Concealer concealing scars on the face. How to get rid of scars and fresh and old scars on the hand, face, after cesarean section: remedies, tips, recipes. How to hide a scar, what is the best tattoo to make a scar: tips, photos. Ointments from scars and scars are the most effective

Scars, as is well known, adorn only a man. But women still need to zealously withhold them. There are many reasons for the origin of ugly scars. This can be traces of cuts or scratches, as well as the results of acne. The latter are found more often than everyone.

You will need

  • - soft wax for makeup;
  • - leveling base for makeup;
  • - liquid foundation;
  • - loose powder;
  • - corrector.

Instruction manual

1.   Depending on the size of the scar, a corrective agent should be preferred. If the scar is quite noticeable, then it will not work with it only with the help of decorative cosmetics. In this case, you will need a special soft wax used by make-up artists. Apply it on the scar so that the application border is not invisible. But it is not suitable for a long "sock", because with an increase in temperature it will easily flow. Such a product categorically does not fit for places on face   with energetic facial expressions.

2.   Small scars or traces of acne can be hidden with the support of a special leveling base. More often than not, it is made on the basis of silicone. Apply it all over your face on top of a moisturizer and coolly distribute. A little silicone base is required (a pea-sized number is enough for the whole face). Before applying makeup, wait a few minutes for the base to fall on your face.

3.   Masking scars will help liquid foundation with a dense coating. To do this, take a small amount of the product and apply it to the problem area with your finger or sponge, driving it into the skin. Blend the application line thoroughly. Fix foundation with loose powder. For a more dense coating, you may need to apply several layers of foundation. It is allowed to be replaced with cream powder. But it may not give the desired dense coating.

4. If tonal means do not cope, use special products made intentionally in order to hide flaws - proofreaders. Choose products with a dense, dry texture. Usually they are available in the form of solid lipstick or stick, which makes their use extremely comfortable. Apply the corrector with smears on the scar and carefully blend the application line. Lock on top with loose powder.

5.   For "color" scars, use the thesis of color correction. The scarlet color is neutralized by green, violet - yellow, and bluish - orange. But in its pure form, such a corrector rarely lays down safely even among experienced masters. And in order not to walk with colored spots on the face, you will need to mask the corrector itself. Consequently, a tonal foundation is neatly applied over it. In addition, choosing the correct color corrector is quite difficult. Tea in the package contains a “pure” color, the one that on the skin will look completely different.

Many small scars and scars become virtually inconspicuous over time. But what if the scar is huge or located on the visible part of the body. Apply masking with the support of cosmetics.

Instruction manual

1.   Choose cosmetics that include hydroquinone. This substance is used to whiten the skin and will help you get the best result. Natural cosmetics should include ingredients such as mulberry or bearberry extract or azelaic acid.

2.   Cleanse your skin first. If your skin is a little rough, use a scrub to exfoliate dead particles. After that, soften your skin using a moisturizing lotion or cream. Make sure to clean thoroughly, because it will help to achieve even makeup.

3.   If the scar is small but pigmented, use a tonal foundation for applying makeup. Treat skin irregularities with a special concealer. Just choose it observantly. The hue should be in harmony with the fundamental tone.

4.   Acne Leaves Not Only scarring   but scarlet color on the skin. In order to get rid of this drawback, use a concealer, one that has a slightly greenish tint. This will help you mask skin irregularities and redness.

5.   After applying the concealer, use powder. This will allow you to preserve the disguise throughout the day and prevent smearing of the concealer.

6. Applying special thick cosmetics to mask scars and scars. For convex scars, choose a shade slightly darker than the true color of your skin. And to mask the concave scars, respectively, the shade should be more clear. The tool should be applied in moderation. On the contrary, you will achieve the opposite result. The fact of camouflage will become invisible to others. Special silicone products help you hide acne cavities. After masking scars, do not forget to also apply loose powder or foundation.

7.   If you think that the scar is too evident on the skin and disfigure the appearance, consult a surgeon. They will solve your snag by dissecting the scar and applying a cosmetic suture. Even if the scar does not completely disappear, you will not have difficulty in disguising it. Small scarring   allowed to remove with peeling support.

Although they say that scars   adorn, this statement is extraordinary to the representatives of the powerful half of society. For a woman, on the contrary, a scar is a solid defect, one that spoils the appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience. What to do so that the ugly scar becomes inconspicuous?

Instruction manual

1.   Use a dry concealer. This is probably the best way to mask all sorts of skin imperfections, including, and scars   . Today, concealers with a good, faithful and long-lasting masking result are manufactured by many large cosmetic companies. Apply this tool is quite primitive. It is preferable to concealer with a dry texture, apply it with a brush at ease on the scar itself, and drive it into the skin along the edges. After this, the tool needs to be coolly shaded.

2.   Try using loose powder. Apply moisturizer or a special foundation cream to the area with a scar. After that, apply a little loose powder with a brush and also blend. Try to make sure that the border between the masked area and other areas of the skin is inconspicuous. By the way, the loose powder of those girls who have facial expressions exclusively saves scars   from acne. And liquid foundation and supercompact powder in this case help trash.

3.   Get a tattoo. This method is suitable for extraordinarily brave people who are not confused by the astonished eyes of others. Finally, you won’t get a tattoo on your face, but in cases where scars located on the arms, legs, shoulders, stomach, back or even the neck, this method sometimes becomes a real salvation. True, in this case, it is worth choosing a master and a studio extremely observant - tea to make a solid tattoo, which completely hides the scar, only a true specialist will be able to.

A colloid scar is a neoplasm that occurs as a result of the growth and increase of the connective tissue of the skin in the form of a tumor. It must be treated as permitted before. In this case, it is possible to greatly alleviate the condition of the patient and achieve complete recovery. The key to an effective result is timely and solid treatment.

Causes of the origin of colloidal scars

To this day, experts have failed to identify distinct reasons for the origin of colloidal scars, despite the fact that this problem has been studied in medicine for quite a long time. There are certain prerequisites that can affect the proliferation of skin tissue. Keloids are distinguished into secondary and primary (spontaneous) formations. Primary colloid scars can occur for no apparent reason. That is why they are often called spontaneous neoplasms. The causes of their origin can be chronic infectious diseases, pregnancy, adrenal hypofunction, hormonal disorders. Often the origin of primary colloid scars is combined with a predisposition to seborrhea. This happens in connection with their localization: chin, scapular region, earlobes, neck and décolleté. Secondary colloidal scars are the formation of various snags of the skin or post-traumatic complications. They often occur in women who suffer from cosmetic problems. In this regard, independent or unprofessional removal of warts is extremely unsafe.

Signs of the disease

To be sure that the formation of a truly colloidal scar on the surface of the skin, the main signs of proliferation should be considered. It should be noted that any, even slight, long-term reddening of the skin, which appeared after the injury, can be considered as a possible colloidal scar. If its growth is noticed, it is extremely unsafe. The main signs of the disease are considered to be: an increase in size, burning or itching, pain, violet-scarlet skin color over the scar. If you notice these signs, immediately consult a qualified expert. In no case is it impossible: to rub or massage the scar, visit saunas and baths, be exposed to direct clear rays for a long time, squeeze out all sorts of lesions in the affected area, independently burn out the colloidal scar.


