Types of chemical peeling for the face, their effect and possible complications after. All about the face peeling procedure that you need to know and consider

Hollywood face cleansing is a completely new way to cleanse the skin of keratinized particles using a unique cosmetic product, which includes phytic acid. Such peeling has long been popular with domestic and foreign pop stars, since it is this method that allows you to gently clean the surface layers of the skin, as well as achieve an amazing result.

Mechanism of action

Hollywood face cleansing is available at any time, it can be carried out without interruption from work and other events. This method is based on gentle exfoliation of keratinized and dead skin particles that interfere with the respiration of cells. which is the main component of a cosmetic product, effectively removes metal ions, contributing to the formation of age spots and inflammatory processes.

Hollywood face peeling (yellow peeling) is one of the most powerful weapons against fine wrinkles, age-related pigmentation and photoaging. As part of the cosmetic product, retinoic acid is a derivative of vitamin A. The auxiliary substances are kojic, and vitamin C.

The procedure in salon conditions

Hollywood peeling is a gentle exfoliation of keratinized particles using a unique preparation, which is based on a solution of calcium chloride. This procedure is in demand by women aged 30 to 40 years. At a younger age, it can be offered as an effective remedy against acne and acne.

Beauty begins with a complete removal of makeup, after which a solution consisting of several types of acids is applied to cleansed skin. A cosmetic product, entering into a chemical interaction with dried salt, rolls under pressure and captures dead skin particles.

After that, a mask is applied to the patient’s skin, which includes phytic acid. Together with her, a girl or woman goes home and after a day rinses off a cosmetic product using a special gel. After 24 hours, a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin may occur - this is the beginning of the cleansing process. After about three days, the exfoliation of dead particles begins, and after a week you can observe an amazing result - the skin becomes smooth and supple, and also acquires a healthy color.

Indications for Hollywood Face Cleansing

Salon face cleaning with a Hollywood character is recommended for patients with oily, prone to wilting and aging skin. Given the fact that phytic acid does not affect the deeper layers, this procedure can also be indicated for sensitive skin, prone to the formation of spider veins.

Hollywood face peeling helps solve a whole range of problems:

  • The appearance of the first signs of aging and aging of the skin.
  • Strong pigmentation.
  • The formation of spider veins.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Numerous rashes, which are characterized by prolonged and non-beneficial treatment.
  • The formation of unaesthetic scars on the skin due to improper treatment of acne, acne and other rashes.
  • Fine wrinkles in the eye area.
  • Unhealthy complexion.
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Neoplasms provoked by exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The indication for this procedure can be the presence of minor rashes of a chronic nature, as well as strong pigmentation, provoked by abuse of salon tanning.


Hollywood facial cleansing, like any other salon procedure, has a number of contraindications, which are worth paying attention to:

  • Open skin wounds or severe inflammation.
  • Herpes.
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the cosmetic product.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • The presence of papillomas.

Hollywood peeling at home is undesirable if there are pronounced signs of rosacea and severe redness, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process. In addition, Hollywood face cleansing at home can provoke side effects and complications if used for sensitive skin.

Necessary funds

To perform a Hollywood peeling in a beauty salon, the following “ingredients” are needed:

  • Phytic acid itself.
  • Effective skin cleanser.
  • A tonic effect lotion containing ANA and BHA acids.
  • Cosmetic mask with a soothing effect.
  • Face tonic.

Hollywood facial cleansing with calcium chloride at home suggests the following components:

  • Toilet soap (it is advisable to use a perfume-free baby soap).
  • Base oil base (olive, almond or coconut oil).
  • A few cotton pads.

And directly the solution itself with a concentration of 5-10%. For the first time, it is advisable to use a 5 percent solution. If none is available, you can dilute it with 10 percent normal saline or water. For dry, normal or combination skin, it is advisable to always use a 5% solution (calcium chloride). The price of this drug is relatively low, and you can purchase it at any pharmacy. For skin prone to oily, you should purchase a product with a higher concentration of the main active substance.

