What is a good eye cream? The best cream for wrinkles around the eyes. Balm-eye pencil Express Illuminating Eye Stick Hydra Sparkling, Givenchy

Around the eyes, wrinkles begin to appear very early. To choose a cream for these age-related changes, it is recommended to study the rating of the best for your age.

The skin of the eyelids is the most sensitive and thin, therefore it is the first to undergo age-related changes. Negatively affects her condition and constant facial expressions. This leads to the formation of wrinkles as early as 23-24 years. Cream for wrinkles around the eyes is recommended to be used from this age, having studied the rating of the best products intended for this purpose.

These are moisturizing preparations with a soothing and cooling effect. Dermatologists welcome the use of various eye gels during this time. They are not as thick as creams and have a strong moisturizing effect.

Skin benefits of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is included in the composition of tissues and extratissue formations in the human body. Acid is able to attract and retain moisture, and its lack leads to dryness and flabbiness of the skin, an increase in the number of wrinkles.

For eyelids hyaluronic acid needed:

  • for complete hydration;
  • to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, prevent age-related and mimic wrinkles;
  • for the activity of metabolic processes;
  • to improve the condition of the muscles of the eye and eyelid. Excessive stress on these muscles leads to hypertonicity, which adversely affects the condition of the skin;
  • for proper distribution of moisture. May accumulate in the subcutaneous retina a large number of fluid, forming swelling and stretching of the skin. At the same time, the outer corner of the eyelid and the upper eyelid may lack moisture. Hyaluronic acid not only attracts, but also distributes water in equal amounts.

Benefits of collagen for skin

Collagen is a natural protein in the human body that is used to build skin, hair, and nail cells. Its lack leads to the destruction of the "framework" of the skin, wrinkles and flabbiness.

Collagen is useful in such cases:

  • protein from masks provokes the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin, that is, it starts rejuvenating processes in the body;
  • accompanies intensive nutrition of the skin around the eyes, including oxygen, due to the acceleration of blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • removes mimic and age wrinkles, protects the skin from their formation in the future;
  • improves skin health, promotes the healing of minor wounds and inflammation;
  • removes puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • improves skin color;
  • tightens the skin;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and poisons.

The effect of vitamins on the skin

Vitamins are vital elements for healthy and youthful skin. With their lack, wrinkles, puffiness and flabbiness appear even in young age.

For the area around the eyes, the following vitamins are needed:

The composition of the cream after 25 years

Young skin up to 30 years old does not need over-grooming On the contrary, the use of dense creams with numerous anti-aging elements provoke aging and thinning of the epidermis.

At this age, you can not use eye cream marked anti-age.

Elements that a cream for young skin may contain:

Anti-wrinkle cream for young skin should not contain the following elements:

  • retinoids. Derivatives of vitamin A. They can cause dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • wax and paraffin. Nutrient complexes based on these substances can adversely affect young skin: the substances cover the epidermis with a film and prevent moisture from penetrating into its structure;
  • caffeine. Helps to cope with swelling, but greatly dries out thin and sensitive skin;
  • essential oils. They cause flaking, rashes and irritation.

What is included in the cream for those over 30

The best components for an eye cream after 30 are the following substances:

It is better not to choose creams that contain:

  • sulfates. Substances disrupt metabolic processes in endometrial cells;
  • salt. Destroy the natural protection of the skin, increase the risk of allergic reactions, draw moisture;
  • caffeine. Very dry skin. It is allowed as part of serums only if there is a powerful moisturizing component.

The composition of the cream for those over 40

After 40, all women develop deep age wrinkles. Light moisturizers will be ineffective.

The funds should include the following elements:

Creams for skin after 40 years should not contain the following elements:

  • stearates. They make aging skin dull, worsen its visual condition;
  • parabens. Their use during menopause is especially unfavorable: substances can change the level of female hormones.

List of creams from 25 to 30 years

The product should have the effect of smoothing mimic wrinkles, maintain elasticity, maintain elasticity and saturate with moisture.

What is better to choose from 30 to 40 years

At the age of 30, you can apply the first age-related creams. Their action is aimed at strengthening skin tightness and smoothing deep wrinkles.

For those over 40

After 40, all women develop deep folds in the eye area. Light moisturizers will be ineffective. It is recommended to use an anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes.

  1. Double tool "Perfect lifting" from Avon. It combines an anti-wrinkle cream and a lifting gel. Refers to the best budget funds for aging skin of the eyelids.
  2. The composition contains natural substances, herbal extracts and a moisturizing complex. Thanks to the light-reflecting components, already in the first days of taking the skin looks younger, the number of wrinkles is visually reduced.
  3. Cosmetologists recommend using the product not only for daily skin care, but also for eyelid mesotherapy. It has a dense structure, ideal for thin skin, devoid of nutrition.
  4. LiftActiv by Vichy. Recommended for thin and dehydrated skin. The herbal component Aminokin allows you to make the eyelids more elastic, get rid of deep wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.
  5. Capture Rides Yeux by Dior. The basis of the eye cream is alpha hydroxy acids, substances synthesized from ascorbic acid. Protects aging skin from photoaging and free radicals. Perfectly brightens and smoothes, gives the look youthfulness and radiance.

Pharmaceutical remedies for wrinkles

Some pharmaceutical preparations nothing worse than an eye cream.

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes can be replaced pharmaceutical agent from the list.
  1. Blefarogel. Ophthalmologists prescribe this remedy to people who wear contact lenses or work at a computer for a long time. The gel allows you to quickly relieve eye fatigue, prevent the occurrence of swelling and bruising. The composition of the drug includes hyaluronic acid. Due to its powerful moisturizing properties, it helps to maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin, smooth wrinkles. It is recommended to choose a gel that contains aloe vera extract. The plant protects the skin from toxins and inflammation, perfectly tones it.
  2. Kureosin. The gel is used to treat acne. The tool is a source of hyaluronic acid and is recommended for wrinkles that appear with severe dryness of the eyelids. In the first days of use, many feel by-effect- "tightness" of the skin. It goes through several uses.
  3. Solcoseryl. In medicine, it is used as a healing agent. Due to the activation of regenerative processes, it fights deep wrinkles, accelerates oxygen to skin cells. It is allowed to use the product only for aging skin.
  4. Aevit. This is a vitamin complex, which includes tocopheron and retinol. Vitamins A and E are essential for youthful skin. Aevit contains their oily solutions. The capsule remedy can be used in its pure form as an ointment or added to cosmetics and homemade ointments.

