • To cleanse the face, dermatologists do not recommend using soap - it dries the skin and can lead to dehydration.
  • Do not rub the skin, especially in the areas around the eyes: this can lead to irritation - in these areas it is especially delicate and sensitive.
  • If you use a gel texture cleanser, apply it with massage in circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. Do not forget to “process” the skin of the neck.
  • If you suddenly run out of cleanser, olive oil will come to the rescue - it will "excellently" cope with the removal of makeup from the face.
  • After cleansing, do not rub the damp skin with a towel - pat it lightly or walk with a clean, dry cotton pad.

Facial cleansing for different skin types

Dermatologists are advised to choose a way to cleanse the skin, depending on its features. For combined, dry, oily and other types, different methods and means will do.

Cleansing combination skin

If you have combination skin, use gels and scrubs with care: they often dry the skin. It is best for cleansing suitable tonic or milk, which at the same time will moisturize it.

Cleansing dry skin

How to understand that the tool is not suitable for you? If after using it, it seems to you that the skin is tightened, then the formula contains an insufficient amount of moisturizing components. Set aside scrubs and soap, and also - always read the composition: alcohol should not enter it.

Sensitive facial cleansing

This skin type is the most “capricious” one, since most products can cause an allergic reaction. Look for “hypoallergenic” on the packaging: this is a “green light” for those who often have inflammation on their skin.

Cleansing Oily Skin

This is a universal cleanser that everyone should have. The micelles that make up it effectively remove makeup and impurities. Another plus: micellar water can be used to remove makeup from the eyes (it does not include alcohol).

It not only carefully removes all impurities, but also moisturizes the skin.

They are convenient to use and will fit in any cosmetic bag. But with persistent and waterproof makeup can not cope.

What skin cleansing rules do you follow daily? Write a comment and test your knowledge by passing our test.

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How to cleanse your face every day step by step

Have you noticed how much money has an appointment - “for purification”? Well, yes, huge. This and tonics, and foams, and cream, and butter, and micellar water, and soap, in the end.

And there are so many of them because the washing system is also not the only one, and all these tools need to be combined with each other in order to choose the most suitable method of washing.

We clean our face in the morning

Despite the fact that we slept quietly at night and during this time we hardly managed to get dirty, our face still needs to be cleaned, since the sebaceous glands have developed sebum during the night, and there may be leftover night cream on the skin, and all this needs to be removed.

We carry out purification in two stages:

  1. Step one - wash your face. To do this, use either
  • foaming gels and foams, mousses, soap (products which need to be washed with water);
  • micellar water - a means that the use of water does not imply, put it on a cotton pad and wipe the face.
  1. Step two - remove the remaining detergent:

Rinse your face with plenty of water, or wipe it with a tonic.

For me, this item should look like we rinse your face with water and wipe it with a tonic.

Because: both gels / foams / mousses and micellar water MANDATORY (!) Must be removed from the face, because all these products contain surface-active substances (surfactants), which, having done their job - having cleaned the skin of the face, should be completely washed away.

That's all, morning wash is completed))

How to cleanse your skin before bedtime

The evening cleansing procedure is more difficult because, in addition to the same sebum and the remnants of a day cream, there are now decorative means on the face: makeup base, foundation / BB / CC cream, powder, blush, etc.

And to completely remove them from the face with the help of foams and mousses will not work because they are designed for washing, and NOT for removing makeup.

The better to remove makeup from the face

Please note that most of the dirt accumulated on the skin per day has a fatty basis, according to cosmetologists, “like dissolves like”, therefore, for evening cleansing, you need to use products based on fat.

What do you need to remove makeup in the evening?

  1. Fat-based products to choose from: cosmetic milk; cosmetic cream / sour cream; regular or hydrophilic oil; oil balm.
  2. Makeup can be removed with non-fatty products, but they will not be as effective. These are: micellar water and gel, but not foaming, but melting.

Scheme of how to cleanse your skin before bedtime

Stage number 1

We cleanse the face with a tool that is specifically designed to remove makeup. Mandatory.

Let me remind you again - milk, cream, sour cream, butter, balm, micellar water.

Stage number 2

We wash our face with a product that is designed for washing. Mandatory.

These are: foam, gel, mousse, soap (in special cases).