Salon preparation phase

Hollywood facial cleansing in salon conditions begins with an initial consultation with a cosmetologist. In her process, the specialist will determine the type of skin and the composition of the cosmetic product, and the number of procedures necessary to achieve the ideal result is also recommended.

In order for the peeling in Hollywood to give the necessary result, it is necessary to properly prepare the stratum corneum. For this purpose, a specialized preparation is regularly applied to the skin, the main component of which is As a rule, one week of using a cosmetic preparation is sufficient to achieve the corresponding goal. However, in some cases - with strong pigmentation, for example, it may take a much longer amount of time (about three weeks).

The effectiveness of the salon procedure is clearly visible in photographs depicting face peeling (before and after). Testimonials from patients and specialists indicate that the greatest effectiveness is manifested when using mandelic acid, which is used to treat the skin prior to directly performing a salon cleaning procedure.

Homemade Peeling with Calcium Chloride

As such, special preparatory procedures for performing facial cleansing at home are not required. The only thing worth conducting is an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the wrist. In the absence of burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations during the day, you can safely proceed to the cosmetology procedure.

Algorithm for performing the procedure at home

  1. Facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed of makeup with an effective lotion.
  2. Then, an ampoule with Calcium Chloride is opened (the price of the drug ranges from 35-50 Russian rubles).
  3. A small amount of the drug is applied to the face with a cotton pad. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the area around the eyes.
  4. As soon as the first coat dries, apply the solution a second time.
  5. So, layer by layer, the entire contents of the ampoule is applied. As a rule, this is a 4 - 5-fold application of the drug.
  6. As soon as the last layer has dried, you need to thoroughly soap your hands with baby soap and use a foam to massage your face. Movements are performed strictly along the massage lines. You can do this with your fingers or with sanitary napkins.
  7. As a result of the interaction of calcium chloride with an alkaline medium (baby soap), flakes are formed that trap keratinized skin particles.
  8. Massage should be performed until the formation of pellets is completely stopped. If necessary, you can re-soap your hands.

After this, the peeling residues should be washed off with warm water and a nourishing mask (for this purpose, chamomile or oatmeal is ideal). Then remove the mask and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to cleansed skin.

Salon Procedure Technique

Photos depicting face peeling: before and after (reviews about the procedure are more detailed), eloquently demonstrate the effectiveness of this service, performed by a professional specialist.

It all starts with a thorough cleansing of the skin from makeup and other cosmetics. After this, a tonic lotion is applied, containing in its composition ANA and BHA acids. Further, the skin of the face is subjected to glycolate treatment. The composition is left for 10 minutes, after which phytic acid is applied to the skin, which lasts for 10 - 15 minutes. The time of the first exposure should not exceed 5 minutes, in the future it can be increased to half an hour.

Then, all cosmetic products are washed off, a soothing mask is applied to the skin, which is also subsequently removed, and a moisturizer.

In general, the cosmetology procedure in the salon lasts no more than 40 minutes.

Features of using Hollywood face cleansing

How often can face peeling be done? This question is asked by many girls and women who take care of their skin and use all kinds of means to maintain its health and attractive appearance.

In salon conditions, it is recommended to clean your face in Hollywood no more than once every one to two weeks. To achieve the best result, it is advisable to complete the full course, which consists of 3-8 sessions. It all depends on the structure of the skin, its state of health and problems that require immediate resolution.

How often can face peeling be done at home? A single execution of the procedure in seven days is enough. Course duration - one and a half months.

The effectiveness of Hollywood face cleansing

The obvious advantages of the cosmetology procedure in home and salon conditions are:

  • Delicate removal of keratinized skin particles.
  • The ability to perform the procedure frequently due to the effect on the surface layers of the skin and the absence of long recovery stages.
  • The absence of discomfort during the performance of Hollywood face cleansing.
  • The short duration of the procedure and its relatively low cost.
  • Cleansing your face in Hollywood has a relatively small number of contraindications.