Treatment of colloidal scars is a hefty difficult and long process. The patient should arm himself with patience. It is worth considering that, if you do not cure education to the end, after some time, growth can resume. The removal of colloidal scars, as usual, is performed by the method of laser and cryotherapy, by the surgical method.

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The opinion that scars can beautify a man has long sunk into oblivion. Scars that remain on the face after an injury or acne can cause a lot of discomfort, a person can be shy. The issue of how to get rid of scars and scars is especially relevant for girls who always want to be irresistible, impeccable and attract the attention of most members of the opposite sex.

Usually all scars are divided into:

  • keloid;
  • atrophic;
  • normotrophic;
  • and hypertrophic.

The most effective methods for their elimination are considered to be grinding with a laser beam, chemical peels, cryotherapy.

In the event that the scars are quite large or severe, surgical medicine may come to the rescue of beauty. It should be noted that most of the above methods are quite expensive, and treatment itself can be painful.

Ways to get rid of scars and scars at home

  1. To the rescue you will come a regular lemon, which must be used as a compress, leaving for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Aloe juice can also be applied locally by applying a cut leaf to the scar.
  3. A honey mask will help to quickly get rid of small defects on the skin if applied several times a day. Taken in equal proportions, honey and cinnamon are mixed and rubbed for a couple of minutes into the scar area. Completely remove the scar on the face, this method will not help, but for sure it will make it less noticeable.
  4. A regular massage using almond oil can also give an excellent visible effect.
  5. Fenugreek seeds are brewed with hot water and simmer for several minutes over low heat. The broth must be used every time you wash it, soon the scar mark will become less noticeable.
  6. It helps to lighten and make less noticeable the scar on the face juice made from fresh tomatoes.
  7. An ordinary banana, which must be kneaded with a fork and applied to a place with a scar, will give a very good effect.
  8. Sandalwood powder is bred with water or milk and infused for twelve hours. It must be applied locally to the area with a trace of the scar, left to dry completely and removed with cold water.
  9. An ordinary cucumber will help to make the scar less noticeable, which must be chopped on a grater or put cut plastic to the right place.
  10. An effective and simple mask for scars on the face is prepared from oatmeal, which must be mixed with cream and dripped with a little lemon juice. Apply for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

If the above methods did not give the desired effect, then laser scar removal will come to your rescue, which allows you to get an excellent effect of smooth and flawless skin in place of a former unaesthetic scar in one or more procedures.

Surgical removal will significantly help if the seam was previously done sloppy, an asymmetry or other serious defect has occurred. The scar can be excised and the surgeon will apply intradermal sutures. In especially severe cases, even a skin graft transplant is performed.

The essence of the effect of chemical peeling is to remove the upper layer of the skin with a gradual disposal of the defect. In some cases, a scar on the face can be eliminated by introducing some hormonal substances into it.

All such methods require prior consultation with a specialist in order to identify existing contraindications and individual characteristics of your body.

Each person's skin reacts differently to traumatic effects, for some, the healing process proceeds very quickly and without a trace, while for others it is quite slow. You need to try different treatment options and choose the method of dealing with ugly defects that is right for you and will provide an excellent result.

You might be wondering how to get rid of scratches on your face.

Be healthy!

If the traces of past injuries or inflammation are not so significant, you can try to get rid of scars on the face with the help of funds that are available in any apartment.

How to remove scars at home

It is believed that scars adorn a real man. Perhaps not all men will agree with this. But with the fact that scars and scars do not adorn women, perhaps everyone will agree. What to do? How to remove scars so that they do not cause inconvenience?

Scars can appear for a variety of reasons. These can be scars left after acne healing, or after surgery. And it may be as a result of injury or injury. Whatever the reason, it’s possible to remove scars from the face or body. Here are some basic tips.

  1. If the scar appeared after a wound or surgery, then the first action should be taken immediately. After removing the stitches, you need to start using creams for resorption of scar tissue as soon as possible. One of the most effective, at the moment, is Kontraktubeks cream. In many cases, the use of this one tool is enough.
  2. If after applying the course of the cream, the traces of the scar are still visible, then you can use the peeling procedure. During chemical peeling, special reagents are applied to the skin, as a result, the upper layer of the skin is removed. Thanks to this method, you can remove the scars on the arm or other part of the body.
  3. If the scar forms a dent or fossa on the surface of the skin, then special dermal fillers can be used to remove it. Beauticians usually use collagen or a special gel of hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin is leveled. But such a procedure will need to be repeated every few months.
  4. If you want to permanently get rid of unpleasant memories of a scar, then you can use laser therapy. This method helps to smooth out the scar from the surface of the skin, leaving almost no residue. To remove the scar with a laser, local anesthesia is more often used. Procedures may vary from one laser to another. There are those that remove the upper layers of the skin, giving it a more natural look. And then the scars disappear. Other lasers penetrate the lower layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production. Thus, you can get rid of scars from the inside.
  5. If the scar is very large or there are many, then you can resort to the surgical method of removing them. There are several such methods. For example, you can cut a scar and apply intradermal sutures. You can also do plastic surgery with changing the contours of the scar. Or cut a scar for the purpose of subsequent skin transplantation. There is a surgical method called expander dermatotension. It consists in the fact that in a place next to the scar a silicone bag (an expander) is sewn in, a physiological solution is introduced into it. As a result, the code stretches over the scar. After this, the sac is removed, the scar is excised, and the skin is tightened.

How to remove scars at home?

But can scars and scars really be removed only with the help of specialists in special clinics? Not. You can remove scars at home using the following guidelines.

  • lemon juice. It contains natural whitening substances that will make the scar less noticeable;
  • aloe juice. With small household cuts or to prevent acne scars, aloe should be applied to a fresh wound. The juice of this plant has regenerative properties, and heals the wound without scar formation;
  • honey. This natural remedy is a universal mask for scars. Honey can be applied to the scar several times a day;
  • home mask. If you mix a tablespoon of small oatmeal with one tablespoon of cream and add a couple of drops of lemon juice, you get a wonderful mask from scars. It must be applied to the skin for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Each organism has its own characteristics, and with different wounds, different scars appear, but now you know for sure that it is possible to get rid of scars. And, if someone asks you: is it possible to remove the scar on the face so that there are no traces left, you can confidently say: “Yes!”

How to remove old scars and scars at home?

Old scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; this can only be done using surgical methods. But there are several effective ways to smooth the skin and make the marks almost invisible. How to remove a scar at home? Specialized ointments and folk remedies will come to the rescue.

1 Types of Scars

Before you deal with skin imperfections, you need to determine the type of scar. For each of them, a different method is used. In medicine, the following types of scars are distinguished:

  1. Normotrophic - formed after small wounds, cuts and abrasions, look like a dark spot that brightens over time. Removing them is the easiest.
  2. Atrophic - small uneven grooves remaining after boils and acne. When healing due to a lack of connective tissue cells, a recess forms on the skin.
  3. Hypertrophic - such scars are formed with a large amount of connective tissue, a tubercle or groove is observed in the damaged area. Such scars usually occur after surgery.
  4. Keloid scars - in case of any wound from a burn or cut, a seal is formed that can change size, shape and color. These effects of wounds cannot be removed without consulting a doctor.