Recipes for wrinkles at home

Eye creams for wrinkles around the eyes are much more effective in combination with traditional cosmetology products.

Recipes for deep wrinkles

Rules for the use of products for wrinkles around the eyes

There are the following rules for using eye cream:

  1. Thorough cleaning. Except foundation and concealer, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids there are shadows, crumbling mascara and eyeliner. Washing off with water is not an effective procedure, especially if the makeup is resistant to moisture. It is recommended to use a special product, then tonic and running water. If particles of cosmetics remain on the skin, they, reacting with the active components of the cream, can lead to allergic reactions.
  2. You can not smear the cream on the entire surface of the eyelids. Cosmetologists recommend focusing on the contour of the bone around the eye.
  3. The cream is driven into the skin with light massage movements in a circle or patting with the pads of the little finger or ring finger. Excessive pressure can cause swelling. The application of the cream can be combined with a lymphatic drainage massage for the eyelids.
  4. It is better to use it no more than 2 applications per day. Before applying makeup in the morning and after removing it in the evening. It is impossible to apply the cream before going to bed, this can lead to morning swelling of the eyelid and bags under the eyes.
  5. You can not use age creams for young skin, and vice versa.

Rating best masks and creams for wrinkles around the eyes can be made independently. Each skin is individual, it may need certain elements. After studying them, you can choose the perfect remedy for eyelids from wrinkles.

Video: wrinkle cream around the eyes

Effective homemade cream for wrinkles around the eyes, see the video:

The skin around the eyes is prone to dryness and wrinkles, so it requires additional moisturizing with the help of special creams. How to correctly choose an anti-wrinkle cream for the eyes and which eyelid skin care creams are considered the best?

Choosing an anti-wrinkle cream with an optimal and effective composition

The dermis near the eyes is regularly subjected to considerable stress. The person constantly blinks and changes facial expressions. Unmoisturized skin most often does not withstand such overloads, and the first wrinkles in girls can appear even at the age of 18.

Primary requirements

Cream for wrinkles around the eyes must meet special requirements:
  • the minimum content of active substances (to reduce the risk of allergies);
  • correct pH balance so as not to irritate the retina in case of inadvertent contact;
  • the consistency should not be too oily so that the skin does not swell;
  • lack of increased stickiness for easy application.
Cosmetic companies offer big choice products for the skin of the eyelids and it is quite difficult to choose the optimal one. To look for a product suitable for a particular skin condition, be sure to take into account the age of the woman. Depending on this factor, the composition of the eye cream will vary.

Age up to 20 years

Many girls are sure that young skin does not need more care than daily washing. However, this opinion is incorrect, since wrinkles appear on the skin as early as 25 years of age due to dryness.

It is advisable to start caring for the skin around the eyes during puberty. At this time, a lot of inflammation and irritation occurs on the skin. The optimal composition for this age will be eye gels with predominantly herbal and tonic components (for example, mint).

Age 20-25 years

Usually wrinkles at this age are still absent, and if they are, this is due to pronounced facial expressions or the negative effect of the sun. The eye care product is mainly used to prevent wrinkles. For this reason, the composition should not include special lifting components.

It is worth noting the fact that at the age of 20, the skin can also be with inflammation and peeling due to the hormonal background of the girl. Options for products for the skin in the eye area:

  • gel;
  • cream-gel;
  • light cream.
The listed funds should contain plant elements: essential oils of lemon, juniper. To neutralize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, the cream should include a sun protection factor (SPF of at least 15).

Age 25-30 years

During this period, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the eyelids, as it becomes drier due to a decrease in collagen production. However, do not immediately start using an anti-age anti-wrinkle product. good option will become a cream-gel, which will help improve the condition of the skin and reduce swelling.

The composition of the product should include retinol, vitamins C and E, flower extracts, ginseng root, rose essential oil, SPF 15.

Age 30-40 years

Girls given age the skin around the eyes retains moisture worse and gradually loses its elasticity. In the area of ​​​​the eyes, in any case, wrinkles appear.

During this period, it is worth moisturizing the skin more intensively. It is preferable to use an anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes, the main components of which are collagen, ascorbic acid, peptides, vitamins A, C, E, fruit extracts, SPF 20.

Age 40+

To prolong the radiant youthful appearance of the skin, you can use anti-age creams with a lifting effect. It is recommended to alternate these products with regular anti-aging creams so that the skin does not get used to active lifting products.

The use of a cream containing collagen, alpha hydroxy acids, coenzyme, haloxyl, peptides, lipids, haloxyl, argirelen, vitamins A, C, E, SPF 20 will be quite effective. Creams with a lifting effect act as skin renewal assistants and encourage it to the formation of its own collagen and elastin.

In addition to creams, serums are quite popular, which are absorbed by the skin much faster. Serums are great for reducing puffiness and puffiness under the eyes.

The above components of the eye wrinkle cream are not the whole list of useful substances. Cosmetic companies every year develop new technologies to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin.

Unwanted Components

When choosing a cream for the eye area, you should pay attention that the composition does not contain ingredients such as:
  • silicone (components ending in -cone, -xane);
  • bitionol (Bithionol);
  • aluminum acetate (Aluminum Acetate);
  • propylene glycol (Propylene Glycol);
  • mineral oils.
These compounds can cause allergies and skin irritation.

TOP 10 eye creams that actually work

When choosing the ideal remedy, it is worth trying several different creams and comparing their effects. The most high-quality and well-known creams are:

According to manufacturers, it is an activator of skin youth. The secret of efficiency lies in unique composition: Genifique complex, adenosine, yeast extract. The product is applied to the skin with an innovative applicator in the form of a pearl.