The soft effect on the skin, the delicate removal of dead particles, as well as the effectiveness of this technique and its relatively low cost, allow us to use this procedure for deep skin cleansing, as well as a comprehensive treatment and elimination of some problems. This procedure in the cabin or at home can be performed at any time of the year, regardless of the work schedule and other factors.

Many years ago, wine was used as a means for the first chemical peeling. Now the variety of active agents has increased significantly. This is due to the demand for this procedure.

What is chemical peeling?

This is a cosmetic procedure during which chemically active substances are used to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The treated area after the session is magically transformed. The fact is that under a layer of keratinized (dead) cells, healthy skin hides, which has not yet managed to lose its flowering appearance under the influence of external factors.

Peeling is also useful as a means of preventing skin aging and to correct existing age-related defects. In addition, this procedure stimulates the natural production of elastin and collagen. And these substances are able to quickly and permanently rejuvenate the face.

What types of chemical peeling exist?

According to the degree of exposure, three types of chemical peeling are distinguished:

  • surface

It does not require special preparation of the treated surface, i.e. the procedure can be started as soon as the patient has come to the beautician. This type of peeling will help get rid of acne and small wrinkles, as well as return its healthy color to the skin. Interestingly, regular surface chemical peeling sessions can give an effect similar to what appears after several mid-peeling procedures.

  • median

It requires some preparation. First, the beautician must clean the area of \u200b\u200bexposure, whether it be the face or another part of the body, after which he applies the chemical composition for 5-20 minutes. Further, the acid is neutralized.

After this procedure, redness and peeling of the skin may appear. This is due to the fact that the median chemical peeling causes a small burn.

  • deep

Preparation for this peeling completely copies the preparation for the previous type of procedure. The only difference is that deep chemical peeling is equated with surgery, carried out only stationary, requires anesthesia and a sufficiently long rehabilitation period.

In this article, we consider surface chemical peeling and its varieties. According to the degree of exposure and the active agents, several methods of skin cleaning are distinguished, here are the most popular of them:

Almond peeling

The advantage of this type of peeling is that it is suitable for absolutely all skin types. Therefore, high concentrations of the active substance can be used without any risk of damage.

Almond peeling can smooth out wrinkles and even out the relief of the skin, moisturize it and restore the structure. In addition, this procedure helps beneficial substances from other cosmetics to penetrate deeper into the skin layers.

Glycolic peeling

The concentration of glycolic acid in the composition for such a peeling will be equal to 70%. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the layer of keratinized cells, improve complexion and brighten hyperpigmented areas.

Glycolic acid began to be used in cosmetology in 1990, so its effectiveness has been proven more than once. In addition, it is less traumatic, which is also important.

Superficial Retinoic Peeling

This peeling perfectly smoothes wrinkles and evens out the skin texture. Although not only the process itself plays an important role here, but also the preparation for it. Without appropriate measures, the result can be extremely far from what was expected. By the way, everyone who decides on a retinoic peeling should take care of the week off as well. the rehabilitation period after it is 5-7 days and at this time the person does not look the best.

Coral peeling

The procedure eliminates irregularities of the skin and improves its color, but the effect of it does not last as long as we would like. Although it helps to get rid of stretch marks and scars perfectly. But here you need to be ready for a long (5-7 days) recovery period.

Salicylic peeling

The difference between this type of surface peeling is that it does not scrape off dead cells, but dissolves them. Salicylic acid in this case is the main agent. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and most importantly, does not lead to annoying irritation. Among other things, this substance is able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Lactic acid (lactic) peeling

This chemical peeling is more suitable for the correction of age-related changes and excessive pigmentation. And for cleansing sensitive skin is almost a panacea.

Peeling with lactic acid evens complexion, improves the barrier function of the skin, fights wrinkles of various depths and stimulates the production of collagen by the body.

Enzyme (enzyme) peeling

Enzymatic peeling is what is needed for problematic and oily skin. He is actively struggling with acne and age spots. Enzymes are biologically active substances that our body daily produces on its own. Therefore, their use does not cause irritation.