Stage number 3

Wipe the face with tonic. The item is optional.

In principle, you can stop at point two and start applying care products, but, in my opinion, tonic is still necessary, not only because I love tonics as a product as a whole, but also because you:

  • remove from the face skin the remnants of not the most useful tap water;
  • check if the cleansing procedure is well carried out.

The most important point to learn when cleansing your face in the evening:

Makeup removal and washing are two different rituals, and for evening cleansing, they are needed BOTH in this order.

That is, having performed the procedure with a cleanser, you can’t remove enough makeup, some of it will still remain on the skin, as the product of the sebaceous glands will remain, especially for owners of oily skin, and the second (in the third, etc. once) the use of foam or gel will not bring any benefit to the skin, but it can easily dry it out.

That is, you can wash your skin with foam / gel in the morning or if you didn’t use makeup in a day, but these funds will not be able to thoroughly remove makeup.

The control moment of the quality of skin cleansing is the purity of the cotton pad after toning the face, it should be clean, and not wash off the remnants of cosmetics.

Based on these rules, three types of makeup systems have been developed: European, English, Asian. More about them in the next article.

I hope that I conveyed the essence of the question to you. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.

Face Skin Care Rules

For a full-fledged, and most importantly, high-quality facial skin care, it is worth choosing everything you need and need for each type of skin integument according to the list. The care list is generally small and includes only a few items for everyday face care. Although at first glance this whole complex will seem to some to be numerous and difficult to implement, there is nothing complicated in it. The main thing is to outline the steps necessary for the skin of a particular woman and move in a given direction purposefully and systematically.

Keep regular

The main law of beauty is the need for daily skin care. Fatigue, lack of time, banal laziness should not get in the way of beauty and grooming. Makeup must certainly be washed off, care products are applied to the skin, peels and masks are performed with a certain frequency. This is the base. The basis without which the appearance of the dermis will never become well-groomed and pleasing to the eye. That is why phased care should be practically “driven” into the daily routine of every woman who loves herself.

Apply care products correctly

The application of cosmetics during the day and evening care must certainly be done along the massage lines. This will help the cosmetics absorb faster and avoid dermal sprains that may occur if the fingers move incorrectly. The main massage lines are as follows:

  • from the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
  • from the nose to the temples;
  • from the outer corners of the eye to the inner (movements along the upper and lower eyelids);
  • from the clavicle to the chin up the center of the neck;
  • from the earlobes to the shoulders on the sides of the neck.

The main stages of facial skin care are as follows:

  • cleansing;
  • toning
  • hydration;
  • applying cream.

Facial skin care at home involves the use of peels and masks. But these stages are considered periodic, because they are not performed daily.

Skin cleansing

The primary step in a full daily facial treatment is skin cleansing. Dust, cosmetics, sebum, toxic substances of the modern environment readily clog the pores of the face almost every minute. Of course, all excess accumulated during the day must be deleted. Otherwise, comedones (black spots), acne, inflammation and other small and large troubles will most likely occur on the face. For this reason, cleansing the dermis should be thorough and regular.

Toning up

Following the care sequence, the process of toning is followed by cleansing. Tonics remove the remnants of cleansing cosmetics from the face and give the skin a fresh look. Tonic helps to narrow pores, cellular renewal, restore acid balance and relieve inflammation.

Moisturizing face

Learn more about facial skin care steps:

The cream, selected taking into account the type of skin, is suitable as a daily care product. It is very important to apply the cosmetic product correctly. Then it will have a better effect. After completing the remaining preliminary stages of basic care, you can begin to distribute the cream on the face.

A small amount of cream is squeezed into the palm of your hand. Distribute the product with careful movements. Leave the cream until completely absorbed. The remains are rubbed on the surface of the hands.

Important! No need to save on the amount of money, but putting it too much is not worth it.

Modern man is very mobile. We constantly strive somewhere, run, step - onto the bus, along the career ladder, to our goals. So why not start striding towards a delightful and youthful skin? Moreover, these steps will not require any excessive efforts.

So, a step-by-step instruction for daily face care looks like this:

Step 1. Wash hands. Touch your face with exceptionally clean hands.