Cream action:
  • reduction of wrinkles and swelling;
  • increase the elasticity of the dermis;
  • gives a natural color to the skin around the eyes.
The average price is 3900 rubles.

Lierac Coherence Lifting cream – eye contour

Hypoallergenic cream to prevent signs of skin aging. The effective effect of the eye product is due to the presence of lifting substances, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the composition.

Cream action:

  • has a pronounced lifting effect;
  • tightens the eye contour;
  • strengthens thin skin around the eyes.
The average price is 3000 rubles.

French anti-aging eye cream for girls over 40 based on Avene thermal water and a hyaluronic acid compound.

Cream action:
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • eliminates puffiness;
  • tightens the skin;
  • activates the process of metabolism in cells.
The average price is 1700 rubles.

Remedy for different types skin and for ages over 25 years. The active ingredients of the cream are: Vichy thermal water, DRM-Bright complex, caffeine, vitamin B3.

Cream action:
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tones the dermis in the eye area;
  • hides the blue under the eyes;
  • soothes the skin;
  • has a moisturizing effect.
The average price is 1500 rubles.

Korean anti-aging eye wrinkle cream with a high content of street mucus and EGF (a protein that stimulates cell regeneration and growth). The product also contains vitamin B3 and a plant extract of sweet almonds and birch sap.

Cream action:
  • moisturizes and protects the skin from moisture loss;
  • reduces pigmentation in the eye area;
  • increases skin elasticity.
The average price is 1200 rubles.

The cream is made in France. According to the manufacturers, the product contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, with the help of which the cream has such an effect on the skin as:

  • intensively moisturizes the dermis;
  • makes circles less visible.

The average price is 700 rubles.

A product with an innovative composition: plant stem cells (grapes), tocopherol, aminobutyric acids.

Cream action:
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • prevents the formation of new wrinkles;
  • tones and brightens the skin.
The average price is 600 rubles.

The tool consists of a cream and gel, which are designed to give the dermis near the eyes a lifting effect. The system contains peptides developed using Polypeptide-X technology.

Cream action:
  • the skin becomes tightened;
  • the structure of the skin is strengthened;
  • restoration of clarity of the eye contour.
The average price is 400 rubles.

Russian remedy in the form of a special bottle. The main components of the cream: poly-antioxidants, plant extracts (aloe), fibranel-protein-A.

Cream action:
  • adapts to the needs of the skin;
  • gives the eyelids elasticity;
  • tightens the skin;
  • moisturizes.
The average price is 250 rubles.

"Shine of Youth 25+" - eye wrinkle cream from Garnier

A remedy for girls who have their first age-related changes skin. The composition of the cream is dominated by caffeine and plant extracts.

Cream action:
  • eliminates the first wrinkles;
  • moisturizes the dermis;
  • gives radiance to the skin.
The average price is 200 rubles.

Before buying a cream, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of each product and choose the most suitable for a particular skin type.

Video with a test of creams for wrinkles under the eyes

Helpful video comparing 10 eyelid creams:

Homemade Cream Recipes

The advantages of home creams are:
  • natural composition;
  • absence of parabens and other dangerous components;
  • ease of preparation.

Nourishing oil cream

It is necessary to combine aloe juice, vitamins A and E in equal proportions. The composition is applied to the eyelids in a circular motion.

Emollient cream with chamomile decoction

To prepare, thoroughly mix a tablespoon of chamomile decoction, a few drops, half a tablespoon of natural butter. You can add a couple of drops of lemon oil to the mixture. The composition is carefully applied to the eyelids, avoiding contact with the eyes, as the mixture is quite oily.

Super Nourishing Cream

It is necessary to melt 10 gr. pork interior fat (available on the market) and mix well with olive oil. Next, add 3-4 drops of lavender or jojoba essential oil.

An effective anti-wrinkle eye cream

To obtain a mixture, stir half a tablespoon of honey, glycerin (1 tsp), gelatin (1 tsp). Then add 4-5 tablespoons of water to get a slurry state. The composition must be heated (for example, in a microwave oven), and then beat thoroughly.

After creating an eye cream at home, you need to store it in the refrigerator. The mixture is transferred to a small jar and tightly closed with a lid. The cream must be used regularly for a positive effect.

How to apply eye cream

The process of applying the product to the skin is just as important as right choice cream. If the cream is used incorrectly, there will be no effect even from the most expensive cosmetics.

Stages of eyelid care technique:

  • Skin cleansing. Cosmetics must be removed with special means (milk or gel for washing).
  • Rubbing the eyelids with tonic to moisturize the skin.
  • Squeeze a little on ring finger and warm the cream between your fingers. The product is better absorbed when warm.
  • Drive the cream with light movements in a circle, moving along the upper eyelid from the nose to the temple and along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the nose.
When applying the means of movement should be careful and easy. Gentle patting massages the eyelids and activates blood circulation.

Eye cream is an effective tool in the fight against wrinkles and swelling of the skin of the eyelids. It is worthwhile to competently approach the choice of a quality product, paying Special attention on the composition of the cream and the individual needs of the skin of the eyelids.

Also read.

Updated: 05.12.2019

Anti-wrinkle cream helps slow down the aging process, restore lost freshness to the skin and hide age-related manifestations. Anti-aging products are present in the product line of almost all cosmetic companies. Among the luxury cosmetics brands Clarins and Christian Dior are especially popular. Some women prefer professional cosmetics– SesDerma, Christina, Skin Doctors. Pharmacy brands such as Vichy, Avene, Kora are less advertised, but they produce no less effective anti-aging products. How to choose a really effective tool among such a variety? We analyzed the reviews of women and cosmetologists and made a rating best creams from wrinkles for the face and skin around the eyes.