Fruit Acid (ANA) Peeling

He became famous for his softness and safety. It is based on fruit acids (tartaric, malic, citric, etc.), which have a natural and natural plant origin. They act only on dead cells, without affecting healthy layers. Therefore, this type of surface peeling is especially suitable for adolescents, because many of them want to get rid of acne without damaging their young and healthy skin.

Fitin Peeling

It is also called summer, because this is one of the few peels that can be safely used in the hot season. Fitin peeling restores skin health and beautiful color. At the same time, he fights wrinkles and normalizes the sebaceous glands. During the session, the patient does not feel much discomfort, which sins most of the other compounds for chemical peeling.


Those who first decided on chemical peeling usually have a lot of questions. This is not surprising, because ten years ago no one had heard of such a procedure, but today it is already being carried out in every salon. Therefore, not everyone knows that chemical peeling can be recommended by a cosmetologist for a client of any age. It all depends on the condition of the skin of the patient.

But this is not the only issue that worries visitors to beauty salons. Answers to the most common questions can be seen below:

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of peeling. Naturally, surface chemical peeling of the face will take less time than the middle or deep. An average session lasts from 30 to 40 minutes.

How often do chemical peels need to be done?

It is usually prescribed in courses of 7-10 sessions. But there is no universal quantity .. The number of sessions is purely individual and is determined by the cosmetologist directly at the appointment. The fact is that it depends on many factors. The age of the client, the condition of his skin, and the degree of its problematic matters.

Professionals advise repeating surface peeling courses 2-3 times a year. Moreover, it is better to plan a visit to a cosmetologist for the winter or fall. In summer, you can safely go to the salon only if you are guaranteed not to go to the sea coast.

How long does the effect of surface chemical peeling last?

The result obtained after such a procedure is stored from 4 to 6 months, after which the course can be repeated.

What parts of the body need such a procedure?

The chemical peeling procedure is unique in that it is suitable for virtually any part of the body. Reactive substances equally effectively and painlessly interact with the face, neck, hands or décolleté.

After peeling care

So that after peeling, the skin looks better, and does not have additional problems, it will have to be taken care of carefully. Firstly, you need to abandon long walks in the sun. Secondly, in no case can the resulting crusts be removed. All attempts to get rid of them will lead to scarring. Thirdly, you should definitely use nourishing and moisturizing creams.

But in any case, it is important that the technology is correct.

Consider how to properly use face peeling, how many times a week (or month) it is done if the cosmetologist has prescribed a course of procedures for you.

How to do it right: instructions for use

Let's find out how to properly use facial peeling, what steps, in addition to preparation, application and removal, does the procedure contain? How long does it take to keep a peeling composition on my face?

Stages of the salon

Salon peeling has several advantages, since a specialist will work with you, who will help you choose the most suitable type and level of exposure, take into account all contraindications and do everything professionally.

The specific technology will depend on the type of peeling.. Each salon can conduct it in its own way, but the general stages of how the face peeling procedure goes are the same and suggest the following sequence:

How to make at home

You can also clean your skin at home. You can use the finished products offered by cosmetic manufacturers, or you can prepare the mix yourself.

How to apply peeling at home? Consider a few recipes you can use:

To facilitate the task, you can use ready-made procedures for peelingoffered by cosmetic manufacturers. It should be noted that at home you can only do it.

  For home exfoliation can be used with a low concentration of acids or natural.

What is the way to apply face peelings? Peeling preparations are used in a standard way..

First you need to thoroughly clean your face and degrease it. Then the composition is applied to the skin, rubbed with light massage movements for several minutes and washed off.

How often can I repeat

How many times a week (or a month) can face skin peeling be done and is it necessary to do it every day if you are prescribed a course of procedures?

The frequency of peeling is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin and its strength. The stronger the technology used, and the more sensitive the epidermis, the less often it can be done.