Only a specialist can determine the type of scar

Only a specialist can determine the type of scar. He will tell you how to remove facial scars at home and suggest the most effective ways.

If the scar appeared after surgery and wounds, you need to treat it with specialized creams as soon as possible, which ensure the resorption of scar tissue.

Doctors often recommend the cream Kontraktubeks, which copes with this task. If after this the scars remain clearly visible, peeling can be done. When performing the procedure, reagents are applied to the skin, which remove its upper layer. This method is ideal for removing scars that appear on the limbs and other parts of the body. If the scar looks like a dent or fossa, dermal fillers come to the rescue - they smooth the skin well, but the procedure needs to be performed once every few months. The most effective way to remove an old scar is laser therapy. There are several methods, some of which remove the upper layers of the skin, others penetrate deeper and activate the production of natural collagen. Thanks to this, the scars disappear forever.

3 Treatment

Removing scars at home is done in several ways. Therapy may include the use of cosmetics and special procedures with natural ingredients.


To eliminate chronic scars, pharmacy ointments and gels can be used. They are usually prescribed after surgery to prevent the formation of scar tissue. Such preparations contain components that reduce the height of the formation, change its color and make the scar invisible. Most often used for treatment:

You can glue the Mepiderm silicone patch on the scar area. It has a compression layer, which provides quick absorption of scar tissue and maintains the necessary level of humidity. It is preliminary recommended to apply an aqueous lotion to the affected area and dry it. Silicone patch does not cause irritation and does not disrupt cellular respiration. This tool is recommended to use after cesarean section. But for hands it is not practical, since frequent contact with water in this case is inevitable. External preparations can not be used in the presence of redness, herpetic eruptions, weeping eczema with crusts and blisters. In addition, you must first talk to your doctor. At home, the treatment of scars and scars with pharmacy ointments and creams quickly gives a positive result. But sometimes the problem can be solved only with the help of expensive salon techniques.

Mepiform patch

Folk remedies

For a long time, effective recipes of alternative medicine have been used to remove scars. But they must be used with caution, since such products have a strong effect on the skin. There are several options:

  1. Onion juice - contains unique enzymes that accelerate skin regeneration. You need to steam it in the scar area and grease with fresh juice, and at night make compresses made from baked onions. The treatment is quite lengthy - several months, but the result will be pleased.
  2. Mask of melon seeds - it must be applied every day to the scar area to smooth out scar tissue. To prepare the medicine, you should dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powdery state, add egg shells and olive oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the scar in the form of a compress. The procedure should be carried out for at least a month.
  3. Honey - rub into the damaged area up to three times a day. After a few months, the scars will turn pale and smooth.
  4. Essential oils - have regenerative and healing properties. Among the most common options are lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.
  5. Beeswax or paraffin - they make masks that can smooth the skin. You can also make a special ointment. To do this, heat the sunflower oil and melt the wax in it. Ready means to cool and grease them with scars for one to two months.
  6. Sofora ointment - chop the fruits, mix with melted goose fat and simmer over low heat for about an hour. Manipulate for five days, at intervals, keep the product in the refrigerator. After that, it can be used to treat problem areas.
  7. Cabbage compresses are another good option on how to get rid of scars at home. It is necessary to rinse several sheets, grind to a mushy state and add copper. Mix everything, put on a napkin, attach to a damaged place and secure with a bandage. This tool has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Camphor oil - moisten a linen napkin in it, apply to the scar, cover with cellophane and fix with a plaster. Keep the compress all night.
  9. Parsley broth - chop greens, pour boiling water and leave for twenty minutes. Then cool, pour into molds and freeze. Wipe the scars with ice cubes in the morning and evening for three consecutive months.

Proper wound care will prevent the formation of a large and ugly scar. To do this, it must always be kept clean - washed with water or a soapy solution, treated with disinfectants. To make the wound heal faster, it can be lubricated with petroleum jelly - it prevents drying out of tissues and their ugly scarring. A daily dressing change also ensures even healing. If the wound is surgical, that is, it has sutures, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations for caring for it. With frequent exposure to the sun, the scar should be lubricated with sunscreen.

There are many ways to remove scars at home. The specific choice depends on individual characteristics and financial capabilities. It is very important to carefully study all contraindications and consult a doctor. He will tell you the most effective means to solve the problem.

A scar is a damage to the skin of various types. It causes aesthetic and physical discomfort. To one degree or another, such defects are found in almost every person, but from this fact the owner of the flaw no less wants to hide it. It will not be superfluous to learn how to mask a scar that has appeared on the face or body with the help of modern cosmetic, medical and folk remedies, without unpleasant consequences for skin health.

Why is there a scar on the skin

In common parlance, a scar is called a scar. The main types:

  • Keloid. Overhanging red scars. Characteristic of burns. Keloid is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation, such areas are often accompanied by itching and pain. They are located on the neck, shoulders and in the nasolabial triangle. Removing the keloid scar is the most difficult, because it is impossible to predict its behavior and reaction to the drug. Doctors recommend starting treatment with anti-inflammatory and cytostatic ointments, such as glucocorticoids and statins.
  • Normotrophic. These are shallow, thin scars having a skin color or a paler shade. Normotrophic scars disappear on their own or are easily removed with the help of an average peeling.
  • Atrophic. Scars are located below the skin level. These include stretch marks, wounds after acne. This type of damage is repaired by plastic surgery, lipofilling, mesotherapy, body wrap, massages, ointments.
  • Hypertrophic. Scars are above skin level. Easily confused with keloid scars, but removed much easier. Hypertrophic scars often go away on their own and are easily corrected by pilling and specialized creams.

The causes of scars are many: wounds and cuts; acne and acne; burns; postoperative wounds and birth (with cesarean section), acquired as a result of past illnesses, after chickenpox. With any damage to the epidermis, there is a chance of scarring, the longer and deeper the skin is damaged, the more noticeable the defect.

How to hide a fresh scar

If the scar is fresh, creams and ointments to eliminate the defect, such as: Kontraktubeks; Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra; Dermatix and Dermatix Ultra; Kelo-cote; Mederma; Kelofibrase; Fermencol; Scarguard; Scar Esthetique; RejuvaSil.

Another effective and modern method is the use of silicone films, which squeeze the site of damage, moisturize the skin and prevent the growth of the scar. Cicatrix and Cicablock drugs.

With a slightly pronounced scar, it is completely possible to get by with “make-up”, use a foundation that will perfectly cope with the masking task. It is easy to choose a shade to match skin tone, the cream will help hide the scar on the face, other parts of the body, arms, legs or stomach.

It should be remembered that not all ointments and creams are equally useful, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the scar. Before applying any medication, you need to consult a doctor. It is important to use the drugs correctly, following the instructions, apply a thin layer and monitor the skin reaction. There is a high probability of exacerbation of the problem, in the form of proliferation, the appearance of redness, itching, irritation.

The question that worries parents is how to remove a scar from a child? When it comes to children, it is important not to harm the small body, parents must make all decisions on taking drugs with a specialist! Many modern scar removal methods are suitable for both adults and children. Specialized ointments are very effective if you need to mask a fresh scar on the face or body of the baby.