Rating #1 #2 #3
Unobtrusive aroma
Nice texture Effective elimination of irritation

BotoMax cream spray is a new generation anti-aging spray, the secret of which lies in the healing effect of a special composition "like Botox" on the skin of the face. Using BotoMax twice a day neutralizes the aggressive effects of harmful factors that cause premature aging, smoothes wrinkles like Botox.

Due to the active supply of oxygen and under the influence of substances analogous to Botox, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is completely restored.

  • restores firmness and elasticity of the skin
  • only natural ingredients
  • deep wrinkles are reduced by 27% per month
  • Mail delivery

The active component of the BOTOX mask allows you to restore connective tissue epidermis and improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Unfortunately, with age, the recovery processes in the body slow down, so the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask is the most effective tool to maintain the tone of the skin of the face and neck, it helps to fight mimic wrinkles, age-related changes, with a course application, the BOTOX ACTIVE EXPERT mask penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and restores collagen reserves, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles.

  • Not found

Clinically proven: Goji Cream stops the aging process of the cell and normalizes its work. A wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as BETAIN in the composition of the cream, form a heavy molecule that allows you to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin to make the effect of Goji Cream as effective as possible.

  • In 97 out of 100 subjects, the result was noticeable after the first application.
  • In 93%, fine and shallow wrinkles disappeared after 10 days of using the mask
  • Continues to work actively 24 hours from the moment of application
  • Mail delivery

The best wrinkle creams for the face

A good anti-wrinkle cream must contain active ingredients that intensively moisturize and nourish, increase turgor, firmness and elasticity, smooth the skin, and tighten the contours of the face.

  • Moisturizing ingredients and antioxidants (vitamins C and E, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, natural oils). These substances will not reduce the number of wrinkles, but they will slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, relieve the skin of dryness.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) and retinoids (retinaldehyde, tretinol, adapalene, tretinoin and other derivatives of vitamin A). Stimulate the processes of cellular regeneration and collagen production, thereby maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  • AHA and BHA acids - exfoliate the upper keratinized cells of the epidermis, activate the renewal processes, the synthesis of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. The most potent are salicylic and glycolic acid. However, before using them, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.
  • Peptides. They nourish the cells in the deep layers of the skin, help reduce the number of wrinkles, which has already been confirmed by various studies. Blocking peptides relax facial muscles, and stimulating ones activate collagen synthesis. Both of them have a powerful anti-aging effect and are recommended for mature skin with pronounced signs of aging.
  • hydrolyzed collagen. It is the liquid form of collagen that is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, increasing its elasticity. Well moisturizes, fills wrinkles.
  • Muscle relaxants (NP ceramides, argireline, Boswellia and Centella Asiatica herbal extracts). Relax the mimic muscles of the face, thereby helping to smooth out wrinkles.


  • Anti-wrinkle creams that work are created in cosmetic companies' own laboratories and undergo serious research.
  • When creating a new anti-aging formula, a careful selection of active ingredients is carried out. They are included in professional creams in high concentrations.
  • Anti-wrinkle creams act in a complex way: they nourish and moisturize, accelerate cellular renewal, protect the skin from negative external influences, stimulate the production of its own elastin and collagen, thereby strengthening the structure, tightening and smoothing the skin.


  • Not all anti-wrinkle creams show a noticeable anti-aging effect, many of them cope only with small mimic wrinkles, and some only nourish the skin and are not able to hide even minor age-related manifestations.
  • Some active ingredients that make up the products (for example, peptides) really have a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, the substances have not been studied enough, and it is not known what side reactions they can have.
  • In some products, mineral oils and parabens are used as auxiliary substances - substances that clog pores and accelerate the aging process of the skin.

Rating of the best wrinkle creams for the face

Rating #1 #2 #3
Unobtrusive aroma
Nice texture Effective wrinkle removal Package design Complex action

Anti-aging healing cream prevents the appearance and corrects existing wrinkles, improves tone and elasticity of dry, overly sensitive skin, brightens and evens out complexion. The main components of the cream are: retinaldehyde (the most effective retinol derivative) - activates lipid synthesis and cell renewal processes, restores the protective functions of the epidermis; squalane (carotenoid) - strengthens the lipid layer of the skin, prevents moisture loss, increases the elasticity of the skin and accelerates regeneration processes, helps to smooth fine wrinkles, has antibacterial and antifungal, immunostimulating properties; triglycerides - serve as sources of fatty acids that form the lipid layer of the skin, prevent moisture loss, restore tone, elasticity and firmness of the skin.

  • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improves complexion, eliminates irritation and flaking.
  • The aroma is light, unobtrusive, barely perceptible.
  • It is considered one of the safest creams containing retinoids.
  • A bottle with a convenient dispenser.
  • There is no effect of smoothing wrinkles, even superficial ones, declared by the manufacturer.
  • Recommended only for dry, sensitive skin. Not suitable for oily type.
  • The texture of the cream is quite viscous, not light, as the manufacturer promises. The product is poorly distributed over the skin, it is absorbed for a long time.
  • The face after applying the cream shines, there is a feeling of stickiness.
  • Contains mineral oils and glycols that are harmful to the skin

A compensating complex of day and night creams compensates for slow regeneration processes, provides high-quality skin care after 45 years. The day cream is available in two versions: for normal/combination and dry/very dry skin.

Night cream one for all skin types. Both products are recommended by the manufacturer for loss of clarity of facial contours, reduced skin density, deep wrinkles.

The night cream additionally has a decongestant effect.

  • Thickens and tightens the skin, moisturizes well, improves complexion, makes the face oval clearer.
  • After regular use, fine mimic wrinkles are filled.
  • Day cream is available separately for different skin types.
  • Light texture, both day and night creams leave me feeling sticky and greasy.
  • A pleasant unobtrusive smell that quickly disappears.
  • Absorbs instantly.
  • The day cream can be used as a make-up base.
  • Does not contain parabens, does not cause allergies.
  • Not economically spent.
  • With age-related changes, the skin condition improves many times, but no tangible effect on deep wrinkles has been noticed.
  • To support positive results must be used constantly. After stopping the application, the skin returns to its original state.
  • Rather high cost, especially under the condition of constant use.

