How to remove bad breath from shoes. The best remedies for the smell of shoes - how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes? How to eliminate the terrible smells of alcohol, boric acid and other antiseptics

Many with prolonged wear of a pair of shoes find that it starts to smell unpleasant. Because of this, discomfort appears, since the socks absorb the smell, it becomes embarrassing to swell in crowded places and guests, to leave shoes somewhere.

This problem is typical not only for a worn pair, but also for brand new shoes. First of all, everyone is interested in how to get rid of this smell. To do this most effectively and not to return to the problem, you need to find out the cause.

Shoes start to smell bad for several reasons:

  • new shoes treated with low-quality dye or impregnation;
  • when worn or after severe wetting of the shoes, drying was not carried out, and therefore mold was formed;
  • the shoes are too closed, without ventilation holes, which creates a greenhouse effect inside;
  • low quality shoes, insoles, synthetic socks;
  • a person has excessive sweating of the feet or foot fungus, forming a favorable environment for the development of bacteria;
  • some unpleasantly smelling liquid was spilled inside, for example, a cat or other animal fulfilled a small need;
  • poor foot hygiene, dirty socks;
  • improper storage of shoes in the off season;
  • shoes are not removed throughout the day.

Ways to eliminate bad breath from new shoes

Almost any new pair of shoes has a specific flavor. This is due to the materials, dyes, glue, impregnations and substances used in the leather industry used in its creation.

It smells not only of leather and suede shoes, but also of fabric sneakers, sneakers and leatherette. The latter often has a pungent chemical smell.

Most pairs of shoes in the process of wearing quickly stop smelling badly, however, some substances are quite corrosive. To get rid of the smell, you can use several methods, depending on the complexity of the situation.

So, how to remove the smell from new shoes:

  • simple ventilation of shoes often helps; for this, the pair must be exposed to fresh air, for example, to a balcony or a loggia with an ajar window at night or for a day; in winter, cold air is especially good and fast;
  • if this does not help, you need to understand that it smells bad; if it is insoles, then you can wipe them with cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and leave to dry; if after drying, the insoles still have a pungent smell, you can gently wipe them with alcohol with a small amount of manganese, but this method can not be used on white shoes;
  • excellently repels harsh chemical aromas of vinegar; before wiping, you should first go over the insoles with a soapy solution, and then wipe with cotton wool soaked in vinegar; the shoes are left to dry and air in the air;
  • also in the fight against pungent odors will help substances with high adsorbing properties; they absorb odors and moisture well; it is ordinary baking soda and activated carbon; simply add a thin layer of soda to the insole and leave for several hours, then vacuum the steam; you need to be careful with coal, because it paints quite a lot; it can be used directly in tablets, after which it is worth wiping the insoles with a dry cloth;
  • you can also simply dry your shoes with an ultraviolet dryer to remove odor and kill bacteria.

Sweat odor elimination

All people sweat to varying degrees. For some people, nothing helps to cope with this problem, so the smell is inevitably transmitted to shoes.

If the shoes already smell, and the fight against sweating has just begun, to eliminate the unpleasant aroma of your favorite shoes, shoes or something else, it is simply necessary regardless of the successes in eliminating the root cause of its occurrence. It is quite easy to do this, but possible.

How to remove the unpleasant smell of sweat from shoes:

  • sneakers, sneakers, slippers and other soft shoes can simply be washed in a washing machine; when the steam dries, it is treated with a special deodorant for shoes at night and dried;
  • if it is winter or autumn shoes and insoles that can be removed, they can also be washed or replaced with new ones, and sprinkle the shoes or boots themselves with soda or talcum powder for several hours, then vacuum the fur;
  • shoes, slippers and other shoes in which the insole is fixed can be washed with soapy water and a sponge, and then dried thoroughly; if the smell does not go away, you can wipe the steam with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar, and then ventilate; peroxide disinfects, and vinegar removes odors, though it smells quite sharply.

How to eliminate the pungent smell of cat urine

Cat urine has a very pungent and persistent smell, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Especially if a cat or cat has met a small need inside a pair of shoes. In addressing the consequences of this incident, response speed is important.

In no case should you let the urine dry, because in this way the chances of getting rid of its smell are practically nullified.

If shoes are found to be wet and stinking due to the fault of the pet, immediate action is required. How to quickly remove the smell of cat urine from shoes:

Elimination of mold from shoes and the fight against its smell

Sometimes, due to wet shoes, molds can grow in it. Their smell is not as unpleasant as in the above examples, but when they occur, there is another danger.

As a rule, mold affects leather shoes. This threatens the rapid destruction of the material and the growth of mushrooms.

At the first appearance of mold, you need to immediately and thoroughly get rid of it.

How to remove the bad smell of mold from shoes:

Rules of foot hygiene and methods of getting rid of sweating

Despite careful daily shoe care, it can have an unpleasant smell due to sweating feet or other hygiene-related reasons. If the cause of the bad smell is poor care, dirty feet, or socks, then this is easy to fix.