Step 2. Removing makeup from the eyes. For this purpose, a special tool (hydrophilic oil, micellar water) is suitable, which must be applied to a cotton pad and gently move it along the eyelids, removing makeup residues.

With your fingertips, apply a cleanser to the face and neck. After a minute, rinse with warm water.

Step 3. Dampen a cotton pad with tonic. Gently rub the skin along the massage lines.

By the way. If a tonic in the form of a spray is used, it is sprayed across the face and gently driven into the dermis with light movements of the fingertips. The product can also be distributed with a cotton pad.

Step 4. Apply a moisturizer. This process is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, distributing the product along the massage lines.

Important! Day cream is applied half an hour before it goes out into the air (in winter - an hour) so that it can absorb. Night cream is used about an hour before bedtime.

What water is worth washing?

Ideally, use filtered chlorine-free water. But it is also permissible to wash yourself with tap water. Her contact with the dermis when washing lasts no longer than a few seconds, and the tonic applied next will neutralize the effect of all “unwholesome” substances.

Is it possible not to wash your skin with water at all, but to do it with micellar fluid or milk?

Yes. Can. But after this procedure, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad dipped in water or tonic. This will remove the remnants of cleaning products.

How often do you need to wash your face?

When caring for delicate facial skin, you should not forget about daily washing. Full face skin care involves at least two face washings - morning and evening. This approach will allow you to cleanse the skin after sleep or a hard day and prepare it for subsequent care steps.

Is it necessary to use a night cream?

The subtleties of the facial skin care process depend on the age of the woman. It is not necessary for young girls to apply night cream. It is enough to cleanse the face and apply a tonic.

Having crossed the twenty-five-year milestone, ladies are recommended to perform all the care procedures without exception.

Does the procedure for facial skin care differ in summer and winter?

Seasonality in facial care also plays an important role. Facial care in summer is different from the same procedure in winter. Although the basic sequence of stages is usually maintained. In winter, it is worth using protective equipment that protects the skin from negative weather influences. Moisturizer is applied exclusively at night. It is unacceptable to go out immediately after applying the product.

Summer care is aimed at moisturizing the dermis. In warm weather, it is recommended to apply masks on a natural basis more often: fruit, clay, vegetable, etc.

How to cleanse your skin

Cleansers should be matched to your skin type. It is very important! If you use aggressive gels and foams for your dry skin, then even more dry and thin the epidermis and break the already very vulnerable acid protective mantle on the face. If oily skin regenerates it quickly, then dry skin cannot do it quickly. Its dehydration abruptly begins and a network of wrinkles appears, and collagen loses elasticity.

Therefore, do not listen to the advice of your friends, but choose the right product for your skin. Carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.

Many manufacturers recommend removing the cleansing composition from the face surface with napkins, but no matter how soft the formula is, it should be washed off with plenty of water of neutral temperature, and end the procedure by toning the epidermis with a tonic (better than own production).

The most universal means for gentle cleansing of the skin are vegetable oils rich in fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. The most commonly used cleansing cream is unrefined extra virgin olive oil, grape seed oil, or other basic fatty oils, for example, tamanu oil, black caraway seeds or macerate: aloe, chamomile, string, and other medicinal herbs.

How to remove makeup oil

  1. Do not wash your face before applying oil! To comfortably remove makeup and dirt from the face, first moisten the cotton pad by dropping a little water in the center of the disc. Then apply oil to it (2-3 drops).
  2. We start with the eye area. We put a disk with butter on the eye, press it a little and wait 5-10 seconds until the oil dissolves the mascara, pencil and eye shadow. With light patting movements we remove the makeup in the direction from above (from the eyebrows) down (to the cheeks). We change the contaminated disk to a new one, repeating the procedure of wetting with water and oil.
  3. We cleanse the epidermis along the massage lines. Change cotton pads until they are clean. Only then can you be sure that you have cleaned your skin. Subsequent rinsing of the face with water is not required!

Girls with oily skin mistakenly believe that oils will make their oily skin even more oily. But this is a myth! On the contrary, oils qualitatively dissolve sebum and oxidized secretions in the pores. Pores become clean, “plugs” dissolve, black spots disappear. As a result, the pores are narrowed, and the secretion secretion is gradually normalized. Girls, use oils - you will be surprised at the result!