How to hide a scar that has long formed on the skin

It is difficult to mask old scars on the face, this process will require considerable expenses of time and money. But to hide the scars, even which formed long ago, is quite real! A relatively simple and harmless method is dermopigmentation (tattoo). It consists in the fact that the scar is chopped off with special dyes to match the surrounding skin. This method of masking is becoming popular, the procedure has a noticeable result.

If you need to hide the scar not so radically, you can resort to the help of cosmetics or to choose clothes that hide the defect: turtlenecks with a high neck, long dresses and skirts, long-sleeved shirts. If the scar is located on the head or forehead, a regular headdress will help to disguise it: a cap, hat, baseball cap, hat, panama hat. You can hide a scar on your wrist with a wristband or bracelet. And the scar after surgery on the thyroid gland - with a neck scarf or scarf.

How to mask a scar on your face

Step-by-step instructions for applying makeup in order to cover up a scar on the face:

Step 1. Before you begin to mask and close up the flaw, the skin of the face should be cleaned from dirt in the usual way. It is good to use a soft scrub to give the dermis smoothness.

Step 2. On the cleansed skin, apply a primer with pigments, it is able to paint over the damage and save makeup for the whole day.

Step 3. Helps mask any scars and scars on the face of the concealer! Apply it with pointed, patting movements directly on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe face.

Step 4. Remove excess concealer with a cotton pad and apply a foundation on a hidden scar. Preference should be given to creams with a dense texture, it is easier to gloss over the defect with them.

Step 5. Finally, emphasize the eyes, eyebrows and lips, using your usual makeup, so that they are eye-catching. You can fix makeup with light powder!

How to hide a scar folk remedies

Some of the most popular folk remedies in the fight against scars, at home:

  • Pea flour. Mix flour with warm milk until a creamy consistency is obtained. Cover up problem areas. The exposure time is up to one hour.
  • Cabbage leaf. Finely chop a few cabbage leaves and add a spoonful of honey to them. Apply the mixture for several hours.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. Ointment mixed with honey and alcohol, in equal proportions and spread on a leaf of cabbage. Put the resulting mixture on the damaged area for 30 minutes. Secure with a bandage if necessary.
  • Coffee. Ground coffee scrub is a great way to renew skin cells and make the wound less visible!
  • Bananas Crush the banana, spread the gruel on the scar for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Whatever method of removal and masking of the scar you choose, do not forget that you can not apply the drugs: on open wounds, on the skin with the presence of a purulent process, with allergic reactions, on scars in the immediate vicinity of the mucous membranes.

And remember - what distinguishes us from others is our uniqueness! Do not rush to get rid of your differences and do not be afraid to remain yourself!

How to get rid of scars at home: a review of effective methods

Scars are traces of damage to the skin. They can appear as a result of burns, wounds, severe acne, operations, improperly performed cosmetic procedures, cuts, wounds, injuries from an accident. Scars deliver psychological and physical discomfort to their owners. Today, many methods and folk methods have been developed how to get rid of scars at home.

Is it possible to reduce scars at home

A scar mark is formed at the final stage of healing of the skin. Appearance depends on the size of the damage, its depth. There are several varieties:

  • atrophic - deep, loose, formed due to multiple wounds and post-hoc;
  • keloid - rise above healthy tissue and has the ability to grow;
  • post-burn - wrinkled, tightened with blurry contracture;
  • hypertrophic - convex, but lighter and smoother than keloid, do not grow.
  • striae - immersed inward and may eventually disappear forever.

Complete removal of scars at home is not possible, but they can be lightened, smoothed and made as invisible as possible. Most prescriptions and pharmacy products work only on fresh and small scar formations. Large traces of accidents, operations and other injuries can be masked or removed only using professional correction techniques.

Pharmacy products

To remove a defect on the skin or reduce its size will help medications, whose action is aimed at accelerating the regenerative process in damaged tissue and improving its structure and appearance. These funds are presented in the form of creams and ointments.

Popular medicines:

  • Dermatics. A colorless gel consisting of polysiloxane compounds. Indicated for the treatment of various diseases and scars. It has no harmful effect on the body, works in the surface layers of the skin.
  • Skarguard. The effectiveness of the cream is determined by the content of beneficial vitamins in the composition and silicone texture. Under the influence of the remedy, the scar can disappear completely, but the therapy should be long and regular.
  • Mirralgin. Created based on essential oils and herbs. This vegetable ointment eliminates traces that a cut, burn, frostbite leaves.
  • Zeraderm Ultra. Silicone-based cream with vitamin complexes. The composition accelerates the regenerative processes and promotes the rapid removal of scars on the body and face.
  • Mederma. An effective drug consisting of xanthan gum, allantoin, sorbic acid and other active substances. Designed to fight stretch marks after pregnancy and scars. Smoothes out convex formations, evens out hollow gaps, increases the elasticity of the skin, and restores color.
  • Clearwin. For the manufacture of Indian herbs are used. A natural remedy eliminates many dermatological problems.
  • Fermenkol. Gel against scars. Differs in simplicity of application. It helps to quickly get a positive result, eliminates striae and scars of various types.
  • Rescuer. Inexpensive cured ointment to accelerate regeneration.
  • Contractubex. Acts due to onion extract. It is recommended for use with various injuries of the skin and to eliminate complications and consequences. Reduces the inflammatory process, relieves swelling, evens out scar tissue, quickly heals, and brightens.
  • Skinoren. The main ingredient is azelaic acid, which removes excess melanin and makes the scar lighter. It can be applied to the forehead or the entire face. Eliminates traces of acne, insect bites, post-acne rash, and dimples that chickenpox leaves and other dermatological diseases. Helps cleanse the skin by acting on every pimple. The problem of blackheads is completely solved.

All drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. They are safe for independent use, they contain natural components.

Beauty treatments

Elimination of scar formation is a complex and lengthy process. Before you start a fight against him, you need to determine what type he belongs to.

Treatment of normotrophic and atrophic defects can be carried out using cosmetic methods and folk remedies. Chemical peeling and filling with a hyaluronic filler to make up for tissue deficiency is considered effective.

Hypertrophic scars can be removed in two ways: surgery and laser. If the track is large, old and deep, it is better to entrust the surgeon. If the wound is recent and has a shallow depth, laser resurfacing of the scars is used. The laser vaporizes the top layer and causes the atrophied skin to be replaced with a new, healthy one.

Keloid scars are more difficult to treat. To stop from overgrowing, it is necessary to make injections with hormonal drugs, electrophoresis. Radiation therapy and cryotherapy are indicated.

For postoperable traces, a mechanical correction method, microdermabrasion, is effective. It helps to polish any convex scar, suture, even it with surrounding tissues.

The choice of methodology is carried out by a cosmetologist or dermatologist after assessing the condition of the defect.

Folk remedies

You can remove traces of cuts, burns and bleach dark scars on your own using products of natural origin. Home care can also be used in combination with professional correction methods.

No. 1 Apply apple cider vinegar to a cotton pad or gauze and apply to the scar for 10-15 minutes. The folk peeling recipe is applied three times a week. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

No. 2 Every day, morning and evening, lubricate the affected area with cocoa butter. The product regenerates, fills with moisture and evens out.

No. 3 To whiten dark spots and remove the scar at home will help a mixture of 1 tbsp. olive oil and 5 cap. lavender oil. Rub into a scar 2 times a day.