Cabin hardware techniques  usually carried out once a week in a course of 2-8 procedures. Then the skin should rest for about a month.

Contraindications and Precautions

General contraindications for all types of peeling are as follows:

  •   pregnancy and lactation;
  •   herpes virus in the acute stage;
  •   viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  •   fever;
  •   the presence of visible damage to the skin: wounds, pustules, scratches, cracks, burns;
  •   period of increased solar activity.

It is worth considering that they are even quite active., and before using them, it is important to carefully study the instructions, and it is better to consult a specialist.

Median and deep exfoliation can only be performed by a cosmetologist.

Please note that peeling can provoke pigmentation, therefore after it is carried out for some time you can not be in the sun.

If used too often, even the mildest exfoliation can cause the epidermis to lose its protective properties and become vulnerable to external factors.

Damage can lead to infection. Therefore, you can not use the procedure more often 1-2 times a week  depending on the type of dermis.

A peeling agent is applied to wet skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

  You can not rub it heavily, just apply it to the massage lines with soft confident movements.

Do not rule out a possible allergic reaction to the formulations used..

This applies to both ready-made products and home recipes, which include herbal and other components.

Peeling is a wonderful procedure for updating and improving the condition of the skin.

You yourself can decide where to do it - at home or in the salon, but in any case, when using face peelings, it is important to adhere to all precautions both during the sessions and after them.

Peeling is a procedure that is used to cleanse, renew, even out the skin and eliminate its age-related changes. The types of peeling vary depending on the means used for it: mechanical, hardware and chemical.

We will tell you more about the most popular varieties of this procedure and how often you can do facial peeling in each of the ways.

  How often can mechanical peeling be done

Mechanical peeling - is polishing the skin mechanically, removing the upper layer of the epidermis manually or using devices designed for this. Most varieties of mechanical peeling are classified as superficial; their effect on the epidermis is quite gentle. The procedure is used to improve the appearance of the skin, its cleansing and enhance metabolic processes.

Varieties of mechanical peeling:

  • Brossage. A type of salon peeling, in which skin resurfacing is carried out with an apparatus with soft brushes or sponges. Improves blood circulation to the skin, exfoliates, enhances the effect of other caring procedures. It can be used all year round, every 7-14 days (its frequency is determined depending on the type and needs of the skin).
  • Facial peeling with scrubs in the salon. For mechanical peeling in the salon, many different preparations were invented. Very popular is peeling with corals, coffee, bodyaga, salt. Such peeling for people with oily skin can be done every week, and for those who have dry skin, it is better to do intervals of 2 weeks between the procedures. If used regularly, the skin becomes thinner, so you need to give your skin a rest between courses: peeling for two months in a row, and then a break for three months.
  • Dermabrasion. This type of peeling is grinding the skin with special nozzles with abrasive particles applied to them. It is used for polishing skin irregularities: scars, scars, smoothing wrinkles. Often not all skin is polished, but only problem areas. Dermabrasion is usually used to combat serious imperfections, which means that the effect is deep: the upper layer of the skin is completely removed, healing takes a long time (2-6 months). The procedure is performed with anesthesia, compared in seriousness with a surgical operation. Most often performed in several stages with a break of 3 to 6 months. Like other deep peels, it can only be done several times in a lifetime (no more than 3 times).
  • Microdermabrasion. Mechanically, without contact with the skin, and with the help of a supplied stream of air or water with or without abrasive. It removes the upper layer of the epidermis, keratinized cells, while stimulating the deeper layers. Increases skin tone, smoothes fine wrinkles, removes excess pigmentation, improves color, texture, and relief. It is recommended to do it with a course of 5 to 20 procedures in 1 - 2 weeks, then a break for 1 - 3 months, and you can repeat the course again.

With the constant use of one type of peeling, the effect is usually reduced. Therefore, peeling is done in courses, in between, giving the skin a rest.

  How often can chemical peeling be done?

The great popularity of this type of procedure can be explained by its convenience. Choosing the type and concentration of a chemical substance, you can cleanse the skin at the desired depth and fight its imperfections as efficiently as possible.