Morning treatments

In the morning, just rinsing your face with clean water is not enough. At night, our skin is energetically renewed, there are active metabolic processes, cleansing of toxins, the birth of new cells. Therefore, in the morning, all products of nightlife, such as dead cells, sebum, toxins, sweat, must be removed from the face. Whatever skin type you have, only water will not help. It is necessary to use cleaning agents.

All processes of regeneration (renewal) of skin structures and tissues occur from 23.00 to 4 in the morning, and then only if you really sleep. During night sleep, growth hormone is produced, which improves skin condition. It is in youth that the skin slowly reacts to a lack of sleep, but by the age of 30, every sleepless night is reflected on our face.

For dry skin, olive oil is perfect. The face will shine with freshness and youth! If for any reason you prefer factory products, then choose formulations for dry sensitive skin - they usually contain moisturizing and softening ingredients. As a rule, it is a cleansing cream or milk.

For oily and problematic skin, Tamanu oil is a good solution. In traditional medicine and cosmetology, it is used to treat skin with acne, since it has very high antibacterial properties. Tamanu copes well with sebum, stops the development of bacteria in the sebaceous ducts and controls the sebaceous glands.

Also, washing the oily and problem skin with clay gives a good effect, moreover, any clay is suitable for this.

How to wash with clay?

A simpler and more effective way to cleanse and narrow the pores is difficult and come up with! Clay perfectly mattifies the skin, brightens it, fights bacteria and nourishes it. You can read about the beneficial properties of clay in the article “What is the use of clay for the face.”

Pour dry clay into a convenient jar with a lid and put a small spoon inside the jar (for ease of use, take a disposable plastic and shorten it to the desired length). For one wash, half a spoon is enough.

Pour clay into the palm of your hand, add warm water in a thin stream, stir with your finger to the consistency of sour cream, rub the composition between the palms of your hands and wash with this solution. Try not to get clay particles in your eyes! Leave the clay on your face while brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Rinse with warm water.

For clay, instead of water, you can use lemon juice, an infusion of medicinal herbs, an infusion of green tea leaves. With problematic skin, peeling and frequent irritations, it is very effective to drop tea tree essential oil or lavender or any other in clay.

After a short period of time, you will see a very good result on the face: inflammations and pimples will gradually disappear - even there will be no trace! The skin on the face will become dull, the pores will gradually narrow, comedones (black dots) will disappear and the skin tone and color will noticeably even out.

It should also be borne in mind that frequent washing with clay of dry skin can dry it even more. You can not leave it on your face, but immediately rinse off. Since clay particles exfoliate dead epidermal cells, caution should be exercised with dry skin. Dry skin is already thinned. Consider this feature!

Evening treatments

In the evening facial cleansing   is very important for subsequent care. In the evening, we cleanse the skin of makeup, sebum, dead cells of the epidermis, dust, dirt, decay products of chemicals in the air on polluted streets, cigarette smoke, etc.

Active ingredients cleansing cream   enter into a chemical reaction with all of the above substances, pull them from the pores, dissolving. Then you wash off all this “compote” from the surface of the skin with water. Do not believe the simple recommendations of the manufacturers who write that it is enough to just remove the cleansing cream with a napkin. No, not enough! Only water!

In the evening facial cleansingshould be phased.

1. First, gently remove makeup from the eye area. Cleansers for the area around the eyes have a special formula, because the skin around the eyes is very soft, thin and dry. Liquid products are best suited - biphasic and lotions. After wetting the cotton pad, simply attach it to the eye. A good tool will dissolve eye makeup in seconds (any mascara, eye shadow, pencil or eyeliner).

If you do not use waterproof mascara and do not apply the mascara too thick, then the oil will do an excellent job of cleansing the eye area. Just put a moist cotton pad with oil on the eyelid and after 5-10 seconds, easily remove makeup. Although ... oils perfectly dissolve and waterproof mascara! Give it a try!

Remember the golden rule:never rub, do not stretch the skin in the eye area! In the eye region, the dermis is very thin, almost does not have subcutaneous fat, elastin fibers quickly lose their elasticity. That is why premature wrinkles first appear around the eyes. Cleansing procedures in this area should be very gentle: only light patting and soaking movements! The directions of movements on the upper eyelid are from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and under the eye, on the contrary, from the outer to the inner. You must abide by this rule strictly!