Good anti-wrinkle day cream for women over 40 on plant-based. Contains extracts of oats, banana pulp, thyme and thyme, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid.

The components included in the composition have a complex effect on the skin: moisturize, protect against negative external influences, reduce irritation, and exhibit pronounced antioxidant properties. The cream provides a lifting effect immediately after application, transforming the skin.

Increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, reduces deep and mimic wrinkles, tightens the contours of the face.

  • With regular use, it tightens the skin, improves color, smoothes mimic wrinkles.
  • Nice texture, easy to spread on the skin.
  • Well hides and eliminates peeling.
  • Doesn't slip under make-up.
  • It is economically spent.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • It has a pleasant light smell, which disappears after 5-10 minutes.
  • You can use a cream for mimic wrinkles, but it does not cope with deep age-related manifestations, it does not have the promised instant lifting effect.
  • The cream is available for all skin types, but it is very nutritious (reminiscent of an ointment, not a cream) and is not suitable for an oily type, it can clog pores.
  • It is better to apply the cream in winter - it is too oily for summer.
  • Absorbs for a long time.
  • For the cream to work, you need to apply it regularly, preferably in combination with a night cream and serum of the same line.
  • There are reviews that the fragrance of the cream is too harsh.
  • High price, there are more efficient professional tools which are slightly cheaper.

Moisturizing anti-wrinkle cream-gel based on the latest generation of peptides enclosed in nanosomes, rosehip oil (antioxidant), hibiscus extracts (muscle relaxant) and soy seeds. High concentrations of active ingredients, as well as encapsulation in nanosomes, guarantee their penetration into the deep layers of the dermis (the delivery volume of the components is 90%, while for conventional creams this figure varies within 10%) and, accordingly, efficiency.

  • With regular use, it removes mimic wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial fold. After the remedy is over, the effect does not disappear.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes dry skin without clogging pores.
  • Eliminates irritation and peeling of the skin, evens out skin tone, eliminates signs of fatigue.
  • Can be used as a make-up base.
  • The texture is melting, spreads easily and is instantly absorbed.
  • Delicate scent, fades quickly.
  • Bottle with dispenser.
  • Economical consumption (a bottle is enough for about 3 months).
  • Best suited for women with dry skin.
  • High price.

best cream for the face is considered the only remedy that can fight deep wrinkles and eliminate visible signs of aging without the use of injections. The main component of the cream is Dermatox-63, an innovative combination of active ingredients that helps reduce the number of wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles.

The action of the cream with peptides is enhanced by hyaluronic acid, which fills wrinkles and intensely moisturizes. The cream slows down the aging process of the skin, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, moisturizes and restores the elasticity of the skin.

The manufacturer promises that the results will be visible within a month after the start of the product.

  • Makes facial wrinkles almost invisible, reduces nasolabial folds.
  • Well moisturizes the skin.
  • The consistency of the cream is gentle and pleasant, the product is quickly absorbed, it can serve as a full-fledged base for make-up.
  • The bottle is compact, with a convenient dispenser.
  • It is economically spent, enough for more than 2 months.
  • Negative reviews about the cream are associated only with high cost product.

best eye wrinkle creams

Creams for wrinkles around the eyes are designed specifically for gentle care of thin, delicate and especially sensitive skin in the orbital zone.


Means, as a rule, contain a minimum number of active ingredients, which eliminates the risk of developing allergic reactions. High-quality products have a pH value identical to the pH of tears, so they do not cause eye irritation if the product accidentally gets into the mucous membrane of the eye. Creams are not greasy, do not cause puffiness. They have a light consistency, are easily distributed over the skin, which eliminates its stretching when applying the product.


There are creams for wrinkles around the eyes, which include alpha hydroxy acids. To care for the orbital zone, they must be used with extreme caution. Strong components can increase the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, damage the cells of the epidermis, cause irritation and redness of the skin.

Some manufacturers include parabens and mineral oils in their products, which are toxic to the skin. Parabens negatively affect the hormonal background of a woman, causing health problems.

Caffeine is another common ingredient in creams for wrinkles around the eyes, which masks signs of fatigue, and at the same time can dry out the skin.

Rating of the best creams for wrinkles around the eyes

Rating #1 #2 #3
Unobtrusive aroma
Nice texture Effective removal of wrinkles around the eyes Package design Complex action

Products with retinol and other potent ingredients are not always suitable for delicate skin around the eyes. In contrast, Kora eye wrinkle treatment cream is absolutely safe for thin and sensitive skin, as it contains only oils (shea, olive, soybean), plant extracts (ginseng, fucus, cornflower, parsley), caffeine and vitamin E.

The product acts in a complex way - it intensively moisturizes, improves skin firmness and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes.

  • Does not remove dark circles under the eyes.
  • The action is not long, only during the use of the cream.

  • Cream for the skin around the eyes, containing natural plant extracts, helps eliminate signs of fatigue, hides existing age-related changes and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, saturates the skin with beneficial compounds and protects against aggressive sun rays. Does not contain substances toxic to the skin, does not cause allergies.

    • Nourishes, moisturizes, masks circles under the eyes, smoothes wrinkles.
    • Suitable for sensitive eyes.
    • Contains a sun protection factor.
    • Suitable for all skin types.
    • Can be used under makeup.
    • The composition is not completely natural, as the manufacturer assures.
    • Dense consistency, quite problematic distributed.
    • For some users, it provokes a greasy sheen, leaves a feeling of a film.
    • High price.

    The anti-wrinkle eye cream helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes due to the presence of passionflower extract in the composition, and hyaluronic acid fills the cells with moisture and keeps it inside, fills wrinkles. The presence of reflective pigments in the composition allows you to visually hide the signs of aging.

    A product based on retinol, retinyl linoleate and caffeine has a lifting effect, helps smooth wrinkles and eliminate signs of fatigue - dark circles, "bags" under the eyes. Suitable for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers.