You just need to start wearing clean pairs of socks and take more care of yourself. Sweating feet is a rather complicated problem. Here are some ways to get rid of her, or at least make life a little easier with her:

  • when choosing socks, preference should be given to natural materials, such as cotton, linen, bamboo;
  • shoes are better to wear breathable, synthetics and leatherette are not welcome;
  • it is best to wash your feet at least twice a day, change socks with the same frequency;
  • when washing, use a bactericidal or special soap, spray the feet with a special deodorant;
  • for drying at night, you can sprinkle the feet with talcum powder and put on a sock.

There are also several options for rinsing and bathing, helping to cope with excessive sweating feet:

  • using tannins contained in oak bark and tea; concentrated broth from oak bark is added to water, where clean feet are lowered; strong tea is also effective and used in a similar way;
  • adding vinegar to the water for rinsing the legs also has a positive effect; it kills bacteria and eliminates odor;
  • a solution of regular drinking soda also removes odor and helps get rid of sweating feet.

If all else fails, you should consult a doctor who will select the medication.

Also, the cause of unpleasant foot odor may be a foot fungus or nail plate. He is also treated with special means.

How to care for shoes

To avoid problems with the elimination of unpleasant odors, it is best to take preventative measures in advance. Timely care will not only leave the shoes clean, but will also help to keep its appearance in pristine condition for a long time. Here are some simple rules that you can follow to avoid problems with smells and the deterioration of any pair:

We hope that the article was useful, and you will once and for all get rid of the problem of bad-smelling shoes. Good luck

And a few more helpful tips are in the next video.

The unpleasant smell of shoes annoys so much that it is a shame to take off shoes with strangers? Find out how to fix it.

It is not necessary that the smell in shoes appears only in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene. It is enough to buy low-quality boots, once to read the legs, so that an unpleasant amber appears.

It makes a person feel uncomfortable, lowers his self-esteem, prevents communication with people (if only because the smell is felt not only by the one who wears shoes, but also by his relatives, friends, colleagues). The problem of unpleasant smell from shoes should not be left to chance. She needs an urgent solution.

How to get rid of the smell in suede and leather shoes?

Shoes can smell for various reasons:

  • it is made of synthetic materials
  • it is made of natural, but poorly processed materials, or in violation of technology
  • feet in shoes do not breathe
  • feet sweating excessively
  • feet affected by fungus
  • fungus wound up in shoes
  • cat marks shoes
  • the owner of the shoe neglects personal hygiene rules and / or does not properly care for it
  The main reason for the unpleasant smell in shoes is the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

Usually, cheap Chinese shoes literally stink, made of cheap leatherette and oilcloth, which is sold in markets and in subway passages.

If it is new, the smell is exuded by a synthetic lining, cheap glue, paint, etc. After such shoes or boots were shod just a few times, the “bouquet of aroma” is complemented by the smell of sweat and dampness. Here, in general, everything is clear, and a person initially knows what he is going to.

But it happens that a pair of genuine leather or suede, bought in a decent store, also smells specific. Most likely, it was made recently, and the smell of materials has not yet weathered. To neutralize it, you need:

  1. Ventilate the shoes, for example, take out for a day on the balcony
  2. Apply shoe deodorant. This product can be bought at a shoe store or household chemistry store.
  3. Wipe the shoe from the inside with hydrogen peroxide, vodka, vinegar or a solution of potassium permanganate
  4. Use absorbent. I absorb odors well, baking soda, crushed activated carbon (they put it only in shoes with dark insoles, as it gets dirty) or ordinary flour

IMPORTANT: In order not to wonder in the future how to get rid of the smell in suede and leather shoes, it is necessary to take care of it correctly from the first day.

This care includes the following:

  1. Even if the shoes are made from natural materials, but they are closed, you must wear socks
  2. Replace insoles periodically
  3. Do not forget to wash your feet
  4. If the feet are affected by a fungus, be sure to cure it.
  5. After each operation, the steam needs to be washed, cleaned and dried (preferably, with an ozonizer dryer)
  6. Good to ventilate shoes periodically
  7. Use shoe deodorants as needed

How to get rid of the smell in leather shoes?

Leather is a natural and hygienic material widely used in various industries. Shoes from it are considered the most high-quality and practical.

But it is very important how this shoe was made and how it was stored. It acquires a peculiar smell in the process of tanning. Plus, the skin has the ability to absorb odors, for example, during storage. This is smoke, perfumery, dampness.

If you find that the leather pair you’ve bought at the store smells, you can do the following:

  1. Dry clean the product. This decision is considered the most correct, since the use of folk remedies to remove odor can ruin the skin and make the shoes unusable. But it happens that professional cleaning costs almost as much as the shoe itself, or even more. Then the risk of using vinegar, potassium permanganate or alcohol can be considered justified
  2. Take out the shoes in the sun and fresh air. Sometimes this is enough for the skin to stop stinking. At the same time, shoes or boots made from it should not be exposed to direct sunlight: the skin may become thinner or even crack if it is thin
  3. Dry with a hairdryer. If leather shoes smell damp, this may help. The temperature of the supplied air should be minimal, keep the hair dryer away from shoes, boots or shoes at a distance of 50 cm
  4. Wrap shoes in crumpled newspaper sheets. This is a proven effective way, the newspaper absorbs water and odors very well. Products should be wrapped in newspaper sheets in several layers and placed in a box, left there for 2-3 days

How to get rid of the smell in shoes with folk remedies?