For the initial dissolution and removal of the carcass, a cotton pad soaked in lotion or oil, with a slight pressure, we move in the direction from the eyebrow to the supraspinal cavity.

Finish the procedure of cleansing the skin by toning it with melt or mineral or lemon acidified water, or an ice cube or a decoction of chamomile, sage, rose leaves, rose hips or a string.

Remember my advice:

Any cleansing cream   should be washed off with water of neutral temperature of 30-35 degrees.

We examined in detail the importance of cleansing the skin of the face and neck, and learned how to properly cleanse the skin of the face, and how to care for your face with scrubs and masks - in the next article!

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Love your skin and it will light up from the inside!

In the photo: in the new line “Black Pearl cleansing + care” there are products for both dry and sensitive, and for normal and combination skin

Proper skin care should begin with cleansing and toning using gel or cleansing foam, makeup remover milk, gentle scrub, micellar water and tonic.

Before buying an expensive face cream, you should think about how to clean and which line of products to choose to effectively remove makeup, hit dead cells and tone the skin without harming it.

Cleansing - the main and very first step in effective skin care

The beauty of the skin begins with cleansing and toning. And then immediately follow the steps of care: hydration and nutrition.

This scheme has been used for decades, but is it possible to change it and start skin care immediately - from the moment of cleansing?

In the summer of 2017, the experts of the Black Pearl brand present a real breakthrough in the purification category. Thanks to the accumulated experience and knowledge in the field of skin care, an innovative series of Black Pearl Cleansing + Care products has been developed, in which each product begins to care for the skin already at the stage of cleansing.

Now cleansing your face is not just clean skin. This is a mandatory first stage of effective care for her.

How do the funds from the new Black Pearl Cleansing + Care line work?

The formulas of each product in the Black Pearl Cleansing + Care series are 20% active serum. The formula with serum begins to work from the first second of use. Moreover, while the cleansing components effectively remove makeup and impurities and are washed off with the product, the serum care components can remain on the skin and act even after the product is completely washed off.

Among the active ingredients of the serum: hyaluronic acid, camellia extract and liquid collagen, are recognized by cosmetologists as effective caring ingredients necessary for any skin type.

As a result of studies of active serum for face care, a double effect was revealed: already at the stage of cleansing, skin turgor and moisture are increased, and the nutrition process begins. This care is not only effective, but also comfortable - no feeling of dryness and tightness, which often appear after ordinary washing and using products containing only cleansing components.

  On the photo: with the help of the new Black Pearl Cleansing + Care line, you can remove makeup and moisturize your skin

Since cleansing becomes a full-fledged stage of care - the general complex of care in combination with cream - gives a more significant effect, since it starts earlier and accumulates the effect of all stages: from cleansing to nutrition.

The results are visible visually and confirmed by research: the skin is not just clean, it is well-groomed and looks young.

Innovative products of the new Black Pearl Cleansing + Care series are available in two lines - for dry and sensitive skin, as well as for normal and combination skin. Both lines are suitable for mature skin.

All products from the new Black Pearl Cleansing + Care line are approved by dermatologists.

The Black Pearl Cleansing + Care line for dry and sensitive skin includes:,,, and.

The line “Black Pearl cleansing + care” for normal and combination skin includes:,, and.

Cleanses the skin without overdrying: moisturizes, improves its elasticity already at the stage of cleansing thanks to 20% active serum in the composition.

Gently caring for a feeling of comfort.


  • vitamin C;
  • liquid collagen;
  • camellia extract.


The product with a pleasant silky texture gently tones the skin and gives it comfort.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition it fills with freshness, moisturizes, nourishes and improves skin elasticity already at the stage of its cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • allantoin;
  • biosaccharide;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • gidrance;
  • liquid collagen;
  • alpha glucan oligosaccharide;
  • pro-vitamin B5;
  • exopolysaccharide;
  • camellia extract.


The skin must be moisturized with a tonic before applying the cream.

Tonic 4 times enhances the moisturizing effect of the cream. The tonic moisturizes the skin - it brings in a sufficient amount of water, and the cream binds and fixes moisture in the skin. The tonic needs to be used either by skin type or moisturizing - it is suitable for all skin types.