    • Moisturizes, removes swelling and circles, removes small wrinkles, larger ones become less noticeable.
    • Very light in texture cream, more reminiscent of a gel.
    • Absorbs quickly, does not leave a sticky feeling on the skin.
    • Can be used as a make-up base.
    • Economically spent.
    • A good cream around the eyes, has all the effects declared by the manufacturer: tightens and tones the skin, smoothes wrinkles, removes swelling, dark circles, refreshes the look.
    • The effect is observed almost immediately - a few minutes after application.
    • Delicate, light texture - easy to apply, quickly absorbed.
    • The scent is neutral and fades quickly.
    • Economical consumption due to light texture.
    • Can be used as a makeup base
    • The presence of parabens and mineral oils in the composition.
    • Fairly high cost.


    After 35 years, the skin loses moisture more, its turgor decreases, cell renewal slows down, age-related manifestations become more noticeable. Anti-wrinkle cream, if they have already appeared, should be used regardless of age. However, at a younger age, funds are recommended to be used in courses, and for mature women the use of creams should become permanent. Manufacturers usually indicate the age category for which the product is intended. But in addition to age, it is important to pay attention to the active ingredients that make up the cream.

    The skin in the eye area is the thinnest and most sensitive, and for its care you need special means. Regular face cream won't work. As in other cases, when choosing a cream, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Products with silicone have an immediate lifting effect, but the tightening effect lasts until the first wash. If the skin is dry, it is better to choose products with hyaluronic acid. For dehydrated skin (not dry), products with oils, fatty acids, lipid complexes are needed. Well, the main components that help fight wrinkles are haloxyl, matrixyl, hyaluronic acid, tretionin and other retinoids.

    It is impossible to single out the best anti-wrinkle cream from the extensive range of anti-aging cosmetic and medical products. After all, even the most effective cream from wrinkles will not give a second youth and will not erase age-related manifestations, regardless of what components it contains, which company is produced and how much it costs. However good means will help improve the condition of the skin - make it more elastic and toned, reduce deep wrinkles and smooth out superficial age-related manifestations.

    Daily skin care around the eyes is a mandatory procedure, and a properly selected skin cream can solve a number of problems such as:

    • moisturize thin skin;
    • improve water drainage under the eyes, in order to avoid edema;
    • support collage level preventing the early appearance of wrinkles.

    In a variety of brands of cosmetics, it is difficult to choose one or another cream, everything has to be tested through trial and error.

    To make your life a little easier, we have compiled a rating of creams and gels around the eyes. Enjoy and be beautiful!

    Topping up the gel for the skin around the eyes


    No parabens or silicones. The cream really includes many natural ingredients: olive oil, hyaluronic acid, squalene, but also present, tocopheryl acetate (synthetic vitamin E) and lemon acid, which can be potential allergens for people with sensitive skin.

    The effect:

    The cream itself has a light consistency - between cream and gel, odorless, easy to apply and quickly absorbed leaving no streaks and does not dry out. The tube packaging makes application convenient and economical.

    According to user reviews - the cream is pleasant to use, moisturizes the eyelids well, after 3-4 weeks daily use the effect is noticeable - the skin around the eyes looks more toned.

    Price: 500-600 rub. for 15ml

    Manufacturer: Germany.

    The maximum combination of naturalness and efficiency!


    Despite the fact that the manufacturers do not claim that their cosmetic does not contain parabens- they were not found in the composition, which, of course, is its plus. Ingredients such as parsley extract and tea tree, grape seed oil.

    The effect:

    The cream moisturizes well and is perfect removes dark circles under the eyes. Smoothing of wrinkles even after prolonged use was not found.

    The cream is easy to apply, but due to the gel-like consistency it is absorbed a little longer and if overdone it can roll up. So it is recommended to carefully dose and rub well into the skin.

    Price: 40-50 rub. for 25 ml.

    Manufacturer: Russia.

    The most affordable option for basic eye hydration without harmful ingredients!


    This product contains Dead Sea minerals, which is not surprising, since it was produced in Israel - the homeland of mineral cosmetics. Calendula and aloe extracts have a calming effect. Therefore, the cream is well suited for girls with sensitive skin.

    The effect:

    Ideal as a skincare moisturizes the skin around the eyes prevents the formation of wrinkles. Recommended for young girls over 25.

    The texture of the cream is greasy, but it is absorbed quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen, which immediately distinguishes it from many others.

    Price: 1600 rubles for 30 ml.

    Manufacturer: Israel.

    Perfect quality for the price offered - pay attention to the jar as much as 30 ml!


    Bioderma Sensibio eye control Gel is a moisturizer for normal to mixed sensitive skin, so it contains do not include aggressive irritants components, as well as parabens.

    The effect:

    Soothes and moisturizes the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes, relieves puffiness, suitable for young skin. Judging by the reviews, it copes well with the most important task - moisturizing, does not irritate the eyes, does not sting and does not dry, removes dark circles under the eyes.

    The consistency is between cream and gel - very quickly and easily absorbed, leaves no shine or traces.

    Price: 800 rubles for 15 ml.

    Manufacturer: France.

    Ideal for girls with thin and sensitive skin for daily care.


    Eye Cream-Gel Bark with Shea butter against edema and wrinkles immediately declares its first, but not the only important ingredient, shea butter, in general, the herbal composition of the cream is impressive - soybean and olive oils, extracts parsley, cornflower, ginseng, vitamin E and caffeine, which should tone the skin and reduce puffiness. No harmful parabens or preservatives found.

    The effect:

    All users unanimously declare that the cream moisturizes no worse than expensive analogues, relieves swelling, but you should not expect wrinkle smoothing from him. According to experience, the cream is more suitable for young skin and as a care product and for the prevention of the first manifestations of aging.

    It is applied easily and leaves no residue, but it is recommended to shake the jar before use, otherwise the cream will have a heterogeneous structure.

    Price: 300-400 rubles for 30 ml

    Manufacturer: Russia.

    Verdict: Decent composition for a reasonable price!