A large number of preparations have been developed for chemical peeling, their type and depth of exposure are selected depending on what skin problems need to be fixed. So, the main types of chemical peeling:


  • - acids. Tightens pores, is used to combat rosacea, acne, and the first signs of aging. Usually, non-aggressive acids are used for it: fruit, glycolic, lactic, etc. It is carried out in a course of 5 to 10 sessions with an interval of 1.5 to 2 weeks, the action lasts up to a year, and then the procedure is repeated (can be done every 6 months). Once a quarter, cosmetologists are advised to carry out one procedure to maintain the effect.
  • - enzymes. It allows you to gently cleanse the skin, these preparations contain enzymes, that is, products of plant origin. Such peeling is allowed to be done once a week, and if necessary more often.


For it, more concentrated preparations are taken, which remove keratinized skin particles, stimulate cell renewal. The procedure has not only a cleansing effect, but also rejuvenates the skin well. It can be done annually with a series of three to four procedures, preferably during the holidays, because the skin needs to be restored.


A serious procedure to combat deep scars and severe wrinkles. It requires highly qualified specialist, preliminary skin preparation, restoration takes a lot of time. The upper layer of the skin is “burned” by chemical means (usually phenol), and then its gradual regeneration and renewal takes place. This type of peeling is advised to do 1 - 2 (no more than 3 times) for a lifetime, and the minimum interval between procedures is a year, because the preparations for this type of peeling are very toxic, and the procedure is painful for the body.

Superficial chemical peeling is good for young problem skin, but the median peeling is recommended to start not earlier than 30 years, when age-related changes in the epidermis appear.

  How often can I do hardware peeling

This type of peeling is different in that it is performed using special devices: laser or ultrasound equipment.

  • Laser peeling. It is made by a laser beam that enters the skin cells, causing collagen production as a response. Wrinkles are reduced, the skin becomes healthy and beautiful, while it does not cause serious injury. It can be performed even on the delicate skin of the neckline and around the eyes.
  • Ultrasonic peeling. For this procedure, an apparatus that emits ultrasonic waves is used. It is very soft, and the result is visible immediately - no need to wait for recovery.

Hardware peeling with both laser and ultrasound can be done every 3-4 months with a course of 8 procedures with a break of several days, for a month, or monthly for one procedure.

Choosing the type of peeling and its depth, you need to understand that too weak a procedure may not help in the fight against problems, and too strong is always associated with the risks of complications.

  Peeling at home

For him, abrasive preparations are most often used - all kinds of creams with exfoliating components of plant, mineral or artificial origin, as well as self-prepared means. Fruit acids in low concentrations are also very popular. All types of home peeling should be performed on average 1 time per week (for oily skin you can do it more often, but for dry skin - on the contrary, don’t be zealous, it’s better to do it no more than once every 10-15 days).

  1. Surface peeling is usually done in courses, several times in a row with a frequency of 1 time per week or two weeks. It is better to alternate them with a period of rest during which you can do supporting procedures.
  2. Median peeling should be done once every six months - a year or even less, with a course prescribed by the cosmetologist: depending on what problems are being solved and what means are being used. This procedure should not be done in the summer, because after it the skin needs protection from the sun. The best time is spring or autumn.
  3. Deep peeling has a very strong effect on the skin, the effect of it is strong but it is a big stress for the body. It can be used no more than once a year and no more than 3 times in a lifetime. It requires a long recovery.
  4. Peeling at home, independently, can be done regularly, but for sensitive skin it is better to do it no more than once every 1 to 2 weeks.

  What else does the period between peelings depend on?

The frequency of peeling also depends on:

  • Age. The older the person, the more often you need to carry out the procedure, because mature skin needs constant support.
  • Skin type. For thin skin, peeling is a more serious burden, and if the procedure is often performed, it can suffer on the contrary.
  • Problems to be Solved. To get rid of blackheads and just to “invigorate” the skin, improve its general condition, not so many procedures are required, as, for example, to fight wrinkles.
  • Depth of exposure. The more serious and deeper the effect on the skin, the greater should be the interval between courses.