Gently removes even persistent makeup, cleanses and soothes the skin.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition, it moisturizes, nourishes and increases skin turgor already at the stage of skin cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • allantoin;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • shea butter (shea butter);
  • alpha glucan oligosaccharide;
  • camellia extract;
  • nasturtium extract.


It is necessary to clean the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Every day, our skin absorbs toxins that accumulate in the pores and lead to accelerated skin aging. Cleansing the skin 2 times a day helps to clear the skin of toxins, restore the normal functioning of cells and prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from a nourishing cream.

Perfectly removes even persistent makeup without causing irritation.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition, it cares for the delicate skin of the eyelids: moisturizes, nourishes and improves skin elasticity already at the stage of its cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • allantoin;
  • betaine (trimethyl glycine);
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • alpha glucan oligosaccharide;
  • undaria algae extract;
  • camellia extract;
  • chestnut extract.


Before washing - be sure to remove makeup with a special tool.

Makeup consists of fat-soluble substances and just like that cannot be removed with water. She stays on her face and clogs pores. Therefore, before washing - be sure to remove makeup with makeup removers.

Removes makeup - just a slight movement, soothes and cares from the first second.

This ultramodern microparticle micelle-based product not only cleanses the skin, but moisturizes, nourishes and makes it smoother already at the stage of cleansing thanks to 20% active serum in the composition.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • allantoin;
  • betaine (trimethyl glycine);
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin C;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • royal kelp;
  • camellia extract.


It is necessary to clean the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Every day, our skin absorbs toxins that accumulate in the pores and lead to accelerated skin aging. Cleansing the skin 2 times a day helps to clear the skin of toxins, restore the normal functioning of cells and prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from a nourishing cream.

Refreshes and mattifies the skin for 24 hours, deeply cleanses without dryness.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition, it moisturizes, promotes nutrition and increases skin turgor already at the stage of cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • betaine (trimethyl glycine);
  • vitamin C;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • retinol (active form of vitamin A);
  • camellia extract.


It is necessary to clean the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Every day, our skin absorbs toxins that accumulate in the pores and lead to accelerated skin aging. Cleansing the skin 2 times a day helps to clear the skin of toxins, restore the normal functioning of cells and prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from a nourishing cream.

Foam-mousse 2in1 cleanses the skin and perfectly removes makeup.

Thanks to 20% of active serum in the composition, it moisturizes and helps increase skin elasticity already at the stage of skin cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • vitamin C;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • retinol (active form of vitamin A);
  • camellia extract.


It is necessary to clean the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Every day, our skin absorbs toxins that accumulate in the pores and lead to accelerated skin aging. Cleansing the skin 2 times a day helps to clear the skin of toxins, restore the normal functioning of cells and prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from a nourishing cream.

Gently removes residual dirt, tones, gives freshness without a feeling of stickiness and tightness.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition, it moisturizes, nourishes and improves skin elasticity already at the stage of skin cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • aloe vera;
  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • gidrance;
  • liquid collagen;
  • alpha glucan oligosaccharide;
  • camellia extract;
  • larch sponge extract;
  • nasturtium extract.


It is necessary to clean the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Every day, our skin absorbs toxins that accumulate in the pores and lead to accelerated skin aging. Cleansing the skin 2 times a day helps to clear the skin of toxins, restore the normal functioning of cells and prepare the skin for the absorption of nutrients from a nourishing cream.

Without injuring the skin, it gently but effectively and deeply cleanses the pores. Gives the skin smoothness and softness, evens out.

Thanks to 20% active serum in the composition, it moisturizes, tones and improves skin elasticity already at the stage of skin cleansing.

As a result, skin care becomes more effective!


  • hyaluronic acid (hyaluron);
  • liquid collagen;
  • pro-vitamin B5;
  • camellia extract;
  • nasturtium extract.


Scrub or peeling should be used no more than 1 time per week, so as not to damage the skin.

Scrub and peeling should be applied only in the evening, helping the skin to renew and recover better during the night.

It is unacceptable to use these products in the morning, since in the daytime the skin should be protected as much as possible from the harmful effects of the environment.

Scrub is best used for younger skin (up to 40 years). Peeling for more mature skin (after 40 years).