Usually, so that the shoe does not stink, they use such folk remedies:

  • perhydrol
  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • potassium permanganate
  • activated carbon
  • laundry soap
  • other

VIDEO: How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes. Life hack

How to get rid of the smell of a cat in shoes?

It is believed that cute and fluffy cats help people cope with stress. But the cocks themselves can provoke this stress if they are not cleanliness and go to the toilet anywhere.

Very often, instead of a tray, they use shoes, and then it is instantly saturated with the disgusting smell of their urine. Feline stinks stink even more unbearably.

The fact is that the urine of the cat has a special composition, which includes:

  • urea
  • uric (uric) acid
  • urochrome

Uric acid crystallizes quickly and literally eats into the porous materials from which shoes are made. This explains the difficulty in removing the cat smell.

IMPORTANT: Today there is an opportunity to buy special funds for the smell of cat urine: Odoron Gold Gold, Dezosan, Urina Off, Zusan, others

  Remedy for shoes: Urina Off.

There are also proven folk ways.

METHOD: Processing with potassium permanganate

The potassium permanganate solution perfectly eliminates the amber from the cat's urine, but it can stain the surface to be treated. It is used occasionally for processing shoes from the inside. You just need to wipe the inner surfaces of the shoes or shoes with a cotton pad moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

METHOD: Vinegar Treatment

But they can completely wipe a leather, suede or textile pair. 9% table vinegar is cut in half with water. In addition, cats do not like the smell of vinegar, and are unlikely to spoil the shoes they processed.

METHOD: Perhydrol treatment

Perhydrol well neutralizes any odors, including feline. But a potent substance can spoil the shoe. Before you process it completely with peroxide, it is recommended that you test on an invisible small area.

How to get rid of the smell of glue in shoes?

IMPORTANT: Besides the fact that shoe glue has a pungent odor, it can also be toxic. You should not buy shoes that initially smells strongly to them, especially if they are for children

But it so happens that during the purchase the smell was not noticed, and it appeared already at home. Then you can try to eliminate it with soda or laundry soap.

METHOD: Soda Processing

Soda is slightly diluted with water until the consistency of porridge. Gruel is applied to shoes inside and out (just do not do this with varnish products!).

METHOD: Soap solution treatment

So that the shoes do not smell of glue, it can be treated with a solution of laundry soap. Soap rubbed on a grater, 2 hours. Spoons are dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Wipe the shoes inside and out twice with a solution, then twice with clean water.

How to get rid of the smell of mold in shoes?

If the shoe smells of mold, the best solution would be to throw it away. After all, a fungus is not just an unaesthetic appearance and a musty raw aroma. It can seriously damage health.

But what if it's expensive or favorite shoes? It is necessary to fight with the smell itself, and with the cause of its appearance.

The strategy may be this:

  • shoes need to be washed and dried
  • insoles need replacing
  • moisten a cotton swab in ammonia and rub it well with shoes, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places and seams
  • pour salt into the shoes, leave for 24 hours
  • remove salt, re-treat with ammonia
  • apply shoe deodorant

After such events, the mold in the shoes should die, and the unpleasant smell should disappear.

How to quickly get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes?

Sweating feet and the smell of shoes is a vicious circle. On the one hand, shoes will exude amber if the legs sweat excessively. On the other hand, it is low-quality shoes that do not breathe, and is the cause of this excessive sweating.

IMPORTANT: Human sweat itself does not have an unpleasant odor. It is created by microbes that multiply in this sweat.

If it happened that smelly stench comes from sneakers or boots from leatherette, it is necessary to replace the insoles, use a deodorant for shoes or crush 10 tablets of activated carbon and pour half of the powder into each of the shoes, leave the charcoal in them for the night.

How to get rid of the smell of soda in shoes?

Soda not only absorbs an unpleasant odor, but also disinfects it. It is recommended for light shoes. You can pour soda directly on the insole, or in a linen bag or sock.

How to get rid of the smell of vinegar in shoes?

Vinegar has a pungent smell, so many people think that it simply interrupts the unpleasant odor. In fact, vinegar has antiseptic, antimicrobial and degreasing properties. And his own smell quickly disappears.

As described above, with vinegar, you can simply wipe the shoes inside and out. You can also moisten cotton swabs in it and leave them inside the shoes or boots for the night.

IMPORTANT: Still vinegar is sprayed onto the shoes from the spray bottle, then blot it with a napkin

VIDEO: Getting rid of the bad smell of shoes

Regardless of the time of year, some people are faced with a problem like the smell of sweat from shoes. You should not be upset ahead of time. There are many different ways to remove bad breath from shoes. In such a delicate matter, every effort should be made to resolve the problem. At the same time, you need to react faster before a more serious situation appears.