    Regenerations Augencreme Eye Cream is designed to care for mature skin and combat its age-related manifestations. Therefore, the composition includes natural ingredients that maximally nourish and regenerate skin cells: 8 vegetable oils(jojoba, macadamia, sesame, sunflower, shea, borage seed, cocoa, sea buckthorn), plant extracts(cherry, horsetail, birch, quince, daisy, clover, seaweed, wheat rice bran), essential oils, of course, as a representative natural cosmetics Does not contain parabens or harmful fragrances.

    The effect:

    The cream is well applied and absorbed, does not leave greasy marks, it is easy to apply cosmetics on it. The skin is soft and moisturized to the touch, does not cause irritation and discomfort. Since this cream belongs to organic cosmetics, the anti-aging effect can not be noticed immediately, so lovers of an instant effect will not be pleased. But those who understand the meaning of the cumulative effect of rejuvenation can safely use it for a long time.

    Price: 3 000 rub. for 15 ml.

    Manufacturer: Germany.

    The right anti-aging care for mature skin!

    Dior Hydra Eye Cream


    Life Pro-Youth Sorbet Eye Cream- like other representatives of the luxury segment cosmetics, the list of cream ingredients is quite large, and it does not differ in particular naturalness.

    The effect:

    The cream is like a gel, has a pleasant aroma and is quickly absorbed.

    Almost all users noted that the cream is very strongly moisturizes, removes swelling and brightens the skin of the eyelids, but again, we are not talking about the fight against wrinkles. Among fellow luxury line (Shiseido, Clinique, Givenchy) collected the most positive reviews.

    Of the obvious disadvantages - the price and inconvenient packaging - a jar with a narrow neck, from which it is not convenient to scoop up the cream with a spatula.

    Price: 2 000 rub. for 15 ml.

    Manufacturer: France.

    The most effective among luxury eye creams!

    Vichy Aqualia Thermal Eye Cream


    The advantages of the cream are hyaluronic acid and thermal water in the composition- this is an excellent guarantee of the desired hydration. But of the minuses - the presence of alcohol and fragrance in the composition.

    The effect:

    The almost transparent gel-cream is applied from a tube with a metal roller that cools the skin. Users emphasize that the cream really removes swelling and makes the look fresher, good to use in the morning, but for the evening it is better to find another more nourishing cream.

    Price: 800 rub. for 15 ml.

    Suitable for girls with oily and normal skin to combat morning puffiness.


    WrinkleResist24 Intensive Eye Contour Cream to fight wrinkles, apparently therefore, to achieve an instant effect, it contains aggressive components. Same includes alcohol and mineral oil- product of oil refining.

    The effect:

    The cream is quite thick and heavy, it is absorbed for a long time, but it also keeps the skin moisturized and tender for a long time - therefore it is well suited for the winter period. Cosmetics on a cream too lays down perfectly. The cream makes wrinkles more invisible but may not be suitable for people with sensitive skin. Again, the effect is not long-term - it disappears as soon as you forget to use the cream.

    Price: 2 000 rub. for 15 ml.

    Manufacturer: Japan.

    Verdict: Too high a price for a temporary effect.

    Lancome Génifique Yeux Eye Cream


    Like most products of the luxury series, this cream contains silicone, glycerin and alcohol - which is not a plus for lovers of natural care.

    The effect:

    The cream fights even with early wrinkles, visually eliminating them, suitable for girls under 30, but the skin often still requires additional moisture. Girls with dry skin note dryness and the absence of the promised effects - for example, getting rid of dark circles.

    Price: 2 000 rub. for 15 ml.

    Production: France.

    Undoubtedly better than mass-market creams, because of the visible effect.

    Where could I buy?

    1. iHerb: Creams from $8 to $46. Featured brands Reviva Labs, Now Foods, Derma E, Bee Naturals, Acure Organics, Earth Science, Avalon Organics, Andalou Naturals, AnneMarie Borlind, E.L.F. Cosmetics, Aubrey Organics, Devita, Kiss My Face, Mad Hippie Skin Care Products, Weleda and others
    2. lookfantastic.com: Creams from 15 to 150 $. You can buy brands such as: bliss, Burt's Bees, Caudalie, Darphin, DECLEOR, Dr. Brandt, Dr Dennis Gross Skincare, Elemis, Elizabeth Arden, Gatineau, Green People, HealGel, Hydrea London, Institut Esthederm, JASON, Jurlique, Korres, L "Occitane, Melvita, Murad, Natio, Olay, Ole Henriksen, Pai, Peter Thomas Roth, Phytomer, Radical Skincare, REN, Rio, RMK, Shiseido, Trilogy, Weleda and others
    3. mondebio.co.uk: Creams from 10 to 70 $. Aloree Chlorocosmetic Anakae, Belle et Bio, Bio Logical, Biokarite, Cattier, Centifolia, Dermatherm, Dr. Hauschka, Dr.Theiss, Eau Thermale Jonzac, Ekia, Esprit Equo, Farfalla, Kaé, Ladrome, Lavera, Les Douces Angevines, Logona, Marilou Bio, Nafha, Patyka , Phyts, Pulpe De Vie, Sanoflore, Sante, Themis, Weleda and other

    All women sooner or later develop wrinkles. It is impossible to completely prevent skin aging, but it is quite possible to push this period forward for some time. To do this, it is necessary to moisturize the skin around the eyes and use anti-wrinkle products, with the choice of which this article will help you, it contains the best creams for wrinkles around the eyes.

    Price: 83 rubles

    The Novosvit brand product in a 15 ml tube opens the rating of creams for wrinkles around the eyes. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, the skin receives sufficient hydration and natural radiance, this component also evens out skin tone and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes. The tool is a filler with a thick consistency, which includes various essential oils. Suitable for daily care, eliminates circles and darkening around the eyes. The price is affordable.

    To find this cream, you do not need to apply special efforts, it can be ordered online or bought at a pharmacy. The product is convenient to take with you on trips and carry in a small cosmetic bag. The smell of the cream is neutral, without chemicals and fragrances, but at the same time it does not smooth out large wrinkles, can cause dermatitis and allergies to components.