No. 4 To remove imperfections will help 1 tab. mummy dissolved in water and combined with a small amount of baby cream. Effectively apply twice daily after a shower.

No. 5 You can grind damage at home. Use a stiff brush and ground coffee. Rub the place vigorously for 10 minutes. After massage, apply panthenol cream.

Before using traditional medicine formulations, apply the finished mixture to an inconspicuous place (arm or leg at the fold, wrist, knee) to check the reaction. If active redness is observed, reduce the concentration or replace the prescription.

Rules for the treatment of scars at home

Treatment or bleaching of scars at home should include a complex. The use of medications is recommended. The following rules must also be observed:

  • Daily massage the damaged area for 5 minutes in order to exclude the formation of fibrous tissue. For massage use oils and gels with silicone.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet, the injury heals longer and may darken, protect with sunscreen.
  • Scrub regularly to exfoliate dead cells and improve scar elasticity.


After injury, a prerequisite for successful healing is proper care.

  1. Be sure to keep the wound clean so that the infection does not deepen the scar. If dirt gets in, you can clean it with antiseptics and clean dressings.
  2. Avoid sunlight, scalding and cooling fluids and objects.
  3. Treat with anticorrosive agents.
  4. Increase the amount of protein, zinc and vitamins in the diet.

To lighten a scar or smooth it, it is necessary to take a set of measures, starting from the moment of injury. It is easier to get rid of the trace when the wound was small and quickly healed than from a deep defeat. When choosing methods, take into account the opinion of the attending physician and positive or negative experience, photos of the results of people who have tried different recipes on themselves. The treatment is long, it takes up to several months. To achieve the maximum possible effect, it is necessary to devote time daily to procedures.

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How to make a scar after cesarean almost invisible

Every 28 out of 100 births in our country are performed using a caesarean section. Of course, the main thing is the health of the crumbs, and not the way it was born. And yet, many future and newly minted mothers are worried about the scar after the operation. We’ll reassure: this cosmetic defect is not at all terrible, but to make it almost imperceptible is real!

You are not alone!

Just think: more than a third of children in civilized countries are born "directly from the stomach." It seems to you that the seam will be noticeable, but ask yourself: how often do you see abdominal scars in the pool and on the beach? Most likely, never, but women after COP are literally everywhere.

The secret is obvious: the cosmetic seam is below the bikini line and perfectly closes with a swimsuit and underwear. But there is a way to make the scar almost invisible and without a swimsuit.

What awaits you and what to do?

After removing the stitches and leaving home, the scar that has not yet healed inspires horror. Swollen, pink, red or even blue - will it really stay that way forever? Fortunately not. Now the scar has only the first stage of life: saturated color is a lot of small blood vessels.

How a scar will form depends on the characteristics of our skin: its color and elasticity. But you can still help nature. Here are some tips doctors give:

  • Regular seam processing   after childbirth until complete healing. Miramistin, chlorhexidine, cauterized mushrooms and air baths will help to avoid inflammation.
  • Proper nutrition.   Even in the diet of a nursing mother there is room for creativity: make sure that there are protein and fats in the diet, add sesame, olive and linseed oil.
  • The first 1.5 months - minimum load. By lifting weights, shaking the press and hanging the laundry, it is easy to stretch or damage the seam.
  • Gently massage the area around the seam.   You can start it no earlier than after 6 months.

And so that the scar heals properly and becomes almost invisible as a result, you need to start using special tools to treat scars as soon as the sutures are removed.

For example, the Contractubex for scars treatment, which is presented in Russia in the form of a gel and a patch, has perfectly proven itself. As a result of the use of Kontraktubeks, itching, burning and swelling gradually disappear, and the color becomes paler.

In a few months, the scar will look a little like its original version. If the scarring was correct and the treatment started on time, the scar will turn into a smooth white almost imperceptible strip.

Decisive measures for chronic scar

But if after birth more than 2 years have passed, before that you did not treat the scar and decided to do it now, then the scar can be corrected by restarting the scarring process. To do this, you can refer to various procedures. Among them:

  • physiotherapy,
  • laser resurfacing
  • chemical peeling,

Kontraktubeks gel, which is applied to the scar itself as part of a combined treatment with procedures, can help avoid the re-formation of excessive scar tissue.

Still, it’s better not to bring old scars that are more difficult to correct. Starting treatment on time and regularly, you can achieve a neat and invisible seam for life.

More information on scar treatment on

There are contraindications. You must read the instructions for use.

How to make a postoperative scar inconspicuous? Removal and treatment

Often, when patients with serious illnesses are offered a choice between conservative and surgical treatment, they choose the first option. The paradox is that such a decision can be made even if the operation is simple and almost complete guarantees are given for its successful implementation. Why are people so afraid of surgery? One of the most common causes identified in anonymous surveys is postoperative scar. Indeed, a successful operation will be forgotten over time, as well as initial health problems, and an ugly scar will remain on the body for life. Is it possible to remove it?

How do scars appear?

  Surely all the people who underwent surgery or sutured deep stab wounds, noticed that after suturing, more visible scars remained than from ordinary (albeit even deep) cuts. And yet, the most noticeable scars remain after the incisions for operations on the internal organs. So why do these scars appear and what are they made of?

When healing deep wounds in the damaged area, connective tissue grows and accumulates. It is from it that the postoperative scar is made that is visible to the naked eye. An interesting fact: experts recommend evaluating the type and appearance of the scar no earlier than a year after the surgery. At this time, the scar is considered ripe and you can decide whether it is necessary to improve its appearance and in what way it is best done.

Varieties of Scars

Before talking about the removal of the scars remaining after the operation, you should understand what they can be. If the patient has no whitish or flesh-colored stripes in memory of the surgical intervention, we can say with confidence that these are normotrophic scars. Usually the question of their removal is not even raised, since such scars are almost invisible, and over the years they can hardly be discerned at all.

Atrophic scars cause much more anxiety, visually they resemble stretch marks, striae. Such scars look flabby, and usually they are as if pressed into the skin. Hypertrophic scars are pink and protrude on the surface of the epidermis. The skin around them usually looks damaged. But there is good news: such scars can suddenly change their appearance within two years after formation.

A keloid postoperative scar is not a sight for the faint of heart. It usually forms if tissue regeneration proceeds with some problems and complications. The features of such a scar are an unusual shape and bright pink or violet-cyanotic color. The scar is very tight to the touch, and its surface is smooth. The scar may be at the skin level or protrude slightly.

When treatment is urgently needed: what is a ligature fistula of a postoperative scar?

The final stage of any surgical operation is suturing. Often, a ligature is used for this - a special thread that performs the ligation of blood vessels. With normal healing of the suture, no problems and complications are observed. If infection was introduced during suturing, granuloma of the postoperative scar and ligature fistula may form. This pathology is considered a complication of the surgery.

Ligature fistula is called inflammation at the site of wound suturing with a ligature. Granuloma, on the other hand, is a densification in a given area, consisting of a thread and a cluster of cells of various types. In fact, we are talking about suppuration of the suture caused by non-compliance with sanitary standards at the end of the operation and the non-sterility of the thread itself. If there is a suspicion that a fistula of the postoperative scar has formed, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital.