  Why the shoe smells bad

First you need to figure out why the shoes smell and where the bad aroma comes from:

  • model from a synthetic product;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • lack of special shoe care;
  • excessive sweating of the legs;
  • an excess of toxins in the body;
  • long wearing the model in the heat.

To completely avoid a specific smell, it is only possible to eliminate its cause. Only then can you wear your favorite model comfortably and without embarrassment.

  Folk remedies against bad breath from shoes

Options that effectively help how to remove the smell of sweat folk remedies:

  1. Peroxide from the smell in shoes - they need to wet a little cotton wool and wipe all the inner corners of the shoe, so the smell of sweat will disappear for a long time. This option is not suitable for every case. This applies to black shoes, as they may discolor.
  2. Acetic essence - they moisten a small piece of fleece with them and wipe the shoes from the inside, after which the shoes must be ventilated on the street. Vinegar can be used only 6 or 9%.
  3. Alcohol solution - they can be disinfected and eliminate traces of an unpleasant odor. Ammonia, vodka, potassium permanganate is best suited.
  4. Washing - thanks to this option, you can get rid of the smell of shoes. Be sure to dry your shoes thoroughly after washing, otherwise microbes will multiply in a humid environment.
  5. Freezing - thanks to this method, under the influence of subzero temperature, all bad bacteria are eliminated. However, it is not recommended to remove shoes from the odor freezer for the varnished model.
  6. Intended sprays - thanks to them they get rid of the bad smell of sweat, but only after eliminating their causes. Spray process the entire inside of the shoes.
  7. Absorbents - baking soda in shoes as well as activated charcoal, flour, all these substances help to absorb moisture and then remove the bad smell of the shoe. One of the selected funds should be poured into a clean sock and shoved inside the shoe, so leave it overnight.
  8. Drying + ionizer - thanks to this tool, which is available in the pharmacy, you can get rid of any bacteria, as well as fungus. This method will help for a long time to forget about the unpleasant odor.
  9. Tea tree oil from the smell in shoes also effectively helps. So that the shoes do not stink, you need to drip a couple of droplets on the insoles twice a week. The method will help not only to remove the stench, but also to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
  10. Boric acid from the smell in shoes, also talcum powder will help eliminate the problem. To do this, sprinkle with boric acid crystals or talcum powder inside the shoe. After a day, you will need to vacuum the residues. A great tool for a warm model. Insoles will naturally need to be washed with an antibacterial agent or household soap.

  How to remove chemical odor from new shoes

The chemical smell of shoes can be eliminated using any home method. For example, you can use soda, or vinegar with ammonia, an activated charcoal.

A tea bag in shoes against smell will also help to eliminate a problem situation. To do this, you need to dry the used tea bags and put them in shoes for a couple of days.

The same method is applicable if you want to remove the smell of Chinese shoes. For a new couple, it’s enough to just wait a while, but if there is no desire to wait, you can still use the freezing method. Shoes for a day are left in the cold if it is winter outside.

In summer weather, a freezer is perfect. Before you remove the shoes, they wrap it in a bag and tie it tightly. After freezing, it is necessary that the shoes are warmed up and then only put on. You can also use a washing machine or hydrogen peroxide in order to remove the smell from Chinese shoes.

It is also useful to know how to remove the smell of glue from new shoes. After the purchase, you need to immediately weather the new model on the street. Especially this procedure is effective in winter. However, if the smell of the shoes still remains, then peroxide should be used, with which you need to wipe the inside of the model. In a difficult case, potassium permanganate and alcohol are used together. If necessary, the session is repeated a couple of times.

  How to remove foot odor from often worn shoes

How to get rid of bad smell in your favorite shoes

In such a case, special insoles from smell with activated carbon will help us, which have become an excellent way out of a problem situation. It is advisable to use leather insoles, they are the longest worn. It is also necessary to replace the insoles in a timely manner so that no similar aromas appear in your shoes.

How to remove the smell of shoes in slippers

An effective remedy for the smell of shoes is eucalyptus oil. It breaks through any smell. They are also used for preventive purposes.

How to get rid of the smell of ballet shoes

Ballet flats made of fabric can be washed in a machine for delicate washing. They need to be placed in a special bag to avoid deformation. In no case do not turn on the push-up mode, the ballet shoes are dried naturally.

Suede ballet flats can be cleaned with ammonia or use the method, as for leather ballet flats.

Synthetic ballet shoes are wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a soapy economic solution, I also use detergent, but without any hobby.

  How to get rid of the smell of winter shoes

Firstly, winter shoes should be especially looked after. For example, before going outside, clean it with a wax-based cream. So that she does not get wet. Less fall into puddles and dirt. Coming home, fully open the boots and pull out the insoles.

Hygienically monthly pull out and dry the insoles on batteries. If possible, then purchase aromatized or antimicrobial insoles.