    No. 9 - Cream Librederm

    Price: 286 rubles

    One of the main substances in Librederm is cornflower juice. This is a natural and natural component, so it has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieves swelling and circles under the eyes. Thanks to olive oil the skin is adequately hydrated and nourished. The cream is produced in a 20 g tube and packed in a cardboard box.

    It has a gel-like texture, which makes the application of the product more convenient. Does not contain parabens and harmful fragrances. Reduces swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, smoothes fine wrinkles. May cause allergic reactions and rashes. It also does not fight well with larger wrinkles and does not give a lasting effect. Not suitable for everyone.

    Cream Librederm

    No. 8 - Cream Mizon 350

    Price: 350 rubles

    The composition of the cream includes an increased amount of collagen, as well as a high content essential oils. It fights wrinkles and puffiness in the eye area. It also contains caffeine and elastin, which enhance cell regeneration. Available in a tube that is convenient to carry and take on trips.

    Beautiful packaging design can not be attributed to its positive qualities. The price is already higher than previous candidates, but not excessive. The cream is economical, a small amount of the product is enough for one application. Helps with swelling of the eyelids and eliminates bruises under the eyes. Reviews are both positive and negative. Not suitable for everyone, as it can cause small rashes and redness on the skin due to some of the components in the composition.

    Cream Mizon 350

    No. 7 - Cream Mizon 500

    Price: 630 rubles

    The seventh place in the ranking is also occupied by the Mizon brand cream. It contains snail mucus extract, hyaluronic acid and collagen, as well as a large amount of essential oils. Helps fight crow's feet and premature aging skin. Apply both during the day and at night. Nourishes, moisturizes and improves skin elasticity. Suitable for all skin types and contains caffeine.

    The positive qualities include its availability, despite the fact that the drug is much more expensive than other creams, it has a large package and is economical. The product effectively moisturizes the skin and gives it a feeling of softness and freshness. Compared to previous positions, there are much more positive reviews.

    Cream Mizon 500

    No. 6 - Cream Elizavecca 687

    Price: 732 rubles

    Elizavecca 687 cream is in sixth place. Like all previous products, it nourishes, moisturizes and restores the skin around the eyes. It contains swallow's nest extract, which promotes cellular repair and smoothes wrinkles in the eye area. The shea butter and macadamia butter included in the composition additionally brighten the skin.

    The tool is suitable for any type of skin, slows down the aging process and helps with swelling. Beautiful packaging and release form are also positive qualities. cosmetic product. Can be used both day and night. Product reviews are mostly positive. But there are also disadvantages, which include high price and a possible allergy to the components that make up the cream.

    Cream Elizavecca 687

    No. 5 - Cream Secret Key

    Price: 1050 rubles

    The top five creams around the eyes are opened by Secret Key. It contains hyaluronic acid, snail mucus extract, essential oils and collagen. This is a cream from a Korean manufacturer that restores skin cells and saturates them with useful elements, smoothes wrinkles, makes it more elastic and softer.

    The positive properties include the natural composition with big amount essential oils. Product reviews are mostly positive. The convenient form of release and the consistency of the gel makes its application many times easier than analogues. The price corresponds to the quality and is not higher than the average price for this product. Of the minuses, we note that the product is difficult for combination skin and can cause allergic reactions to some components.

    Secret Key cream

    No. 4 - Janssen Rich eye Contour Cream

    Price: 1890 rubles

    Thanks to natural ingredients, the cream regenerates the skin and saturates it with nutrients. A large number of essential oils only confirms the quality and effectiveness of the product. The composition also includes hyaluronic acid and extracts of beneficial herbs and plants. The cream improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin, while not making it oily and does not oversaturate.

    This tool is economical due to the large packaging. The price is high, but the cream is worth it. A large number of positive reviews about this product proves its effectiveness. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The only downside is that it can cause redness and a rash, but this happens mainly with individual intolerance.

    Janssen Rich eye Contour Cream

    No. 3 - Janssen Eye Care Cream

    Price: 1705 rubles

    This is a moisturizer that will save your skin from wrinkles. It takes good care of the eye area and the skin of the face in general. Contains horse chestnut and argan oil. There is nothing superfluous in Janssen Eye Care, including harmful chemicals and fragrances.

    The cream comes in a large package, which will last for a long time. For one application, you need a small amount of cream, which also confirms its cost-effectiveness. Reviews about this tool are good. The price for it is high, but for such a cream this is a minor minus, because it is suitable for any type of skin and can be applied at any time of the day, including to hide traces of lack of sleep.

    Janssen Eye Care Cream

    No. 2 - Holy Land C the SUCCESS

    Price: 1839 rubles

    With the cream C the SUCCESS from the Israeli company Holy Land, you will provide maximum comfort to the skin around the eyes. It comes in a small jar, which is in cardboard box, and resembles the consistency of butter, but it has a non-greasy texture. For one application, a small amount of the product is enough, it is extremely economical to use. This small jar will last for half a year even with frequent use.

    The price of the cream corresponds to its quality, as the composition includes a large number of natural ingredients. This remedy takes a long time to be absorbed, so it is best to apply it at night. After sleep, you will not see swelling on the face and bruises under the eyes, and a noticeable effect from the use of the drug occurs within 3-4 weeks.

    Holy Land C the SUCCESS

    #1 – Christina Retinol-E Eye Cream

    Price: 2179 rubles

    So we got to the first place. The main component of the cream from the Cristina brand is retinol. Many representatives of the fair sex call it "the secret of eternal youth." The drug got its name due to its pronounced effect - in a matter of weeks it smoothes mimic wrinkles and gives the skin firmness and elasticity. The volume of the product is only 30 ml, but at the same time it lasts for a long time. The cream not only helps to get rid of existing wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

    The price of this cream is higher than the market average. It must be used carefully so that there is no allergic reaction to the powerful components that are in the composition. To begin with, it is better to check the reaction of the skin to this cream, and only then buy the whole tube.