When choosing which kind of peeling is better to do, and how often, be sure to listen to the opinion of your cosmetologist - he better sees the condition of the skin and knows what it needs.

Facial treatment will bring effect in the case of competent comprehensive care. The process includes:

  • cleansing;
  • nutrition;
  • lifting;
  • peeling  - cleansing the epidermis with abrasive particles.

Performing complex procedures make the skin healthy, smooth, elastic. In order not to harm the beauty, arm yourself with the knowledge of how often you can do peeling for the face. You will learn how to do the procedure so as not to injure your skin. Get recommendations for dry, oily, combination skin types. Get acquainted with the methods of peeling at home and beauty salons.

What does peeling include?

Cosmetic procedures, including the removal of the upper stratum corneum, are called peeling. Removal of "excess" skin can be done at home and salon. The life of epidermal cells is accompanied by cycles: birth, development, death. Women must fight the dying layer in order to restore the color and elasticity of the dermis. This does not mean that keratinized particles must be removed "cleaned". The keratinized layer performs a protective function: protects the face from harmful atmospheric phenomena. If you notice that your face skin is roughened and roughened, it's time to remove the excess of the upper layer. Delicate facial skin requires careful and meticulous exfoliation - professional cosmetologists do not recommend often performing the procedure. And episodic removal of the stratum corneum does not bring the desired result.

The frequency of procedures depends on the following factors:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • health status;
  • climate and season;
  • a method of influencing keratinized cells.

Types of Peeling

Learn how to clean your skin. When and where to carry out cleansing procedures, how often it is recommended to resort to them.

  1. Mechanical do at home. It includes a gentle physical and the very effect on the epidermis: exfoliation using abrasive particles - scrub. At home, apply a scrub is permissible twice a week for dry skin type. If oily skin - limit yourself to a one-time exposure in a seven-day period. Frequent cleaning of the epidermis triggers the mechanism of producing excess sebum - pores clog, acne and comedones form. Normal skin tolerates cleansing better than the rest of the types shown peeling as needed. People with combined facial dermis are recommended to clean the problem area once a week. Usually, this is the “T” zone, from which remove acne, black dots on the nose and chin. The procedure is suitable for girls during puberty. Do mechanical peeling yourself, starting at the age of 16. This can be an occasional treatment for skin problems. Ladies after 30 professional cosmetologists advise complex and constant care, including salon procedures. Read about them below.
  2. Dermabrasion. The salon procedure, during which a special apparatus mechanically “polishes” the skin, visually updating the upper one. The cosmetologist selects, depending on the type of skin and age of the patient, nozzles for the device. mechanically, but not manually, but using a special apparatus. Such peeling is done only in the salon, where the beautician controls the device and selects suitable grinding nozzles. A professional cosmetologist will also determine the course of treatment, the frequency and duration of the procedures - up to 8 - 10 visits to the salon per month.
  3. Laser peeling  - hardware procedure for polishing the skin with a laser beam. The mechanism of soft action on keratinized cells is launched. The method is used to smooth out scars on the skin, traces of acne, redness of the face. After two procedures, the “smooth” effect of the skin appears visually. Perform the procedure at an experienced cosmetologist - the effect will last 4 - 5 years. Redness will go away on the second or third day.
  4. Ultrasonic exposure.  Without traumatic effect on the rough part of the skin, removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  5. Vacuum cleaning  improves blood circulation in the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis. The result is smooth skin, a bright complexion. An experienced cosmetologist will achieve results in 2 - 3 sessions. You can cleanse your face with a vacuum by purchasing a special device.
  6. Cryotherapy based on exposure to low temperatures. Familiar to ladies in home procedures: wiping faces with frozen cubes with particles of coffee, plant materials, green tea. In the cabin, liquid nitrogen is used, first the freezing cold narrows the pores, then the reverse process takes place. The shock effect on the skin lasts within 3 - 5 minutes in one session. For problem skin, neoplasms, the cosmetologist will offer you a course of 10 to 12 procedures with an interval of three days. “Ice burn” removes dead skin cells, the skin immediately turns red after the procedure. Collagen production is activated - the skin of the face becomes elastic, matte.