If shoes with fur stink, then in order to remove the smell, you can clean the inside with potassium permanganate, vinegar or alcohol. Then dry thoroughly in the air.

A great option is to have 2 pairs of shoes, while one pair is dried, the other can be worn. In this way, the shoes will be worn longer and stink less.

To get rid of the stink of winter or demi-season shoes, you need to use water-repellent agents for getting wet. If your feet sweat often or if you are exposed to rain, you can use the dedicated dryer with an ionizer. If there is no such device, then an ordinary newspaper is quite suitable. It must be crumpled and shoved inside the boot, while changing it hourly, until the boots are completely dry.

  How to get rid of the smell of mold in shoes

When storing shoes for a long time in a damp room, the smell of mold will naturally appear. To get rid of it, you need to thoroughly wash your shoes in soapy water, and clean the inside with a chlorine solution for disinfection.

Mix ammonia and vodka and wipe the inside of the product with it, and also process it from the outside. Do not leave the smell of mold anywhere. Then leave it to dry for several days. Replace with vinegar essence. In no case do not wear raw shoes, otherwise the fungus will go to the skin of the legs.

  How to remove smell from sneakers

So that the sneakers do not stink, having come home after the purchase, you need to treat them with peroxide or potassium permanganate. Thanks to these means, not only the unpleasant odor will disappear, but also disinfection will occur. Also in this business soda in sneakers helps a lot.

Designed deodorant to remove the smell of shoes will help eliminate the problem. It’s only worth carrying out the procedure at night so that insoles are dry by morning.

  How to remove the smell of rubber boots

To get rid of the stench of the rubber model, special adsorbents are used, that is, something that will help to really absorb excess moisture and stink in an active way. Baking soda for shoes is an excellent assistant in this matter.

If you notice that rubber shoes stink badly afterwards, you need to wash the boots from the inside. If the shoes stink inside, the army method is good for this. Inside, put the washing powder and with a toothbrush previously moistened in water, carefully clean it. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Also take into account the material from which the boots are made. If the material is high-quality and strong, then the option is quite acceptable.

  What to do in order not to smell shoes later

The reasons for the unpleasant smell of shoes we examined. However, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures. an attentive buyer will be interested in what kind of granules they put in new shoes. These granules are called silica gel. They are considered an excellent sorbent and absorb moisture well. Do not throw them away after buying a new pair.

If you spread the granules in a box with shoes, then excess moisture will be well absorbed, and new shoes will last for a long time. They also help eliminate the unpleasant odors of new shoes, or the smell of solvent, paint and other chemical odors.

Simple rules will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in shoes:

  • do not go in the same pair for whole days;
  • wash white socks with a special antibacterial agent;
  • walk less in rainy weather and fall into puddles;
  • for office use a spare version of shoes, convenient and comfortable;
  • often clean your feet with pumice to fix problems;
  • get a shoe dryer and dry your shoes every time;
  • if possible, acquire high-quality and leather shoes;
  • monitor your health.

If you take the necessary measures in a timely manner, then the new shoes will delight you for a long time.

The onset of summer brings not only quite obvious advantages in the form of a warm sun, blue sky and green grass, but also very unpleasant disadvantages. One of them is a terrible smell that can settle in some people's shoes.

The smell is the result of the growth of bacteria in a humid and hot environment, which is formed as a result of wearing tight and poorly ventilated shoes. Sometimes this is due to the individual characteristics of the body.

In any case, the unpleasant odor that disperses all your friends the moment you take off your shoes can be defeated. We will tell you how to do it.

Dry shoes

No bacteria can live in a dry environment, so take measures to thoroughly dry your shoes. Pull the laces and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on the battery or in direct sunlight.

Put your shoes in a plastic bag and then put it in the freezer overnight. The next morning, hold your shoes in the sun for best results. There is plenty of evidence that such a strategy works, as the bacteria undergo a double blow.

Put the zest of orange, grapefruit, lemon in shoes

Fresh citrus peel has a bright and lasting smell due to the essential oils contained in it. Put some peel on your shoes all night. In the morning she will smell much nicer. About the same effect can be achieved by dropping a few drops of lavender oil on the insoles.

Cloth shoes can be washed successfully in the washing machine. Put it in an old pillowcase or wash with a couple of towels, while not using too hot water and a centrifuge.

You can also use conditioner to give a pleasant smell and white vinegar, which will kill bacteria that cause odor. Drying shoes is better in the fresh air.

Make deodorizing powder

Mix three tablespoons of baking soda, one tablespoon of corn starch and five drops of tea tree oil. Treat the inside of the shoe with this compound and leave it overnight.

Such a powder is a powerful tool against bacteria and fungus, and also has the ability to absorb odors and antiseptic action.

Use newspapers or cat litter

Another way to get rid of excess moisture in shoes is to place crumpled newspapers or cat litter in them. They can absorb all the sweat and the smell accompanying it, after which they can simply be thrown away.