Symptoms of this pathology are quite bright. This is the appearance of seals on the seam and in close proximity to it, redness and swelling of the tissues. Often, there may also be discharge of pus from the wound, inflammation and an increase in the patient's body temperature to 39 degrees. If at least some of the listed symptoms are observed, it is impossible to postpone the visit to the doctor. Remember that the ligature fistula can always lead to the development of an abscess and death.

The main thing is proper healing

  A good surgeon will tell you about the rules for caring for a fresh scar immediately upon discharge from the hospital. Today, there are many medications that can stimulate the process of proper tissue regeneration and resorption of the scar. Most often, they are produced in the form of ointments, for example, “Kontraktubeks”, “Mederma”, “Pyrogenal” and “Dermatics”. Almost all of these funds can be used immediately after scar formation. It is important to apply the ointment regularly and follow the instructions for use. Often such superficial medication gives incredible results. Scars become almost invisible and literally dissolve before our eyes.

What do beauty salons offer us?

  Patients who want to get rid of postoperative scars regularly come to esthetic medicine clinics and beauty parlors. One of the most gentle methods is mechanical grinding and micro grinding. You can go through this procedure no earlier than six months after the appearance of the scar. It is important to understand that this method will only have results if the scar is small and not too deep. For example, grinding is excellent for removing traces of careless extrusion of acne.

If you are worried about a postoperative scar not too large, you should think about a cryodestruction procedure. It is about treating connective tissue cells with liquid nitrogen. The same method allows you to get rid of warts and papillomas. After cryodestruction, the treated tissues die naturally and after a while they are replaced by healthy skin cells.

Laser removal

The laser has long been successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. The advantages of such devices are many. The laser beam acts on a selected area of \u200b\u200btissue in a point and non-contact manner. Today, however, laser procedures to remove scars give only a cosmetic effect. Even the most modern devices can not destroy the scar tissue. But you can make a scar much lighter and more accurate. However, be prepared for the fact that you have to go through a whole course of procedures, and this treatment option is not recommended for all types of scars.

Plastic surgery

  Surgery is considered the most radical and most effective way to improve the appearance and treatment option for many diseases today. If the scar is too large and noticeable, and more than 2 years have passed since its formation, it makes sense to think about plastic surgery. Depending on the type of scar and its size / location, the doctor will suggest the most effective option.

How to remove a postoperative scar if it is large and located on the visible part of the body? In this case, the doctor may suggest the option of excising the connective tissue and applying a cosmetic subcutaneous suture to the incision site. If the scar is large and very deep, and also characterized by flabbiness, it can be removed by cutting it out completely. After the operation, the skin surface will not look as perfect as in the previous version, but positive changes will certainly become noticeable.

Postoperative scars: before and after photos. Should scars be treated?

  It is worth noting that the treatment of scars remaining after operations is not an expensive pleasure. Even the simplest healing ointments are sometimes quite expensive, let alone plastic surgery and salon methods. In addition, the treatment of postoperative scars will never help to forget about them completely. Usually, even with complex therapy, traces of scars remain. If you decide to join the struggle for the beauty of your skin, remember: it is impossible to completely remove the scar from surgery today without a trace. So is it worth trying to cure it and make it less noticeable? This is a personal question, it all depends on how inconvenient the scar owner is and how often he thinks about this peculiarity. If the scar prevents you from enjoying life and being happy, it is definitely worth trying to get rid of it.

You will need

  • - soft wax for makeup;
  • - leveling base for makeup;
  • - liquid foundation;
  • - loose powder;
  • - corrector.

Instruction manual

Depending on the size of the scar, a corrective agent should be chosen. If the scar is quite noticeable, then to cope with it only with the help of decorative cosmetics will not work. In this case, you will need a special soft wax used by make-up artists. Apply it on the scar so that the application border is not visible. But it is not suitable for a long “sock”, as it will simply flow when the temperature rises. Such a product is categorically not suitable for places on face   with active facial expressions.

Small scars or traces of acne can be hidden using a special leveling base. Most often it is made on the basis of silicone. Apply it all over your face on top of a moisturizer and spread it well. There is very little silicone base required (a pea-sized amount is enough for the whole face). Before applying makeup, wait a few minutes for the base to rest on your face.

Masking scars will help liquid foundation with a dense coating. To do this, take a small amount of the product and apply it to the problem area with your finger or sponge, driving it into the skin. Blend the application boundary thoroughly. Fix foundation with loose powder. For a more dense coating, you may need to apply several layers of foundation. It can be replaced with cream powder. But it may not give the necessary dense coating.

If tonal means can not cope, use special products created specifically to hide flaws - proofreaders. Choose products with a dense, dry texture. Usually they are available in the form of solid lipstick or stick, which makes them especially convenient. Apply the corrector with smears on the scar and thoroughly blend the application border. Lock on top with loose powder.

For “color” scars, use the principles of color correction. Red is neutralized by green, violet is yellow, and bluish is orange. But in its pure form, such a corrector rarely lays successfully even among experienced masters. And in order not to go with colored spots, you will need to mask the corrector itself. Therefore, a tonal foundation is carefully applied on top of it. In addition, choosing the right color corrector is quite difficult. After all, the package contains a “pure” color, which on the skin will look completely different.

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  • mask the scar

If the scar does not look like a convex scar, but rather a fossa, you can try to smooth it out using special dermal fillers. The cosmetic prompt is necessary in each case. Beauticians usually use hyaluronic acid gel or collagen. They align the skin well, its smoother. But the effect of such fillers is temporary. After a few months, they need to be pumped into the skin again.

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Within 3-4 weeks after the scar removal procedure, you need to protect your face from direct sunlight.


  • get rid of scars on the face

Scars on the face do not adorn anyone, especially a woman. However, scars can appear on the skin after injuries, operations, diseases. Scars can be removed in various ways, but they will not disappear at all, they will only become less noticeable. How to deal with such defects on the face?

Instruction manual

Laser scars also remove large scars. The method is based on the penetration of the laser beam deep into the scar and the destruction of overgrown tissue. After laser correction, the vessels are glued together, and nutrition does not enter the scar tissue, and the skin becomes smoother.

Microdermabrasion consists in polishing the upper layer of the skin. It helps to cope with convex scars that are shallow. This method also helps to get rid of acne. However, it is not suitable for those with very sensitive skin.

Expander dermatotension
This method removes extensive scars. It is held in two. First, an expander (silicone bag) is sewn under the skin near the scar, into which a solution is added to stretch the skin. Then the pouch is removed, a scar is cut out and healthy skin is tightened.

Cortisone injection
With overgrown and convex scars, cortisone injections are used. The scar becomes flat and less noticeable.

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Chemical peeling, which exfoliates dead skin cells and stimulates the processes of regeneration of the deep layer, is suitable for atrophic scars.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, exposure to cold and hormonal injections can be used to remove keloid scars.

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  • facial scars

If funds allow, try reducing the scar with professional methods, such as laser therapy. During the first two weeks, a tumor and redness may form on the site of the scar, and only a small dark spot will remain from it.

Use rosehip oil, which has a strong regenerative effect and will help you reduce the size of the scar.

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Scars and scars can disfigure the body if they are in a conspicuous place that cannot be covered with clothing. You can get rid of skin defects using modern methods as well as folk remedies.