Chemical peeling: benefits and harms

Video: Chemical peeling for the face: what it is, whether it is harmful, when and how often you can do it

Sophisticated skin acid treatment is popular with women after 40 years. The results are close to surgical grafting - a lasting effect of youth throughout the year. Take chemical peeling responsibly - contact professionals who have good practice - see reviews about the work of a cosmetologist. The results of those who have undergone a rejuvenation course "chemical burn." This is not a spontaneous negative effect on the skin, but a strictly dosed popular procedure. We must be prepared for the fact that traces of cosmetic intervention will be visible within 2-4 months. Be aware of this before contacting a salon for chemical peeling.

Mechanism of action

Beautician selects acid, which will "dissolve" the skin. A chemical preparation is divided into three groups:

  1. Fruit acid - malic, citric, tartaric. It is indicated for acne, oily skin, age spots.
  2. Antiseptic - based on drugs: salicylic, benzoic. Indications: acne, oily skin.
  3. Synthetic: retinoic (analogue of vitamin A), phytin. Apply with pronounced age-related changes, pigmentation.

An experienced cosmetologist will prepare acid-based cocktails: add vitamin complexes to the composition, determine the concentration and exposure time to make the procedure as gentle and effective as possible. It will determine the degree of “deep” impact on the skin - to avoid the “dissolution” of living cells during chemical peeling is impossible, but it is possible to minimize the trauma of the epidermis.

What happens to the skin when chemically exposed

A chemical burn causes redness of the skin, hemorrhage in the cells of the epidermis, and the formation of a scab. The crust that formed at the site of damage to the skin will “decorate” your face for up to 15 days. Then erythema will come to replace - a sign of a first degree burn. Depending on the depth of skin damage, individual characteristics, age, the unaesthetic consequences of chemical peeling can last 2-4 months. Then the process of skin regeneration begins. In place of the burn, a new skin shining with beauty and health appears.

Attention. Cases of individual acid intolerance, unjustifiably prolonged exposure to a concentrated drug were noted. In this case, you will get the problem effect “without tears you will not look”. Therefore, be careful when choosing chemical procedures. Do not risk dry cleaning yourself. A professional cosmetologist will determine the skin type, time and concentration of the composition. The result is a rejuvenating effect throughout the year.

Peeling with acids do no more than once a year. Procedure time: late autumn or winter outcome. Solar radiation will harm the renewed skin. The same rule applies to other types of deep exposure to the skin of the face. Do it yourself before bedtime - the time when physiological processes slow down, body temperatures decrease, the skin “opens” to the effects of exfoliating formulations. The redness after the manipulation will pass by the morning hours.


Facial skin cleaning by mechanical and hardware methods is not carried out in cases:

  • exacerbations of herpes infection;
  • during infectious diseases;
  • with pustular rashes on the face, open wounds;
  • elevated temperature.
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • vascular disease;
  • dark complexion;
  • allergic reactions;
  • warts.

If there are listed problems - effective anti-age peeling is not for you. When visiting a beautician, tell about chronic diseases, drugs that have an allergic reaction. This will save you from the fatal consequences of deep cleansing of the face.


A gentle effect on the skin of the face with exfoliation of the upper coarse layer can be carried out at home weekly. Follow the behavior of the skin after manipulation and independently adjust the frequency of facial cleansing with scrubs with abrasive particles. Include:

  • salt;
  • coffee grounds;
  • crushed apricot kernels;
  • hercules;
  • citric acid.

Chemical peeling is not allowed for everyone - the negative consequences of deep acid cleaning are great, up to the appearance of keloid scars. Perform the procedure with experienced cosmetologists once a year.