And if you have suffered misfortune and your sneakers won the competition for the title of the most smelly shoes in the city, then use several of these methods at once. For example, sprinkle them with deodorizing powder, fill them with newspapers, place in the refrigerator overnight, and then hold them under the first rays of the morning sun. Then your shoes will smell like lilies of the valley and honey gingerbread.

Before every person at least once in his life the question arose of how to get rid of the smell in shoes. Almost new shoes, for which a lot of money was spent, suddenly begin to exude a heavy spirit. And the point is not that their owner does not observe hygiene or does not care for shoes. It happens that bad smell comes from brand new shoes or sneakers.

Such a problem always causes a lot of inconvenience. After all, the smell emanating from the shoes is felt not only by its owner, but also by everyone around him. A person begins to be shy to take off his shoes at a party, as he is afraid to hit everyone with an unbearable aroma. For the same reason, it is inconvenient for him to change clothes in the pool or gym, to try on new shoes in the store.

The smell of shoes can and should be fought, and for this there are many different means and substances that are usually always available in the kitchen of an assiduous housewife.

To determine the appropriate methods for getting rid of the smell of sweat in shoes, you need to find out for what reasons it appears.

Most often, the appearance of a bad smell from shoes indicates a high sweating of the feet of their owner or the presence of fungal diseases. To permanently get rid of this problem, you need to daily monitor the cleanliness of the legs, wear cotton socks and use drugs that reduce sweating. With excessive sweating of the feet, you can use numerous recipes of alternative medicine.

Another important reason for the appearance of a heavy odor is improper shoe care. It is known that a humid and dirty environment is the most suitable place for the life of microorganisms and mold. If you properly care for your shoes every day, the problem will disappear on its own.

Shoes made from low-quality and synthetic materials can also smell bad, while still being completely new. When purchasing another pair of shoes, you need to ask what material they are sewn from, and in the presence of a specific smell, completely abandon the purchase. After all, footwear made of low-quality materials is dangerous not only because it smells bad, but also because of its ability to increase sweating and the development of fungal diseases of the foot.

How to get rid of the bad smell of shoes

It’s no secret that sweat does not smell. A heavy spirit appears as a result of the activity of bacteria that live and reproduce well in a warm and wet environment, while eating particles of sweat and dirt on the soles of the feet. The first step is not to create such ideal conditions for the life of microorganisms. But, if, nevertheless, the shoes began to smell unpleasant, you can eliminate this problem on your own. Here are some simple ways to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes.

Vodka or ammonia

To eliminate the stench from shoes, you can use alcohol-containing substances such as vodka, ethyl alcohol, ammonia. A cotton swab moistened with plenty of water in one of these liquids is used to treat the shoe inside, and then spray it onto the external surface. After drying, the shoes are aired. The smell disappears forever.

Green tea and coffee

Green tea bags can be used as a flavoring agent and as a sorbent if placed between the insole and the sole of the shoe for a while. Bag with tea absorbs an unpleasant odor and replaces it with its fragrance.

No less effective means is ground coffee. A certain amount of ground coffee is poured into the shoes, which mask the foul smell.

Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate

An ordinary solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide will help clean your favorite shoes from harmful microorganisms and get rid of stench. For disinfection, it is necessary to dissolve 2 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water, moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting solution and treat the inside of the shoe or shoe. Then repeat the treatment, but instead of potassium permanganate, use hydrogen peroxide, and it is not necessary to dilute it with water.

If it was not possible to destroy the smell, you can pour peroxide into the boot, wait until the bubble formation process is over, then pour the liquid from the shoe and set it to dry.

Coal is an indispensable substance for removing stench from shoes, especially if it has a dark color. The first step is to sew a couple of bags of loose thin material. Then crush the tablets or activated carbon plates into powder, pour them into the prepared bags and place them inside the previously dried boots for a day. If you don’t have time to mess around with making a sachet, you can simply pour the powder made of tablets into a boot or boot, and shake off the dust every other day.


If the unpleasant smell comes from recently purchased shoes or sneakers in which more than a dozen kilometers have been traveled, ordinary table vinegar will help to destroy it. With a piece of gauze soaked in vinegar, you need to wipe the shoes inside and out, and then take them out onto the street or balcony for ventilation.

Low temperature

An effective and inexpensive method of destroying the fetid spirit of shoes is to freeze it. It is enough to take out the boots with the shafts turned outward on the street on a frosty winter night, as by morning the extraneous smell will disappear without a trace. If it is not possible to leave the shoes on the street, an alternative way would be to put it in the freezer. Boots or shoes are packed in a waterproof bag and put in the freezer for several hours. It is only necessary to remember that if the shoe is made of genuine leather, then at low temperatures it will easily crack.


When the smell of shoes seems indestructible, you can pour ordinary table salt into the boot and leave it there for three days.

This easy-to-use and inexpensive tool should be given special attention. In every house where people who care about cleanliness live, there is. To eliminate the smell of shoes, this tool can be used in several ways.