The article will tell you about how to care for wounds and scars so that there are no ugly scars on the body.

How to get rid of scars and fresh and old scars on the hand, face, nose, lip, cheek, after cesarean, acne: the most effective ointments and how to use them

Any scar gives unpleasant sensations and impressions and it does not matter at all why it appeared on the body. Small skin excisions or deep purple-red scars are always noticeable and, if not cool, spoil the appearance. There are a lot of ways to deal with scars: cosmetic, professional, homemade.

What are scars and how do they look?

Consider the main ones:

  • Acne scars.These small scars have a reddish hue, they look like spots, pits (craters) and tubercles, appear in those places where a purulent pimple was previously inflamed.
  • Scar after surgery.It always stays on the skin as a consequence of surgery. May have a different localization. A fresh scar has bluish and reddish hues, an old scar is white. It is also worth noting that the postoperative scar that healed in a calm state (the human body did not have loads) becomes more beautiful and even with skin tone.
  • Scars after injuries.Appear due to injuries, damage to the skin and soft tissues: bruises, cuts.
  • Postpartum scars.Appear on the woman’s body in the abdomen as it increases. Such scars are also called "stretch marks." The depth of such scars depends on the size of the abdomen, the complexion of the woman, skin care.

How to choose the method of treatment and removal of scar, scar?

Types of scars and treatment:

  • Normotrophic scars.The most “light” type of scars, in terms of their treatment. It differs in that it is on a par with the skin. As a rule, such scars require only cosmetic treatment.
  • Hypertrophic.   Such scars protrude above the skin. The treatment is to reduce the size of the scar and lighten it.
  • Atrophic. Scars that visually sink and appear below skin level. Such scars are very difficult to treat, as a rule, it consists in special injections with hyaluronic acid.

Deep scar on face and body: how to remove?

Facial scars should be removed with the following treatments:

  • Chemical peeling -suitable for those who have not a deep scar on their face (cut, for example).
  • Filling - the treatment is ideal for atrophic scars (those below the skin level).
  • Dermabrasion -   laser scar removal. Suitable for “polishing” both large and small scars.
  • Surgical intervention -   the only way to get rid of deep and "heavy" scars (cutting sections of connective tissue).

Successful scar removal depends on:

  • How timely you begin treatment (new or old scar).
  • That, how carefully you will carry out the treatment and how correctly you choose the method.
  • That, how much you are attentive and patient. It should be borne in mind that the treatment and “equalization” of scars is a very long process.

Other types of scars:

  • Scars on the arms and legs are usually resolved in an integrated way, i.e. with the participation of several techniques (for example: hyaluronic acid and peeling). Removing such scars with a laser is also effective.
  • A fresh scar from appendicitis does not require treatment, it needs only cosmetic care, which can not be said about the old scar.
  • A cesarean section can be removed using plastic surgery, using a laser, or by grinding the surface of the skin with chemicals.

What ointments, creams, gels will help get rid of scars, scars on the body?

The most effective:

  • Contractubex   - a drug from a German manufacturer, used externally for scar healing.
  • Kelofibrase   - An effective drug for external use., Which is able to deal with scars and scars of small depth.
  • Dermatix   - silicone gel that improves the appearance of immature scars, reduces scarring after surgery and burns.
  • Fermenkol   - carries out the prevention and correction of hypertrophic and keloid scars.
  • Mederma   - an effective remedy for scars and postpartum stretch marks
  • Liquid Scarguar Creamd - designed to reduce the severity of scars and scars.
  • Silicone gel and spray Kelo-cat   - heals wounds and contributes to their smoother and more even healing.
  • Silicone plate and patches "Spenko"   - are necessary for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars.

If cosmetic treatment does not help remove scars and scars, you should try:

  • Surgical plastics.A coarser scar is dissected and cosmetic stitches are applied.
  • Physiotherapy.A number of procedures aimed at smoothing the edges and "resorption" of scars. Namely: exposure to ultrasonic and magnetic waves, electrophoresis. It is believed that such methods destroy the structure of the scar from the inside.
  • Hormone treatment.This is an injection treatment, by introducing the drug into the scar itself.
  • Laser treatment.The laser literally “vaporizes” the scar, making it smooth and flat. Simply put, the laser makes many holes in the rumen, which lead to tissue contraction.

Contractubex from scars: reviews

Irina:“The main condition when using“ Kontraktubeks ”is its regular spreading on the scar. The fact is that many people feel sorry for themselves, they say, a scar hurts or I apply it, but I do not rub it. Such ignoring of direct instructions (it is clearly written on the insert: how much to rub per day and how intensively) leads to the fact that the gel does not help. ”

Alice:“Consistent, you need to use the gel regularly. For 5 months I applied Contractubex gel to a Caesarean section scar and now I have a barely noticeable light scar without tubercles and with smooth edges. You just need to take it as a goal: I want smooth skin and a beautiful body. And then you will no longer pay attention to the fact that you do not like the sticky consistency of the gel or skip the procedure for applying it. "

Alexei:“The doctor recommended“ Contractubex ”to me for treating scar tissue after a serious burn on my arm. Yes, my skin did not look like an infant's, but the wound healed, and the scar was smooth, not lumpy and barely noticeable just because the skin in that dream was lighter. ”

The drug "Contractubex"

Cosmetic scar tissue gel

How to get rid of scars and fresh and old scars on the hand, face, nose, lip, cheek, after cesarean, acne folk remedies: recipes with lemon, honey, onions, aloe, cucumber, tea tree oil, olive

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that home recipes will help to hide only those scars that are not very deep and extensive. For a better treatment of scars, traditional medicine and cosmetic procedures should be used.

How to treat scars:

  • Lemon juice.Lubrication of the rumen juice can help to make it less noticeable. The uniqueness of the product is that the lemon juice has special whitening substances.
  • Aloe juice.Helps to cope with small scars and scars that were received as a result of household injuries (abrasions, bruises, cuts). Juice has the ability to repair tissue and heal wounds.
  • Honey.Universal remedy that nourishes the skin and heals the wound. It can be applied to any scars several times a day.
  • Oatmeal.Milled cereal or oatmeal should be mixed with milk or cream. Such a tool in the form of gruel should be applied to the scar and hold like a mask for 10-15 minutes every day, then rinse off. Apply fresh pulp every time.
  • Essential oil.You can use any that you like. Mix it with honey or other oil.
  • Egg shell and melon seed.   These two ingredients should be thoroughly ground into gruel (a stupa will come in handy) and add any oil. Apply the product on the scar, rub and leave to soak. Treatment can be carried out for several months.
  • Cabbage leaf.The uniqueness of the product is that cabbage has a rich supply of vitamin E, which has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. You can apply the whole cabbage leaf, winding it to the body, or you can grind it into gruel and mix with honey. Such a tool can be applied to the scar several times a day every day.
  • Peas.You need to find or chop peas into flour. Mix it with milk and from the resulting test make compresses to the place where you have a scar.
  • Olive oil.For greater effectiveness, it is also necessary to purchase beeswax. The oil is mixed with chopped wax and heated (so as to boil). After this, the product should be soaked in a napkin and applied as a compress.
  • Picking herbs.The collection of chamomile, calendula, nettle, hypericum and mountaineer should be brewed. Then a napkin is moistened in the infusion or broth and applied in the form of a compress.
  • Camphor oil.Frequent and regular camphor oil compresses (preferably at night) help dissolve scars and scars.
  • Althea root.   Need to brew 1 tbsp. root and insist it for at least 8 hours, then grease the scars with the resulting liquid or use as a compress.
  • Beeswax. Mix with any oil and heat on a stove (boil for about 10 minutes), use every day to lubricate the scar.
  • Tea tree oil.Mix with honey or other oil, apply as an ointment or compress.
  • Bow.Grind into gruel and mix with honey, apply to a damaged area as a compress.
  • Cucumber.Grind into gruel and mix with honey (can be replaced with fat sour cream) and make compresses on the scar.