  • Pour soda into the boot and hold there for at least 5 hours, then shake out the powder and wipe the shoes with a damp cloth.
  • Make a sachet with soda, that is, sew two small bags of thin fabric and fill them with soda powder. Soda bags should be placed on the front of the shoe. This method is especially effective for suede shoes, as the direct contact of suede with soda leads to cracking of the outer surface.
  • A simple and convenient way to care for shoes is to make scented soda balls. For their manufacture must be connected 1 tbsp. l soda, as much flour and white clay. Add a few drops of aromatic oil to the mixture and mold small balls, which, having placed in gauze bags, will need to be put inside the shoe for the night. This remedy can be used every day until the nasty smell disappears completely.

How to get rid of mold odor

If the shoe has been in a humid place for a long time, it will certainly have a smell of mold. To destroy it, you must do the following.

How to remove traces of cats from shoes

Cats are considered one of the most popular pets around the world. These charming fluffy creatures can relieve stress after a long working day and even alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases. Due to the positive emotions that cats and cats cause, and the owners suffer all their tricks. Whoever did not have to put his suspicious puddle there with his feet in slippers or boots.

It is quite difficult to get rid of the stench of cat urine, but you can still. Although you will have to be patient and make a lot of zeal so that the shoes do not spread a specific smell.

Very lucky if the cat marked the shoes sewn from a fabric, for example, or slippers. In this case, the problem is solved simply. It is necessary as soon as possible to wash the contaminated area with laundry soap and wash the product in the machine, if provided by the manufacturer of the shoes. Dry in the street.

Leather boots or shoes will have to tinker longer. First, shoes should be washed with soap and wiped dry. Then from all sides wipe with a gauze swab soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar or citric acid. Shoes disinfected in this way should be exposed to the street or balcony for a day. Usually, these measures are enough for the fetid odor to disappear. But, if the result does not satisfy, you can buy a special spray in the store and repeat the treatment using this drug. In addition, in order to rid your shoes of pet pranks in the future, you can treat it with Antigadin.

How to rid a new shoe of a specific smell

Buying another pair of shoes in the cabin, it is worth not only to look closely, but also to sniff. Noticing that the shoes exude a specific smell, it is better to abandon the purchase. The pungent odor from new shoes comes for several reasons. This may be improper packaging, and poor-quality materials and glue. If, nevertheless, the purchase took place, and only after that an unpleasant odor appeared, it can be easily eliminated on your own.

  • It is necessary to unfasten the zippers, undo the shoes and properly ventilate the product.
  • Under recommended to put on a bag of green tea. He absorbs a foul odor and leaves his bouquet.
  • Wipe the inside with vinegar.
  • To process new shoes from the smell, you can use soda, salt, activated carbon.

How to remove the smell of rubber

Rubber products or having rubber inserts usually always have an unpleasant specific smell. To remove it, you need to use absorbents, one of which is baking soda. Soda powder is poured into small cloth bags and lay inside a boot or boot for several hours. If the smell is not completely weathered, you can treat the product with hydrogen peroxide in the manner described above.

How to remove skin odor

Natural leather shoes are recognized as the most environmentally friendly and useful, so many people give it their preference. But not everyone likes the way the skin smells. You can get rid of a stable aroma on your own and without any special financial costs.

Shoes are stuffed with newspapers or unnecessary porous paper and locked for two days in a cardboard box. The newspaper perfectly absorbs moisture and odors.

How to remove the smell of shoes from a skin substitute

When purchasing shoes made of synthetic materials, one must be prepared for the fact that from time to time you will have to get rid of the fetid odor. After all, shoes from a skin substitute "do not breathe," which is the reason for increased sweating and an unpleasant smell of sweat. Only an integrated approach can solve the problem, namely competent shoe care, application and various odor elimination methods, previously described in the article.

Shoe odor prevention

In order not to raise the question of deducing the contrary, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Usually caustic odor is exuded by insoles made of synthetic material. They should be changed once a month. They perfectly cope with the problem of the smell of insoles with activated carbon filler.
  • Coming home, you need to thoroughly clean your shoes with a brush and soap solution, and then dry thoroughly. If shoes made of leather or suede are left moist and dirty, they can become moldy and exude a musty, ripe odor.

An excellent assistant for drying shoes can be a household electric dryer, the ultraviolet rays of which can cope not only with the smell, but also with bacteria.

  • In no case should you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, non-observance of which threatens not only the appearance, but also the development of foot hyperhidrosis.
  • During the autumn rains, before going outside, you should treat the shoes with a special agent that repels water.
  • Processing shoes with special deodorizing agents will help prevent the appearance of a nasty smell. And if combined, the effect will double. Currently, such products are in the form of sprays, sticks and tablets.
  • Sprays are convenient to use, allow you to process such places where it is difficult to penetrate other means. Protect shoes from the appearance of a heavy odor and prevent the spread of fungal diseases.
  • A pencil-shaped deodorant with a twisting core is called a stick. Using such a deodorant is less convenient, since when processing the inside of shoes or boots, it can break.
  • More recently, deodorant for shoes, available in the form of tablets, has appeared in sports stores. It is designed specifically for professional athletes and contains aromatic fragrances that quickly drown out the smell of sweat and mold. In addition, this tool has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • In order for your favorite shoes to serve as long as possible and not exude an unpleasant fetid spirit, it is necessary to properly care for products. You can always get rid of the smell with the help of folk remedies.

It happens that you have to get rid of new shoes because they began to exude an unpleasant odor. And the reason for the appearance is by no means a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Even new shoes or one that appears immediately after the first sock. If the shoes have an unpleasant smell inside, this is not a reason to throw away an almost new pair of shoes. It is only necessary to apply a remedy for the smell in shoes. There are many products on sale that can give the shoe a pleasant aroma.

The most effective odor remedies in shoes from a pharmacy

The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell in shoes is sweat. To get rid of the smell in shoes, you first need to get rid of excessive sweating in the legs. Usually for this, produced in the form of ointments, creams and sprays. Below are the most effective remedies for foot hyperhidrosis:

How to choose

In addition to medications, there are many other means with which you can get rid of the unpleasant smell in shoes. In order for a bad smell to disappear forever, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the cause of its appearance, and this, in most cases, sweat secretions. Therefore, for starters, it is necessary to purchase against foot hyperhidrosis, and then fight against the smell that has already wound up in boots. Often, to get rid of the smell that appeared in the shoes, it is enough to establish the correct storage of the shoes, and then, no one and nothing can spoil the shoes.

What to look for

Improper care and storage is another common reason for the appearance of a bad smell in boots. For the care and storage of shoes, there are several tricks and rules, observing which you can get rid of the unpleasant odor and prevent its occurrence in the future:

If it is not possible to use the dryer, there is no time or it is impossible to purchase, then you can use one trick. Put socks in the boots, covered with cat litter for several hours. The filler quickly absorbs moisture.

Modern remedies for the smell of shoes

In most shoe stores, in addition to shoes, they also sell care products. In addition to creams and ointments for the care of appearance, on the shelves you can see various products, sprays and powders, to eliminate the unpleasant smell of shoes. In the complex of means for eliminating the smell in shoes, deodorants for the feet are on the shelves. Deodorants are the modern, most popular and effective means of control. The principle of their action is to work ahead of the curve.

Almost all deodorants that can be found on store shelves contain antibacterial components and fragrances. Apply such funds not on the feet, but sprinkled directly into the boot and allowed to dry. This method of application is the safest, since the product, although it penetrates the skin, is not in such quantities as if the drug was applied to the legs.

In addition to deodorants, on sale you can find tools to eliminate the smell in shoes, produced in the form of tablets or pencils. Using them is easy. The pills are simply put in a boot and left there for several hours. After that, the shoes can be safely worn, the smell will disappear. The only drawback of such a tool is the high price, so instead of tablets, a pencil-shaped tool is often used. It is quite difficult to apply the active substance in this form, especially since the pencil crumbles and breaks.

Recently, deodorants-dehumidifiers have appeared in stores, which are two small bags that are put into shoes in the evening, and in the morning the shoes are already dry and smells good. Zeolite crumbs are in the bags - this is a substance that can absorb moisture and dirt, and also has an antibacterial effect. Along with deodorants, scavengers are used to combat odor. They represent the same bags, but only bamboo charcoal is used as a filler in them. They eliminate odor by absorbing it.

Folk remedies for the smell in shoes

You can remove an unpleasant odor with the help of folk remedies at home. To do this, use products that have an antimicrobial property and a strong odor. They fall asleep inside the shoe or wiped with a cotton swab. After the procedure, the shoes must be ventilated.

One of the most popular ways to remove odors is to rub the shoes inside with a swab dipped in vinegar. But such a remedy has one drawback - vinegar itself it doesn’t smell very nice, so instead of vinegar, it’s better to use alcohol or a decoction of St. John’s wort, a thousand people. It should be borne in mind that the decoction usually has a golden color and, if the shoes are white inside, the fabric may become stained.

In shoes, you can get rid of with bags of herbs. Instead of bags, you can use socks. Pour into bags, crushed castings of mint, St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile, valerian flowers. Tie and put all night in boots. They will not only dry well, but will also become fragrant. There are the following recommendations, adhering to which you can quickly get rid of the smell in shoes:

  • You can remove the smell with tablets of activated carbon or talc. 2-3 tablets of activated carbon are placed in each boot and left overnight.
  • On each insole you need to drip a few drops of lavender oil, ammonia or lemon juice. These substances have an antimicrobial effect and effectively eliminate a bad smell;
  • A simple tea bag helps get rid of bad smell and excess moisture. To make it simple, put one tea bag in the shoes and leave it overnight. Any tea bag will do;
  • In winter, smelling bad shoes, freeze, leaving on the balcony for the night. Frost will destroy the bacteria and the bad smell will pass. At other times of the year, the smell can be frozen in the freezer.