Laser scar removal, dermabrasion, peeling, cryosurgery, injections or surgery: which doctor should I contact?

If cosmetic treatment of the scar is powerless, you can seek the help of a plastic surgeon.

The following types of scar removal are relevant:

  • Dermabrasion -this is the so-called "grinding", i.e. - elimination of the upper layer of the skin (dermis) and dead cells.
  • Peeling -it is produced using special cosmetics or chemical compounds that corrode the upper layer of the dermis and remove it, leaving a new and young layer of skin.
  • Cryosurgery -a surgical operation with a low-temperature effect on scars and scars in order to destroy, reduce or remove them.
  • Hyalouranic acid injections -fill the skin areas affected by scars, smooth the skin.
  • Surgery -depends on the type and severity of the scar, it is used, as a rule, for large, ugly and bulky scars.

  • Proper care of the wound will not allow the formation of an ugly and large-scale scar.
  • So that the wound does not heal and does not form an ugly scar, the cut or abrasion should always be kept clean (wash with water, a soap solution, disinfect with funds).
  • Vaseline lubrication will help the wound heal faster. It will prevent drying of the tissues, which means their ugly scarring.
  • Change the bandage on the wound daily, this will help to ensure that the wound heals evenly and without scarring.
  • If the wound is surgical (has stitches), clearly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations for caring for it.
  • If you are often in the sun, the scar should be regularly lubricated with sunscreen.

Video: “Seam Care”

One of the biggest problems associated with acne is that even after successful treatment you may still have scars. There are three ways to solve this problem. You can hide them with cosmetics or do treatment with folk remedies and traditional medicine.


Camouflage Makeup

    Find corrective makeup.   It can be purchased at a cosmetics store, pharmacy, or online. For best results, she should:

    • Protect your skin from further injury, i.e. contain sunscreen
    • To be hypoallergenic, which will not cause an allergic reaction.
    • To be non-comedogenic, which will avoid clogging of pores and the occurrence of relapse of acne.
  1. With certain shades of makeup, you can hide skin imperfections.   Look at your scars in bright light, examine their color and how much they stand out on the rest of the skin. You can make them less noticeable by applying an inverse tone.

    • For example, you can hide the red scar with a green concealer, the purple spot can be masked with yellow, and make the relief scars smoother with a concealer, which should be slightly darker than the color of your skin. This will make the flaws less noticeable.
    • Here are some brands that well hide acne scars or rashes: Kryolan Concealer Wheel, Ben Nye Concealer Cover-All Wheel, Laura Geller Real Deal Concealer and Clinique Even Better Concealer.
  2. Determine which type of foundation is best for your skin.   The base will improve the appearance of your skin, visually making it smoother.

    • In the presence of dry skin, oil-based products should be used. However, remember that an oily base can aggravate the problem of acne.
    • For oily and prone to inflammation skin, it is better to choose an oil-free product.
    • Water-based products are generally suitable for all skin types.
    • With too many scars, you can use a more opaque and persistent non-water based product.
    • The color of the base must match the tone of your skin, otherwise the use of cosmetics will be too clearly noticeable. You can buy a ready-made base or ask the store to mix several shades for you.
  3. Apply the base using a smear and shading method.   After the completion of the process, it will be difficult to determine where the line of its application begins and ends. Use this method to:

    • Spot application of foundation on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin.
    • Rubbing the base into the skin with your fingers. This is best done in a circular motion.
    • Remember to walk along the hairline and chin.
    • Blend the bands with a sponge.
    • Allow the tonal base to soak for 5 minutes.
  4. Use a non-water based product if you need all-day makeup.   Such products are similar in texture to wax and require several additional steps:

    • Warm it in your hand for easier application. The product softens and makes it easier to glide on the skin.
    • After applying the foundation, powder your face with a brush. This will give the skin a natural look.
    • You cannot wash this makeup off with water. To remove it, you will need to use a special cream. You can purchase it along with makeup.
  5. Highlight your merits.   So you will feel more confident throughout the day. The foundation will help to hide imperfections, making your skin smooth, and lipstick, blush, eyeshadow and eyeliner emphasize the merits.

    • Give your lips a rich color with lipstick. You can use different shades, depending on whether you are going for an evening walk or going to the office.
    • Highlight your eyes by adding eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. People always look in the eye. Make them memorable.
    • Add a little blush along your cheekbones to give your skin a healthy glow.
    • Consulting with a doctor will help you to be sure that makeup will not interfere with the healing of scars.

    The use of folk remedies

    1. Lighten the scars with lemon juice.   Lemon juice has sufficient acidity and can help make scars less noticeable. It also contains many vitamins that will help the healing process of your skin. However, this will make it more sensitive to the sun. Be sure to rinse the juice off your skin before going outside. You can apply lemon juice directly to scars every day:

      • Squeeze out fresh lemon juice. You only need a few teaspoons.
      • Using a cotton swab, apply the juice directly to the scar. Be careful and do not apply juice to healthy skin.
      • Leave it on your face until completely dry, and then rinse with water.
      • For lack of lemon, you can use other acidic substances, such as apple cider vinegar or lime.
    2. Soothe your skin with aloe vera.   Aloe nourishes the skin and promotes its healing. It is great for all skin, not just for the treatment of scars. You can apply it in two ways:

      • Apply the purchased mixture in accordance with the instructions. You can purchase aloe vera gel at a pharmacy without a prescription.
      • Break off the leaf from your aloe home plant. Cut it in half along the sheet to squeeze the adhesive gel out. Apply this gel directly to the skin and let it soak.
    3. Apply diluted tea tree oil to red scars.   Tea tree oil will help kill the remnants of the infection that may cause redness.

    4. Exfoliate your skin with soda.   So you can remove the top layer of the skin and speed up the healing process. You can make a soda scrub as follows:

      • Add soda to a tablespoon of water until a thick paste forms.
      • Gently rub the resulting scrub into the scar site. So you exfoliate dead skin cells and dirt that interfere with healing.
      • Rinse off the scrub and apply a non-greasy cream on your face.
    5. Treat scars with Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E will help keep your skin healthy, hydrated and supple. It also promotes wound healing and skin repair.

      • You can purchase vitamin E oil at your local pharmacy without a prescription. If you did not find the oil in the bottle, you can buy capsules and extract the oil from them.
      • Open your pores by washing with warm water.
      • Rub oil with vitamin E directly into the scar and massage until completely absorbed.
      • Do this procedure 1-2 times a day.